' P. NUTTlN'i Ed ami Prop. Cutorod at the PostOHiueat Albany Qr 'n. Aft seoond ela mall matte Disfigured Skin Wasted muscles and decaying bones. Wbat havoc I Scrofula, let alone, Is capable of all that, and more. It Is commonly marked by bunches In (lie neck, liifluRiniutfuiis in the eyes, dys pcpsla, catarrh, ami general debility. It Is always radically and permanently cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla Which expels alt humors, cures all erup tions, and builds up the whole system, whether young or old. HrwTg 1111a cure liver tils: tho non-1 rritating and only cathartic to tnke with Hoort't Baraaparllla. AUCTION ARE TOU GOING TO HAVE A BALE? A. D. HALE, AUCTIONEER Will cry your sale at reasone ble rates Uv stock a specialty AddreSi, Tangent, Ore. Maple Ridge Dairy. Leave orders at Parker Bros. lor milk from the dairy, L. B. PAVNB.Prop. Telephone number Black 674. Dissolution Notice. Noticeis hereby given that the partner ship of J. N. Brandeberry and N. H. Wheeler under the firm name ol Bran deberry and Wheeler, hag been dissolv ed, N. U. Wheeler retiring, and the bn inecB will be continued by J, N. Br ndeberry. All parties knowing them, selves indebted to ibe firm will pleaee pay the game at once to J . N. Brande-j ,. - H ie desired to collect all old mvtiy, r s , . account?, Albany, Or,, yept, i, ifiOj w J.N. Brandeberry, N. H. Wheeler. Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby given that the part aership heretoforeexleting between Geo ollibt and A. J, Hodges under the firm nmg of Collins A Hodgee, hag been die lived. All accounts are payable to and debts by A, J. Hodges . Albany, Sept. 1, i)3. Cko. Collins. A. J, Hodges For Sale on Terms to Suit. S0 acre fruit ranch with two evapar atorfl, live etock farm, implements com itate, with warehouse, on track at JetJ- hson, also Zlo acres tieavy eaw umner tear H. H taken up iourteen years ago, flfnntnil In Yamhill countv and my Mck roBidenoe Srd and Washington mo, llianv: furnisbod complete. All tree nm innnmbrancuB. Business and prop1 tv interests nocosssta'ce my returning tp UalilornlB. nore is an opportunity jBoeteomo first-claes property. Gall on Or addresa E. H. Rhodes, Albany, .OroRon. ALBANY MESSED BEEF CO First St., opp ' lluinbcrg Block Choice mootB ot all kinds. Bargains In Farm Lands, Timber Lands and CtVv Property call on or write 8 N. STEELE AGO. Albany, Notary Public and Justice of the Poace Insurance Agent Precinct No.7 C0SH0W & BLANCHARD, Rtjal Estate and Insurance Agents Collection and Notary Work. Farm and etock land for sale. Also aOrno good town and acre lots. COQHOW & BLANOHARD, 'Brownsville, Oregon, OSTEOPATHIC INFIRMARY DfijB. RBWSEY 5 PEIURHD All nervous and chronic dis eases treated. Offioe: 220 Broadalbln St. Consultation free, " rhone482 THE JERSEY DAIRY ;A. B. MILLER & SONS, Prop. PaTB Jersey Cream, Milk and Butter supplied daily. Leave ordors at O. Moyer't D. E. CHANDLER Doos house painting, aleoniinlng and paper hanging, lti.-ide and out sii'o work, well. He may be found at 620 Eaat Third street, Many years experience, A Heppner Letter. Beffneb, Sept . 14, 1903, Since my last letter X have bad the pleasure of a 20 mile drive out into the oountry, and to say that it was dusty would be speaking lightly. Some places the duet would log np so that you could not see your team. In oneol those places I bad not eeeo my team or the road for gome time, when I run np againBt some thing and had to wait until tba dnat cleared away, wnen I found out I bad collided with a back. We could not see each otber and when we collided we hallooed at each otber but the dust wa so thick, our voiceg could not penetrate it and onr tongues wonld get clogged and so we Just wailed until Ibe dust drilled away, then passed by each otber. In some of those places when you looked back, it looked Use a tunnel. Most of the ranchers bere haul water and 1 met eeveral two, four and six horse teams with portable wells filled with water from the qreekB. I bare met the following people hero in Heppner lately, formerly of Albany Henry Settlemeir, Omar Hendrlcson, Billy Garrett, Mack M"nteitb, Jonn HuBton, Mrs, Far well, F, Kenton and family, Mrs, Mills and soj Ed- and Mr Phelps and tons. Last week it was very windy and the duBt was terrific and as thick as republl can candidates will be in Linn county since Hermann carried It. Hrlday night ft began to rain and rained all night and steady ail day Satur, da y, A regular Webfoot March day and Sunday the hills back of Heppner about 10 miles was all covered with the beauti ful and a good thick overcoat was com fortable, The Heppner coal mines are running a large force of men and getting out a fine quality of coal which has a ready sale, from 6 to 12 wagon loads at their Bankers every day. The coal sells $3,60 per ton at the mlae and $7.50 de livered In Heppner. Kebuilding Is still going on, but the marks of the flood will always be visible and will never te entirely erased. Ibe freight teams 4, 6, 8, and 10 horse teams can be seen comint and going all times during the day. The wheat crop being almost a failure this season there is bnt 11; tie grain coming in and the orop Is like some republican officer's account 'nort. In a business way this E. O conn try is far ahead ol the valley. There seems to be more energy and more money here. But it costs more to live here than In the valley, for every thing Is higher and a man that has not the energy to get np and get a double bustle on bimselt bad better stay in the valley, for I can assure him be can live easier and cheaper there than he oan live up hero. The water is bad here and the changes are sudden. It gets extremely dry and sometimes you don't know juat where a cloud is going to strike and it may be very et for a little while and it may be wetter. The Rooster has had a little ex perience along that line, and will try and keep an eye on thoBe little dark spots as they roll along through space.' Roosted, Stock nt the State Fair. From the Journal. From any point of view, the state fair ie a gucoess. Especially, must it be said that the display ot livestock is beyoud (ho expectation ot inoBt visiters, even ol those who know mudh of the advance that has been made during the past few Iyoors by Oregon breeders. "We have 1,000 cattle bere on exhibit ion," asserted, ueorge uauimte touuy, and then proceeded to conduct the list ener, who doubled, on a tour ol the stalls. The wonder ol the man grew as he went on, and finally, having walked foi an hour among such animals as are excelled nowhere on eartb, said : "I am from New York state, and there we have presumed that we bad about the heat horde in the country. But I am oompolled to admit that these cattle aio the equal ol anv I have ever seen. don't see how one could ask for betur cattle than llio.e Hereiorde owned by Governor Sparks of Nevada, or C. B Wade of this state ;tor tlioso Shorthorns in the herdB ol the Ladde, the Miners, and that bunch owned by Richard Scotl. It is a Ittct that your cattle here shown are Just as good as any, and that the day has passed when the East can Iruthfully refer to the Went as a region in which people raise only sciub sleers," This mau was A. F. Wiluiot ot Sjra cuce, N. Y. He caruo to Oregon to ie- SHASTA WATER NAYALADE CRAPE KOLA We are exclusive agents for the above goods, and guarantee the qnnlitv. THE SUGAR BOWL 316-318 W, 2nd St Laxative main two days. He iiss been in the state naw for more than a month, and says that so far as hb it concerned be will never return, if lie can induce big lamily to come West. He is representative of many visitors who have come to the state ' fair to be imliucted and pleased and In duced to make tbia stale tbelr home. Lebanon, From tbe E, A. Ohas. Hart, wife and two children are visiting relative in this vicinity. Mrs, Hart was formerly Miss Eliza Wallace. Lionel A. Johnson, travelling corres pondent ol tne Uregooian, is in Lebanon and will give our town a good writeup in tne bunaay ureguman. Miss Luella Good, of Salem, has been elected a teacher in tbe Lebanon public school to fill tbe vacancy caused by the resignation ol Miss Lee Bridges. Mrs, Julia Ann Settle was born in In diana, November 13, 1853, and died at the home other eon, near L?banoi, Septembor 13, 1003, aged 70 yeara and 10 months. Mrs. Settle wae tbe wife of ooun oetuo, wno died some eignt years ago. one came to tins state in tne 'ous and lived a largo portion of tba time since then in this city. She was very highly esteemed for her kindly dispo sition and excellent character. Three of her children survive her, viz: J, M. Settle, of this vicinity; George Settle, who resides in Oakland, Or,, and I. F, Settle, of Leland, Or. Ti e Plot Of "The Dairy Farm,," which will ie- ceive its initial presentation in this city next Tuesday at the Opera House has much that is intereeting. The gtory revolves around abolitionists, pro slav ery adherents, the love of a worthy young lawyer lor a workhouse girl, tbe effects of ft run-a;av slave to meet his mother, a free L-'rtck , and the work of a grasping old villain to make money at tne expense ol Hie napptnesa oz omer people. Among theepisodesof the drama are a merrymaking Christmas eve party, a political rally, in which the abolution iBte and pro-slavery advocates, make eloquent spoecbee ; a farm bouse at night witb a enow storm raging outside, and a rustic dairy in lull' operation, witb renl milk, churns and butler, A caBt of unusual merit, consisting ol twenty odd people, has been selected, the hero of the play being Edward Davie, a former minister who spoke in Albany once or twice. Reduced Rates to Oregon Fair. State The Oregon 8tate Fair will be held at Fair grounds September 14th to 19th, The Southern Pacifio Co. will sell tickete to Fair grounds and return, at one and one-third fare from all points on its Oregcn lines. Special exliiDits ol nno came ana horses and agricultural products have tion: been piepared, and every effort will be ) Yon and each of yon are hereby not put forth to make this Ibe greatest fair jge(j ;that the annual meeting of the in in the history of Oreiiou, stockholders of said company will be If vou are intereited in tho develop-! n,n mn, rlav ot HeDtember,lD03, ment of the ttate (and ofco'irseyou are)i you cannot afford to miss the Fail this ' year. " WALL PAl'Ert CfiiSAP Durinu the D'onlli of AtiutiBt te Bhall offer our entire Hue of ail Paper, prac tically at lost. Urtp and takta look at many new and np-to-date patterns. Make vour nomo ueauunn wttn nine cost. Call and see us. UURKIIAKT& LKX. HO CARTS just n-ceived at the House rurniBliiug uo s. CAS1 For Infants and Children. Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho Signature of I fMsaltrnatursls on erery box ot tho gonati bromoUuinineTbirt , FORTHE befit ji ..... ionic on me There is hardlv a has not heard of "S. S. S. for Via blood." It is a standard remedy, a specific for all blood troubles and unequalled as a general tonic and appetizer. S. S. S. is guaranteed purely vegetable, the herbs and roots of which it is composed are selected for their alterative and tonic prop- all blood and skin diseases, as it not only purifies, enriches and invigor ates the blood, but at the same time tones up the tired nerves and gives strength and vigor to the entire system. For Chronic Sores and Ulcers, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Blood Poison, Malaria, Ansemia, Scrofula, Eczema, Psoriasis, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Acne and such other diseases as are due to a polluted or impoverished condition of the blood, nothing acts so promptly and effectually as S. S. S. It counteracts and eradicates the germs and poisons; cleanses the system of all unhealthy accumulations and soon restores the patient to health. Write us and our physicians will give your case prompt attention without charge. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA, GA Albany Planing SEARS' & LIVINGSTONE, Proprietors. At the foot of Lyon Street, Albany Carry a fall etock of Doors, Windows, glass and all kinds of building material. They are prepared to fill all orders promtly Woodworth Drug Co For Pure Medicines, Paper etc. It Makes a Difference Where you buy GROCERIES, VEGETABLES " and FRUITS. CONN & HUSTON Keep the best and will sell at reasonable Tjriees. Stop at their store PARKER BROTHERS Grocers and Bakers, 216 WEST FIK8T STREET, .ALBANY OREGON, First class goods in their season. ,Phone Black 521. FOR SALE. 875 acres of coed farming land miles east ot Shedd, good farm for grain dairying, stock, etc. Inquire of J. B. Cobnktt on the place. Notice of Directors Meeting. To the stockholders of O'Neill Bros. & Callaghan Company, ajprivato corpora- t the hour of one o'clock p. m. of said dayhat the law office of W. R. Biiyeu in tue Cjty 0( Albany ,Linn county, Oregon, for the purpose of electing olhcersoi earn corporation, to-wit: ;"" president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer, and for the purpose of trans acting such other business as may come before such meeting. Dated this 7th day of September.1903. Edward O'Nkili, President. Chaklkb W. CALLAanAS, Secretary. John Harvey Caldwell Estate. NOTICE 18 Hfc.itE.iix uivtiN ihm the ander.igned has been duly 1 appointed administrator of tbo estate ol i John Hnrvoy Caldwell, deceased, and has ' duly qualified. All persons haying claims ' nuninst said estate, are hereby notified to ptesent them to me at Albany, Oregon, , for payment, with proper vouchers, with- In six ironlhs from the date of this notice. I Dated at said city of Aibanv, Oregon, this 8th day of September, 1903. ; V. ft. Caldwkli, Administintrator of the estate of lohn : Harvey Caldwell, deceased. Gkorob W. Caidweix, Attorney for estate. known and most nnnnlnr blnnrl rmn'fiW , . 7 . .r Z - r market r.o-eiay is s. H. K. FROM CONGRESSMAN LIVINOSTON, OIT OEOESIA. I know cf tho successful use of 8. S. S. in mr.ny casoa. It is tba nest blood remedy on tho market. '' FROST. EX-OOV. ALLEN D. CANDLES. 0. S. S, is unquestionably a eooi blood purifier, and the best tonio X over used. and aatis'actorlly at reasonable priceB. Star Baths. Bhaving and Hair-Onttise Parlors, chairs. Porcellne Tubs, First Class ot Black stand, Broadalbln St. tetween 1st and 2nd, OREGON'S BLUE RIBBON STATE FAIR SALEM September 14-19, 1903. The greatest Exposition and Live Stock Sbow on the Pacific Coast. High Class Eacicg every Afernoo n $12,000 Cash Premum on live stock and farm products. Alt exhibts banlel free over tbe South ern Pacific. Reduced transportation rates. on ail line; Live Stock Auction Sale held in con nection with fair. Fine camping ground free and reduced ratoe on campers' tickets. Come and bring yonr families. For fur ther information, wri:e M . D. "W co in, Secretary Portlatd, OrekOe, Mill, Albany Market. Wheal 75 .vnt, Oats 32 Kgg 32 ems. Butter 2jto 25 seats. Potatoes 60 ceut-. dania 14 uits. Sides 18 Scents. Shooideis 0 uut. Eups 20 cenj. Pork, dressed, 7K centa, Bay, )7 to S9 loose, $11 balea Flour 85c per tack. Beef, rrrois s,tiers 3Jo, cows c Mutton, gross, 2c. Veal, gross 4c. Wool 17 to i8o. Mill feed, oran $17, shorts S2 roultrv, 8 cents live weight. Prunes, dried, 4o. : Apples, dried, 4c. i Apples, green. 60c. ; A. STARK, M. d7 PHYSICIAN AND SLRGEON Oregon Bank Bldg, . . Albany. OR. J. L. HILL, Physician and Burgeon Hill Block - Albany, Or . J. O. LlXTLSB. O. V. LiTTim LITTLER & LITTLER Uentiets, Prown Block. Albany, Oregon fo. Collins D D 8 A. Jack Hodges DDE COLLINS & HODGES Dentists. JMdFsUow's Tomple, Albany, Ot. fl. A.LEIOTGER, Dentist Crawford Blook. - Albany, Or, J. M. Palfifnn IN8UBANOE AS D MONEY BKOKSB ryandScn wrKJi or cnattel se nave plenty of Money to Loan on good farms at 6 per cent interest? THE K. O. T, M.- tlV l?' emilng at K. 0. T. haU. Visiting Knighta invited. W. A. Ooi, Commander. WOOMEN X)F ThE WORLD Alb- in Jail Eoster Blo-ok- every" Fy Ms'a CIrde meeU l8t "d 3rd Visiting neighbors welcomed. r r o , W.B- Hard, O. C. L.L. 8wam, Clerk. "v. COURT LIBERTY, No. 25, Foresters 0 yW,WDVbD iL luBccaoea nan every Tneflday evening at 8 o'clock. Visiting brothers cordially invited to attend. I. O. Dosdall, Chief Ranger. A. Bsndebs, Financial Secretary. SIXPER OEHT LOAK8.-I Lave' a ..ujiieu amount oi money to loan on flrBt-cloes farm security or improved busineBB property in Albany. Inter est ii percent for particulars call on or address H, F. Merhih,, Democrat Bid. Albany, Oregon. HONG VPAH TONG CO., Second St, mtu .jrun sH-oer, aioany. Bolls Chi nese medicine, Chinese rice. Chinese tea ' and nut oil. Printing Cheap, not Cheap Printing 'Phone Red 704. H. F. Herrill IN8DRAJ'nEANDL0AH AGENT. City and Oooaty Warrants bought and uiu. vuiicvbiuuB uiuuiubiy Kiienueu to. Correspondence solicited, ft Democral ill Jomii. The Portland Journal Is the only state democratic paper, ,It is new&y-out-spoken and a credit to the state. Tbe Democrat and Daily Journal, a i4 pa per may be secured for 6.J6, IHf six monthB. The Weekly and Sem Weekly Journal for $2.C0, or the Week ly Democrat and-Weekly Journal fo $1.35 :r Ly ottu 'ccml irslicn;deeire CITY TREASURERS NOTICE Call 14, Notice is he-.eby given that funds are 3a hand to pay city warrants No. 501 to 599 inclusive of the iseue of 1901 Inter est on said warrants will cease wi-.o the date of this notice. Albany, Or., June 5, 1903,5 H. B. Cteiti City Itirionr ftw remedy Uuti .urea eolU in one dajt