Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, September 18, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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License issued for the mj'8
JaB. E. Piait and Lora A. Eodgers.
Certificate of Citizenship the arts
nr the new law, laaued to L. A. icq
" S,V1 ... .:oa covers
clofe" printed pages, an eladorate affair.
MiDing claim E I Manre, the Little
Bock, Bantiam district.
Deeds recorded :
Blrah Arthur to Peter Buher eev-
Harriaburg. ... --Jo Veres 1000
W E Mealy to Chas Travert,
o --
Jane Glass to J H Glass
et al 412
ElvaMartinYoF U Derby,
J F Maloue to W E Mealey lu lQ
acree...... -lor,
J H GlaesVt ai'tojiy Glass 269.5
acres and 2 lots Crawfordsvil le. .
Gilbert E Cary to Eveline bhelton
1 ecre
Laura D TrasU to Gilbert Cary, 1
Frank Hayes to FM Morgan 1
Deed Trpm T A Eiigs' to Egbert Glass
made and recoraea nuv.
corded to correct error. . . ,
Patent J J McFarland I issued in 1875,
Mortgages for $400 and 800
Satisfaction for 4400.
Troop A of Lebanon
A-rlMd io Albany ibis foienoon on
their annual encampment jaunt. This
year instead of being sent id the regular
encampment they were given a trip
through the valley, the route to be ee
ii.t) h thpm Thn course cnoBen was
Tahonnn tn RmWflRVille. thOHC8 t O j
HaUey, Harriaburg, Monroe, Philomath,
Corvallis ana amany, nac iu uoumuu.
They camped in Philomath two davB.last
night in Corvallis, and will be in Albany
until tomoirow morning, when they will j
finiah their rounds. Oapt. E.L. Power
ia in charge, van rower n
,! advance h raid. The company
camped at the Mascot Gun Club's range
in the Bouth western part of the city.
Army regulations are observed. The
men report a fine time.
Tbere are 43 members in the company.
Two wagons carry the outfit of tents,
cooking utenBils and provisions. BesideB
j.ii viiia finmn intarAHtine tareet prac
tice was had. At Philomath several
nomham marie 21 out ot 25 at 200 yards ,
j : n;Qfi nraotipA nnA member hit tbe :
eye 24 out of 25 shots. A complete record i
of tbe traveling of the company BhowB (
. nnnrl time. The comnanv took up :
tents rode eight mileB from Philomath
q JorAfllllS auu UUU moll wubo
in RXi hours. The march from Corvallis
to Albany was made from 7:10 to 10:20. .
nnt vwar'n flnnnp.ifita ameers ttro
A, Eikins 1st. lieut., Geo,
VoK.. ---------- , .
u. J
Mr. ChaB. Taylor and MiBB "Bertha
Dorris were to be united in marriage in
Fortland Sept. 7th. Congratulations.
Dean S.McWilliame, of Halsey, was
in the tbe city to-day making arrange
ments to open his new Blore at Halsey.
O. H. Stewart and sone, Ed. and
-r-ii. A T. It Marshall will leave
jiaipu, . w. --------- - ,
LakerabovrDetroirfoV a week's out-
i,aKe, auovo
,np' . .i ,,,.
MiEB Eetta Stuart eft this week for
kZT i I
plished teacher and her friends have to
doubt of her success in that city.
Capt Pilkingtod, of the O A. O. foot
ball team, paBsed through the city today
from Douglas county, where he hB been
woiliing during the summer. Ho was
met at Albany by Prof. J. B. Horner,
the historian of the O. A. C.
The third birthday of Miss Kathleen
O'Brien, of the St. Charles, was cele
brated yesterday afternoon in a chil
dren's party. A fine time was had.
The 38th birthday of Miss Hattie An
derson, of the St. Charles was alBO re
membered with a pleaeant drive.
Eev. L. A. Tchorigian, of Monument,
Eastern Oregon, supply of the PreBby
terian church for several months during
the absence of Eev. Eeed on the conti
nent, is in the city on a visit. Mr.
Tchorigian is a native Turk and under
stands the situation in hia foimer home
An interesting Camp Gearhart letter
will be foud on the editorial page, sent
by one of the boys in khaki suits.
The cow ordinance ia now in force.
No more cowe in the main part of the
city, except those being driven for ship
ment in cbaige of experts.
The Albany timber claim people are
talkiog of organizing for tbe protection
of their interests. The proper thing to
rln. Oreanization against organization.
The government weather prediction ie
tonigbt auu rriuay imr,
mu: i,i,,,i hv ilia harometer. wbich
is well-up on the snfo side. Ton days of
cood weather will mean much lor the
wneat,,nop auu jjiw." v.k.
t.. nnnr.!ave of th'e erand com
n,.n,i.n- nt tliB lvo'eliis Templars of
Oregon will be held in'Albany Sept. 24,
wbeo the leading Masona of tbe state
will be in the city.
E. U. Will has a fine picture recently
taken by him of a tree near the Monte
ray MUl, above Newport, which meas
urea thirteen feet in circu-nference at
tbe base . It is a spruce.
Mr. Pbii Baltimore has hended the
Democrat a couple of figs raised on hie
place at ibia city. Notbina finer is ever
Seen from the treeb of California, and it
shows that we csn raise almost anything
here th;t is produced anywhero in the
To Cure a Cold in one Day
film Laxative uromo-viuiu.uo -u.t..
on every
The Democrat bae been shown today
some ore from the recent Btrike in the
Maine claim of tbe North Fatrview
group of minea in the Bohemia .district.
It goes $50!) to tbe tun, and tbere are
stacks of it jaet like it. besides other
tbat runs siou ana mountains ui iuwr
grade ore. The company will put In
mills the coming year ana me prospect
is a golden oue.
Big Price for Timber.
People having limber claims should
read tbe following from Abardeen,
Waab., and thea scratch their heads
coutinually before celling for any pal
try 11000 :
Al Coate, of this city, and R. F. Lytle.
of Hoquiam, have made arrangements
to buy tbe great tract ot timber owned
by the Pope, Tlbot& Walker Company.
It is commonly known as the Puget Mill
Company's property, and the price to be
paid IB $2,50 per thousand feet. Ibis
property was bought at private cash
entry about 20 years ago for $1.26 an
acre, the present price being twice as
mnch per 1000 feet as it then cost per
acre. This would bring the Bale price
to about $0 an acre, or 55 times the
amount ot tbe original purchase price,
showing a fairly good profit.
Tbe land lies between the Hoquiam
and Wishkah rivers, and up to the pres
ent time the Pope, Talbot & Walker
Company baa refused absolutely to sell.
It ia known as "tidewater show," tbe
loga an being witbin easy baallng dis
tance of tbe rivers mentioned, and es
pecially valuable on tbat account.
Ti e Maris Suicide.
The former home of D. O. Maris the
Mill City man who committed suicide
in the city jail has been located at
Windsor; Iowa, where be was a member
of the I. O. O. F. The lodge was tele
graphed today and a reply is awaited,
before disposal of the remains. Maris
also resided at Tarkio, and was a former
neighbor ot v. a. benight, of the third
ward, Albany. He came to Albany in
OfnliQ. 1 QA1 a n rl nn.bail fni onhila f-
Mr. Benight, residing with him in this
Ciry, ne nas a motber and sister who
wifl D8 notified by the Windsor Odd
Fellows, their preeeni residence not
being known. Maris is well spoken of
except his drink habit. He is Baid to
nave had a love affair terminating un-
favorably to bim.
Linn Beats Benton.
The Democrat laetleveniog mentioned
a recent big tbreBhing feat of William
Gellatly, of Benton county, 3468 bushels
of wheat and oats in one day. the bie-
seBt then reDorted. T.inn -nuntv nnfc tn
be outdone by her next door neighbor!
yesterday Barrett & Dawson throBhed
3520 bushels of wheat and oate. on the
farms of Enos Sherfy and Link Lillard,
u.uviug vn.i:. xuia uaais uvubuu uuuu-
tv 62 bushels. The Benton man moved
further, but that is part of the business,
Died Near Jefferson.
Mies Hattie Honeyford Hall Kelley
died on Sept. 8, 1903, at her home near
Jefferson. She was born Nov. 17, 1880
near Brownsville, and was married Oct
ober 17, 1897 to Michael Kellv, who
eurvives her. - 1
f, A Project is on foot at Salem to extend
tnB eectrl0 car ilne t0 Chemawa a die-
tance of five milee.
PbFaramrac?sUts0f "$2? t'S
quarterly examination at Portland this
week. Zenas K. Chase, of Albanv, is
given as one ol those who passed.
A big 72 pound bone was recently
found in Alsea Bay,in a green condition,
even oily. Prof. Condon says it ia fiat
of an elephant, hut where did tbe ele
phant come from.
Lebanon Oriteron : The Miasos Haddie
and Lois Parker returned to their home
at Albany this morning, after visiting
for several days with Mies Nina Daven
port. Mrs.Dumond, of Albany, ib visit
ing her daughter, Mra. J. O. Mayer.
Attorney I. E. Eichardson, of Albany,
wae in tbiscity yesterday., Mr. Eich
ardson, will shortly open a business
college in Albany. Hia aahool will not
De in any way connected with tbe Al
bany College, but will be etrickly a
private venture.
A. C. Beemie, of Springfield, is in tbe
city on business.
Mr. Conrad Meyer and family are all
all home from Yaquina.
Mrs. Fred Dawson and daughter) re
turned from the Bay to-day.
Miss Laura Campbell, of the Corvallis
schools, returned to Corvallis to-day.
Frank Thayer and Dr. Myers will
leave tomorrow morning lot the Cas
cades alter deer.
Prof. Geo. B,. Sites aod wife and son,
of Albany College, will be in Albauy to
morrow ready for tbeir oew work.
Rev. A. W. Wllaon, of Brooklyn, N.
Y. has accepted the tall to tbe pastorate
cf the V. r oliutcti ol I'orilai d.
Tclcdo Keuurter. Vilton Hale.
heavy real eslale uwner of Linn county
waa in Toledo this week looking alter
bis property inlereetr.
Mra. William Fleintni nnil eon Hugh,
of Seattle, re here the gut" e ol Presi
dent Lee, brother ol Mrs Fleming. Hugh
will attoi'il Al'iany College.
O I LeaveiigiKid Bnd wile, ol Eoae-
burg, ere iulheiity ou thoir way
home from To'tdo, where they were
recently married.
Mr. Leslie Palmer, a prominent prop
ertv owner on tbe Slletr, came oyer vea
torday, and will he found as usual at tbe
Blain Olo:hing Co'a
David Graham, manager of tbe U. of
O. foot ball team was in tbe ct'.v to-day
ard conferred with manager Wallace in
r, feieme to the Albai y games.
Dee Snow Flike.
Old wheat : new tldUr : Snow Flake.
Eed Crown Sour makes tbe best bread.
Deliciouxice cream soda at Tbe 6ugar
Genuine band painted ware, tbe finest
goods in the city, at F. G. Y ill's.
Albany Deonie should uee Albany
flour. Tbe Snow Flake is the best.
Observe the eolden rule and bake with
Snow Flake ilovr. Besides it is the beBt.
Government weather nrediction : to
night and Sunday probably fair, warmer
Some gypsies, the same ornery gang
h.-re several months ago, were in the
Citj ti-day.
Superintendent Jacrfeonhaa secured
Profs. Eigler and Adams aud Superin
tendent Travere ot Salem to work in the
institute at this city to uegin Nov. 1.
F. K Allen & Co, have a fine line of
cedar doors and windows also screen
doore. See them before buying.
Mr. Lamoreaux, piano turner of Port
land, will be in Albanv next weeK,thoee
needing tbe services of one of tbe very
best tuners and action regulator can
leavo orders at E, U. Will's Music Store,
G. W. Anderson, exnert niano tuner
ana action regulator of Portland, is now
located in any. Any in need of strictly
firBt-claea work leave orders at Anderson
Musio Hourie 206 Ferry St. 'Phone,
Black 621. Yearly tuning a specialty.
Three strobe full-crown boys will
come to Albany College, if they can find
places in which to worx tor tbeir board.
Speak to
Arrangements have been made, by
which graduates of business and short-,
band courses in Albany College, holding
diplcmaa, andsbowins ethciency, can be
given positions at remunerative salaries.
Albany has been soaked with rain
today, as well as the surrounding coun.
tiy, including a large quantity of spring
grain, on tue ground ana some nops.
The weather man Bays better weather.
Hotel Arrivals.
O E Beynolds, Portland.
E Brown, Spokaoe.
W V Van Alstyn, Portland.
Herbert Leigb, Eugene.
J F Nieley Johnstown Pa.
A!H Boylan, Portland.
J P Ellis, "
F A Peters, "
J B Meek, "
W O Niiley, "
Sam Goldsmith, "
A A Yerex, "
J J Hendron, Coburg.
S J Brown, Blodgett.
Griff King, Kingston.
Wm H Wicks, Corvallis,
Geo Coate, Corvallis.
W W Allingham, Cobnrg.
E K Aldrich, New York.
LT Howard, "
J A Thompson, Sweet Homn.
Balph Gilchrist, Alpena.
M Abrama, San Francisco.
M H Coffee, Buried at Sea Co.
J W Walsman, 8 F.
J K Johnson, Eugene.
W L Eaton, S F.
Cbas Werner, Portland.
Qua A Lawit, "
David Graham, Portland .
W W Baldwin, Minneapolis
Will Shearer, Moro.
Leonard Gilkey. Scio.
W 8 Wallace, Portland.
V. 8. Booth, Portland.
M O Smith and wf. Greenville, O.
Theodore Rothchild, Portland.
E J Munro, Anidem.
E G Pierce, Gates.
L N Slewart, Minto.
T F Lake, Gates.
O H EuBsell, Bweet Home.
A S York, The Telegram,
A BTownsland, Portland.
prank Howe, H. F.
Returned from Gearhart.
The members of G Co., fifty strong,
returned at miduight last night on a
special train from tbeir annual encamp
ment at Gearhart on the Pacific, near
the mouth of the Columbia, They had
a good time, but experienced too much
wet weather for an encampment, only
two days of clear weather. Bain is not
conducive to pleasure under a small tent.
Seaside is three miles down tbe beach, a
good walk . Most reeorters, though, bad
gone home, leaving few visitors, and the
scarcity of young ladies for flirtation,
waa excrutiatingly aggravating. Tbe
Albany company was tbe largest pres
ent, and made a fine record for good
benevior,not a man getting in tbe guara
Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Davie of Mill and
Twelfth street have returned .'rom an
all summer etay in tbe mountaine at
tbe lakes, upper Soda and Cascadia
where tbey went for the benefit of Mrs.
uavis neaitn, wnicb is so much im
proved that she tbinkB it will not be
necessary to go to California this winter.
Miae Elate accompanied them. Eugnee
Letter List.
Following is thn list of letters remaining
in the Postomce at Albany, Linn county
Oregon, Sept. 0, 1903, Persons calling
for tk se letters must give the date on which
Baktr, Mies May Boydslon. Mies Mabel
Coon, Niss Mellie Biundige,Miss Lizzie
nsner, d Harris, Mi'a Jessie
Hennesf, Vane Johnson, Wm F (4)
Jones, Mrs Annie Newton, Mr B O
Miller, Mr E B Bowe, Mr Oliver H
Ware, Mra F A Eutherford, Mr B H
S. 8. Train, P.M.
Bnd Bertba L. Dorris ware united In
marriage, September 8, at tbe home of
Dr. J. M. Cain, Portland Oregon, Rev.
William E. Randall of tbe Central
Baptist Church officiating. The bride
is a ilaughter ol Mrs. M. E. Dorris and
dster of Rov. Floyd E. Dorris. The
m. I ome ia eptibliebed in Portland.
Tbe following b rths wero reported to
tbe county health board, of which the
cauuty jadge ia chairman.for tbe month
Ol august, tne law requiring toe report
io do made by tbe last day ot tne mcntn,
and by Ibe county health board to tbt
aiate board by tbe tenth of tbe month :
Jaa. Albert Beebae. eon of O. O. nee-
bra, farmer. Auk. 16. L. M. Jones, phys
cian, Lebanon.
Frank lieuour, sou of Michael Bed nor
Sept. 1, 2 miles east of Scio.S. O. Brown
Davis Knox, son of Everett E. Knox,
Aug. 22, Knox Butte, W. H. DaviB,
Son of Frank Duncan. Plalnview. Aug.
14, W. H. DaviB, physician,
bon of fedwin t. foweil, larmer, Leb
auon, Aug. 27. J. O, Booth, phvtician.
miDy reari Lawrence, uaugnier u.
IV. Lawrence, Aug. 19. J. O. Booth.
Circuit court: New case. John O.
Smith agt. Mamie Smith. Cause: Al
leged, left home with one David Harper.
Beaidence of defendant unknown. Gone
over one year. S. M, Garland, attorney.
Provd un on claims: America E.
Hennees, 160 acres 10 E 4 : Theodore F.
Lake, 10 E. 4, 160 acres.
Something Doing.
Tbe new Knox Height residence at the
corner of Elleworth and Fourth streets
is going np with a rush. It will be
pretty and well arranged place.
One man has been In the city selling
signs, another making window signs.
Churchill, the business printer, has
begun moving into the old Democrat
$761 has been raised for tbe college
Some wbiatlea attached to gasoline
enginea by Oniing Hulburt and
Stewart & Sox Oo., have caused many
rubber necks.
Olerka are buBy unpacking goods, of
which an immense Block has been order
ed for tbe fall and winter trade by the
Albany houses.
The Magnolia Laundry has the most
outside agents of any laundry in tbe
Albany hae six double dry aoodB and
olothing stores.
Tbe west wall of tbe MaBonic temple
is being cemented.
New Patents.
H. S. Englebrigbt, North Yamhill.
Oreg , cross line buckle; H, Fesen field,
Hoquiam, Wash., bicyole mid-guard ; O.
Flnnegan, Fairhaveo, Wash., oombined
Eesaw and bevel-iding machine; P.
Hebert, Hazeldell, Oreg., equalizing
trace for anrmg vehicles; K. U. Hodge,
Central Point, Oreg., stovepipe-fastener;
G . Oleen, Port Blakely, wash,, grubb
ing machine; L, C. Preston, WeBton,
Oreg,, iaatentng device; P. Kummelin.
Portland, Oreg., candle-holder for
ObristmaB trees; J. P. TJrbanek, Yore,
wasb,, cirouiator lor steam-Doners; A
A. Waymire, Wooob, Oreg., combine
tton tool.
A Coach Secured,
Gillis, a sub-coach last year and Uni
versity of California graduate, has been
engaged to coach the Albany College
foot ball team this year. He is recom
mended by Hayward, the track team
coach, as a first class trainer and a fine
Abeicrombie, of Astoria, who was
talked of, will not come.
Mr.. W. B. Henderson bas purchased
the fine Van Horn property on Oalapooia
The government weather prediction i
tonight and Saturday partly cloudy with
light rains.
The soldier boys wiM be borne tonight
A fine outing ia reported.
The next attraction billed for tbe
opera house is "Over Niagara," to be
followed the next night witb tbe Italian
Band, October 19 and 20.
Some sparkB caught in the rocl of the
office of Brandeberry & Wheeler, on
Firat aod Ferry etrBet, causing an alarm
of fire- Nothing was burned.
- TheDsuocRAT yesterday in referring to
a picture taken by E. (J. Will near tbe
Monterey notei anove newpori, gave
thirteen feet as the circumference, of a
tree whereaB it should have been the di
ameter. Under instructions, sent by telegraph,
from Mrs. Anna Maris, of Windsor, ia
mother of D, 0. Maris, who committed
suicide, tte remains nf Maria were
buried tt is attornoon. ne was Dorn in
Tbe Democrat waa one of the price
winnera in tbe fortland Journal bargain
day contest. Tbe Journal la now on a
solid footing, one of the greatest success
es in journalism on the coast, and the
Democrat is glad to bave been able to
help tbe wbeele go round.
First street man : "Just at the begin
nine of tbe theatrical season it will be
the proper thing for the Democrat to
sav that an orchestra IB needed at the
onera house. Ihe long walta between
scenes needs something more thm a
Mr. J' R. Piatt and Miss Lj,.i A
Eodgers, of Scio, were united in mar
riage at the Christian Church yesterday
afternoon, Rev. Clark Bower affiliating.
Tbey will go to Dallas to reBiue.
J. L. Irvine aud Frank Ketchum re
turned at 1 o'clock this mornin? from a
trip to tbeir Big Bottom timber farms.
With tne exception oi some Kicaing Dy
tbeir horses itmy haf a cafe and pleas
ant trip.
Eev. L. A. Tchorigian rotnrned to
Monument, Eaeteru Ongon, tbia morn
ing, a cl''zen ol the United PUtea. He
intendn to return to Tu.kty lit a few
months to do misaionary work, Bbfore
going be will have his naroo changed,
dropping the last tame, the ending ol
which means Armenian, so tbat his
name will be Levon Arpee, which may
give him better privileges among the
Turks :
Dr. Kamsey made a prolesaional visit
to Eugene tbie a'ternoon.
F. J. Miller went to Grants Pass um
afternoon to look af er hia big fruit or
chard. License was issued to-day for tin
marriage of J. 6. Flake and Miea Addir
Smith, both oi Tangent.
Miss Myra Brown, manager cf iLt
Kuuene telephone office was in the cit
tbia week a day or ao.
Dr. Winnard went to Oreswell this
afternoon to join his wife on a visit. He
will return iionaay.
E. J. Seeley left yesterday afternoon
for Alsea called tbere by tbe serious
illness of his motber.
MiBa Foehay left this alteruoon for
Ashland to be ready for tbe opening of
the echoola there next week.
Fied Dawson and J. E. Bridgeford are
expected home from tbe Bay tonight,
coming overland. Tbeir families are at
borne. 1
Major M. H. Ellis arrived home yes
terday afternoon from the encampment
at Roseburg, where an excellent time
waa had.
Mica Grey, a former teacher in the
Albany tchools. waa in the city today
the guest of Mrs. E. Thrall while on her
way to ereeno, Ualil,, near which plate
she will teach tlo coming year.
Mr' and Mrs. J. Otto Lee and daiuh-
ter Dorothy, and Mrs, Margaret Blodgett
left this morning for near Bend, Crook
county, where tbey went to look after
tneir claims ana taae up another ono lor
airs. L,ee.
Toledo Leader: Milton Hale, the well
known Oregon pioneer and Linn county
capitalist, had business in the city
Tuesday and Wednesday. Jack Allpbine
auu, air., uaie swam tue Willamette
river together or did something with
water we Ican't exactly remember-
more than 50 yeara ago.
Corvallis Gazette : Mrs. Lulu Webber.
now residing in Albany, 1b spending a
few days with her son, Ward, at the
residence of J. H. Simpaon. Her daugh
ter, Miss Aileen, came over Saturday
and returned Sunday. She shortly goes
to Ashland where she will have chrrge
of tbe department of music of the Ash
land Normal Bchool.
At the meeting of the Ladies of the
Maccab ea last night a good program
Has presented, consie tint of a eolo by
Mrs. Obaa Medio, "Yankee Doodle,"
"Mary Had a Little Lamb," by Mrs.
Stites, a song by Mra. Van Winkle,
"Mouse at Sea," the reading of "Twin
kle Twinxle Little Star," by Mrs.
Merrill, and a vocal duet bv Mrs, Van
Winkle and Mrs. Merrill, "Nicodomus." i
an old fashioned program full of fun, A j
delicious lunch waa served.
From the Bulletin: Mr. T.J. Ander
son last week placed a fine stone foun
dation unaer ma residence, bunt a com
modious wooasued and otherwise im
proved his fine premises.
Mr. and Mra. Edwards, of Spokane,
the latter a Bister. of Mrs. B. A. fiampv,
arrived here Saturday for a visit. Mrs,
EdwardB waB a former highly respected
oitizen of HarriBburg.
Mrs. M. M. Hendrix't, 67th birthday
occured Tuesday, when several of her
friends met witb her to encourage and
ae far aa possible to cheer her to a for
got fulnesB of her onliction. one wae
able to ait up about tbree hours during
tbe day, and enjoyed Ihe occasion very
Mr. J . E, Oartwright finished picking
the hops on hia Uendtnball farm last
week, and commenced Monday on bis
Davie fields witb a full crew of pickers.
His crop this year wil be about 70,000
pounds. Next year ho will increase bis
area on bopa by SO acres of the very
best quality of hop producing Boil.
Buried at Sea
Was presented at tbe opera home last
night to a good sized and pleased audi
ence. Some fine new acenery waa pie
eented, an ocean scene being particnle
Iv striking. The caBt Ib a strong or e.
with Urral Humphrey in tue teaun a
role of Walter Allen, a young invent, c
who bas some remarkable experience!
The play has two villains, a man and a
woman wno ma tneir parts so wen tne
audience would like to have helped
drown them. Mra Belmour as Mrs.
krumbaacb captured tbe audience, and
Little Elma was a Jewel,
Edward Omln. a twenty year old boy,
of Portland has confessed to seven bold
unB and several fires. ODe of the bolu
ups waa Admiral A. N. Smith, the
drummer, who objected. Tbe moat
Orpin got from one person was $15.
When tkete is a feeling that tbe l.oaT
or lungs, blood or liver, brain or neuo:
are diseased, at once commence to doctoi
tbe stomach. 1'bat is the foundatioa oi
the trouble m 90 cases out of every 100.
Commence to regulate the digoitiv
nrirana. mi' them in healthy working con
dition, i 'uother troubles will Isim
nl thorn it'viM. Dueases which havo tr.e::
eginn n tn ineBtomach must no 03ros
hrnnu t rnmach. The medicine ioi
atomaoi, lior iere and half the ilia, u Dr,
Gunn mpaived Livor Pilla. These pine
nut. nil li, o diiroative orders in good con
dition so that the disease has no basis to
work upon. They are sold by all drug
gists for 25 eta. por box. One pill is a dose.
We wiH aend a box post-paid, on receipt
of 25 cte, or to any body who wants to try
them we will sen 1 2 pills free, Send
name and to Dr, HosankoCo Philadelphia
Fa vor sale by Foahay&ilaBOtt Jruggists
Mn.i.i.iEiiY Opkniho at
The Bazaar
Tae-day, September 15th.
L. E. Ic H, i. Hamilton,
We rustle nara in urease eaoh cm
tomor, at O. E. Brownell'b,
UO CARTS just received at the Houb
f urnishing uo s.
f Dnr 10c racktie muah la a winner
Try it. O. E, Brownkll,
The Chicago Packer, the leading
iournai of its kind in tbe U. S., whose
1 i i o was receotly in Albany and other
valley ion, devotes a page to Oregon'!
ui famed fruit. Here are some of the
irads, that tell the story :
Oregon's Far Famed Kruit.
Sold in Ad the LeadlneOltiea of the
Facts and Fignrea Which Demonstrate
a Paving Qualities Awarded Many
iledals at the World's Fair.
Largest Shipment to Orient,
Oregon Fruit Profitable.
Intelligence fusures Results.
Prune Crop Important.
Northwest Wine Many Prizes.
The Great Willamette Valley.
SUe Has tbe Worlrt for Her Market.
Her Fruits Are Carried 8,000 Milee.
Dairy Industry Ie Colossal.
Finest Hops.
The Poultry Development.
First Christian Chutch: All
services have been resumed.
11:00 a.m.. "Strotching the Curtain,"
30 p, m. "The Bource of Authority
and Assurance." The Y. P. 8. O. E. at
6:30 p. ivi. will be in charge of tbe tem
perance committee and will be oi espec
ial interest Sunday Bcbool meets at
10 -.00 a. m. All are invited to all eervices
Congregational church cor. Ferry and
4th ets: Servicea overy Sunday at 10:30
a. m. and 7:30 p. m pieacbine by the
pastor. Sunday school convenes at 11 :4b
m and the Ourietian Endeavor at
6:30 p. m. -MI are invited to attend,
G. W. Nklsox, Pastor.
V . P. church : Preaching by the pas
tor Eev. White at 10:30 and 7:30. Sab
bath school 11:45, Junior Eo''eayor,
3 :S0. Senior Endeavor 6 :30.
M. E. cburcb : Preaching by the pas
or at 10:30 a. m.,and 7:30 p. m. Sunday
hool at 11:46, Epworth and Intermed
iate League at 6:30, class meeting 6:30.
All will be welcome.
Firs Presbyterian church, cor. Broad
albin and Fifth streets. Publio worship
and preaching at 10 :30 a. m. and 7 :30 p.
m. Sunday tchool at 11 :45 a, m. Prayer
meeting Thursday evening 7:30. A
cordial invitation is extended to all to be
present at our services.
Baptist cburch : Servicea at usual
houre, preaching by the pastor, Eev. W.
W, Davis, Sabbath school at ol' ee of
morning eervice, Junior at 3 p. m,, B.
Y. P. U. at 6:30, midweek prayer ser
vice iburauav eve 7 :su.
Got Ten Deer.
W. H. Hogan.P. A. Young, Dr. Wells,
Fred Hockspier and Clyde Dannals re
turned home last night Irom their deer
hunt at Bloody Point, a mountain deer
resort, five miles north of Waldon'a on
the Lebanon Wagon Boad. They killed
ten deer, most of tbem from tbeir camp,
some of them from their tents. One
waa shot at 2 o'clock In the morning by
moonlight, by Mr. Hogan. He ome in
too cIobo to camp. Kacn man Killed two
deer, more or Ibbs, which 1b near enough,
though the Democrat bae tbe exact
record. Tbey had a fine lime, though
some of it was Bpent in tbe rain. Foul
of tbe animals were brought home and
cut np hero, tbe others were eaten or
jerked in tbo mountaine.
Bl.iody Point is a fine plate to sleep
ajd the hunte. s freqo.ntly spent eight
een bourB in bed.
Anderson's Music House,
Albany's new piano and organ house.
Pianos, organs and sewing machinea
marked away down just to introduoe
ourselves. Violins, mandolins, guitars,
banjos, ziphers, sheet music, strings,
harmonica, etc. Expert piano and or
gan timing and repairing. Now that an
expert turer ia looat'd in Albany tee
timt you patronize bim, thereby not
uaving to depend on every Tom, D'ck
iuJ Harry that passoB through. Yearly
tuning a specialty. All work guaratced.
An oicbeBtra will be run in connection
i b tbie house. Parlies desiring first
j music (or entertainmente, private
dancing parties, etc, gel terms at And
erson's, music House, zuo perry btreet,
Albany, Oregon. 'Phone, Black 621,
Letter from Litchfield, Neb
Thomoa Clancy, of Litchfield, Neb
tyroti us a few weeks ago about his oiper
umcewith Dr Ounn's Blood and Nerv
Tonic. As his case may be similar t
ol hers it naturally would be of interea
to i hem to know the rtBUlt ot his test. He
bud been haunted for years with a gradual
grnwing weakness until he was reduced to
..liuost a shadow. Hia complexion waa
sallow and pimply, had dizzy and einking
spells, with loss of memory and ambition
Always felt tired and outdone, suffered
greatly with nervousness, and felt that his
heart's action was weak. His digostlon
wbb so poor bis system received no nutri
tion . Me says he commenced the use of
this tonic, tutting one tablet after each
.will. He did not notice much change
iflor using one box only he enjoyed his
meals bettor, still he kept on until he had
un d oil boxos . Ho used the last box more
than six months ago. When he stopped
the uee of the tonic be weighed 28 pounds
more than ho did when he commenced,
Hasnot been sick a day since, and is well
in both mind and body. Dr'iunn's Blood
and Nerve Tonic is the best medicine in
the world for pale, week or sickly women
Sold by all druggists for 76 cts per box, or
sent by mail on receipt of price- Write us
about yourcase. Audresa, Dr BosankoCo
Pbiladelphio, Pa. For sale by Foshay &
Mason, druggists-
Millinery Cphmino at Tne Bazaar
Tuesday September 16th.
Li. J4,, oe a. J. HAMILTON.
Millisery Opening at The Bazaar
Tuesday September 15th.
L.-b, ti. J, HAMILTON,
Berved In my style,
At I'lelff r'a Oj ster Pa l' ri.