Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, February 12, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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Petition lor appointment o! W. Lir
Tbonipaon aa justice 01 ine peao. ui ur
triot one, to aucceed J. P. Galbraith,
aantinnad tram the January term, waa
Kranted, Upon vote o( Commieeionera
Buaaeli and Snrenger. Petition? lor
appointment ol O.T. Porter and . tr.
Nuttinz were dietniated.
Of the 28 road eaperviaors ol the
county over twenty were present at the
convention of auperviaore, called by the
county coart.tbia afternoon aa well aa
both roailraaeters. The permanent im
provement of the roada along the Dbst
Tinaa winaMuinn thn AnvirOnmStltB and
money to be used, was informally dia
cueeed by the court and different mem-
oera, ine general opiniuu
making the roada aa lar aa oum .
manent character. ,
.Tn,l P.lm.r favored the Plan Ot the
' government of appropriating a c"t1'n,
amount to be duplicated in each district
of a county, wl.ich would add about
? too tor use in eacn rami , ?,
tei discussed along practical lineB, mot
ko th onnrt has made a study
of the subject and favored the latest
methods as wen as econuuiy u .
the use of tools, material etc.
Bills allowed:
H M Palmer, judge ;....100 00
B M Payne, clerk loo eo
Worth Huston, sheriff 166 65
S P Munkers, recorder 160 00
Jae Elkins, treasurer 83 66
W L Jackson, superintendent. . . 83 66
j U Hteiimacner, deputy ciera ... ou uu
I A Munkers, " Bberiff... 60 00
Wm Bilyeu, Janitor. 40 00
W J Fieher.supt poor farm 40 0U
D B McKnight, assesaor 200 00
S A Whitney, deputy recorder.. 40 00
Aid Koker minors 4 00
" Mra Pyritz..v 3 00
" JaB Larew.... 4 00
" VmaBurrell..... 4 00
11 Maud Vaughn 7 00
GO Uooley AOo 4 17
Mileap&Oo 14 00
M Sternberg & Co 1 0
H M Palmer 4 85
Bee Hive Store 7 00
Online & Hulburt , 8 10
Vt J J smith o uu
OEBrownell ' 7 95
W B SteveneSc Co 1 68
GE Sanders 14 60
Indigent Soldiera 46 00
P W Spinka 14 00
Fred Dawson . 6 26
FoBhay & Mason 9 35
Glass & Prudhomme 6 25
Alexander & Kirkpatriek 16 00
Telephone Co 24 16
R A Brodie & Co 104 00
BM Payne 20 00
Albany Water and Canal Co. . . 28.00
OhaB Weseh 3 40
Star Mill & Flume Co '4 00
J N Brandeberry IS 24
Eugene Palmer 4 40
Sawyer Bros 25 62
DDHackleman 9 00
TOIsom.- 9 00
J S Van Winkl 3 00
JFTroutman 2 00
FMEedfleld 2 00
G W Irham i., 3 00
J L Norwood 2 00
H S Gore - " "0
W Blancbard '0
J W Lehman 2 00
W W Bailey 2 00
S A Whitney 6 80
W R Bilyeu 6 00
FMEedBeld....... 60 00
Worth Hueton 5 00
W L Jackson 1 30
H G Fisher 600
E L McCoy 9 50
OUie Huaton 50 00
Death of Will Hamlin.
Will Hamlin died last night at hie
home in the third ward ot heart trouble.
He had bsen unwell for some time, but
had worked part of the time on the
dray of J. R. Crews and .formerly with
B. M. Huston & Co., for several years.
Both of hie parents are dead. He leavee
one brother, Frank, the diaymao, and
twoaiaters, one at Brownsville and 'the
other at Cottage Grove. Before coming
to Albany he resided at Oorvallia, where
his father died.' , .-O.v.vf ,
U. G. Hayne arrived from Ft. Stev
ena thia noon to attend the funeral of
bis father.
Judge Geo. T. Barton, of Portland,
came up thir noon, to - look after his
Linn county properiy.
W. A. Grondahl, chief engineer of the
8. P. for Oregon - for 26 years, resigned
and will open an office in Portland. .
The Democrat has jaat received a
postal card with the picture of a beauti
lul Maori maiden in the center of it,
whlci reads: "Auckland, N. Z.. Hol
iday Greetings from the Southern He u
isphere. Dr.S. I. Darin."
The college debating teams for the
local contest have been selected : The
A. C. L..S, William McLeod, Oliver
Jdickey and Lawrence Hunt. The Sen
ate: A'ea ey Wire, ttalph Knotta and
W. L. M-rl"e.
Mine Mary Steoart has returned from
a visit uh Portland, Oregon Oity and
Hood River fiienda. At the latter place
she was ti e guest of Mra. Iaabel Jakway
T-i .i . ban. hnav cttth. . Aw ptimnr
1)1 y 111 c, nun i -J
0 a ver Biu'ab'.e character at their
their hum.
Mrs. Juu. bcott gave a daligh'tnl party
at ber b dp on 2nd and Jackson St
Wednesday eveuing, Feb. 3. Progressive
pit ( iav.d at tbree tablet. Misa
Lonahne and Mr. Dolan won the prizes.
After the -name dainty reireahmenta
were eeived and there waa music The
nuaeta were: Mr. and Mra. A. Riley,
Mr. and Mra. J. Shea, Mr. and Mra. T.
E. Kiley, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eaglea,
Misses Mayma Donaboe, Mra. Ham,
Barbara Dolaa, Maa'.e Ooll.nt.Margaret
Shea, Gail Hare, Meaara. m. Collin.,
Chaa. Baelab, tiam Dolaa. Harry 8ha,
John Shea, Kdd Sua. Lwtet Mene.r,
W. Rily. -
. A Big Thing in Sight
From the Telegram: '
Messrs. Parker, Wilton and McOroa
key, of thia city, are developing a coal
mine in Linn county by whidi they ex
pect to land coal in Portland at much
lower rates than can be done from any
other coal yet discovered.
This mine 1b eituated within 11 miles
of the Coburg branch of the Southern
Paoific, in the Willamette Yalley. and
25 miles east of the city of Albany. A
depth of 387 :eet has been reached by
tunnd, and a vein nine feet thick bee
been followed a considerable distance.
This coal, accordins to J. H. Fink, a
well-known aseaver. shows 49 ner cent
of fixed carbon, and a coking capacity ol
65 per cent. . It ia good coal for weld
ing rnd making gas or eteam, while for
domestic uses it cannot be beaten by
anything in the market, according to
tue ownerB.
"We have amrjle caoital to tmild a
railroad to the mine from the" Southern
Pacific," said E, P. McOroskey today,
"and we are not trvins to sell stock cr
advertise the mine In any way. We
have 800 acres surrounding tbe mine
secured, and are confident that, by thiB
time next year, we will be eending coal
into Portland bv the trainload. The 11
milea of railroad we are to build can be
constructed with very little expense, as
lhe right of wav is as level as any por
tion i,f the Willamette Valley. We
have been quietly developing the mine
for two vears. but have said verv little
about It. We have now reached a point
wnere we oon't care who Knows what a
rich property we have within 100 miles
of Portland."
The Weather.
The government prediction is : tonight
and Friday occasional rain, high south
erly winds. -. , :
The river is 6 feet above low water.
14 years ago today it waa the second
highest known, 33.9 feet. Of fifteen
records of the river being over 14 feet at
this city, 4 were in December, 6 in Jan
nary, 4 in Febuary and 1 in March. -
A Real Estate Rustler.
E. T. Price, tbe real eBtale man, was
over from Albany, Friday, looking after
a couple of salea in this vicinity. Mr.
Price is a ruetler when it comes to sell
ing land. He reports three farma aold
during the past three weeks and con
tracts closed lor the sale of four more.
About one-half ot the buyers are Ore
gojianB, while the others are from the
east. Criterion.
Mr. Lee Armstrong, of Lebanon, and
MiBBjLida Pitchford, of Scio, were unit
ed in marriage at the Ruae House last
evening. Rev. T. B.Griswold officiating
The groom is a miller in the Lebanon
mill and tne bride is well spoken ol as
as estimable young woman.
J. P. Oooley, of Brownsville, is a esn-
ditate for recorder on the democratic
tioket, a gentleman highly spoken, of.
Mra James Failing and son Ned. paesed
throuah Albany laat evening lor South
ern California tor the benefit of the
health of the. latter.
A. J. Johneon and family of Corval-
hs, returned home this afternoon from
Scio, where they had been called by
tbe illnesa and death of Mrs.. Youog,
mother of Mrs. Johnson. Mrs. Young
waa a prominent pioneer woman be
loved by many.
Mr. Barney Mav sold his 1902 oron of
hoes, consisting of 17,000 pounds, Mon
day to Llvesly & Co. for 24 cents per
pound Buneun.
Mess. Schosl, Fiaher. and Nicholls.
leaning Linn county poultry raisers will
nave aome ot their blooded Block at th e
tate ebow in Portland next week pre
pared to get their abare of premiums.
Road BonervlBor L. W. Pomerov came
to the meeting of tbe road supervisors,
veBterdav momma, making tbe distance
ol sixteen milea in a little ltaa than two
hours, indicating that the roada are at
least navigable. ' . '
Over 8.000 names have been secaeed
to the petitions lor tbe direot pri
mary' law aod the local option law
and they will thua go to the people un
der tbe referendum .
Recently a crowd of drummers met at
Rosebnrg and formed an organization
iit the taaing of a atage ride from that
city to Portland to see the Lewis and
Clark fair, o d time style, with J. P.
Riddles ol Riddle aa driver. The tour
Ipib will be Geo. Fitzgibbons, P. 1).
Gilbert, H. A. Brewer, Jacrt Ralston, J.
B. Baldwin, T. Wigmann, P. E. Thorn
aaoo, Ed. Baker and M. F. Wright.
Misses Francis, Busaard, Ficklu,
anney, McCarthy, Smith and Nutting,
ol the college basket ball team, with
Mra. Busaard as cnaperonj and Man
ager Roy Wood left this morning on tba
Pomona for Moamouth to play the girla
team o' tbe state normal school, one of
tbe beat in the valley. Having heard of
the rougb playiog of tbe Moomoutb
team the Aloaoy girlB hardly expect to
make much of a score aeamal them.
Salem Statesmtu : Wuileintbe act
oOhipping a hurae by the Po
mona lateTueiday night, Wm. Skipton
a well koown boiBeman of thia city, waa
kickeJ squarely m the stomach, and
those who witnessed tbe ocenrrrnce aay
il was it ciose call for 111. life. Mr Skip- I
ton. deal In noe diaK horsee, und. wi,
tbai evening shipping a horse wbl.-ii be
bad aold to Sheriff Hneton, ol Albtoy,
Linn conoty.and while at tbe dock he
allowed h mself to come in too close
range witb tbe animate rear pedal ex
tremities wbicb flew in hie direction
witb aoch fore as to knock more breath
(rem hia anatomy tbaa ha thought at
thajlme he could recover la eavoral
days. However, so baaee were brokaa
and no Internal iajnrtof inaned;
Born May 14, 1833, Died Feb
ruary 4. 1904.
Mr. L. 8ndera. one of Albany's be-t
Known ciasena.dled In the north ractne
Hospital in Portland laat evening. Hia
sods Morris, and Albert, wlo went to
Portland on tbe afternoon train, arrived
ten mlnutea after hia death. An opera
tion had been performad npon him,
from the eBecta of which he bad recov
ered ; but a etomach tronblo aet in
Li. Benders was born in Uoeen, Prussia
May 14. 1833. He came to tbe United
States in tbe 60's. In 1861 he moved
from Missouri, where be had been In
business to Oregon, tettung in Albany.
M. Sternberg came W"st with bim and
tbe two under tbe nuuie ot benders &
Sternberg run a general merchandise
store together nntil about 1883. The
store building now occupied by M.
ateroDerg nae been owned by tbe two
in partnership. Mr, Senders was a man
respected and esteemed by a large circle
of friends for many estimable qualities
of character, add be leavea many besides
tbe family to mourn bis dpath. . Mrs.
Senders died about tbree years ago.
Four children aurvive blta, Morria, of
Albany, Mrs. Belie .Lewis ol Tacoma,
Mra, Amelia Eleinberg of Ellen'bere
and Albert G., tbe Western Union op
erator. J. G. Senders, of Harrlaburg, ia
a orotner ana Mra. Ham May, now of
Portland, a sister.
The remains will be brought to Alb
ban v on the 7 o'clock train to-n'ght.
Thejuneral service will take place at
the residence on Sunday at 2 p. m. Tbe
Masonic lodges will have obare of the
Duriai service.
Probate : Inventory filed in estate of
William Faber. Cash, $1,967.85; rea
estate $15,600; Stock. Albany Brewery.
Fairview Mining Co. Albany Canal &l
Water Uc. and Coast Lumber Oo $32,-; jfartnerebip account $13,686 76;
other aseeta $2,559,96. Total $97,204.68.
Kola NeiB appointed ' administrator in
estate of Faber x NeisB, valued at $26,
000. Bond approved .
In estate of Isaac McElmurry Inven
tory filed. Real property $25,015.
'. Most of the time of the court wag tak
en up today over a petition . for a new
dietriot to De taken on aiainots 14, lo,
25 and the Albany district, with fifteen
names on the petition. Against it were
tbree remonstrances from all but the
Albany district with a total of 79 names
against the change. Live arguments
were made and tbe matter taken under
advisement until this evening.
Deeds recorded:
J P Wallace to V H Caldwell, 160
acres 12 w 3 $ 2800
T T Bichette to Silas D Brown 400
Jane Maybee to W N BrotLerton,
2 Ioib, Lyons 250
Wm Farmer to W H Trask, 1 lot,
Highland Grove 150
J A bhaw, trustee,. to J DIsom, 10
acreB, 11 w3.... 3350
M Gilleran to H F Bodeker. 158.97
acres ' 600
Henry MyerB to L vv Pomerov, 1
block, Scio 350
J as B Lewis to JSffle Dawes, lots.
Mill City , 25
M G Sbepberd to J S Lewia,2 lots, '
Mill Oity 25
Eat Mary Onaslain to Mariba
Quick, 160 acres 3100
W H Trask to T E all. 1 lot.
Highland Grove K0
jsat Liuoy a Wright to r r Dixon,
1 lot, bl 9, H'a 2nd ad 1100
UbasBuney to Emma L Watson,
160 acres . 1
Mortgages for $336, $426, $1000, $400.
Satisfaction, $260. .
Obatel mortgage tor $250.
Granite and Lumber.
Tbe trip of the Mayor and Oity Ooun-
ollmen up the Corvallis and Eastern yes
terday morning to inepect the big quarry
of granite a mile and a half this side of
Detroit, waa a satisfactory one.-: They
found an Inexhaustible mountain of
granite of the finealtquality, being al
most indeatructible. It ia probable the
council will nae some of it for a sample
cross walk, ine only aimcutty la the
expense of outting. - Ic ia doubtful i 1
there is any better granite for road or
building purposes in the United States.
On tbe way out tbe party . visited tbe
Ourtia Lumber Oo'a mill at Mill Oity.
The company altogether employs nearly
two hundred men. There la about 4.-
000,000 feet of dreased xnd undressed
lumber od nana, na shipments are be
ing made cantinually, though juat now
tbe market ia quiet.
Ibe granite and lumber of the upper
Santiam suggest great possibilities.
Card of Thanks.
To our friends: The undersigned de
sire to exn reea their sincere appreciation
of the many kindnesses ahown them,
assistance rendered ana sympathy ex
tendec by tneir many friends and ac
quaintances during tbe late Illnesa and
death of our beloved husband and fathei .
Mrs W. W. Pahkisr, .
Mrs. R. W. Fishes,
' Mis. F. H. Dixon,
W, E. Parsibh,
Mibb J- Alpa Parribh,
Miss Edna A, Parrish.
Lebanon Business i Changes.
The business ebangea that took effect
tbe first of tbe month were as follows :
Rob't Kyle aucceeded N. 8. Dalgleiah in
the hardware and furniture buainest;
J, R, Green aucceeded Pbll Ritter in the
Oity Baaery and Grocery; N. D, Keef
avor succeeded 8, O. Wallace ia tbe
Labanor Feed Store and Harry Holt
(acceedidO. O. Chaffee oa the city
The Albany College girla and the fiae
Willamette beaut bail team wilt play
Inttbe Vance building Thursday night
o nsxf weak. '
Advertising Linn County.
Dr, 0. W. Hibbard, of the passenger
department of tbe 8 PM and representa
tive of tue Go's paoer, "be Sunset, met
at tbe Alco club last nigbt with mem
burs ol tbe Club and private oitixene.
Tbe proposition was tba if Linn county
would pay for a half Daiie advertisement
in the duneet for a year at $32 or a pane
advertisement at $64 per month, $192
and $384, the MagtBiDe would aive the
county a ten page writeup, illustrated,
covering the advantages and reeourcee
of tbe county, L. Flinn, H. Bryant
and W. G. Wood were appointed a com
mittee to present tbe matter to the
county. Before this is done though
tbe commercial committee will have a
private canvas made to secure part of
funds from the citizens of the county
before aBking tbe coontv to contribute.
The Sunset ia said to have a big circu
lation in the east particularly among
people look ine towards tbe sunset, and
it is one of the best gotten up produo
ions in tbe United Bt.tej.
Consul Fred Fisher.
Mr. Ralph W.j Fisher received a die-
patch ihVs morning that bia brother
Fred D. Fisher today would be appoint
ed U. 8, Consul at Daitotti, Japan. For
several yearB he baft been tbe V, & Vice
Oontnil'a interpreter at NagaBiki, Japan,
during which time in addition to hia
otber duties be baa mastered three lan-
snaee. Japanese. French and Gnrmftn.
ttutvee, Japanese, French and German
making bim a very useful man in tbe
U. 8. Ber vice. He ia bound to receive
further advancement.
Shibmcnt of Fine Horses.
L B, Loomie, of Seattle left for home
thia afternoon witb a car load of thirteen
draft horseet-8ecured here and sir at
8alemt accompanied bv Mr. Fred Hock
spier. The finest span were two bays
bought of Zimmerman Brothers of
Shedd for which $500 waa paid. There
were seven large blacks for the Seattle
fire depar'mebt.
Delbert Devine, of Waterloo, held -for
the circuit oomt on the charge of rape,,
waa released laflt eveing from thecounty
Jail upon furnishing $750 bonds witb
ohn Devine ami J. H. Turpin aa eu re
gies. . Delinquent Tax Sale, from page 4
Davis, John Sodaville, lot 6, block
7 ; tax 48 cents, penalty 4 cents,
Interest 2 cents ; total
Delaney, Lilly E. The east halt of
the northeast quarter of section 17,
township, 10 south, rango 4 east.
80 acres; tax $3.80, penalty 38
cents, Interest 34 cents; total....
Downing, James O. Beginning on
the north lino of lot 6 of section
20, township 11 south, range 1
east at a point north 80 degrees
33 minutes west, and 24.55 chains
from quarter section corner in east
line of said section 20 ; thence
south 40 chains ; thence north 89
degrees 30 minutes, west 15.45
chains to quarter section corner in
, south lino of section 20; thence
north 32.75 chains to south lino
of D. L. C. of 1 Joseph Elkins;
thence east to southeast corner of
said claim; thence north to an
other west corner of said lot 5 ;
thence east to beginning, contain
ing 53.12 acres; tax $2.85, penalty
28 cents. Interest 25 cents ; total .
Downing, Julia A. Beginning 12 1-2
chains west of northeast corner of
southwest quarter of section 19,
township 11 south, range 1 weBt;
thence west 65 1-2 chains to cen
ter of county road ; thence south
9 degrees 80 minutes, east 22
chains ; thence east 4.25 chains ;
thence north 3.42 chains ; thence
north 87 degrees 15 minutes, east
27.70 chains ; thence north 4.15
chains ; thence east 26.90 chains ;
thence north 13.05 chains to place
of beginning, containing 85 acres ;
tax $18.14, penalty $1.81, interest
$1.63; total
Drinkard, W. J. Beginning at the
northeast corner of section 26,
township 13 Bouth, range 4 west; .
thence west 99.31 rods; thence
south 160 rodB; thence east 159.51
rods; thence north' 160 rods;
thence west 60 rods to beginning,
containing 159.51 acres; also west
half of D. L. C.; of Charles B.
Crosby, claims 37 and 40, town
ships 13 and 14 south, rango 4
west, containing 320 acres, ex-'
cept a strip 75 links wide north
and south by 86.69 chains long
east and west off of Bouth Bide of
same, leaving 317 - acres; total
476.57 acren; tax $87.93, penalty
$8.79. Interest $7.91: total...... 104.G3
Duncan, J. - F. Beginning 10
cnains soutn ox nortnwesi corner oi
section 33, townBhlp 12 south,
range 1 west ; thence east 12.31
chains; thence . south 1.41 1-2
chains ; thence west 12.31 ohalns ; ,
thence north 1.41 1-2 chains to
beginning., containing 1.74 acres;
tax $2.35, penalty 23 cents, inter
est 21 cents; total
Dundee Mortgage T. I. Co. South
nan or norineasi quarter, tne east
half of the southeast quarter ot
Bectlon 20 and south half of
southwest quarter of Bectlon 21
mid norh half of northwest quar
ter of section 28, township 13
south, range 2 west, 820 acres;
tax $34.40, penalty $3.44, Interest
$3.09: total
Duncan, C. A. The southwest quar
ter of northwest quarter ana west
fthalf of southeast quarter of north
west quarter of section 8, township
13 south, rango 1 east, 60 acres ;
tax $3.50, penalty 35 cents, inter
est 31 cents : total
Ea&on, J. S. Beginning 26.80 chains
north, 84 degrees east from tne
northwest corner of D. L. C. of
Snrah and W. McCaw's Not 2606,
township 14 south, range 1 west;
thence north 84 degrees,- east
34.70 chains; thenco north 7.64
chains; thence east 48 chains;
thence Bouth 81.74 chains; thence
south 84 degrees, west 2.24 rods;
thenco southwesterly parallel with
south lino of said claim to cen
ter ot county road, loading up
Brush Creek; thence northwest
erly in center of said road to
north line of Bald claim; thence
easterly to beginning, containing
247 acres; tax $23.99, penalty
$2.39, interest $2.06; total
Eastman, Mrs. Ella Kirk's 3rd ad
dition to Lebanon, lots 4 and 6,
block 2; tax 88 cents, penalty 8
cents, Interest 7 cents; total
Ebert, Henry Verlck's addition to
Albany, lot 2. block 4 ; tax 26
cents, penalty 2 cents, Interest 1
cent; total
EtiiK, Charles Pipes addition to
Albany, lot 6, block 3; tax 26
cents, penalty 2 cents. Interest 1
cent ; total
Farrell, Thomas O. Abbyei addi
tion to Albany, lot 10, block 1;
Ux 51 cents, penalty 5 cents, In
tereit 4 cants; total
Farwell, IU Uts 8odTlll, lots 1,
8 and" 4, block 111 Ux $2.40, pen
alty 24 cents, interest cents;
. . total .. j !
Fields, William The northwest
quarter of soutwbest quarter of
section S3, township 14 south,
range 1 east. 40 acres; tax $1.14,
penalty 11 cents. Interest 9 cents:
total 1.S4
Find ley. John The northwest quar
ter and southeast quarter of sec-
tlon 20, township 12 Bouth, range
1 east, 820 acres; tax $12,16, pen
alty $1.21, interest $1.00; total.. 14.46
Fltswater, J. N. Southeast quarter
of northwest quarter and northeast
quarter of southwest quarter of
section 2, township 12 south, range
1 west, 80 acres; tax $2.85, pen
alty 28 cents, Interest 25 cents; ,
total 3.38 '
Flaugher. William The south halt I
oi soumeast quarter oi section ax
and west half of southwest quarter i
and southwest quarter of northwest I
quarter of section 32, township 11 I
south, range 1 east, containing
200 acres; tax $11.45, penalty .
$1.14. Interest $1.03: total 13.02
Foley, H. A. The south naif of tno
northeast quarter or section z, i
township 15 south, rango 1 wost, ;
101 acres; tax $4.25, penalty 42 I
cents, interest 38 conts; total.... 5.05
Fowler, Harry E. Southeast quarter
or section ia, lown&nip ii sou in,
range 1 west, 160 acres; tax $6.08,
penalty 60 cents, interest 54 .
cents; total 7.22
French, Magglor Myort & Ewlng's
addition to Shclburn, lots 5 and
14, block 13 ; tax 85 conts, pen
alty 8 cents, Interest 7 coutB;
total ; 1.00
Gains, Loo J. Northoast quarter
of section 22, township 11 soutu,
rail go 2 east, 160 acres ; tax $6.08,
penalty 60 cents, interest 54 cents ;
total 7.22
Gains, Alvts W. North halt of, the
northwest quarter and Bouthwest
quarter ot northwost quarter and
northwest quarter of southwost
quarter of section 'Zt township
11 south, rango 2 eastt tax $6.08,
penalty 60 cents, tnterost 54
rents: total 7.22
Gentry, S. A. Hausiunn's addition to
worm iirownsvmo, lots x, z, a ana
4, block 1; Kirk's" addition to
Lebanon, undivided half of lots l -
and 2, block 6 ; tax $8.73, penalty
87 cents, intorost 78 conts;
total j 10.38
Gibble, Caroline Kirk's addition to
Lebanon, part of lots l and 2.
block 2; tax 44 cents, penalty 4
Gillman, S. L. N. West half of
section 16, township 14 south,
rango 1 east, 320 acres; tax
$2,111- Twnnitv SI. 21. interest
$1.09; total .. 14.40
UOOCU, Amos w. souiucnsi quunur
of northeast quarter and wost hafl
of northwest quarter of section 35.
and northwest quarter of southwest
quarter of section 36, township 11
Bouth, rango 7 east, 100 acroa ;
i.v carta nnnnltv rtfl rantn. Inter
est 54 conts; total 7.22
Gooch, Amos P. South half of
southenst quarter o section 20
and north halt of northeast quar
ter of Bectlon 35, township 11
south, range 7 east ; also southwest
quarter ot section 22, township 12
south, range 1 east; Bridges' ad
dition to Shelburn, lots 5, 6 and
7, block 1; Myers & Ewlng's addi- ,
tlon to Shelburn, lotc 0. 6, 7, 8, 9,
10, 11, 12 and 14, block 1; lots 1,
2, 3 and 4, block 2; tax $13.87,
. nanaliv C1 SS IntAMst 1.24:,
total 16.49
Gooch, Frank W. West naif or rno
southwest quarter and northeast
quarter of southwest quarter and
northwest quarter of southeast
quarter ot section 26, township
11 south, range 7 east, containing
1flfi nurno- tnv SIl.flR. . TIGnnltV 60
cents, interest 64 cents; total.... 1 7.22
Gooch, Catherine Shelburn, lots 13
and 14, block 13; lots 3 and 4,
block 1; Bridges addition to
Shelburn, southwest quartor of
southwost quartor of southeast
quarter of Bectlon 31, township 9
south, range 1 wost; tax $3.71,
nnnnltv 7 fifinro IntnrnRr. 33 prints:
total 4.41
Goodfellow, Fred East half of the
northwest quarter and north half
of northeast quarter of section 14,
townshin 10 south, rango 1 east.
1 fid nerps tor nonaltv 4G -
cents, interest 41 cents'; total.... 5.12
Goodman, Joseph Southeast quarter
of southwest quarter ot section 25,
townBhlp 11 south, range 1 west, -
Aft nrrnn tnv X1.R2. nonaltv IB
cents, Interest' 13 cents ; total 1.80
Goro, H. S. Schoolings' addition to
HarrlBburg, lots 5 ana 0, block .
- tnv M R9 nnnnltv 3f pontft. in
terest 31 cents: total 4.18
Graham, G. North half ot northeast
quarter and southwest quarter of
northeast quarter ot section 30,
township 14 south, Tango 2 west;
tnv nnnnltv tti. nnntn. Intnr-
est 30 cents: total 4.06
Graham, R. W. HlU'a addition to
Sodaville, lots 5 and 6, block 5;
4nv Aft nonta nAnnltVt nflntd. in- '
terest 3 cents; total t. .. :,..6G
Grant, Mrs. B. Bryant's aumtion to
Albany, north half of block 8;
fnv CM RK nonnltv 9.R font a Inter
est 22 'cents; total 3.02
Green, Harmon Beginning i 8.2B ,
chains east of the northwost quar
ter of section 32, township 13
south, range 1 east; thenco east
19.53 chains; thence south 80.50
chains; thence west 19.45 cbalnB;
thence north 30.53 chains to be
ginning, except lot 6 of block 8
In Sweet Home, and all other prop
erty sold out ot said premises,
leaving 48 acres more or less ;
l1fifi nannltv 41. IB. Inter
est $1.04 : total V. . 13.80
Griffin, Mrs. R. A. The north half .
of west half of . southeast quarter
of section 32, township 9 south,
range 1 west, 40 acres ; tax $2.87,
. nannlli 09 iontn IntnrftRt 21
cents; total 2.81
Griggs, Dicy Beginning 112 rods
east of southwest corner of claim
87, township 10 south, range 1 i
west; thence east 62 rods and 4
feet; thence north 78 rods; thence
southeasterly 48 rods ; thence west
, 6 2-3 rods; thence south 97 8-4
rods to beginning, containing 80
.' BAa tnv 17 R3 nAnfiltv 7ft cents. .
Interest 70 cents; total t.ll
Hadden, J. I. The north half of the
nortnwest quarter, ana Boutneast ,
quarter ot northwest quarter of
section 38, -township . 10 ... south, .
range 1 east, 120 acres; tax $3.42,
nonaltv 34 nanta. 1ntrflnt 30 cents I ' "
tntnl .V. .. ... -4.06
Hall, O. A. Beginning at the north
west corner or u. u. j. oi ueorge
Howne Not. 1865, township 10
Bouth, range 2 west; thence south .
71 rods more or less to center ot
county road;' thence easterly In
center of said road to center of
Crab tree Creek; thenco down said
creek to said Howe's D. L. O. ;
thence west to beginning, contain
ing KA nr-ma- in 4.40. nenaltv 44
cents, interest 39 cents; total.... ' 6,2!
Hall, JobbIo F. All that part of
north half of southwest quarter oc
Bectlon 20, township 12 south,
rango 1 enst, lying west of Hamil
ton Creek, containing 20 acres;
f ot 11 14. nnnnltv 11 cents, inter-
eat 9 tints: total 1.84
Hall. A. F. The north half of the
.following: Beginning at tne south
east corner of section 14, town
ship nouth, range 2 west;
thence north 10.15 chains; thence
west 2.r,( chains ; thence south
10.15 chains ; thence east 24. CO
chains to beginning of said north
half, containing 12 1-2 acres; also
beginning 10.15 chains north of
southeast corner of said Bectlon
14; thenco west 28.60 chains;
thenco northwesterly 10.55 chains -to
north line of south half of claim
77 in said township; thenco east
12 chains; thence south 6 1-2
chains ; thence east to west bank .
of Santiam river; thence up said
bank to east line of Bectlon 14;
thence south to beginning, contain-
log 60 acres, except 10 acres
deeded to M. A. Ball out of south
west corner, leaving 52 1-2 acres;
to C7.AR. nAnaltv 78 cants. Inter
est 68 cents; total 0.QB
Hainc, James ine norm, nait ox
southwest quarter ' of sectls 8, ,
town ib lp 15 south, range 1 sait
ia ara t 12.0ft. tuinftltv 20 '
centi, interested cents: total.... 8.58
Hamburger, A., utiU Harrlsburr,
lots 2 and 3, block 8; Ux $1.62,
nmiltr IS cants. lnUrsHt 13
cents: total ; 1.80
Hamer, John Beginning . at the 1
Borthweit ornr. of D. t. C. of
Jl John II. Bur "sad wife claim 64
township 12 south, rang 2 wast;
thence east 22.71 chains; tbs&ee
south 132 1-8 chains; thence west
22.71 chains to west line of said
?lalm; thence north 182.13 chains
o beginning, containing 800 acres;
tax $19, penalty $1.90, interest
$1.71; total , 22.8X
Hamilton, Annie B. Beginning 80
leet east ana ow cnains norm or- ,
southeast corner of block 9 In
Eeast Hayses' addition to Halsey ; i
thence east 6.42 chains; thence -
north 76 chains; thence west 6.42
chains; thenco south 75 chains to
beginning, containing 1-2 acre; tax
30 cents, penalty 3 cents, Interest
2 cents : total 35
Hamilton, W. J. Hack's 4th addi
tion to a i can y, iota l ana
block 8; tax $3.40, penalty 34
cents, interest 30 cents: total.... 4.04
Handy, John H. Woodies R. addi
tion to a many, jots i ana 2, diock
7; tax $2.16, penalty 21 conts.
Interest 19 cents: totnl 2.S8
Harris, Frauk E. The southeast
quarter of southeast quartor and
northwest quarter ot southeast
quarter and northeast quartor of ,
southwest quarter ot sectlou 14,. ,
township lo south, rango 1 west;
also beginning at northeast corner -ot
southwest quarter of southeast
quarter of Bald section 14 ; thenco
wost 62 rods to center of county
roal ; thenco southerly along said
road to where It crosses tho south
lino of snld section 14; thenco oast
to southeast corner of Bouthwost
qunrtor of southeast quartor ot
said section 14; thence north to
beginning, containing lit all 145
acres, and lots 7 nud 8, blocks 4
aud 5, in Shodd ; tax $12.60, pen
al tv SI. 25. intorost $1.12: total.. 14.87
Harrison, Joseph, helra North
iirownBvuio, part ot lot l, ail oi
lot 6. block 6; lots 1, 2. 3, 4, 5
and 6, block 5 ; tax $26.60, penalty
$2.66. interest S2.39 : totnl 31.65
Hart, Mary B. Beginning at tho
nortnoast corner or u. u. j. or ua
tbbott, claim 56, township 11
south, rango 2 west ; thenco west'
along north lino ot said claim
32.55 chains to tho lino botwoen
sections 23 and 24, said township ; ,
thonco north along snld section lino
61 chains to meander corner on
rlvor bank of South Santiam rlvor; s
thenco Bouth 20 degreos, east 3
chains ; thonco north 63 degrees,
oast 12 chains ; thonco cast 6 1-2
chains ; thenco south 74 degrees,
enst 8.20 chains to a point south
74 1-2 dogrees, wost 1.40 chains
from a fir tree 48 Inches in dlam
otor; thence north 47 degreos 0'
minutes, east 12 chains; thonco
oast 17.60 chains; thenco north 10
degrces, west 25 links; . thenco
17.77 chains west;, thenco south
47 degreos 16 minutes, wost 12;
chains ; thonco south 42 dogrees,
oast 7.75 chains ; thenco south 25
dogrees, oast 6 chains mora or Iobs ,
to a point due north of boglnnlng;
thonco south 22.20 chains to bo
gluning, containing 107 acres moro
or loss; tax $12.86, penalty $1.23,
Interest SI. 11 : total : 14.6&
Hart, Samuel Boglnnlng 1.10 chains
oast of northwest corner ot sec
tion 23, township 11 south, rango
2 west; thonco south 26.36 chnlnB; i
thenco east 6.02 chains ; thence t
north 13 chains'; thenco enst 18
chains ; thenco north 5.86 chains ; X
thonco east 20.30 chains to tho ,r
rlvor; thenco north 18 dogrees,
wost 5 chains ; thenco north 6 do-
grees, east 6.80 chains ; thonco '
north 71 degrees 30 minutes, woBt '; '
26.80 chnlus to tho oast lino ot D.
L. C. of J. Wasson In said town-
. ship ; thenco Bouth 11.55 chains to
beginning, containing 49.98 acres ;
tax $7.41, penalty 74 cents, inter
est 66 cents; totnl 8.8.1'
Harwood, Herl II Hand Grove,, lots
7 and 8. block 4 ; tax 57 cents,
penalty 6 cents, intorost 4 conts ;
total .00
HaBslet, Joe J. M. Ralstln's 3rd
addition to Lobanon, part of lots ;
1, 2, S, 4 and 5, all of lot 6,
block 5; tax $2.64, penalty 26
cents, intorost 23 cents; total,,., 3.18 .
Hayes, Z, G. Hack's 4th addition to
Ainany, lots a, 4 ana u, diock z;
tax $5.10, ponalty 61 cents, Intor
ost 45 cents : totnl 0.06
Hayes, S. L. Blnckman's addition
to Aioany, tots 4 anu xi, diock x;
tax ID cents, nonaltv 1 cent: total. .20
Hoaton, Sadlo V. South Albany, lot
a, block ; tax zu cents, ponaity
2 cents, Intorost 1 cent: total. .. . .29
HoudorBon, Mrs. II. Peoria, lots 2,
3, 6 aud 7, block 13; lots 6 tuil
7, block 12; tnx $1,14, penalty ll
cents, Intorost 9 conts; total 1.84.
Hendricks, Mrs. M. M. Beginning at
southeast corner ot D. L. C. ot J.
B. Hodgors and wlfo, claim 37, '
township 15 south, rango 4 west ;
thence 19.80 chains north ; thenco
' south 11 degrees 30 mlnutoa, east
20.80 chains to Bouth lino of said
claim; thenco east 22.13 chains
more or loss to boglnnlng, contain
ing 47,64 acres; tax $12.82, pen-
alty $1.26, Interest $1.16; total.. 16.25 ,
Ho nil no, F. M. AU that part of lot
. 6, section 15, township 9 south,
rango 1 west, lying north of San
' tlam river, or tho Brown slough,
containing 10.41 acroa; tnx 05
contB, penalty 9 cents, Intorost 8
conts ; total 1.12
Hestor, E. A., estate Tho south half
of north halt of section 85, towp
.sblp 9 south, range 8 east, 160
acres; tax $20,40, penalty $2.04,
Interest $1.80; total 24.24
I lost or, B. F. West bolt of north- 1 .
west quarter or nortnwesi quarter . ,
ot section 85, township 9, range 3
east, 20 acres ; tax $2.65. penalty
2fi cents. Interest 22 conts: total. 8.12 '
HI ait, R. Lebanon, undivided half
oi lor. a, diock z; Jtiinu b aauition , .
to Lebanon, )6t 1, block 1 ; tax .
$1,48, penalty 14 centB, interest 12
cants : totnl . 1.G9
Hlatt, Delia P. Bryant's 2nd addf-
lion 10 Aioany, 101s it uuu in,
block 12; tax $1.86, ponalty 13 - -cents.
IntoroBt ll cents: total,... 1.60
Hlatt, A,- B. Beard's- addition to
Lebanon, tots i, z ana a, diock o ;
Tangent, lots 1, 2 .aud 3, block 5 ; . ,
nut 21 r-flnln! total '.' ..' 2.92 r
Hlgglns, N. T. Beginning In center
ot county roaa uu ieec east ana xuo . .
feet north ot 1 degree west from,
southeast corner of block 2 in
south addition to Scio; thenco '. ' 1
south '1 dergoe, east to center of , ;
said road 108 feet; thenco eaBt
24.6 1-2 feet; thence north 117
foot; thenco Bouth 85 degrees 30' '
minutes, west 246 1-2 feet to be
ginning, containing 56,100, acres;
Ux $4.80, penalty 48- centa, inter
est 43 cents; total 4.03
Hlndman, CharteB Kirk's 2nd addl- (
;t ion to LiCDanon, lot ,iu, oiock ;
lot 6, block 2; tax 66 cents, pen
alty 6 cents. Interest 6 cents : total. .77
Hlndman, S. M. . W. Lebanon, ldt .
8, block z; tax $i.iw, penalty . :
cents. Interest 9 cents: total,,,. ' 1.30
Ho lied ay, W. P. The south half of;
section ao, townsnip 14 souin,
rango 1-enst, 20 acres; tot $0.50
penalty. 86-cents. Interest 85 cents; J
fnim . i 11.80
Hosklns, David R. The . northonst
quarter or suction ana nortn
west quarter ot section 25, town
Bhlp 0 south, range 1 west, oxcept
2 13-16 acros out of northwest
corner, leaving 17 3-10 acres;
tnx $61.91, ponalty 6.19, Interest
fi R7 : tntnl - 73.67'
Hubbard, George Falrdalo addition
to Albany, diock z ; tax ?i cents,.
ponalty 4 cents. Interest 3 cents;
total 5
Hudson, Ed The northeast quartor
of section 20, town snip 14 soutn,
range 1 east, 160 acres; tax $4.56,
ponalty 40 conts, Intorost 40 cents ;
N total 5.41
Hughos, George, heirs The south
nair oi u. u. U. or. ueorge u.
Hughes and wife, claim 78, town
Bhlp 11 south, rango 4 west, bcc- , -tlons
22 and 23; tax $58.71, pen-
Hume, Ell Northwest quarter ot
section 14, townsnip ia soutn,
range 2 east, 160 acres ; tax $6.08,
penalty 60 cents, Interest 64 cents;
total 7.02
Hunt, Mary I. All of that part of
soutnwest quarter or soutneast
quarter of Bectlon 14, township 10
south, range 1 west, lying west of
county road, and southeast quarter
of southwest and southwest ,
'quarter-of southwest quarter of
Bald section 14, and east halt ot
northwest quarter and northwest
quarter ot northwest quarter of
section 23 In Bald township and
range, containing In nil 216 acres; ,
tax $8.17, penalty 81 cents. Inter- ,
est 72 ,nta ; total f.7
' Conttautd oa pag 2,