Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, September 04, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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    PP. NUTTING Ed nu Pr i..
Kutered at tbe Pohi ( mm at Alto
Or 'on. a. seoonri alas dihi! tumte
Difficult Digestion
That Is dyspepsia.
It makes life miserable.
Its sufferers eat not because they want to,
but simply because tbey mini.
They know they are irritable and fretful :
but they cannot be otherwise.
They complain of a bad taste In the
mouth, a tenderness at the pit of the stom
ach, an uneasy feeling of puffy fulness,
headache, heartburn and what not.
Tho effectual remedy, proved by perma
nent cures of thousands of severe cases, Is
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Hood'. YUAA tie tbo best cftlUftrtlc
ftatnthe ' y 11,8 ft'1"1 V"" Hm kmrS foP
For Sale on Terms to Suit.
220 acre fruit ranch with two evapaf
atore, live stock farm, implements com
plete, with warehouse, on track atiJoff
eison, alao 215 acres heavy saw timber
near K. R., takon up fourteen years ago,
situated in Yamhill county and my
brick residence 3rd and Washiniiton Bts,
Albany; furniBhed complete. All free
bom incumbrances. Buaineas and prop
erty interests necessBtaree my returning
to California. Here is an opportunity
to get eome firBt-claes property. Call on
or addreBS K. H Rhodes,
' AlDany, vreguij.
P. O. Andersen
cB has 23
The only Rubber Tire Setting Ma
chine in the Valloy .
General Blackamithing and Horae
shoeing a epcialty. 1
Becond.St., Albary.
BEEF CO, . . .
First St., opp- Mumberg Block
Oho'ce meats of all kinds
In Farm Lands, Timber Lands and
City Property call on or write
Ho for Cascadia Springs.
First ClasBMountainRlKS, Good Drivore
you want to Bave money
u u 11 on
The Reliable Liveryman,
Notary rnbllc and Juetico of the Toace
lumiarce fcit l'rccinct No.7
Real Estate and Insurance Agents
Collection and Notary Work.
Form and stock land for ealo. Also
idmrgood town and aero lota..
BrownBvillo, Oregon.
ftl nervous and chronic dis
ease treated.
Offices 220 Broadalbin St.
GSflWltatlon free. Phono 482
'.A. B. MILLER & SONS, Prop.
Pure Jorsoy Cream, lilk and
Buttor Eupplioi flaily.
Leave ordors at 0 '.Mover's
Oflico! Norton House, Halsoy, Oro.
Does hones palnling, caleoininlng
and paper naniitng,iuBiae ami out
sli'e work, well. Ho may be found
at 620 East Third etreet. Many
years experience,
h fish and poultry ronumlv 01,
Jas. McGDiirt'e Market, near
rBt and Ferry streets.
, fceiinsitit rihersidl pnltr
General Miles.
Eoitob Dbmoohat:
Home time ago Hie Oregonian alleged
hat Gen Miles, on bis return from the
Philippine made charges ol "aiteeping
unprecia'ion against onr army" iu that
far oil region, and declared tbat the Geo.
iodir.ted the army for the practice of
uaagesof war that be himself always
enforced annual a barbarous fos in
shape of untamable and incurable boa
tile Indiana from 1870 to 1S90."
BsIdk called upon to prove this un
founded charge against Geo Miles, tbat
paper declares tLal proof is not difficult,
and then proceeds to show tbat Gen,
Miles was; eimagrd iu Indian warfare
from ) 869(10 1890, and tbat the policy of
the government, during tbat period,
was the practice of merciless severity.
In wbatldld this merciless severity ccn
sidt ? Did onr army, in cold blood, mur
der tbe women and children ol thefe
Indian marauders? Did Ibsy torture to
death these Indians when tbey capturtd
them? Did they rcalpthe wounded?
Did tbey administer tbe water cure?
Will not tbe Oregonian enlighten tbe
public 00 tbid particular point? In tbe
article from which we quote it very pru
jdentlv'refralns from attempting to say.
Via uen. auies practice any or mis
"merciless severity"? tf so, will that
paper tell its readers in what particular
way be did eo? Will it bemore specific?
Did be murder Indian women aud chil
dren in, cold blood? Did be torture
prisonere to death, and scalp the wound
ed ? or did bejadminister tbe water cure 7
Wben? Where? Did be over issue an
order to have these things done? That
paper allegeB tbat from 18G6 to 18G7 onr
government" scourged such savagrs
with tbe ".hot iron of its wrath," and
tbat wben complaint was made about
Bach cruelty, a cruelty brought about by
the policy adopted by Gen. Sheridan,
Gen. Sherman approved euch policy.
But tbat paper is careful to avoid saying
that that policy waB adopted by Gen.
Miles. It is alBO prudent enough to leave
Its readers In the dark as to what it
m eans by "scourging" with a red hot
Iron. Did It mean tbat "our govern
ment" requited our army to murder In
dian women and oblldren in cold blood,
or to torture Indian warriors to death
when captured, or to scalp the wounded,
or lastly," did it require tbat that tbe
Indiana ehoald be subjected to the water
vat tnese matter not, as during all
tbe times mentioned Gen. Miles was not
Commander in chief and did not pre-
airibe the policy "merciless severity''
spoken of by the Oregonian, and irom
all tte Oregonian says ho practiced none I
01 it; nence is not blamable. Ax ti t
paper does not allege any specific ;,act of
scourging with tbo red hot iron of its
(governmental) wrath," it would appear
that all that the Oregonian baa 10 say
about him. is mere balderdaah. It 18
true that that paper alleges that "on
the 23rd of January, 1S70 Col. E. M.
Bakor, withl.tho Second Cavalry and
Thirteenth Infantry made a night attack
upon the camp of a band ol Piegnn or
UlaokfeetJUndiaua nnd killed 173 per
sons." It is said tbat eome women and
obildreu were killed, but that paper ad
mits that thoy wero armed. Was there
any "red hot iron of wrath" in killing
theae Indiana? They were at war with
our government and might bv ex
pected to be killed. Thousands of civil
ized white men bave been killed in the
same way. Finally Miles wna not there
and was not to blumo for the killing of
thesolbelligorent women and boys in the
Indian camp. The reader will readily
see bow absurd it la (or tbo Oregonian to
hold Gen. Miles responsible for what
Col. Baker did. Than, as if to maze
itself more ridiculous, that paper .pro
oeedetosay: If Sheridan bad ordered
Col. Miles in 1868 or 1870 to wipe out a
Piegan or Cheyenne camp he would cer
tainly have obeyed bis orders as cheer
fully aud executed them as ruthlessly as
did Caster or Baker." Yea, he would
have "wiped" them out just like he
helped "wipe" out many a Confederate
camp during the civil war. But here
the Oregonian again uses words of ob
aoure meaning, What doeB it mean by
words "wipe, out"?
Does it mean that be euould murder
Indian women and children, or,
that If ordered to do so, he would lor
ture to death his captives and scalp his
wounded ? He never has done euchlbru
tal things, and it is tale lo say that it
was Impossible that encb an order could
We aro exclusive agents for the
above goods, and guarantee the
8 W, 2nd St
bave ever been issued to him. But what
Geo. Miles would bave done under the
remotest contingency, is no evidence
whatever be did under tbe circum
stances tbat prevailed at tbe time in
queetioo, In military etbics it was no
mvre a crime to make a night "at'ack :
upon th camp of a band ot Piegan or .
Bla'kfeet Indians" aud kill "a hundred
aod seventy three person," than it waa
for tbe Coo federate General, Albert Sid-;
ney Johueon, during the lale civil war, 1
to make a night attack upon General ,
Grant's forces at Sbilob and slay several
ihousaud oi ir.eui. Gen. Mile, wneo be
returned from tbe Philippine, made
certain specific charges of rutreiliS sever
ity practised by cerium or my officers
(giving their names aa far as po Bible) In
the Philippines, whereupon the admin
istration shut him off by Baying tbat
these charges bad been Inve t'gated, and
where proven, tbe guilty onea were pun
ished by dismissal from tbe service or
otherwise. If these offences were no
more cruel or mercilees than those prac
tisep by Gen. Miles in tbe Indian wars,
why did tbe war department investigate
tbem?,Tbe evolving of these lacts places
tbe Oregonian in an absurdly ridiculous
attitude. Troth.
Oregon the Best.
From the Times,
Hany WicliB and family are hero frtm
Pennsylvania wbitber tbey went from
Corvallis six months ago to make the
East their permanent borne. Pennsyl
vania was not enough like Oregon to
Buit them, and tbey are very welcome,
back ; We don't like to have people
leave Oregon because they like eome
other state hotter, or because tbey think
tbey can do better eleewhere, but we
'too bavej learned to be assured
they won't stay long when they do
go, A greatmany of Harry's friends
say to him "What did I tell yon wben
you left?" Under come circumstances
It might be annoying to ihlm, but just
now he feele as if be eould put np with
almost anything here without complaint.
Mr, Wicks stales that, he .held nmoet
satisfactory position with an uncle near
Pittsburg, but the hot nights, dieaetlous
stormB, lightning Btrokes, approaching
extreme cold, poor health, end all was
more than he could stand although he
fought bravely against his inclination to
return to Oregon. Mr. WIckB hae Jsome
very good poaitions offered him, botb
here aad in Portland, but on account of 1
having friends and property in Benton I
he thinks he will remain here.
$100 Reward, $100.
lha readers of tiis paper will bo pleased
to learn that t eiu i. at itusi one dreaded
(Hbcbbo that s icn.o luiB been able to cure
in all sUges aud that. is Catarrh. Ball's
Uatarrn Uure la tbe onn positive cure
now known to tho medical fraternity.
Catarrh bein a cons itutiunnl aisease,
requirea a constitutional treatment.
Hall's Ratiirrii Cure ia taken internally,
acting directly noon the blood and mu
cous surfaces of tne aystom, tiiereby de
Btroying the founiiution of tho disease,
and giving the patient strength by build-
na8tro in "dots work, "lie nS
tors have ao much faith in its curativo
Bowers, that iiioy oiler One Uundied
'ollnra for any cae that it fails to euro.
Send for list of '"stimoi.tais. Address'
P. j. OHENKY :o., Toledo, O,
bold by Drag -is' 75c
Hull's Family Pills aro the best.
Sure Cure tor Piles-
Itching Pilea produce moisture and caaab
itculng, this form as well aa Blind, Bleed-!
ing or Protuding Pilea are cured by Dr
Bo-ann- Ito's Pile Itomody, Stops itchin g 1
and bleeding Absorbs tumors. . SO cts n
iar at druKKista. or sent by nail. Treat- I
1S0 free. Write me about your case. Dr '
So-aan-ko. Philadelphia, Pa. Forealeby
foshay & Mason, druggists
soDAviLLE water. The beet sod1
wnior in ins county, at tne rieiuer 1
the time.
We rustle tiara to pieaBe each cus
tomer, at 0. K, Bhownell's.
A very painful affair ; but notice the
.xprcasion ot iriunvpn 011 tuo oiu mam
uiy'a face. She knows from many
uch experiences that
will euro the worst cases of colic,
cramps, diarrhoea and dysentery,
without delay.
Beware of substitutes.
35-. nnd 50c.
AflislirrtfttaTeli on every box of tho groata
Laxative Bromo-QuinincTtiu
'Mu rcmodj Uiat enrea a old In one OA.
The best
and tonic on the
has not heard of "S. S. S. for iYss blood." It is a standard remedy, j
a specibc for all blood troubles nud unequalled as a general tonic and
appetizer. S. S. S. is guaranteed purely vegetable, the herbs and roots
orwbicb. it is composed are selected for their alterative and tonic prop- :
all blood and skin diseases, as it not
only purifies, enriches and invigor
ates the blood, but at the same time
tones up the tired nerves and gives
strength and vigor to the entire
For Chrouic Sores and Ulcers,
Catarrh, Rheumatism, Blood Poison,
Malaria, Anremia, Scrofula, Eczema,
Psoriasis, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Acne
and such other diseases ns nrprliw tn a
polluted or impoverished condition of the blood, nothing acts so promctlv
and effectually as S. S. S. It counteracts and eradicates the germs
and poisons ; cleanses the system of all unhealthy accumulations and
soon restores the patient to health. Write us and our physicians will
give your case prompt attention without charge.
17T717T 17V TTCJ
I 'mm WW I
WE CURE the Liquor, Opium, Murplilne una lotiicau ua'bits a .a , as
quinine cures a cold. Our treatment clarifies and builds up the
system. One of our patients recently said : "I never felt bo well
in my life; I am a wonder to myself I" Send to us for booklet.
Albany Planin
SEARS' & i IVINGSTONE, Proprietors.
At the foot of Lyon Street; Albauy
lQ of Wdowf glass and all kinds of building material.
They are prepared to fill all orders promtly
Woodworth Drug Co
For Pure Medicines,
Paper etc.
It Makes a Difference
Keep the best and will sell at
reasonable Drices.
Stop at their store
216 WEST r'IRsJT S 1' I'
First class goods
,Phone Black 521.
S7S acres of acid fai ruing land ls
miles east of Shedd, cood faim for train
dairying, etcck, etc Inquire; ol ;J.
l. nown and most Tinmila'r hlnnrl nnrifisr !
market to-day is S. S. S. I
coiraKissaiAW Livingston,
a s 'i;1?"' c ! '" successful use of
8. S. S. in rnny cased. It is tbe beat
olooct romaUy on tho market.
S. 8. E. It unqucofcionably a B00A
blood puvllloi-, and the best tonlo I
over used. vuu
and satisfactorily at reasonable prices.
V iliU-JJi 1 ABLE S
in their season.
g Mill,
Star Baths.
Shaving and Eair-Cuttitg Parlors,
chairs Porce'ine Tabs, Hrit CIlS'
ot Bltrk B'Bt d.
Broadalbin St. Ittween let std 2nd,
Aibany Market.
Wheat 75 '"nu.
Jats SO
fcggs 20 1 eats.
butter 16-o 2J cent..
fotatoct, 50 cout-.
rtarus 14 iai
Sides IS cents
r?hco;diN 0 cent.
Bopa 17 cenj.
Perk, dressed, 7 centa,
Bay. $7 to 9 loose. $11 baled
flour 96c pr lack.
Beet, grow titers 30 we 0
Mutton, utotH, iHc.
Veal, grns 4c.
Wool 17 to 18c.
Mill ted, oran $17, ehorte $21.
foultrv, cents live weight.
Lard 12c.
Prunes, dried, 4c.
Applea, dried, 4c.
Apples, green, 60c.
Oregon Bana Bldg, . . Albany .
Physician ana burgei
Hill Block -
Albany, Or.
0. LlITTjKK.
0. V. LlTTLRk
.Brown Block. Albany, Oregos
o. Collins D D 8
A. Jack Bodges D D S
Odd Fellow's Temple, Albany, Ot.
Crawford Block Albany, Or.
M. Ralston,
actions made. Notes bought. Small
oansmade on personal ocbatM
Kaye plenty of Money to Loan nr.
good farms at 6 per cent int?rett?n
Oregon 1
THE K. 0. T. M.-
lr7 SSfy evening at K. 0,
haiJ. VlSltinir Kniol,; l-inlj
1. Id
W. A, Cox, Commander
inenHa,l Poster BlockJ-eTeryW-FSy
Manzanita Circle
meets lat and 3rd
Visiting neighbors welcomed.
W.B. Habd.O. C.
L.L. Swan, Clerk
, OOUBX LIBERTY, No. 26, Foreste n
rZl.U . ' at "":caDee hall every
j-ueeaay evenings
Drocners cordially inviioH to
a -boall, Chief Ranger.
A. Bkkdbbb, Financial Secretary.
first-claes farm security or improved
business property in Albany. Wr-
Sr address' Cemrr particula" "".on
H, F. Mbrrhl, Democbat: Bid.
. Albany, Oregon.
HONG WAH rONG CO., Second St.
near Lyon street. Albany. Sells Chi
nese medicine, Chinese rice. Chinere tea
and nut oil.
Printing Cheap, not Cheap Printing
'Phone Red 704.
H. F. rierrill
City and Gonnty Warrants bought and
old. Collections nromntlv AttnnHnrl tn.
Correspondence solicited,
1 nl Ji
The Portland Journal Is the only state
democratic paper. ,It ie newsy-outspoken
and a credit to the state. The
Ijemocbat and Daily Journal, a t4 pa
per may be secured for $5.75, fJ II f
six months. The Weekly end Sem
Weekly Journal for $2.C0, or the Week
ly Democrat and Weekly Journal fo
$1.85 ;renyotlii' cml itaticn desirs
Call H,
Notice is heieby given 'bat funds ar
in hand to pay city warrants No. 501 to
599 inclusive of the iesne of 1C01 Inter
est on said warrants will cease witn the
date of this notice.
Albany, Or., June 5, 1903,;
B P. ( 1 11.1 1 itj Tiertuni
Cohmtt cn the place.