Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, May 29, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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Uncle Sam's Head Man Passes
Through Albany.
An immense crowd of poople from
Albany sad enrrouoding country were
At the depot this morning when the
train ot tue President passed through
the city exactly on schedule time, 8
o'clocic. The train Blowed up.just mov
ing as it passed through the cro d.
The President, Theodore Roosevelt, the
head of the greatest nation on the earth,
Stood upon the observation platform,
and with his stovepipe hat in hand
bowed and smiled with thoBe same im
maculate teeth.seen so much in the mag
azines and papers. The crowd cheered,
bouquets were thrown and the tram re
sumed its usual sche.ule .peed as the
President returned to his breaklast in
thWeDsa" the President, the third ona
to visit Albany.
mi,... worn fifinnn rare on the train
mW at 7 o'clock this morning, includ-
Cnrvnllis loaded with O.
A. O. Blndenta and others and G Com
pany from Albany. Several who went
to Salem returned this noon, hearing
the President for half an hour. Mayor
Bishop, Governor Chamberlain and
Senator Brownell delivered short ad
dresses previous.
Hello S. P. Again.
UiU.y Waller, thiB forenoon, upon au
thority uf a message from Portland re
install the telephone at the depot,
making all the necessary connections,
and the hello will again be in force, at
the expense ol the S. P., ab it should be.
It is an immense privilege to the public.
No one, though, should ever call up the
office merely out of curiosity. As a rule
it ib only necessary to inquire of central,
Baying further trouble.
Big Stock Shipment.
Mr. .Tank Pelton. of ABhland, has
rounded up one thousand head of year
lines and two year old at thia city, now
in Goltra Park and tomorrow will ship
Ahum frn Aahlanri. The Drevailing price
haB been $16 a bead for jearlingB and
$22 for two year oius. J.uey win mi
Arm Dislocated.
Mr. JameB Adkins, of near this city
thiB morning was unloading aome wood
in the eastern part of the city, when a
stick cauuht and threw him off the load,
dislocating his right arm at the elbow.
Dr. Hill attended him.
Nobility Coming.
Twenty of the leading German agri
culturalists, including several of the
nodility, will be in Albany on June 2
from 8 to 8:30 a. m., their only Btop in
the state this Bide of Medford. They
will cross over to the West Side, visit
ing the O. A. C. for three hours. Al
bany SUOUld. give uiem a rEiwptiuu
while in the city.
Mr. Peacock First.
Mr. Win. Peacock, of Benton again
com' - 'Ho front with the first home
stra ! s of the season, a fine box
beii -nted the Dkmocbat man this
moii'ii k fly ahead of all others. We
have iiniu getting Oalilornia straw
berries, but they are not in the same
class ith ihe home article.
Have you bought a ticict to the Sun
shine lecture ol Dr. Willits nt the O. P.
church next Monday evening? It will
be a treat no one should miss.
The Elk'e excursion announced to
take place from Albany to Toledo Sat
urday and Sunday has been postponed
to Borne future day to be announced
On JuneS there will be a public
echool rally in Albany. The principal
iii ha State Superintendent
Ackerman, Piesident Campbell, of the
TJ. of O. and perhaps President Kessier,
nf Monmouth.
The good peop'e of Albaoy should
,., v, rvarvthin thai is go id. Too
S-.hinB Im-ture of Dr. Willits ai the
tt -d ..hmi-i. next Monday evening
not only good, lui betwr, iu fact beat in
its line.
W W Fraruis.'ul this county, is the
new 'grand treasurer o! the rau.l en
campment of Odd fel'ows which has
been in session in Portland inn week.
t!f. Howard, of Pendelton is the grand
high patriarch.
Mr J C. Christie has rented the
rooms in the Young-Goodwin block, re
cently occupied by G. A. Wealgnte and
will on a law office were. Hi aw
hooks lorming a line library. racked in
twenty Uir eases, weighing nearly a
ton and a half arrived from S.u Ber
nardino, Calif.. ad are beiug unpacked.
The commencement of Albany Colleiin
wl occur this year on Juo , Tue
class graduating will consist of Gmr.e
T Bvers, James Ttfompson, and Misses
Georgia P5n. " Sln,u?on' and
Edvih Van Dyke in i he regular college
uy l '. ...veral from the corn-
course. dmi"
mercul and Normal oepanmeuua.
It now enste $3 t.i secure a marriage
license. 2.25 as un of
tbem worth. ,
Mr jaa K. Nixon has returned to
HarrVon'-g from Silver Star, Mon.,
where he has been the past year or two.
Beginning tomorrow the price of
rwo schoo land will be doubled.
Th? n. Prt- 2.60. The aaU. at
$1.25 have been large recently.
is no rospector of
r, T H. Harrim.n. at the head ,
of the b'ngest railroad irusi i- i" "
bad ii I S operated upon lor append.c-
Takes Five Shots at Otho Hall,
Mrs. 0. M. Marfieid last evening at
about 7 :S0 o'clock on the street corner
near the residence of Mrs. 8altmarsh,
'hot at Otho Hall five times only one
shot hitting him and that one oul?
alightly.stiiking two buttons and glanc
ing off after taking off a Utile of the cut
ice of the Btomache, but not drawing
blood. One of the shots passed through
a window at Mrs, Saltmarsh'a. close to
one of the immates.
Tuecday eveniug, May 5, Hall, the
fathnr of eleven children, aged 65, and
Oharlotte Maxfield.the danghter of Mrs.
Maxlield, aged 17, eloped irom aioauy
by way of Jefferson, and went to Van
couver, where Hall says they were
married on the 9th. One Henry Matt-
son, is reported to have Deen me wit
ness to swear that the girl was over
eighteen years of age. Mr. and Mrs.
Hall returned to ainany on last uigui a
local.- Mrs. MaxQeld haB been watch
ing continually lor their return with a
BIX Shooter oo cailDie on uer perHuu.
Last night she disc vered them at the
SaltmarBh corner going towards a
friends. She endeavored to get her
daughter to leave Hall and go with her,
out sue reiuseu aim continues 10 oo so,
when Mrs. Maxfield drew uer revolver
and fired directly at Hall with the above
reBUIt. Hall lieu to ut. tiiirsoince.ana
then joined bis wife at Bedding Rain
water's. At the time of the shooting Ueorge
Hall, a brother, and another man, were
with Otho, and grabbed Mrs. Maxfield
and took the revolver from her after the
firing, turning it over to Chief of Police
Mrs. Maxfield was taken in charge
and placed in the county jail.
Mrs. Maxfield was taken before Just-
ico Kialev this forenoon and held under
$200 bonds to appear for preliminary
examination tomoriow at 9 a. m., bonds
being furnished at once.
Public sentiment as heard by the
Democrat is almost universally in favor
of Mrs. MaxQeld.
A New Addition.
H. 0. Watson,- Esq. and Geo. W.
Wright, Esq, Lawyers of this city, have
platted a new addition to Albany to be
known as Mountain View Addition to
The new addition conaiBta of thirty
lots and lies immediately West- of
Wright's addition to Albany, on the
highest part ol the Monteith property.
A splendid view of Jthe Valley and
Mountains eastward is presented. Lots
can be bought at present at the low
price ol $100.00 per lot.
From the Oriterlon :
Dr. J. O. Bofth, has purchased the in
terest of the Westfall estate in the two
livery burns He has also purchased
the Westfall residence.
Roy Irvine, has given up his position,
in the Hotel JoBephine, at Grants Pasa.
and will travel for an eastern publish
ing house. He will make his headquar
ters at Independence.
Rev. Haiman. nl Minnesota, father of
Mrs. Jerome Smith, of ihia city, haa ac
cepted a call ta the pastorate of the
Baptist church in this city. He will ar
rive here a bout the first of August.
A Good Book.
It ia A Century of American Litera
ture, a book of GOO pagea, Bplendidly
illustrated, being well classified and ar
ranged, covering the lives of one Hun
dred ol our authors, with a Bpecial de-
pal tment devoted to tue ten oescoi tne
world's books, another department
specially for students and teachers, the
whole a work of unusual merit. Al
bany will be canvassed for it.
Weather prediction : Fair tonigb t and
Friday, light lrost tonight.
Stanley Stewart reached home this
morning Irom Los Angeles.
Jack Hammill hat completed his con
tract at Eugene and ia borne again.
Mrs. Kate Burkbart, of Portland, will
leave San Francisco tomorrow on her
way borne from Arizona, where sbo has
been lor ner noaitn, wnicn many wii
regret learning ia worse.
Ex Governor W. P. Lord haB rf-vched
Salem ou bis return from South Africa.
Wood is wood thiB year. The city of
Salem secured 75 cords of big fir at
$3.26, but the next highest bid was
$3.95, indicating that the prevailing
price in Salem is $1
Under the new election of echool
teachers at Salem two foriaer Albany
teachers, who have been in the schools
of that city ler several years will retire,
Pr.-f. W. J. Crawford and Miss Ada
Dongas Corntv has a district attorney
with a stiff backbone. He hss caused
arrests, resultinn in $900 flues for gambl
ing and is on the watch for moie. The
flaindealer says it has knocked gambling
in that partot the state.
Following is the present condition of
the Lano Countv asaessment : Amount
ol original rolls. $195,328.76. Taxes
collected, $168,166.97. ReoateB, $4,-
372.56. Amount vet on rolls, most of
which will be paid under the "second
hall" payment
provniou in Ocober,
$22,789 24.
VUNK PARRISH. Oo Wednesday
evening. May 20, 1903, in the rooms
ol the groom in the Crawford B ock,
by Rev. W. P. White, Mr. Claud
Vunk of Albany, aod Miss Dell Pa
rish, of Lebanon, two well knoA-u
young people of the two cities
The wedding was private. Mr. and
Mrs. Vunk have tee beat wishes of i eatables on nand prepared lor encimp
many friends. meat.
KL .. .1
Hotel Arrivals.
JC Adelsdorfer, 8 F.
O E Perry, "
Win Bo-cow, Oakland.
Clyde Engle, Molalla.
John Christopher, Marlon.
F J Wetherhold, Macomb, 111.
G O Foster, Stay ton.
J M Healy, Portland.
W 8 Panl, Crabtree.
T E McKnight, Lebanon.
T L Hall. "
H D Sheldon. Eugene.
W P Smith, Porland.
Geo Hollingsworth, Mill City.
Miss M A Fisher, Portland.
J C Murry, "
H E Lounsbury, "
W A and li R Mansffeld, Tolo.
Asa Smith, Portland.
8 W Boyd, Medford.
General Ruel l uater, Staytou.
G H Tuoker, Portland.
J D Hlatt, Lyone.
B F Nye, OaBcadia.
H R Kay, Chicago,
Mrs S W Minthorn, Elkborn.
E J Parker, Salem.
Barney Martin, Brownsville.
TB Ford, Eugene.
W R South, Lebanon.
Amoa TusBing, Brownsville.
Emll Russel, NY.
J M Rice, Portland.
J L Thol. 8 F.
Vena Kearn, Edith Booth, Melvin
Booth, Inez Kearn, Lebanon.
Grace and Delia Bridges, Sodaville.
Dr Prill and wf. Scio.
o M Miller. Olair Miller. M E Miller,
JG R Miller and Bob M Miller, Halsey.
0 S McDewitt, Dallas.
W A Henderson, M W Walker, W W
PoweiB, C E Pugh and wf, Mrs 0 H
Young, A McMaetere and wf, Lebanon,
H E Flagg, Portland,
1 A Thompson, Sweet Home.
W R Wakefield, Toledo.
Capt. Stellmacher Honored.
From the Telegram:
Saiem, Or., May 21. As the Presid
ential party was leaving Marion Square,
President Roosevelt shcok hands with
Captain Stellmacher, of Albany, and
thanked him for hie presence and
that of biB company's. Then, as
be was driven to the street, be espied a
child, a danghter ol Key. W. U, Kantner,
who is a victim ol spinal trouble, ahd
who i constantly strapped on nor back
in a couch on wheels. The President
stopped his carriage, alighted and went
to tne cuua enoox tier nana and KieBed
her. She is a child of sweet, uncom
plaining temper, and she !b now the joy
ous recipient of congratulations by her
numerous friends. ;
Benjamin Wilson, a socialist orator,
will lecture at the court house tonight.
Foriy or fifty Albany people went to
Oorvallia this afternoon to attend the
interstate oratorical contest at that city
It is to be hoped the government's
weather prediction of fair, warmer for
tonight and Saturday will be verified.
Mr. George Hocbstodler haB dieplayed
artistit skill in the arrangement of a
neat hardware window at C, t. Allen &
The Railroaders agalnBt the Bines at
the Albany grounds tomorrow afternoon
at 3 o'clock. Admission 26 cents.
Both clubs propose to win.
The new plate glass front in at Obllng
& Hulburt's is one of the neatest in the
city. There wi.l be one with a corner
window in at Beam & Hogan's in a few
Palenta have been granted : O Gilt
ner. Portland. Ores.. bolt or snike Duller:
J N Stacy. Portland, Ureg,, letter seal
ing and Btamplng machine.
1. F. Hadley haa the contract for put
ting down the steel letter boxes at
twenty two of the street corners. They
are imbedded with cement and placed
lor permanent location. .
W. ti. Risley haa opened a law office
la the Flinn block In the rooms formerly
occupied by Judge Blackburn, where he
bas hie justice office also, prepared for
all kinds of trouble.
A fine picture of the lafe W. F, Alex
ander, received by O. H. Stewart todav
from Mrs. Wilbur Westlake of San Jose,
is a reminder of early Albany da-s when
Dr. Alexander wa Albany's leading
An able bodied young man struck an
Albany barber a few rniootea ago tor
assistance. "I'm a man with twelve
children to support," said the barber
"and do yon suppote I'm goln to give
money to a lazr fello v like you. Goto
A recent S. P. order was that the con
ductors on trains witn train ageniB
should ride on the engine. None of
them has yet done it, having bo notified
the heid officials. It ia a little the
worst fool order ever issued by a rail
road company.
Dr. E. R. Barker will leave tomorrow
morning for his Santiam timber claim
near the mines, wi'h a iarge outfit of
An interested and curious cr-wd ap
peared at 9 o'clock this morning at the
office of Justice Risley when the case of
the State- agt. Mrs. 1. M. Maxfield,
charged with intent to kill Otho
Hall, was called. District Attorney
Kelley and 1. J. Whitney appeared for
the state and Hon, J. K. Weatberford
for the defendant. The delendant was
present in person, tbonun she has been
id for several days. In fact got up from
her bd to meet Hall and her daughter
on the evening of the shooting. Exam
ination was waived and the defendant
was held under (200 bonds to await the
action of the cirauit court, bonds being
urnished. Tne cae has oaused a great
eal of comment, with a universal ex
pression in favor uf the defendant.
A New Law.
A new law going into effect yesterduy,
is the inheritance tax law :
The tax anolies cnlv to estates v ith an
appraised value ol mote than ( 10,000
ana tne lax is 10 oe u-niuuieu uuiy u-uu
the excess of $0000 that may go to any
one person, iu the case oi an wnerit-
ance by an uncle, aunt, nepnew or niece
tbs tax win apply t j tne excess oi zuuu
passing to any one person, On bequests
to relatives farther removed or to - trang
era che tax will apply to the excess of
5no naesiOK to anv one person. Itap-
nlifln r.n all nronertv comintr within the
jurisdiction of the Probate Courts ot this
state wnicn euau paaa uy win i on.u.oD
of inheritance, or by aeed or gilt 1 1 con
temptation of death or intenned to take
effect after the death of the grantor,
gifts to charitable institutions evcepted.
Stereopticon Lecture.
At the Fiist Presbyterian Church
Friday night cf tbie week, at 8 o'clock
will be given a fine exhibition of 90
slides, made from the negatives taken
by Rev. Mr. Reed, on his Palestine trip
All 90 are colored, and have not been
seen in color by an Albany audience,
and nearly ball ol them have never been
ebown at all in Albany. A racy des
cription of the picturea has been pre
pared by Mr. Reed, and will be read by
President Lee. The picturea are divid
ed nearly in the proportion of 30 to
Egypt, 30 to Palestine and 80 to Paul's
citiea and Europe. Let the house be
filled. The entertainment will have to
begin promptly at 8. Admission at 25c
and 15c.
Heard Dr. Willits Twice.
Supt, Adams says of Mr. Willits,
is to lecture here Monday night.
"I have heard Mr. Willits "Sunshine
lecture twice and I want to hear it
again. It ju9t glistens with the sun
shine ot good cheer, une goes away
with a more elastic step saying this old
world of ours is worth the battle alter
all. ThiB lecture is the cheeriest,
breezyest lecture on the platiorm to
day. Albany misses a treat if it does
not turn out to see it, hear it and feel
it." I
The Southern Carnival Co.
The Stockton Independent Eaya of the
Southern Carnival Company to be in
Albany Jnly 6 11: 1
The Southern Carnival Company,
which furnishes all of the attractions
and acts, ha; aUays particularly called
attention to the high moral Btatus of all
of the Bhows and it certainly demon
strated last evonlng that it keeps its
word as there is not one single act pre
sented but what any lady can witness
and enjoy. No tough or BUgestive
turns are presented and everyonj who
oa the various attractions expressed
themselves well pleased with them.
Naturally some of the shows are better
than otbeiB, while still others are of the
freak order,yet all ol them were enjoyed
by the Crowd .
The stadium la undoubtedly the larg
est, gnd best show of the entire lot and
probably never in the history of vaud
eville have so many high-priced acta
been DreBented for bo little money.
There are several turns that are entirely
new and nothing ol the kind bae ever
been seen in Stockton. The cycle whirl
alone is worth the price of admission,
not to Bay anything of the Japanese ac
robats, ureamiano is also quite a nov
elty and a great feature, which Lorita,
the armless wonder, and the electric
theater are most entertaining and un
Mrs. E. L. Power and danghter Edith,
ot Lebanon, are in the city on a short
Tho Guards of the L O.T M., will
meet to ni- ht at 7:30, and all members
should be on band.
Mr. Bei Holmes, the victim of the bee
tree accident, acrosB the river, is grad
ual! improving and ib considered out of
Hon. Binner Hermann, No. 13 in the
June election, passed through the city
tbii noon for Toledo, where he a ill
speak tonight and no duubt fill tbem up
On tnat f l,uzo,uw oiory ui urn.
row nlgbt be will apeaa be uorvaine.
Rev. R. Pierce returned this noon
(mm Rnina where he has been several
months. He has organized a Nazerine
Church, an organization with features of
the Metboduta ana jungieKuuuunir.
and nill move with bis family to thm
citv next week to reside. Boise now baa
a nnnulation of about fifteen thousand
and is growing very rapidly, a live,
prosperous business and home city.
Tha calico party by the Degree ol
Honor given last evening was enjoyed by
a lama uumbL-r. I o the carpet rag sew
ing Mr. Spienger of Lebanon abowed the
best bringing up and carried ol the
nrlra. A Dleisiuii program was ren-
Harpri ftanaittioB of a piano solo by Miss
Gale Hare, one of Luln Euan's iniinit
able recitation, "In the Usual Way, ".a
niano miet hy Mrs. Ketchnm and Miss
Fava Mount), a Bona by Barbara Dorgan
"Down Whore the Cotton Blossoms
Hn " and a niano solo by Conrad Met er.
II anthnaiaiticallv received. There
was a cke walk in which A. D. Barter
and ,;rs. Farley carried off the honors
no matter where the prize went. Sev
eral distinguished themselves socially
1U UUQ 1 1 1UD nan " - "J -
A High Honor Conferred on the
President of Albany College.
President W. H. Lee, of Albany Col
lege, this noon was formally notified by
(be Nashville College ol Laws that the
title of LL. D. had been conferred upon
biui, an honor his many friends will ap
preciate, one deserved by his splendid
wcrk in the cause of educatiun. The
responsibility for the honor ia not stated,
but there are some pretty good guesses
being made.
Hurrah for Dr. Lee.
Deeds recorded:
John Kampti to Theo Cowiiz,
108.28 acres $ 7579
P W Starr to Geo Attig, 180 acres. 4500
OTOtterson to W C Stearns, 160
acres 920
R D Cooper to J D Bennett,60xl00
leet, Harrieburg 170
J A lilyeu admr to S V Hall, 160
acres 400
J F Davis to M J McCartney, 203
acreB 4500
Mary Warner to J M Keith. 83
acres ; 7C0
O D Hall to U D OhatQeld, 6
N R Peobler to P M Scroggio, 11
lots, Lebanon
S Kvans to J H Drury, 247 teres
FrBDk Williamson to Luella Bee
man, 160 anr e
G W Phillips to Anton Ltbersky.
200.44 acres 6013
P H Humphrey to E E Upmeyer,
8.68 acres 160
E W Beeman to Frank William
son, 160 acres .- 500
Patents Edward Rees, Patrick Kelley.
Alvies W Gaines.
A Harrisburg Accident.
From the Bulletin :
Mr. Ballai'd, owner of tbe ferry acroBS
the Willamette river, while crossing with
a farmer's family and a two-horse wagon
when midway of the r ver, ran his boat
onto a snag, which caused a strain on tbe
guy ropes sufficient to break one ol
them, leaving all tbe strain on the other
one. thus starting tbe pilot wneel at
fearlul whirl, wrenching it irom tne
hands of Mr. Ballard and striking him
in tbe sides with tbe spokes.teanng one of
bis ribs loose and beaking another rib
Farmer Wooley, who lives nsar by, hear
ing tbe cries for help, came to tbe reBcue
and with hla small boat landed them
aafelv ashore. Dr. T. C- Maokey wa
summoned, did all possible to be done for
tbe rebel ol Mr. Ballard, and minus ne
will recover without permanent injury!
A Rebecca lodge has been organized at
Halsey with 23 new members.
The President to-day ia in the midst
of the cities of contention on tbe Sound
Arnold's street fair, carnival and Orei
ental shows will open the Benson ut
DallaB June 3.
Judge Boiso wante $5,100 from the city
of Dallas on account of some proposed
waterworks interfering with bis proper
ty there. It will be tried befaro Judgo
Burnett next Monday.
The Democrat acknowledges an Invi
tation to the graduating exercises of the
RoBeburg high school, to take place to
night, i be class consists ol Edna Pars
ley. ICithryn Fullerton, Ella Black,
Fred Adams, Gertrude Ram, Lillian
Stanlon, Bessie May Kidder, Floyd
(J eve and Ramp and Thomas Town-
send. A fine picture of tbe members of
the class is seen through a bole in the
over. The oration ol Mr. Ramp, a
former Albany boy Is: "I am a Roman
Harrisburg Bulletin: Mrs. O. B.
Sacre-- and son, of Astoria, arrived in
Haninl.nrg last night on an extended
visit ti Mrs Dr. Mackey. Mrs. Sacrey
is the wile nf a brother of Mrs. .Mackey,
reBoonstble official of the Astoria &
Portland railroad. .. ,M)sa Lola- Senders
lett for Portland Tuesday, where she
will viait for a month at the home of her
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. S. May.
Before returning to Harrisburg Blie wut
make BDecial arransemente whereby to
keep poBted on tba fluctuations of the
poultry market.
Our immense line oi fireworks and 4th
of July novelties are now on display at
"Us Bugartiowi."
Three second band orgni. practically
aB good as new, for hall price of a new
A new circuit court case is Jennie
Ralston agt. M. J. Kalston, To quiet
title. J. J. Whitney attorney ior ine
A hana ball same thia forenoon be
tween the Central" and the MadieonB
resulted In a signal. victory for tbe Cen
trals by tbe score ol i to iz.
Hair, niark Bowers, of Ihe Ohristtan
Church, has heard Dr. Willits Sunshine
lecture and prnnnnnces it a uue ouu,
worthy of beliu hrarii by all. At the
U. P, church next Monday night.
ThoU. ofO r h team cs me to Alb
i v vesterda "' vent to Corvallis
afternoon t'.'n.eet the team of th
.t.O. Tne iikmcbat expeots to see
uuy the U.ol O. points in tne majority
all anhncribers to the Evening Tele
gram, who have not secured one, may
nacnre a Diciure oi rmniueu. iumiuuiD
KooBeveft by calling immediately at the
Sugar Bowl, 2nd street.
Nina wsiron loads ol luimigranta on
Ibeir way from California in Idaho,
passed through Albany tola Inrenonn
auractimr some aiieniion. mere
aara Hire laintlies anil a noil oi
children in the midst of the confused
aggregation. They croBied the big steel
bridge and went down the west eido.
Mr. Oh as. Reuter, of R. D. 6, in the tndav reoorts receiving $20 from
Woodmen Accident Association, ul
which he ia a member, on account of an
aidant awhile ago. He was using
manl when tbe finger of one ol his bands
was washed. He appreciates the benefit.
Prom the Cottage Grove Leader:
Alois ot less exoitemeot aas occas
ioned at the Central Hotel in this city
Monday morning by tbe finding of the
following note in a room where Lon Beck
bas been sleeping:
"To all whom It may concern. My
trouble is mote than I can bear, the way
my wife done, (ioodby, friends
Leonard O, Beck.
The note wus written on a botel letter
head, enclosed in an evelope and left
whero it could be easily found. Beck
came here a lev months ai-o with his
wile from Albany aud started a shooting
gallery. They stopped at the Central
hotel and no one stemed to know that
here waB any trouble or difference be-
ween tne couple. .lis. lieck wa- u wo
man 1 1 very attr clive personality,
modest, refined and readily madelrienda
wltn all tne boarders and Mr. Knnnek'B
family. One tlay it waa announced that
he waa going to Albany to visit friends
nd even Mr, Becc did not know that
she was going, never to return A few
days later Beck received a letter telling
nim uiat sue uad lett mm lor g od, and
ne toon a train lor Ainany, but returned
without hieaponee. He told hie mends
that his wife had quit him and s emed to
neimucu aueciedby tbeattair. He irank
heavily about line timo and several
times dropped a hint that be intenned
to take his own life, and while under
Ibe influence of nhiBkev did tase a dose
of some kind of poison, but tho whiskey
in ins system counteracted the etteot ol
the poison and Joe Korinex took the
bottle of poison away from him and de
stroyed it. He sold his shooting gallery
one day last week and stayed around
uere unui bunuay, giving an evaBiye
answer 'o inquiries as to what be in
tended to no, ne waa last seen at tue
ball game Sunday afternoon, but it was
not thought strange that be did not ap
pear at the hotel, until tha above note
was found. Some of those who knew
him best while here express the belief
that tho man bae go -e to some secluded
spot and committed suicide, but there is -no
positive evidence ol this. He had
some mnnev and did not owe any one a
cent, and bad no reason to skip out,
While here Beck worked in J. B. Till-
otson'e piling camp, he and his wife
malting tueir nome at the boarding
houses of Mr. 'Ramsey and Mrs. Howard.
Mrs. Beck became acquainted with Ed
Strawzer. who run a shooting gallery,
and it is claimed that she left her hus
band on his account and went to Wood
burn, where Strawzer ia running a gal
lery, which caused Beck to take the
couree he has. Mr. Beck's father re
sides at Monmouth and he has two
aisters living at this city. .
Otbo Hall, recently shot by Mrs. Max
field continues in bed, considerably
worse than waa at first thought. At the
wound there is a big swelling, with signs
of a rupture, and should inflammation
set in it might prove serious.
To tho heirs, legatocs ami other porsons
interested in the estate of Martin Payne,
deceased :
You and eich of ycu are ho:eby noliBed
that the undersigned exeoutor ol said
estate has filed his final account therein
in ths County Court of Linn county,
Oregon, and that said court has set Sat
urday the Gib tlay of June, 1903, at the
hour of One o'clock p. m. ol Bnid day as
the lime for heiring and settling all the
objections to said final account, where
fore, all persons having any objections to
said final account are hereby notiScd and
required to appear und file tne sntuo ia
said court on or before Ono o'clock d, m.
on the 6th day of June, 1903.
Da'ed this 8tb day ot Moj, 1903.
B. M. Paynk,
Execulor of the enato of
Martin Pavno, deceased.
W, It. Bilvku,
Attorney tor Executor.
the undeisigntd has been duly no
pointed by tho County Court of the Statt
of Oregon for Linn County administrator
ot tbe estuto ol jonn Brjunt, deceased.
All persons having claims ugainst said
estate are heieby required to present the
Bame to me properly verified, as by law
required, at my office in Albany, Oregon
within six months Irom the date hereof!
Dated this 11th day of April, 1903,
H. Bbyant.
Administrator of tbe eBtate of
Johr Bryant, deceased.
-1- under und by virtue of an order and
decree duly made and entered of record in
and by tbe Ulrcuit Uourt of the state of
Oregon, for Liun County, on the 1st day
of April, 1903, wherein W. R. Ray and
A. d. Kay were plaintiffs and B. V. Kay
and Wm. Ray, her husband, were de
fendants, and authorizing and directing
W. 8, Rislpy as sole Ueleree uf the said
plaintiffs and defendants above named,
to make sale of the lands, hereinafter
described, that I will on the 6th day of
June, IOCS, at the hour ol One o'clock p.
m. of said day, at the front door of the
County Uourt House of Linn Conjty,
Oregon, offer for sale at pullio auction to
the hignest bidder tberelor toJ cash In
hand, all the -ight, title and interest of
tbe said p'aintiffs and defendants above
nanua, in and to the following described
premiBes, to. wit:
'the West half of Ihe NortheiBt quarter
of Section fife, and the Kust naif ol ths
Northwest quarter of Section five, con
taining 101.04 acres, also, the Northwest
qua-t' r of the Southeast quarter, and the
Noithtast quarter ol the Southwest
uarter of said Section Five containing
aeros. all IipIdu siltiau-ri in Township
iu. souin ot ninge 1, bii't ci the Will
amette Meridian, Oregon, and containing
in all in Ihe ai'gii'ualo 241.64 acr. more
or les. nil Ivirg and being vituate 'in
Jiinn County, Oreuon;
Such sit e 'o be mads tubjsct to the t p
proval and coinHrmatnn bf said Circuit
Dated this 8th dv of May, ISMS.
Sole Referee.