fa twux&L Letters' from Women Cured by tho use of Kodol are received dally. Their troubles nearly all begin with Indiges tion or other stomach disorder. If the food you eat falls to give strength to your body. It is becauso tho Juices se creted by the stomach and digestive organs are inadequate to transform the nutrient prop erties of the food Into blood. That la Indigestion, The system Is deprived of ths mount of nourishment required to keep up the strength, and the result Is that one or more of the delicate organs gradually grows weak, and then weaker, until finally It la diseased. Here a great mistake Is made. That of treating the diseased organ. Ths best doctors In the land make this very mistake. Why should they ? It Is so easy . to see that the trouble is not there. Cures This famous remedy puis the stomach and digestive organs In a healthy condition so that rich, red blood Is sent coursing through the veins and arteries of every muscle, tissue and tlber throughout every organ ot the en tire body, and by Nature's law of health, full strength and vigor Is soon restored to each. Kodol cures Indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach disorders. I havo taken Kodol for nearly two months - after each meal and It Is the only remedy that gave relief from the terrible pains I endured. After a time I would take It but once a day. and now. while I keep a bottle handy. 1 seldom need it, as It has cured me. Mrs. J. W, Coolbauch, Milo Center, N. Y. Kodol Digests What You Eat. Bottl.3 only. $ 1 .00 Size holding 2'A times the trill size, wmcn sens tor au cents. SVspared by E. O. DeWITT & OO., OHIOAQO At Burkhart & Lee's Anderson's Music House. Agent for Steinway Grand, Emerson Scbuloff pianos. B Ohaae, Oarpemer organs, wneeier Ac Wilson, Domestic 8ewing machines. Expert piano tine organ . tuning and repairing. 'Phonf Black S21. Ye2ily tuning a specialty. The Pleasure ot Eating. - Porsjus suffering froir. "indigestion, dyspepsia rr other Btoinach trouble will lincl t'lat Itodol Uspapua Ouro digits what y:a ettt and mokes the Btomach swae:. fain rjniody is a Lever failing cure f jc Indite tiou and Dyspepsia aud all complaints affecting tho glands or niouibrancB oE tho Blouiach or digostive tract. When you tako Kodol Dyspepsia Curo everything you eat tastes good, and every bit of the nutri neat that your food cent, tun is assimilating and appropriat ed by the blood and tissues. Sol'' . by Posh ay it Mason, Unrklmrt ft hzo. Owes His Lite U a Neighbor's Kindness. Mi. u. I D.iui:hn-c well,' known ihrouDiifc .M troor Hud Sumner counties, VV. Va., m ist liic'ly o aea hie life to tho ItiudntMS ot a nnuhbor lie waB al most li u .").! ., ilUuto J with diarrhoea; wm attoo If! ii two phymcians who gye mm littlo, if any, relief, when a neig toorhood learning of his serious con ditiou, brou, ;lit him n bottle of Chatn bsrUin's Cillo, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rsmtdy, which cured him in less than wunty four boars. For ii by i al ruggist. Pur native Pleasure. I vou nvsr Ink DeSVitt's LittlolEarly Risers for uil.louanoBs or constipation you know what a purgati ve pleasure is. These famous little pi U oleanse the liver and rid the systoui jl all bile without troducing unpleasant effects. thoj do not grips, sicken or weaken, but give toio tvr.d strength to the tissues nod or- guns mvuiveu, ton, Tax,, says: "No better pill can be found than Little Ear:y Risers for con stipation, tick headache, et," Sold by FoBhay & Mason- I'he ijenuluo vs. Counterfeit,. Ti.,i feiminn is always better than a counterfeit, out the truth of this state ment is never more forcibly realised or more thoroughly appreciated than when you cDinparo the gonuino DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvu with tho many counlcrfeitB and worthless substitutes that are on the market. W. S, Lodbottor, of Shruyoport, l.a., says; Vftor using numerous other reiu'wlic witliout beuetlt, one box of 1 Witt's Wuuli Uax-il Silve cured mo," For uuad, bleedioi;, itching and pro trudniiT pile no rmdy i equal to Do Wiit'.i Wtti.i lliizel Salvo. Sold by Posliay & Mason . Huruhart ft l,'o. Distress After Eiitlng. DJuds-.i A . T- Holland of Groeusbnrg, La., who in will and favorably kuoitru, says: "I no j'tar ng. I suffered great, v Irani iailiuo-ttcn. Aftor eating, groat distress would itiviuiably result, lasting for un uoitr jr so and my nights wen rostles, 1 cottel'tiloa to try Kodol Dys. pi?pia Cure mid it cureu me entirely, Now my sleep is refreshing and digestion oorfeot." Sold by Fosha & Maspn Sure Cure for .Piles toning Piles produco moistura and cause .toning, this lotm as well as Blind, Bleed ingoi Protuding Piles are cured by Dr Bo-san-ko's Pile Remedy. Stops itching and bleeding Abiorb tumors. 50 cts n jnr at druggists, or sunt by 11. nil. Treat ise free. Write me about your case. l)r Mo-siu-ko. Philadelphia Pn. For snlo by foshar A .lann. druggists CLUBBING TERMS Albany Democrat and Examiner (2 60, Albany democrat and Thrico-a-wees Voi id liM. Albany Democrat nilOregonlan2.2"', Albany IVmncrat andTteonhllo fl.76: A'ibanv Dniocrat and Commoner 03. Alb uy Umi.o Tiit nd Horn. Mm IN ALBANY. H B Kline, N Y. W P Jenkins, tjhicago. H r FriendH, Portland. P li Tomason, Thomason. W H Burkhardl, talem. Sam B Butkha dt, " Wm Frszier, the tiorBe buyer, Baiem. Henry Spiers, Halcey. U U Thomas, Portland. (J F Brown, Oorvallis. . , W W Warner, Coburg. Ed Diller, Meloose. Mrs J E Hill, Eugene. Wolves Are Troublesome. From the Guard. W . B. Scot, was in the city from Jatper today. He and H. W. Jones have jnst leturned from a hnnt up Big Fall Creek, Tliey report deer scarce In that locality but tbere are plenty of wolves. Mr. Jones was chaBed by one for a considerable distance one evening bit as soon sb be could get biB rifle he shot tbe wolf and crippled it, bat it got away. Mr. Scott said be thought the wolves were frightening the deer out of that country. Primary Election. Notice ia hereby given that a primary election will be beld on Monday, Nov. 2, 1903, to elect de egates toademo:-.it city convention to be held on Wednes day, Nov. 4, 1903, at tbe armory hall in the city of Albany, at the hour of 8 o'clock p, m., for the purpose of nom inating candidates for tnn offices of mayor, city recorder, city marshal and treasurer of Albany and one councilman for each ward of the eaid city, and .or the election of a member of tbe demo cratic city central committee from each ward. The following number of delegates will be elected at said primary election . In first ward 15, in Second ward 17, in Third ward 20. Polling places: First ward, connty recorder's ollice ; Second ward, eherifl'a i flice; Third ward, oflice Albany Farm ers Oo. Poling placeB will be kept open from 1:30 p m to 0:30 d m. JudgeB : 1st ward S, M, Pennington, U. T. lurner, w. A. lurnsey; becoml ward, O. J . Stites, L. H. Mnntanve, John Cle- Ian; Third ward, Ed HuBton, Henry uieoK, mat cou. Albany, Oct. 24, 1903. M. SENDERS, Secretary of tbe Democratic City Cen tral Committee. Something Doing. Ubo Snow Flake. Best served;oystere aKPfeiflerB. Old wheat: new flour: Snow Flake. Oyators at Pfeiffer OyatcrParlcra. Red Crown ilour makes tho best bread . Oyators in anv ntvlo ut the Pfeiffer Ojatur Parlors. Oysters any Btyle at the Elite, also QQvetai ooi urinas. Liunuiuo hand Dainted ware, the finest gooue in tue city, at . u. v lira. Albany people should use Albany On.. n',. t? .1.- : num. amc oiiuw riiiuu iu me uesc. Nothing better than ovatorn. Get. them at the Pfeiffer Oyster Parlors. Hot chocolate. Beef Ten. Vitroral. 01am and Tomato Bullion al The Elite. Pure cidor vlueirar lor Bale bv John Brush at 341 E 4th St. at 15 eta. ner. gallon, gallon 10 cte. F. E. Allen & Co, have a fine line of cedar doors and windows also screen doora. See thorn before buying. Shoe Repairing. First cIbbb work at reasonable nrice at the up-to-date Bhoe repair Bhop, lo cated in The Star Shea Store, opposite cirst nuiiiuuai Dan. t,auiea anoea specialty. W. 0. Burns. $100 Reward $100. The readers of tiais paper will belpleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in ail stages and thatis Catarrh. Hall's Uaturrh Cure iB the only positive cure now kuown to the modical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutiunul disoase. requires a constitutional treatment, tlail's Catarrh Curo iB taken iulernallv. actiug directly upon tho blood and mu coub surfaces of the systom, thereby de stroying the foundation of tho disease, and giving the patient strength by build ing up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. Tho proprie tors have so much faith in its curntivo powers, that they offer One llundied llolliirs for tiny case that it fails to curo. Send Icr list of testimonials. Address V. o. 011KNEY A CO.,Toledo, O. Sold by Draggiet, 75c. Hull's Family Pills are the best. Getting our reward Long nco we de citled that if wo could not toll pure, first quality druga at modorate profit we would not eell any; we onBiilered it die honest to soil cheap drugs lor liign prices aud have held to our rofiolu tiou, we are no'v getting our reward by tint lamo patronage we are enjoying. 1 lianas to tue ptiuiic. BuitliKHAItT & Lke. staid head is au eczema of the ecalp ve y severe sometimes, but It can be cured. Uoan a Ointment, quick and pe manent in its result, at anydrna tore, CO centB. No oho would ever be bothered with oomtip ition if eyeryono knew how nat urally and quickly Burdock Blood Bitter regulates the stomach aud bowele Cursa cronn, sore throat, pulmonary tumbles. Monarch over rain ?t every Bort. Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil. "A nose in time saves Uvea." Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Svrup; natnre'e reme.iv lor cougne. coide, pulmonary disease! ul every sort, Oyators Surved up any atyle Yott want them At Smttor'a. CT W A Waaliini; and iron- ten or " OB. U 101 worK . - ,,....;...:;;! ki f.i (f!a P. ic(;Ct4'k PrepnralionrorAs -I sr.niliii! IU? Food and Hegula i linttiheSlouscclisaiulBowelsor Promotes Digcslion.Clieerrur rtess and Rest.Conlains neither Opium.Morplur.e nor Mineral. OT "NAM.C OTIC . PiuiyMtn SceJ-- Hi Hi, titutlrJotto Ct'trifird -HifV Stmtoyvr't flmvr. Aperfecl Rfimedy forConslipa non, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca Wprins .(Convulsions .Fcverish ncss and Loss OF SlEEP. A. O. BEAM, iJliinibtirit Blocli Groceries, Fruits, and Veg etables, Breads, Cakes and Cookies. Everything the market af fords always on hand. Phoue black 462 first National Bank, Albany, Uregoii President Vice-President. , Cashier .L. FLINN ... .rj. 1 . YOUNG .ii. w. LANUDON Transacts it t'tineral bankiu business, Accouats kopt subject to check. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfer sold on New York, San Frnncisuj, Chicago ami Portland, OOLLEOTIONS MADE ton favorable terms. .Dirrstoks: S. E. Yoisq, E. W. Lanqdon, P. l.UOODMAN, L. FlINH, 0. S. Plinn. B1YERSIDE POULTRY YARD. ParebredB. 0. and 8. 0. White Leu koma, White Plymouth Rocks, M. B, .urkeyB, Pekin ducks and 0. 1. C. boge, for sale, Eens in season. Leave orders at F. Sd. Thompson poultry yard, Albany, Or., or call at the Riverside yard. Ed. Sohosl, Prop. At yards, or ad dress at Albany. m VORK WORLD Thrlce-a-Week Somon 18 Pages a Week . . . ; . . 156 Papers a Yeai For One Dollar The New York World Timt ' as demonstrated that the Thrice-a-Woek World Btande alone in its olasa. Other pajora have imitated its form but not Ito euccen3. Thia la be cause it tells all tbe newa all the time and tells it impartially, whether that newa be political or otherwieo. It ia. in fact, almost a daily at the price of a weekly and you cannot afford to be with out it, Republican and democrat alike can read the Thrice-a-Woek World with ab solute sontldonce in its truth In addition to newa, it publiehea first class aerial etoriea and other features suited to the home and fireside. Tho Thrice-u- tVeek World's regula subscription prieo is only $1 .00 per yea an this pays for 156 papers. IVa offe this unequalled newspaper and the Al tiAfv Dkuocb.it together one year fo 'OP (tVMul motlol, sketch or i!uuo of invention lor ' (roorviHirt on nntontnMmy. J r irve wi, 5 IW,?r.rTRADE-MA!.S(S ill Opposite U. S. Patent Utfioe 5 FicSimib Sijjnalure or ' NEW YORK. W'piowi . . U.S. mm: i'lireifll i i t Mil For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Thirty Years CITATIOn IHTDK C'OtTNTY Couet op i'3e5takop Oregon, foii Linn Ooun ; v. In the matter of tho estate oF and cuard anehip of E. O. Brandenberg and L. L. Bmndunbertr, minors. To IS . 0. Brandnberg, L. L. Branden berg, William Urandenberg and Oarrie Ijrandcnberg, and to all others interested in sid estate, greeting TN l'UE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oreaou, yuu are hereby cited and re- quirtd to appear in the Ccunty Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Linn, at the court room tbereot.at Albany, in said countv. on Mondav, the 2nd day of Noverabtr, 1903, nt 1 o'clock In the aftorcoon of that day, then and there to show cause, if any exist, why an order should not be granted, for the eale of the tonowint: Ufscrioect real property, ip-wii: Lots No. 5 and o in liloclt jNo- u In tne itv of Harrisbur'. Linn Countv. Oreaor.. as the saine appears and is designated nt on tho recorded plat ot said cily new on -file aud of reord iu the ollice of tee County Recorder in and for said county and state. witness the Hon. H. M. Palmer, judge of the Count Cjnrt o! the state of Oregon' for the Countv of Linn, with Seal tho seal of said Court affixed, this 11th day of September A. D 1903. Attest: B. U. J i ' s Oregon OKPAET VEOM TIME SOHEDDLE8 FBOM PORTLAND, OR. Chicago Portland Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. Special Worth, Omaca, Kan- 4:30 8 :20a. u. aas,tOity, St. Louis P. M via Hunt Ohicago and East. ington. Atlantic Salt uaae. Denver, Ft Express . Worth, Omaha, Kan- 10:30 8:15pmeas Olty, St Lonib, a.m. via Hunt Chicago and Eaet, iogton. St. Paul Walla Walla, Lewieton, Fast Mail Spokane, Wallace, 7:35 6:00 pm Pullman, Minneapolis, a, m, via St. Paul, Dulutb, .Mil Spokane waukee, Chicago and Eaet. 70 HOURS Portland to Chicago. No change ol cars, tickets East via ait rait or boat and rail via PORTLAND. OCEAN AND RIVER SOHKRULU FROM POKfL AND AU sailing Datee subject tochange, 8 p.m. 4:30 For San Francieco, p.m Salle everr 6 daye Daily except COLUMBIA RIVER Sunday STEAMERS. 4 p. m. 8 D. m. To Aatoria and Way except Saturday Landings. Sunda; IU p.m. BO EAST THROUGH PORTLAND JS"TicsetB via this route on sale at 8 ' depot OS ROWLINGS, Agont Albanv, Oregon, A L CRAIG, i Agmt. Pci ' i u ,0 iVBT 33. 1 A . lh V ,n,t V , Um !! tanS.' Bears the I Signature )$ h Jft In nJ ise W For Over THE ri.NT'Jlt COMMHV. MEW YORK OITV. ABary PEOM THE PORTLAND FLOORING WILLS CO STORAGE OF GRAIN, WHEAr AND OATS, HIGHEST PRICES GUARANTEED. We have aecnrsd control of both The Red Crown Milli and Magnolia Milla for a long period of yeara and will operate both plants. Full detaila in a few daye. For further Information call at our office, Yonr business respectfully solicited. THE PORTLAND FLOURING MILLS CO. A. W. BOWEESfX ) MwarjBMr. A. D. BLOWERS & CO. ESTABLISHED 1895 Wholesale Commission Merchants, SEATTLE, WASH. WE WANT,EGGS, BUTTER,. POULTRY. VEAL, CHERRIES. GOOSEBERRIES AND CURRbNTs! We refer to John Lennox, Albany, Oregon. (By permission.) YOU GET CREDIT Eor all reputable work above the grade, that you have scnooi. Uring your v Our Normal Course Fits for the nrofession any Normal School in uates are just the same as Normal School graduates before the law, and have proved the excellence of our training. Wo reiW proudly to their record and standing. Send ior literature to ; Mention this adv. j I l Thomas Has the oldest established Furnituie Rouse in the city. He keeps the fin est stock of furniture in the valley. Give him a call and look over his fine goods and get his prices before yon buj. Lounges, Couches Bedroom suits, coarse and Rockers, Baby Carriages, Go Bedding, Spring mattreeaea, M Side boarda, fine extension eto. ' 0 0 ' 0 a - SOUTH m EAST VIA SOUTHERN" PACIFIC ((Shasta Route. TrainB leave Albany for Portland and way stations at 4:47 am, 7 :00am and 8 :o3 p m Leave Fa ilavd 8 :3U a m 8 :80 p ui " Albany 12:30 p m 11:85 p m Arrive Ashland 12:55 am 12:35 am " Sacramento .. 5:lo p m 5:00 am " San Francieco. 7:46 p m 8:40 am Arrive Osdeu 4 :E5 a m 7 :00 a m " Denver 0:30 am 9:15am 11 Kansas City . . . 7 :25 a m 7 :25 a in " Chicago 7:42 am 8:30 a x Arrive Los Angeles. . 2:00 o m 8:05 am " ElPaso B:00'pm 6:00pm 1 1" Fort Worth . . . 6 :30 a m 8 :8U a m ' Uityof Moxicoll:30a m 11 -30 a m 14 Houston 7:00 am 7:00 am New Orleans.. 6:30 p m 6:30 pm ' Washington .. 6:42 a m 5:42 a a. " New York. ...12:10pm 12:10p ro Pullman and Tourists cars on botl trains. Chair cars Sacramento to Ogder, and Kl Paso, and tourist cars to Cbicairo St Louis. Mew Orleans and Washington. Counectins at San Francisco with sev eral steamship lines for Honoiuln, Japan, China, Philippines, Central and Soutt America See C. tC. b'RO.ts agent at Albanv sta ti m or a t Irest WW, E. COMAN.tj. p. A. , . v--' iortland.Or eighth done in the public grades with vou. of teanbiue- emial to the state, Our grad ALBANY COLLEGE. A 11,,. xi.iurtjj.j', vyrtJguil. Birink! Corvailis & Eastern Eailroafl. TIME CARD No. 22. No. 2 For Yaqnina : Train leaves Albany 12:45 n n ; Oorvallia.. v.--" amveB Yaquina.... 5:36 b. m' No. 1 Returning: 0 P m. Leaves Yaquina 7.30 a. m "i oIlia 11 :30 a. m: Arrlvea Albany 12:16 n m No. 3 For Detroit: "P.m. Lea.veB Albany.- 7:00 a. m. Arrivea Oetroit 12:20 n m- No. 4 from Detroit P m Leayea Detroit l:oo p. m. Arrivea Albany 6:55 o. m. Traina 1 arrives in Albany in time to connect with the 8 P south bound train, ae well aa giving two or three hoars in Albany before departure nt 8 P North bonnd train, i""n ot Train No 2 connects with the 8 P traina at Oorvallia and Albany giv. ing direct aervlce to Newport and Ad jacent beaches. Train 3 for Detroit, Breltenbnsh and other mountain resort) leaves Albany at 7:00 a. m., reaching Detroit at noon . giving ample time to reach the Springs same day. For further information apply to Enwm Stoni, Managetr. T Cockerell, Agent, Albany. B . H. Cbonbik, agent OorraUit "C. C. C." on Every Tabret Every tablet of Cascarets Candy Cathartic bears the famous C C C Never sold in bulk. Look for it and accept no other. Bewart of fVaucJ All druggists, ioc. WASHINGTON D. C.