Albany Democrat L j 'A-t VOL. XXXIX. ALBANY, OREGON, FBI PAY. MAY , 1904. NO. 9. Special Millinery BARGAINS for this Week. "THE LEADER1 MILLINERY." (O. P.WOLCOIT, Successor to O'NellV 331 W First 8t.,Albany, Or. BUSINESS t. U.Will for jewelry. An elegant display of silverware a P. G. Will's. Razors honed ahd eat 25 ' Stat Baths. Wedding, engagement and other rings n the latest designs at F. G. Will's. Viereok's Eibillrant Hair Tonto re stores nair to its orizinal color. Viereck Ezema and Dandruff Oare or money re unded, 60c per bottle. Genuine Maple Sugar. A big barrel of it just recaived from the James farm in Ohio, at Parker EroB. Dry the genuine article. Sure pop Pop.Corn at C. E. Rbowku.. Home made Mince Meat at 0. is. Brownell'b. No Change In THE ELITE. The Bame good 'Candy, the same cood Ice Oream. the same good quality in everything will prevail at THE ELITE aa heretofore BEST WOOD SAWYER in Albany. N. 0. Newman, Phone 374 Black. A. O. BEAM, Blumbers Block Groceries, Fruits, and Veg etables, Breads, Cakes and Cookies. Everything the market af fords always on hand. Phone black 462. LAND PLASTER. OREGON and UTAH just received a ' car load, also car stock 8alt, ich will ba Bold at low et market proa for cash at SENDER'B FEED STORE. GO CARTS FOR THE BABIES... Our new stock of Go-Carts has ar rived. We are sure we can furn ish you JUST WH AT YOU NEED. They are adjustable, can be placed NUMEROUS POSI HONS.AUTOn 0B1LE GEAR, CUSHION TIRES, and are fitted with BRAKES. In fact they .are the best carts on the market and you will make a mis take if you do not come and see them before buying. THE HOUSE FURNISHING CO., Albany, Oregon. ..The Missourian C, C. PARKER, Proprietor. A GENERAL STORE. DR, MRS. RAMSEY, 'Osteopath RELIGIOUS Preaching at the Cumberland Presby terian church morning and evening by the pastor, Rev. Walker. Firar Presbyterian church, cor. Broad albin and Filth streets. Publio worship and preachmg at 10 :S0 a. m. and 7 :S0 p. m. Sunday fcnooi at n :4D a. m. i. r. 8.0. E. 6:30 t. m. Prayer meetiDg Thursday evening 7 :30. An ars cord ial' y inyited to the services. St Mary's Oatboilc Church. Very Rev Louis Metayer Rector and Dean. Sunday High Mass and sermon at 1U:30 am. Sunday School at the Academy at S p m. Vespers and evening prayers Benediction at 7 :30. Daily Service Low Maes 7am every morning. M. E. chnrch South Rev. 0. W. Pogue, paitor. Preacning at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. 8. 8. at 10 a. m. Ep- worth League at 7 p. m. Weekly prayer meeting Tnnrsday evening, M.E. cbnrcb : Preaching by the pae tor at 10 :S0 a. m.,and 7 :30 p. m. Sunday school at 11:41), Epworth and Intermed iate League at 6:30, class meeting 6:30, All will be welcome. St. Peters Episcopal church corner 7th and Lyon Sts: Services sn Snnday at 11a. m, and 7:30 r.m. Congregational church cor. Ferry and 4th ete: Services every Sunday at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m., pieaohing by the pastor. Sunday school convenes at 12 a. m. and the Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. All are invited to attend G. W. Nblbon, Pastor. Chrietian and missionary alliance meeting ever; Sabbath afternoon at 3 p, m. at the W. O. T. U. Hall. All are invited At the U.r P. Church tomorrow morning, the Pastor will speak on "The Perseverance ot Jesus Christ." The subject of the illustrated sermon in the evening will be: "The Parable of the Sower,". First Bantist Cnurch. Mav 1. Rev. W. W. Davis will preach his farewell BHuoa in the morning, also the Davis family will sing a book, entitled, Song About our Saviour. This is a new song don't miss bearing it. Will sing both morning and evening, A cordial invi tation ia extended lo all. Half the ill that man is heir to come from indigestion. Burdock Blood Bitters strengthens and tones the stomach; makes the ihdigeBtion impossible. NEW DRESSMAKING PARLORS at cor. E. 4tb and Railroad Sts. Shirt waist and shirt waist suits a specialty. Terms resonable. Call and see us. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. The Doings of the Entire World. ' War News, Kaoabaet. Anril SO. To all Inienle and purposes, the Port Arthur action of April 13 has destroyed all reasonable fear ol interference with Japan's plana in the Yellow Sea by the Kueeian raoinc squau- ron. The successful beginning ol oparauooB ia now reported along the Yalu. A Political Sop. Wabbikoton. ADril 29. Secretary Hitchcock has notified the Oregon dele gatiot that he doea not see his way clear to recall the appointment of S. S. Terrill as Bupervieor of the Baker City, forest re, but in view of the fact that the delegatian's indorsement of Walter Moore for this office was inadvertly over looked, he will be willing to appoint Moore a forest ranger at $U0 per month later in the Summer. Potter ia Trouble. Wasiungion, April 29 Superintend ent Potter of the Chemewa Indian School, is in extremely hot water. rotter is accused ol having misused monev al owed him lor the bcdooj : to havo misappropriated, or withheld, mooeyB earned by pupils who worked under the outing system add otherwise to have conducted the institution in vio lation of Bpeciflc instructions from the interior department. Will Be at Portland. Washington, April 29. - The monitor Wvomioir and toroedo boat destroyers Preble and Paul JoneB, will received or ders at Guaymas to proceed north to San Dshro. Pal., tbenca to Portland. Or., and so on to Pullet Sound, so as lo reach there about July 15 to join HearAdmir al Glass' squadron. A Tows Wiped Out. Vancouver, B. 0., April 29. Fernie, B, O , the principal coal mining town in tne urow'a nest rass district, was Drac- lically wiped out, as far as its business interests are concerned; by fire at an early hour today. The entire bueiueee district of the town, fronting on the Oanadian Pacific Railway tracks was de stroyed. , , Exposition Opening. St. Louis, April 29. St. Louis is pre pared for the greatest day in her his tory. Tomorrow noon, her great expo silion will be thrown open to tbe world . All of today, ane all tonigh:, the people worked with desperate nergy to accom plish the the thousand and one things thac always remain to be done at the last minute. : 1 OUR WANTS HOGR FQft SALE Lriri'd hniciiBii bant t'Z" ebirb8. Our foundation stock comae from best berde ia the United Statue good as can be had anywheie. We also have a Sue yearling, registered enortborn boll, we will sell reasonable. Call on or write 1 Pacific Nurbery Co., . Tangent, Ore. : LOST. A Maecabee pin, somewbere ou tne streets of Albany, S, A, Willis pa bar. Return lo G. W. Willis. FOR SALE: A lady's Cleveland bi cycle. Call at residence of Rev, W. W. Davis. FOR KENT. Two nicely furnished house-keeping rooms, and two uu. furnished rooms for rent. Inqui.-e at 223 2nd St. FOR SALE. A fresh Jersey oow.cbeapiJ inquire ot w. o. Ktcoards, at ihlra and Thurston streets. HOUSS MOVIN3, house raising and haudliug all ktnaa heavy machinery, carefully attended to by Peter Ruet -ner. Phone red 161, Albany. FOR SALE. Twenty-five city lots for sale in the Hackleman heirs 1st addi tion to Albany, which adjoins Main street .btee blocks from tbe Madison Street School. For particulars inquire of the undersigned T. P. Haclkeman, D. D. Hacklema WO )D FOR 8ALE. Only dry wood . Bbed, ash, big fir, medium fir and maple, delivered already Pawed Leave orders at O. E. Hrownell'e and Howard & Price's. W. 1. Fisher. DR. SWAN'S PASKLES, the well known remedy for the cure of female weakness and piles. Any one wishing it. should call upon or writs to Mss. C. B. Hansard of Lebanon, .the sole agent for Albany. IT WILL PAY YOU to investigate our course ol Shorthand by mail. It will increase your earning capacity. We'll help you to a position too. Write ns. Albany College. MISFITS. A Mixture of Things and Thoughts An exchange refers to moral clothes. Can't see the point. Look around and yon will find Albany to be a very busy city . The men hold of the national spoils ot course want to retain their grip. Anna Eva Fay baa taken charge of Portland judging from the nanera of that city, Portland is easy. Congress, which has just adjourned, spent most of its time preparing for tho coming presidential election. The Catholic Sentinel of Portland Bars that BO long as the bin dailv nannra are open for ttie advertising of crime no good can be effected in Portland. Linn county has not heretofore bean much in favor of the soaond term prop osition in tbe Boft court house Bnapa, TTbis 1b a Drettv live slam on lh,n. nf the Herald's candidates who want a second term, Bruo McKnight for asses sor, Jas. ElkioB for treasurer. Hush Flsner for surveyor, at tbe cou t bouse, besides the coroner. With tour men for a second term on tbe republican ticket to ne on tbe democratic tne Herald might well stop and think before making remarks like tbe above, Annual Excursion. The Brotherhood Railway Train men will run their annual excureion to Eugene on May 29, arriving thore from both direotiona at 11 o'clock, and leav ing at 6 o'clock. A game of baae ball between Roseburg and Eugene has been arranged and the U of U buildings will oe ttirown open. Tbe round trip fare Irom Albany will be $1 and trains will leave nere at W-.10 a. m. , St Louis Fair. Are you going to. the fair? We will sell round trip tickets May 11, 12, 13 and would take pleasure in assisting vou making out your itinerary. Perhaps we could route- you through towns you wish to vtBit without additional coBt other than to the lair. U.K. Tronic Agent hi! WANTED. female help at Magnoll 1 !.al.nrl.a fila.Hv am nlnnmanl (n. good starcb-work irouers. WNIEli iT "T'f 1 '"Sift ? errand boy with a bicyc.e. Call at factory. WANTED. Competent clerk for ' day work, at the St. Charles Hotel. FOUND: At the corner of Ferry and Second street's a lady's bBlt for 24 inch waist. Can be had by calling at tbe democrat otuce. FOR SALE. A good frame barn and Jersey cow, Call at 222 8. Jackson St. HOP AND POTATO land for sale, sev eral tractB, improved and unimproved. E. Bryant. BOYS WANTED to train hops at the Albany hop yards, 14 years and up. Call at the yard prepared to go to ' work. FOR SALE: A second eewing machine, chen n. Call upon L. W. Rosb, at F. ' M. French's. FOUND: A girl's solid gold chain, hear corner of Washington and Fifth streets. Call upon Seth ThomaB French. i EiiUSFOR HATO UNU. Black Min orca?. W. E. baker, cor. of Ferry and 7th street. FOR SALE A lailv'e bicycle, good as new. Call at Vlereck'e Barber Shop. WO. ID. Seasoned slabwood, $2 50 per cord, delivered. M. G. Tejthis, 231 8. Jackeon, FOR SALE: Young Jersey cow and .heifer culf, Oall noon Cuas. Pfeiffer. WANTED Gardening and other work, W. H. Jacks, 631 Montgomery St. LOST. A brooch, Mercu'V wiug with pearl and diamond. Please tetorn to LbmocBAT. FOR RENT. Two unfurnished rooms for light house keeping. Call at 213 E, 2nd St. WE HAVE SHAVED OUR PRICES On Carpenters' and Machinists' tools down to a very fine pol its and have also sawed big reductions in builders hard ware. Bo don't slip np on this eppor tnnity. Like many such chances It don't ooms often. Oaf etook of tools is tbe liaeet In tbe city. See window display. ' OHLING & HULBURt. IN ALBANY. People Who Come andGo. F 0 Stephen, Euaene. O Kav Ulosser, Ashland. E O Carroll, Denver. T A Barlow, Vlttnrla. Wm tVaiier, Portland. ET Fiober. Seattle. G M Marksbury, Ashland, ' H N Pritcbard, Portland. - H A Brewer, " A O Bass, Lebanon. J W Howard, Portland. Wm Uosber, " J O Cook, Myrtle Oreex. Jas Hoyt, Andrew, Ia. Wool I Wool I Wool! We want good clean Wool for which we will nay the hieheet market nrice. SACKS FURNISHED OUR CUSTOM ERS PRE. M. Sunders A Co. YOST NO. 10 Excels all others in Light-Running Action, Per ect Alignment, Soft and Quick Touch, Clear Expression, Beauty of Work, Durability. The New Yost is now out selling all other standard machines. , 72.000 YOSTS SOLD For catalogues and terms, address Yost Writing Machine Company, 280 Stark, Portland, Oregon. 0. M. LOQKWOOD, Salem, Oregon, Local Representative, We Rent.' We Sell. We We Exchange, Rjpalr. GET THE BEST at . Carter & Robson's North Broadtilbin Street, The finest cream separ ator made, The Iowa, A car load of salt, A car load of shingles, 4 car load of shakes, Fine assortment of bug" gies and hacks, All kinds of seeds, Woven wire fence, etc. LEADERS Mm RAMBLER fierce Bicycles Bicycles' . Belter than ever. Strongest, National Bicycles & AH nations ride National Bicycles fastest, For 1004 eoe the New Cushion Frame , si-.. and Spring Forg, Racycle Bicycles -. Absolutely dust proof Hangers, pishing Tackle 1 The most complete line of aean r;ut Razors Bicycle Merchandise in theity. Bicycle Repairing a specialty. J Pocket Knives and Scissors SECOND STREET between BROADALBlN ana FERRY STREET; W H. MILLFR. HOME AND ABROAD. Government weather prediction : to night fair and warmer. Sunday in creasing cloudiness. The river is 7.7 feet. George Vandran, of the Hotel Pendle ton, a brother of Chrit V ndron, of this city, recently bad bin pants captured from ois room by a tbiel and (60 in money and $300 in notes and checks stolen. What aie They? Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Ttblete, A new remedy for atomaoh troubles, biliousness and oonetipation.and - gojd one. Price 25 cents . for sale by Fosluy & Mason : Oregon Fire Relief Association, Mc Mlnnville, Or. Insurance (hat insures and that at actual cost. C- O. Bryant, Agent. Stockholders Meeting. Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Alb any Farmers Company, will he held in tbe office of said company, 202, North Jefferson street, Albany, Oregon, on Tues lay, the 17th day of May, 1904, at one o'oloek p in. of said day, for the purpose ol tbe election of eeven directors to serve for the ensuing year, and tbe transaction o' snch other I uslneae as may regularly come before said meeting. Done by order of board ot dit actors. Pubs. B. Marshall. M. H. Wilds, Secretary. President. WE ARE IN THE MARKET For Chickens, Eggs, Butter and all kinds of Produce, at the highest market price Call and see us. DBYaney & Uinplirey, Grocers, Baltimore Block, Albany, Or FOR 1904.