Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, May 20, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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    Albany Democrat
NO. i
Special Millinery
for this Week.
P. WOLCOIT, Successor to O'NellV
331 W Firet St., Albany, Or.
P. U.Will for jewelry.
F, M. French, Jtweler.
E.nore booed Bhd eet 25 Stai
0. B. Canthron. DentiBt, office over
OuBick'e Bank.
Viereck'e Eihillrant Hair Tonic re
stores nair to its orizinal color. Viereca
Ezema and Dandruff Cure or money re
nnded. 60c per bottle.
What aie They?
Chamberlain'a Stomach and Liver
'JWete, A new rftnedy fo stomac)
(-roubles, biliousness and constipation, and
t. Rojd one. Price 25 cents. Forsile
liy Foshay & BIbbou:
Half the ill that man is heir to come
from indigestion. Burdock Blood Bitters
strengthens and tones the etomach;
makes the indigestion impossible.
"Little ColdB." Thousands ol liveB
sacrificed every year. Dr. Wood's Nor
way Fine Syrup cures lit t e colds too,
donn to the very verge of consumption
8are pop Pop0orn
atiC. E. Rbovukll.
Home made Mince Meat
at 0. jfi. Brownbll'8.
Blumbers Block
Groceries, Fruits, and Veg
etables, Breads, Cakes and
Everything the market af
fords always on hand.
riione black 462.
WOJl) KuK dAljli. Duly dry wood
bed. ash. biz fir, medium fir and
maple, delivered already sawed
Leavat orders at O. E. Brownell'e and
Howard & Prico's. W. X. Fisher.
FOR S ALK. Twenty-five city lots for
sale in the ttacaieman neirs 1st addi
tion to Albany, which adjoins Main
' street -hree blocks from the Madison
Street School. For particulars inquire
ot the undersigned
T. P. Haclkeman,
D. D. Hacklema,
DR. SWAN'S PAt TILES, the well
known remedy for t ie cure of female
weakness and piles. Any one wishing
it Bhould call upon or write to Mrs. O.
B. Hansard of Lebanon, the Bole
. agent for Albany. '
and we know
You Want 'Em.
Over One Hundred and Twenty-five different on display.
We cut and sew them for you without extra charge.
Our prices run from 25c to $1.6,5 per yard.
Hemp Carpet, in flowered and oriental designs, per yard 25c
Cotton "Granite" Carpet, per yard. 35,,
Half Wool Carpets, per yard , 55c
t Extra Cotton Chain Carpets, all wool filled.per yard 60 and 65c
All Wool Carpets, per yard 65c to $1.00
Afnfs0terhCVaerpetsnplete f TaPestry- Velvets' Body Brussels,
Compare these prices with Portland cut rate prices.
See us before you buy and you will save money.
..The Missourian..
C, C. PARKER, Proprietor.
"What Shall I Do With This Jesus
Which ia Called the Christ?" is the
subject of the illustrated sermon at the
United Presbyterian church to-morrow
M. E. church: Rev. Melville T. Wire
will preach at 10:00 and 8:00 p. m. Sab
bath school 11 :45. Epworth and Inter
mediate Leagues at 7:00 p. m.
Preaching at th- Cumberland Presby
terian cbnrcb morning and evening by
the pastor, Rav. Walker.
First Priebi lerian chu'ch.cor. Broad
albin and Fifth streetB. Publio worship
and preaching at 10 :30 a. m. and 7 :S0 p.
m. Sunday tcnool at 11 :45 a. m. Y,P,
8. O. li. d:30 p. m. Prayer meeting
Thon-day eveulna 7:30. All or3 cord
ially inyited to the services.
M. E. church South Rev. C. W.
Pcrue, paktor. Preacninsr at 11 a. m.
and 7-30 p. m. 8. 8. at 10 a.m. Ep
worth Leagae at 7 p. m. Weekly prayer
meeting Tnnreday evening.
Christian and missionary alliance
meeting every Sabbath afternoon at 3
p. m. at the W. O. T. TJ. Uall. Ml are
St. Peters Episcopal church c.rner7th
and Lyon fits: Services an Sunday at
11 a. m. and 7:30 r. m.
8t Mary's Catholic Ohurob. Very
Rev Louis Metayer Rector and DeaD.
Sunday High Mass and Sermon at 10:30
am.' Sunday School at the Academy at
S p m. Vespers and evening prayers
Benediction at 7:30. Daily Service Low
Mass 7am every morniDg,
The Yale Hall Rack,
The neatest thing ever invented for
hats and coats, has just been received
in several styles and shapes, at the
Store Of f.hft Alhnnv T7a.vt.ira,.. r"rt T-C
you want something fine and up-to-date
get UUC
Life Insurance Co. -F.
, Special Agent.
Some small pieces of
The Doings of the Entire World
A Jap iloal Sunk. ,
Tokio, May 13. The Japanese torpe
doboat No., 48 was destroyed while re
moving mines from Keer Bay, north of
Talien Wan, yesterday. Seven men
were killed and seven were wounded.
This is the first war vessel Japan has
lost in the war.
For Peace.
Berlin, May 14. It is rumored in
diplomatic circles here that there is a
strong possibility of an attempt being
made to end the war in the Far East
soon. The rumor, which is circumstan
tial in character declares the war party
in Russia has urged the Czar to end the
Held tor Trial.
San Francisco. Ma v 13. F. A. Hvde
and Henry P. Dimond. both of this city,
were today held for trial at Washing
ton, D. C, on an indictment found by
the Federal grand jury of the District
of Columbia, charging Hyde and Dia
mond with conspiracy to defraud the
United States Government by illegally
acquiring title to public lands in Oregon
and other Coast States.
Could'nt Nominate.
Springfield. III.. May 13. After sit
ting for more than 12 hours, and taking
X5 pallots, in which none of the seven
aspuunis gumeu or ruut ru inaicu
ally, the Illinois Republican Convention
adjourned late tonight without nom
inating a man for Governor.
K.ioccd Out.
Stockton, Cal., May 13. A. J. John
son, member of Lodge ot juks at rort
land, lies in a hospital here in a very
serious condition, his mind is wandering
and high fever burning within him.
Johnson is victim of knockout drops ad
ministered in a nearby mountain town
by a young thug who subsequently rob
bed him.
Judge Boiseb's Sister."
. " , m, , ,
SAlem Or., May , 13.-The funeral
of Miss Elizabeth Boise, who died here
yesterday morning, was conducted this
afternoon from the residence of Judge;
ttttSST . " '
Deceased was Dorn in uianaiora,
Main, m 1826. . . -
Fine. Mining Prospects.
Mr. George Heilman this week re
ceived a report from Herbert - Leigh,
manager of the Fairview greijg of
mines in the Bohemia di.Qf.nVt:. .Inim,
particulars of the running into J bi
ledge of rich ore in the Miscelfeneous " oruuu mere on
mine one hundred feet earljer than had we start for a bridal trip,
been anticipated, which is being gotten toot f tne "car shop whistle
out preparatory to the installation of a solmds as f it had brought over a Ya
mill in this mine this year. The ore is quina fog cold.
much richer than that of the Musick . A 5ar ,oad of beer was shipped today
nwnoH hv fho PnrtlnnH Cn urhinh hoo for Cottage CrOVe.
produced such paying results. Devel -
opment work has been very satisfactory
Dut is not yet complete, ana the com
pany have decided to put on the mar
ket 40,000 more shares at 4 cents to
keep the work going before the mill
starts up in the summer. Reports from
Bohemia indicate, one of the best min
.ng camps in the "world in the future.
Three Holley Horses
Belonging to Pleasant Robnett, of
Holley, were missing Friday morning.
One had been in his barn and two in a
tTVrer MS the
horses had S?obkblv s?mnTvg.n off on
ttei?r owl accPoimt ly P y on
A Road Master's Trip.
Roadmaster D: D. Hackleman return
ed last evening from Jordan, where he
1 .
madearrangementstoputtowork the
new rock crusher. The old one will be
used beyond Lebanon, and the steam
roller, expected next week, will be put
into active ODerations
1 i
ble, good use being made of the ma
chines. ' .. '
Another Case of
Cured by Chamberlain's Pain
The AScaCV Of OlinniKnrli.ina pa;
Balm in tne relief of rhenmatiiini in )..
iog demonsir..ted daily. Purktr Tripled,
of Urigsby, Va. , savs that Cha u Uerlaii, 'b
Pain Halm gave him permanent relief
from rueumatiem in the bacK when evort
mB en. innHu, mil lie not wou;a be
without it. For sale by I'othAa-Jt lUson
Wool I Wool I Wool I
We want good clean Wool for wl.lch
wa j eT the hinhest maikel price.
ERo i'RK. M. Rkudlhs & Co.
Choice Ice Cream,
The Best Chocolates.
Refreshing drinks.
A Mixture of Things and Thoughts
In base ball as in other things it is
well not to crow too soon.
None of the Linn county Indian War
yeterns think T. A. Wood was ever an
Indian fighter.
If republican Multnomah can register
voters all day Monday why can't the
rest of the state.
There were only two Crows in this
afternoon's base ball game at Eugene.
A good sign for Albany.
Charley Bilyeu is proving one of the
best pitchers in th lentnio H dnliir.
ers the goods coolly and in twists.
As Hermann was put out of office by
the President how does a vote for Her
mann endorse the President. Will some
one take out their pencil on that.
The infamous Thibetans. They are
defending themselves against the civ
ilized Englishmen and firinir hnller-q.
They ought to be ashamed of them
selves for opposing imperialism that
The receDts of Prof. Newton's On pun
Esther at Dallas were $144.
Prof. Mark Bailey, a former U. of
O. teacher, died in Tacoma yesterday.
Hon. R. M. Veatch has challenged
Binger Hermann to a joint debate, but
Mr. Herman will not accept.
Dave Osburn. shot in the neck a few
weeks ago by a young desperado, is
able to be on the streets again. Good.
G. D. Trotter, who was charged with
whipping his wife at Stayton, has de-
ciaea r,o leave me town, and it is said'
"3 mauo an assignment to creditors
with that in view, tnough his assets are ,
several times his liabilities, which are!
not very much. I
One of the snecial extra attritions
. . ' . , i.T
r V half a
-ut , "" Za"S
2fi niT-M T1
(nilntvnit Tcnm Tnnnn TUnn finrmA Utr
special permission ' of the Japanese
Aroundthe Depot.
The yards were covered with - rice
. yesterday afternoon upon the arrival, of
', The men at the brewery have chal-
lenged the S. P. men to a game of base
ouu ror live ten gallon Kegs of beer.
Plenty of Grub.
From the Scio News:
J. A. Bilyeu has been in Scio during
the week. 'Jim" is one of the guards
at the penitentiary, and he came up
from Salem to register in order to be
able to cast a good healthy democratic
v"te at tne coming election. He says
'?"?f"nf:.conX'c" being half
ai tSP
1 m'S'T SSZ
evidence himself that there is plenty of
.grub smewhere around that institution.
Knives, Forks and Spoons.
We are headquarters for the Reed &
Barton and Rogers Bros. A. I. The
Unrl 1 1 1 .... ,
bu uc.ii iiiuiitia iai ue imu. vve nave
some special bargains in these roods.
ur T7I . 1 -r
F. M. French, the Jeweler.
A Good Wheel
Is the Imperial. It has been trior!
and found all right. Lasselle Bros, sell
St. Louis Fair.
Are yon going to the fair? We will
Bell round trip tickets May 11, 12, 13 and
would take pleasure in assisting y u
mak iog out your itinerary. Perhaps, we
ronld route you throngh towns you
wish to visit without additional cost
other than to the lair. O, K. Fbonk,
School Bonds.
Notice is hereby given that realed
p oposal" will be received at the County
Treasurer's eflics until Wednesday,
June 1st, at 6 o'clock p. m, for the pur
chafe of the whole or a fart of School
Bonds amounting to $20,090 in all to be
issued by school District No. 6 in Linn
County, Oreeon, said bonus to be paya
ble in ten or twonty years and bearing
interest at per cent per annum in
terest to be payable Eomtannnallr.
County Treasurer,
Johx Foshay,
Chairman Boari of Director).
People Who Come and Go.
J. H. Hawley, Monmouth.
President Ressler, "
L. F. Staney and wf, Engene.
Eugene Willis, Portland.
T. R. Brown, Corvallis. n
D. W. Horton. Tacoma.
A. W. Horton Chippewa Falls,
n. Dunning, r-hiladelpma.
Ima and Clare Briggs, Battle Creek,
L. Braden Gibson, Eugene.
E. F. Fischer, Seattle.
W. D. Mixter, Lincoln, Neb.
Geo. Sorseneon, Portland.
Harjr G. Clarke, "
W. E. Frazier, '
The Oregon Christian Missionary Con
vention this year will be held at Turner
June 23 to July 3. The program will be
a remarkablv rrood one. w. F. Rinh-
ardson, of Kansas City, Mo. will be the
- i .u.' m.
jjiwiuiimi bucuabtui tut) convention, mo
bictura is irivpn nhnvn
piCtUr0 18 glVen ab0Ve'
WANTED. 30 or 40 wether goats,
miie east or brick yard, $1 a head
! Por month- - w- c- Mitchell.
: FEMALE HELP wanted at Magnolia
Steam Laundry. Apply at once.
FOR SALE. A good second hand cook
stove. Call at 617. W. 2nd street.
TTP-TO-DATE and fully guaranteed wheels f.have stood the test of years
At prices within the reach of all. , -.
A large stock of Guns, Ammunition, Fishing Tackle, Sporting Goods ; and
Bicycle supplies. Practical Gun and Bicycle Repairer.
Mail Orders promptly attended to.
at '
Carter & Robson's
North Broadalblu Street.
The finest cream separ
ator made, The Iowa,
A car load of salt,
A car load of shingles,
4 car load of shakes,
Fine assortment of bug
gies and hacks,
All kinds of seeds,
Woven wire fence, etc.
FOR SALE.-Eight room house and
corner lot with orchard and out build
ings. Price $2000.
One lot with orchard and out build
ings. Fine location. Price, $700.
John Brush.
No. 341 4th and R. R. St. 6.28
FOR SALF-Cidar mill, bathtub, fami
ly fruit dryer, 200 gallons of cidar
vinegar with casks at 12 cts per gal
lon, nouse plants etc. No 341 E. 4th
and R. R. St. John Brush. 6 9.
TAKE NOTICE. My wife having left
me without just cause or provocation
notice is hereby given forbidding any
one trusting her on my account, as
I will pay no debts of her contract
ing. G. W. McKinney.
Albany, May 6, 1904.
KEYS. -A bunch of five found in
bany can be had at this office.
Furnished rooms, down
stairs, two good rooms. Call at 218
W. 2nd street.
FOR SALE. A handsome surry, as
good as new. Cheap. Call upon,
has. Pfeiffer.
cor. E. 4tti and Railroad Ste. Shirt
waist and shirt naist Baits a specialty.
Terms resonable. Call and Bee 11s.
LOST. A Maccance pin, somewhere on
tne Btreets of Albany, 8. A. Willis on
bar. Return to G. W. Willis.
HOUSE MOVING, house raising and
nandltug all kinds heavy machinery,
carefully attended to by Peter Ruet
ner, Phone red 101, Albany.
orcae. W. E. Baker, cor. ol Ferry and
7th street.
WOOD. Seasoned slab wood, $2 50 per
cord, delivered. M. Q. Tebtfiis,
231 S. Jackson,
HOGS FOR SALE Large English Berk
shires. Our foundation stock cornea
from best herdB in the United StateB
and stock for sale is registeied and aa
good as cn be had any whole. We
also have a fine yearling, registered
Bdorthorn boll, we will sell reasonable.
Call on or write
Pacific Ntjrskky Co.,
Tangent, Ore.
IT WILL PAY YOU to investigate our
oaurse ol Shorthand by mail. It will
ino:ease your earning capacity. We'll
help jou 10 a position too. Write ub.
Albany Cou-egs,
A. Schmidt, Albany.
On Carpenters' and Machirieta' too'a
down to a very fine pot its and hive also
eawed big reductions in builders hard
are. 80 don't s'lp up ta this oppor
tunity. Like many tuch chances it
don't coma olten. Onr stock of tools
Is the lineal in the city. Ste window