Che mm&L Nothing Known Will Capo Kidney Diseases After They Have Fastened and Be come Chronic But the Fulton Compounds We Have Secured the 60I0 Agency top This City. Fulton! Renal Compound n07i th ulqut dlitlnotlon of being the only thing known that urs kidney troubl la all lti itagti from the primary Inflammation op to and including the onronlo ataga oalled Brlght'a Slitase, which baa been, up to tbe advent of tbii Com- ponnd. poalttTely Incurable. Then why not tart with tbe Renal Compound at flrat fitter than ordinary kidney mediolnea, all of which fall short If the disease has reached the chronic Btatel Then you will know you are right. No statements are published by tho Fulton people zoept oases that have roached tbe ehronlo stage, Incurable by all other known mediolnea. Bare it acotbtr rooorery wa are permitted to refer to. Mrs. 8. IS. Cltne of 1737 Broadway, San Fran oIbco, was pronounced by her physician as Incurably 111 with kidney disease that bad be come ehronlo (Ilrigbt's Disease). Sbo also bad diabetes. Another physician was called In. Dropsy had set In, the nulls eamo off and be too tald nothing known would S&vo her. She was so far beyond help they told ber not to furtnor torture hornntf by dieting;. Bne went on tbe Fulton Compounds. The third wcok wna allRhily better. Tbe third month tho nails be gan to come book, find n few months later wus well and begun dropping the treatment. ,vr attorney, friend of Mrs. Cline, Judge E. H.! Cutler of 330 i'ino street, San Francisco, hud fliubotea that n also Incurable according to the books. KuovtlnK of her recovery he ton too It the Fulton Comiouti..a and in eight months re-1 gained his health and in now In actlvopraetica i Dropsy, rheumutlsm from uric acid, gout, pain In tho back, blwhlru' trouble, etc., are proof,! that tho kldnnyH arc in trouble. Tho Inst stuito ta II right's Dlsoane and Diabetes. If you m o fooliug languid or mlKerubleeend forpamphiet. Recover, nearly 00 among these hitherto Incurable diseases. Fulton's Renal Compound for brlght'a and Kidney Disease! (1; foe DlabetuH, Jl.Nl. John J. Fulton Co., 400 Wash ington stroot, an Franolseo, sole oompoundoxs, Wo ace their exclusive aguutu la ibis oily. At Burkhart & Lee's His Life Saved by Chamber oin's Colic, Cholera und Diarrhoea Remedy 'B. L, Byer, a wull known cooper of this town, says he behoves Uhamborlain's Cblic, Ohrlora and Diarrhoea Remedy saved his life lust summer. So had Lean sick for a month with what the doctors call bilioui dys n'ery, and could net nothing to dohim any good until he tried this rotnedy. ft gvo him iinmediat.o relief," says B. T. Liltlo, merchant, Han cock, Md. For silo by all druggists. Stouuich Trouble "I have been troublod with my stomach for the pait four years" eiys I). L. Beach, ot Clover Nooi Farm, QroenGeld, Mass. "A few days ago 1 was induced t) buy a b3X of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablots. I havo lakan part of them and fool a groat dual hot or." If you havo nny trouble with your stoniac i try a box of these Tablots. You an certain to be pleased with the refill. Price 25 cents. For sale by all druggists. For u bilious attack tako Chemborlain's Stouncll and Liver Tablets and a quick cure is certain. For saio by nil druggists. A Ivemtirknble Record. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has a remarkable rocord. It has boon ia ueo for cvor thirty years, durinir which timo many million bottlos havo been sold and used. It has loug boon tho standard and main rolianco in tho treatment of cro .p in thousands of homed, yetduring all this timo no caso has evor boon reported to tho manufaotritors in which it failed to effect a oure. When given ns soon as the child becomes hoarse or oven ns soon ns the croupy cough appears, it will pro vent the attack. It is pleanaut to take, many chlldroa lluro it. It contains no cpium or oluec lurm'ut Bubstanoo and may ae given as coiifUoul.y to a baby as to an adult. For saio by all druggists. The Genuine vs. Counterfeits. The genuine is always better than n couutertcit, but the truth ol this state ment is nover more forcibly realized or more thoroughly appreciated than when you compare the genaine DeWitt's Witch Tluzol Salve with (ho many counterfeltB and worthless substitutes that are on the market. W. 8, Ledbotter, of Shroyopcrt, l.a.,nyH; "Aftor using numerous other roiundios without uenotlt, one box of Do Witt's Witch Haul Salvo oured mo," For blind, bleeding, itching and pro truding Piles no remedy is eaual to Do- Wiit's Witoa Hazel Salve. SuUl by rosuay .v .unson, ourKuari Owes tills Life to a Neighbor'i Kinducss. Mf. 0. P. D.iunhorty, well known throughout Mercer nud Sumner counties, V. Va , moat likely oes hi n life to the kindnoa) of n noiuhbor Ho was nl most hogelonal' atlltcto.1 with diarrhoea: wai atloiidi'd bj two physicians who give him little, if any, relief, when a neigauoruooti learning ui ma serious con' dition. bronglit him a bottlo of Cham- bsrlain's Cllo, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remody, whioh nnrod him in less than twenty four hoars, Fo: aaio by all druggist. : Sure Cure lor Piles ttctiiug Piles produce moisture und enust. itcntng, tins lorm as wull ns blind, Bleed ing or Preluding Piles are cureil by Dr !o-an-ko's Pile itemedy. Stops itching and bleeding Absorbs tumors. 60 eta a jar nt druggists, or sent by nail. Troat lse Iree Write me about your case. I) Mo-san-ko. Philadt Iphia l'a. For sale b, tosliny .v Mason, driiiigista CLUBBING TERMS Albany Democrat and Examiner $2. 60. Albany Democrat and Thrice-a-week Vofld 2.00. Albany Democrat nd0.egonlan)2.23. Albany Democrat and Hipublio $1,75; Albany Domoerat and Commoner (2.00. Albany ..,, Homestead 2.0J. norii0"81 '"d Lebanon. From the E. A. : I Mm. J. Settle, mother of J. M. Settle. ; was stricken with paralysis laet Satur day. Dr. J. 8. Courtney, now of Dayton, was bere a couple ol days this week. I Dr. F. E. Hume, who went from Uie place to California about two months ago. tiae returned to Oregon and luoated at Helix. Mr. and Mro. W. B. Gould will move to Albany in a few dB and be wi I open a second-hand Btore in that place. n. UmHoa .lm aavAMaVAflFold BOO : I of Prof. O. F. Bi'gbee, of Sweet Home, len out 01 niB lamer-B pmuuuijo. ..... neaday and broke big left arm below the elbow. Tbe largest carload of paper ever shipped from the Leoan n paper mill wbb shipped Tuesday ol this week. It contained 76,230 pounds. , County Ju Ise Palmer and Oommise. ioner Sprenger were here Wednesday examining the river bridge. Tbey de cided to have tbe pier on the east e de replaced by a near one. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Plaster of ibis city are the champion bop nickerB this year. He writes from Independence: The two of ne pinked twelve boxeB by noon to day. We can pick twenty boxes and quit in good time. Former Minnesota residents of this part of Ltnn oountv held a rt union at the borne of G. W. Soule, ten mileB east of here, Wednesday. Tbe Minnesota colonv started ab ut six yea e ago, IS families have arrived more than 100 in all. Scio. From the News. MrB. Barnes of Albany, ia a gneBt of Mre. R. T?. Hibler. Miaa Vesta Wallace, of viB- lting misb Jessie uibier. Mies Irma Sutherland returned Mon day from Albany where she has epent tbe Bummer. Mark M. Peery came down from bpringueld Wednesday, and witti wm Miller, r. U. McDonald and Kiley Bliel ton left Thursday for their annual hunt in the mountains. Dr. W N. Fintler, an expel ienced graduate dentiet baB made arrangements with Dr. J. H, Stewart to take charge of the lattor'a practice in Scio and Stay ton. 'Grandpa" Clark, who lives bevond Lacomb, wa6 visiting Mb Bon J. E. Clark, in this city, the latter part of luBt week. The old gentleman is 93 years ot age and came all tbe way horse back, a distance of 20 miles, re turning tho next day Reduced S. P. Rates. dTo the alato fair Sept. 13 to 19, !itn. ltod to the 21et, $1.20 for round trip. To the fortlnnd carnr.iu lor Bale Hope 13. 18. 22 nud 25 with cai nival coupons at $3.00 for round trip, with privilege of etop over at tne elate loir. The Pleasure ol Eating. Porsous suffering fronr ; indigestion, dyspepsia (r oilier stomaob trouble will und that K.OUGI DBpepsii ourn digests what yen eats ami makes the stomach sweet. T'hiB rsmody is a lever falling euro far Indige tiou and Dyspopsiaand all complaints affecting the glands or membranes of the atouiucb or digestive tract. When you take Kodol Dyspepsia Curo everything you eat tastes good, and every bit of the nutri nent that your food ecntalns ia assimilating and appropriat ed by tho blood and tissues. Sold by l' osuay mason, uurnuar& ueo. .ti:ei; A Purnntive Pleasure. I vou overtook De Witt's Little Early Risors for bililousuets or constipation vou know what a purgative pleasure is. Those famous little pills cleanse tbo liver and rid the systom ji nil one wuuoui troducing unpleasant effects. They do not gnpo, sicken or weaken, out give toco nr-d strength to tho tissues and or gans involved, W. H. Howell of Hous ton, rex,, says, "ino oetter pin can oe found than Liltlo Ear y Kisers for con stipation, eick headache, ct," Sold by il-oshy & Alasou. ZZZ Distress After Eating. Judgo W . T- Holland of Greensbwg, La., who is well and favorably knowu, says: "1 wo years ago 1 suffered groatvy trjm indigosticn. Attar eating, groat distress would invariably result, lasting for an hour or oo and my nights wero restless I coucludea to try lvodol Dys pepsin Cure and it cured nio ' entirely, Now my sleep is refreshing and digestion oeifect." Sold by Fosiiaj & Maspn. To Cure a Cold in One Day Taks Laxative Bromo Qninlno Tablets. All draggists rotund the money if it fails to cure. K W, Urovo's signaturo is on eacli box, '-oo. OASTOEIIA. !, ,,. a ins mu iou iara Amays t gnstiro It.vl.Miik SwMt siutti ui l:.ten tthcumnttsm, Kiilncy, Stomncti, nnit Nervous Disease are yoiiltvc ly cured with Oil ami Swvct Spirllscl lWt'ti. lruvslats will Ret it for yon. ll.-iiiuCwturt'd by faHI'orula Co-Operntive Medi cal Coliutany. Capital Sti-elc, ti ,sHooo. of so,X' stinrcaat Jiliraoli. No uue can own more than one aharr. A uicoru- ItK-reatta, aliarea Increase in value Write lor lut of member- and rulea, to DR. JOHN L. KELLETT. C.C.M.Co, Kurcka.erOak.lauu,Cal. The Kind You Hare Always Bonglit, and which has been In use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per jflf' 1sjJrf-?--- sonal supervision since its infancy. -cUc&tM Allow no one to deeei ve you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmlesf substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. Ifc contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotio substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms nd allays Feverishness. It lures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep, Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Tiie KM You HaTe Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY BTKEET, NEW YOKK CrTV. A. O. BEAM, Clumbers Block Groceries, Fruits, and Veg etables, Breads, Cakes and Cookies. Everything the market af fords always on hand. Phono black 462, First National Bank, Albany, Oregon President .L. FLINN Vice-President ri. E. YOUNG Cashier K. W. LANSDON Transacts a cenoral banking business, Accounts kopt subject to cbeclc. Siirbt exchaniro arid teleiiniDhic transfer sold on New York, San Fnmcisco, Ohicngo and Portland, - OOLIjEOTIONS 1IA.DE '.on favorable terms. ,DiRKOTons : S. E. Yovnq, E. W. Ianodon, P. A.(tOODMAN, L. Flinn, O. S. Flinn. RIVERSIDE POULTRY YARD, ParebredR.O. nd 8. O. White Lei tiornB. White Ph mouth Rocks, M. I .nrkeyB, Pekin ducKB ana U. 1. (J, nogs, (or sale. Ecus in season. Leave orders at t M. riiomoson's rionltry vard, Albany, Ur or can at tne Kiyersiae yora. lid. HoaoBi,, frop. At yards, or ad dresB at Albany. HKW Vol1" WORLD Thrlcc-a-Week IrJaition 18 Pages a Week . . . ;.. 150 Papers a Yeai For One Dollar The New York World Time has demonstrated that the Thrico-a-Week World stands alone in Its olass. Othor papers have Imitated its form but hot its success. This is be cause it tells all the news all the time and tells it impartially, whether that news ue political or otuerwiee. It is, in lact, almost a daily at the price of a weekly and you cannot afford to be with, out it. Republican and democrat alike can road the Thrice-a-Weok World with ab solute :onlldonce in its truth In addition to news, it publishes first. class serial stories and other feature; suited to tno borne and tlreside. Tho Thrice-a- iVeek World's regula subscription price is only il .00 per yea an this pavs for 156 papers. -Ve offe this unequalled nowspaper and the Al raw DisMOCHvr togather one rear fo V 'prriii! ". .. tl. S. nr.'. 1'nrflgu f Somi uuhIoI, t.kt'toh or ilu to nl ivivt utitm for trcoroprtrt on rntoinnnniiy. 1 iir lire ixh. : a", TR ADE-m ARKS '8- Opposite U. S. Patent Office Signature of citation In rhe OouNTr OonnT op tub State op Obeoon fob Linn County. In the matter of the estate of Cordelia Sounds, deceased, citation, T Charles Butler, Abe Butler and to all others interested in said estate, greot- TN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oreiron, j ou are hereby cited and re -quired to appear in tbe County Oourt of the State of Oregon, for the County of Linn, at tbe court room thereof, nt Albany, in said county, on Monday, the 5th day of October, 1903, at 1 o'clock in , he after noon of that day, then and there to show cause, if any exist, why an order should not be made, authorizing, licensing, dir octinif and empowering J, R. Bounds, as the administrator of the estate of Cor delia Bounds, deceased, to sell all of the ral property hereinaf'er described, us providnd by law, to pay the claims against the estate of said deceased, and the charge and expenses of administration, Baid real property being desoribed as tollows, to-wit : LotB Number 4 and 5. and also the East one fourth of lot Number 3, alt in Block' Numbor 1 in Iht city of Harrisburg, Linn county, Oregon Witness, tiae Hon. H.M. Palmer. Judge of the County Oourt of the State of Ore gon, lor tne uounty or Linn, witu tne seal of Bald court affixed, ihii 3rd day ot September, A, D., 1903. Attest: L. S. ) B.M.PAYNE, Clerk. OREGON depart FROM TIME SOHEDQLE8 FROM PORTLAND, OR. aboitI FROM Chicago Portland Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. Special Worth, Omar.a, Kan- 4 :30 8:20a.m. sas, lOity, St. JUmis P. M, via Hunt Chicago and EaBt. ington. Atlantio SaltuuKu. lunver. Ft Express Worth. Omaha. Kon- 10:!V) 8:15 p m eas City, St Louis, a.m. via nunt uiicago and E&sl. ipgton. 8t.Paul Walla Walla.Lewieton. Fnaf.Mail dMbina Wulnnn 19.01: B :00 pm Pullman, Minneapolis, a, m, yi ot, raut, uuintn, fliu Spokane waukee, Chicago and aasi. 70 HOURS Porf.lnml In llhiparrn nl.a,nA i cars, lickels bast via all rail or boat audrail via POrirLAND. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE FROM PORTLAND All sailing Dates subject tocbange, 8 p. m. 4 :30 For San Francieco. p. m Sails every 5 days Daily except COLUMBIA RIVER Sunday STEAMERS. 4 p. m. 8 p. m, To Astoria and Way- except Saturday Landings. Sunda) lOr.m. ROEAST TEROU&IrMLBl) J3ffricitLts via this route on sala at S P depot 0 G RAWLINGS, Agent Albanv, Oregon. A LCRAIti, tidQ Pas Agent, Portland, Or THE PORTLAND FLOURING MILLS CO. STORAGE OF GRAIN, WHEAT AND OATS, HIGHEST PRICES GUARANTEED. We have .eour.d control of both The Red Crown Mill, .ad Magnol.a Mill, for a long period of years and will operate both plants. Fall details in a few days. For farther information call at our office. Your business respectfully solicited. THE PORTLAND FLOURING MILLS CO. A.W. EOM ERSOX, Local iuaimfeer, A. D. BLOWERS & CO. ESTABLISHED 1895 Wholesale Commission Merchants, SEATTLE, WASH. WE WANT EGGS, BUTTER, POULTRY. VEAL, CHERRIES. GOOSEBERRIES AND OURRkNT8l w I We refer to John Lennox. Albanv. Oreedn. CRv AID IN SELECTING THE BEST. That is a laudable ambition, isn't it? Ba ed on an nninterrupted history of 36 years, too. TbiB is the time of decision in many homes on the vital ques tion education. It ehouH be studied with conctrn. The ana er involves a deBtiny, and perhaps many deBtinies. Oregon can furnish no safer place no better equipped faculty than is found in ALBANY COLLEGE Look Into our claims carefully and write or call on PROF. D. TORBET or PRESIDENT W. H. LEE, Albany, Or. To a New Student: Cut this out and show it to ub when you enter, and see what we havo to say. It will pay. Thomas Has the oldest established Furnituie House in the city. He keeps the fin est stock of furniture in the valley. Give him a call and look over his fine eoods and get his prices before you buj , Lounges, Couches Bedroom suits, coarse and Rockers, Bior Oufia?ea, (Jo Bedding, Spring mattresses, M Side boards, fine extension etc. O (t i SOUTH and EAST SOUTHERN PACIFIC Shasta Route. ii Trains leave Albany for Portland and wav stations at 4:47 am, 7 :00am and a-.b3pm, . Leave Fo- ilaud 8:30am 8 :S0 p m c a lknnn lS-Sllnm lUinn Arrive Ashland' 12 :56 a m 12:35 a m 1 Sacramento,. o:iQpm o:uuam ' San FranciBCO. 7:45 p m- 8:48 a m Arrive ORden 4 :E5 a m 7 :00 a n " Denver maim :rsam " Kansas City. .. 7:25 a m 7:25 am Chicago 7:42 am 8:30 a u Arrive Los Angeles. . 2:00 p m 8:05 a m ElPoeo B:00pm 6:00 pm Fort Worth... 6:30am 6:30 am Oityof Mexicoll:30a m 11 -30a m Houston 7:00am 7:00aro ii Now Orloans . . 6 :30 p m 6 :30 p m ii Washington . . 6 :42 a m 3 :42 a n- t. W lO.'innm IQ.irin m new r w n i, nn.l Tntl-tatfl ... ATC hrtf'r trains. Chair cars Sacramento to Ogdon and Kl Paso, and tourist cars to Chicago . r . W.a. fl.lnnna or. A lATn ol. 1 rnnnectins at San Francieco with se' oralstoamahip lines for .Honolulu, Japur., China, Philippines, Central and Soutt America. See C. K. FRO.tE agent at Albany sta tion or address JSW, E. UUMAiS.U. P. A. Portland, Or, Brink Corvailis & Mm Railroad. TIME CAR n Nr. oo No. 2 For Yaqnina : Trsin,eave8W......l2;45P.m. No.lRegT8qUiD8-"-5:36'- Leaves Yaqnina 7:80 a. m: " Oorvallie 11:30 a m' Arrives Albany 12 IB n S.' No.8For Detroit: ' "-I6P. . Leaves Albany 7 -00 a m Arrives Detroit 12:20 n' n?' No. t from Detroit """P. m. Leaves Detroit 1 -00 d m Arrives Albany 6:55 i." ro. Trains 1 arrives in Albany in time to connect with the 8 P south bound train, as well as giving two or three 5" l.n. A-lbay before doparture of S P North bound train. Train No 2 connects with the B P trains at Corvailis and Albany sir. ing direct service to Newport and Ad. Jaoent beaches . Train 3 for Detroit, Breltenbush and other mountain resort leaves Albany at 7:00 a. m., reachin? Detroit at noon. giving ample time to reach the Springs same day, r"uo JFor further information apply to Edwin Stonh, T Cocterell, AKent. Albanyn88er' H.H. Cboxsiit, Agent Corrall s; "C. C. C." on Every Tab'et Every tablet of Cascarets Candy Cathartic bears the famous C C C Never sold in bulk. Look for it arjfc : tccept no other. Bewve of frwid J All drucgistgj ion. WASHINGTON D. C