9 I S. E. YOUMG & SON Our ladies suits are meeting with popular 1U V VA They are the oest we have ever shown. The stvles are c rrect. The material just as represented. The tailoring first-class. Call and see them. We can only describe a xewt A handsome Covert Clcth suit made with corset coat lined with Ta etta Silk $28.00. A Zibeline Cheviot trimmed with satin oiping. Jacket lined with pcoo! ciualitysatin. $25.00. A Cheviot Suit trimmed a Taffetta and buttons, Lined with good quality silk Ro maine. $14.50. , A Big line of Walking Skirts trom $1.75 to $10.00. Our dress skirts in new cloth are from $2.50 1 $12.00. THE BAZAAR ROUSING NOVEMBER BARGAINS IN MILLINERY We have selected from oar stylish and up-to-date Block ot Milliner; 60 to 100 Hats that were formerly $1.35 to $3.50 which we have placed m eale at the one price of 75e, SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. L. E, & H. J HAMILTON ,Our Motto Always the Same. Pnre drills, freuh drncB. trnod drnpa. drnga with the proo'r strength. That ie what von need when sick. You want quality not quantity. Let us fill your prescriptions, uur prices are rignc ana we will treat you the beat we know how. BURRHARJ & LEE, SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Mrs. Knox Height and daughter went J. M. Scutt left this morning fo. Wasco uu yioi . mi reiauved. W. W. Kaiiey, the Brownsville lawyer, o iu iuh c ly yesterday. Mra S H rviir rArna . ing'a lucal to wsit ber nephew, Presideot ' Jl LCD, ! . F. Caca has MinMa t- T land, where he has been two weeka and will go to Ashland t begin bueioe-s. D. McOarthv. thn om.ir.uo ratr.p.,ait TeaterdRV aftnrnnnn frnm ishidnH wwl.a-o. uo una ugcu iookidk auer nie fruit orch- J. F. Trnnfman a,l .... . .A Rrnwnnvilln thita atn..n . u v unui mnu tu UVtDUU IUO luunrai ni inn nncia ni i. i - r.. ... " i am xauiu. Mr. nnrl Mr. A "lPnBn -: . &, wtuosi uuw oi ai- bau, will open a ladies' furnishing ITOods Stoffi in Mra nnu1. hi.iU:hn.l,D tirst of next week. K, A. H. J.Mnnrn thn Ranlnn man left tn-itnv fnr if-...,.... tn : i J -w. AaueuD IU U1DJJUOD UI h.B prune crop. He lias three broiheri .uaio Hruuiioeuc id oucinees circles. A Cftmmitn nf TTnitnrl A !!.... a wilii n. n. npoiirh .or nt.h nn i : . ....11 Ulgub IU. UUW ut f noon Deiag cnangea to a pleas ant "octal gathering lasting until midnight. Mra P W P; r.T, I .. ii oauuiago, uaui. accompanied by Mrs. With her find it VC.'.a imnmaikln n ka. Thn T.fianrn FTnur RnnW m..U -J .l. aauua vkiu nuu LUO Iwentieth Century Cl.ub spent a plsasant tim moil eveuiiig at me uome oi mtb. U. 0. Hogue. a feaBt of reason and good things, Mr, Oscar Baumgart this noon came I L! , ..uu.w uu una uuuu clerking in a boot and shoe store for oovoioi jroirn, ana auer a two weeks visit with hie parents will go to San Francisco to clerk and reside. A. J. .Tnhnsnn .lata h.nlp aVA:. wae in the city the first of the week to mane a -eport on the condition of the First National. He came over from Burns and vicinity whe.e the banking institutions he savs are in good condi tion. Pine ilia Journal. T. F. Churchill was in Eoseburg a day v. i iuo pant wwi. no recently pur chased a farm near Cradtree, Linn connty, 10 miles east of Albaoy, and has moved there with his family to re side. Boseburg Review. Kicht. nnllnoA nnnni. I.)!.. 1 , -o jv-uuk .nu.es BUtOIWIUDU eight college young men, concluding buuic ui mo auuompiiBnea loot ban players, at the home of Misb Arlene Train last evening, Xbe feast at dinner time golten up by the young ladies was one which wcnld have made a king rtmack bis lips. Following it the even ing WaB BDent in tTamaR Unrl a onnA lima generally, Stewart & Sox Hdw. Co. HaveThe : Largest StOCk andmostcompleUlineof Steel EailgeS the city as well as Air Tight beaters. ffior. TlrkWG we n"ve ,he Rotry Dutchman, the Disc Plow that t iISt 11UWB. "beats them all." Call and see it, and g ve it a trial. rocrklino P.nrrinoa we oarry them' 8nd oan coaiantee. ee VXahOHllt! XiliyilieS, ns about them. Wiile forcatalogue if you aro interested. Conventions To-Night. The democrats aid republicans will hold their conventions to-night. Several are mentioned for iravnr nn the democratic ticket, amotiff thnm J. K, WeathTford, Judge Whltnev and T. J. Stitea. J. P. Galbrrith and W. R Riiley are the candidates for reoorder. A. McOlain, O. O. Lee and Fred HrjCKSDler am thn Aanriirlala. Fh . So one is mentioned for treasurer, but there wlil prooably be a nomination, 0. FT. Htavrart mill ha Hi..nin.i.J t.t " k-u iviiuu'iunni iu sue first ward and J. M. Ralston in the second ward, both efficient councilman. In the rebublican convention Mayor Davis will be renominated for the office and Harrv B. Tu'ick for treasurer. The principal contest is lor recorder with J; S. Van Winkle and G. W. Wright SB the candidates. The' delegation indicates the nomination of Van Winkle. O. N. McKaV and A. Rnhinnnn sr. n.a..,fn.. for m&rahal nnH peroral in aanh marit fn. counciimen. THE TOTAL ASSESSMENT For 1903 Shows a Big Increase Over 1903. Cruiity Ateesuor McEniht haa m pleted hi. trial halunca of the a-nen- meutro.l for 1903, showing an increase over last year of l,3S5,48fl. Tnis cornea mostly from non tillable or timhnr land and railroad beds aud rolling slock, toe igutuireiHion. roiiowmg are the fig, uiea: Tntftl InnH nmnnon non-iinaoie land 2,884,722 Town lote 414,300 imnrnTfrnpnia rot no I. ' , a VQI.1IO KBilrond beds, tel lines etc 474.77S itoiiung Ptocn: 46,400 mpruvt-nieniB on tana not dpedflcl nr nnntAioil m oxc Steamboaie, enpiues, etc , 61,370 aisroiiBDaiee s8j,8I5 Farming imnlnmnnrn wannna p , I ..-bvmu, etc ioi ion . Money 150,935 Li uihi Hfln apnminia ?. nn Sharee ot Block 43160 Honee hold gocds, etc 227.415 Hordes and mules 201,130 IJRtrm. on, nan r oai.u Sheep and goats 78,409 Swae 19,430 To'al fcr 1903 $8,809,966 Total lor 1902 7,414,480 ThA nnal halo... ! .ui. wwibuo luurenau luib year about $7,000. IN AND AROUND ALBANY. F. M. FRENCH, JEWELER. Fine Railroad Watches, Engagement and Weddirg Kings, a specialty. tied & Barton, and 1847 Roger Bros's Knives, Forks and Spoons. (Bane of Oregon Building.) TheMissourian C. C. PARKER, Proprietor. ... A GENEEAL STOEE Died. Mrs. ft. B. Worlev died at Stavtnn tnis morning at about 6 o'clock. Hhn VIA a n avnallanf wwtnnxan aaln.n.J 1 al Rh. laanAa a k...h..J I , " UUB IE.IM B UUDUBUU KUU SIX uunuren, one oi.wnom IS Mrs. J; rank aub, oi mis CH7. Mr. Tra T.nm a Virnthai a" It.. wuuu ouiDt uiea at toe uome oi l, J. Edwards, a few miles from Brownsville H B f ovaninn a, n m..n nf n V.n .. . ' r i,B-a u xr: '- - - van uever marriea. A Professor of Music. Professor W. F. Werechkul. of Port- land, ha been elected teacher of vocbI nniln tn Alhanw nnllaA A , -"j wi'obo. a. inrfe chorus cIbbs of students will be organ ized In the near future, which will study the nrinninloa nf vmnn nmfli,AlUH I learn ocllege add other songs. ' A Flag of Truce WaB presented by the Maro-arltB Fischer Co. last eveniog to a lame auuience, who appreciated the good work done. Tnnirrht. In TTt.h n!! KA i-j and every lady patron will receive a iiu.ibuu ui iuo tmtuLeu young artist Margarita. Tnn rrflam mil iwt. iRn n n-.i. , ; , " " wav lUV.f nb IUD VIH.U- olic fair. A ffaod nrnoram af Ih. na.i.l;n f.- " i w .uu vmuuuu mil each evening. Carrnll'a rhni.nl.tn nh;nan. lr..:An-in Oyster Parlors. The weather prediction is tonight and Thursdav occasional rain. ThH T.aHinc nf thn n.ll,Ji. Mu...l :n - - .uw UUUIUU Will hold their fair Nov 5th, 6th, 7th. Hall Game's, The Christian, a fin play, will be given here Nov. 10. Born on Oct. 29th Mr. and Mrs. D S. Bridgefarmer of Fallon Wash, a g rl. An eltort is being made to Booure a ff&ma of font hall with Hl.nn,n. l " ...iu wucujaitn um, Satuiday, Chicken riinnnr nf thnn.thnlU i- morrow fmm 1 1 "-tfl a m ..mtl o n . Price 25. " v' A Wild ivnn.a ... n.li... W.-U B " v-,UID UU H-BU" Inatnn at.raat .iii4. h A a H..t tl - - .. . . j u .... j ujr a. aUBUUi 111 gut too clo e to civilisation. The P. F.' will meet with Mrs. nbas- 1Uf.riin .1 991 M.JIi.n u . TV. .! i .ueu.ouu m, luurounjr aft.rnoon to work on their baskets. J. W. Oxford, o Brownsville and Wm RMi nt Pafi.rfa.llU 1 .. I. ,.. morning on a visit with Nebraska relatives. n trail', nhni.nl.tn. An, nnnna "I -1 1 1 , . ,. ....v .uu pjUUUD UI Mil kinds, the finest in the market, a deho- iuus csQuy every noay is eating, at the Pfeiffer Oyster Parlor b. Mra A. F,. Krnm ha. tr.nail ka. .!.. inery stock at Brjwoaville to Mrs. Ella McHargue ior a .arm north of that place. Mr. Frum and family have moved on to the farm. E, A. An llhann la.ln natla ll.A lllt , " -ai in., j bun. iud niitiU.lUU UI inn ukmouiiat to an ixcessive amount of expectoration cn the steps of the opera houee, making it very disagreeable for womon. Tobacco spitters should be above expectorating in a place like that. Governor Chamberlain passed through U.U..ur juuiu.u. H..W.UWUU UU UIEJ U J honie from Wathisgton D. 0., where he nnitfliiltml thn ntuniala in iflfaianaaln nn timoer land intoieste. ine uovernor slateB omohatically that be will never call an extra session of the elate legis- n.uiw uuivan I.. .'OUIUUD II WDUIII ll,lf UttUa elsary in rder to protect the interests of .1 ! uiihb ijeiiu jxardLeu uuuguc a nne "Schuman" Piano of E U Will this week; The Schuman Piano is naui"d after the noted musician Robert Hcbuman and certainly does honor to bis name, as a lovely toned piano, nIftimnRA nf rlnalirnn nnH anllrlttv nf construction. This makes two sewing maihlaai anil a Plaaa aaM IL' UHU..IUUB UU U U.UU BV1U LU til L H familv, an evidence that our goods gives Batisiaction ana proves as represented. Man., h.nb il.a. .a.l It II 1 ... " " J " " a " " " - a. ai "UU, RID not as represented at E IT Will'n nfnafn HoUBe. .O . How Art) Tonr Kidnfl-ni V n. Ti,v,t.. u r.i.i t, j ... - SV. fimi. Ado, i n n i aa Ilomort-Co.. c h loaso or u!r A CROWD OF TEACHERS COURTHOUSE NEWS. This afternoon began their annual institute ork, iu the Christian church. The day work is nracticallv .nhnni Superintendent Jackson has done ex cellent work in Organizing the inetitute and there promises to be a week of great interest and profit. n.av.uuuu . BDBBiUII GUUBlSieQ OI auureoBcs ny eiate Superintendent ataorujan on tne importance of little tllinoa cnrl nn ,nal ..I...I and by Superintendent Traver, of Salem, on numbers. Prof. E.;G. Adams, lot the Mt. Tabor school formerly superintendent of the Albrny schools spoke on the subject of i-uuuiucuiBi uuo:atiunB in arunmetlc, and bin T.lnn annnt. f-innrt. .... -i , . , , ' "J iii.uua nolo ujCBI- ed tn haar htm . The progam tonight will be of snecial intereat. tn thn nnhiin i,. :.. .. -!.., o clock. The addrese will be by Suner- intenrlnnt. rlaaaa al ih. ilk... 1 i- , . , , J 1 11 nil J. CU11UUID, and Albany people generally should ".i .1. luwupurioa win oe music by the Alhnnir n.akaal.a m I tt.- male quartet, and readings by Misa ----- . .uu uuiicgu NUU aUlHH LUUIIIBH 01 Jeuerson. Licenflfl inaimit In. ma..!ana nf Tnn .v. ... 1.1 1 L11LU UI AJVlUu E Arnold and Clara P Bland . Deeds recorded : J. 0. Dotson to Wm H Meyers, 4 Iota Brownsville 600 Blumaner Frank Drug Co to OF Rendla, 160 acres 1250 Blumaner Frank Drug Co V Cladek. 4ft anrn. mn Joseph G Gibson to' James' DemD- laoimiU. " T IW.WIBIIBB Leopold Gotlieb and H R Shulte to LA "nd Lul- Howard lot block 62 Alhanv iiuia En?na KellBy io'6'.''p.''6oih'o'w u"ifi acre MortLraoea fnr ainn tina" .Vno'.onn $200 Y-, Tw, fUU tow, batisfabtion for $200 and $100, Our i 10c package mush is a winner Try 0. E. Bbowknll. THE KIGH1K1JJD . . , The right kind of drnja In nan tn Allinn ! . . "iiiai m lixetiurip.ion IB the nure unadn tamtnii .;n n.n bi.j that produces the desired effect and oleases vonr nhvairian. Tt i. n- jaim to give you the best mouey can buy our nernnnal .ns,ani.a in v... i . r- piuh.hu.uu in uuuk U I every thin,; we Bell. BuBKHARI & LBE, CLOAKS New Cloaks received by express this week . These are buautiee, and novelties entirely different from any thing shown this sea son. New sleeves, In fact every garment Is an extreme novelty and much neater than anything shown. Just like you see in November MagaaintB. REEVES F. G. WILL, HAS THE BEST IN Silverware, Watches, Rings, Cut Glass. an d all lines of Jewelry. NORMAN 8. ATTY, D. 0., OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Office hours 0 to 12 a.m., 2 to 6 p.m. 115 Brosdalbin street, Albany, Oregon. . ... MXSS&i Oysters, Oytkrb, 0YSTER8, rresn evory dBy. Jnst leave your orders "or them at Steiter's, Crackers?' let we have them m se toe sample left yon. C. E. Bhownkll To Cure a Cold in Une Day Take Laxative Bromo-Quiniue Tablet TblsalDnatiin. . . box. 25c. 45!WUU evtry m m NATHAM HBACO the GIDSON WE CANT WAIT Until the Cold Snap before we fill the woodshed, and the pantry lor wlntsr. Same with dothes, Don't wait nntil the Northern blastlchill" you to the very bone, and injuies your health. We now have Winter Overcoats in all the new handsome things none better made, or more Btylish. . The largeBt in the country, and every toat a new style. Not one coat left from last year. PRICES RIGHT $5-oSto $20.00. Autumn Is Pushing Winter to The Front HOME BAKERY.-Mrr. Hatlie AnJ derson. at 6th and Railroad streets I. 1 prepared to fill order, l,r home buked i gooln. such as bread, cakes, rookies -and pies, fii iii-c asp, Eoode. The Blain Clothing Co.