Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, November 06, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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Articles ol incorporation of Shtdd
Camp 391 W of W filed. Incorporator:
V W Eobnett. H M rhoropaon, B E
Forbea. K Arnold, G L Portet
Probate: Robert H Aahby appointed
administrator in the estate ol Temper
ance E. Ashby AppiaiBers J L
Tomiineon, J J Grabam, Fred Dawson.
Estimated value of estate $1700.
Deeds recorded.
Mary E Dickons to 0 R Gerig right
of way 1
Jot Goodman, to Jas Sylvester, 40
acrea 300
Mortgages for $000 1100, $100.
Beleaeea for $70, $75.
A Crank in Town.
Geo, H. Himea, the historical crank,
was in the city yesterday alternoon, and
was a pleasant caller at the Democrat
office in the evening. He is as usual
gathering historical facts in connection
with Oregon's earlv history. lie tells
this on himself: Recently up in Waeh
ington be found a crank in the first mill
ever erected in the Northwest, the date
being somewhere in the 30's. . After be
had gotten possession of it tbis was
written on it: '-TWO CRANKS."
Through Mr.Himes ability and energy a
splendid collection of historical relics
have been collected in the rooms of the
HiBtrrical Societ in the city tall at
Fortiand. of bo much interest that about
two thoueand people visit the rooms
every month to inspect them, The
Society is fortunate in eocurioga man
of Mr. Himea splendid talent and wortb
to look after its interests.
After a Forger.
Detective Joe Day, of Portland, Jcame
up to Albany after a young man cbargr d
with the forgery of checks on New York,
disposed of in Portland, amounting to
about $17 000. He was thought to have
come up on the local. With Nightwatch
Catlin an investigation was made in tbis
city, when it was teamed that a man
answering the description had gotten off
the carB at Woodburn. Day returned
north on this morning's overland. The
victima are Ladd & Tilton, the Hotel
Portland and several private firms.
Cement Walk Items.
Mrs. O. O. Barnes has let the contract
lor a cement walk on two sides of her
fine residence property.
Chas. Pfeiffer is making arrangements
to build a cement walk on Ellsworth aud
Second streets, along his hotel and other
h.r Tony Anstin has let the contract.
to J. R, Wilson for a cement walk aronnd
his fine residence property at the corner
of Washington and Third streets. Le t
ins gooa worn Keep moving.
U. A, Jones nas moved from Bent.'n
countv to Albany to reside. He expects
to ao naming, uib nomeie at 728 limn
All of the Cohen (Transcontinental
Slot machines were shipped to Portland
to-day Only two private machines re
main in the city, which are nor run.
A. T. Pickarrt, Lane conntv'p leading
stock buyer, was in the cit. '. day . He
is gathering a train loud ol slis'p, whit L
he is ftboht to r-Mi o San I r.-ncieco.
N Tbo Demferiic. nrinnvn.'S will he
on next Mon.lay, I :!0 o, m. to
0:30 p. m. The oflir.ia uotiua will bo
found on the peond jingo.
Adam Bamberger, a former Corval
He man, just oiu of the pt'iiitontiary,
y.sterday at P-r Unit plea ' utility to
breaking into a saloo.i n ili be sent
enced Saturday .
The Journal says Multnomah is to
play the Albany cotUge team oa the
local grounds on November 14, giving
that team a game for every Saturday
during the Beasou.
One of the finest displays of statuary
ever seen in the valley Is now being ad
mired by tnoee visiting the store of
Burkhart & Lee. The assortment is
varied and choice.
There are three Linn county men on
the November U. S. jury to convene in
Portland, to wit: W. R. South, of La
comb, D. B.Troutman, of Tallman and
Joseph Hume, of Brownsville.
D. P. Adams, an old umbrella mender
of many years experience, has moved
from Salem to Albany, and will operate
in and around Albany, making this city
his headquaitera. He is located on the
Penny winkle.
Dr. P. T. Starr, an experienced osteo
path, is now ready (or business in some
neat offices in the new Democrat build
in,?. Ha is a graduate ot the American
School, of Kirasville, and is well recom
mende '. He is a brother-in-law or r.
E. B Pendland.of tbis city.
The high school students propose to
have two Urst-cl-as Daeaet Dan learno m
rim fiolri this winter, and have already
begun operations. The boys and gnla
will enr.h have a team. Tbe bail wufa
received yesterdav and will h? toaaed up
for practice in a lew daya.
Capt. Stellmacher has concluded to
make his recent resignation as captain
of G. Co. a permanent 'me. He will be
succeeded temporarily by Lie t. Wallace
and orobaoly permanently. An election
will be oriered to decide that. Lieut.
Wallace is an efficient oflicer.a Philippine
warman and a popular young man per
sonally. Thoae who see the O. A O.-Albany
foot ball game next Saturday will tee
one of the fastest evente in the history
of tbe game in Alnauv. Tbi.ugh conie
waat crippled atler the terrifljo on
slaughts ol tbe Eugene men Albany will
have a aood team in the field next Sat
urday, and the men are doing the beBt
training posBible tor tne event.
Orville West, of the state land office.
was attending to busin-ta in Albany last
evening. He ia watcbing every corner
of hi; business, and paing particular
attention to tbe fifty farms the etate nas
to rent, where at one time only tbree
were rented, gitting renters for all if
Absolutely Pure.
THE Y. W. C. A.
Following is tbe program1 of the con
vention to be held in thia city Nov. 6 8:
Thursday Nov 5: Invocation by Rev.
White. Welcome by President Lee,
with resDonee. Address on "Service."
Rev. E. P. Hill, of Portland. Benedic
tion by Rev. Nelaon.
Jbriday, a a. m.: male stuay, Key.
Dean of Seattle. Business, Relations
of Btudent association to individuals,
and state committee, Louis Burk, chair
man state committee, of Portland. To
the secretary, bv MieB Shields. To the
city association, by Miss Abbie MoEiroy,
of Portland. To the American Com
mittee, by Miss Conde, Bee. national,
2 p. m. Bible Btudy by J. M. Dean.
Student com. by Miss Conde. City
association by Miss McElroy. A talk
by Biro, Honeyman ol 1'ortianu,
V :oU p. m. invocation Dy nsv. iy ire.
Worid wide opportunity by Rev Dean.
Benediction by Rev Griswolu.
Saturday Nov. 7. 8 a. m. Bible stuay
by Rev Dean. Faculty conference.
Missionary institute by Mies uonoe.
Slate com. meeting. Conference of
committees in groups.
3 p. m. Bible study, f inance meet
ing. Missions by Mary farnuam. xne
Bible confirmed by science, by Presi
dent Mulkey, of Ashland.
8 p. in. reception to delegates.
Sunday. Nov. 8. 9:30, purpose meet
ing 10 :30 church services.
a -.30, women's meeting, alias uonae.
7:30. life work conference addreaes
by Preeident Lee and others. Farewell
meetincr lead by Miss Shields.
interspersed tnrougn an toe exercises
will be music
From Walla A alia, where he went to
locate, and is again in his old position at
the S, P., a very efficient employee. He
brought back with him from the farm of
hie wi'e's aunt, Mrs. Jane Ooyle, some
very fine apples, immense fellows, three
of which were conBicned to the Dsho
cbat office by the Democrat's old time
BnbBcriber, a lormer resident ot A,inn
Mr. Citizen Who Wants the Or
My Dear Sir: we will have an or
chestra all next week, some in uniform
ODine and bear them. I have reduced
the prices to 16, 25 and 35c for your
special benefit. You have he"er been
in tne opera nouse eo come ana see now
One Thousand Dollars
Has beon raised for the improvement
of the two college buildings. The money
was subscribed on condition that the
entire thousand dollars be subscribed
and this baa been done. Tbe moat im
portant thine about it will be the paint
ing of tbe two buildings, bo badly in
meed of a new drear. Conspicuously
located thete is a decided need of tbe
Prof. E. E.'.Ierr is home from; down
the road
Mr. Jake Streitel is home from Ft.
Fred Bruckman, Brownsville's cream,
ery man, is in the city.
Mrs. J. R. Walker also attended the
Degree of Honor convention at Harris'
S. N. Steele and J. V. Pipe returned
this noon from a trip to tbe latter a
Silt-tz farm.
Brn Rozelle haB resigned bis position
of driver on the Btreet car and will work
in Portland tbie winter. '
Harry Johnson, of Scio, and MiBS
Rice, of Waterloo, are in tbe city and
will be united in mamago tonight.
Mr. Mark Brownaon. of Portland, a
formi-r Albany man, now representing
tbe western Loan and Savings Associa
tion, accompanied by bis wife and two
boys, are here the gueBts of Mrs Bro"
don'e father J. J. Grabam.
Mr. Chas. McCullough, with the
Studebacker Wagon Co., of Portland,!
was in the city to day on a visit with
his siBter, Mrs. J. C. Irvine, while on
big way to Haisey on a short trip.
Mr. Harrv Hackleman arrived in Alb
any last evening horse bacK from the
big Hackleman farm fifty miles the
other aide ol Prineville. He was lour
and a half dayB on tbe road and reporta
e roewhat rough trav-Mii k in places.
Ashland Tidmus: Engineer D. Mo
flarthv returns. Friday, to Albany to
resume hie locomotive run out of that
cty. His wile accompanies bim to le-
main during tne winrr. iney win
continue to make Ashland their per
manent home, however.
.a ..... 1- .. n.i. IhH. I . F
led in ashorttime. People have
ionud out tbat we will not sell cheap
adulterated drutia. Substitution is pro
hibited in our store.
Buukuaht & Lsi.
A District Organization Effected
in Albany.
At tbe A c. Club last evening a dis
trict medical association olibephyic.ano
ill 'jinu, lit u too and Lincoln countee
was effected and a constitution at'opte.i
planned by the national association.
Under the rulea of the state and natiuna
saajciaiions it is necessary to belong x,
a lo,al organization in order to u: inn
Itie larger association. The object of the
association, though, is the mutual im
provement of the members, thb atuehor
ation of tbe physical ills of mankind,
etc. The next meeting will be held at
this citr cn Thureday, Deo. t, when
others wiilbeelei-e.i. Meetinga will be
held quarterly umeafter. Dr. Moyei.
preaid d at the meeting and Dr. Trim" I-.
officiated as secretary. These with Dr.
Wallace, wera anDoiuted a committee on
Drceram for the next meeting. Beeides
thRA thrive nresent were Dr. M. H
Ellio, Dr. VV. H Davie and Dr. J. L.
Hill, ol Albany, Dr. Winnaid was un
able to be present bat is a member;
Drs. Kimmell aud Lamberson, of Leb
anon, Drs, Pernol and Farra, ol Uor
vail is, and Dis. Neuth Loggan of Phil
omaib. and Dr. Prill of Scio.
Bilking Southward.
The Democbt! recently mentioned the
doings ot, wife and several child
ren who secured about $20 in Albany on
the plea that they wanted to get to
Ashland, where the man had work.
Here is some more about their bilking
career from the Redding Free PresB :
Wednesday night, a ealoon in Duns-
muir waa broken into and a slot machine
robbed of $40. During Wednesday there
also appeared in Dunsmuir a woman,
four children and a great uignuaKy man
whom the woman called her husband.
She Dleaded poverty and said one of her
children had died in Sacramento, that
they had lost their ticket to that city,
had no money to buy others and gath
ered in enough money in Dunamuir to
take them below, xne wnoie outnt is
thought to be bad aad officers are
warned ot tuem.
Social Dance Thureday Eve at Macca-
bee Hall.
Eugene is growing. It is to have its
twelfth aaioon.
G. W. Btlmpson, once a prominent
business man in Salem, died at the
Marion county poor farm yeatarday.
John Dennison, of Portland, a former
Albany barber, put up a 10 cent sign on
his window and it waa smashed out by
some one with a stick of wood.
Maud Geer, the youngest daughter of
Ex-Governor Geer, and M. F. Bowles,
of Baker City, were united in marriage
at the home of Mr. Geer yesterday.
This timber fraud -business is sweep
ing into the Northwest, and even Sen
tor Mitchell ia about to prove in an
elaborate statement that he has had no
connection with the frauds.
Herbert G. McCarthy, of Ashland,
son olJD. McCarthy the .'engineer, and
Mies Georgia Vivian Fuller, of Oakland,
Calif., daughter of J. L. Fuller, the in
surance man, a 'ormertresident of Har
risbnrg, were recently united in mar
Ex-Congreasman Malcolm A. Moody
is now charged with the very serious
offense of opening a letter addressed to
some one else. The letter was address
ed to Mrs, Couroy ard contained a re
ceipt for Mrs. Conroy's signature to
a dividend of $320.60. Moody Eays the
charge ia false and malioiouB.
Horace McKinley, S. A. D. Pruter,
and Mias Ware, having been indicted
by the U. S. grand jury on the charge of
forgery, in affixing fictitious names to
timber land papers, are facing a very
serious charge. Mr. Mckinley nas
been in Albany a good many times, and
several years ago was examined and
acquitted here on the charge of hiring
A. Cannon, of Medford, ie in the city.
Mrs. tV.H. Parker, of Salem, is in
the city.
Mr. O. A. Warner returned this noon
from a trip to Portland.
Mrs. J. R. Crews, of the first ward, is
lying dangerourly ill at her home.
Robert Aehby, of Portland, returned
home this morning.
Lawyer J. R. Wyatt went to Eugene
thie alternoon on legal business.
New residents of Albany are William
Bretherton and family, recently of
Mrs. Louis Knowlton returned laBt
evening from a visit with her parents in
Mies May Norwood of the public
schools is confined to ber home Dy ill
ness. '
Lawyer Swan and wife went to tbe
Bay to-day after flab, with O. E.
Hawkins aa guide.
Mrs. O. A. Trimble of Portland
mother of Dr Trimble is vleiting for a
few days at the letter's home.
Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Parker last even
ing entertained a number of friendB in
honor of Mr. Frank Lafferty of CorvalliSj
W. Lair Thompson went to Eugene
thia afternoon to act as referee in tbs
U. of O. Willamette foot ball game
W. W, Crawford, the wlud mill man.
baa o billed his field of operations from
Piainvlew to tne John lomlinsin larm
in Benton county.
E. O. Hayward, coach of the O. A. C.
:, ot ball eleven, came over this noon to
confer with Manager Sternberg and
make arranttemeuta for tomorrow's
Several Albtny ladies have begun
lesions in Indian barket making, 'lbe
first lesson wb given ; eaterd .y after
noon at tbe home of Mr-. W. C. Tee
Mr. Harry ixiunBbury is in the valley
securing 'nets and illustrations for the
ind'jBtnet. ol Oregon, soon to h ieaued
by, the P. Co., an elaborate and
splendidly gotten up work on Oregon's
great industries. pan-riifl alter tne Lial-
lforma wur ol tie s .me o ure,
nside each pound package of
lion Coffee
Nvill be found a FREE came.
60 different games. All new.
At Your Grocer's.
Hotel Arrivals.
H F Rodman, Sane, Pa.
O R Irvine, Jordau.
M 8 Titus, Kingston.
J A H inkiUB, ltipler III.
C I. Joneti Galena, III.
W W Caldwell, Aberdeen Wash.
O E Robinson, Mt Tslw.
O W Edmunds, Portland.
R O Vaught. "
J W Pugh, Si.edd.
Benj. Marks, Joseph. -
O W Henderson, Seaitle.
Henry 1. Thomas, S. F.
C. L Pearson, Norwood N. Y.
Frank Ward, Portland.
W A Teuesch, Portland.
W R Wakefield, Waldport.
W U Booth, Lebanon.
Capt O L Dick, Portland.
Wm Faber, Portland.
Dr R O Loiteau, Philomath.
dwin LaudiB, T.iomas..
J L Karlow, Saiem.
Ja Lewis, Cadillac, Mich,'
H Talbot, aaleui.
Fred Morr B, -cio.
0 U B Mason, Morgan Hill, Calif.
1 Cohen, HF.
W F Jeffries, Portland.
T S Hundsaker, CorvalliB.
G O Graves, Portland.
S L Hrtton, "
H T Friendly, "
T W Nothi.igtiam, Portland.
A E BeunYr, Euc ne.
J Prag, Portland.
W B Robertaou and fani, Gates.
Ernest Pinter, S V.
Frank Leeper and wf, Haisey.
J C (iarr, Chicago.
Mary 0 Cochran, Moro.
Emai Saylor, Moro, -
J D loom, Plainview.
W A Gellatly, Wren.
A G Porter, Jefferson.
G W Haynes, Portland.
Wm Knotz, '
O Lovebery, "
8 D Orow, Martinique, Mich.
E dement, the postal inspector.
P E Barns, 8 F.
J M Rice, Portland.
Editor Brown, ,,4'ian n.
0. A. C. and Albany.
The Holy Rollers arrived from Cor
vaius on a special train with an im
mense crowd of rootera and were in a
fierce conteBt with the Albany elnynn at.
press time. Albany's lineup whb the
Bame as in tbe Eugene game and the
O. A. O. line was Spagle, Pilkington,
u , Hamilton, Vonderhcllen,
Bundy, Cupber, Rhinehart, Williams,
Root and Nash. The audience w . very
ulbauy made a touchrt
a goal iu 15 minutes, aud is good Jor the
Carl Fischer, ol Astoria, haB just re.
turned home from a trip to the At ii
mining district.
Toledo Reporter: Dr. and "rx
AdamB, after spending nearly a n --nih
in Toledo "relieving the suffering, ' re
turned to Newport Tuesday evening,
Tbey will leave soon for Pendleton
where they will spend the winter.
There have been tbree more indict
ments made in the Horace - McKinley
timber land affair, Emma Watson for
conepiracv, Guy Huff for forgery and
norman witltamaior forgery.
MiBS Enie, daughter of A. Klein, a
former Albany man, and Mr. James
Archibald Follett were married at Salem
on Wednesday. Tbe groom ia an S. P.
man of Portland .
H. W. (Billy) Mansfield, an old-time
Portland printer, but for tbe past six
years a citizen ot riampa, ldano, la in
the city for a few dayB on business. His
appearance supports his statements in
regard to the wholesome climate of
Idaho, Mr. Mansfield devotes his
talents and energiea to publishing the
Idaho Leader, and amuBes blmaelf In hie
leisure bouts by cultivating a homestead
and operating a group of mining claims
and tbds is able to enjoy life.
Oregonion. One of the Albany boys 25
yeare ago, residing for many yeara at
ne corner of Third and Broadalbin
JOBNslON KICK. At tbe Presby
terian manse Oct. 29, 1903, by Rev. T
B. Griewold, Harry 8. Jobns'on of
Scio and Bertha Emily H --9 of
Presbyterian Manse Oct 23. 1903. bv
Rev. f. B. Griewold, Glen O. Hunter
of L, hanon and Eva E. Montgomery
ol Brownsville.
M'Daniel's Monumental Works
i . . . i i
Deschutes Timber Values.
Dbschutes, Or., Oct 25, '03,
To the Kdi or Diiochat:
'. ibany, Oregon.
Dear Sir: Sine 'return, li is wjek,
(rum I'Muy, i i,uvw .-e.i investigation
the roiiditiou- that exist in regard to be
1'iub r question in his viciniiy. Bmnu
interested myself, I tt ought that my
tiierda in Albany who have claims,
would be pleased to receive any inform
ation bearing ILereou. 1 find that offers
are being made of $1.00 pe thousand
stuiupae; which, would he from $2500
to $3000 per quarter uectiou for such
oiuiui aa moat ot our people owu.
To some, tbis mat looit like a fair price
for the timber; but, I am convinced by
the present activity of several wealtny
lumber and timber men from tbe east,
who have recently made repeated tri, s
into hiB seotion; (several of whom now
have men going over the field) tnat it
would be the better policy to hold our
intereBte for the present, as I am con
vinced that thre will be a considerable
advance in values within a ahort time.
1 express this view, only after careful
inveaiiitatlcn. and ieel warranted in
making this statement, with the utmo. t
confidence tbat my view is correct.
Yours respectfully,
Wm, Stkpiikns,
Corvallis's Holy pollers.
Corvallis has a small band ot "Holy
Rollers," a branch of the national
"Holy Rollers," an organization with
headquarters at Benton Harbor, Mich,
They have a book whlcb can be
purchased for $2 and after that ia read
another one for $1, and then if you be
lieve all tbe atuit you will be a Holy
Roller, that is your name will be on the
select holy roll. Tbe belief is that
everybody in the world but 144,000
people will be deatroted, tbe timsnow
set being about three yeare ahead, when
a new race will be started with these,
selected on account of their holy merit,
witn Denton narnor as tne Btartmg
place. These 144,000 will inherit all the
wealth of the world. These Corvallis
Holy Rollers, Mr. Hurt and family ar.d
Mrs. Hartley and daughters are limply
members of tbe general body of Holy
Nearly a Fire.'
P. O Anderson nearly had a conflag
ration at his reeidence this morning.
AV.n.,, A n'nlni.1. M.b A nna.ann V 1
crackling and rushing into
iuuui ,uuuu . u,o " "" "'"- weight of tbe team la 183.8 pounds, and
place and the room full pfflmotte. The 1 the quarter back weighs only 138
flames werei extinguished just in ilnoe. ipound8 Bt that, Tn8 World ' o
after considerable carpet, some wood.Hmlth-
work and a tent left near to dry had
been buried Tbe fire nlace had been
stopped up and was not need bnt a atove
pipe went into tne chimney, and some
sparks bad dropped down and
smouldered during the night until get
ting enough headway to burn.
Street Car Talk.
The city council recently ordered the
bed of the street car track repaired. It
ia said the owners' of the property
hardiy cooeiuer the franchise and
property v.'Ub ub present busineBB worm
tbe uxuonee. and there ia talk of tearing
it up and ee,linir the rails. It is to be
honed, tuoouh. that tbia is not done, aa
it is a great convenience, andithere should
not lit) a backward step as in two or
three other valley towns.
Claimed to Be Phil Armour.
A young man representing himself (o
he Pbil D. Armour did up the Portland
Club out of between $850 and $1400 this
week, and then skipped, coming Bouth,
It waa tbiB man Detective Day followed
up' tbe road as far as Albany. Tbe
Democbat in mentioning the fact gave
tbe name Portland Hotel instead ol iiuo.
Ha nave checks on flctickus banka and
loat $9,000 which is held by Fortiand
men, worthless paper. Portland 1b evid
ently easy.
Government weather prediction to
night fair. Saturday increasing cloudi
ness followed by tain, cooler Saturday.
G Go. will not send a team to the
Portland shoot. Tbe boys wanted to tee
the f jo ball game tomorrow.
Ibe Willamette's went to Eugene this
afternoon to meet the TT. of O. to
morrow. The Dbhocbat's prediction is
U. of O. first.
The Eoworth League will give a social
this evening at the residence of Dr. J. O.
Littler. Admission free. All friends are !
cordially Invited,
The family of the late Mrs, T. E.
Asbby wish to extend their heartfelt
thanks to the many friends who have
been eo kind and faithful daring tho long
illness and death of their mother.
MieB Margarita Fischer, the "18 year
old favorite" will appear at the Albany
Ooera Bouse in a repertoire of late and
etanrurri successes 1 week, commencing
Mon. -Nov 2nd. Reserved seats on sale
at Wnoflwnrth Drug Co,
S N. tkeelo, one of Albany's leading
mm cons, yesterday purchased ot K. U
WiH "" of Vobs & Son's fine pIsnoB
Vose iia been manufacturing pianos for
filly years and knows what a good piano
is, every instrument aent from his fact
or being a credit to bis name, recog
nized everywhere as one of the best
marble or granite.
Why not place orders at hime a
cave travelling men's commissions
of 20 to 20 per cent and expenses.
tntrty yern eipontiuuo no n ii
r an tee satisfaction.
Several Haliowe'e . ntertainipenta
weie held last evening, though Hallow
e'en itself occurs tonight.
The young people of the M. E. cburch
had oje of their livest pirtree at the
pleasant home of Dr J. C. Littler. Be
sides a good time socially a program waa
rendered, constating ol a piano solo by
Miss tor not, a violin solo by far. Tom
of the rolletie. a reading by the inimit
able Mr. Hu I, a guitar duet by Miss
wells and Chas. .Littler, a vocal solo by
Mrs. Ingalla, a piano solo by Mrs.
Knapp and a coupie humorous sougs by
a quartet, tbe Dre Littler, A M.
Hammer and Job. Ralston. A lunch.
consisting o' ginger cake v.itb a ring,
tlnmble, ten cent piece, etc. inside a few
was eerved.
There waa a fine time at the Maccabea
party. AmneementB of different kinds
wore enjoyed. Pretty booms added to
the effect of the hall. A large cake
went to Miss Mary Willert. During the
evening an excellent program was
rendered, consisting of vocal solos by
Elsie Hale and Roy Wood, piano solos
by Gail Hais and Conrad Meyer jr., a
line Jananea drill, a ghost k by six
young ladies and a qnartett by Mr. aud
inre. aieam and air. and Mrs Junkio.
Tbe Baraccas and Pbilethea societies
of the Baptist church had a flno time at
the borne ot Rufua Thompson with
Hallowe'en games as the amute men
aud old fashioned lunch. The Baraccaa
elected city officers as follows: William
Tohl mayor, Chas Oleek recorder, Frank
Powell marshal, Rohert Torbet pound
master, Homer Moore, Fiank Clevenger,
Leo Davis, Carlos Maratere, Melvin
Baltimore acd Chas. Shupe councilmen.
The boys and girls missionary
eocietiea of the Presbyterian church bad
a great time at the residence of tbe
paator Rev GriBwold in all manner of
Halowe'en gameB with a lunch to
match. Tbe bouse nas tilled.
MoMinnville X. R. : RbvIvaI meet
ings aie being beld in the Boptn t i lmrch,
conducted bv the pastor, assisted oy Mr.
O. ii. Han, of Albany, Mr. Hart con
ducts the musio and Binge Gospel aoloo
playing bis sccompanimnnt. upon a gui
tar. Hie singing is sweet, dear and iuv
preesive and attracts a crowd each even
ing in front of tbe pout office, where a
street meeting ie held by Rev, J, L,
Whirry of this city. .
One of the beBt foot ball teams in tbe
this year are the Columbiae, of
Smith will play fallback, and be has
not failed to gain his two yards since he
has played at Columbia. He is the best
defensive lnllhack on the gridiron to
la; 6 So far thia year, however, no ont
nas got, tnrougn tne line to get to nim.
In thb Cirooit Court of thb Statu op
Oiiboon for Linn Countv .
department No. 1 .
P. J. Porter, plaintiff, vs. Italph
Yantia. delendant.
To Ralph Yantis, the above named de
Oregon you aro hereby required to
appear and answei the compliant of the
above named plaintiff in the above en
titled court and cause, now on tt e with
the clerk of said oourt cn or bcoro the
23rd duv of Oitober. 1903; and you are
hereby no.iSea that if you full to appear
acd answer said complaint at hereby re
quired tho plainttff,t"ill take judgment
ncrainst you for tbe Bum of Ml.'). 85 to.
gether with interest thereon from March
10th. 1903, at the rate often ner cent ner
annum and the further sum of $25.00 at
torney's fees ard the costs and disburse-mint-
of thie action nid will anulv to the
court for an an order to sell the real prop
erty attached in this action, to-wit:
Beginning at a point on the North
boundary line of tbe D. L. O. of Jamea
Varbrough and wife Not. No. 2577 and
claim No. G2 In Tp. 13, South Hange4
west or tne wmamette AlondlMi, Ure-
Son, which is 24.01 chains East from
orthweet corner of said D, L. 0. and
runningthenceSouth 37.50chaiua thence
vvoBt 13 K obains. thence North 37.50
chains, thence East 13 chains to the
place ot oeginning containing 60 acres in
Linn couaty,Oregon,for the satisfaction of
said judgment, coats and accruing ccsts:
This summons is Berved on you by pub
lication in the Albany Dbhoorat bv
order of the Hon. H. M. Palmer, county
judge of Linn county, Oregon, made the
5th day of Set tember, 1903.
The date of tbe first subliciticn of this
summons Is September llth, 19C3, and
the date of the last publication is Octo
ber 23rd, 1903.
H, O. Watson At L. L. Rwan,
Attorney!" for Plaintiff
all nerBons intorealcd that the un
dersigned has filed bis final ai count in
tbe matter oi tne estaw or "imam
Crawford, deceased, in tbe coui.ty court
of Linn county, Oregon, and tbat said
court hae fixod Saturday, the . tli cay of
November, 1903, at tbe hour of one o'clock
p. m- of , aid day aB the timq for hearing
and settling all objections to final ac
count and to the final settlement of snid
estate; all perscLS having any objection
to said final account are hereby notified to
file tbe same in eaid court on or bofore
sa d last mentioned date.
. Dated this 9th Hay of October, 1903,
JortN H. Simpson,
the undersigned administrator of the
ettateof Robert I'rtior, dec?ased,haB filed
on final account In said estate with tbe
county e'erk oi Linn county, Oregon, and
tbe county I '.aue nas set tne an day of
No, ember 1903 at the hour of one o'clock
p. m. at the county court room of sal
county as tne tirre and place for hearing
ibjpcttonfl to ai count and the Bettled
ment thereof. JK. M. Immak,
H 0. Watson k L. L. Bwan,
' Attorneys.