An Interesting Cold Item. There le no doubt, according to the London Hospital, tbat the ordinary na sal catarrh ia a special infection! diB ease, What we observe among domeailc animals affords ample evidence of this . It Ib a familiar fact ibat a borne tbat baa been wintered out, ou being brougut in to a stable with others, Id most likely to develop a cold i'he cuaoljman will say it is because the unaccustomed warrnth of tbe stable makes bim "oesb." How ever, diBinlectiou of the stable before bringing animals from grass is true preventive of tbe evmptons of catarrh. What occurs among domeBtio animals we observe, too, among oureelveB, Some source of infection must be present be fore it is possible to catch a cold . There are places where colds are unknown Tbe universal experience of Arctio aud Antarctic explorers is tbat bo long as tbe members of tbe expedition are in th polar regions they remain free from colds but on return to tbe mainland or to set tlements inhabited by those who are i frequent communication with tbe main land, they neatly always at once sutler severe coids. Xbe same is raid to be true of tbe observatory en the summit of Ben Nevis, tbougb they live in clouds, Colds they never take, because there are no colds to catch, until tbe moment they descend to inhabited regions, then they eatch severe ones directly. For over two centuries the classical St. Kilda cold has not ceaeed to interest learned men. On this remote and rocky island of tli Western Hebrides, where some 100 in habitants dwell, colds are unknown, ex cepl alter tbe arrival of a ship from the mainland, when all the inhabitants are seized with colds, even to the babe at tbe breast. Afterward they teem to become to some 6xtent immune, for many escape until tbe following year. Tbe inhabi tants affirm that those colds which are brought by boats from the large ports Glaegow and Liverpool, are ;more esvere than those brought from tbe Hebrides.' From tbe November Current Literature, Oldest Oregon Baptist Preacher. From tbe McMinville r. It, Rev. 0. H. Mattoon, of Monmou'h was in Portland last week, attending the Baptist convention held there. This gentleman is the bolder of the oldest license in tbe Baptist church Issued In this state. Bev. Mr. Mattoon came to the state In 1861, and was licensed to preach in 1853 at tbe Bhilob church, Marion county. This place is now known as "Turner. Ever since tbat time this gray haired minister has been preaching the Baptist theologi to the residents of this state. During his 40 years of active work here he has witnessed many chan ges and developmenB, both in tbe church pad out of it, but be has all the time been active in the work of tbe Baptists of Oregon, Eov. Mr. Mattoon was, attending the convention partly in the interests of the publication of a bouK entitled "Baptist Annals of the North Pacific Coast," the ilrBt volume of which is a history of the Baptist ohu rob in Oregon, It consists cf statistics of worrj in thie state, and many sketches and personal reminis. cencee of the early workers. II is .likely that tbo book will be published by the State Convention. A committo was ap pointed to look in'o the matter and reso utione adopt e Oregon Society Song of the American Revolution. Tbe Oregon Society of Rons of the American Revolution has aeveral times In tbe past offered prizes to the echool children of the state for essays oa sub jects connected with Revolutiouaiy HI. tory. Tbe results in tbe past have en couraged the Society to renew tbe offsr at tbis time. Prizes of $25, ?15 and $10, lespectively, will therefore be awarded for the three best essays in tbe order of merit, written by students in tbe public schools of Oregon, ou any of tbe follow ing subjects: 1. The Arousing of Public Opinion; tbe Work ef Samuel Adams, Thomas Paine, John Dickinson and Patrick Henry. 2.. Lexington and Cflncord. 3, Tbe Battle of King's Mountain. 4, Virginia's Part In tbe American Revolution. Kssays are limited in length to o.uuu worasi must be written on one side of the paper in the student's ow handwriting and must be accompanied by tbe certificate of tbe principal ot tb Bcbool attended by tbe author, to tbe ef root that the author is a bona fide stu dent in tbe school and has been in at- tenuance "therein not loss than lou; weeks during tbe echool year of 1903-4, EsBays must be forwarded to tbe chair man of the committee in charge, Wallace McUamant, 34 Concord Building, Port land, (Jr., so as to reacn bim not later than lebruary 1st, 1904. In awardin yua priatm iuo committee wilt be gov ernea by tbese three considerations 1. Historical accuracy. 2, Manner of treatment. 3, Orthography, grammar, syntax and punctuator). Any additional information which may be deoired will be cheerfully fur- ntBhed by any member of tbe oomrmttee, iue essay which le awarded the first prize will be published in full, with tbe name ot the author, in the publio prers JOUM K. KoLLOCK, Inos. G GREENE, Wallace McOamant, Committee. mere is probably a golden mean in tbis school book proportion that mmi. ionaly disturbs the publio. It might be wen to una it It some one has tbe can aclty for bringing to the surface the gold unuerneath it all. The soirii of the. d has been to keep adding studies for the pupil! until some of them have more than tbey can stand, perhaps the average pupil has. There are scholars who cannot be stalled, and it makes little difference how much work thev havA In do, but a majority of ohildren in the puoilo schools can stand only about so much. Our schools are for all claa-nr, and tbis should be kept in view. At the same time this isn ae of progress, and we inuBt not Keep in tba old 3 R rut of fifty years ago. We must go ahead, but t Is possible to do bo by lopuine orP in some places and adding in others, and keeping the whole course within the reach ot the average pupil so as not to stun mm beyond his capacity. Saturday Nittht I noughts. In national mat'ere a great deal of in toreBt haa been taken in eome charges of fraad, in which severe Oregon men have been mentioned. Thie putB thorns on tbe buebeB and a spur to tbe young roister, something tbat pricks at home, Tbis matter of fraud has been before tbe people so much lately that one need to keep a looking glass around to see whether Santanic horns have grown since tbe last observation. It does look sometimes as if half tbe people wanted to make a living without working fo; it. Of course tbat is tco high a tigur., though. Ten percent ought to make us ashamed of the recals. Whether some of the charges are true or not, tbe smoke leaves a bad smell. The big Dowie meetings in New York with the attendant doings of tbe man bove contiuned to attract attention, though of a waning order, gradually go ing down like a candle. He wi.I even tually sink out of sight for beia walking on quicksand. His disappearance will i be a relief. Tbe foundation of hlB repu-1 tation is infamoUB, He accumulated an Immenee property in bis own name by imposing on a creduious people, even getting the montyof bard working girls and using it in bis own name for ais own pleasure and profit. When tbe bubble burets Dowie will be a synouym of in famy. ' These are dayB of sensational men, men who jump up conspicuously and shine . like a comet, emblazoning tbe financial heavens. One of the latest is F. Augustus Heinz, oi Montana. Eleven years ago he graduated from Columbia University and went to Montana as a civil engineer. He worked two years underground. Now be is working above ground and stepping all over Buch men as Rockefeller and Senator Clark, a man at 34 of colossal executive ability aud financial nerve. He has just beaten a great syndicate in a legal fight, and although it has thrown out of work twenty thousand men, the water will seek its level and in a little while under Heinze tbe mining interests of Montana wnl be in a better situation than before And there are others coming up. Bad Coughs " I had a bad cough for six weeks and could find no relief un til I tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. One-fourth of a bottle cured me." L. Hawn, Newington, Ont. Neglected colds always lead to something serious. They run into chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, or consumption. Don't wait, but take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral just as soon as your cough begins. A few doses will cure you then. Consult your doctor. If lie says take it, then do as he says. If lie tells you not to take it, then don't take it. He knows. Ayer's Pills cure any tendency to biliousness or constitution, and thus hasten recovery. Purely vege- vjcnuy lUXttllvc. J. C. AYER CO., Lowell, Mass, ARM TORN OFF. Leslie L. Potts Meets With a Bad Accident. Leslie L. Potts, an old employeo at the woolen mill, lost en arm, this fore noon as follows; He was putting cloth into tbe extractor, generallv done when stationary, but then in fqll motion 700 revolutions ammute, when his left hand got caught in a piece of cloth and he was nauiea into tbo extractor and whirled arouod with it until the arm was jerked ' "ear me .emow and meBhed into BhredB nearly to the shoulder, when the machine waa stopped. He was taken to the Naeland hoenital and nti-mlnrl i. Dre, Davis, Wallace ad Hill. He will have a short stub at the Bhoulder. He is i doing well. A splendid young man, his many friends Bincarelv raarat tho ac cident. . . ' " Eureka (111.) Demcorat-journat: Gov ernor Cummins of Iowa has heard from tbe republican bosses and has laid jdown fiat before tbem, and has laid down hard on "tbe Iowa idea" of relief from tariff oppression. Cummins ia not made of heroic stuff. -Osceola (Ark.) Preas: It la all non tense to say that tbe money intererts will knife RooBeyeit in the next cam paign, Maoh as these gentry dislike the president they hate the democratic party more. It will be tbe same old fight be tweep plutocracy ami democracy. Ranteul (III.) News: Some member of eongresB think that Mr. Bristiw ha not yet reached the bottom of the postal fraud. Tbe railway mall should be In vpatigated. Warsaw (Ind,) Union: The Ohiongo Chronicle la advocating Richard Olney for tbe democratic nemlnation for prosi dent, That is unfortnnate for nfr, Olney, If he wants to be boomed for this nomination he should have a denio. emtio paper do it. The Chronicle's sup port would injure the cliancoB of tbe best man on earth In the estimation of real democrats. Those reports of timber laud frauds, In which several prominent politicians of Oregon are Implicated, are offering some very savory morsels for the avaricious huugryjpublio. There may not be very much in it, but there is enough to cause a little smoko. It will not be surpris ing If there is a good deal more than smoke after awhile. It will be in keep. Ing with the publio spirit of the day as seta going baok In the postal depart ment in Washington. Some of Mr. Bryan's republican friends are trying to make capital out of the 50,000 bequest to W. J. Bryan . The only trouble with them ia fiat the bequest was not made to them instead of to Bryan. Coming after their many recent fraudulent grafto in all depart ments oi the government any kicks at Mr. Bryan at this time are exceedingly naufeating. It is safe to say that nine people -out of ten ,lf left $60,0CO by an admirer would Beek to retain the prop rty. Mr. Bryan baa not done this muoh, only testing the case in the interest of benevolence, not intending to keep the money If left by the courts to him. It makes a good deal of difference whose feet tbesboea are on. There is talk of Canada breaking loose from the apron strings of her mother country, on account of the recent decis ion in connection with the Alaeaan boundary. But Canada will not do any thing more than grumble during tbe present half of tbe century. The Dkmo crtAT though, would like to see tbe separ ation and Canada stand forth as au inde pendent republic with some Individual. it; of her own. Albany's cement walk crusade is a Bplendid one. Is is very, gratifying to see the manner in which the good peo ple ot the eity appreciate the move and joiu in with the spirit of progress tbat is being manileBted ou all sides. Good comont walks all over the city will mean a good doal besidos that. Tbe Democrat man seeB things right along indicating tbe very health growth of Albany, a matter of great satisfaction not only to the Democrat, which has always made tbe progress of tbe city an issue, but to tbe people ot the city gen erally. During the past year some of city's best residences have been erected, structures very creditable. Our fine electrio l'gbt and water works plants have been wonderfully Improved by the construction of probably the best electric light station in the valley. Cement walks have been built all over the city J not only in front of business property but adjoining our residences, indicating n appreciation of the permanency of things. Years ago we overdid it in tbe matter of e.ection of business blocks and the result is we have not had to do much in this line beyond filling up tbe old Btructures and this has been done rapidly, several line establishments be ing added to the business interests of the city. A big prune packing bouee, run on . up-to-date principles, is a factory that will nssint the city In becoming a fruit center, particularly in the prune business. Business men report a healthy trade, Everything speaks for the relia bility of the progress without any boom often a hindrance in the long run, for too often a reaction follows. These things suggest continued rustle for this inland city. With its railroad facilities and splendid surroundings, added to its long established manufacturing and other interests it is bound to make a city of Importance. Somo men have been arrested at Ore gon city for riding on the cars contrary to tbe laws of tbe state of Oregon. It iB to be hoped the good example be follow ed by many otber arrests, until the tramp nuisance is disposed of. The Portland newspaper men have shown what tbey ran do along tbe line of minBtrelsv, and hereafter it is to be hoped they are more charitable in their criticism of visiting professional min strels. It should certainly make them 60. THE BIG WATER WHEEL For Albany's Fine Electric Light Plant Arrived last evening direct from tbe factory at Dayton, O., and is being moved today under the direction of Manager GofI to the new station. The wheel weighs ten tons and has a bower of 270 horses, though when placed in position at the works here, with the fall of forty feet it will amount to at least 300 horse power. It iB a Victor turbine, a scientifically constructed arrangement, Tbe suction power eqnais the fall of the water, doubling its poaer. The wheel will be lowered to ite cement resting piuiB uy oioos ana tactile, a Bio 7 job, so that it will probably be at least three weekB before it iB running. The Albany Canal and Water O.i. will have one of the unet nlanta on the coast, in bnpn. ing with tbe growth of the city. MISFITS, II you don't read tbe Democrat )ou mis? a good deal of i e vs. Albauy 'haa ne H',i Roller., hut it hasteverai Hib Roll.- - wrm ..'.ii offjot tnem. Experts declare the winter mouths to be the beet time to build cement walks Better construct. The other towna of the vallev will have to get a hustle on to on the cement walk proposition. The puublic man who escapes without some spotB on his character in these corrupt dayB of spoils grafting, is very fortunate. That it never rains but it pours is being verified in the case of Aberdeen, visited by two disastrous fires within a lew weeks. The rate on lumber on the S. P. is to be advanced Nov. 1 from $5 to $7.50 ton. A poor way to build up this mmDer country. Somebody saya there is some funny business ging on in connection with the coming republican primaries. Wonder wuat that is. When tbe smoke rises from the cneo of Ex-Congresaman Moody the verdict will probably be not sniltv. Thoro , eveioentiy considererable nonsense in tue case. a. green Balem youth is said to be following the Margarita Fisher C,n smitten by one of the lady membero of the troup. His mamma Bhould take uiui iu cnarge. i A Connecticut girl gave her life's sav ings, J700 to Dowie. Dowie ought to be hanged for taking it, at least sent to the penitentiary for several years. He waa uu ueiter man a robber. There is liable to be trouble down in the Eugene Guard office. That "WUB.W liuuur BenerewortQ, ot the Harrifiburj; Bulletin, of looking liirn s A. D, Pruter under indictment chftrtred with a timknH I--,1 t - ft vu u nmuoi 1UUU irtlUU. aub yellow newspaper reporters stated that about $20,000,000 is involved in the present timber frauds. The chaff nan ueen taaen out ot tbis enough to in dicate that the figures are about 10,000 times too much, the real amount, hoi no to nnn . Mayor Harrison, ol Chicago", it ie stated, Is a candidate for President of tbe Uuited States on the domocratio ticket. He is a man of rornaraable ability, one who has acted and not merely tallied, Whether or not lie Is really a candidate, though, will be known hett-r wlim the smoke of the yellow jouruuls rais.f . Aberdeen, Wash., baa been having more than its Bhare of afflictions, hut that seems to be the way things go in this world. The brushing np of the telephone poles of the city, though a small ruttor adds very materially to the good lookB of the streote of the cits. A woman back in Ohio is accused of attempting to blackmail Mark Uanna. She should be seut to the intans asylum. or a girl's reformatory achool. A Strange Bird. Mayor Williama very meekly tells about the schools of seventy years aao when he was a boy. That Is very ingen- uons iu the ax-attorney gene'n1, A Benton county man caught a strange bird near Thornton Lake this week aud.left it at Baltimore's. Dr. J. L. Hill gave it tbe name "Howling Grebe Irom Africa," but an ludiana man who saw it says it is simply a Hell Direr, of which there are a good many in Indiana. It has wu. v loot' h uk and wings so I short as to lo bid I, tling. Asa d.ver uib a crnckerjack, but it is not an eate r. IN AND AROUND ALBANY. Democratic primaries next Monday afternoon. Sweet cider 15 cfs. a gallon at Settle mire's Feed Store. jlO pays for 10 weeka Tuition iu the Night School. Very low. Tuesday ovening, Nov. 6, at 7:30 the Night School commences. You ought to have a Business Educa tion. Attend the Night School. The LadieE of the Catholic church will hold their fair Nov 5th, 6th, 7th. Government weather prediction : to night and Sunday occasional rain, warmer tonignt, Bookkeeping by the Voucher Method is taught in the eclectic nusineBS Uol, lege, Albany, Oregon. Prices reduced to 15, 25 and 35 cents for Margarita Fischer Co., one week from next Monday. The classes in Fookkeeping, Short- band or typewriting in the Night School win be personalty conducted by Pro'. I, E. Richardson. Study bookkeeping in the Night Bcuool oi tne nciectic .Business College, which commences Tuesday evening, Nov. 3. G. E. Sanders made ajneat hit in In dian basket work, by having a K y, Edwin Hart, at work during the day in a Bhow window, Stenographs, s are wanted for the Civil Service at salaries from $100 to $150 a month. For particulate addres the Eclectic Business College, Albany, uregon. John Archibald, a resident of Crook county for a good many years, has re turned t Linn county to res'de and will make bie borne at langent. Coming with uniformed band and oi chestra, "The Margarita Fischer Comp any." Albany opera bouse one week commencing Monday Nov. 2nd. A warrant has been issued for the arrest of Francir.Ua Fresh, of Halssy, now in KeddiDg Oalif,, charged with the theft of a diamond pin from Amos Set ters of Halsey. At the Congregational Church Sun day evening, the pastor will preach a sermon illustrated witn candles. Some valley papers give more space to explaining bow the home team failed to Win than tO the latent hank- rnhtiorv Telegram. The Dkmoobat endeavors to give only the amount of space it givea to otner aa important matters, realizing that onlv a few details of such things as much as they may be interested in a game itself, and it has no excuses to offer. Here is a Eample of the prayers of Dowie, one of the craziest men in the U.S.: "God look down upon the irrespon sible, band of criminals who write papers and publish their lies, and have mercy on them. Have mercy, O, God and grant grace to the country, and may it muzzle, and, if needs be, destroy the newspapers." SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Ikey Butler, of Mill City, is here to attend the foot ball game. Fred Enelehart arrived from Wh- iugton to-day to sue the foot ball game B. J Hecker the stock buyer returned una noon irorn a trip don tbe road. Indlpendent Order of Lions request all memuers to oe present at meeilng called iur tuuigut. Walter Uiddle returned ventnrrlav afternoon irom a visit with Eugene rel atives Mies Kutb Flinn.of tbe IT. of O. came noma yesterday for a two days visit and to see tne loot oau game. Vince Circle and wife, for twenty seven years residents of Crook county, now The Dalles, are in the city. They may return to Linn county. Chief Night Operator Will A. Humph rey, of Portland, formerly of Albanv.has beeu promoti d to thb position ot chief night operator of the Weattrn Union at rortiana a tact that speaks for itself. Mr. and Mrs. T A. Hays entertained the teachers of tbe public schools at their nome on otn street last night. The even ing was spent in playing "Flinch" and "stoats." i nose present were: Missea Fortmiller, Pease, Kedfield, Saltmarsh, Wilson, Wetberbee, Ward. Ynntin French, Baltimore, Francis and Louise Leatberman, Meedarcea Hammer, Leath- man, xorau, uarieton, Messrs. Uarleton, and Leatberman. Harrisburg. From the Bulletin : Mr. Clyde Ashby with the Telenhona company w&i here Friday looking after ins uuujfauy a lu.eruar, Miss Lillian nrnwlnrri of Alh.nv n,BD All. ' an arrival nmtai Ch. ia ,Kn but e-pecially the young people,- are , Miss Cecil Rampy. some invited to attend, Be sure and see Miss Margarita Fischer aa Mercv Baxter iu the beautiful rural comedy drama A Country Girl at tbe Albany tit.era hou e one week, cimmooc- ing Mooday, Nov, ind. Admission 35. L'S and 15 cents. Seats now on sale at Woodworih Urog Co. Born to Mr. and Melvln Teeters, in Albany, on October 29, a boy. AU do ing well. Spacial: Uncle Jaae is hilarious and Grandpa Whee er couldn't get into his trousers tbis morning. person or rjorsons hrokn intn Georpe McOulloch's saloon last night and securea aoout seven oouara irom tbe till. Miss Mamie Montgomery, a faitbtul typo for twenty yeara on tha Albany Herald, is visiting here the gusst of Mr. Endicotts'. The Bulletin is now under the man agement of Bcigge & Norwood and will be conducted on about the same lines aa wnen Editor A. B. Betters orth was in charge It ii be non-rnrtisan to the full extent ol the term, but the right of fair critici'in on all eubjec e that it is ihoi'sht best to trcst reserved. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. Famous Woman Dead. Marceunk, Mo, Oct. 29. Mrs. Booth Tucker died at 2:60 o'clock this morning JUSt 88 the train hBarin K. .1.5 I , , ,, , t- ubi IIUU LUtJ wuuuueu puned into the station train' Del Holland also died on tbe Rather Sensational. New York, Oct. 28.-The New York sun, in a-special from Washington today announcing the suspension of Receiver ficeys' the L"nd Grandf Land Of- befe ?ffloial c?"flrmation cannot that thl H d hore' " i8 Poetically certain inlta , Par,ment 8 investigation will fnri Senators. Mitchell and Fulton, and Representative Williamson of Orei gon, who composed the delegation that recommended Tbomaon'B appointment. Harrison a Candidate!. OnlCAGO. rw 00 o l has decided to become a" Candida e ' he nomination for the Presidency on n..A-nj .o.uu, it, m eaia, ne ib in fluenced more by the possibility of being nmnnml.eB, lnJ1908 he ie in 1904, Democratic leaders ere not hopeful of & the'r,?a'iidate noxtr yePar, but KiflDBbahfVr the,deniocratic nom- . isVnrVosfvet renom! Intended Blow Up. Seattle. Ont. !!? twi dynamite dode.up in two packages, with split fuses attached all ready to light r(rha'TU?dcTeald in thB toilet-room of the Interurban Depot, at 3 o'clock this afternoon. There waa enough of the explosive to have blown up all build logs withm a radius of two blocke and hw,Jt??i,e PI?P"y fOT a distance of ten olocks from the depot, Hermann Accused. Washington Oct. 28,-An intereatiug discovery in connection with the land frauds investigations ia font n,. records which micht. n ni.i,, . . shortly before he left thGenlralLand A Prince Attached. Tiflis. BJUBaianTrAniiran.aaTa no. Prince Galitzen, Governor-General o tbe Uaucaaia, hsd a narrnnr i. assination today in the outskirts of the town. Three natives stahhari h ernor-General thrice. They fled, but Cossacks!65"8 Bh0t d0Wn b the Editor Bobbed, Oregon City. Oct. so i entered tht office of the Oregon City Enterprise at noon today r-nd stole a St contain rig money to the amount of about $150 that had ;been offered I as i subscription prize contest. The theft was perpetrated in ih .h..... , . .V" . mu abtmiiBg, ur course Kanna. Cleveland. O.. On, oa o Hanna today said he would again accept the duties of chairman of the republican ' national committee, as ha k.j laftedw?.the wi8h ,f pa'ient Roosel Velt that ha mnnntm h o nn: . 00 election. Mr. Hanna desires the public to know he never said he would not serve again He ia of the opinion that such sffir circ to iniure him Was Prostrated. Chicago. Oir. oa n. .. ,n , ,' umumjiuer i300tn- lucker, who arrived in Chicago today, expecting to join his wife here, waa prosl tratecl by the shock of Mrs. Boolh-Tuck-or'a death. He was met at the railway station by Salvation Army officials and was taken in a carriatrs rtircnt i, j quarters. No mention of hia wife's ueath waa made on the way. however and the newspapers were withheld from The Haytian War. Cape HaytIen, Oct. 29. General Navaro, the revolutionary Governor of Monte Crista, Santo Domingo, at the head of a Btrong force of troops, has JPhia6d ?er,8,1 Morale,"' Commander-ins Chief of the forces of the Dominican revolution with the reported intention of Death of Mrs. Crews. Mrs. J. R. Crewe died last night of meningitis, at tbe age of 87 years. She was taken ill on last Sunday. She leaves a husband and two children Wren aged 17 and Edna 16. They cam? Irom eastern Oregon about a year ago! purchasing tbe Haman farm, which Mr Crews so.d recently and purchased the dray business of B. M. Hueton. moving h.tlbanT-h They haa 'aBt moved into5 their new home in the first ward. Sha waa a member of the Christian church id ?.J?'te 01 Honor- "Oman ot splendid charscter, beloved by all know- turg P"ents live at Waits- l.It8la.ll'l service will take place at theOhrtstian church tomorrow at 2 :30 All members of tha Dnoroa u are requested to meet at their Hall to morrow at two o'elock sharp to a end Crewe" Ur Iate 8iater "ln By order of cheif of Honor, Mary J. O'Brien. Milton Shannon Died In San Antonio, Texas, recently at the age of 80 years. He waa n n pioneer of 1851 and - . Democrat's original subscribers. He was Mation County's first judge, after wards Bottling in Al0,'n 8 'R , lXrllJ 'ears ago, .oo.ucu wuq a orother. To Cure a Cola in one Day rake Laxative Bromo-Quinlue Tablet Tbis Blwnaturn .. box. 25c. &'x&va er"y