Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, October 16, 1903, Page 1, Image 1

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NO 10
Goods are mov'ng (est In our Btore
aused by our ohoosing tbe right goods, whicn alter going through oar workshop
and receiving Ibe correct etyles are put oat for Bale at tbe lowest prices. Follow
ng the meaning of these (our words, correct styles, lowest prices accounts for onr
ncreaeing business. For yoa to appreciate this you must call and inspect our
Newjgoods arriving daily Watch our Windows
(O. P. WOLCOTl , Successor to O'Nell's
Pbone Black- H41.
Phone Black 482,
A few choice improved lota in central
Albany for sile cheap.
Two ranches, well improved for trade
for property near Albany one of 310
acres, well improved, with 40 head of
House and lots in Ashland for Albany
house and lot. 40 acres near Ashland
for land near Albany..
40 acres near Junction City suitable
for hops, for sale cheap.
A bargain in fruit farm that can't last
long everything complete and at a
rlguie that would surprise you.
50 acres 4 miles from ton n good land
and Improvements and plenty of good
etockyilbit. All lor 3010.00,
Howard & Price.
Anderson's Music House
Supplies what is wanted at tbe least
price. Competition is the life ol trade,
biu where a competitor cannot sell hiB
own line cf goods in competition there
is something wrong with the man or the
goods be represents. There is not one
man living wno can sen an sue riauoH
in any one community no matter how
Inner he mav have lived there.
Pianos, Organs and Hewing Machines
at a substantial discount, New Home
Sewing Machine $15.00; Organs from
60.00; Pianos from $200,00 up. Sheet
mUSIC, Strings, VIUUUH, vjuuare, uxnuuu'
line, expert Piano and Organ tuning and
repairing. Yearly tuning a specialty :
Pnone Black 52.
aNDBBsoN's Mneic House,
206 Ferry St.
M'Daniel's Monumental Works
WT -
Office hours 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 6 p. m. 115 Broadalbin street, Albany, Oregon.
And mercury in the treatment ol pilea
a liui'sun iu the dark ages, giving
temuorary raliof only b? paralvzing the
bowels and l no: jure, but ia reality
weaken the parti and prevent natuie
from restoring the bowel to a healthy
condition, as any honest and intell
igent drugji?t or doctor will admit, and
as may bj sein by reference to tbe Un
i ci States Diapsnaatory, which says .
'Opium lesaona the natural motion of
the bowels, it: local effect la the same as
its general operation ; conium paralyzes
tne motor nerves, ucrrile reduces mus
cular strength, belladoana oroducea par
alytic symptoms hysscvamis and stram
onium are same as belladonna. They
if so
You ought to be interested in our
of y
direct from the east
We oleo .have a la. ctnewjaeeortment of Hall Minors, Seats ami Hall Racks,
jTHE HOUSE FURNISHINfi CO., Albany, Oregon
331 W First St'
226 Broadalbin St.
The bin Chicago Sre occurred iust thirty
two years ago yesterday.
Wool bne tumbled from 17 cents to 10
or 11 cents. That is enough to make
those wbo held lor higher prices bleat.
Governor Chamberlain left last night
for Washington. D. O., to talk with the
President about our timber land and
other inlerests the chief executive and
the men under him have been making
some big mistake about. .
$100 Reward $100.
The readers of tins paper willbopleased
to learn that there is at least one dreaded
disease that science has been able to cure
in a.ll stages and that is Catarrh. Ball's
Uatarrh Cure is the only positive cure
now known to tbe medical fraternity.
Catarrh being a constitutional dise aee.
requires a constitutional treatment,
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally;
acting directly upon the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system, thereby de
stroying the foundation of tbe disease,
and giving the patient strength by build
ing up the constitution and assisting
nature in doing its work. The proprie
tors have so much faith in its curative
Bowers, that thoy offer One Hundred
'ollars for any case that it fails to cure.
Send fcr iiBt of testimonials. AddresB
F. j. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O,
Sold by Draggiat, 75c.
Hub's Family Pills are the best.
Our Prices? Well ;they are simply
all right. Try and see,
O. E, Buownell, Second St.
TABLEi'S, Jfil'U., in
marble or granite.
Whv not mace orders at htme i
eave travelling men's commissions of
oi zu to 25 per cent ana expenses.
j Lnirty years experience ae a pruc
tical workman enables me to guar-
" antee satisfaction.
do not exerciae any curative influence."
The following is in substance the ex.
nreasion o' all up- to-date druggists :
"In twenty eight years experience I
have prepared all manner of narcotic
and men hi n'. preparations for piles, but
none to my knowledge ever cured a
single case." P. B Spragno, druggist,
Lincoln, Neb,
E-B.O-SA Pile Dure is the only non-
poiaonous pile cure on tbe market. Over
4000 ot the moBt intelligent and up-to-
uate druggists sell ana enaorse it.
E-RU-SA cures piles, or $50 DBid
Worst caaes of pilea cored with one bex.
All reliable, up-to date druggiBts sell
B-KU'SA, V1ZS BUK&.tlltvL' & LJUU
Russia Means Buslnefs. '
Mancqhria, Oct. 0. To show that it
intends to occupy Manchuria perma
nently, Russia ia hastening tbe construc
tion of extensive government buildings,
and another gunboat has been added to
the fleet at Niu Ohwang.
- As regards Japan, officials at St.
Petersburg disclaim the elighteat senti
ment of hostility, but tbe movemente in
the Orient indicate otherwise.
HirIi Water.
New York, Oct, 9. At Patterson the
water was 10 feet deep on tbe lower
Btresta near tbe Passale river. Tbe flood
poured into great Bteel and locomotive
works, putting out the fires. The loss
will reach $1,000,000.
At New York the rainfall was 10.04
inches for the day. Damage will reach
hundreds of thousands of aollars.
Educational Expert.
Bosten, Oct. 9. It iB learned that the
commissian of English educational ex
perts brought to t' .ia country by Alfred
Mosely, the millionaire London mer
chant, and now in the East, will visit
Oregon and tbe Norlhwest before their
return to London. Not all the party of
33 will go, but a majority of them will
embrace the opportunity to see the great
empire lost to Great Britain yeare ago.
For Political Rascality.
St. Louis, Oct. 9. The Federal grand
jury today returned indictments against
W A, Morrrw. assistant private Secre
tary to Governor Dockery and T. E. Bar
rett, ex mareball of tbe Court of Ap
peals. The indictments charge the de
fendants with aiding, abetting and con
spiring to fraudulently naturalize aliens
Big jail Break.
Salt Lake, Oct. 9. As a result of a
well organized and partly Bucctsalul at
tempt at a wholesale delivery of prison
ers at the Utah State Pentenliary to
dight, one prisoner was killed, one guard
was shot and wounded, another was
beacen almost into insensibility, three
prisoners wounded, and two others un
death sentence escaped.
Not As Reported.
New Yobe, Oct. 9. Chicago, Milwau
kee St. Paul haB no surveyors in the
Held looking for a right of way to the
raciuc uoast, ana mo DacKers ot that
road have at present not the slightest
intention of carrying their railroad be
yond tbe western boundary line of South
From the ii. A.:
R. F. D. route No. 2, taki -a in the
country e-utn ana soutneastoi Lebanan,
Mil probably be established November
Mrs, C. W. Vunk.oi Albanv.lB visiting
her parents in this city, ,
Z. H. Kudd, of Albany, scent last
night in Lebanon with relatives.
George S. Ui trap, formeriv a barber
in this city, was drowned in the Col
umbia river near White Salmon last
Geo. W. Taylor left yesterday for the
Klamath Indian agency, where he goes
to Bpend the winter with his son Jasper,
wbo is the industrial teacher at tbe
Rev. Dr. Giboney, of Spokane, Wash.,
aon-in-few of Hon. O. B, Montague, re
cently received a call to the pastorate oi
a Presbyterian church in Indiana. He
tendered his resignation to his Spokane
congregation, who by a vote of liO to IS,
refused lo accept it and raisel hla salary
to $2400 per annum.
Stomach Trouble
"I have been troubled with my stomach
for the past four years" siys D. L. Beach,
ot Clojer Nook Farm, Greenfield, MaBs.
A fflVrlivRflifn I waa iminfait fn -
box of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
laoiois. i nave taken partot them and
feel a groat deal bet er." If you have
nnv trnnbtn wnth vami glnm... I., n 1
' - ...... jwu. uvwiuuvu njr n uu,
of these TabletB. You are certain to be
pisased with the result. Price 25 cents.
For sale by all druggists.
Fnr u liilirtna aHanb- talrrt niia.U
Stomsch and Liver Tablets and a quick
cure is certain, ror Baie oy an druggists
Dyspepsia bane of hnman existence.
Burdock Blood Bitters cureB It.promptly,
permantntly. Kegulates and lones the
Is it a burn? Use Dr. Thomas' Ec
lectrio Oil. A cut? Use Dr. Thomas'
Eclectric Oil. At yoa druggists.
Too late to cure a cold alter consumpt
ion has fastened its deadly grip on the
InngB. Take Dr. Wool's Norway Pine
Syrup while yut there is time.
It's a mistake to imagine that itching
Plies can e oe curea ; a miBlake to saner
a day longer than yoa can help. Doan's
Ointment brings imtant relief and per
manent cure. At any drug store, 50
Shoe Repairing.
First class work at reasonable prices
at tne up-to-aaio Bboe repair shop, lo
cated in The Star Shoe Store, opposite
rirct iinbiuni xjanx. i.auiee BUoee
specialty. - W. O. Bubns.
Cloverdale Gravel and Sand.
I hereby authorize Mr. S. W.;Ross;to
coilect for all gravel and ei-nd, hauled
from Cloverdale.
Waltib E Tujikei.l
'' v '"jci.iA.
A: .If.
: 4 Vau H.m AlBjp Bocgrt
May the Japs put the Russian bear to
One of ihe telephone girls ia to he
"Ring off there."
The state barber's board is shaving
things pretty close.
Oregon's governor believestin acting.
He proposes to hew to the roots of the
timber land buainesa.
Jabour'e carnival company met their
financial end at Spokane. Albany came
very near being atllicted.
Tbe Flora Journal ia a very modest
little paper.' It refers to the breaking
nf a right .lower limb of a youog lady
of Flora. . ,
Senator ' Brownell, of Clackamae
county, says his pet measure in the next
seBBion ol the legislature will be the
primary election law.
The state press association will meet
in Salem October 22-21. All editors
wbo go will have the privilege of bearing
Hallie Panidh Hinges sing, and other
amusements aie promised. What
editor can remain at home, .
An nnli-dyepeptic club has been
organized in' the east- The members
are to feed upon homely, substantial
food. They -have hit the nail on the
bead. Our tomes are orowded with
people who have rulred themselves by
over eating rich food.
"There is a man in Albany who has
moved fourteen times in two yearB.
There are only a few houses in Albany
which he has not occupied." Portland
Telegram, Tho Democrat would not be
surprised at such an item in a Eugene
paper, butan apology ia due from the
Telegram. Tbe item exhibits the man
ner in which things get twisted by even
tbe newspapers. It started from an
item about an Albany man moving four
teen different housCB in a year or two.
For the benefit, of the Telegram it may
be stated that he owns all ot them yet,
that all are rented and that he himself
continues in tbe home he has occupied
for years.
Submits a List ot Some Special Ols-
senses He treats With Elec
tricity and Medicine.
of youth. Stricture, Blood Taints. Weak
nesB of Organs quickly cured wituoat
pain or detention from business.
LADIES who suffer from indifference.
oervoui debility or disease peculiar to
women, can consult the doctor with per
fect confidence.
BLADDER, Inflammation Cystitis,
Catarrh of The Bladdei. These diseases
invariably quickly to the treatment,
VARICOCELE, Hydrocele, Piles,
Fistula, Swelling and Tenderness of
GlandB, treated with unfailing succeB,
KIDNEYS, Inflammation of the Kid
neys, Diabetee, Congestion of tbe Kid
neys, Uremia, Gravel, Stone, ell scien
tifically and successfully treated.
BLOOD AND SKIN Diseases, Sores,
Spots, Pimplo8,8c-otula,8yphilic Taints,
TumorB, Rheumatism, Eruptions e'e,
promptly cured leaving the system in a
pate, Btrong healthful etato.
YOUNG MEN, if you are troubled
with ti-ed feelings, gloomy forebodings,
palpitation of tbe beait. Lot flashes.
blood rushing to tbe bead,rii,giug in the
ears, wandering mind, weak memory,
dark circles under the eyes, dizziness,
poor appetite, stupidnesa, desBpondency,
iocs oi energj, araimion anu seu-conu-dance,
which absolutely unfits you for
etudy or business, you should take treat
ment beloro it is too late.
There aretbo'usendsofyoa troubled with
weak, aching backs and kidneys, lost
mancood, ruptures and other unmistak
able t lens of nervous debility and pre
matur- decay. Many die of this diffi
culty, ignorant of tbe cause, which is
the second etage of seminal weaKnees.
The u.ost obs'inate caeoa of this char
acter treted with unfailing succcsb.
HEART, BRAIN and Nervea. Diffi
cult breatbiug and suffocat ng feeling,
fullness of tbe bead, a tired Irritable,
discontented feeling and tear of impend
ing danger or death, a dread of being
alone, or the reverso desire to be alone.
If your memory is failing, and you are
gloomy and despondent, or if yoa dream
mnch or often and have an avereion to
society, you are suffering from a serions
diBease ot the nerves, brain and beait.
You have no time to lose.
I)r Darrln's Place of Business,
i Dr Darrin can be consulted free from
IOIoS o'clocl daily; evening 7 to 8,
Sunday. 1U to 3, at lievero Hotel Albany
until Dec. 1.
Salmon and at 10c percan. (Choice
V. b. Browkeli's
Alms's Win Iieslanaii,
1 i pen every night until 12 o'clock,
i.' ii 1 1 r ; i a i : 1 1 ...
From ihe Times:
Fied Bruckman, of the Creamsry, has
been thinking) seriously of putting in a
steam laundry.
Tbe members of the Baptist church of
this city are preparing to celebrate tbe
501 b anniversary of the organization of
the church, which occurs on the 16to cf
Died, at the borne of his daughter,
Mrs. (Vni. McKinlny.inOrawfcrdsville,
on October 6. 1903, Josiah Titus, aged
about 85 years.
The sad news waa received in this city
the latter part of last weex that our
old friend and neighbor, Dr. O. B.
heese, now a resident of Acme, Lane
county, had suffered a stroke of paralysis.
Ohae. H. Burggraf, the well known
iluany architect, spent Tuesday night
in Brownsville, on business ir relation
to tbe Woodmen end Pearl & Weber
block, for which he drew the Diana and
epecidca ions.
A very pretty social event occurrel on
Wedneiaay afternoon at tho residence
of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Windom in South
Kr 'wneville. The day, October 7tb,
1903, was the fiftieth anniversary of tbe
marriage ol Mr. aud Mrj, Windom,
which took pla e at Portland, Or., fifty
years ago.
J. H. Glssa and W. VV. Robe returned
from the Blue River mining district
Wednesday. During their absence they
bonded their property, the Great North
ern, to W. S. Blandish, a California rain
ing expert, who bae already placed men
at work running additional tunnels. Ibe
bond runs tor 18 months, but the terms
are private.
froin i ho News ;
Miss Winifred Hunkers was vlaitino
Miss Nltia Ohamber.ain in Albany this
J, A Bilyeu last week purchased if
tbe state, 80 acrea of land known asnarr.
of the I. Myers estate on tbe etsato Bide
of He o.
Ueo. Sutherland has been onuaeed fo
tesch the school Diet. 77 at a snlarv of
50 ner month. We all anticipate a good
R. n. Miller has eold his residence
property on tbe south side to T. S,
Ooffey, who ie now occupying 'he same
while R. B, has moved to his farm a few
miles west of town.
Getting our reward -Long aeo we de
cided that if wo could not sell pure, first
quality drugs at moderate profit we
would not eell any : we e naiderod it die
honest to Bell cheap drugs for high
pricea and have held lo our resolu
tion, we are ho-v getting our reward by
tbe large patronage we are enjoying.
Thanks to the public.
Bubbkiiart & Lee.
Portland and Return $3.00.
The S. P. has established a permanent
trip rate to Portland from Albany of
43.00 good for going on tho afternoon
train Saturday acd any train Sunday
and returning on any train Sunday or
Also the same arrangement for Port
land to Albany and return.
A Remarkable Record.
Chamberlain's Oouith Homed v has a
remarkable record. It has been ia ufo
for ever thirty jears, during which time
many million bottles have bfivi Rnld and
used. It has long bueu tbo HtMJil,.ru ana
main reliance in the treatment of cro p
in thousands of homes, yetduriiw u'l Hiis
time no case haa ever been roared to
tbe manufacturers in which it tailtd to
effect a oure. When given as soon a
tbe child boconioB boarse or ovi'n as soon
aR the croup t -gh appears, il will pre
vent the atl: It iB pleaaunt to take,
many chile:. . .'.ke i . It toota.n.. no
' piutn or oILlt harmlu substance mi'1
may ce glvi n as confident. y to a wiby u
to an adult. Fcr salo by all druggists.
Equalization Notice.
The County Board of Equalization will
meet at tbe office of the County Clem,
Monday; October 19th, 100!, and lemaln
in session six days for the purpose of
publicly examining Hid aaeeesment r 11
and to coirect all erroie in valuation, de
scription "r qualities of land, lo's or
other property and all pereone lntereslen
am hereby notified to appear at tho
appointed time and place and if It shall
appear to said board that any lands, lots
or other property be asse'Bed twke or
accessed in the name of any person or
persons not the owner thereof, or asset Bed
under or beyond its value, or any lands,
lots or other property not assessed they
will make the proper correction.
D. B. McKnioht,
County Assessor.
A new line of
just received at
Call and examine them and ge'
our prices. Remember we deiive.
them without extra charge.
405 WEST 1ST srUEEf,
Not tried Ayer's
you haven't tried
aarsaparma ! aswraa:
IF YOU WISH the Saturday Evening
lJAaf Halla. n. 1 . n I B fcu yuur uome every
Driday evening, please leave your
order at Bnrkhart & Lee's druir store,
H, B. Flkmimo, Agt. "Post.'
WST. Between Neeland'e Hospital
v. ou BWBwaiK, rea patent
leather purse containing between $4
??,d$ Ktura to Mra- Walter Govro
3316 E. Front St.
TAKE NOTICE. Any hunter trospass-
... b.vuuuo mu Aiuany nop
yards, south west of town will be
proBccutod to the full extent of the
law, without regard to person. By
order of K. E. Jackaon.
CIDER. O. R. Widmer will make cider
lhur.dayaof eaoh week, beginning
October 15, during October, and will
have Bweet cider tor Bale. Prices as
FOR RENT.-Farm of 1000 acres in
uugmBuo. won improved. Suit
able for groin and Btock. A-ldress
Owen H. Seiple, 20th, and Spring Bt,
WANTED -Girl to do general house
work. Call at Democrat office.
P. W.8PiNKS'offl!eis now in the old
Monteith mill olllce, at foot of Fer y
treat. All Jilods of eeasoned lumber.
LOST. From my pasture af FryBtatlon
on the Lebanon road, fifteen head of
Lptawold iheep.' yearlings and past.
Liberal reward for information leading
to recovery. William Holloway.
WOOD. Now is the time to deliver
wood on eubscription.
A 8ILK UMBRELLA belonging to an
Albany lady, was taken from tho
Ladiea Bazaar by mistake. PloaBe re
turn lo tho Bazaar, and confer a great"
lavor on the owner.
A STUDENT wants to work for board
and lodging or equivalent. Those
interested please leave address at this
FOR SALE. A good cottugo, in excell-
oui uuuuniuu anu well located, on
reasonable terms. Apply at Ibe Dem
ociiat office.
F9? AXE. A six room house, and lo
ouxoo iaec oor. utu aud Jefferson at b
Price $1000. Inquire of H. Barne
next door.
FOR SALE. 75 acrea of good hillj land
duuiu ui oouavuie, azou
Apply to William MacMaster, SU
Worcester Blook, Portland.JOregon.;
At 2nd and
i , ..... " win
always have on hand the best of every
thing In the meat lino, choice lard. Give
nuui h can.
nil persona interested that tho un
dersigned has filed his final account in
the matter of the rstuto of William
Crawford, deceased, in the county court
of Linn . minty, Oregon, and that aiid
court ha- Urol Saturday, the 7th day of
No-emu i, 1901, at the hour of one o'clock
p. up i um any as tne timo for hearing
and Battling all objections to final ac
count and to the final settlement of stid
ohtita; allp-rscn having nny objection
...... iilw ntuujuuiro ncreoy notlliod to
n'n trie PAmo in bhI,I ...... .1
"ii . , . oi uuiore
sa-u last iiiintfonod daie.
uateu this 9;h day of October, 1903.
John U. Simpsok,
tho Undeniciied admininf rntni-nf tu.
estate of Hubert i'ruer, dec-asod,has filed
his final account in said estate with tho
osunty olerk ol L'lin county, Oregon, and
'he county j jdiro hut set tne 7ih day of
Novorabtr 19J3 at tho hour of one o'clook
p. m. at' tho county court room of said
county as tne timo and place for hearing
objections lo said account and the settle
ment thereof. K. M. Lamar,
.. .. Administrator.
II. O. Watson Hi L. L. Swam,