w Lhin Coftuty Council. " At per previoui announcement', Linn 0. OoodoiI met with lengeot granite U c Saturday Feb. 6tb with President Bu rbank in tbe chair. Notwithstanding tin. inclemencv ol tbe weather, eeven grangee were repreaeoted by delegates ' aud a goodly number ol granger trim different nana ol tbe county making an audience ol about eixty farmers and (beir wivei. It being tbe first meeting alter elootioo, tbe obair annonucea cue fdllnwinir sommittees lor tbe ensaine - year, ibe first name in each committee being chairman: nnmmiiinn nn To-lsla tton : a.. D.Hale I. W . Propst, J. W. Bwank, 0. E. Haley, R. 6, Wikle, Asa Lewelling, M. B. uan . fair and Freerksen. ' Committee on education: 0. L. Bbaw, 1 A, Bievlns, Savilla Powell. M". CO.. L, Dnniiir and elll. A. D. Hale. Committee on Womans Work: Mra, Palmer. Mrs. Sarah A.Botbank ' Mrs. flenrv Sprenger. Mrs. Cora T.otnp.r and Mra. 0. H. Walker. Finance OommiUee: Moesa Parker, Thoa. Froman and W. J. ubermler. Committee on revision oi Constitution andBj laws: W. W. Francis, A. D. Hula and Hfiorv Srjreneer. Bro. John dcott gave a brief aoconnt ol n vnil mado by himself, V. L. tnaw and 0. H. Walker last Saturday to Sodaville grange where with encourag ing words, spoken by tbem, Bodaville itrauge took on new lile, elected a por tion ol their officers aud decided to move tiioir place of meeting to Grow Foot euhool bouse about ball way between 8odviile and Lebanon. At their next meeting the balance of officers will be ' elected and (?eleglei- elected to Council and to Linn Co. convention. Bro. Scott urged all grangers to visit Sodaville grange and encourage them in tbe new start taken. County Commissioner Henry Sprenger wae preeent and ex plained why tbe county court had ignor- ' ed tbe resolution paeeed by last council asking tbem not to appoint road masters ' for tbe ensuing year. Mr. Sprenger said tbat tbe law as passed by last legis lature, says tbat the first year "the connty court may appoint rod maeters, and eaob year thereafter, they SHALL appoint them etc leaving tbe court no option in the matter. Mr. Sprenger also stated that the Road Masters bad in several instances saved the county more than their salaries. One Inetancea was where the court bad advertised for bide for a small bridge and the lowest bid ' was $800. ' The court sent a road master to view tbe situation, with tbe result that they finally built the bridge for $400. Several other Instances were oited by Commissioner Bprongor which seemed to fully the action oljnstlly the court and the wisdom, ol having Koad Maeters, The matter of larraore giving their support to Albany's Oo-oporative crenmerv was discussed at some length and mated nn intense interest, and this will form suDjeot matter for another ar:icle In a lew days, space being lacking at this time, it who voted to hold tbe nex. counoll with "Oak Plain" grange at Shedd, Pa trons bringing lunoh at this moetiog on acconnt ol there being bo few ladles In ' Oaa Plain grange. Bro. Scott announc ed tbat Linn Co. Convention for eleotlng reprsen'atives to State Grange which nieeis at Cnrvalli; In May, will be held at 0k I'liviu grange hall first Sat, in March, at same time ot oounoil, and urged all grangB who had not eleoted their delegates to do so at their next maetlna. v ' .' A! the noon hour approached, the u nvaatilftnt annnnnc.e:d. thatia die WUlVtlf piB,t. 1 ' tingulelied visitor'wae expected on tbe train to be with us In afternoon session and all would be expected to put on their best Sunday manners and on motion It was voted to have an open meeting, which resulted in qnlte an addition to tbe audience. After keeping us in sus pense 'lor some time, Pies. Bnrbank stated that the visitor was no less a per sonage than Col. Hofer, editor ol Salem's evening paper, The Capital Journal. In due time toe train came, and In a lew inmates, like a gentle spring the Colonel Swooped dowa upon as. Dinner over, the meeting was oalled io order and the speaker li.iroiliioed. A-he wae to ad dress a larmer audience, we supposed of course his eubot would be, "What 1 Don't Know About Farming" but In this, we eredoomea to disappointment Tne Colonel stood lor a moment uiiuute Hence, gently stroking bis majestic mustaolie, while he was working np the "gray matter" aud I'l ihink shop In rnnmng order, he smote one of his most charming smiles on the ladies and began t aymg he was very eorr indeed llimlii'nt not oae liore pleasing to the Inline, as it had been one ot the cardinal ptlnciples of bis lile at all timea;and uuder all oironmstances to strive to please the ladies but if they would kindly bear with him this time, he would return at aoine future tln.e and tell them how to eau strawberries, and then turning to the other side of the house he announced that h's subject would be "Car Bhortage and Freight Bates". He than launched into his sub juct producing numerous letters from a mill and flouring mill men and ship pers all over the valley complaining ol heir inability to get cats In which to ship produotiiand the. consequent loss, -Lebanon man lost 1000,.a Corvallls firm over 13000, en Albany firm $800, a Yon land firm maoy thousands. Saw mills all along the foot bills bad been com pelled to abot down either on account o Shortage of care or probibitative rates and all had begged lu vain of tbe rail road company for relief from certain failure which stared tbem in tbe face The Col. spent about an hour telling ns of tbe digressing conditions, but we list- eoed in vain for him to tells us of a rem' ety. In this be reminded us of tbe Dr. who when called in lo see a sick man, said "mv iriend, you are a very sick man, I am very sorry for you, I wish I could help you, but I cant" and witb this went heme and left the sick man to fUbt it out as best he could. Tbe Col. said that be was not there to fight corporations.be bad lived in Oregon many years and had.never paid a cent in railroad lares and tbe railroads bad been kind to bim. He didn't beilsve la gov eminent qwnerehip (as most grangers do) but be was sure there was a remedy Boirewbere though he didn't know what it was, he advised us to think seriously over tbe matter, and if we did not get re lief, we should shake onr fiate nnder tbe rail road company's noee, and remind them tbat they were treading on dan- gerons ground, that in some instants, people bad become' bo enraged at tbe overbeariog rail roads tbat tbey dyna mited tbem and tore up trackB. He biuled tbat as many ef ub have sus pected, tbe sbortsgs of cars and tbe re cent raise of rates might be due to tbe fact that some men who are interested in laiiroads are also inteiested In getting the timber lands back of them, and when the little mills are aH out ot their way and timber all in bands of these men, a large mill might be erected by these men who would pay such wages as tbey choose and sell lumber at their own price. The Farmers I'urn The National Government gives tbe rivers and harbors some 130,000,000 a year. It gives tbe cities great publ'o build ings, poet offices, court bouBes, etc, It gives manufacturers prntectlon by the tariff. It giveB its veterans aud their families 2140,000,000 a year In ponaions as it should. It has loaned its credit to private In dividuals to build railways, and given them grants of millions of acres of land. It has, bowever, done but little for tbe farmer and (or agriculture. Tbe farmer is tho backbone of tbe country ; it ia be who feeds tte entire population, and be IB no longer satisfied with poor roads. At last it aeems an if tbe National Gov ernment wae going to do something for tbe termer. A bill baa been Introduced in Congress called the' Brownlow Bill, whieh appropria-.es $24,000,000 ae Na tional aid for tbe building of roads. Tbe farmer wants this bill to pass, and he is determined that the National Govern ment Bhall do something for him, as woll as for the teal oi Its citizens. . Before pleading for changes in any bind ol an administration of democrats the republican papers ebould look In the looking glasB. Most of tbe changes netded in the United States era irom re publican misrule. Take for Instance the U. S. post office department reeking in fraud. If you wish lo come closer borne the Oregon state legislature whioh has burdens! tbe people of tbe state with an eight and half mill tax where a three mill tax has besn In tbe habit of doing the business. The democrats of Linn oounty have reason to be satisfied with the administration ol affairs in this oounty. During the past two years the offices have all been in good hands and tho Interests of tbe people have leen carefully looked after. Tbe New York World says: "Bvea Mr. Bryan's European tour baa not sured him ot his haunting fear of tbe gold bug. There is one thing to be said of our 'money-changers,' against whom Mr, Bryan inveighs: Tbey do not give youSOoente for a dollar aebe tried to do," If we are to accept tbe statements mads by the N.w York World's news columns, for Instance, In the shipbuild ing trUFt atlair, there were many people who would be very glad to receiye 50 cents forevery dollar tbey had confided to the care of those "money-changers." Commoner. It Is estimated that it ooats at least 50 per oent more to build in Oregon towns than It did five years ago. Oar people though, generally have accepted Mm eit- uation and will go ahead just the same, Influence tor Good. Washinotos. l;ob, 9 There can be no doubt, that the passage of the Lewis and Clark Exposition bill by tbe Senate yes terday will have a strong initoence lor gobd, both in the House committee ou expositions aud in trie House ItBtlft- The Senate action was especially timely. The Proper Thing. Wasiiikqtoh, Feb. 0. Seoreury Hay has addressed an identical note to a number of European poweia to asoertain if thev art willing to Join in a notice to Russia and Japan tbat during hostilities and tberealter the neutrality and iuteg , rlty ol China must be recogolsad. Royal Baking Powde Saves Health and Saves Money JIOYAE BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. THE BALTIMORE FIRE Baltimobe. Feb. 8. When darkness fell tonight, the people of this stricken city knew 'be worst was over. Tbe flames which for 32 boure had sweet re- aietly through the heart of the city were checked. The damage is given aa follows: Loss, estimated . . $200,000,000 Amount insurance involved'. 100,000,000 Number blocks burned . . 75 Number buildiugs burned . 2,600 Area in acres .... 140 Ffrms burned out, estimated , 7,000 Banks wiped out . . . . 3 Hotel destroyed . . 8 Newspaper offices burned . 4 Telegraph offices burned .2 Persona thrown out of work , 60,000 Number of injured in the hospitals will not exceed 50. Big, Baltimore Pre. iALTisionB, Md., Feb. 7, The moB destructive lire in the history of Balti more occurred here today, raging practi cally 'unchecked during many hours completely destroying scores of the largt eBt business houses in the wholesale die trict, involving losses whioh cannot ye be estimated, as the fire was etill burn ing fiercely when nigi.t fell. Owing to the wide extent of the calamity it will be tomorrow before an approximate es timate can be made, though I. is certain that it has already exceed $40,000,000. Feb. 8, 6 a, m. The fire continues to burn furiously, but has not yet extended beyond Jonee FallB. The Heavy Losers. AAnai.ivt.on, Feb. 8. The Baltimore Sun, in issue, published this morning from Washington, says it is thought the loss will exceed $60,000,000. The heaviest of these losers'were : John E, Hurat & O?.. $1,600,000; in surance over $1,000,000. It. M. Sutton & Co., $1,600,000. Tbe Daniel Miller Company, $1,600, 000. Armstrong, Carter & Co., $500,000. The district comprises about 125 bulldingB. occupied by more than 50 fir ma. ' Lewis and Clark All Right. Washington, Feb. 7. It has devel oped that tbe Lewis and Clark bill is stronger than the St. Louts loan animd ment in tbe House. If tbe House agrees to the St. LouIb proposition there is no doubt about tbe Lewis and Clark bill going through, ' The Bill Passed. WABniNOTos. Feb. 8. Without a dis senting vote the Lewis and Clark Ex position blil passed the Senate at 5:30 today, carrying an aggregate appropria tion ot l,77D,uuu. inenumoeroi na tional oommlsBionerB was reduced from seven to three; an amendment wai at tachea aoeoiuteiy Closing lue .uxpoamuu and grounds on Sunday. War Begun. : tort Arthuk, Feb. 9. Japahdee (tor pedo boats attacked the Russian fleet, here during the night and three ot the Russian ships were badly damaged. The Japanese, whb thus soured the first suc cess of the war, escaped undamaged. ; Atler Four Years. i Tim Dalles, Feb. 8. The arrest o( Norman Williams at fielllngham, Wash today on a charge of having murdered Mrs. L. J. Nesbitt and her. daughter, Alma, near Hood River, in the spring of 1900 was the culmination of searching investigation of official of the Interior department and the relatives of tbe murdered women covering a period of almost four,years. Russians Whipped. Tokio, Feb9 It is reported here that the Japanese fleet enganed and defeated two Russian warships, whose names have not yet been learned, at Ohemulpo today. It is said the engagement began at 11 a. m. and continued until 3 D. m. The smaller Russian vessel Is reported to have been snnn and tbe larger one was fired and hopelessly destroyed. A part of the crews are renorted to have es caped to the ibore and have ;been cap tured. The Baltimore Fire. Baltimore, Feb, 0. As yet no figures on loss and insurance that can be re garded as official can be obtainable, A careful canvass of insurance experts, builders and business men . places the loss in round figures at $126,000,000, and the insurance $80,000,000 to $90,000,000. It ia probable theie eatimatea will stand with slight changee when the final figures are written. Uncle Sam's Part. .4 Washington, Feb. Orders were xtb hla.l .a U . . A, In, pal Ktt.na ti MDd his cruiser squadron, conaisting tne Alliance, new irienua, naiuigu ano.' Uincinnati, from sum Day tot some noint in Chinese waters vet to bail deter mined, for the purpose oi observing the navel ope ations. . Archbishop Ohrlty is now in the elly Of Mrxico Now tbe do., of war are bitlog. MISFITS. , Tbe war dogs are growling. ' t Candidates are Increasing. A shortage Id beaoB baa affected tbe coffee market. Corvallia baa to bave Bome thing of a sensational order. TblE, wili be decidedly an off athletic year in Albany. Tbe great Chicago fire baa now been succeeded by tbe great Baltimore fire. A wife beater back east baa juet been flogged in public and eent to jail a month. Berved bim rigbt. Speaking of changes what is tbe mat ter of tbe Oregoo Sia'e legislature, wbicb foisted an 8)4 nji l tax on tbe people of the ft ate. Why not bave a Linn Oounty Base Ball Association of home amateurs witb Letmnou, Brownevilie, Scto and Albany in ic. The Willamette Valley Jack Frost wouldn't- be recognized in tbe eaet these days. Tbe state poultry show baa begun its annnal cackle at Portland. It iB hardly a Btute show except in name. Tbe Salem Journal welcomes Mr. Geer back Into the republican fold. Now, Mr, Gear, it is up to you with tbe Journal editor. The 3 mill levy for running county expenses in Linn county is one of tbe era til It at in the state. Bneeta will find that she baa not run up against a weakling, and besides she has the entire world against her. 22 calibre is a pretty good size lor a politician. It would take a microscope to discover the calibre of tome. An eaBtern Oregon editor had this in his columns: "If you aee it in tbe ; it is eo." Tbe next day he was whipped for lying abont a neighbor. Everybody is bua in Portland. For the little position of watchman of the post office buildiDg there are two ban drtd applications, Delinquent Tax Sale, from page 4. ' Investors' Mortgage & Security Co., IcMaster & Durrell, agents Be- ' -ginning 5 ctaatna north and 70 de grees 30 minutes west from Bouth- - oast corner bf D. Iv C ot Jared Michael b, claim 41, township 14 .' south, range 3 west; thence north 70 ' dogreou 81 minutes, west SO chains; . thence north- 10 degrees SO minutes, east 40 chains ; thence south 70 degrees SO minutes,' east 35 chains; thence north 19 de grees, east 14.50 chains; thence southeasterly 24.50 chains to the northwest corner of D, L. O. of B, Elisha Qrlffeth; thence south 9 de grees 30 ' minutes, east j 29.10 chains; thence west 31.60 chains; thenco south 180 chains ; thenco west 13.90 chains ; thenco south 18 degrees 30 minutes, west 6.75 ' chains to beginning, containing 225 acres; tax $31.82, penalty $3.18. interest $2.86 ; total . 37.86 Ivy, John Sweet Homo, lot 2, block 2 ; tax 29 cents, penalty 2 cents, interest 1 cent; total .32 Jackson, W. C. Shedd, lots 7, 8 and 9, block 2; lot 12, block 3; tax $6.70, penalty 67 cents, Interest 61 . cents; total 7.98 Jenks, E. D. The south halt of sec tion 36, township 14 south, range 1 west; tax $9.60, penalty 95 ' cents. Interest 85 cents; total.... 11.30 Jowett, Mrs. V. F. Verlck's addition to Albany, lot 2, block 6; tax 26 cents, penalty 2 Cents, IntoreBt 1 cent; total 29 John, Delia P. Bryant's addition to ' Albany, lots 9 and 10, block 1; tax SI. 36. nonnltv 13 cents. Inter est 11 cents; total 1.60 Joiiine, q. a, The southeast quartor ot Boctton 30, township 12 south, range 2 cast, 160 acres ; tax $4.56, penalty 45 cents, interest 40 cents; total 5.41 Jones, Emma G. The southwost quarter ot southwest quarter of section 20 nod northwest quarter : ot northwest quarter of Bection 29, and north halt ot northeast qdar- ' ter ot section 36, township 11 south, range 7 east, containing lGO ' acres ; tax $6.03. penalty 60 cents, intorost 54 cents; -total. . . .. . .; 1 7.2! Jones. Lfcwls Tho south hair ot tno i VJStJSSSt --ter. of" section - 30! township 11 ' soutn, rnngo T.eat. containing iqy r acres; tax $JS.OS.'pinalTy 60 cnts,'J interest 54' cents! fofaf'.l T.22' Jones, W. H. Southwost quarter of section 16, township 10 south, range 2 east, 160 acres ; tax $6.84, penalty es cents, interest ei cents ; j; p.irThe' MuthwMt 'quarter ot southeast quarter ot section 22, ,0',h", 10 nnge 2 'uU 40 acres; tax $1.62, penalty 15 unl. Intoreat 13 rents: total . . . . 1.80 .77 8.13 Judson, Ida Wossom addition to Lebanon, lots 'i ana o. uioc. o-, tax 66 cents, penalty 6 cents, lu- tan.l K K.nt. ' total Julian, V. A. The northwest quar ter OI section fv. " ' south, range 6 east. 160 acres ; tax 6.84, penalty 68 cents, inter est 61 cents i total ............. Kay. Thomas South addition to Sclo, lots 7 and 8, block 7 ; tax 60 cents, penalty 6 ce:its, Interest 5 cents; total Klerman, Frank The southwest quarter ot section 25, township 10 south, range 6 east : tax S6.0-4 ; penalty 68 cents, interest 01 cents ; Kirchofr.'L'. Hack'B VtV addition to Albany, block 9 ; tax J8.50. penalty 85 cents, Interest 67 cents; total. Kirk, Jennie Beginning on the east line of west hall of p. L. C. ol Olney Fry. Br.. Not. 7722, town ship 11 south, range 3 west; thence 20 chains north ot south line ol Bald claim; thence west 46 66 chains ; thence north 2.26 chains; thence east 40.56 chains; thence BOUth 2.26 chains to begin ning, containing 10.65 acres; tax $1.14, penalty 11 conts, interest 9 Klutn,t8'wilflam,' ' eBtiti Undivided third ot BoutU halt ot claim No. 40, township 12 south, range 1 weBt, except 169 acres ofl ol west Bldo ot said south half, leaving 162 acres more or Iobs ; tax $1.00. penalty 19 cents, interest 17 cents ; total .71 8.13 10.02 1.84 Knul'ou, Oeorge The southeast quarter OI souiueaui. mn.no. w. section SO, township 9 south, range 4 east, 40 acres ; tax $3.80, penalty qs nonta intarftst 34 centB ; total . 4.52 .30 Krauss, J. W. Waterloo, lota 1 and Z, DIOCK HO ; tax 2 1 IBHW, iraia'y z cents, luwmoi x o"" . j a La Francis, Nancy Hacks 2nd ad dition to Aiuuur, iui o. . the southeast quarter, except 2 acres of section 26, township 13 south, range 1 oast; tax $23.67, penalty $2.36, interest $2.12; Larson, Hans--Deglnnln'r at north east corner 01 u. -Brock, claim 62, township 13 south, range 3 west; thence eouth 7.48 chains; thenco west 44 chains; thenco north 7.48 chains; thence east to beginning; also lot 7, section 8, said township; also beginning 9.80 chains south of northeast corner ot p. L. o. ot Robert Elder, claim 51, said town ship ; thence south 28.13 chains; thence west 16.60 chains to Cala poola creek; thence northerly along east bank ol 'aaid creek to a point 7.80 chains west ot begin ning; thence east to beginning, containing in all 100 acres; tax $17.86, penalty $1.78, interest s;1 .60 : total 21.54 Lear, Martha Hack's 3rd addition to Albany, lot a, oiock i , $6.80, penalty 68 cents, interest 61 8.09 12.12 Lee, Johnston The' northeast quar ter OI BOCUUH O, wnu.wu rango 1 west; tax $10.20, penalty $1.UZ, interest uu couin, Lewis, Ratio South half of south .h - m ... i. half anil nnrthfl4f rail 01 nuum mni. - ; quarter of southwest quar:er ot section 18, township 15 sa'n. range 1 east, 120 acros ; tax 2.&f3, penalty 29 cents, Interest 26 cenu ; Lewis, Leandei- South half of north west quarter oi uj '"nwv and northwest quarter of northwest quarter of section 14, township 9 south, range 1 west, 120 acres; tax $6.84, penalty 68 conts, interest 61 Long, Mrs. M. C.-klrk's 3r'd 'addi- block 4; tax 77 centB, penalty 7 internet- R rents : total Long, Emma J S. S. S. W. Hayes' ", block 2; tax $1.75, penalty 17 cents, interest w vemo , . . . . Loveland. H. D. Southeast- quarter .01 section ow, rango 1 east, 160 acres ; tax 54.5o, penalty 45 cents, Interest 40 cents ; totiLl Low, T. A. Tho northwost quarter ot Boutneast quuruu- ui --, township 10 south, rango 2 east. 4.0 acres ; tax $1.52, penalty 5 1.80 .19 cents, interest jo bju j , .'. Mangs, J. Hobson s addition to Mill mtv lot 4. block 9: tax McKinzie, T. P. Tho northwest quartor ana uunu n. . west quarter and Bouthwcst quarter of southwest quarter of section lu, township 15 south, rango 1 west, 280 acres; tax $10.45, penalty ai o.t intni-rat on cents: total. .. . ' Marc'ellis, Mrs. L. c Kirk's 3rd ad dition to Ijeimiiuu, iui , . tax 33 cents, penalty 3 cents, in terest 2 CUIUS. iuin. .. ..... - -- Mnrkhom, Cynthia Beginning at tho nortnensi toruui- v. township 11 south, rango 3 west; thenco wost 63.38 chains to cast lino of west halt ol Olney Fry, Sr.; thenco' north 10 chains; thence east 63.38 chains to be ginning, containing 63 2-3 ncres; tax $13.30, penalty $1.33, lntor oot si .10: total 15.82 6.55 Marks, Mrs. M. C. Lebanon, lot 1, block z ; in ipu.uy, cents. Interest 60 cents; total.... Morgan, H. 13. Tho southwost quar-. ter OI nonueusL iuullB1 - ' east quarter ot northwest quarter, and northeast quarter ot southwest quarter and northwest quarter of southeast quarter ot section 1. township 14 BOUth, range 2 west , tax $0.18, penalty 01 cents, inter est 64 conts ; total 7.33 7.33 Martin, B. E. The west halt of the nortnwest qu "r ; quarter ot northwest quarter, and northeast quarter ot .southwest quarter, and southwest quarter of Southeast quarter ot section 33, tnwnfthin 14 BOUth. range 1 west. 200 acres; tax $0.93. penalty 99 cents, interest d wuto . Margin O. E. .nd J.-Sotoll ;, lot 4. block 8; tax 19 conts ; total . . . Masterson, Mrs. -Waterloo . lots 10.81 .19 penalty 40 ceiita, interest 36 cents; MatauW," Mary Beginning' at the BOUtnwest curuci . -- R. O. Cussick, township 9 BOUth. range 1 east; thence east 4.60 chains; thence north 22.25 chains ; thence west 4.60 chains ; thence south 22.25 chains to beginning, containing 10 acres! tax 67 cents. Penalty 6 cents. Interest 4 cents; lUliVI Mathows. A. B.. and Washburn, E. Bryants auuitivu 33, block 11: tax 85 cents, penalty 8 cents, interest 1 wu .. Mayer, C O. Lots 1 and 2 and south Dal! OI miriue.Bi . 4, township 11 south, range 1 east. 160 acres; tax $6.08, penalty 60 rents, interest 64 cents; total. .. . Miles, W. H. and Mary B. ucgin- ning at SOUinweet C of W. T. Moore, claim 48, town Bhlp 13 south, rango 1 west; thence north 33.12 chains to south lino of claim 46. ea Id township, thence westerly on sold line 28.03 chains; thence north 10 1-2 do greos, east 04.76 chains to north line of Bald claim 4(1 ; thence cast Mitchell, Lewis, Co. Kirk s 2nd ad dition to Lebanon, pt 11, block 2 ; tax 65 cents, penalty 6 conts, in terest 4 cents; total Moore, E. W. Tho south half of tho southeast quarter ol section 36, township 15 south, range 2 west; tax $3.04. penalty 30 cents. . inter est 27 conts; total Moore. A. H. The southwest quarter of southeast quarter and south half of southwest quarter ot section 3, and northwest quarter and north halt of southwest quarter of sec tion 10, township 11 south, rango 1 west, except 3.42 acres sold, leaving 355.82 acros: tax $12.26. penalty $1.22. Interest $1,09; total Moore, John, Jr. Beginning at tho Bouthwost corner ot D. L. C. of John Burge, Not. 2360. townships 12 and 13 south, ranges 1 and 2 -.'wet; th'enc a9t'458vrods tovtho aoutheast corner of said claim; '" tneffc -TtoMlf : rolls': -thenco .west 153 rods; thenco south 82 rods to I beginning, containing 80 acres; 1 tax $3.80. penalty 38 cents, Inter- 1 est 34 cents; total .:"Yoi 41.10 chains: thenco south 61.95 chains; thence east 16.74 chnlns; thence south 33.12 chains; thence west 46.75 chains to beginning containing 465.13 acres; ilso be ginning on north line of D. L C pf J. H. Hiirckiiun, claim 46, said township, lu center of Hamilton SI6 al 7Mt """"'h ' said line J1.30 chains; thence north 29 de across Bald creek ; thence west grees, east 9 chains to the creek' thence along the creek to begin 5L"g'.contalnl'1K H3e acres, in all i l9A ,acrea ; ta $20.66. penalty $2.06. Interest $1.80; total.....; 24 52 Miller, James A. The north half of northeast quarter of section 18 township 10 south, range 1 east 80 acres; tax $2.10, penalty 21 Mn?nts,,.l,ntereat 18 cen's; total...; 249 w- Beginning at north- 9 east corner of section 22, township il .so!.n range 1 west: thenco west BO rods ; thence south 240 Jii 'S!SC8 easl 108 rods: 'hence 52i . 21 "d8; thence west 28 f. . bel?"'P. containing 160 f : $4.13, penalty 41 cents, ..'""rest 36 cents ; total .... ;.. " 4 on Miller R. B,, No. 2 Beglnnrai at hsst corner of south, half of townh1n UOrte.; of Bec"n 28. township 11 south, range 3 west- soShVo?,' ,30'" : thence chaiS .5,haln,: lhence """ 30-77 be nninieDC0 w?8t 28 chains to. tax sjgi'n ""'" 80 acres; suivxstr i2 31-274s Mltcham, William Beglnnlni' 21 62 8 chains east of quarter sectfon cor? ner between sections 20 and 21 township 12 south, range 5 west MuZl ""reek ?2.?' " censor .' Mudd creek 2 19 ,n .centor ot eas?C19n60ta,h17;7S ' Si 40 chain.- th'nsi tnenco 80"h . cnains, thenco west ' 17 4 73 08s aJ;0g."""ne' contalninl (d.og acres; tax $15.91, penalty $1.59, Interest $1.43- totnl ' on Mtere,' Th southwest-qVarl 18'83 7 no 2 uart!'- ot section 7 and northwest quarter of north shin' ?Jarter.,0' Mlon 18, town- S,1!. ""th. range 1 west, and 80 "'J. t northeast quarte? Snrt if " ?mneT ot section 12' and northeast quarter of northeist quartor of section 13, townshln T il S16024 rrS8 2 west "onfalniSl i n?4iaores;. i,ax 10.46, penalty M$'04, i,nte4:est 03 cents ; total ... 12 42 Morgan, T. C South half of north east quarter and north halt of the so"thoast quarter of section 12 ' taJ ln"RP410 V'h. range 4 east ef I r,54;.po,1.a,;y. .8 cts, inter est 61 cents; total R1 Morgan, Thomas The Bouthwost ; quarter of section 4, township 13 i,Xxf":1?',pranlty W-81. interest MorganMrs. Nancy E. 100 acres in ?19'20 section 9. townshln 12 soiith JXUi 1 west; tax $5.23, penalty 52 cents, Interest 48 cents ; total. . . 0 21 Morris. John Tho west half of D l. c. of Oeorge Young Not. 7621 townships 13 and 14 south rango l,.easJ'leo aores; tnx $26.88, mS nlty $K60, interost $2 39 total 11 75 MIl A'ma-U!lnnl"B 30 rids 81,73 80u.t,h ofthe northwost corner of I section 28, township 13 south ' range 1 east; , thenco south 81 rods ; thenco east 25 rods ; thenco corth 25 rods; thence east of SXi.ii. Jr .. roas to center of South Santlam river ; thence down 20d!:l0r. '? "ginning, containing 20 acres; tax S1.74, penalty 17 .,ce"ts. Interest 15 cents ; total. .7 Moss o. c. and R. E. West quar ?onnrthe8t luster of sec 2 .n30,Jwnsblp 12 80uth' range ,.east,'!80 neres; tax $13.68; pon alty $1.36, Interost $1:23 total Molonhotf, Nancy J. -Nortl,7.Vt 2.00 10.27 oSfe?s..348,0tac'rnef;iP, littofaT-'.'r.-..1::4, 1717 UolMinM.rS' rMv s Re'ston's 4th kd- 7 dltlon to Lebanon, loU 6, 7. 8 9 nftv A C.k V.tax ?3-30' totfil ...... ccms; m,l"i ?' C. Woodio's' R. ' addition A'bany, lot 8, block 7: tax. . 17rB8B'eh?in W" .""'"-Beginning ll.S chn.llls W08t 'rom southeast r err ?, Sorl,i. "alt ot D. L. i'.of 'I'oW' Du"ch, claim 57, town ship 13 south, range 4 west- south0 2Tr" 3S,A? ctalns; th south 23.58 chains; thenco cast X2.i2 cl;alna: thence north 32.58 chains to beginning, contninini 2,CT; tK $11-87, penalty M-n1-1.8, '"torest $1.00; total...... C-r.ty'. 4 - estate Sodaville, 52" ot 'ots 4 and 5, block 2 ; tax ' cenls8'; .2.8. .cenls.'taterest 25 MCiCn.riX' i'Vf'H est'a'toUpcor'ia', 'lots ' hi"?. K block 13 ! tax 38 cents, total Cen'8' lntorest 2 ents; McCoy, Lewis Ail' of 'the Northwest quarter of section 23, township lo sV,Hkla"B0, 0 o"8'' 'ylnS south of Snutlam river, containing 10 afsi.t.'"1 48 cent8' Penalty 4 conts, Interost 3 cents; total.. .. .. McDonald, N. G., estate Tho south east quarter of the northeaBt quar ter and southwest quarter of north east quarter and southeast quar ter pt section 8, north hnlf ot tho nortlieast quarter of section 17, township 10 south, range 1 west; $"5yr,o8tV.en.a,ty s5'78- intresi McPhorson, .Ella P. Hill"'s 'addition 3.92 .28 14.01 3.41 68.92 w souayillo, lot 1, block 6; Pair dalo addition to Albany, lots 7 and 8, hlock 4 ; tax 43 cents, penalty 4 cents, interest 3 cents; total...; McQueen, A. L. Poster, lot 1, block ? '. . I7 cent8. Penalty 4 cents, interest 3 cents; total ..... Neal, Jennie Beginning at north east corner of northwest quarter ot section 35, township 9 south, , range 3 east; thence west 6 chains; thence south 10 chains; thence east 5 chains ; thenco north 10 chains to beginning, contain ing 5 acres; tax $1.03, penalty 10 centsi Interest 9 cents; total Newman, Thomas; and White, W. R , The south halt of southwest quarter of section 6 and east quar ter of southeast quarter of. section 6, township 13 south, . range 1 oast, 160 acres ; tax $6, penalty 60 conts, interest 64 cents; total.... Noble, Henry E. The northeast quarter of section 30, township 11 south, range 2 east, 160 acres ; tax $6.08, penalty 60 cents, interest 54 cents; total Nolt, R. J. M. Ralston's 4th addi tion to Lebanon, lot 6, block 4 ; tax 44 cents,, penalty 4 cents. In terest 3 oenta; total - Oregon & California Railroad Co Southeast quarter ot Bouthwost quarter of section 16, township 0 south, range 1 west, 40 acres, deeded to W. C. Brown; tax $1.43. penalty 14 cents, Interest 12 conts ; total ; Oregon 4 California Railroad Co. Southeast quarter ot northeast quarter of section 19, township 10 south, range 1 east, deeded to Oeorge C. Wilson ; tax $1.14, pen alty 11 cents, lntorest 9 cents : total Parker, Charles C. The Bouthwcst M.uir vi Beciion tv, townsnin n south, range 2 east, 160 acres ; tax $8.08, penalty 60 cents, Interest 64 Parker, H. W. Southwest quarter of centB ; total 7,22 northeast quarter of Bectlon 86, township 9 south, range 3 east. -.v i.t i..n, penalty 10 cents, interest 13 cents; total.... Parker, Thomas E. Falrdale addi tion to Albany, Iota 5 and 6, block 4 ; tax 19 cents : total Patton, W. J. North half of south quarter of section 18, township 15 tax $6.80, pennlty 68 cents, inter est 61 centB ; total Patterson. George Hack's 2nd ad dition to Albany, lots 7 and 8, ; block 10; tax $12.75, penalty . $1.27, Interest $1.14: total Peebler, sirs. N. ,R. Cotton's addi tion to Lobnnon, lots 2, 3, 4, 5,, 6, 7, 10. 11. 12. 13 and 14, block 20; tax $2.20, penalty 22 cents, inter est 19 cents: total ., Perclful. s. Kirk's 2nd addition to . Lebanon, (lots lp, 21, and" 22, block 1: tax $1.65,' penalty IS cerits;linterest.l4;Cents: total Phelps. E. C. Abbyes' addition to 15.16 ntuuiiy , im xi, diock 2 ; tax OB 4.62 cents, penalty 6 cent, Interest 8 i cents ; total i, 1.43 .65 .60 .64 1.22 T.14 1.22 .Bl 1.63 1.34 1.80 .19 8.09 2.81 1.05 (Concluded on page 7.)