Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, April 17, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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Went to Mill City.
Misses E French, N Miller, B Turner,
M Gitlieb, B Cameron and F Nut
ting, i be Florodora Sextette, with Miss
Emma Sox as accompanist, Ora Simp
Bon as reader, Mrs. Fluella Turner as
chapernne and Mr, Wesley ire. pres
ident . Ihe traca team of ihe colloge, as
business marker lelt this morning for
Mill Citv.where they will Rive a concert
tonight. Price o! admission 50 cents.
0. A. McFailand, a tormer college stu
dent, has acted as advance agent, and a
good audience is anticipated. The tsx
tette will Bio "Rosey-Posey,' "Molly
Shannon," 'Iv'e a tunny, Funny.Feel
ing," "Has Your Mother Any More
Like You," ."Rainbow Ooon," and
'Dreamy Eves." Miss Simpson win
recite four numbers, Misses French and
Miller will be beard in solos and the
Sextette will give the laughable farce,
At the Post Offfcc.
Somo more of the fixtures and appar
atus for the post office under the carrier
system arrived this morning and are
being olaced l-i position. Everything
seems to be for the convenience of the
inside regardless of the public. There
are three openings about Beven feet high
for letters, eo high that children will
have to take step ladders to reach them,
and one big opening lower down for
packages. The letters drop into boxes
over the stamping table and down upon
the tables merely by letting the bottoms
Hnnrn Th nafVaonn tro to the floor. A
large wicker partition will jeperate the
money order and register departments
from the main pari 01 mo "'"
There ';: more to come.
Former Albany Man Dead.
A telegram was received by Mrs. G.
W. Simpson of Portland this week in
forming her of the death of her father,
Mr. M. N. Keck after a short illness
with BrightB disease, at Bellevue Ohio.
Mr, Keck and family were for many
years residents of Albany. His wife
and eeven children survive him. Mrs.
Keck, Helen, Deborah and Crystal live
in Bellevue, Mrs. G. W. Simpson at
Portland, Mrs. W. A. Mack et Pendle
ton, and Newton and Mifllin at Chicago,
Assessed Too Low.
Timber land in Linn county is
ftseesBed at $2 and less an acre, perbapB
. some slightly more. It is the same else
where in tbe state.
The Democrat calls the attention of
the county officials to the fact that this
is too low compared with the assessment
of other property. Good timber land is
worth at least $15 an acre. As consid
erable of this land is owned by outsiders
it is only right that the assessment
should be in keeping with that of other
Card of Thanks.
With a. deeply grateful eense of the
unremitting kindness of our friends and
neighbors, including the A. F. & A. M.,
O. E. 8., I. O. O. F., and employers oi
theS. P. Co., during our recent aillic
tion, we take this means of making a
partial acknowledgment of the appre
ciation we fuel, awaiting a time when
we mny bo able to give perajnal ex
pression of our indebedness.
iMi:3. A. B. GnidGS ano Family.
' "M . John Burkhart returned this noon
Iron. "i i sp to Salem.
Lv.. t UcVlahon, of Salem, a former
edit. . nt to the Hay this noon loaded
down Rune and dogs,
Mrs W. H. Holman, a society leader
of Albany, is visiting friends in this city.
Portland Journal.
Among tbe delegates to the democratic
congressional convention from Washing
ton county will bs H. Taylor Hi'l, a
brother tf Dr. J. L. Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. John Jones, of Portland,
lor many years residents oi Albany,
.oi thrnneh the city this noon for
Halsev, where they will viBit until next
wnipdav. when they will come to
Albany for a visit.
General Bob Hendricks, editor of the
Silom Statesman passed through the
city this noon for Eugeue to attend the
congressional convention and yell for
Gatch. Col Ernest Hoter pass-d up
yestflrday with his pencil and pipsr in
hand writing on Ibe jump.
i Wcstgate, ot this tuts, bought
, horses at a big horse ea e of
SlXd stock in Portland this week
The board ot directors yesterday set
.v, time for the closing cf the public
tbe i this year June 19, three days
later than ueual.
n ihnir moetiDg last evening lb- Odd S. 0. Worrell, E. J.
Seeiey and John Kooison delegates to
?he coming grand lodge.
combers of the Pegr.e of
TTmTnT went to JefferBon this morning to
adTconventionof.ho order to be
held there this week.
TiuvenUebUe ball Warn of Albany
. Irte a-rnumentt to play a Salem
has made -ru Th(J A,b
earn n the e gcualtz
team on tbe Eases, Tor-
the field.
VZ rto--is tt-t'i". .n.tcbantile
ing the ' rtied Wjth
tablishtucuv ... - j placo,o(
u?ly crih,ilom"thand the capital
n8inY,Vn00 divided into 150 shares
H R J and L. B. Moscb:
U ' . ..ountv delegation to the
The UOL?veuiion is .s follows: I.
democratic consul. on . R y
b "'ii 1 Col'man.J. 8. Medley,
Veeich, b. i Viu K skiDrih. L. M.
e. l). ai v,-; nd,.n. w. w.
It was recently stated that Eugene
would bs the headquarters of Mr. Sam
White, chairman of the state democratic
committee in the coming congressional
campaign. Ibe rortlana Journal 01 last
evening states that Albany will be Mr,
White's headquarters, and the campaign
will be managed by him from this city.
Mr. White will come to Albany tonight
and remain until after tbe convention
on Saturday, when he will go to Boise
to attend to the Jefferson banquet on
the 13th and then come back to Albany
with business in his eyes prepared to
give the republicans the best we have in
the coming campaign.
At a meeting of the directors of tbe
Home Fire and Marine Insurance Com.
pany, of California, held at San Fran
cisco recently Jos. Webber, jr., a former'
Albany young man, was elected assist
ant secretary of the company. In noti
fying agents of the election of Mr. Web-i
ber, and two others to better positions
the President says: "These gentlemen
have long been connected with the
Home Fire and Marine Insurance Oo.
and their election to positions of in
creased responsibility was official recog
nition of loyalty and ability they have
displayed." Joe's many Albany friends
are glad to know of bis promotion.
Mr. Nordvke. of Iowa, has bought a
prune orchard and dryer here.
Dr. A. D. Morrrisnn visited some of
I kl. liAa loot wool. TTo haa
atlache(j tne m. D. to his name and will
locate eomewnere in Eastern Oregon.
A large amount of wire fence is being
pnt around farms here which makes
them secure from the. intrusion of
breach y Btock.
A chicken pie social' at the U.'1 P.
church next Friday evening by the
Woman's Missionary Society.
Rev. G. E. Henderson, of She.'man
county, is visiting friends here.
The recent rains has pot a stop to
farming operations and the farmers are
taking a much needed rest.
Prof. Miller's school closed last Friday
at this place and he commenced teach -ing
at Bellplain tbe next Monday.
The road supervisor has repaired the
roads and put in tile in all the low
Hr. Earnest Stone has returned from
Portland on account of poor health and
will spend part of the summer on the
Mr. Robert L. Smith has returned
fr"m a visit to California.
Some of our Indian war veterans are
getting anxious about taeir pensions,
ten months pay is now due them.
Nothing Like It.
Beaty Bros, moving picture show con
sists of 50,000 of the latest moving
pictures and the latest illustrated songs
sung by Prof. Hadley of New York.
This show is not to be classed with the
so called moving picture shows of which
tnere are eo many travelling nowadays.
It is an acknowledged faet that the
Beaty Bros, have the only six moving
picture machines on earth with tbe
Diamond Projecting Ltns. Beaty Bros,
had these machines made to order last
Jan, They have eix sprockets that do
away with all that quiver. Most of the
Beaty Bros, pictures are colored and
cost $.50 per foot, while the ordinary
picture costs $.10 per foot. At the
opera house April 14.
The N. P.'s Taxes.
The Weyhaeuser Timber Co., yester
day paid $1962.21 taxes to Linn county.
This is the property owned by the
Northern Pacific and held under the
name mentioned, being a part of the
graft given the company in lieu of a lot
of worthless dirt and limbs up around
Mt. Ranier.
Letter List.
Following is tho list of letters remaining
In the Postotiice at Albany, Linn county,
Uregon, April 8, 1903. Persons calling
for these letters niut give the date on which
advertised :
Chase, Henry H
Elder, Mrs Mm
Syear,E;q.,W H
Reastman, Mr O H
Read, Mr W E
Stronger, Mr F J
8.S. Tbain, P. M.
Mre. I. A. Finch, is registered today
at the Hotel Portland. PortlandiJour
nal. The Democrat has a'.w.tya advocated
tbe patronage of home institutions. That
is the way to build up.
Delegates to the congressional con
vention at this city Saturday upon pre
senting a receipt for full fair coming will
be gran e l a return ticket at one-third
the regular fair.
The following Chicago dispatch shows
which way the wind is blowing:
Between 2,000 and 3,000 immigrants
passed through Chicago today for states
West and Northwest, This is the larg
est movement of the kind ever handled
in a single day by the railroads entering
here. The immigrants come from near
ly every country in Europe. Immigra
tion agents here declare that the pres
ent year will see all records for immi
gration and settlement in the Northwest
broken by a large majority.
The Telegram of last evening eaya
ther is a uiovemeui on fool in dnfu.u G
Y. Harry lor preiident of the Federated
Trades Uoions at the convention soon
to he held in LaGraode, giving M.ihe
lemon the charge that be has used thu
office for furtherance of hie own political
idvancement, Harry will te i:i Allan?
tomorrow and will speak in tbe evening.
lie is well liked by the members ol the
Union in this city and will undonh'edlj
get a good support through tbe valley lor
Absolutely Puro
Hotel Arrivals.
W O Bond, Halsev.
Balf Bond, "
J O Hammell, Corvallis.
F A Taylor. Portland.
Walter Hull, Hood River.
E M Walker, Halsey.
H A Weller, Brownsville.
H L Palmer, Seattle.
H E Lounsbury, ol the S. P.
S L Jones, S F.
ff A Stratton, Detroit.
T W Outhbert, Portland.
A R Woodcock, Corvallis.
D McCnrdy, Portland.
J V Strange, Portland,
W B Davis, Shedd.
Geo Cochran, Tangent.
G H Clarke, Lincoln, Neb,
G W Morrow & fam, Scio,
W 8 Hartzett, N Y.
J W Hutchinson, Portland.
Henry Jacob, 8 F.
H Lowenherg, Chicago.
J W McKinnon, Portland.
3 N Davis, McKinney, Tex,
S H Hemingway, Portland.
J D Buell,
JO Robinson, "
N Geo Nelnon, Chicago.
A F Rogers, Portland.
E A Reames, Jacksonville,
Hon U V Galloway, McMionville.
J A Whitman, Medford,
J D Heard, '
D H Miller,
O R Ball, Portland.
Dr E E 8traw, Marshfield.
Karl Bramwell, Halsey.
J A Wilson, Portland
R J Macauley, Hartford Oonn.
Frank Savage, Portland,
T A Ketchum, Portland.
Ed Wade, Toledo.
3 F Jones, "
Henry Nice, Waldport.
O E Hawkins, Toledo.
J O Fletcher,
EL Daly, Salom.
M N Richardson, Bcio.
L R Faircbild, Portland.
Rev Howard Osborn, Portland.
J W Klrkland, Independence.
H B Sprenger, 8hedd.
8 R Inch, Misaonla.
Geo T Baldwin, Klamath Falls.
A K Glover, Portland.
A Nnltner, , "
L A Long, Hillsboro.
W H Wehrung, '
F S Harding, McMinnville.
L O Thompson, Carlton,
A H 8ewell, Hillsboro.
J M Wall,
TARitchey, Forest Grove.
Wm SchuleBtnesch, Hillsboro.
C J Payee, Bollevill.
A O McKinnon, Amity.
L H Kirchem, Logan.
The Democratic Convention,
The democratic congressional conven
will be called to order at 10 o'clock tO'
morrow morning at the coart house by
Sam White, chairman of the state cen
tral committee. Mr. White and R, W.
Montague secretary, will be up tonight.
E. A Reames, of Jacksonville, who
will probably be nominated for congress
man, one of the bright men of the state,
with a clean record, is in the city . .
Another Fine Buggy.
The Stewart & Sox Hdw. Co. tot'ay
Bold to Jas. L. Irvin one of those Ballev
wa.ons. the finest buggies in the city
strictly up-to-date in etyle and finish.
These wagons are manufactured and
marketed by the Studebaker Bros. Mfg.
Co., which means an Al job that you
can depeod upon.
Don't miss the lecture this even
ing, April 10, 1903, at the opera house.
Picture, Song and Story, by Rev. G.
Howard usoorne, under the auspices of
the Ancient Order of United Workmen
Free Lecture . Come.
Mr. John Butterworfh. the postal
clerk, a former resident of Albany, is in
the city.
Mr. Mack Monteltn. of Portland, is
visiting at his mother's, Mrs, Margaret
rtionceim. i
Clyde Aehby came up from Portland
last evening called here by the serious
illness oi nis motner.
Mr. Jo. Dickinson is working for Ihe
electric light company at Portland, hav-
ng been in that city a week or two.
Tbe regular monthly meeting of the
Ib.ueday Musical Club at tbe Alco
parlors yesternar aiternoon was an in
teresting one. ihe subject was women
composer. The program consisted of
tlnee soogs t the octet, The Clover,
Toe Yellow Daisy and The Blue Bell, by
.vrs. dubcii ; a aKeico oi women com
pnenrB by Mrf. I'rol. Lee; a piano Solo
Dy miss u.noi, "moments Musical, "
enng Viol. Is, . Ellen Wright, bv M
Young; a reading jUlara Bchumann, by
Wise Felix; .u;io solos "Melodie,"
Krogman, ".Vii Terefita," Careno, by
Miss lladdie Paraer, Annio Laurie bv
the Ononis and a piano solo, "Gavotte,
Clara, by Mrs. R, L. itnrk-hRrt,
Capt. n, B. Humphrey dted to-day
at bis rooms in tbe Franklin House of
eancer in tbe throat,
lie was born in Louisa Co., Iowa Jan.
30. 1840, on a farm. He was admitted
io the bar at Albia in 18U1, and at once
enlisted as an orderly serpeant in D Co
22nd inlantry. He ws in the ranks
nine months, a hen he was elected first
lieutenant and was soon promoted to
the captaincy. He was in the (root in
the battle of Vieksburg and served
bravely through the war, the idol of bis
company. Oi 106 who enlisted in the
company only 20 came out alive He
caiue to Oregon in 1863 and resided at
Aloany since except a fow years at
Pendleton, where be loBt a leg. He was
district attorney, a me.nber of the state
as senator and representative legislature
in 18S2 and mayor and recorder of Al
bany. One ol the bright men of the
state. A wife and one child, residents
of Polk county survive bim, also two
brothers, George, of Portland, Hobs, of
Blaine, Wash,, and three Bisters, Mrs.
W. Q. Stewart, of this city, Mrs. Uoon,
of Walla Walla, and Mrs. BurmeBter, of
Yandergrift, Pa.
The funeral eerVice will be beld at the
residence of 0. H. Stewart Hundsy after
noon at 3 o'clock. Tbe G. A R. will
asBiit in tbe burial.
Miss Gause's Oration.
In connection with tbe Btale oratorical
iquabble a ptofessor of the state univer.
slty accnBea MIsb Gauss of Newberg,wbo
received the second prise, of inventing
hiBtory in her oration on "The Spirit of
John Marshall .'' The professor criti
cises her on three points. First ber state
ment that Man Dull as tue nrai su-
nreme judge, "whereas Jay was the first
Buoreme judge," but Jay waB the first
chief nstice, and the spirit of her Ktate
ment ib probably misconstrued. Second,
her statement that "trance learneu
from his lip" tbat America would pay
millions for defense but not one cent lor
tribute," words of Pinckney, but as
a matter of fact in connection with a
mission in which Pinckney. Marshall
and Madison were tbe participants.
Third, the credit given to Marshall .( a
large portion ol the honor of securing
the adoption ol tbe constitution by tbe
Viraina ratifying convention, belonging
to Madison. On Feb. 4, 1901, Judge
Geo. H. Williams delivered an addretB
on jobn Marshall before tbe legislative
om hi u nf the state of Oregon, In
whinh. nn this Bubiect. be said : "Patrick
Henrv. James Monroe anr. ueo. uiaeou
were tbe leadeie ol tnose opposed to he
constitution: ana )ohn Marshall, Jamee
Mad eon and Mmutia nauau'pu were
tbe leaders of those who lavorea its rat
iflr.atian." After all the U. of O. professor boouib
to be straining at a gnat. JMrinenty
Mies Gause did not invent history.
The Beaty Pictures.
You will see suoh pictures as "An Old
Maid from New York," "Jack and tbe
Beanstalk," in ten beautilul colored
scenes, "UnexhaustibleG ab," I guess
that Will aOlU you ur awuuu, --neaaBDiim-
tion ol President McKinley," "His
Funeral," "The Electrocution of Ozil
oolz " "Who's Bov Are You," "i'n
AnntRastuB' Baby lhat'e Who's Boy 1
Am." Don't fall toeee"A Fisherman's
Gatcb," ' Oasey and the Street Roller,"
"A rat and Lean Man's Wrestling
Match," "A Mau with our Heads,"
"Capture of Bihble BroB, Outlaws,"
"Carrie Nation and Her llBtchet,"
Battle scenes, boat scenes, train scenes,
comic Bceuee. Keaty Bros, come to our
city veiy h ghly recommended.
Salt Lake Tribune says : '-Beaty BroB.
played at Salt Lake Theater Friday, Oct,
24, and gavo universal satisfaction.
April 14 at the oueia honoe.
Admission 25, 35 and 60 cents.
Another Cigar Factory.
Mr. Herman Schlirf, an experienced
cigar maker, haB rented rooms in the
Ralston building near tno corner oi
Broadalbin and Second and will start a
cigar factory as soon as hiB material
and equipment arrive. This will give
Albany two lactones.
Prnf. Horner, of the College, left to
day for Seattle on a ehori trip.
Orgesna Encampment i. u. u. e. are
Latrine for a goou time lO-.'llgm.
Candidates will be exalted to the R. P.
degree after which refreshments will be
tu r.orimii nf the Modern .Travellers
are pursuing the canvass for the maga
zines for the reference library. Tbe
magines will be conecteo neit, wobk.
Dn. F.. 8. Hnftord. author of Throw
n,,iihLile Line, will speak at the
Baptist church tonight. He is also a
mht.tlnrnnd a firBt class entertainer
generally, but above all a very earnest
j (an Hoar him
(nan. rio uummmuu
mi, Toiuoi-am nf Ufit cveainK contains
a picture oi Kev. E. L. Joces, who re-
. it..! In t iAn ArtttnviAal
centiy won uo .........
contest in thiB city. The col ege people
... niMont Mr. Jones will make a
strong pull lor first place in the state
contest, no io u w.v.v.
has a good oration.
Tho rinmmercial Oommlltee of the
Alco Clnb Is in correspondence with
Borne eastern men in reference to the
i..,t.n nf a carriage factory in lli'f
city. This is the beBt location in this
state for such a factory, and It is to be
hnned this city is selected If the men
decide to come io Oregon
J, A. Perry, ol Medford, a former
Linn county mar, a delegate to the
coming demotratij congressional con
vention, arrived in Albany yesterday
afternoon on a visit previous to the con
vention. He states that Southern Ore
gon damocrata generally want E. A.
Reames as the nominee lor congreesuisn
and there is a Btrong belief that he enn
make things arm in Southern Oregon
lor Blnger.
J. M. Lawrence, of Portland, has been
appointed U. S. commissioner at Bend.
Lane is the first county to have a dia
i.lay in the Union depot at Portland, in
the rooms of the Oregon Iniormation
Bureau. Linn and other counties had
tauter do some acting.
As predioteJ by the Democrat Hon.
Binger Hermann, of Douglas county,
Ex-JongKeBinan and U. 8. Land Com.
miseioner until to,d to go by the admin
istration, was nomiualed ! r congress
man by the republican convention a
Eugene. It occurred on tbe 2Jrd hallo'
at 12:30 o'clock this murniog, after the
convention bad been in couttuual eeesiou
from 2:80 p. m Herman received 95
votes, Gatch 72, and there were several
catterlng, in all two more than in tbe
convention. Tbe Linn delegation all
voted for Gatcb ou tho final ballot. The
Eddy and Vawter de egations went to
On the first ballot Hermann received
79, Gatch 42, Kelly 40, Vawter 12 and
Brownell 1 Hermann's vote increased
to 82 on the fourth ballot, Gatch's to
54, Kelly dropped to 25 and then there
Has a eesaw until the fiual ballot. Kelly
received 37 for several ballots.
The Albany delegation returned home
on the morning train.
Linn County Inventors.
O. A. 8now & Co., of Washington,
D. 0., whose advertisement haa appear
ed in tbe Dkmochat for a gooi many
years, have secured patents for the fol
lowing Linn ununty men: Miles K,
Lewis, Julius W. Flower, Timothy
Wandel, Edson W. Beeman, of Albany -,
Riley H. Curl, of Brownavitle: Gnr. R.
Gay, of Orawfordsville; Clark R. Long,
Isaac A. Crisp, Jas. A. Stevenson, nf
Halsey: Jesse W. Arehart. of Harris.
burg; David L. Fry, of Lebanon; Geo.
Brown, ol Hantiam: John Duncan, of
Shedda, and John W. Gay of bodaville.
Louney's Easier goods at the Elite.
Spring lamb for Eaater at Schultz
A soft Bnap at the House Furnishing
Go's : a window full ol pillows.
A freh batch of Chocolate China made
at the Elite every two daye. Always
A barrel ol tbe James Maule sugar iuat
received by Parker Broe., from Ohio.
t he genuine stuft.
Special bargains in oak bed room sets
at the House Furnishing Go's. Sea the
gooas anu get tue ngures.
The Elite is Albany's un-io-date
Candy store. New fixtures throughout
tne entire store, including five private
Call on Leo Cohen, wbo has charge of
the Block of goods recently owned bv P.
uoueu tor oargaina in general merchan
G. Y. Harry, president of the 8tato
federation ot Labor will address tuecit
izens and wage earners of Albany nt the
opera House tonight, everybody In
vited. All members of the G. A, R. and old
Boldiers are req'ieBted to meet at the G.
A. R. ball tomorrow aiternoon at 2:30
o'clock to attend the funeral of Capt. N
B Humphrey in a body.
Rev. R. Vernon colored evangelist o'
Portland will hold a BerieB ol Revival
Meetings in the Vance Building on 2nd
St near LyonB. Services every night
night this coming week. All are cor
dially inviteu to attend.
Tne Degree of Honor convection at
Jefferson was a success. A part of tbe
opening program was the response to
the addross of welcome by Mrs. Kelley,
of tnis city. The Review says: "A
better looking, more intelligent or more
sociable lot ol ladies never met with,"
The Florodora Sextette Company re
turned last oveuiug from their trip to
Mill uny, wnere ttiey nau a pleasant
time and were well treated by tbe
pleasant people of that city. Griff and
Engletiart particularly placed Ihem
eelvep under lifelong obligations by
many favors.
Officers of tbe Temple Oommnndory
No. 3, K. T elected April 10, H03: O
E Wolverton, E 0; Wm E Fratier,
Genl: DOAgler. O G: D P Mason.
-Prel ; P D Gilbert, S W ; L O Marshall,
J tv ; B w L,anguon, rreas, J r. ual-
braith, Kecorder; Geo Jb HlmpBon bid
Bearer; Wm E Yates, 8wd Bearer;
Edward Washburn, Warden, Wm E
Baker, Sentinel.
Around the World.
Rey. E, 8. Ufford, author of the fam
oub song, "Throw Out tbe Life-lino,"
who is on a tour around the world, is to
be here over Sunday and speak and sing
in a union service at tbe Christina
church at 4 o'clock. At 7 :30 he will do
liver another address which will be held
in the BaDt is t church. Life-lines. buov.
megaphone and hawser are need to ren-
Oer tue eurvicu vivm. a vunecbiuu will
be taken at each service to aid Mr,
Ufford on his miseionary journoy of
2sn';o mileB.
Mr. Ufford Is possessed of a wonderful
gift of whietling and is requested at each
of his song services to render some of hie
ahistliog solos. Two of his life-lines
which he carrin. have seen actual serv
ice in the rescue ol twenty-three sailors
on t ie New England coast.
L fo Guards.
T a Life Guarui no two rogimonts of
cavalry forming part of Ihe British house
bold troops. They aro gallant soldiors,
aim every loyal li.-itisn heart is proul of
them. Not only tbe King's household,
but yours, ours, everybody's should havo
its life guards. The need of tbem is es
picially groat when the greatest foea of
life, diseases, find allio in tho very ele
ments, as colds, lnlluenz.i, catarrh, tbe
grip and pnournonia do in the Btorui)
month of March. Tbe 'best way that we
know ol to guard against these diaeaaes is
to strengthen tho ivatcm with Hood'a
rtarparallia--tho greatest of all lifeguards.
It removes the conditions in which those
diseases uiaKo their most successful at
tack, gives vigor and tone to all tho vitui
organii and functions, and inipar'i n
g, nial warmth to tin bleod. Rometn'io
tlie woaker the system tbo greater th
exposure to disease. Hood's Sar.iapi
ri lu makes the system strong,
Born in Albany cn ihe evening of
A pril 10, to Mr and Mrs. F. C. Daunals,
a daughter.
Miss S',1. e, the uiieaionary captured
oy the Bulgarian bandits, will De to
iu A.lhi iy April 27
Mrs. Jteato Teeters, of Portland, Is
visitint; at her m ither'e, Mre. N. H.
A heeler's. She has neen ill recently.
Robert K. IlartBock. formerly a etn-
dent ol Albany College, is in the city at-
tenotng tne Democratic Congressional
Convention as a delegate from Douglas
W. W. Powell, formerly of Tangent,
bo moved to Eaton. Colo., where be
got a fitl of cold enap, has Bettled in
u mugutmur, uKiauooia.
Mr. S. R. Inch, an nleetricftl AnorinnAr
of Montana, ia in the city to advise in
connection with improvements io the
electric lignt plant, soon to be begun on
an extensive scale.
F. B. Tiukle. who has been in a
photograph sallerv at 8an Rnrnardinn.
Calif., tbe past year, iB in the city.
Upon his return he will be accompanied
by bis family.
One Of Polk County's dnlnotalAn In tho
Democratic convention today is Glon
Ireland, fornibrlv one nf the leading-
football men of the Monmouth Normal
School, wbo is wellknowu to local col
lege students.
Lucius A. Long, editor of the Hills
boro Argua, F. 8, Harding, o! tbe Mc
Minnville Telephone Register, Ira L.
Oampbell, of tbe Eugene Guaid and J.
Liattirop, ot the Portland Journal are
among the newspaper men attending
tbe Democratic congressional conven
tion. Mis. Canter, of Portland. Robert aad
Clyde Aebby of Portland, obildren, of
Mrs. Ashby, and H. F. and L, F. aunt,
nf nM, Hnlum h.n.Ka.a ... In tl.. !..
called here by the dangerous illness oi
Mrs. Ashby Mrs. Robert Fowler, of
Needles, Calif., is expected here tomor
mow morning.
D. O. Woodworth has been appointed
administrator of the eatato of Matet
Marshall. Estimated value of estate
$3,000. Bond tor U,000 died.
In OBtata of John Bryant, Hub Bryant
aipointed administrator. Estimated
value of eetate 15,O00. Bond filed.
License was Issued for tho marriage of
Wilbur P. Yates and Maud Wade.
Another Land Sale.
S. N. Steele & Oo. have.'juat cloBed np
the sale of tbe old Michael farm of 310
acres, near Brownsville. The place
was owned by W. J. Keeney, and tho
buyer is J. M. Juiger from noar Walla
Walla. Price, $5,600.
Got Thirty Cents.
The job office of BrodieB Bros, was
"Merod laet night. The bi(o door had
been loft open, and the burglar, taking
a bit banging In the composing room,
proceeded to do up the money box,
which was locked. Opening it be found
tbo wordly possessions of tho priuter,
which bad been left, thirty cents, and
took it. A 49 check in the box was left,
not having been endorsed. If captured
tho man should be sent to tbe
asylum for robbing a print shop.
Congregational Church. Important
businobS meeting at 4:15 Sunday April
Our Prlce9? Well they are simply
all right. Try and see.
O. E, BitowNKU., Second St.
Crackers? Yes we have them
like the sample loft yon.
O. E, BllOtVNKU,,
Department of tbe Interior. United
StateB Land Ofilue, Oregon City, Oiegon,
olarcn iu, iuub,
A sufficient contest affidavit having
been filed in this office byOttoHerrling,
contestant, against homestead entry No.
12290, made Oct, 20, 1898, for 8. E. ,
Section 34, Township 8 S. Range 2 E, by
George I. French, i onteatee, in whioh it
is allegtd that Contestant "knows tbe
present condition of the same; also that
said entryman has not resided upon or
cultivated or improved said claim in any
manner whatever . for more than 12
months last past and tbat said alleged
absence from the Bald land was not due
to his employment in tne Army, Navy,
or Marine Corps of tbe United States as
an officer, private soldier, seaman or
marine, during the war with Spain, ot
dnring any other war in which . the
United StateB may be engaged" said
parties are hereby notified to appear, re
snood and offer evidence touching said
allegation at 10 o'clock, a. m. April 27,
1903, belore the Register and Receiver
at tbe United States Land Office in Ore
gon City, Oregon,
Tbe said contestant having, In a proper
affidavit, filed Feb. 20, 1903, act lorth
lacts which snow that afterduediligence
personal service of thla notice can not be
made, It was ordered and directed tbat
euch notice be given by due and prooer
publication. Cigo. W. Binge,
there will be a moeiimr nf the nk
holders of ALBANY WOOLEN MIl.t.M
at the oflico of The Firet National Bank
in AIDauy, Oregon, or tho 4th day ot
May, 1903, at the houi ol 2 o'clocn In tbe
afternoon of said day, lor the purpose of
considering Bnd voting ou the Toposi-
I'ou to sad and dwpoao ol all the prop
erty ol the o rporauuii and after paying
na obligation) to diatrlhuie theprootede
iiiouj; BiocunoiuerB; to wind up its
ni-inm and dieeolva the i-nrnoration. '
Alhanr, Urii4u, April 'J, 1P03.
B. K. Youxo,
P. A Goouwis, President.
Secret T
0h, L.Btive, F. A-n.uaPe.