;AtCampGuarIiort. j The lollowtng men ol Company G are in camp. Capt. 8tellmacber; Lleute. Wallace, end Harnish ; Sergta. Worrell. Probst and HuBton; Corps. Powell and Marke; Pri vates Purdom, Kieer, Millard, Wyatt, Pierpont, Wlllert, Bappington, Adame, Hogue, Katcbum, Fieher,CoateB,Barnbe, Needbam, McMame, MyerB, wya'l Bbaw, Crawford, .Garrett, Mackcy, Eeadley, Frencb, McGbee, Abrabam, Bozelle, Whitney, Dolan.Bilyea, Elkina, Farrieb, Beam, Kitchen, McOlain, Fur- gerson, Zeetc, Huston, Flckllo, Hueton, Standard, WeBtbrook, Williams, Moore, Moore, Rupert and Sblagel, We arrived on ibe ground at 4 o'clock and eaob company was matched to ite quarters The tenti were piled ia the place where the tow of tente were to be nlaced. The mess tent. ind tableB were in place. The ground i aandy, covered with most and erase, bc Ihere la no Band exposed except back ol the mens tents, then the bind rlflee about seventy-five leet high. One or two of each tent procured e-tick of woed to drive the tent pege and in about twenty minutes all of the tents Of the regiment were raised and staked the ground being Bandy, atakeB drive easy. Within an hour, the camp was in ahane and eoldier life wae commenced Company U beads the list as the larg est company of the regiment aslt always does. Thursday and Friday were ideal days, but Saturday and Sunday it rained and Bpoiled tbe program. The camp Ib ideal, ibe Boil sandy and tbe graaB and moss baa been mowed and xaked. The trees are back to tbe east one fourth of a mile as well as tbe cot 5JJl!4i. The hotel is large and commod ious. It ia three miles to Seaside and XUlamok lights oae Been to the south east. There are no rocks on the coast, bells are scarce and the ocean iuet tbe umi as at the Bay. Target practice and ,,.iii; i- ihi order of the day. Tbe regiment attended church In a body. Chaplain Gilbert gave n a talk. There have been a number of whales .hnjini na what tbey could do. Some nt the men of each company have dug clams and it U no strange Bight to see them coming with a pail lull ol them. This place seeme to be quite a summer resort, Irom the number of cottageB. There are only a few people here now aa tbe eeaeoD bas closed. On Guabd. In Prnlseot tho Father. A Mieaouri editor says he happened In a home tbe other night, and over the door Baw the legend worked in red : "What ia Home Without a Mother?" Aciobb the room waa ano'her briel, "God Blese Our Home." Now what's the matter with "God Blese Our Dad?" He gete up .early, lights a fire, boils an ogg, urabs hiB din nnr nail find wineB oil the dew oi tne with his boots. While many a mother Is sleeping. He makes the weekly handout for the butcher, the grocer, the mi'.kman and baker, and his little pile ia badly worn boforo he has been home an hour. He Btands off tbe nallff, and keeps tbe rent paid up. If there ia a noise in the house at night dad ia kioked in tho back and made to go np BlnirB lo find the burglar and kill him. Mother dams the socks, uutuau buyB the socks in the flrBt place and tho needlOB aud yarn alterward. Mother does up the Iruit; well, but dad buys it all, and jars and sugar cost like the miscbiof. Dad buys chickons for tte Sunday dinner, carves them himself and drawB the neck from the mine alter everyone else iB served. "What la a home with out a mother?" Yes, tbat !b all right, but "What Ib home wlthnut a dad?" Ten cbancsB to one it is a boarding house, father 1b undor a slab, and the lnmlU.lv is a widow. Dad, here's to you ; you've got your faulte you may have lots of 'em but we will miBn you when yon are gone. Cx. From "With tbe rrocesalon," in September Everybody's. the The bucccbs of Senator Foster, of Louis iana, in stopping an expected lynohlng ol a negro by appearing on the scene with two judges, addressing an "impas Bloned appeal" to Judge Lynch'a jury, and promising that the criminal should bo tried by a jury to bo drawn the next morning, speaks woll tor his eourage and his eloquence, bat Is not convincing, and hai been praised too enthusiastically, nsrbaps, A criminal is entitled to be tried by due procesp ol law. To hurry that procetB, to make it an nndue process for tbe sake of appewng a ilftous a enmblage; to stand, hat in band, and say, "Good gentlemen, don't lynch the man ; the courti will 'railroad' him to the gallorveit you will kindly wait" this is almost making the mob a part ot the msoulnery of justice. It Is compromii- ng with disorder. Tho people of Oregon would be very willing to eoe.Oongresjuiau Hermann on the oommlltee on rivers and harbor, from a selfish standpoint. An Oreitcn roan os tbe committee cuibt to be able to Jo louethlug for O.egon Improe meutf, perhaps IncludiugJYrqulna, Yaquina Bay. From the Telegram. Yaquina Bay, which bat been ntg lecttd by tbe Government for eeveral years past, ia no to be examined with a view to its fun her improvement, and to that end the board of engineer officers will meet in the public ball at Newport on September 15 at 11 o'cloca a. m, Ah persons interested are requested to be pre ent and to submit their views in writing aa regards tbe neceseity and ad visability of further work in that local ity. Yaauina Bav e a harbor much ire quented by email craft. There is now 14 leet of water on tbe bar at low tide When the Government began taking etepa to improve tbe bar in 1881 there was but a depth of seven leet. Since tbat time coneiderable jetty work has been done both tbe north and south side of tbe entrance to tbe barbor, which bas an area of five square miles. A wooden jetty was firet built and Ibis was afterward supplemented by a rub biestun jetty, the large boulders being deposited witn tbe aid ol a railroad built on piling ae tbe work reached out to sea. At present tbe south jetty extends westerly from the shore a distance of 3500 feet. Tbe north Bide jetty is 2800 long, a number ot rocas have also been removed from tbe middle of tbe bar. What tbe government contemplates in regard to further improvement is not yet kaotrn, and much depends on what tbe eniiineerinc boaid advises. It Is there- 'ore necessary for those interested in the furtber deepening of the Yaquina en trance to be preeent at tbe meeting of the engineers September 15. .. itSi- That Newpert, Toledo, Yaquioa and other tnwnB adjacent to the bay have languished as tbe result of suspension o improvement is well known, while the amount of wheat shipped from tbe Wil lamette Valley by theiCorvellie & East ern Railroad ba? also fallen off. Should the barbor be further improved so tbat wheat shipments might proceed again it wonld add much to the importance of tbe towDB near tbe bay and serve to build up the country adjacent much more rapidly than ever before. The last board of engineer tbat inspected the work reported unfavorably as regards farther Improvement. Tbe board of engineer officers ia com posed of Lieutenant-Colonel Heuer, ol San Francisco; Major John Millie, of Beattle, and Major W. C. LangflU, of Portland, A bold venture, truly, ia tbat of Rob ert Gran, who ie bringing over Madame Adelina Patti for a concert tonr begin ning next November. Five thousand dollars u night we are told the "diva" il to be paid. To get out even, the man ager must charge grand opera prices for Beats at the concerts. The question musical people, who have been bearing Melba and Nordlca, and Eames and Lehman, and Sembrich who, by the way, il a greater all-round artist than Patti ever was will ask themselves, "Ia it worth the money?" Mr- Grau may have 10 make a considerable part of his expense! and all his profits out of the dollars ol the cuiious -an er than (he patronaKeof the really musical. Ex. The Dkmcckat would avoid war iu every caBe poaaible, but with Turkey it aeeiiiB to be impossible to settle matters ot difference in any way except with bullet. A country absolutely without jonor or respect for any one, Turkey can baldly be placed in the catagory of civilized countries, and like an incorrig ible boy, Bhe nee is a sound thrashing It is about tbe only thing that can eet- tie her caee. It ought to be possible to dispose of all disputes by arbitratio.. but what else but war will Bettle any thing with eucb a fiete ola country as Turkey. The timber land situation in Oregon In the ooming years should improve rather than recede, end tbe price in crease. The reservations should have a tendency to raiae tbe price. Holders of claims will do wall to make a very thor- ongh investigation before Belling, A merely nominal price for stumpage would give them more than any price beinir paid. There are indications of schemes for tbe gobbling up of every thing in sight at a ridiculously low figure. Don't sell unless a respectable figure Is quoted. Waterville (Wash.) .PreBa: Why la the "glorious panoply" of war kept bo persistently before )he public mind, peclally the youth of the land? Why ie war made 10 much more attractive than peace? Why la it thatiln ia so much more attractive than righteousness? Tnore are no songs set to "gloiiona pauO' ply" ol peaco, and yet we hare for nine teen hundred years boon pretending to bo followers of the Prime oi Peace. The Improvement ol Yaquina Buy BhouU be considered from the stand point ol Inture prospects not merely Irom H,A n..nnl m til 111 n.r A (if (lift VtjW nm. ...... m. i , .,. in ."' Tbe rapid development ol tbe country oil's lor a barter at tliOlt.iy ol command- Ingeizeand safety, xaqnina can be nude a iiood ulace. and Its locatlen am. ... , , . geti tho i-roper one 'or such nuprov- mnui. Binder is the Trouble. From tbe Portland Journal, Tbe Salem Journal tbioks tbe Delega- litn is barmoniouB. There ia no doub about tbat. In fact, harmony is what is the matter with it. Itt unanimity ia what got it into trouble with Mr Roose velt. Tha nreaident ia inharmonious1 with Mr. Hermanu and aa a necessary eionanes there, entitled to all the p-o-result, when tbe Delegation espouses tbe taction the stars and stripes have at cause ol Mr. Hermann it finds Itself op- their back. The calibre of Uncle Sam ...n.niin ih iriminii.tn.tion. Th it a transparent conclusion befote Mr. i Hermann's election. Now Bince the I logic ol events has verified it, the skull tbat ie capable of excluding tbe knowl edge of it, would be impervious to the X raya. Tbe trouble is Biogeriem. The Dele gation has adopted Bingerism. It mntt therelore stand nr fall by Bingerism Tbe Bingeric lanu p not in favor with the president and naturally enough a Bingerized .Delegation finds Jordan a mighty hard to travel. From the Detroit Journal. , Roland B. Molineex is said to be wear, ing himself to a Bbadow. Hie wile di vorced and bis old-time' friends giving him tbe eold shoulder, he finds bis sol ace in writing hiB novel which is about ready for tbe pnbliBher. Its title ie"The Vice Admiral of the Blue," and iu tbe story he apparently illuBtratee bis own experiecce with womea. It reads: "Although we idealize them, women are bul, human and are weaker because mire temptedand more affectionate than we of the sterner sex, A woman demand! tbe daily tokens of devotion that Uod in. tended ahe should have. Without them she fades as tbe rose unkiesed by the sun or parched for lack of tbe lile and beauty giving dew, Tbe husband who baa ceaBed to be tbe lover eoon finds hie wife no longer the sweetheart, and equally so the absent one ie in danger, for absence makestbe heart grow fonder of some- !ody else. It ie only onmral. Rev, Lyman Abbott in tbe September Atlantic. gl& Political economists have told ua tbat sell-Interest ia;the mainspring of indus try, It ia not trne. Love iB tbe main- prion of industry. Tt la love for the wife and tbe children that keeps all the busy wheels of industry revolving, that calls the factory hands early to the mill, tbat nervaB tbe arm of the blaoksraith working at bis forge, tbat inspires tbe farmer at his plough and she merchant at hiB deelr.'tbat gives courage . to tbe soldier and patience to the teacher. Erskine was asked bow be dared, as an uoknown barrister, face a boatite court and ineist on his right to be heard. "I felt my children," he replied, "tug ging atlmy robe and saying, here is your obance, father to get no bread." It is this viBion of the children dependent on us that inspires ub all in 'the '.battle of lile. Tbe Brooklyn Eagle ia willing to have Cleveland ncminated. Certainly. . That is just like the Eagle. Tbe Oregonian, New York Tribune and a few other re publican papers wouldn't object to the nomination of Cleveland. No one getB fooled, though, any longer when eome of these big trust papers peak ont for Cleveland for the Presidency . Don't fret, though, be will not be nominated unless the Republicans do it. Representative Loveribg of Massachu setts, says tbat a movement is growing a Nnw England and elsewhere in lavor of freejraw materials. It will become formidable ob eoon as manufacturers who favor it get past the Btage at which they can bo scared by the threat to wipe out protection on their finished products whenever the duties on materials disap pear. World. In the Ohio campaign Senator Uanoa seems to be the .ssue. Then in tbe name of good government and decency he Bbould be drowned, Tbe feeling that TurL ey should be downed is one that in a measure prevails when Mark Banna, tha bnaa. ia considered. Bis defeat means a victory for better politics. Tbe government agricultural depart ment recently over estimated tbe wheat Orop by auout -uu,uuu,uw uuouc.o. nM ftt nlVl kn.li.la Pretty oloee lor one of these government dODartmentt, made up of cast off poli ticians, men who have been taiiurea in nearly everything else. llie money market in tbe east ia re ported very oloee. Out here in Oregon, though, with big crops and lair prices there are no fi'ars of trouble. McKinley in Crook Co. From tbe Journal Horace McKinley wbo was associated with Miss Mario Ware, the Eugene U 8. Commissioner, in tbe alleged timber Irauds, arrived in It-s clt last Friday in company with L'an rarplcy and Joe O. Btiry ol t'orlland. The geutleiuen i lt'lMovlull for tbe Pine Mount- , jn couuirj .here tley will speed 10 I days or two vet-ax luvcsngaiiog the quality and quaulity of yellow pine. ' Mr. McKinley a a jaunty young nvn ofhip, 30 yiari. and lor k the typical 8 Or Saturday Nieht Thoughts The big papers continue to place tbe trouble between Turkev and Bulgaria first in tbe news items of the day. Tbe remainder ot tbe world is watching with great interest. That of the United States is a personal one Irom the lact mat a nnmoer ot our oitizena are mib- 'a large and broad He ia no 22 bora for infants to play with, but tie biggest eun ln 'be world. nd whn any ona touchee oy ot nie aioa unjustly ana ln the wrong ept. il Uncle Sam may be depended upon to be ready to jump on tbe offender with both feet. That is tbe way he is built. At the same time be iB ready for explan ations end apologies and il there ia un certainty about tbe circumstances arbi tration. Uncle Sam, at thiB stage ol tbe wor d'e history has a right to take a band in the doings of tbe world wbeie his subjects are interested, and cases arise where it will be his duty to do bo in the name of hnmanity. At the same time tbe policy should alwayu be one for peace, and like a good individual, he should always diBplay a spirit of for bearance, never taking advantage of the weak, and respecting all nations alike regardless of their size, as their conduct merits. Politically nowadays there is already a good deal of Presidential talk. On the side' of the republicans there la no ques tion bb to the .result of the convention. It ia already cut and dried and every thing is being done with one man in view a their candidate for tbe greateet office any people can give a man. It is dif ferent, though, with the democrats. At the present time no one can name the nominee with confidence. Several good men are being mentioned. The spirit of the party now. should be ' one of com promise to a reasonable extent. It Is impossible for all of tbe members of a partyto agree in everything any more than it iB possible for the memberB of a church or any other body to always be a unit on everything. . Tbey can agree though on ressentiaiB and that iB the position the democratie party should take at thiB time. There are enongh abuses in the present administration for a live iBBue and that should be enfficient without any fights over things tbat cause a Difference of opinion. Un Portland this week a twenty year old boy oriyoung man confessed to seven hold ups;and, numerous fires. He wae flrBt suspected by kicking at the idea of any man going about with only ten cants in bis pockets: Now a Portland man bad been held np with only ten ceo 'tin his pocket, and the remark lead to hiB detection, It was a good thing that he was stopped thus early in his career, It 1b difficult to conceive how a Bane young man oan start out on a career of orime with;notbingof importance n Bight to luetify it even from a financial stand poibt alone, to eay nothing of the moral Bide ol tbe .matter. He would display better judgment to jump off a precipice in tbe dark or drink a glass of drugs from a shell of a drug store poured at midnight without a. light to ee the label. Every young man and boy some ttmeearly in his life ought to Bit doirn and think for a whole day without in terruption upon the couree he propoees to follow in life, thinking of the better and tbe worse paths to be followed. It should he weighed more from a moral and religious standpoint than any other, tbe gains and tbe profits of both kinds of life. He should do it coolly and then, alter making his decision, follow it to the end. He can make only one il he is absolutely fair in his judgment. . ThiB line of thought might be followed in connection with the man wbo com milled suicide. The first nasty cigarette leads lo a corrupted taste, the drink habit follows, and the end ie remorse and self destruction or a life without the ends ever meeting, one of dissatisfaction and discontent. The only thing that counts is character, Tbe money part doeBn't amount to very much, it will at least take care of itself, for the upright citizen is bound to have a sufficiency for the needs of life, From tbe Chicago Chronicle. D-nng the nineteenth century London giew from a city of SOO.OOO people to one of 6,5000,00 that is, increased eiShtfold New 1'ork increased from 60,000 to 2, 500,000, nearly eixtyfold, London ia now increasing 17 per cent in a decade and New York 35 per cent, or twice as fast. If this rate Bbould hold good for fifty years more New York would have over 15,000,030 population and be 1,000,000 ahead ot London. Haskell (Tex.) Free Press: When I democrat talks abont the money ques tion the republicans eneeiingly eay that the money question is settled, then they confer among, themselves and caucne with the president about passing anaseet currency bill when congress meets in special session next winter. They know that it isn't settled, but tbey want to do all tbe settling. Floyd Williams, tbe crack splinter ol the u. a. u., was in the city;tuia alter uoou on his.wav to school, MISFITS, Hop pickers are desperately in need of at Independence, Hang hold of your timber claims until a respectable price ie offered. he Oregon weather ia being cut out lit tbe farmer this.year. Ex-Governor Geer says: "I am out of politics." Probably just like Grover Cleveland. When the smoke clears it iB to be honed Turkev ie seen prostrate a dead bird. If each of tne Tillamook papers if to be believed, the other editor has no Drains. Country butter in now as scarce as cow s teeth, and creamery nutter at to cents makes poor people wince. The country is safe. The Eugene and Albany companies went in opposite di rections. Secretary Shaw deposited $10,000,01 0 in New York City to help tbe boys out and assist the financial situation. Tbe number of people picking bops for their health wonld indicate a poor fousineBS for the doctora the coming winter. Every boy and girl in Albany ehould preoare to enter school next Monday witn tne determination to maxe some thing of tbemeelvee. Ex-Oongressman W, H, King, of Tacoma, haB caused a sensation by call ing President Kootevelt a grand stand player and a colossal egotiBt. Help build up homo institutions Buy your goods aa home. Eat home products where possible, btana Dy Albany. The man driving an eight horse team will not be in it with the Albany boy leading eight cows under the new ordi nance. Portland and Seattle will have to take a Beat in the nalllery. Five robbers held up a botel and captured tiouu in cash ana numerona watcnea, eic. The gentlemanly bearing of Tom Lip- on upon being defeated ia bo striking that his American menas want to pre sent him with a silver service. Tom certainly has Bet a good example. The fences are comingdown, and after awhile we will be an up-to-date eastern city. With the present cow ordinance we might well nave the Deautuul ap pearance of a fenceless city. The general sentiment seems to be that the discharge of J. J.' Butler, it Junction. was justifiable. It waa a plain case of self defense. There needs to he more defending against a claaa of men who lnlest many homes. After having visited Eugene, Albany and a few other Northwest towns one Dr. Flory haB concluded to locate In Vancouver, with which he ta greatly pleased. He Baid Eugene was a bum town ana bis opinion ot AiDanv has not been learned, Vancouver will please keep him. Being mayor of Grants Pass is evid ently dangerouB business. Mayor Babhor was taken with appendicitis and was treated in Portland. Immediately upon his return Herbert Smith acting mayor during nia absence, was taken down with tbe same disease. The other coun oilmen are trembling ana anxious. Tom McNary in the Asylum. Poor Tom McNary, of Salem, was com mitted to the insane asylum yesterday Too much whiskey and threatened to commit suicide. Ten or more years ago in the rear of the old Exchange Hotel in this city be tried to end his life by cut- tinz his throat nearly from ear to ear- but Dr. Maeton eewed bim up. Perhaps it would nave Deen a goon tning u tie hadn't have been found soon enough for that, for be bas been on a protracted snree ever since witn the exception ol vear or two durine a reform sdbII. Tom is a good fellow sober, but whiBkey has done him up. Chittim Bark Business. The Times olaims 27 car load of chittim bark as tbe product of Benton county tbis season, sold at an average price of 10 cents, a total output ol nearly JUU.UUU mostly an income tor mere is little ex nnnes in eettine it. Probably nol quite'as much was peeled in this cou ity, but considerable. The peeling season has ended until May 1, when baik will again be peelable Lost a Finger Tip. Chas. Anderson, the printer, who haB been working on the Sanderson bridge, this forenoon lost the end of bis middle finger on the right hand. A lage timber fell on It, mashing it nearly off, requir ing amputation. Triop A of Lebanon left lor home early this mornihg, accompanied by a young Dkmocbat man. Under Oact. Power tbe company bas made a splen did showing in the annual encampment. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. The Turkish War. - Los-don. Sent. 10. Eiceot that tha Conau a in Salonica are again asking for tne protection ol warships, tbere is little irrci oewa mis norning irom me seat f Macedonian troubles, but tbere is a plentiful crop of sensational statements uipoBBime eitner to conlorm or deny. mong the latter is the assertion made in a Sofia dispatch to the Seclo of Milan ta tne enect tbat it baa been decided to mobilize the Bulgarian army. Seattle's Strike. Seattle. Sent. 9 The atreat.car strike looke like a joke. The atrike leaders re nounced earlv thiB marnino thnt. thnv decided to strike, and every street-car uuo ia me city wouto ue tied up. In stead of t. ia happening, the company operated a full eervice from noon until alter 6 o'clock this evening. Owing to a Bbortage of relief men ai d a rainy night. iuidbcmiwi-ib reuueea one nan to- tght. Seattle, Sept. 10 There is no chance in tbe street-car strike situation todav. The company operated all but four cars in the morning, and all but two cars on all lines during the afternoon. Eighty men ail told failed to show up for work, Tbe company hired 30;new . men today and turned away 60 other applicants be cause tbe official did not have time to examine them. Automobi'e Fatality. Detkoit. Mich. Sent. 9 While Barnnir Oldfleld's racing automobile was run ning nearly 60 miles an honr at the GroBBe Pointe track this afternoon in the ten-mile open event, one of the front tires on tbe machine bnrned through and exploded, throwing the car into the fence and injuring Frank Shearer, a spectator, eo terribly tbat he died in an ambulance en route to the hospital. Oregon Miners Honored. Deadwood. S. D Sent. 9. Tonieht the Oregon headquarters in the Frank lin hote, the lobbies and corridors were crowded with enthusiastic citizens and delegates from nearly every state. A epienoid Drass nana piayea patriotic airs as a compliment to Oregon and the Lew ie and Clark Fair. The demonstration was spontaneous and sincere. Low Wanted Again . Hew Yobk. Sent. 9. At the fusion conference tonight, tbe name of Seth Low waa indorsed as candidate for May or to be presented to the fusion confer ence of all bodies affiliated with the fu sion movement, txcept the New York Democracy and King's County Democ- ' racy. The conference was held at the headquarter! of the Citizens' Union. A Jail Break. Hillsbort, Sept. 0 . J . H. Burke and T. McNamara. two nrisonere in the County Jail, made their escape between 2 or 3 o'clock this morning, by cutting a hole 10X13 through 18 inches of brick and mortar, making their way into the office oi the Sheriff, thence to the hall, and out to open air through the rear door of the Courthouse. Third Man Lost. Rosebukg. Sentr. 10. J. D. Wilson, a reliable citizen of Yoncalla, Or,, tells oi mysterious disappearance of Ibis uncle, James L Dickenson near the head of Grave Creek. Dickenson was last seen alive by hia mining partner, Henry Zimmerman, on April 27. Together the men had gone from their mine to Flacer a few days previous, Dickenson remaining there temporarily ana Zimmerman returning to the mine. The State Fair. Salem, sept. 10. All is buBtle and ac tivity at the State Fair Gaounds, where preparations are under way for the open ing of the Fair next Monday. Seven carloads of livestock have already ar rived and the county exhibits are being placed in position. Which is tha banner agricultural county of Oregon is tho all- lraportaut question now, and next week will decide the matter. Portland Won. Sacbajiesto, Sept. 10. Plavine ball in one of the closest, most eultry days of the season, Portland defeated Sacramen to, 6-4. The Senators had not a wing working among the lot of them, ana theirtbrowing errorB were costly and were always taken advantage of by their opponents. A Household Name. Royal Baking PowdeT" is a house hold word pretty much the civilized world over, and the article itself haft beoome a neceesitv in thousands upon tnuBanaB oi iamiues in every civilized country. The success of tbis splendid preparation is due to the fact that it is exactly what it ie represented to be a cream of tartar baking powder. One of its great leccommendations ia its hitrh leaving power. Thai, of course, appeals to every housenile. It secures a light baking with the least amo nt of atten tion and trouble It can be counted upon. But it has a virtue beyond that it is"absolutely pure." Eoyal Baking f owder contains nothinn deleterious. lt oan he used with perfect confidence, and with the certainty that, so far as it is concerned, the baking will tie thoroughly wholesome. Reduced Rates to Oregon State Fair. The Oregon State Fair will be beid at Fair grounds September 14tb to 19th. The Southern Pacific Co. will sell tickets to Fair grounds and return, at one and one-tblrd fare from all points on its Oreg, n lines. Special exhibits of fine cattle and horses and agricultural products have been p epared, and every effort will be put forth to make thie tbe greatest fair in in tbe history of Oregon, If you are lutere led in tin develop ment of the i tale (and of co'irso you are) you cannot afford t-j miss tbe Fail thie year. 800 car loads is tbe estimate of apple shipments from Oregon tbis year. J Templeton has been appointed car rier and W, M. Templeton Bubstitut on tbe Browneville R, F- D.