Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, August 14, 1903, Page 1, Image 1

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NO 2
1 Newcoughsarebad enough;
KJlCLKOUQnS old coughs are worse. They
chitis or consumption.
make you think of bron-
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cures con
sumption. Mot all cases, but very many. j,o.4'ch'C;KiM.
,ur Block has been greatly reduced caused bv Buch slaughtering of
t J U aa ww,m nantaH tn Till tnT fltOrfi 01
prices uanuK uttruivi. wobi o . . . . . .
BummerhatB we started this sale of: : : : : I I I . :
All Hats at Half Price
while there woe still a demand and will continue until onr Summer Stock
18 Our'aim of carrying a moat clean stock o( new season goods with UP-TO-DATE
styles necesitates these great reductions. Our loss in this sale
is figured with us ai so tnueh advertising and hope to be remunbursed by
your esteemed patronage during our fall Boason.
O. P. WOLCOIT, Prop , (Successor to O'NellV
Phone Black Ml.
337 1st St.
"Just try a Parrot
Cigar" 5c.
A,good many 5c cigars
are made of leaves, all
right, but the PARROT
Cigar is made of se
lec ted leaf tobacco.
For sale by
0. M. BEAM, the Grocer.
PASTURAGE. Beginning April 15 the
fine pasturage ol Lasalle Bros., near
this city, will De open to me puouc.
Leave order with Lneolle Bros., or at
the shop of T. 0. Anderson.
GearharfcTark has been selected for
the state encampment this year, the
battery to go Aug, 20 and the infantry
Sept 3,
Miss Ida Pace, a daughter of Mr. B.
Fi Page, of Roseburg, committed suicide
this week by taking carbolic acid. A
case of unrequited love. Foolish girl .
John A Oarson. thj Salem lawyer has
just returned from a trip to the Phil
ippine isianas, wnere ne went to see
some witnesses in the Alaska Bonanza
mi ling suit,
Eugene Guard: Rev. F. E.jj Dorrie,
pastor of a church in Pasadena, Cal.,
went through this afternoon on his way
to Albany to wed MieB Emma Pfieffer, a
young lady of tbat city. Mr. Dorris is a
brother of Lake Dorris, of Eugene, and
was formerly a resident of Albany.
Sam Morris, the Ohemawa pitcher,
will be in the game for Portland at tbat
city tomorrow. Morris is a good
pitcher, but ho Ib no better than Mc
Innis, who throw for Albany. It is said
that Morris has adopted Mclnnis' style
of delivery, the neateBt of any pitcher in
the lea.uo,
Roseburg Review: The following
members of the Roseburg baBeball team
left this morning on their Coos county
tour: Koatal, Biljeu, White, Newell.
Morrow, Joergei, Bradley, Griffin and
Robinson. Unfortunately O'Day and
Shanaban. of Eugene, contrary to pre
vious arrangements, will not accompany
tbe locals, but Bilyeu, of Albany, was
secured. Director W. H. Jameson will
join tbe tea:ii at MarshSeld Mooday.
BrownBVille Times : Excavating for
the foundation for the Woodmen build
inir commenced Wednesday by Con
tractor Oonn, of Albany, who has the
contract lor constructing the building
A, Sidney Mack, of Albany College,
was a caller on The Times Wednesday.
Mr. Mack was looking for a yoang man
who desires fo work his way through
college. If tcere is such a young man in
this oity they can learn particulars by
by addressing Mr. oiacK.
' To Cure a Cola In One Day
T,A Ln.ia.liva Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails
each box, 25c.
And mercury in the treatment of piles
as begun in the dark ages, giving
temporary relief only by paralvzing the
bowels and do not cure, but in reality
weaken the parts and prevent natute
from res'oring the bowel to a healthy
condition, as any honest and intell
igent druggiit or doctor will admit, and
as may ba sen by reference to the Un
1 od States Dispensatory, which says.
''Opium lessens tbe natural motion of
the bowels, Ho local effect is the same as
Us general operation; conium paralyzes
toe motor nerves, aconite reduces mus
cular strength, be'iadoana produces par
alytic symptoms; bvsscyamis and stram
onium are same as belladonna. They
do not exercise any curative influence."
The following is in substance the ex
pression o all up' to-date druggists :
"In twenty -eight years experience I
have prepared all manner of narcotic
and mercurial preparations lor piles, out
none to my know.'eage ever cured a
single case." P. B. Spraguo, druggist,
Lincoln, Neb,
R-RII-RA Pile Cure is the only non-
poisonous pile cure on tbe market. Over
4000 ot the most intelligent and up-to-
date druggists sell and endorse it.
- E-RU-3A cures piles, or $50 paid.
Wnrat cases of nllea cured with one bex.
All reliable, up-to-date druggists sell
E-RU-SA, viz: BU Kri.tis.Ki' 6t Lima
Screens, Easels, Tabourettes, and
Come and Sc e Us.
Headquarters for the celebrated RACVCLE, .IVfiR JOIINSON nd
Complete line of BicycKSundries and Supplies;
Vicycle Repairing a specialty BDd Novelty Work of all kinds. ;
:2ndSStreetlbttween Ferry and Broadilbln Street, Alba ny
A Big Wreck.'
Duband Mich.. Aue. 7. An air brake
refusing to work on the second Beclion of
Wallace limp.' circus train caused a
rear-tnd collision witb the first section
in the yards of lb Grand Trunk Rail
road at an early hour ibis morning, in
which 23 people were killed outright and
more tnan a dozen injured.
The Proper Decision.
Olmpia, Wash., Aug., 7. The case
brought to test the constitutionality of
the law passed by the last -Legislature
making the maintaining of gambling re
sortB or games a lei. ny has resulted in
tbe upholding of the law by the Supreme
Court. As a direct result of tbe decision
a large number f gamblers who since
June 12 have been out of employment
and have been banging on in hopps tbe
law would be knocked out will seek oth
er employment or leave the state.
Fastest On Record.
Los Anoelos, Cal., Aug. 7. At 1:06
o'clock this afternoon the special train
bearing Henrv P. Lowe, .1 mining man
of Denver. drew in at La Grande station,
having comolete a tun irom the Atlun
tic to tbe Pacific, a distance of more than
3200 miles in the fastest time on record.
Put Kim Out,
Wabhington, Aug. 7. T, A. Wood, of
Portland, the moving spirit in the In
dian War Veterans' Association, has be
come involved" in serious trouble with
the Pension Bureau, which may lead to
bis debarment from practice before the
Interior Department, if charges lodged
againBt mm are touna to oe true. .
.illles Is Cut.
Washington, Aug. 8. Tbe retirement
from active service, by the President,
August 8, 1H03, oi Lieutenant-Ueneral
Ne son A. Miles, U. S. A., by operation
of law, under the provisions of tbe act of
Congress, approved June 30, 1882, is an
nounced. Litutenant-tteneml Miles will
proceed to hfs home. The travel enjoin
ed is necessary for the public service.
Opposite the First National Bank ,
Nice new shoes direct from the
We will as an inducement place
on sale a line'of regular $2.00 men's
and women's shoes at $150 per pair.
We have a nice lne of patent lea
ther Vice box and Velour calf rang
ing in price from $2.50 to $5.00.
Come in and see us and get ac
quainted. The store will be known
as The Star Shoe Store.
Another Killing.
Woodland. Cal., Aug. 7. Another fa
tality has resulted ir tne pursuit of the
convicts who escaped from the Folsom
Prison. An unknown man was killed
near DavisviHe tonight. While bis
identity has not been established it
seems almost certain lie waB not one 01
the convicts.
The man was bpoo acting qneerly near
a farmhouse and when culled upon by
officers to surrender started to run. The
officers fired at him killing him instantly.
Real estate and insurance. Next door
to the Post Office,
We have vo (351 pieces of town
and city prorertj,30 in Albany, for sale,
and some of these at a bargain and
many of them of the city's best. We can
supply your wants in this line at prices
Small tracts of 10 aceB some more
end a few less than 10 acres both im
proved, and at prices that would sur
prise you tbe quality of this property
conBideered. Now is your time to seeure
some of it.
House of 6 rooM new i4 lots all
in garden and just where ou want it
tor $issu.uu.
A few good timber claims hot of tbe
imaginary kind, but real good claims for
a small amount ot money atriKe quick
Crackers? Yes we have them ist
like the sample
O. E, Bbownell,
. .A. S5S 27 3 in X -L
.aritia ' 11,9 Kind You taWmys B
Terms of Democrat.
Daily. By carrier 10 cents a week.
By mail 30 cents por month, unless paid
in advance at 25c, Mail subscriptions
are always payable at tbe office.
Weekly. $1.25 in advance: 25c a year
added up to fH.uu it permuted to run.
It pays to pay in advance.
A very painful affair ; but notice the
expression of triumph on the old mam
my s face, fabo knows from many
will cure the worst cases of colic,
cramps, diarrhoea and dysentery,
without delay. ,
Beware of substitutes,
25c. and 500.
Thero is something doing all the time
in the train wrecking business.
Astoria is temporarily lifted up with
the proepect of becoming a great rail
road terminous. Perhaps.
Detvey was in olose quarters in
Manilla harbor, bub it was nothing com
pared witb the quarters of his name
sake, tne Dewey slot machine.
ban FranciBco is soon to be treated to
probably -th?:jroatent- piizo fighv naaoo
in tbe history of tbe business. Poor old
Jim Oorbett. broken down and about
out of money, has got to do something
to till bis pocket dook, ana gel mm a re
newed reputation lor Ins theatrical en
gagements, bo be has entered the ring
again. -
One of the attractions at the Bay this
season is an hypnotic Bbow. Six Al
bany young men, in for some fun, have
been the subjects, and it is Baid have
mude good ones, doing the Btuuts with
great soberness. On one oocasion the
hypnotist remarked: "Boys, your beat
girls are in the rear of the hall." They
ruehod wildly back and several girls re
ceived some live smacks.
Not Over-Wise,
There is an old allegorical picture of A
girl scared at a grass-hopper, but in tho
act of heedlessly treading on a snak3.
This is paralleled by the man who spends
a largo sum of money building a cyclone
cellar, but neglects to provide his family
with a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as a safe
guard agginst bowel comolaints, whose
victims outnumber those of the cyclone a
hundred to one. Ibis remedy is every
where rcoognizod as the most prompt and
reliable medicine in use for hese diseaass.
For sale by all druggists.
Boy Cured ot CoMc After Physic
ian's Treatment Had Failed.;
My boy when four years old was taken
with colic and cramps in his stomach, I
sent lor the doctor and he injected mor
phine, but the child kept getting worBe.
I then eave him hall a sooonful ot Oham-
horlain's OoUc, Cholera and Diarrhoea
lMmedy, and in halt an nour ne was
sleeping and eoon recovered. F. L,
WiLKiNS.Shell Lake, Wis. Mr. Wilkins
is book' keeper for the Shell Lake Lumber
Co. For sale by all druggists
Daring the trontb ol August e Bhall
offer our entire line of Wall Paper, prac
tically at cost. Drop and take a look at
many new ana up-io-ueie patterns.
Make your home beautifu. witb little
cost. Call and see us.
water in too county, an we .rieiiier
Oyster Parlors, by tne arinK or oottie.
Healthful and refreshing. On tap all
the time.
r,.w,a K.hlllmnt. Ilnlr Tonic re.
slorn nair toits oriuinal color. Viereca
Kzema and Dandruff Cure or money re-
fucded. 60c per bottle.
Electricity com nenced Hr nnroni. nt
the breaking morn of oreation, with few
passengers on board and han nnntimm,!
its course with increasing Bnapd nH
growing glory down to the present mo
ment., it now travels with the brillianoy
and rapidity of theliabtnine's
even compele the very lightnings to
epeaK in a laminar voice to man, .The
chariot of science is destined to continue
its majestic course, in duration coevel
wiin our globe. Genius is eupromely
higher than talents, and 00 man of gen
ius bas ever opposed electrioity in ita
wonderful workings. This Bhowa that
if it was considered unworthy of doing
all that Is olaimed for it that it would
fall by the wayside and be discarded tbe
same as nil worthless things that are oast
aside. Dr, Darrin at Hotel Kevore it an
nrlvflnnnr! fhtnlrai nn lh. n ; i
L . ' J" (KP"uniiuuB ui
electricity for the cure of disease and to
yiuvw uid dkiii we enumerate many cureB
performed by him, and would euugeat to
the thinking minds that today cures are
being performed by thie subtle agency,
tbat eeenied iuipoBBible ten years ago.
Among itie many successfully treated
maw ha l.iantinnurl Dnn.U.
Chandler's eon of Baker City, who had
iruuuu nan general ueoiuty; cured ana
gained 30 pounds.
e. a. noon, uommercial street,
Salem, catarrh, cured.
J. W. Pate, Jefferson, Oro,, rheuma-
f.iom i.h.lna i.M.n.l
Reuben Lee and wife, Turner, Ore,
sciatic rneumatism and congb, restored.
Mrs. O. Pleog, Salem, varicose ulcers
on both limbs, cured.
B. Baxter, Ferry street, Salem, tumor,
Mies Irene Ashford, Albany, Ore., dis
charging ear, cured,
J. S. HeBten, Salem, liver oomplalnt
and dyspepsia, cured.
Mrs. Beulah Roes, of Salem, waa in
Albanj lOBt week viBiting friends. She
formerly lived near here. Mrs. Ross is
very enthusiastic over her recovered
health. She was cured by Dr. Darrin
lastsumme-, in Salem, her aflliotiona
being chronic dyspepsia, liver and kid
ney troubles thought to be incurable.
Drs. Durrin's Place of Business
Dr. Darrin is located a the Revere
Hotel nod will give free examination to
all. 10 to 6 or 7 to 8 daily. The poor
free and those able to pay at the rate of
$5 a week or in that proportion of time
the case may require. Ail curable
chronic diseases of men and worren a
This 'a the first visit of tho bead of
the Portland firm of Drs. Darrin to this
Cascadia Soda Water,
The best noda water in the state, can
be had of O, D. Austin nt the Alco Club
I10U30, by tbe drink, bottk or dozen.
F. G.Will for jewelry. '
An elecnnr. Hianlaw nt
F. G. Will's. ' "
Razors honed ahd set 25c at Stat
Weddinff. SnonirAmanf anA nthn t n
in the latest designs at F. G. Will'e.
Mrs. Adams baa new embroidery pat
terns for ahli-k iraki. run j t
b .....hid, van nuu pn UQ '
efore purchasing elsewhere. . . '1 .
it it s a bilious aitack, take Chamber
lain s Stomach ivid l.lvor Tablets and a :
QUICK roCOVerv in r.nrlnin PManln l.n.ll
druggists . ' -"
"Take the Portland Journal to" begl
Aug. 28, its great nargain dav. The
price will- be oniy 2.50c 'or the daily, 76
oentBfortheeemi weekly and 50 cents
for tbe weekl . The De.iioo3at will re
ceive orders a y lime up to the 28th at
the.e fl ures.
FOR SALE. 75 acreaof good hill land
iwu innes ooiiui ot Hodaville, $250.
' Apply to William MacMaater, 8U
Worcester Bluok. Portland. Oratrnn.
WANTED. -Competent nurso girl im
mediately. Call at store of O. P. Wol
cott. NOTfOE. My wile having left my bed
and board without just cause, notice
10 uuimiy given mat 1 will not be re
sponsible for debts of bor contracting,
W, J. Uay.
SAN VVA WaBhing and iron-
. . ,n
week. Good work
ing by dozen or
DOG FOR SALE!. A young red setter,
thoroughly broken for upland birds
. and water fowls, at a very reasonable
price, Call upon John Catlin.
CANARIES. Some ftne canary birds
for sale at reasonable paiceB. Call
upon Mrs. William Meyore, Albany.
Or. cor 8th and Elm sts.
EGGS. High ast oash'price paid by'Jas
McOourt, near First and Ferrv.'
3HEEP. - 230 head for sale. Also
young team, hsck and harkneBS. Call
oh liowaid & Price.
FOR SALE. 40ton7of "flmToat hay.
Call on Stewart & Sox Hclw. Co.
FARM TO RENT. 328 acres all in
cullvation good Buildings and fences
Price $400.00 Per year.
Inquire of I. B, Beam.
GO CARTS just received at the Hous
Furnishing Co's,
Cascadia Stage Oflloe, at Powers and
Loftln'a livery barn, Lebanon. We
are prepared to oonvey people to Cas
cadia aitor the arrival of tbe morning
train, reaching there the same day.
with or without bageage.
I'OWEIIS & Lomn.
Hits the Nail
on the Head
nur Prices? Well tbey are simply
ail right. Try
Jt ci DKunnai'i'i u"""u"
When your kit of tools needs replen
ishing, don't nass our door, There isn't
an article in builders or carpenters
haidaeie that we have notin etocc. We
crove it?
405 Weet First Street.