THURSDAY. AT CASCAD1A. Mb is an ideal mountain resort with fine surroundings, lair fishing, some hunting, and the beet Boda water in the world. People are coming and going with an average of about sixty tents and some boarders at the hotels. It is not only a place for rest, but there iB plenty of excitement. One day two cougars were killed nly a short dis tance from the camp, and were brought into the hotel. Beveral deer have been captured and Borne goo t BtnngB of fiBh are being secured, though O. A. Arch ibald on hifl visit here endeavored to whip the streams empty. Grant Fro man hsB succeeded him as the champion fisherman. Two men, one from Oorvallia.were re cently lost. They got down in a canyon, where the underbruBh was ao thick the the moon could not be Been. One of them wanted to give up and he down, but they kept going,. Admiral Oley Woodworth, of Albany, headed a rescue party and succeeded in getting the fleet fafely into harbor, aided by the firing of guns and shouting, It wbb 10 o'clock a "Another man got too higlXpthe rocks near the falls and could neither go up nor down, and had to be gotten off with ropes. . Mrs. Capt. Power, a prominent society lady of Lebanon, is among the gueBts at Hotel Gtisendorfer. Editor Kirkpatrick and Photographsr Boyd, of Lebanon, came in tnis week, since which it haB been difficult to se cure enough to eat. Rev. White cut a finger nearly to the bone. MiBB Mary Starr, the elocutionist, has raturned home after delighting campers with not only Borne excellent readings but her genial presence. Air. Freiland iB the aongeter of the camp. Big bonfireB burn nigthy, the center of life and sociability. Judge Wolverton, of the supreme brench, was a popular visitor hi re. L. B. Hamilton, Mias Hattie Hamil ton and Eoy Nutting will return home this week, while Mra. Hamilton and Mrs. Nutting and daughter will remain a week longer. Al. An East Albany Runaway. , W. H. Hogan and wife of this city, and Miss Hattie McOhesney and neice, Of.Salem, last evening were riding in the eastern part of the city after Mr. Hogan's fine team, when tney met a farm team at the bridge near Bryant's. The room was limited and the team turned slightly so that the tongue hit the rail of the bridge, letting it down to the ground, causing the horBes to run. Mra. Hogan at once jumped out, but the othora remained in. The horses ran only about a hnndred yards when they were pulled to one side and etopped with the carriage againBt a tree, tipping the occupants out. A few slight bruisea and a broken carriage tongue were the only damages. A Rich Mine Thn .Tnlv nlean-UD at the Lucky Bov mine lhaa just . been made. Two gold bricks, weighing in the aggregate 41 tinnnrin. were rthe result. Thece bricks are worth-about $275 per pound . This : :. .;nt,nH aav Haw TKQ mine ia gruwiug i wuw otw; -."w Lucky Boy is now improving its prop, erty, putting in an imrneuso electric plant, erecting a new mill of 40. stamps' capacity, nnd opening: ill pr pert so that the 40 stamp? wi:l IKd work tJ do lor ) eai a to come. - ... )ri,dy four caroi-laof machinery I i -. been hauled ti tho Lucky Boy, ; I eiht carlmd- morn ar o , the j ' , At present 72 men are employed u t ho works, and by .wember 15 the iO-atnuip and roller mil La wi 1 be run ning full blast. Dr. Trimble has moved his offije into the I. U. i). F. hall block. A recent Benton county s.ile: U. F. Conner et al to L. M. Cooper, 38 acrea near Albany, $850. i. Car No. 2 of the Rlogli.ig Brothers circus, has been in the citv to-doy re posting their bill boards spitb new pic tures, L. E. Hamilton and sister, M!es Hattie and Roy .- utiing returned this forenoon from Oascadia, coming to Lebanon on their bicycles. 1 Tickets to the G. A. R. national en campment at San Francisco mav be secured tomorrow ard next day for $25 round trip, good until Oct. 25. Drfl. HodgeB and Collins, the dentists, now have twoofljceB, Dr. Hodges being in the I. O. O. F. block and Dr. Collins in the offiosa recently vacated by Dra. Adams. Returned from the Bay to- day : Mra. Dr. Foley, Mra, Ered Blonnt, Judge Boise, Mra. Holmea and children, j. W. Cusick and wife, and Hon. Binger Her mann and family. Mrs. W. A. Oox, a former resident of Albany, died in Portland this week and was taken to Lebanon yea;crday evening for burial. Mr. Cox and family have She svmpathy of many Albany .friends in their loss. The Ladies Missionary Society of the Presbyterian church will give a reception tomorrow afternoon ai 8o'olockat the residence ol Mra. J J. Whitney, for Mra T. B. Griswold and Bon. All the ladieB oi the church and especially the mem bers of ibe Cradle Roll are earnestly in v'ued to he present. The regular meeting of the M. E. church will not be held to-night. The members will unite with the Union Revival Eriuade in their tent meeting. Next Sunday m rniog the Brigade will conduct the eervicea in the M. E. church. nr. vra P K Martin nf Cirvallis ii.r. iuiu, aj. - came to Albany this forenoon to consult Dr. Damn tne speuiauni. iu. Tney were walking down First street towaida the Revere, when Mr Martin fell in a fit in front of the poet office. He waa takeu into Howard & Price's aDd attended to, shortly coming out4 of.tbe tit, COURT HOUSE NEWS. Deeds recorded : Jesse MoGhee et alto J N Duncan, 24,00 aciea 75 E Henrietta by sheriff to Thoe 0 Strang, 180 acres 584 S 0 Newton to J H Newton, 60 acres 1 TeetjObling to Hike Ohllng, 800 acres ouuu Frank Vavra to H A Olark, 3 lots, Scio 260 Frank Blodgett to John vV Wilson, 80 acres, 13 w 2 320 M E Caldwell to E E Caldwell, 78.70 acres 1 Alliance Tr. Co. lo NT Bneed, 47.19 acres .-. 1 J h Fuller to Bailie McMaban, acre, narrlaourg out) H T Nave to N S Nave. 45 acres . . 200 Oregon to Wright Blodgett & Co., bu acres luu iir:uic uourt: jijmeiine rxauaier et m agt Wm Garland et al. Partition . Hewitt Probate. In estate of Cordelia Bond, J D Bonnet", Barney Mav and J P Schooling appointed appraisers. rersonai property in estate oi i,ucy a Wright ordered Bold. Invent orv filed: real property $2325, pFrBonal $139. Final account of guardian HF Merrill filed in estate of Helen G Spencer, minor, approved. A Fine Structure. The foundation his been completed and the frame work of the building of the new electric light plant is up. The foundation is the moat eolid and lasting of anything ever erected in Albany, one of the finest pieces of work in the state. The boiler, Bmokeatack and engine have Deen placed, ihe water wheel though will not be Bliipped from the east until October 15. It will have a 230 horse power. Besides tne foundation has been built with a view of a big increase of power, whenever occasion demands it. ine structure will be a credit to the "metropolis of the valley." The total cost will not be far from $30,000. Albanv v, ill have the best electric light service in the state outside of Port land. Will be Circulated. Prof, Torbett oi the College, will cir culate a petition this week, which will read as follows : We. the undersigned, hereby agree, to pay to the Albany College Institute, the amountB sec opposite our respective namea. the same to become due when $1,000 ia aubscribed, for the purpose of repairs on tun college Dunaings ana grounds. The list has been headed with a $100 aubscriotion and othera will no doubt follow with lioeral amountB, called for by the demands suggested in the paper itself. Funeral of George Armstrong. The funeral of George Armstrong, whose remains were recently found in the Willamette down near Buena Vista, was beld yesterday afternoon, Dr McLean, of Corvallia preaching the sermon. The body waB absolutely identified by the clothing. The overalls were a peculiar make sent him by his eon in Portland, and the. socks had been made by Mrs. Armstrong, iioth were easily identified, leaving no doubt on tb question . The Santiam Mines. F. H. Colpitta came down from the Santiam minee last evening and will return on Saturday. He has been doing prospecting work on the Bonanza Lincoln and iueen mines ot tne Albany Mining Oo'a group, and reports better prospects than he anticipated, but it will take coneiaeranie aeveiopment oe fore the value of the mines can be de termined. L. B. Campbell and family of near this city went to tne Bay touay. MisB Dorthea Nash has returned from Europe and is visiting her brothers in Benton county. Corvallis will have three rural free deliver routeB altei September 15. About $60,000 will be paid at San Francisco tomorrow night to see JeffrieB and Corbet t make a show of themselves for 60 and 40 per cent ol the cet receipts M. O. Warner, of Eugene, and J. -D. Hurd, a California capitalist, are in the Bohemia mines selecting a site for a smelter, which will be established there. A. D. Barker and J. J. Lingren. fad ing citizens of Auidem, will return home tomorrow morning. Mrs. Robert Chambei'B and daughter lilt this afternoon lor Eugene, where they will join Mr. Chambers and reside. N 1'rol. Carlton, who is spending the season at Salem is in the city while on bis way back to Salem from a visit with hiB father neBr Lebanon. F. O. Huffman, of Elk Citv, is in the cily. Mrs. Hufiman is contemplat ng the ataiting ol a nursery he.-e, for the keeiing of children during entertain ments, church services, etc. Dr. Vard Littler returned laet evening from Mrnzies mill, on the South foik of the Santiam, where he bad a fine out ing, during bia atay catching as mar.y as thirty three trout in a day. O. (1 Hoiaemet with the Eugene A. O. U. W. last evening. Ha is doiog active work throughout the state lor the order, and will dining the coming weekB meet with every lodge in the state. Eugene Register; I. E. Richardson of Albany, recently of the EaBt writes F. A. Rankin of this city asking for the rental of certain of his r on.a for the purpose of starting a business college. He -expects to bo ready to open his echool by September 15th. ThiB wil1 make two business colleges for Euge r. THE OLD RELIABLE mEeS? Absolutely Pure; THERE IS MB SUBSTITUTE Hotel Arrivals. JJW Kays, Eugete. W W Bretherton, Portland. GT Williams, S F. H J HarriB, " F M Brown, Salem. O H Clark, Spokane. E I Parsons. S F. J W White, " G W Bainter, Portland. Viva Baltimore, Spicer. H C Mahon, Eugene. E Mead, Tacoma. E A Thompson, Salem. Everett Manis, Scio A O Miller. Kings Valley. J H Warnock, Eugene. M H LucaB, Mill City. G T Gary, Jordan. Jas Sharp, Prineville. J D Bennett, Harrisburg. Francis G and R L Burke, Min - neapolis. J 11 Mccarland, Cottage drove. R B Fleming, Salem. M A Miller, Lebanon. Wm Faber, Portland. John Linch, Drain. S B Holt, Thomas. Prseident and Mrs Jl H Coleman, Willamette University. J a. iiorney and wf, HayBtack. T N Segar, Eugene. Ind H Wright, St Louia. . A E Voorbiea and lam, Grants Pat Mrs N P Dodge, " " W J Raymond, 8 F. Damon Bristow, Cottage Grove. D W Fraeer, Corvallis. A Stenger, Portland, G Li Morrison, Lebanon. E A Black, Spokane. G H Irvin, Salem. C J Jamison, Monmouth. OJ Pngb, Salem. John Pa-ker, Ogden. W W Dixon, Oakville. M G f'lynn, Philomath. Dorothy Dixon, Ro;eburg. H G Everett, Lebanon. . Ed Tobin, Portland. Ralph Ganiard, Portland. T M Kegar, Eugene. H N Uoekerlin , Salem. Hon J I VI Shelley, Eugene. W O Scarbrough and wf, Eugene. Will F Smith, Milwaukee. Irene Applegate, Eugene. U E Do iiin and wf, Portland. Editor W M Brown. Lebanon Criterion E F Samuel, Portland. H Galloupe aud wi, Portland. VV H Hugbee, Chicago. HoniSquire Farrar, Salem, R P Clarke, Lexington Ky. T E Berg, 8 F. I M Rice, Portland. W. R. Winans, Salem, T A HayeB, Ashland. . W B Skillman, Pbila. F A Kribs, Roseburg. G W Evans, Portland. Louise and Mattie Soutbwlck, Salem. E I Parsons, 8. F. J P Ellis, Portland,' Dr J H Stewart, Scio, HI M G.llett and wf, Hampton la, J N Morris, Hcio. Monroe Kaet, Havana S Dak. , J C Jensen, Ipswich S Dak. F D Thielson, Salem. A R Buttler and wf, Portland., - M A Aurys, Etna Wash. Edgar Faulk, Portland. D F Carna, Salem. B 8 Oobb, Portland. This is the gossiping season of the year. Never talk until you know what you are talking about. Character is too valuable proper'y to. be lost throng false reports. Ag soin as the driver sees the. disposi tion to run, lo the horse he is driving;, let him begin the rapid jerking first on one I'ne and then the otbr, not gently, but with encb force as to bring the brlule-bit from one side to the other through the boree'a mouth. Thia mo tion contuses the animal that all other fear ia taken away. From irany vears' diiviog I have never found this method to fail on tbe mojt refiactory horse. Of courss, you should never drive anv bortt withont the beat of strong leather that will stand any strain you need lo put on it, Farm and Fireside. Crackers? 1'eo we Lave them Just like the sample toft you. O. E, Bbownelu. Terms of Democrat. Daily. fey carrier 10 cents a week Bv trail 30 cents per month, unless nald in puvauie at 25c. Mail subscriptions ere always payable at tbe office. Weekly. $1.25 in advance: 25c a year ad'te i up to $2.UQ if permitted to run. Itpaye to pay in sdvance. Lebanon. From the Criterion : John R. Bilve-j has sold his big larm near Providence, for $12,800, and will probably move to thia placo to live. J. M. Donaca. of Albanv, haa been stopping in this city for the past few days attending his father who is serious ly sick. W, P. Read returned Monday, and ib again at his poet in Chandler's store. While abseut he visited Quartzvllio, where he has an interest in Borne mines. Merlon Huchca. writes to his mother, from Manila, that the house where he ie stopping was recently burglarized and that lie lost V-Xv to cash besides nearly all of bis clothes. FRIDAY. Charged With Disturbing a Meeting. Hugh Sappington, the young man of high diving fame was arrested last even ing by Policeman Oantwell, charged with disturbing the meeting ot the Cnion Revival Brigade and placed in the city jail. He denies the charge and will stand trial before Recorder Van Winkle tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. New Patents. N. D. ABdell, Lakeview, Oreg., bottle; J. Campbell, Cascade Locks, Oreg., gage equare; J. P. Hodgins, Tacoma, Wa h,, scraper; J. H. Hue'ey .Spokane, Wash , mechanical movement) J Jorgensen, Hiiattin Wneta.. suction Dire: L, May hew, Whatcom, Waeh., floating fish tiap and set net; W. L. McUaba, Seattle, vVash.. portable conveyor; J. M. Payne, Spokane, Wash , railway switches; B, Poiorann A O. E.'Firlding. Grants Pass, Ore ,min r's candlestick; A. F. Shade), l.nm.9-. Wnah.. meanB lor lifting fleh trap note or spillerB; D. M. Watton, Port land, Oreg., electric hjjting apparatus Walter BIddle ie visiting Eugene rela tives. Dr. Lose, the optician, now at the Revere House leaves Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. A. R. :cCoy returner last evening from a very pleasant Casca dia outing, Mr. Sam, Dolan, the Adonnis of Ya quina Bav for the past week or two re turned borne thia noon. Prof. Z. M. Parvin, the muaio teacher, will go to ban Fraiicisco tomorrow to at tend tbe U. A. K. encampment. Recorder J. S. Van Winklo aod family returned this morning'from their sum mer's outing spent at Ashland and vie inity, Charles Pfeiffer. ChSB. Piper, MrB, John McOhesney and children and Miss Lora Vance returned irom tne cay to day. A, B. Hoag, editor of the Preiet River Enterprise, arrived in Albany last even ing on hia way to Newport. He is a former teacher in the college. Mr. Arthnr W. Foabay left last night for San Francisco to resume Lis studies in the medical college, from which he will graduate next spring. O. H, Hart waa in the city thia after noon on hie way frnm ttaiem to eoda ville, where bis mother yesterday fell off a porch and was considerably injured. Mr Hart will soon come here to work. General Finzer and family of Wood- burn were in tbe city thia afternoon the guests of the foimer'a sister, Mrs. u. M. Turner, whi'e on their way home from the Bay. Mr. Ashley M. Dickenson retu.nod laBt evening Irem Illinois, where he has been the past ten or twelve months. feature ot me oacs mere tnese ny tr the sweltering nightl requiring a com plete absence of bed clothing. Mr. Brown, of Circlevillei O., a young man going in the best aoeiety, has juBt proven himself a shrewd financier by cleaning up $76,000, which he had betn putting by from the earnings of the bank for eome time. Most of the money 'had been deposited in bucket shops for safe keeping. Charley Bilyeu pitched in a game of ol base ball between Roseburg and Mari,bfield. At the erd of eight innugs tbe Bcore was 0 to 0 and oilv one bit had been made off Bilyeu. Each club made two runB in the ninth. Roseburg put another pitcher in for the tenth and a home run was made off bim and the game won by Marehfield 3 to 2. We rustle bard in presto each cn omer, at O. E. Browmll's. Marvelous Animals. The trained animal exhibition in Ringliog Bros. Circus U one of the iron derful features tint separatee this great now from allo'hers. In their big pro gram or circm eeneutlooB, animals of almost every kind and frou every olime ar shown not "ill? to have lense. bat a e.prcty fir eriuovion trul' u,atvelou Lion , he-trs. xebras eika, Horses, dogs Roseburg defeated the North Bends be chamnions of the Co b Bav conntrv o m an eleven innlug game. Last evening's TeUgram contains putiire of J. R. DoueiaB, who is to superintend the Oregon eibibit at the si. lou'.s worlds fair. This la the great Drize fia-en duv in Sau Franoleco. That cily hs gone wild over it. mere are visitors there to see u from the Atlantic to iho Pacific and iron) ine Uull of Mexico to Canada, lav J. McCormifik. the hnnl nmnirn in the valley league, has rOBiirried bis position as chapel guard at the state penitentiary, and retired last evening Two car loads nf paper machinery for the mill at Lebanon naeaed tbrouuh Albany from Wilminglon, Delaware. Frank Tottle, a one armed touriBt, who had been begging around tho streets. waBjugged this morniny. He claimed to he a bookkeeper. When re- iuufu assistance ne was generallv pretty ooaireperoue, hich caused him to be reported. mere was considerable concern on the streets this morning when it waB repotted that Olev Woodwurth had aent a post haBie order from Cascadia, for a new pair Ol snoefl. It vena nrnmn v filled aud aent bv nost at in .inp nf el . .n tT ; ' . . . r ut upmo. no is reportea to be on tne go tweuiy uve uours a day. Mr and Mra. G. Builthouse, of Grandie county, Iowa, are here on a visit the gueBlB of the former's slBier, Mrs. Steven Freerksen. They are pleased with the country and think Borne of selling out and coming to Ore- kuu iur n permanent residence. Mr. John Morrison, of this city, will leave in a few days for the eoldierB nomenear Los Anneles, where he ex pects hereafter tn renirle niion Ram. ford, of this city, who has been there some time is very much pleased with tun pinue anu aurroundinga. . ibe editors of the H renin Pans C nnt-inr and Junction City TimeB, were in the iLy inn lurenoon accompanud by their muiiiieo wnue on ineir way to Oregon's popular resort. Yannlna. for tlmlr summer's outings. They were well equipped with paesBe and other para phernalia suitable tor a pleasant time. E. C. FhelUB and Wife havn mntrnit from Heppner to Linn county to reside again. They were in the edge of the flood, the water coming np to their bouee, which fortunately for them was on high ground. Hennner is heimr built up again, but it will be a Ions time getting over the effects of the flood. A man registering under the name of W R. Brown, whose riuht name ia said to be W. R. Ellison, of San Francisco, or somewhere elee, has juBt iumned a uuaru anu liquor Dill at me Bt. Ubarles, amounting to $au. tie is said to be a proieBsteanl hotel boater. He rapie- eented himself to bo a canvasser for Harpers. Ubbe Peters has been ill for two or three week9 wi li something hie neigh born 'bink is typhoid fever. Mr. Peters is a divine healer and refusea to Lave medical assitance. Hib only medioine so far haa been cold water, a light diet andprajer. He baa a wonderful will power, and a alrong conalitution and will probably recover. The Baptists at McMinvillo have paid the old debt on their collezo and the luubuujiuiH ut QBiem nave wiped out tbeir $35000 debt also, rheee are draw ing oarda for thoBe schools. Albany uollege's debt ia all paid, too; but for a louble drawing card, let us paint and I'x up to hold our own in competition with all prcgreesive schools. The Conquest, an Orogon novel writ e n by Mra. Eva Emery Dye, is to be dramatized and presented by a first-claea company of artists with Marie Kelly and O. E. Loyd. ol New York in the leading roles. Walter Ross, of Euceno will be the advane agent, and the com pany, wuu Headquarters at Portland, will start out about the first of Septem ber. Stayfon Mail: R. L. Wimer hae rented the Powell building on Water street formerly occupied by tbe Mail office, and ie preparing to open up a furniture factory in tbe near future... Parties from Albany arrived in tbia city yesterday morning, leased the business building on the corner of Third and Water etreet. formerly occunied bv Mr. Fred Ernst, and are preparing to open up a reBtaurant in the near future. This ia au industry Btayton has long needed, MARRIED. LA PORl'E RENNINGER. On Wed nesday, August 12, 1003, at home of the h'iiii-'j parents, Mr. and Mrs, LouIb Kenninger, Miss Nettie May Renniiei io Leroy La Porte ol Mohan k. Rev. Philip Workman performed the ceremony in ihe presence of about 25 guests '''"i contracting parties are highly connected, the bride's parents being among the beat known and highly respected residents of Lane county. Mr, Lal'orte la a euccessful logging contractor of the Mohawk, where the couple will reBiue. Mr. aid Mrs. La forte lelt lor points north today on a brief trip. Eugene Register. OARY TYLER. In Albany at the court bouse, on Aug. 14 1903, by Judge II. M. Calmer, Mr. Krefl E, Car ajd Mias Mauu I. Tyler, to popular youug people of Ualeey, BORN. STRUOKM1ER. On Friday morni g Aun. 14. 190.'. to Mr. and Mrs. Struck. mier, of Crabtree, a dauui er. All doing well. A DARING RESCUE. Yaquina, Aug. 15. While turf bath ing Friday, Kev. F. H, Adams, of Mc- Uinnville went through a thrilling ex perience, He waa ebioving the swells beyond the breakers when be discovered that h could not make his lo way shore. Geo. Houoh, of Eugene and Mr, Sam Dngger, of Albany, rescued' Dim wth difficulty. On account of the res uueri be:ng in the surf fur considerable time it vas with the greatest difficulty that the drowning man was reached. The wavea were quite strong against them and had it not been lor great pres ence of mind all would not. havn hann saved. Great credit ie due those who participated in the retcue. Re7. Adama is lately from New York and has been paitor .of the Baptist church at McMinn vllle since his arrival In Oregon. Harrisburg From the Bulletin. Mr. Rialto Weatherford came in town Tuesday morning for repairs for his oinaer. iie is doing his own binding and Bhocking two meu'a work. With wheat eellina at. 70 mmta hao $10 a ton and hopa quoted at 20 cents, vvnu in upwaru tendency, and a tree io.ij, uuuimii ana au excelsior lactory insight, there ie no cause for "wurrl ment," as Mr, Doolet eava The committee of Beven, consisting of Barney May, W. L. Tyler, I. M. Mur phy, D. McOlain, J. D. Bennett, E. E. Upmeycr and A. P, Bettersworth, ap pointed by Mayor Lassell to draw up aud circulate petitions among the tax payers of the county, praying the coun ty to purchase and operate a tree ferry at Harrisburg, have the petitions ready and Bjme of them are already hard at work obtaining signatures, Other members of the committee will circulate petitions in Brownsville, Ual sey, Shedd, Albany, Lebanon and Scio. The various petitions will be ready for prcetntntion to the county court at ila next meeting, which will be the first Wednesday in September. Revetment Prospects. Mayor Davia has received a letter from Congressman Hermann in which it ta staled that the engineers in charge oE the Oregon government worka appreciate the eituatton at thia city and will do what they can to secure a revetment on the north Bide cf the Willamette. Mr, Hermann promises to cooperate with the engineers and do everything possible to secure the neceesary appropriation for the work, an important thing for the protection of the river here. NOTICE OF APPOINTMEHT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned havn been duly appointed executor and executrix of the estate ot Bopnta josepn, deceased, ny tne County Court of Linn County, Oregon. AU persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to preiont the same, duly verified, as by law required, to the undersigned, at tbe store ot Julius Gradwohl in Albany, Oregon, within six months from the date uf (his notice. Date July 24th, 1003. Julios Gradwohl, Lxecutor. Fannik Hiibnnbh, Gxeoutrix. T. J, Stitks, Atty for Executor and Executrix, SUMMONS - ' In Tna Oihouit Couur oir tub State of OitEOONFon Linn County. Kay Barr, Plaintiff, vs. R. S. Barr. defendant. To J. a. finrr, the above named de fendant : rf fN 'lEE. NAME OF THE STATE Off Oregon You are hertby required to appearand answer tbe complaint of the above named - plaintiff in the above entitled court, now on file with the clerk of said court, within six weeks Irom the date ot tne lirst oublicalion of this summons, and you are notified that if vou fail to appearand answer said complaint as hereli) required, the plaintiff will apply to tne court lor the relief de - manned in ner said complaint, to wit: A decree ol tbe couit dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between the pliuntitr and dotendunt, and restoring to the daintiff her maiden jamo. for her costs and disbursements in said suit, and for such other and further relief as to the court seems meet in equity. JhiB Bummons is published in tne Alii any Democrat by the order of the Hon. H. M. Palmer, County Judge of Linn County, Oregon, made at Chamber., in the city ct Albany, in said Linn county, Orogcn, on the 24th day of June, 1903. and the date of the first publication o' this summons is the 26th day of June, 1H03. Hewitt & Sox. Attorneys for Plaintiff. final settlemen t. NOTICE IS HERFBY GIVEN TH4.T the undersigned, executor of the last will and toalament of Lowol Ames. deceased, bus filed his final account in said estate w.ith ihe county o erk of Linn County, urigon, and tne county judge has act the 8th day cf August, 1003. at 1 o'clock p. m., at the court room in the conrt house, in Albany, Or., for the doltlement of the same and tho hearin t of objections to said account and the settle ment thereof. Jos. A. A MRS. Executor. Hkwitt k Box and J.J. Whitney, Attorneys- NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT NuTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT tho undersigned has been dulv mi- suited by the county conrt of Linn ;ounty, ur., executor ol the estate of liulda Hon 1, deceased. All pernonB hav ii.g claims against aid estate are noti liid to prerent them duly verified, with proper voucher.), lo tho undersigned at Ihe aw office of Woaiberlord & Wyatt, M"tinv, Or,, wilhin six .nonlbs from the d le heroof. Paled at Albany, Ju y 3, 1903 O. S. Hown, Executor.