S. E. YOUNG & SON Our ladies suits are meeting with popular favor. They are the best we have ever shown. The stvles are correct. The material just as represented. The tailoring first-class. . Call and see them. ttt ,1tt rlQcnrihfi f), ffiWt W fcJ Uctll uuiv . ,, J;ir7. trimmed with satin .Tripbig. Jacket lied with good quality satm $25.uu. , - rriofFfita and buttonsLined with good quality silk Ko . maine. $14.50. . A Big line of Walking Skirts from $1.75 to $1Our0 dress skirts in new cloths are from $2.50 to $12.00. Fur Cloaks and Suits A $10,000 SUIT Is to Be Brought Against Albany. E, A. Truelova, of lalluian, has tm ployed M. A. Butler, a Portland lawyer, to prosecute a suit against tha i-ity o( Albany for $10,000 damages. The com plaint is lo Albany reaity to be verified by the plaintiff upon hit coming to tbe city, when i will be served. In its issue of March 30 the Democrat gave an ac count of the accident, result'ng in the suit, as follows: On December 6 E. A. Truelove, of Tallmaa, a bridge carpenter on tbe Siutbern Pacini, injured a foot with an adz and was taken to the Po.-iiand Hos pi'al for treatment getting out recently and returning hiroo. Last evening he was brought to u.e city in a buggv to re tu n to his work on tbe road, intending to go to tunnel number nine. After get ting a lnncb be Btarted to walk to the 11:35 train. While passing in front of the property at tbe southeast corner of Lyon and Second Streets he fell through a bole, caused by a board being oat, in juring ino old wound bo that it was nei" esBary for bim to be Bent back to the Portland hospital tblB morning. Or. Trimoie attended bim and be left for Pi-itland on tbe morning train. Tbere are said to be a dozen holes in half a block at tbe place where he fell, to which tne attention of tbe street super intendent and committee has been oalled several timee. There is talk of a suit for damages. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. IN AND AROUND ALBANY. Use Snow Flake. Best served oysters at Pleiflers. Old wheat: new flour: Snow Flake. OyeteiB at Pfeiffer Oyster Parlors Red Crown flour makes tbe best bread. Garry a Hull Umbrella. French has them. Fare cider Vinegar at Settleuiier's Feed Store. OyBters in any style at the Pfeiffer Ojater Parlors. The Ed Davidson ironing boarda are the test. Get one now. Genuine hand painted ware, the finest goods in the city, at F. G. S ill's. Albany people Bhould use Albany flour. Tbe Snow Flake is the beet. Nothing better than oysters, Get them at the Pfeiffer Oyeter Parlors. Observe tbe golden rule and bake with Snow Flake flour. Besides it if the best BISHOP HAMILTON HERE. Albany's fastest Growing Store I THE BAZAAR S Ladies New Fall Tailor Made Suits eprery purse. CORRECT STYLES AND CORRECT PRICES. Furs signs are now on sale. tlUB Childrens ready made Dresses and Cloaks L E. & H. J. HAMILTON .Shoes, Underwear and Hosiery Wall Paper Cheap During the month of August we shall offer to you our entire line of Wall Paper at almoBt actual cost. Some of tbe very brightest patternB niade-iastreceived-and shall be included in , tne sale. Call and see ua and you will find It to your interest. BURRHART & LEE, The Sheriff has ieaued 5359 tax re ceipts for thia year's taxes. Robert M. Crawford returned noon from a trip to the Bay. Mr. and Mrs. William Faber,-.o Portland, are viaiting Albany friends. Dr. Tracey Parker, returned on tbe O. & E. this noon from .a i.enton cou nty bunt. Mrs. J. R. Wi'.son and child returned thia noon from a visit with Corvallis relatives. S. G, Irvine, of Newport, one of the leading citizen's of Oregon's best Bum mer resort, was in the city to-day. Mrs. Dr. W. S. Harrington.of Seattle, is a guest at the M. E. parBOaage. Dr. Harrington is P. E. of Seattle district. George IT. Piper and bride, of Seattle, will be in tbe city tomorrow on their way home from San FianciBCO. Nick Galloway , a former Albany line man, now of Lob Angles, is in tbe city tbe guest of bis father-in-law A, D' Barker. Mrs. E. T. Price returned home last evening from Yamhill county, where she bas been visiting relatives for sev eral weekB. Mrs. D. P. Bradley and child, of Surupter, were in the citv tbis afternoon tbe guests of tbe Misses MoCcv. while on her way home frooi the Bay. Mail Carrier Leslie Viereck went to Portland this morning to take the regu lar civil (service examination. E. A. Alexander, the sub, is attending to route number one. Miss Greta Brund,of Florence bas been visiting in Albany the guest of MiaB Frances Graham. Last evening a reception was given in her honot at the home of Mr. Graham. Mra. C. E. Hawkins, of Toledo, aassed through the city this afternoon for Lead ville to attend a meeting of tbe board of directors of tbe Women of Woodcraft. She makes four trips a year. H. R. Shultz.H. Lemke and Thos. Henneasoy left laat night for Klamath Falls to prove up on f-.eir chime situat ed in Klamath cmnty, juat beyond the Crook county line. D. McOarty, he Lebanon train enei near left to-cay for Ashland to attend to bia fruit orchard and -visit bin wife. Mra. McOarty will move here to reside in a few weeks after the fruit crop is aiienueo, to Mm. A. Riland is seriously ill at her nome rn mis city. Two ol her daugh ters, Mr3. Rndd of Alnany and MrB. Vaughan of Ooburg, and one son, M. Riland of Vteadling, are aueniin; ber bedside. Lebeanon E. A. Bishop J. W. Hamilton and wife, of San Francisco, are in the city the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Wire, Members and friends ol the M. E. church are invited to the parsonage this evening to meet tbem. Bishop J. W, Hamilton bas finished holding seven conference tbe Pacific Northwest. The last of these was tne Oregon Confereace which con-j vened at Salem recently. The biBbop I was formerly very popular as a pastor in I Boston, tie made lor nimseu a great j reputatloa throughout tbe denomina-1 tion oy bis pastorate ol thd People's Church in tbat city. Subsequently he became secretary ot i he treedmen's Aid and Southern Education Society, a position which he tilled for seveial years with great credit to himself and great profit to the Societv He was electee to the Episcopacy in 1900 and iB one of the most efficient, genial, courteous anu hard-working bishops on the board. He gives all hie titnb and energy to the gieat churcn which he serves and noue excel him iu a sincere and successful etlort to to man the work as la give tbe best results for the Master's Kingdom. REEVES' FALL SALE The morning train was about seven hours late. Government weather nrodieiion : To night and Thursday fair, light frost tonight. F. H, Pfeiffer haB leaied bia stoca farm to John Keller. France will mako Alb any his home Some one be6 Btolen Will lacks U. S. mail carrier wheel. It will be in order for Uncle Sam to take a hand and hunt down tbe thief. A calf wan discovered to-day under neatb the bridge on Lyon street, where it had floated. It was eaid to have been in tbe water eight or ten days. O. S. Harcieh has purchased ot W. B Gileon a lot at the corner of First Bud Jackson streets and will erect a resi dence ior bis borne. The Jenks brothers have nurchased tbe fine Kelly 'arm near Tangent, con sisting of 174 acres lor which $45 an acre is to be paid. Howard & Price negotia ted tbe sale. The chief of police will appreciate it if the leavings ot wood saws aro cleaned np without official request. By all means, let ns have clean etieets even during the winter montbB, Tbe floor committee for the grand ball Thursday night at Maccabee ball will be: R S. Willie. S. R. Clevenge. Jos. nizpairicK, r. j, Tracey; reception Job. Fitzpatrick, R. 8. Willis, F, J, Tracy. At the meeting of G Co, last evening, Capt. 8tellmacber announced that ie bad reconsidered his resignation and wonld remain with the company as Captain pursuant to tbe unanimous mo tion of tbe company at the previous meeting. BiBbop Hamilton, of theM. E, church is in the city tbe guest of Dr. Wire. To - day be bad bis first Chinese pheaBants killed by Mr. Perry Conn and Ibis after noon-be tried hie hand- himself at the fine sport of CeleBtial Bhooting on one of the best larma of tbe county. 1 he Boys Club of the TJ. P. church are transforming tbe basement of tbe church into a good gymnasium. There will be dumb bells, oluba, a punching bag, parallels, flying rings, trapeze, etc Borne of which are already up. Tbe place will afford a splendid place for im provement and recreation evenings ior the members of tbe club. They Advertised Oregon. Robert Andrews, pf Portland, a former Linn county man, has returned from Baltimnre, Md., where he repre sented the I. O. O. F. lodge of Oreion as one of its delegates, the otherB being Dr. Nelson. Jui'ge Rrvan and P. W. Stewart. During the big parade the Oregon delegates had their carriage decorated appropriately. These signs were on tbe horses: 1 Columbia River Salmon, Largest Known to Man. Vieit tbe Lewie and Clark Fair, Portland, Or., 1905. Garden Spot of America. Iu the carriage wse Dr. Nelson's little girl dressed in the national colors. Sbe tbrew kisses to the crowd as tbey cheered the Oreuon carriage. Andrews nluue distributed about 10.000 cards and pamphlets about Oregon. SElt OTJH 8 PAQK CIRCULAR FOB FALL BARGAINS. price Conn Concord grapes by the bushel, reasonable. Leave orders with & Husion. W. B. Gould, second hand store, 229 W. 2nd at. Will buy and sell all kinds of second hand goods. Pure cider vinegar for sale by John Brush at 341 E 4th St. at 15 eta. per. gallon. gallon 10 cts. F, E. Allen & Co. have a fine line ot cedar doors and windows also screen doors. See them before buying. Inst Crackers? lea we have tbem like the sample left you. O. E. Bbownbil. IF YOU WISH tbe S. E. P. delivered to your home every Friday evening, please leave vuur order at Bnrkhart & Lee's drug store, H. B. Fluminq, Agt. B. F. D Stewart & Sox Hdw. Co. Have The Largest StOCk snd motcooipleUlineof Steel Kaiiges in the city as well as Air Tight Heaters . . we have the Rotary Dutchman, the Disc Plow that DiSC PlOWS, "beats them all." Call and see it, and g:ve it a trial. . wo carry tbem, and csn guaiantee. See irn?oline EngmeS, nBboutthem. Write for caU.ogue if you aro interested. F: m. FRENCH, JEWELER. Fino Railroad Watchee.Engngement and Weddirg Rings, a specialty. t,sd & Barton, and 1817 Roger 3ros's Knives, Forks and Spoons. (Bank op Oregon Boildiko.) ft.. y fit The miss For Groceries etc Making a Good Showing. The Albany College foot ball team is showing up well, and the Democrat has confidence tbat it will make a oreditable showing tbis year, probably as good as last, the experience of tbe old men hav ing added wonderfully to the strength of tbe team. In the practice last night Marstors appeared at center, McCloud a d Crow at guard, Bupee and Dolan at tackle, Frances and Miaw at end, Rupert at quarter, Morrison and Coatee at half and Englehart at full back. Tho line will probably ha changed, Mack and Dickinson finally appearing but the backs are undoubtedly established. DOWN THEY GO Down, down, down gees the prices on our entire stock of Wall Paper, Some ol tne very latest designs at actual cost. II you are in need of paper it will pay you to see our line. BullKItART & Lsb. THE HULL detachable handle Urn. brellas proved sudh a Bucceaa last year tbat wo bave nut in a much larger stock thio year. We have pomp beauties, and the prceB are no more than ordinary makes. For sale by F. M. French, Tue Jeweler. Call and see the new Gnern Hata Tbe Bazaar. L E & H J Hamilton, at Notice to Hunters. Any one huntinu on my property, near tbis city, wnhout permission, will be prosecuted to the full ex ent of Hie law and no exception. Take warning end reep off. . O, M, BUKKIfABT. LOST. Between Neeland's Hospital and P. O. on sidewalk, red patent leather purse containing between ti and $5. Return to Mrs. Walter Govro 3310 E. Front St. Sale ON Ladies and Misses Jackets, Brandeberry-Howard Marriage. Mr. Marvin D. Brandeberry and .Miss Edna Howard were united in marriage h. the home of the bride at 2 o'clock ibis alternoon, bv Rev. G. W. Nelson, of tbe Congregational church. Tbe cere mony was private. Tbe groom is a popular voung man, a Bon of J. N. Brandeberry of tho lumber yards, and the bride is one of Albany's moat ac complished musicians and wortbv young ladiee. Tboy have the best wish- ol a many friendB. Mr. aud Mrs. Biande berry left on the afternoon tr.-tu for Portland and other places. Upon their return tbey will be located at tbe recent home pf Mrs. Howard (illbreath. Any person found hunting or tres passing on my farm, in or among my stock, with or without a dog, will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law W. 8. Walker. TAKE NOTICE. Any hunter troapasB ing on the grounds of the Albany hop yards, south west of town will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, without regard to person. By order of F, E. Jackson. CIDER. 0. R. Widmer will make cider Thundaysof each week, beginning October 16, duriDg October, and will have sweet cider tor sale. Prices as usual, FOR RENT. Fnrjn of 1000 acres in Douglas Co. Well improved. Suit able for grain and stopk. Address Owen H. Soipie, 20th, and Spring Bt, Poll hind. , , STETTER'S i kail 'EBfaiait, Is open every night until 12 c 'clock After the show come and eat Oysters -sy-A- VJM SPECIAL SALE ON SKI RTS REEVES' Department Store 3 i the GIBSON WE CAN'T WAIT Uulil the Cold Snap before we fill tbe woodshed, and the pantry for winter. San h with JclotheB, Uon't wait until the Northern blast chill" tbe very bono, and in jar., your health. We now have Winter OvercoatB in all the new handeome thinns none better made, or more stylish. The largcBt in the country, and every toat a new style. Not one coat left from last year. PRICES RIGHT $5.00 to $20.00. Autumn Is Pushing Winter to The Front The Blain Clothing Go.