t Albany Democrat VOL. XXXiX ALBANY, OREGOS, Fl'IDlY. SEPTEMBER I, 1903. r ; - -- dl N05 ' MILLINERY NOTICE. We don't ex-nect to get our price on the bal ance of our Summer Hats and as they must go at some rice you will have to hurry if you want a Summer Hat at your price. They, are liable to be crowded out an day bv constant ly arriving Fall foods. Keep your eye on us for new clean and un-to-date goods for Fall as we know your wants we will strive to please. THE LEADER . (O. p.woLcon, Phone Black 841. Successor to O'NeilV 337 W First St, IN ALBANY. W"ONisley,;Porlland. S E Dodge, Detroit. E P Clarke, Eugene. W H Ray, Independence, J M Bice, Portland . Arthur J Hemman, S F. John Craft, Lebii.on . C J Plunk, Lima, Ind. J 0 Bamtiague, Sturgis, Mich. A McClain, Emereon, la. C 0 Dexter, Dodgevilie, N. i. 'OC Keevet, Salem. J L Hvde, Toledo. H W Clark, Portland. 8 H LaBaelle, Harriaburg. G Vv McKnight, " D 8 Bueev, B G Catllp, Portland. 8 M Garland Lebanon. A. M. Umphrey, Portland, H E Lounabury, " B J Gordan, Portland. i G W Bilyeu and wt, Oregon City. 3 Low, Portland. E H Cooper, " in inn in onlftaallrin. Gcod inr nrovemema. milee to R. R. mile to school. A very good house Pr'ce 43000. A fi room new house. 2 Iota. In the edee of Albany. Price $000. 7 rnnm house. 2 lots. Abundance r ,f Ninn house. Everything in mtnrl In anai order. Part caah, Price $2200. in o. to immntr Albany well lm- nroved . One of the like homes . $2500, House and lot, very nice, in the heart of the c tv. Only $24UU. I2fi nnras mile to depot. Fair im provements. Cheap at $26.60 per acre street boot Ho will do LET VIO, the Broadalbin black give you a Bhine. it all right. Try him. TELEGRAPHIC. Our Prices? Well they are simply all right. Try and see. 0. E. Bbownell, Second St. SalmoD and at 10c per con. (Oh O. E. BnoWNKLL'S HOME AND ABROAD. The Ringllng circuB is in Medfoid to-day. The Homestead, of Salem, has a couple pictures, one showing a litter of Ed ichoele O. I. O. pigs and the other one of Ed. feediog a flock of his prize win ning White Legnorns. O. H. Yebrs, who has conducted tbe Corvallia dairy farm for eome time, announces by band bills that he will hold an auction Bale of his horses and cattl e on September 1st. Oorvallia Times. Earl Youoz. of Salem, was reading a circus bill in tbe bank end of a wagon, while passing Spice-on the way to the hop fields, when the horses were started faster and he was thrown out, breaking an arm, and stopping hop picking for this year. Cottage Grove Leader : T. R. Parker, the baker, has purchased the pho'.o gallery building on Fourth street owned by Meesrc Marun. xne saie was maoe through the real estate agency oi Medley & Milne, air. rarser wn erect a large brick oven in the rear of bis newly acquired Dunning ana retain ma present quarters for his salesroom. 8. 8. Mohler, of Oiegon" Oity, baa recently returned from a trip through the mountains on the headwaters of the Olaokamas. He succeeded in reashing the summit of Mount Jetteraon. ue conalde'a it unlikely that any other man haa ever reached the extreme peak of the mountain. He planted a flag on tne topmost point to pruve dib staiemeni that he made the climb. Lebanon E. A: Mrs. 3 . C, Mayer was taken nuite sick while at her Bister's iu Albany last night. Mr. Mayer went over this morning Mrs. E. E, Mont ague, of Albanj , visited Mr. and Mrs. 0, B, Montague a few days this week. She is now visiting her brothers, above Wa terloo, . ..MiBB Pabst, a dressmaker of Chicago, arrived here Wednesday to pay a visit to her Bister, Mrs. F, G. Powers. She is so well pleased with this country that she haa already concluded to remain in Oregon. No Race. On account of a storm the race be tween the Reliance and Shamrock was postponed. Was Not Killed. Washikgtox, Aug. 28. A decidedly new turn in the case of United States Vice-Consul William C, Msgelsaen, at Beirut, Syria, who waa reported to have been aaaaasinated last Sunday, developed tonight, wbtn it became known that the report was incorrect and that, although Mr. Magelasen had been shot at, he had not even been injured. Thia informa tion came to the State Department to night in a dispatch from United States Miniater Leiahman at Constantinople. ; Hold Robber. Mfarland. Kan., Ang. 28, At ono o'clock this morning six masked men, each heavily armed, appeared at the Rock laland depot here, ana forced an entrance and, after taking their money and watches, beat the railroad men into insensibility. TDey then lined the depot, and going up hurriedly to the eatine bouBe held up and took all the valuables from half a dozen men on the plalfoim employed nt the roundhouse and a part of the train crew . The bandits secured eieht watches and probab'y $150, Oregon Delegation Turned Down . Washington. Aue. 23 The nrolonsed clash between Secretary Hitchcock, on tbe one side, and tbe Oregon idelegation on the other, over-the appointment of a Register ot tbe la mantle '.Land (Juice terminated todav. with the annointment of E. W. Davis, the man favored by tbe Secretary and who was refused eupport by the delegation. The Turkish War. Sofia. Aug. 28. The general eituation In the vilayet of Adrianoplt continues amrming. ine revolutionaries Have de stroyed all the Turkish posts along the frontier- A Town Flooded. Omaha, Aug. 28 The town of Fort Orook City, seven miles from here, is under water, which is five feet deep in many .homea. Only five houses re main on dry ground, and the Missouri i'aciuc station is partly submerged, Thceudden flood was caueed by a cloud' burst above.here. They Still Come More at the New Shoe Store The people say our prices are lower than others they must know-haying been in other stores. Ask for our $1.00 shoes for boys and girls. Excellent value S1.50. Best Tan shoes for service $1.75. See our offer for $2.25. Ladies regular $2.0Q one $1.50. -Fine Dress shoes $2.00 We will sell you your shoes if you will but examine them-nothing but shoes. STAR SHOE STORE, Opposite the First National Bank, Albany GO CARTS juet received at Furnishing Oo'e. the Houai Serious Charges. EosKBuna, Aug. 28. ConBtable H. 0. Slocum returned last night ; from Myrtle Creek, where he served warrants for the arrest of W. P. Johnson and his six em ployes, Joseph and David Thornton, waiter JNewton. Uharlea Htetaar. An drew Sherman and J. Riddenhush. The charge is intentionally blowing up the unm at rotta tsroe. sawmill on south Myrtle Creek. 1 Probably you know of cough medi f .fMinh clnes that relieve little coughs, all XKJUKjl CO coughS) except deep ones! The medi cine that cures the worst of deep coughs Ayers Cherry Pectoral. In use 60 years. j.o.Ayorco..i,wou,MM. THE USE OF NARCOTIC POISONS And mercury in the treatment ot piles n oesun in the dark agea,' giving tem?)r i -y relief only by paralysing the bowele and do not cure, but in reality weaken the parts and prevent nature from restoring the bowel to a healthy condition, aa any u ?",;";" I igent druggist or dootor will admit, and as may ba seen by reference to the On i cd States Diapenaatory, wbtch says . ' -'ODium lessens the natural motion ot the bowels, its local effect ia the same as Ha izeneral oparation; conium paralyzes toe motor nerves, aconite reduces mus cular strength, belladonna produces par alylicaymptoma; bvssovamis and stram onium are same aa belladonna. They do not exercise any curative influence. ' The following ia in subBtance the ex pression o all up-to-date druggists: "In twenty -eight yeara experience i have prepared all manner of narcotic and mercurial preparations for piles, but none to my anowieage over uunm single case." P. B Spraguo, druggist, Lincoln, Neb, ; I rr.tt.ha Pile Oure ia the only non- poisonouB pile cure on the market. Over 4UUU ot tne moBt intelligent uu up-w date druggiets sell and endorse it. E-RTJ-SA curea piles, or $50 paid. iv.( .Bin, nf nllnn cured with one bex. All reliable, up-to-date druggieta Bell E-RTJ-SA., viz: BURK.U S.KI' & Wits DO YOU EAT? if so You ought to be interested in our FINE LINE of DINING TABLES direct from the east We alao have ala.ae new aaaorf menl of Hall Mlrrora.Seats and Hall Racks. THE HOUSE FURNISHING CO., Albany, Oregon. W: H.MILLER Headquarters for the celebrated RACVCLE, IVR JOHNSON and DAYTON BICYCLES 1903 model. Complete line ot Bicycle Sundries and Supplieal Fishing Tackle. bicycle Repairing a bpeclalty and Novelty Work of all kinds. 2nd Streetlbttweon Ferry andiBroadalblnlBtreet, Albany MISFITS. Cnole Sam has ordered Turkey to put up or shut up and there will be some-" thing doing. John D. Rockefeller states that he ia too busy to take a vacation thia year. Shake, John. Ditto here. The weather haB been having a very rag' ed edge thia week, enough to cause nervous cuilia to tne larmer wuu n ."r of wheat on tbe ground. England will have to get another yacht builder and then another vacht ntnarar beforo ehe will be able to compete with TJnole Sam Even one performance of a big oirouB like Ringllo''B 'B lul?!alIor. ? town like Eunene alter Tangent, Shedd and Halaey uau Deen saippeu. Ringling'a'pipe organ, generally ad"- ....;,,! aa a nnrt of the Drocrum shipped from Portland to San Francisco, A NEW CURE FOR BUSINESS F. G.Will for jewelry. An elegant display of Bilverware at F. G. Will's. Roisors honed ahd set 25o at Stat Baths. Wedding, -engagement and other rings in the latest designs at F, G. Will's. Mrs. Adams has new embroidery pat terns for shirt waists. Call and see her before purchasing eleewhere. Yiereck's Eihilirant Hair Tonic re stores uair to its original color, Viereck Ezema and Dandruff Oure or money ro unded. 60c per bottle. DISEASES OF MEN. ScienliUo inveatigation, supplemented by experience, has shown that urinary diaeaaea ars more prevalent and destruc tive to life, health and happiness than any other class known to the medical fraternity. They are not confined to the low and degraded portions of humanity, a many suppose, but are to be found among the pure of heart, the Innocent, the truly pious and wealthy. Many of them are transmitted from parents to children, from generation to generation. Thousands otp.ople suffer untold agonies from their ravaging ef fects, and meet an early and untimely uemu, oiieu ignorant ot the cause. Though transmitted innocently, the ef fects of those diseases are not tbe lees terrible, It is a ead tiuth that the inn cent are often greater sufferers than tbe guiltv, tl. , , t outi-iieu .iwu . , i ui an lua tiiKauB u mo uuuy lew are bo that all tbe intervening towna only m0re important than thoee engaged in saw the circus pictures ofit. tne urinary funotions (n perfect health tuat great blessing hich 60 few enjoy tit !o.n'- AIJ ot oa "h "offer from r Darrinl ,or tQe may ofredWicaerskii,.W'11 bab8 No mailar what you have taken or who has failed to o5re you, call and see the dootor.aahe can permanently ,afel? Dra. Durrin's Place of Buslne tJl u fln !? loot'' a theiRevere Ho. telAlbany until Dec 1, and will give free examnatioi. to all. io to 5 or7 to 8 -daily. The poor free and thnae ahl. TfS lrLZ ten 2lf, ' G. or in that i ii ' , 1,UB 0B8e may ronu re. All curable ohron r T!. ', 1 "'VhH.VB Jl wu..uu napociaity. men and Water Notice. Houra for irrigation are from 8 o'clock m. to 8 o clock a. m. and o p. m. to a m. SDrinkline' of sidewalks atreets cannot be permitted. Albany uanal and water uo. and Terms of Democrat. Daily. By carrier 10 centB a week Bv mail 30 cents ner montb. unless paid in advance at 25c. Mail subscriptions are always payable at tbe office. Weekly. $1.25 in advance: 25c a year added up to ;z.uu it permittea to run. Itpays to pay in advance. twentieth Century Medicine. Cascarets Candy Cathartic are as far ahead of ancient pill poisons and liquid physic as ttte electric light of the tallow candle. Genuine stamped C. C. C. Never sold ia bulk. All druggists, i or. The Northern Paciflo is doing almost anything asked in connection with the damages caused by the wreck on the Elks exouralon, and then it won t do half enough to recompense running a train with a dilapidated old engine. Hillaboro has the distinction of being iha orilv town in Oregon with a tar and faothnr nana nn ite hands. This 18 inri., T.nnMi nn a small acale. If all tbe ornery men around were tarred and foathorori w would have to get a new crop of geeae. Brownsville is seeking to strip Cot tane Grove of all its bonore. The Times in lavinir claim to tbe "last of tbe CalapoolaB." In the person of an aged Indian woman residing in that town and f lllA.t bnnwn a. "Old Eliza." inuiiuaiij """- -- Rnnm. nnr canaiante lor ine ais' tinction, when interrogated legarding his knowledge of tbe old woman, ex nlalmed: "Nika waka cumtuz, ole klutchman." keaaer. J Boutki orders the Review sent to him at Mildred, Minn. Albany Dbmo- chat pleaae note. Jefferson Review, u Rnnska ia the man wno wrote back to a Minneaota paper, saying that moaa grows on tbe backs of frogs here and that it rains thirteen months in tbe year, which tbe Democrat denied call ing Mr. Boueka a prevaricator, copied by the Ueview. aiier mi. uvuo u-u remained in Minneaota a few years he will conclude that Oregon ia some beane after all. Cascadia Soda Water, The best soda water In the state, can 03 had of O D. austin at the AIoo Club liouje, by tbo drink, bottle or dozen. OUR WANTS rvnekBi-? th we have them 'let Ike tbe sample loft you. 0. E. Buownell, one will scarcely direct a moment's thought to those important organs) and L ai lue ursi unpleasant, Bymptom, good aovice, Bucn aa may easly Da obtained, bould be immediately solicited. A mong tbe chief and moat commo dlteaBee is Beminal veakneas and ner voue debility, ot loss of nerve power. ThoujandB of young and middle-sited men euuer nun nervous oiseases lor years, and may be ignorant ol the causeB when a littio timely advice would make life's pathway full of cheer and happi ness. When the first symptoms of sem inal weakness manifcat themselves the eufferer 1b noticed to become dull end morose, and is troubled with indigestion though the apnetite may remain good. cue ine strength - yamsties and tbe patient growa thin. Ue becomes IndnS lent and debilitated, and lose of memory ana an vigor oi ine sexual organs may iouow. in time ne may tall Into a com. plete state of impotency total lose of eezual power. Among its terrible effects may be mentioned weakneea of the memory, contusion of the Ideas, nervous despondency and general weakness. Tbe pale fac-, the sunken OTe, that uownuasi countenance, tne stooping aged formall serve to announce tbe victim's troubles, It seldom kills of itself, but it open? the gate to other diseases, such aa consumption and diseases of tbe heart. The unfortunate eufforer cannot sleep in that immediate state, between life and deattj, intended for tbo recuperation of the mind and body, he can know no test, lor niB dreamt are dark and fore boding, and tbe conBtant drain upon li ia ayetem rons n oi its vital iioiu. ThiB allliction may be the reault of eell-abuse or the reault of exceaaes in mature yeara. As "man ia but a bundle of babita," how eeeential that be should tart right in life; that his mind should be lull of sublime tbonght and pure con- FOR SALE. A 50 ft. steel tower. 8 ft. Armotor, 21 Bbl, auburban outfit taken in exchanc for lArrn. nntn. ,.u .n . , ,. ' " Wilt OOll nt half price. Here is a bargain. Write VV. W, Crawford, Route 6 Albanv,. L08T.-White Chiffon bou. nnrrnnr black edge, on the 9th of Aug. teave at Dkmochat office. LOST. An Alligator purae, containine shall on inBlde. Return to Albany Farmers Co. office. FOR SALE. 75 acres of good hill laud two miles South of Sodaville, $260. Apply lo William MaoMaster, SH Worcester Blook,- Portland, Oregon, FOR TRADE . i'resh milk cow to trade for wood. Call at 830 South Jackson St FARM TO RENT.-328 acres all in cullvation good Buildings and fences Price $400.00 Per year. Inquire of I. B. Beam. ECLECTIC - BUSINESS - COLLEGE. FIRST STREET, ALBANY OREGON, MakeB a specialty of Shorthand, Typewriting and Bookkeeping. IThree conreee in Shorthand; Three courses in Bookkeeping; Two courses in Typewiitlng. SPEND YOUR WHOLE TIME on one or all of tbeee course?. Two reeilationa a day in Shorthand, and all day on Bookaeeping. Recitatlor.B one hour long. ENTER NOW. LOW RATES FOR AUGUST. I. E. RICHA.RU80N, PredJent and Bofinees Manager SAN WA Washing and iron- week. Good work. CANARIES. Some fine canary birds lor Bale at reoaonoblo paiceB. Call upon Mrs. William Meyers, Albany, Or. cor 8th and Elm ate. . EG??,- Highest caah'price paid by Jaa uwvulu, udu cuobanu rerrv. SHEEP. - 230 head for Bale, young team, hack and harkness. oh Ilowaid & Price. Also Call FOR8ALE. 10 tons of fine oat hay. Call on Stewart & Sox Udw. Co. Hits the Nail on the Head. When your kit of fools needs replen ishing, don't paaa our door. There isn't an article in builders or carpenters haidwaie tbat we have notin stock. We prove it? OIILING &IIULBURT, Wv