Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, November 06, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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Worlds Fair -.'oUs.
Toe ornate bridges over the ma D
lanoonB are now beinj erected. Many
of Hie smaller nl-'gca bave been flnisht d.
The gardens, 1,200 feet long, between
tbe Transportation and Machinery
palacea bave been finished. Tbe orna
mented beda bave all been made and the
flowers to till tbem are growing in tbe
expoeition greenhouses.
'.The Palace of Manufactures ia nearly
finished. Tbe main entrance, in tbe
center ol tbe south lacade, Is tbe moat
atrikine feature to be erected. Thia
entrance is a great archway 150 (eet bigb
Tbe landscape gardener! are setting
out large trees in tbe lawns surrounding
tbe big exhibit palaces. The trees are
of large aisse and add greatly to tbe ap
pearance ol tbe buildings they surround,
Work on Belgium's national pavilion
has begun. Tbe building will etand in
front of the Administration ' Building
and weat of tu Chinese pavilion. It
will be ol eteel brought from Belgium.
Tbe Belgium building will be vieited by
King Leopold next year, '
The Cascade region ia each day taking
on a mere finished look. Tbe colloaeal
statuary lor the Colonnade of BtnteB ia
being put in place. Already ArkanBaB,
Nebraska, North Dakota, Montana, In
dlan Territory and Oklahoma are In pos
ition.; ,
A section of a six story building has
been Erected on the G'aid Prospect
Plaza. Daily exhibitions ot the efficiency
of tbe exposition Are department are
given and spectators wonder at the dar
ing of the firemen and tbe rapidity with
which tbev scale the walls and get
streams of water playing.
Portsmouth (O.) Sentinel: They are
nomine Inio line. The Ooluratma btat
Journal approves of the action of the
president iu calling congress in Bpecia
uor-sion to enact financial legislation
This organ also declarea "everybody feeli
the need of a more elastic currency.'
And still it will go on talking about froo
silver cranks. And then, too, when tbe
"rubber baby" money comes, it, in com
mon with all the other organs, will take
It to its heaving boBom and declare It iB
Altion (Mich.) Mirror : And perhaps
some of those who watched the unload
ing of the long, heavy boxoa wero uiipa
iriolit! enough to wonder if tho whole
Philippine archipelago wao worth the
price that shipload reprOBontcd. Not if
it wero worth the money and the timu
and the struggle and fight mid murder
and heartbreak of tlio Ia9t five years, but
poor IooIb, they questioned it it wore
worth oven this cargo the burden of
the United Status truurpoit Kilpatrick
.302 dead American buys.
Gi aud I I mi (Neb.) Democrat: Under
the new republican financial scheme, the
people will be compelled to bear nn even
larger burden of taxation that will pile
up au enormous surplus In the the treas
ury that may be loaned to tbe banks at
a low rate of Interest so that the banks
may loan it to the people at a high rate
ol internet. By this means the people
will get money to pay more taxes to
oreate another treasury surplus.
Ramsey (111.) lithe
oouni could wipe out tbe inlqiltous
la 1873, and let tbe people have a
ohance to enjoy their constitutional
rights upon the money question tho
masses would be the rulers instead of a
now. the down-trodden and oppressed
by a f-w bonanza money kinga, who try
to excuse the robbery of the people by
endowing some already rich college or
library nsniociat'on from which the com
mon people are barred by circumstances.
Klngliaher )0. T.) Reformer: Belore
we commence yelling for asset currency
let us auk ourselves a few questions
How could snob curreuoy, issuod by
banks a"Q guaranteed by the government,
be any salor than currency issued by the
government ilnulf? Wny should the
people allow national banks lo issue
uiony '"n " "t a: the highest
rates ol interest ihey do get, when this
money is bBed upon the credit of the
It is tune this script business was
knocked In the head, in fact it ia
sevt-ral ytars past the time thou it
should bave been knocked out. More
than that it should never have been poi
mllted iu h tlrsi place, It baa bi'eu
taken advautago ol by th big syndicates
to rob the people ol the coast of some of
their tiuett forests.
Several lines left out ol tbe tax law
pasted by tbe last legislature will re
quire an exlia soasion at a cost to tbe
state of a good many thousand dollars,
besides angry Icoltngs all oter the slate.
What the state needs is better business
men in the legislature and not so ninny
purely politicians,
The Pkmocbat do.j "tv intoml lobe
a party to any iin'd -l i w iig In the com -i
g t-itv eleetl n. I'lu-ri Mill piuliaoly
b.- no occasion r"r anyd lug ul the kiu.l.
Hold Your Timber Clalma
From the Prineville Journal.
Every owner of a timber claim in tbe
northern part of Lake or Klarxath coun
ties, who iadeairoue of getting a reason
able price for his pine, should Bign the
agreement which ia being circulated In
town lor the purpose of pooliug tbe
claims and holding for a price eatUfatory
to each individual claimant. Tbe move
wbicb baa been instituted In this city
in conjunction with the timber land
owrere in Albany, ia one of tbe beet ou
record and a successful termination of it
means much in a financial way to those
whose names are on the list.
The agreement which every one own.
ing a claim in either of thn above named
counties will be asked to eign, is simply
a pledge on tbe part of the owner to
bold bis cr ber claim with others for one
year Iron) January 1, 1904. During that
time the signers ol the agreement agree
to Bell for $3000, and for a price no lower
unless it is so agreed by a two-thirds
vote of all tbe members in tbe pool
There are no bonuses, no grafts ia tbe
scheme, and it baa been inaugurated for
tbe solo purpose of benefitting tbe
divinuala who owned timber in that belt
and who are desirous of obtaining a de.
cent and respectable price for tbeir prop
In Albany, 104 persons bave jtlnnd
tbe pool. These members held a meet
ing a short time ago and unanimously
eltcled Judge H. H. Hewitt, Dr. N. E
Winnard and John Foshay aa a com
mittee to secure the co-operation of other
timber holders residing in Prineville and
its vioinity, and interest timber compsn
ies who ate willing to pay for what they
are getting. Dr. Winnard was in Prine
ville last Saturday and Sunday and se
cured 31 signatures to the agreement
There are 134 more who own timber in
Klamath and Lake counties and practi
cally all of these will be seen this week
or word sent them by J, F, Spinning,
nbo le looking after the matter In Priuc
Dr. Winnard has spont considerable
time in working up the agreement among
the timber owners and there booiiib ti be
no doubt but that 250 or more 'claimants
in that district inside of the next week
will be parties to the agreement to hold
their claims for the price named Tim
ber companies have been notified that
the pool was forming and Judge Hewitt
who is known all over the Willamette
Valley ha? glvon out that tho puce
naked for will not bo excessive provided
they can get together enogh claims.
Albany will now have a month of city
p.inicj, nil innovation in this city.
Heretofore nominations have generally
beau made about Saturday night pre
vious to the election, leaving only the
intervening Suudny for discussion of tho
morilB ol the candidates. In some re
spects the old syetom had its good side,
and perhaps just as good men were
elected. This, though, will give voters
an opportunity to go to the bottom of
tbe character of the different candidates,
and then up and down each o'de and
back again, so that his fitness will be
pretty thoroughly canvaiBed.
It was a matter of considerable local
pride for Albany to defeat tbe O. A. C.
eleven for the sscond time In succession.
With a student body of three times as
many students tbe advantage was cer
tainly against us, but the eleven had
tbe individual capacity for playing the
game, and most of the men have bad a
better experience in the past than tbe
O. A. C, boys, quite a number of wbom
are playing for the first time. What
ever there is In the game itself the.-e is
alwaya an inten&e load pride for (suprem
acy. A royal .character ib the best wealth
any one can have. Young men atattlug
out in life had botter weigh the state
ment, and young women may well seize
upon the thought. This is not original
with the Democrat. The same idea haB
been advanced for BgeB by good men,
and has been accepted by those eoekiug
the best there is in life and eternity.
Canon (Pa.) Democrat : A shipload of
our Philippine soldiers arrived home a
few dayB ago, numbering Beveral hund
reds. Everyone of them was dead, and
tbe bodies were proporly coffined for In-
tcruiunt. That la a part of the awlui
mice we nuv lor Irvine to own neoole
aud run their country regardless of their
The Dkhocrat sets some exchanges
through tbe state wbicb. have been
boasting of new subscribers sufficient to
make a million if trick had boea
kept of tbe claims. Sometimes it eeems
us if newspaper men are as liable to lie
aa other human beings.
According tn a Washington dispatch
it will probably go hard with Oommand-
r 1'. A. Wuod ol Portland, charged with
iiuiuerotK things in connection with
securing pensions for the Indian war
veterans, aud it la stated that all '.be
charges have unt been made.
2oari tb "i Vou H.ivfl kvm Bough
Why not starve tlie germs
to death? Scott's Emulsion
will do it.
The germs of consumption
are an invading army number
ing millions upon millions;
they must all be fed or they
will soon die of starvation. A
lung a little below "par" in
vitality is just to their liking.
Why not put new life into
it? Scott's Emulsion feeds
the lungs. It fills the blood
with nourishing food for all
the weak parts. Good food
means life. Life means re
sistive force.
Germs cannot live on heal
thy tissue. Scott's Emulsion
and good fresh air drive out
the germs of consumption.
We'll send you a sample free upon request.
SCOTT & DOWN E, 409 Pearl Street, New York,
Dr. Darrin Shortans His Stay in
Albany Two Weeks Going to
Corvallis November Kith
to December 1st Only.
C0N8UMIT10N coked.
The testimonials are co ning in thick
and fast for Dr. Darrin and his marvel
ous treatment of all his diseases by elec
tricity and nndic'-ne. tie lias been
crowded with prtients since coming to
Albany, and in nearly all cases die re
sults have boon satisfactory as tho pub
lished testimonials will bear witness.
Among the testimonials is tho one
printed below :
Eagle Point, Ore., Sept. 20.
Mr. Editor I desire to say to you,
for publication, that I waa treated by
Dr. Darrin, at Portland, about ten years
ago lor tumor and consumption. I had
a larje tumor or ahcess growing under
mv ribs and it had attained such a
growth that my ribs wero actually
bulged out, and ccneuuiption with cor
ruption aud splitting blood was fast less
ening my dayB of lile. I w is treated by
Dr. Darrin and a lew n.othB thereaflor
I was a perfectly strong man and able to
(!o a good days work. Before treatment
I could Bcarcely walk, one Hundred yords,
I want porsotiB alUicted to personally
call upon me at Eagle Point and learn
more ol Dr. Uarrin and bis almost wo 1-
deiful treatment. ,G, B. Mathews
J-i. Editor For 20 years prior to go
ing under Dr. Damn's treatment in
Portland 10 years ago, I had been badly
alUicted w ithcatarrh of the Btomach
and bladder. I was terribly bloated wiih
dropsy and dyspepsia. I hod given up
all hopes of relief, but thanks to Dr.
Damn 1 waB cureu ot an the above men
tioned diseaaeB,and I still enjoy the best
of health. I reside at Go s Oity, six
miles from Marshfied, and will gladly
answer any questions by letter or in
person. . J. heartily reccommeu Dr.
Darrin. O. O. Pbatt.
Dr. Durrin's Place of Business.
Dr Darrin can he consulted free from
10 to 5 1 'cl ml daily; evening 7 to 6,
Sunday 10 0 3, at Revere Hotel Albany
until M v. 15, after that time atOorval
,is at the New Hotel Corvallis Nov. 15
to Dec. 1 on v.
Thedoitor makes a specialty of a!)
diseased in th oje, ear, nose and throat,
catarrh dealuoss, bronchitis, la grippe,
heart, liver, bladder and Kidney dis
eases, or those who Buffer from apathy
ard indifference; also genito-urina
and Bkin dieeaseB in either Bex, Buch as
blood taints, spui:m.l weakness and lost
vigor, varicoceles rnd fltricturo.
Eyes tested, glasoeB fitted. Dr. Darrin
will treat all who may apply before
Dec. at half hie former prices.
Frank Terkett, Mill Oitv.
F A Miller, Shelburn.
O D McLaue, Lvons.
Henry Lang, Portland,
8 B Eakiu, Eugene.
A Klingbert, Portland.
J 8 lleall, '
O K Archerd, "
Louis 11 Christ ngt The Christian.
Anderson's Music House.
Agent for Steinway Grand, Emerson
Schulotl pianos. B Chase. Oarnenrm-
organs, Wheeler & Wilson, Domesti'
Sewintr machines. Kxnarr. niAnn am
organ tuning and repairing. Thonr
Black 521. Yesiily tuning a specialty.
otice to the Musical Public.
A icorrcction .'about a piano said to
have;beon bought from a. local Music
Store by a prominent musician, and
reol estate man, was not bought there,
but from a Portland firm and it was
through the salesmanship abilities of
Anderson's Music House the sale was
Tducate Your Bowels.
Your bowels can be trained as well
as your muscles or your brain. Cas
carets Candy Cathartic train your
bowels to do right Genuine tablet
stamped C. C. C Never tc4d m
bulk. All droorists, toe.
Get out your webs. The rain god bae
begun his winter sprinkle.
Foot hall has given place to politics in
Albany. Both are pretty rough game-.
The victory over the O. A. O. Holy
Rollers was enough to make the Albany
players hilarious.
Anxious subscriber: Yes, Chinese
pheasants may be shot until December 1
if you can get in sight of tbem.
The boys did remarkably well this
year on Hallowe'en, doing less damage
than ordinarily under the trying
temptations of the night.
A new dally paper has been Btarted in
New York especially intended to give
news of intereet to the females in
society. Tbe men will all want to read
The Linn County Poultry Association
will meet Saturday, in a paint shop at
Albany. The members probably intend
to paint the town, or may discuss color
ing eggs. Telegram.
Candidly it iB not fair for Corvallis to
have to bear tbe opprobrinm of those
Holy Rollers. She should have
muzzled her reporters and kept the
thing silent.
The Portland Telegram haB made a
scoop by giving a picture of the Holy
noners, ot oorvatiis. Pretty good look-
pe,p!6- Te ir,uVil laih? Pu'ot;re
Poor Mr. Harvey Scott, tbe Eugene
Register has gotten after him with its
big words and calls him "the destroying
angel ot the republican party." If the
Democrat remembers correctly Mr Scott
alao has a very extensive vocabulary .
The Multnomahs were supposed to
have tbe best team work of any team in
Oregon, but after tbey had gone againBt
the iiorkloy it was stateu mat me
trouble was the lack of wm work. By
tho way there are different kinds of
teams along the highway.
Noah was tho first advertiser. He
advertised the flood and it came all
right. The fellows who laughed at the
advertising got drowned and it served
them right Ever since Noah's time
the advertiser has been prospering,
while the other fellow is being Bwallow
od up in the ilood of disaster. Ex
One of the oddest plays ever made in
a foot ball game wbb that of the Carlisle
Indian in last Saturday's Harvard
game, who cauvbt tbe ball on a kick off,
bid it under his Jersey against hiB back
and ran across the h'e:d for a touch
down, and it bad to be allowed, there
being no rule touching tho case.
The Albany Democrat, in speaking o
the visit of the Corvallis football team,
calls that aggregation of brann and
muscle the "Holy Rollers." Ihua doth
the foibles of her citizens, humble the
pride of a city, and bring blushes to the
cheeks of the unobtrusive, but loyal,
town cow. Salem Journal,
Something Doing.
Use Snow Flake.
Beat servedloysters atiPfeiflers. .
Old wheat: new flour: Snow Flake.
Oysters at Pfeiffer OysterParlora.
Red Crown flour makes tbe beBt bread .
Oveters in any style at the Pfeiffer
Oyster Parlors.
Oysters any style at tbe Elite, also
several hot drinks.
Albany people should use Albany
flour. The Snow Flake is the best.
Nothing better than oysters. Get
them at the Pfeiffer Oyster Parlors.
Hot chocolate, Beef Tea, Vigoral,
Clam and Tomato Bullion al The Elite.
Pure cider vinegar for sale by John
Brush at 841 E 4th St, at 15 eta. per.
gallon. gallon 10 ctB.
F, E. Allen & Co. have a fine line of
cedar doora and windows alBO Bcreen
doors. See them before buying.
That every pro
scription shoull be filled with pure un-
dulterated drugs. Your physician wishea
you to have the beBt and we want you to
have the beat, bo give us a trial and we
will do our best to please you. Our
prices are right.
Bdrrkhart & Lke. .
The Genuine vs. Counterfeits.
Tho genuine is always better than a
counterfeit, but the truth of this state
rnont is never more forcibly realized or
more thoroughly appreciated than when
you compare the genuine DeWitt'e Witch
llazol. Salve with the many counterfeits
and worthless substitutes that are on the
market. W. 8, Ledbetter, of Shreyepcrt,
La., says; "After using numerous other
remedies without benefit, one box of De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cured me."
For blind, bleeding, itching and pro
truding piles no remedy is equal to De
Wiit's Witca Hazel Salve. Sold by
IToshay & Mason, Burkhart & Leo.
Portland and Return $3.00.
The S. P. has established s permanent
trip rate to Portland from Albany of
tS.OO good for going on the afternoon
train Saiurday aid anv train Sundav
and returning on any train Sunday or I
Also tbe same arrangement for Port
lnd to Albany and rturn.
Our Prices? Well they are simply
all right. Try and aee.
C. E. Bkownbll, Second St.
dynamite Explosiuu.
Crestline, O., Nov. 1, Ciestline and
vicinity wue turned inio s panic tonight
by a terrible explosion at 8 o'clock.
Many buildings were Bhaken and in
some instances the walls fell. Church
congregations were thrown into scream
ing masses of bum&uitv. People who
were at home were terrified by the fear
ful roar that waa heard.
Aa Indian Fight.
Cheyhnxe. Wyo., Nov. 1. Governor
Chsttertou baa been advieed of a fierce
battle that waa fought Tueterday on
Little Lightning Creek in Eastern Wy
oming, between Sheriff W. H. Miller,
wfth a posse of six man from Weston
county and a band of Crow Indiana on
tbe way to tbe Sioux Agency at Rose
bud. Sheriff Miller is reported to have been
killed, one of his deputies fatally wound
ed, two otherB slightly wounded, while
three Indians ere reported killed and
several wounded.
Fiftee a Students Killed.
Ikdiakapolis, Oct. SI Fifteen person
were killed and over fifty injured, some
fatally, at 10:20 today in a collision be
tween a special passenger train on tbe
Big Four railroad and u frieght engine
with a cut of coal cars.
A passenger train of twenty coaches
was carrying 954 persons, nearly ail of
whom were students of Purdue univer
sity and their friends ,rom La,ayette? to
Indianapolis lor the annual football
game between tbe Purdue rieam and the
Indiana University squad.
A Vatican Fire,
Rome. Nov. 1. Fire broke cut at 8:30
,oni ht in that po,tion of the Vatican
containing the hall of inscription, where
I, ,, iB Mb allH 1 An PRO
uw lb""" " "
Hr.ronnniin efforts were made to con-
trol tbe IlamoB and the firemen of Rome
were called to lend their help. At 11 :15
tbe fire was under control.
A Halloween Murder.
Porlaxd, Nov. I While celebrating
Halloween Adolpti A. Burkhardt was
shot aud killed by Samuel Bauwnuu,
near Bertha, late Saturday night. Bau
mann. who savBhe tired the fatal shot to
scare away boys bombarding his house
with a fusillade of bullols, came into the
city and gave into the city and gave him
self up early tbis morning.
A New York Holocaust.
New York, Nov. I. Tpenty-ODe men,
three women and a 10-mout he-old baby,
were burned to death or suffocated in a
fire that started early this morning in
the House of All Nations, a five-story
tenement-houBe at 430 Eleventh avenue
and whicb the police and Coroner be
lieve to have besn of incendiary origin
More Iudin.iB Killed.
Cheyexne, Nov. 2. A second battle
with the Indians who murdered Sheriff
Millornd Deputy Falkenburg ou Sati
urday, reinforced by a large bodv of red
skins who had been hunting in the vicin
ity of the scene of the light, iB reported
to bave taken place louay near the
HorBeshoe ranch. The fugitives were
traced by a poBse, end with their re-in-forcementB
made a determined, stand,
Nine Indians are reported killed out
right and 10 captured. Tho white mon
escaped without lute or injury.
Mitchell's Position.
WAsnmaTON, Nov, 2. Senator Mitch
ell is preparing to make a fight on the
economy plan of Speaker-to-be Cannon
and the republican leaders in House and
Senate who have sent forth the an
nouncement that because of the ap
proaching presidential .electioo, appro
priations must be held to Itha lowest
notch during thn coming long session.
Senator Mitchell takeB the position that
the position that public works should
net be neglected iu the intereat of poli
tics. The New York Election.
New York, Nov. 2. With the open
ing of the polls only a few houre off , both
the Tammany;and the Fusion leaden
are asserting confidence in the result.
The Fusion leapera predict a pluiaiity of
fully 40,000 for Seth Low. John Clark,
Low's manager, declares the Mayor will
carry all five boroughs .
Holy Rollers.
Corvaklis, Nov. 2. Creffie'd and
Brooke, the; "Holy Roller" apostles,
who led tbe way in the recent spectacu
lar plays of the sect in tbis town, have
quitted Corvallis. Their going was sb
hasty as their work was fierce. A fear
of bodily harm is supposed to have been
incident to their departure.
Eastern Elections.
New York, Nov. 4. In Ohio Herrick
defeats Johnson for governor by 125,000.
Warfield ia probably elected governor of
Maryland. In Kentucky the democrats
reelected Beckham for governor by 15,
000. Cummins is elected governor of
Iowa by 60,000. Bates, reD., ia elected
governor of Massachusetts by 30,000.
Panama Independent.
Manama, Nov, S. The independence
of the Isthmus was proclaimed atO p. m.
today. A large and enthusiastic crowd
of all political partieB assembled and
marched to the headquarters ol the gov
ernment troops. The enthusiasm was
immense, and at least 8000 oi the men in
tho gathering were armed.
Wood Disbarred.
Washington, Nov, 3. T A. Wood, of
Portland, grand commander of the In
dian War Veterans' Association, will
prosecute nn more pension claimB before
the Pension Office. Secretary Hitchcock
today issued an .order disbarring him
from practice before any bureau of the
Interior department, which means Wood
can never again act as attorney for any
applicant for a peneiou.
A Conyict's Doings.
Oreoon Citv, Nov. 3. William Smith
an tscaped prisoner from Multomah
countv jal iB in tne Oregon Oity jail
charged with threatening to kill. Smith
was arrested at the mouth of Clackamas
river, near this city, by Chief of Police
Burns, about 3 o'clock this afternoon,
after haviug Bhot twice al William Hosey
and Benjamin Baxter of thia city, whose
rowboat he bad stolen.
If ilu-.-r . r-,J; ai.ything in thiB
microbe business whfre would the
tramp be,
Tnegambliug spirit ruus into every
thing. $1,000,000 was bet on the New
iora election.
The eating Btation for the afternoon
meal is about to be changed from
Albany to Eugene again.
The Corvallis Gazette foot ball man is
evidently a member of the Holy Rollers,
induing from bis crazv foot ball re-uiarka
Referring to Sam Morris the
Chomwa American says it is tntirely
legitimate for an Indian to pitch uimdelf
into civilization.
The Horace McKinley trio will face'
tbe U. 8. trrand jury musio at Portlahd
on next Saturday. The tune will not be
a very pieosont one.
It Is believed now that Sanderson's
bridge is up to stay. Aa over $60,000 .
hoa been expended in all on the
structure since tbe beginning a per
manent inh uraa n..l.i.l -
ut .i "-'"'uir IUU1U10US
thing on the part of the present conn'y
The Rosebure Plaindenlor a .m;.
can paper, is about the only paper that
uub ueciarea ax-Congressman Moody
. J . -"-'boo recently maae
against him. Even the democratic
'"H"" cuaruaoie enongn to slate
that r.hft OoiHanna ;B 1 . L
the affair. ' prc,Dany notl"n m
The Corvallis Gazette says? that the O .
A. C. team lost by fumbling and that cannot play clean foot ball, bolh
jtemeuta of which are falsehoods.
Corvallis fumbled, but was no match for
ilbany anyway. Second Albany played
a cleaner t-am than the O. A. O, at
least ae clean a name. The Gazette as
uanaal displays vurv poor foot hall 6euse.
' The Eui;eiie Heal Estate Exchang
charges ihat the pamphlets eent to the
iiarrimu uyudicaio at Chicago have
been used for private gain by a real
estate lirin represented by Wallie NaBU,
fornieily of Corvallia and Albany, which
has been using them to advertise its real'
estate business. Perhaps all the other
Oregon pamphlets have been used the
same way, Perhaps not.
New York Democratic,
New York, Nov. 3. After a remark- '
able campaign, in which nearly ail of
the newspapers and practically every
minister of religion in ;this city were
united ngainat him, G. B. McCIellan,
son of the Civil War General, was today
elected the third Mayor of Greater New
York over Seth Low, Fusioniet, the pres
ent Mayor, by 61,414 votes.
Edward Al. Grout was elected Con
troller and Charles V. Fornes president
of the Board of Aldermen.
Schmitz Flection.
San Francisco, Nov. 3. Today's
elec ions brough t out a heavy vote. The
incomplete ieturna tonight indicate that
Eugene E. ochmitz, the Union-Labor
party candidate, has been re-elected
Mayor, with Charles Crocker, rep., a
fairly close second.
It ia very probable that the democrats
have elected the Assessor, Sheriff and
District Attorney.
The republicans claim the Tax Col
lector aud County Clerk.
Sure Cure tor , Piles,
toning Piles produce moisture and cause
.toning, this form as well as Blind, Bleed
ing or Protuding Piles are cured by Dr
Bo.Ban- ko's Pile Remedy. Stops itching
aud bleeding Absorbs tumors. 50 cts a
jar at druggists, or sent by mail. Treat
ise free. Write me about your case. Dr
So-Ban-ko. Philadelphia. Pa. For sale by
foshay & Mason, druggists
Served up any style
You want tbem
At Stetter'a.
Electric Light
For the people,
Electric Power
For the mill, the
shop, the elevator, the dentist, the
sewing machine.
Electric Heat
For the lauhdry iron, the physic
ians cautery, the Thermal bath,
the ladies cunicg iron.
The ways in which Electricity can
be used are almost innumerable
and all can be supplied by the
VICE aeon to be established by
the Albany Canal and Water Co.
Simply close the switch and your
electric appliances is lull of life
Prices will be as low as the lowest.
Phones. Office Main 15; Power
House, Main 28. .