Albany Democrat ALBANY, OREGON FilIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1903. 1 NO IL MILLINERY. Goods are mov'ng fast la our store aused by our choosing the right goods, whicu alter going through our workshop and receiving Ibe correct, styles are put out lor sale at tho lowest prices. Follow ng tha meaning o! these lour words, correct BtyleB, lowest prices accounts for onr ncreasing business. For you to appreciate this you must call and inspect our oods. New goDds arriving daily Watch our Windows "THE LEADING MILLINERY." (O. P. WOLCOri, Successor to O'NeHV Phone Black Ml, DR. MRS. RAMSEY, Osteopath Phone Black 482, $100 Reward $100. lhe readers of tiiia papar will bo'plcased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all stages and that is Catarrh. Hall'B Oatarrh Care ia the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disoase. requires a constitutional treatment, Hail's Catarrh Cure ia taken internally, acting directly upon tho blood and mu cous surfaces of the system, thereby de stroying the foundation of the diseate, and giving the patient strength by build ing up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. Tbo proprie tors have so much faith in its curative Sowers, that tbey offer One Hundred hilars for any case that it fails to euro. Send for lis! of testimonials. Address F. j. CHENEY ft CO., Toledo, O. . Sold by Druggist, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best A Remarkable Record. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has a remarkable record. It has been ia uEe for ever thirty years, during which time many million bottles have been sold and used. It has long been the standard ana main reliance in the treatment of cro.p in thousands of homes, yet during all thie time no case has ever been reported to the manufacturers in which it failed to effect a cure. When Tgiven as soon as the child becomes hoarse or even aB soon as the croup r ?gh appears, it will pre vent the atfi. . It is pleasant to take, many chilcn u tike it. It contains no opium or ottor harmful substance and in ay :e given as confident y to a uaby as to an adult. For sale by all druggists. Getting our reward -Long ago we de cided that if we could not sell pure, first qualitv drugs at moderate profit we would'not sell any ; we considered it dis honest to sell cheap drugB lor high prices and have held to onr resolu tion we are no-v getting our reward by the large patronage we are enjoying. Thanks to the public. Bubrkiiart & Lee. M-Daniel's Monumental Works NORMAN B. ATTY, D. 0., OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Office hours 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to S p. m. 115 Broadalbin street, Albany, Oregon. THE USE OF NARCOTIC And mercury in the treatment of piles wa loBiUn in the dark ages, giving temporary relief only by paralvzing the bowels and do net cure, but ia reality weaken tho parti and prevent natuie from restoring the bowel to a healthy condition, as any honest' and Intell igent drugi't or dootor will admit, and as may ba aen by reference to the Un 1 od States Dispensatory, which says . 'Opium lessens the natural motion oi the bowels, its local effect is the same as Us general operation; conium paralyzes tne motor nerves, ufr.r ite reduces nius. cular strength, belladoana oroduces par alytic symptoms hysscvamis andstram ouium are same as belladonna. They DO YOU EAT? if so You ought to be interested in our HNELINl of DINING TABLES direct from the east We also have alarsf-lnew'.aseorlmentof Hall Mlrrors.Seate and Hall Brckf. THE HOUSE FURNISHING CO., Albany, Oregon 331 W First St- 229 tlroadalbin St. HOME AND ABROAD. The Margarita Fischer Co. will be in Cottage Grove next week. The fiftieth nnniversary o: the estab ment of Providence Church, near Scio, will be celebrated tomorrow. Mrs Henrietta Brown, of this city, 1b advertised in the Oregon City Enterprise to prove up on her timber claim in tp. 3 R 3 East, at Oregon City, before the register, on Dec. 10. Cards are out announcing the marriage of Ex Deputy Sheriff'W. A. McHargue, of Brownsville, and Mies Tracey Pbilpot, of Holley, to take place next Wednesday. Two accident" at Stavton this week Hyber er bad both collar bones broken between an engine and water wagon, and W. F. Hayes lost a finger in the machinery of an engine Georgs A. Dyson, the original Luckey Boy man, who sold his interest in the mine for $20,000,- and a Eugene man have purchased the Yellow jacket mines near Jacksonville, where they will put in a plant. From the E. A. : As the state board of health is making quite a stir at different points in the state, it is a matter of intetest to state that Hon. M. A. Miller is entitled to the distinction of being the only member in the state senate who opposed the creation of this board. Brownsville limes : Dr. J. B. Kelley, of this city, assisted by Dr. isllis, of Albany.and Drs. W. H. and J. 0. Booth, of Lebanon, operated on MieB Elva WaBhbiirn last Saturday morning, for intestinal invagination. This is indeed a delicate operation, but in this case it was entirely successful. Grandma Hitcbens, who lives with her eon-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Staiger, at the comer of Union and High streets, in this city, had a fall yesterday. Statesman. Mrs Hitcbens ia mother of Mrs 0 O Lee of Albany. MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, TABLETS, CB03SES, ETC., in marble or granite. Why not place orders at hime a Eave travelling men's commissions of of 20 to 25 per cent and expenses. ONLY THE BEST MATERIAL USED. Thirty years experience as a prac tical workman enables me to guar - antee satisfaction. 206 WEST SECOND ST. ALtfANY, OTEGON.l POISONS do not exercise any curative Influence. " The following is in Bubstance the ex pression o' all up-to-date druggists: "In twenty eight years experience I have prepared all manner of narcotic anJ mermii'. preparations for piles, but none to my knowledge ever cured a single case." P. B Sprague, druggist, Lincoln, Neb, E-KU-SA Pile Cure is the only non poiBonous pile cure on the market. Over 4000 oi the most intelligent and np-to date druggists Bell and endorse it. K-RU-SA cures piles, or (50 paid. Worst cases of piles cured with one bex. All reliable, up-to-date druggists sell E-RU-SA, viz: BDRKtl 4.RT & LEE. TELEGRAPHIC. A Fatal Fire. Aberdeen', Oct. 16. Seven solid blocks, embracing every business house of prominence In Aberdeen, a large number of dwellings, the Opera House, the Central School building, the Edison and Olympus Theaters, the Croscent Hotel, 'be Pacific Ho el, the new fire department headquarters, the Council Chambers, the fire alarm system, every law office, and a hoBpital all were in cluded in a district covered by a fire which started thin forenoon in the lUck block on Hume street. The loss is esti mated at not less than $1,000,000, and the insurance is not more than one third. There were four fatalities from falling wall and suffocation and five other per sona were slightly injured, All the build ings burned, except the Kaufman block, were of wood, and only vacant areas of land here and there prevented the entire town from being fuel for the flames, The dead are : Charles Kallo. Daniel Webster. Calvin AIcKenzie. Unknown man. The Proper Thing. Washington. Oct. 10. The fieht. for the repeal or radical modification of the timber and Btone, deseat land and home stead commutation laws, begun in the last Congress, is to be renewed with Vigor early in the coming BeBsion. A number of wBStera Senators and Repre sentatives nave b90n contemner with the Interior Department with a view ro pie paring uuie to amena me existing lawB. Seattle. Gambling. SEATTLE,JOct.'16. Under Sheriff Cor coran today issusda sweeping order di recting mat all slot maenmes, ot what ever nature, and all other gambling devices be seized if any are found in use auer b o ciock tomorrow morning. Deputy buenlta ftrison and Hunce, acting unon instructions from Corcoran. spBnt the whole day warning the owners of trade slot machines. Getting Reudy. London, Oct. 17. Snecial corrcsnond- ents continue to Bend in alarmist rumors and reports of the Russo-JapaiieBe situ ation. The correspondent at Chee Foo of the Morning Post has gone to Wei iiai wei, wnence lie caDles: I am informed in trustworthy quarters that Japan has landed troopB at Ping Yan, at the outlet of Corea Bay. Dowle In New York. New Yoke. Oct. 10. The "Reslnrntmn Host" under the leadership of John Alexander Dowie, garrisoned Madison Square Garden today and completed preparations to sally forth tomorrow on the works of the "enemy." RELIGIOUS M. E. church South Rev.' f!. W. Pogue, pastor. Preacning at 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. S. 8. at 10 a. m. Ep- wunu reggae as t p. m. weeaiy prayer meetiag Tnareday evening. First Christian church: Services at 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. in. Morning theme: "The Most Important Invest ment." E-.enlng, "A WIbb Choice of a Great Man." Congregational ohuroh cor. Ferry anp 4th ste: Services every Sunday at 10 :30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m., pleaching by tbe pastor. Sunday school convenes at 11 :45 a. m. and the Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m, AH are invited to attend G. W, Nelson, Pastor. U. P. church : Preaching by the pas tor Rev. White at 10 :30 and 7 :30. Sab bath school 11:45, Junior ED'eayor, 3 :S0, Senior Endeavor 6 :30. Baptist cnurch : Services at usual nours, preaenmg ny tbe pastor, Bev. W. W, Davis, Sabbath school at close of morning service, Junior at 3 p. m,, B. Y. P. U. at 6:30, midweek prayer ser vice Thursday eve 7 :30. M, E. church : Preaching by the pas tor at 10 :30 a. m.,and 7 :30 p. m. Sunday Bchool at 11:45, Epworth and Intermed iate League at 6:30, class meeting 6:30. All will be welcome. Firs Presbyterian church, cor. Broad albin and Fifth atreets. Public worship and preaching at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 11 :45 a. m. Y, P. 8. O. E, 6:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening 7 :30. The Lord' sSup per will be administered Sunday morn ing. All ar3 cordially inyited to the eervices. BUSINESS F. G.Will for jewelry. An elegant display of Bilverware a F. G. Will's. Razors honed abd Bet 25 t 8tai Bathe. Wedding, engagement and other rings in the latest deeigna at F. G. Will's. Mrs. Adams has new embroidery patr terns for shirt waists. Call and see her before purchasing elsewhere. Viereck's Exhilirant Ilalr Tonic re. stores hair toils original color.. Viereck lizeuia and Dandruff Cure or money re funded. 60c per bottle, Our Prices? Well they are simply all right. Try and see. 0. E. Hrownblt., Second St. Salmon and at luc peron. (Choice C. E. BeoffsKn's Cull and no the new (Jog lit t- ' lhe Bsnar. L El H J Hamilton, at ' - To- ri,,r r-c-tiis MISFITS. Socially Albany is ttrictly In the swim. It will cost I mm ai nn i ti ir. ,.' -- u ,v umi and see Nordica in Portland, but she is' " worm n irom an artistic standpoint. It was made so trouical for tha Onnknr Doctors in Pendleton that they got oat ' and went to Poitland. Every com-1 monity should be made too warm for, them, Hon. E. D. Hume, who sued the urantB Pass editor for $5,000 damages done his character got the customery verdict of $1, not veiy complimentary to bis oharacter, - A Missouri country editor refuses to publish obituary notices of people' ho, while living, failed to subscribe to his paper, and gives this pointed reason: "People wbo do not take their home paper are dead anyway, and their mere passing away is of no nens value." These are days of extremes . Ushered in with umbrageous fogs, falling like a mantle and covering the prettiest valley this side of Mars, attended with a piercing chill, suggesting discomfort and anxiety, ending in a glow of sunlight, reBplendent wills tinged colors of the mighty rays of Old Sol, tapering off into a twilight of mellowy ebado, followed by tbe reign of VenuB and her sparkling attendants. High Class Band Music. A glance at the program to be ren dered here by Ellery'e BBnd, which comes to the ope.a house next Wednes day, ia enough to insare that they will please every one. The programi are carefully arrange I and selected by Mr, Ellery personally, and the people oan reet assured that the Classics will not be overdone, and at the same time they do not siuk to the level of the ra-time entertainment. Among the selections to be rendered will iuclude some of Obiaffarelli "Ibe Great's" comDositions. which are conceded to be the meat orig inal and fascinating compositions that ,nas oeen written in years., Appreciated in Portland. CorHray'e Theater is more than well fjUed e very night this week to witness the great ecenio prcduction. "Over j$.gnra FbIIb, " This is by far the best uHraction that has appeared at Oordray's 'Cheater this season, although the others unie been abJve the average, and much b'Hter than lest season. "Ovjr Niagara Falls" continuea until next Snnday, ..hen it n ill be given at a special mat inee. The Telegram. At Albany next Tuesday. Cloverdale Gravel and Sand. I hereby authorize Mr, 8, W. Ross to collect for all gravel and sand, hauled from Cloverdale. Walter E, Turhell. Does Man hood Fail? It may eometlraes, owing tc nervone disorders, but it is bard!) ever lost, ex cept in ext'eme old age, What Is called impotency or sexual neurasthenia ia merely weakened ,ower. Underneath the ashes the fire remains aglow, It re quires careful, scientific treatmont to fan it into a bright flame cf life and energy. Fcr these cases, which have been hith erto the despair cf (he physicians, noth ing equals the application' of electricity, If by proper current and exact dosage,in combination with the scientific admin istiation of specific medical remedies, which penetrale the secret ambush of diseaEe.exlermitatingit root and branch lorever, A rejuvenation follows lis use. It produces results because it replenishes the vital tonicity requisite to the nervous eyetem. According to Dr. Damn's peculiar and scientific methods of ad ministration, it ia ' powerful vltalizer, indicated in diseased conditions, iue to all Kinds of excesses. Dr. Darrln gives free examination to all, and, when necessary, gives med icines in connection wilb electricity. The poor treated free from 10 to 11 da ly, except medicine. Those willing to pay, 10 to D; evenings, 7 to 8; Sundays, 10 to 3. Errors of youth, blood taint, glint, impotency, varicocele, and stricture a specialty. All curable chronic or private diseases treated at ball his lormer puces. Mo cases published without permission of the patient. All business relatione with Dr. D. strictly confidential. Letters of inquiry answered. Circular question blanks sen: tree, ur, Damn will re main at the Revere Hotel Albany, nntil Dec. 1, only. STETTER'S Leaii EestanraLt, Is i pen overr night nntll 12 'clo;k. Ever hear of an Indian Cozy Corner Indian decoration is the fad of the hour. Indian atmosphere is easy to attain with Pendleton Blankets. We have just received auothei varied assortment of these genuine lied Man's Robes. They aro now on exhibition, Not mere fanciful ornaments to lend a toucLi of luxury to the borne I For cov erlet, or couch cover, elumber robo or wmp, thoBO toft, fleecy blankets are ideal. And how their uses multiply I You'll think of a dozen otliRis for yourselves. Just received a Bupply of Raffia and Reeds for basket making. Its going fast, ton. Today Ayer's Sarsaparilla day. Take other kinds tomorrow, i&irws Portland and Return $3.00. The S. P. has established s permanent trip rate to Portland from Albany of $3.00 good for going on tho afternoon train Saturday and anv train Snnday and returning on any train Sunday or Monday. Also the same arrangement for Port land to Albany and return. Shoe Repairing, First class work at reasonable prices at the up-to-date shoe repair shop, lo cated in The Star Slice Store, opposite First National Bank. T.adieB shoes specialty. W, O. Borns. ALBANY OPERA. HOUSE Special Event ; TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20. ROWLAND & CLIFFORD'S GREATEST 8EN8ATION OVER AST0UNDIN5 ELECTRICAL EfFJSCTS NIAGARA FALLS ILL SPECIAL SOENERI Large Selett Company, A Mighty Production Comparatively as ProdlgiouB as tha Gigantlo Cataract PRICES: 75c, 60j, 25cts. A new line of HFATING- STOVES . just received at OHLING & HULBURT'S Call and examine them and ge' our prices. Remember we deiive. them without extra charge. 405 WE;T )HT We Hare Just Received new lot of dras goods in patterns only . now aiamsu and Zibiline effects. Don't f or set the new j)eptt cloth ing, Overcoats, Hats, Rubber Clothing, etc. If you want a good nair nf w. have (hem. Agents for Sunset, Black Diamonds, Diamond Sneoinla ia and Hercules Water Proof Shoes. Made a little better than seems necessary. IF ITS GOOD ITISHEKE, IF ITS HERE IT IS GOOD. Skirts, Jackets, Suits, Furs. WE SAVE YOU MONEY Sanders Cash Store. 'Albany, Oregon,; Phone Main 71 ;S05-309 Main S t . FARMS AND LOTS. A few choice improved lots in central Albany for B .le cheap. Two ranches, well improved for trade lor property near Albany one of 240 aoree, well imorovecl. icnh ai k...i cattle. ' " Honee and lotB in Ashland for Albany house and lot. 40 acres near AshlanS for- land near Albany. - 40 aorea noar Junotion City suitable for hops, for sale cheap. A bargain in fruit farm that can't last nnl7.B?Bf,th,?5 "oraP'ats and at a that wnnl(1 """Prise you. 50 arres 4 miles from ton n-good land nd Improvements and plenty of good stook vllb it. All for $3000.00. Howard & Price. OUE YYAJYTS BvarieUUoBnrt0AT8TA BP!endld " ..variety and very heavr. VETCH SEED-Perfectf; clean. If yon want anyo( h, 6eedadJraen; toS&f? 0911 1 myarra on 108(1 W langent four miies from Albany . . -Jacob Fhlzeb. TAKEN UP.-A white huntimr do. smaii yellow spot on ears, wearing ForeBt Grove dog tax No. 34, May bo Beonred of Pounamaeter John Oatlin. L?f J'TAn e,x'0Deion B'ep ladder, from ..... Ui vLeytr, i-ieaie return. 0IS-ZS: B Wi!mer cider n i V . weea, Beginning October 15, during October, and will JJJ W88' 'der tor Bale. Prices as WANTED. Girl to do general h ouee work. Call at Democrat office. P. W. 6' Alonii Btrect. i 0 ia now in '"a old ' mill office, nt foot of Ferry All kinds of seasoned lumber. LOST. From my pasture at Fry station on the Lebanon road, fifteen head of I otswold i heop, yearlings and past. Liberal reward (or information leading toraiovery. William Holloway. WOOD. Now is the time to deliver wood on subscription. FOR SaLE. A good cottage, In excell ent condiiion and well located, on reasonable terms. Apply at the Dku' ocrat office. oi LE- A 611 room house, and lo 80x55 feet ro'. 6:li and Jefferson st s Price $1000. Inquire ot H. Barno next door. CRAFT &Wm At2nd;and Broadalbin fllrnnf will always have on hand thelbest of every, thing in the meat line, choice lard. Give him a call. NTKEEI'