7; Albany Democrat VOLXIXXX ALBANY, OREGOK, FRIDAY, DECEMBER !5, 1908. NO 20 MILLINERY Clearance Sale. All Huts at half price, regardless of cost or value. Remember you only pay one half of what you would have paid the day be. fore thi eale commenced. ' SEE WINDOW TOMORROW, "THE'LEADER MILLINERY." (O. P. WOLCOIT, Successor to O'NellV Phone Black H41. 331 W First St., Albany, Oie We. Mate Canto Ever Lav. Always Fresh A lame new line of elegant FANOY BOXE8 ' SEE Tbe lovely Holiday Lowney Packages, Km t'rica Ton Wisli THE ELITE First Street. ATTENTION!! All eraone looking for Xmaa Goods. Get your friend a set of our bandeome Kni.ea & Fork?, any style you want, pearl handled, celluloid or plain. Beautiful Carving Rets. Tea and TableBpojim; all varieties. ' Pocket Cutlery. Fins EnzoiB. Shears ami tisieaori.' Nickie pitted Tea Pots, Coffee Poti and Teakettles. White Sewing Machines. Universal Steel Ranges, etc. etc., etc. ' Get them at STEWART & SOX HDW. CO. Do You Expect to Get Any Christmas Presents for TOUR FRIENDS Come;andJbuy them now, (before the best of out stock is picked over. We have Ware room space where we will store them for you until Christmas. Don't Forget That we frame pictures. We carry a complete stock of picture mouldings. Get them made before tbe Holiday rush is on. 'OWe'also carry a fine line of Framed Pictures and ready made Picture Frames. For all kinds o' Novelties in Furniture call and eee us. THE HOUSE FURNISHING CO., Albany, Oregon ..TheMissourian C. C. PARKER, Proprietor. ...... .OA GENERAL STORE. THE USE OF NARCOTIC Aid mercury in the treatment ol pile a nezun in the dark ages, giving temporary relief only by paralvzingthe bowels and do not cure, bat ia reality irm the Dart) and prevent natute from restoring the bowel to bealtby condition, as any honest ind intell igent drugi't or doctor will admit, and ai may bj eeQ by .reNrence to tbe Un ited States Dispensatory, which aaya. of 'Opiacn lessens tbe natural motion of tbe bowels, its looal effeot is the same as its genaral operation ; cooium paralysed toe motor nerves, irui reaucae mus cular strength, belladonna oroduces par alytic Bymptotns hyascramis and stram onium are same a belladonna. Tbey DR. MRS. Osteopath HOME AND ABROAD, A remarkable case cornea from Lake county. Every cent of the county tax i bat been collected. G, B. Hoyt, tbe Jefferson epud buyer has purchased 9,000 bushels of potatoes during tbe past few weeks at an average price of 30 cents. O. B. Long, a Brownsville young man, is tbe new captain of the Willamette foot bail team and Joe Templeton, of Ualeey of the U.ofO. Lion county against tbe state. I At tbe Aahland election tbit, week tbe paopl of tbe oity again voted against t it.- i i. .. : 'in, HCeDBlDg tO BHIUUUU VI mo wi.y. uoj also voted in favor of electrtrio lights, water rights and a sewer syBtem. Tbos. and William H, Donning, two brotbere recently died at Stayton of consumption, within an hour of each other, making six brothers and a father who have died from' the same disease within a few years.; A Willamette Valley Basket Ball As sociation was organized in Albany laBC evening by the election of O. P. Gates, of iiallaB, as president, W. O. Winslow, of Wlllamete, secretary, and F. M. Stokes, O. A. O., treasurer. The colleges represented by these orficiala and prob ably tbe O. of O. will represent the association. POISONS do not exercise any curative influence." The following Is in substance tbe ex pression ' all up-io-rtate druggists. "In twenty -eight years experience I hv urnnared all manner of narcotic and tneri-iiii-. preparations for pllea.bnt none to Jay anowieoge ever carea single case." P. B Sprague, druggist, Ijnnnln . Nh. E-RU-SA Pile Unre is tbe only oon poisonous pile dure on tbe market. Over 4000 oi the moat intelligent and up-to-date druggists sell and endorse it. K-RTT-SA on res oiles. or $50 naCJ. Worst cases o( piles cured with one bex. All reliable, up-to-date druggists sen RAMSEY, TELEGRAPHIC. Fulton's Speech Washington, Dec. 18. Few maiden srjeechen have bobn delivered in the United States Senrte under more favor able conditions or with greater success than attended the appeal made by Sena tor Fulton today for a liberal Federal appropriate doo for the Lewis and Clark Exposition The junior Oregon Senator spoke from a desk on the republican side of the center aisle of the chamber. He epoke in an easy, offhand manner, without manuscript or notes. At the conclusion of his speech Senator Fultor was warmly congratuluted. Benson Arrested. Washington, Deo. 18. John A. Ben son, a wealthy San Francisco real estate operator, charged by the Interior De partment with being the head of tbe al leged labd frauds extending over a dozen Western States and territories, to wbich Secretary Hitchcock referred vigorously andat length in his annual report, was arrested here today. Will Challenge Again . London, Dec.118. 8tr Thomas Lipton announcer) his readiness to again chal lenge for tbe America's cup, when the silver Jservice, subscribed for by the people of the United States was pre sented to him at a dinner held at the Hyde Park Hotel tonight. The Pope's Honey. Rome, Dec. 18. According to the Tri bnna, the Vatican had sudden wealth poured into its coffers today. For some time, certain sums wbich were known to have been possessed by Pope Leo were looked for without result, the search to ward tbe endjbecoming nomewhat fever- ten, vne money was louna today, $9, OOO.OOOJn bank notes. A Sy&tejnatic Robber. Chicago, Dec. 18. While working on a salary of $9 a week, (i. A. Grigsby has robbed his omployerf at a rate of $200 a (lay, .according to 1. J. Kose, of M. L, Barrett & Oo. When arrested $250 worth of costly vanila beans were found concealed in Urigsby's clothes. In the few monta that his meager salary has kept bim attached to the firm it is be lieved he baa stolen between $12,000 and $15,000 worth of stock. A Labor Union's Trouble. Seattle. Dec. 18. Seattle's central labor organization, the Western central labor union, is threatened with disrup tion. It has been placed in a ridiculous positiou from which it cannot extricate itself. Several unionB are threatening toEwithdraw and others acknowledge uieir inauiiny to carry out. me oracis they have received. RELIGIOUS M.E. church : Preaching by tbe pas tor at 10:30 a. m,,and 7:30 D. in. Sunday school at 11:45, Epworth and Intermed iate League ato:3U, class meeting 6:30. All will be welcome. M. E. church South Rev. fi. W. Pogue, pastor. Preacning at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. S. 8. at 10 a. m. Ep worth League at 7 p. m. Weekly nraver meeting Thursday evening. U. P. church : Preachincr bv the nan. tor Rev. White at 10:30 and 7 :S0. Sab. bath ecboot 11:45, Junior Eneayor, 3:30, Senior Endeavor 6:30. First Freebvterian church. cor. Broad. albin and Fifth streetB. Public worship wiu prenuuiug Bb iu:ou a. m. and ;0U p. m, Sunday ecnool at 11 :45 a, m, Y.P. S. O. K. 0:30 p, m. Prayer meeting xoursoay evening t :ou. Altars cord ial y invited to tbe services. President Lee will preach in tbe morning. St Mary's Catbolio Obnroh. Vw Rev Louis Metayer Rector and Dean. Sunday High Maes and Sermon at 10:30 am. Bunuay hcdooi at the Academy at S p m. Vespers a ad evening pravers. .Duueuiuiiuu at i ;ou. uauy (service tiow Mass 7 a m every morning. Congregational church cor. Ferrv ann 4th eta: Services every Sunday at 10:30 a. m. ano I :au p. m., pleaching by the pastor. Sunday school convenes at 11 :40 a. m. and the Christian Endeavor at emu p. m. -Ml are invited to attend. l. W. Kelson, PoBtor. Baptist church: Services at nana) hours, preaching by tbenaBtor. Rev. W W. Davis, Sabbath school at cl-se of morning service, Junior at 3 p, m,, B, Y. P. U. at 6:30, midweek prayer ser vice Thursday eve 7 :30. ALL ON FIIE. An Albany Citizen Tells Relief Came. How Ever Is ave Eczema? Have any itching Bain disease? Itching almoBt drives you crazy You feel "all on fire" Doan's Ointment brings quick relief: Ana an itcniness 01 tne SKin. An Albany man says: "1 can truthfully state that Doan'i Ointment had done me more nood than any and all tbe other remedies 1 ever uea. ror years i snuered from a form of eczema on my face -vnicb annoyed me more during tbe rainy season of the year. I took different blood medicines and used salves snl ointments gome of wbicb benefitted me and others did not. One day Doan's Ointment was brought to my notice and u,y wife procured a box lor me at Fosbay & Mason's drug store. Tbe use of one bnx enred me. Doan's Kidney Pills hava been need In my family with benefit alsn, and I re ommeDdtd them to one ot mv men and using them be told me they did him much good " For sole by all dealers. E0 cents pe box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N Y. Bole agents for tbe U. 8. Remember the name Doens and take no other. MISFITS. Tbe small boy ia now bsDDV. He baa begun a two weeks vacation. With tbe large stocks of Christmas goods in the city tbere onght to be many expanded heartB. Let the orchestra' rdav. Hon. W. J. RfVBn. A rrKriria'a ntaaf' Anm m finno tit Count Tolstoi have met in Moscow. There is a gilt' edge to Boheml mining stock these days. Next yea tbere will be something big doing. Albany people going to Klamath Falls get up In tbe world lor awhile passing one point 4800 feet above tbe lea level. The nickel-in-the-slot machines have just been shut down in Eusene, and the Register properly eaka wby tbe out officials go at i spasmodically. If it la the law why not enlorce it all tbs time. Divorce Case os Trial, is the heading of , the case of Powers agt. Powers, as reported in the Portland Telegram. The only divorce is tbat ol mother and son, something always to be regretted; Two Smart Boys. From the Springfield News. A, Larson and Frank Lorimer ol Springfield, have bad an experience that they will always remember. Tbey have been travelling from town to town as agents for a Bell-beating smoothing iron, and when at Junction City last Friday night, were arrested on suspicion of having burelarized a saloon in Albany. They were hold by tbe officers nntil the arrival of the sheriff of Linn county and the Baloon keeper who bad been robbed, and were tben set free. While descriptions ol tbe boye tallied pretty olosely with thoBe of the parties wanted, thev Bay that it wa-i partly their own fault that they wore arrested, for noticing the authorities watching them tbey drew them on by purposely acting suspiciously. "The Ministers Son." W. B, Patton who beads the company presenting "Tbe Minister's Sou" ia one of the most quaint and original ccm- nHiftnn nn t.ha aluvn Intntr hAn pa.. tainly been one ol the tills ottheseason; play wiibout a sensation but with an interest that apnenls to one i.nd all; n treat for those who love pure, wholesome fun, tree from 'thrilling escapades, and tbe usual round of worn-out effects that go to please tbe audience. At the opera nouae next Tuesday. Portland and Return $3.00. The S. P. has established a permanent trip rate to Portland from Albany of $8.00 good for going on tbe afternoon train Saturday and anv train Sunday and returning on any train Sunday or Jionuay, Also the same arrangement.for Port n d to Albany and return. Maple Ridge Dairy. Leave;ordere at ParkerBroa.jforiniU frorrCthe dairy. L. B. PAYNi.Prop. Telephone number Black 674. The BEST line of Heaters, at Ohling ana uuiDurt's. Oysters, Oybtebs, OYSTERS, Fresh every day. Just leave your orders Cor them at Stetter'e. Oysters Served up any Btyle Yon want them At Stetter'e. - Mrs. Adams baa new embroidery pat terns for ibirt waists. Call and eee her before purchasing elsewhere. iffa Soars thi Signature of ;s Kind Yon HaiB Always Bought ALBANY OPEKAiHOUSB TUESDAY. DEC. 22 Engagement of tbe Peculiar Comedian MR. W. B. PATTON Supptrted by a Cast ol Uniform Excellence in a Magnificent Prodoction of the Charming Stage Story THE MINISTER'S SON A Sweet, Wholesome Story of Life in a Little down East Village. The ' M st Nalnral Play yet Given to tbe 8tage. PRICE 15c, 50i. and 75c. We Help You Saye Money HOW? BY BUYING YOUR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS FROM US. CALL AND CONVINCE YOURSELF. THAT GOLDEN WEDDING. The following particulars are furnished tbe Dbmocbat ol the recent golden wedding of Mr, and Mrs, W. H. Hlatt: On Thursday, Dee. 17 a goodly delega tion from MoPberson Post G. A. R. and the Ladies of tbe G. A. R. gathered at the pretty home of Mr. and Mrs. Hiatt to celebrate this pretty anniversary. Although but recently recovered from a dangerous illneBS tbe gentle hoBtess smiled her greetlog to the happy erowd. Mr. J, G. Crawford, tbe photographer soon appeared and captured tbe crowd in a Hue picture. A fine dinner followed, after wbich Mr. and Mrs. Hiatt were presented with a gold thimble for the latter and a gold headed cane for tbe former, Irani their daughter MIsb Myrtle, a beautiful gold star emblem lor each from the Ladies of tbe G. A. R., a china cake diBh from Mrs. K. L. Burklmrt, and a pretty marriage certificate book Irom Mr. and aire, a, Livingstone. Mrs. K, L. Burkhart sang tbe Holy Oity in a delightful manner and lead "Marching Through Georma" by all. A pleasant nlternoon followed, all de parting with hearty congratulations for the worthy people. Mr. Ulatt was a Bolider la the civil war, a member ol Co. F, 57th Iiid., enlisting Deo. lu, lbol at tbe age ot 2 years, Berviiig 4 years and 4 days, being ! discharged at Victoria, Tex. Deo. 14, 1866. The family came to Oregon May 15, 1875, and have been residents ot this citv ahont five year. It traneprethat Mr. E.' Banek, another vetera'u ot the civil ar, eeiviog in an Ohio company, was just 70 years of age on the anniversary day, a,.d he received a share ol congratulations. Those present were: Messrs. and Mmes, Hiatt, Buk-bart, Small, West brook, Ranck, Vosc, Meranda, Mrs. Annice Marks, ' Mrs. Susan Minnaid, Mra. Cochell, Mrs, Jennie Brown, Miss Myrtle Hlatt, and Miss Lizzie Meranda. William H. - Hlatt and , Alane A. Wilxina were married Deo. 17, 1653 in Delaware county, lud. by Hev. Mullen of ibe Christian cburcb. They have bad three children, all living, Mrs. Langford of North Yakima, and Charles and Myrtle Hiatt, of tbis ci.y,' . LOST. Small medallion pin, oircle Of Rhinestones, of value only to the owner. Return to Mrs. E, H, Kerr, residence vlrs, 3, G. Irvine FOR RENT. Two light housekeeping ronms and one sleeping roi.m, furn ished. Call at Sal 3rd. BROWN LEGHORN ROOSTERS, thjrougnbrede, lor sale Dy w,i Price, Fair grounds, Albapy. ElectricJLight For the people. Electric Power For the mill, the abopthe elevator, the dentlst,)the eewlog machine. Electric Heat For the lauhdry iron, the "physic ians cautery, the Thermal bath, the ladies curling iron: The ways in wtiich Electricity can be used are almost Innumerable and all can be supplied by the TWENTY-FOUR HOUR SER VICE soon to be established by the Albany Cnl rc-d Water Co.. Simply close the awitch and your electric appliances! ' lull of life inBtantly. Prices will be as low as the lowest. mm. CANAL AHD WATER 00. Phrnes, Office Mam; 15; Power use Main 28. FOSHAY & MASON. BUSINESS r. G.Will for jewelry. An elegant Idisplay of i silverware 4 F. S. Will's. R.iori honed ahd set 25 Stat Baths. Wedding, engagement and other ring! in the latest designs at-F. G. Will's. Viereck's Eihtlirant Hair Tonlo re storee nair to its original color. Viereck Eiema and Dandruff Cure or money re funded, 50o per bottle. Piano and Organ Bargains at Anderson's Music House " New organs direct lrom Carpenter Factory $55.00 and up in dark oak or Walnut. One Newman Bras, organ $57.00. One Nowman Bros. 9 ootave organ $87.00. High grade upright piano dark oak. case $175.00. Wheoler & Wil son sewing machines. Expert piano tuning. Phone Black 621. Address 206 Ferry St. Albany Oregon.; A Snap. Do jou want to purchase u nice home cheap and on your own terms? Ten years time without internet givon to pav for this property. If you mean business ' address with stamp P O Box 126, City. Shears and Scissors at, Ohling and Hulburt's. Albany Market. Wheat 71 snt. OAta 30. Eggs 35 lent, Hotter 2k to 25 enU. Potatoes 35 cents. dams 14 twuib. Sides 13 Haentt. Shoulders 11 luntt. Hops 18 con8. Pork, dressed, 5& oents, Hay, $7 to $0 loose, 111 baled. Flour 96c per sack. . Beef, gross, 2o, . Mutton, grOHB, 2c. Veal, gross 0c, ' WooU7tol8o. Mill feed, bran $19, sbortr 22i .Poultry, 8 cents live weight. Lord 12o, " Prunes, dried, 4c, Apples, dried, 4o. Apples, green, 60o. COMING "' TO BUY ?r'r " Christmas Toys Christmas Boxes Novelties IFROM THESSUGAR BUWL 310-318 W 2nd St. OUR WANTS' A.... r..h. , ' 1 wua' Diaokberr esO BtrawberrieB and cherries, and alto, llh V P?9it"e would llke tj KlB?oDw,n:BrF!i,.,rp' AddreaaG- n"h! w5ee?ir,h,re"id"'Ce0' MrB' HOUSE MOVING.-R. B. Rice & Co Jm.iPre"ra f mov' hon' bin an h '',f omP'1r "afely. Wiil ala buy old bouses. Work done the bl t F0" SALE.-At $1.00 . rece If taken soon, a lew Buff Leghorn oock A. u, Hal, Tangent, Ore. BIG KOUK OAT0r-r-iid variety and very heavy. VETCH 8KED Perfecty clean. Ifyop want anynf this seed, address me .t Tangent, or call at myiRrro on " langent four miies from AlhBn . Wl, Felziii. '."i vt i nun (iiiiue, ai iont of J-pr ni hi nan oi fPAftnnari in i SAN WA. kV'",1,'ng and Iron eo. Hoo work. i I r