Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, April 10, 1903, Page 1, Image 1

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    Albany Democrat
NO. 35.
FOB 8ALE. An open buggy in good
condition, at a bargain. Call on Rev.
W. W. Davis st tbe Baptist parsonage.
FOB RENT. Good house, 0 roomi. Call
on G. M. Payne, corner 4th and Jeff
erson streets.
POSTS. Some fine, well-seasoned oak
poate lor sale, on farm of W. E.
Rodgers,' 6 miles from Albany on
Wells road.
TO BEST. A bain with three stalls.
Hear Central School house. Inquire at
the Democrat office.
FOR SALE. At a bargain, Eve roo m
house, tiro lots, barn, chicken park,
fine garden. If taken before the 1st
of May will sbll for $1,200, $700 down
and the balance tosuit purchaser. For
further information call at cor. 9th
and Caiapooia, No. 936.
FARM FOR SALE. 300 a-:re3 half mile
East of Shedd, good stock or dairy
ranoh. Call on or write to Y. B. Mc
cormick. WOOD CHOPPERS WANTED in good
timber one mile and a half from Alb
any, at $1.00 a cord. Inquire of H.
Bryant or at Riverside Poultry Farm
SHEEP 32 head of young stock sheep
for sale. Call on Herman Leibner,
S miles from Albany on Tangent
FOR SALE. Some fine Scotch Collie
puppies at $5 each. Spencer Bicknell,
Corvallis, Ore.
EGGS. Highest cash price paid by Jaa
McOourt, near First and Ferry.
TAKEN UP. A Lewellyn setter, 6 yre.
old, white with brown ears, a hunting
dog. Call on the poundmaster.
FOR SALE. White Plymouth Bock
. eggs. $1.00 per setting. OlayWateon
Jr., 910 Ferry St.
FOR SALE. Lote in Wiight'e addition
to Albany, from $76.00 to $100.00 each,
only a dozen blocks from the PoBt
ofnce,lermB cash rr oh the installment
plan. Also several houses and lots for
sale in the city at bargains. I have
also a cjuple of good farms for sale
on easy terms. Address or apply to
Attorney G. W. Wright, Albany, Or.
RiPc SEED FOR SALE. Leave or
ders with John Robaon, Broadalbio
ttreet. Jno. Weisser, Spicer.
805 iT161 huaul ptatoland for eale
Will divi U u 1 1 suit par Aisera. In
quire of H. Bryant.
Headquarters for the celebrated RACYCLE, lVfiR JOHNSON and
Complete linn of Bicycle Sundries and Supplies
Fishing Tackle.
Bicycle Repairing a specialty and Novelty Work of all kinds.
2nd Street bt twoen Ferry and Broadolbin Street, Albany.
Finest assortment ever brought to Albany
All grades of the very best makes.
Flemish Tapestries,
Rajah Art,
Extra Superfine,
- Orientals and Granite, at the
Ml diseases treated, both 'acute
and chronic.
Terms reasonable.
OFFICE: . Broa.lalbin St. between 2nd and 4th. Phone Blaok 482.
Examination Free.
Cherru Pectoral
quiets tickling throats. Your
doctor will explain this. He
. fy . 1 J n lr Co..
knows. Trust him. tSitJ!
April 10 will be arbor day in Oregon.
A heavy tax payer today was the Leb
anon Wagon Boad Company, an agent
liquidating for the company.
Weatber predfotion: to night and
Sunday partly oloudy, with ehowers to
night, llvht froBt early 6unday mormngr,
warmer Sunday. Biver 5 5 feet.
Remember that on next Tuesday
evening the oratorical as well as the
musical contest takes place at tbe
Christian cbnrch. General admission
25 cents, 'children 15.
The women who are starting a news
paper in Chicago with the avowed pur
pose of telling tbe truth, tbe whole
troth and nothing but tbe (ruth, will
live in hot water if they really do it.
TdIs week, one night, a Chinese pheas
ant flew up tbe stairs in the Mcllwain
blonk. Mr. Graves, the night clerk at
the Rnvitrn taw him eo UD. and follow-
ng captured tbe bird, presenting him to
Uhrls vandran at ineuepot, wuo piaceu
him in his bird bonce.
Two Lincoln County sales are : First
National Bank ot Albany, Ore., to N. D.
Cunn, 12 lote in Bulord'a ad to Alexan
dria, $24. First National Bank of Al
bany, Oregon, to D. O. Woodworth, lot
4 tn blk 5 in BrasSelds 1st ad to Yaqulna
Height, $5. Reporter.
Rev. Edward Davis, who obtained
considerable notoriety on the coast sev
eral years ago, who lectured in Albany
once or twice, is now acting in the east
taking a star part in a melodrama
"Over Niagara Falls," written by him
self. Tbe drama shows how vice Is
punished and virtue rewarded.
Mies Eaton, of Oregon City, has been
nelected to succeed Miee Edith Aldereon
who resigned her position aB teacher of
tbe fourth grade of the Uorvallis publio
Rf-hoal. and took her departure last Sat
urday for Siskiyou, Calif, Miss Alder
son's mother is an invalid, and baB
been taken Eae-t for treatment by spec
ialists, and that voune lady was called
home to aisist in the care of the family.
Corvallie TimeB. MisB Alderson is a
sister of Mrs. B. L. Burkbart.
COW. For eale, fresh, a fine animal.
Call on J.; A. JNimmo.
3(1 nAntn. Thin in the nrica of th
Daily Deuocsat per month, by mall un
ecs paid in advance.
WANTED. By young man, a position
in a nrst-class creamery or dairy.
Have bad long experience in the East
as butte;maker and herdsman. Ad'
dress A. H. Carter,
Reedsvillo, Oregon.
Smith a Plagiarist.
Forland. April 3. Erastus A. Smith,
etudent at Mc&inneyille College, prize
orator at the recent state contest, held
in Eugene is charged with stooping to
purloin tbe intellectual property of an
otuer, , and to achieve fame through
irauu. ne nas, nowever, oniy ueen
censured by Ibe executive committee of
the Intercollegiato Oratorical Associa
Hon lor "groBB and cuipaDie careieBS
neee." Incidentally McMiauville Col
lege baa been debarred Irom participa
tion in the next annual oratorical con
test. BuUariana RisiuK.
Constantinople. April 3. Official ad
vices from Monaetir eay tbe Bulgarian
inhabitants of SO vill'ees ih the Okhrei-
da district, totaling 3000 men, and sup
ported oy tne bishop and a numoer 01
revolutionary bands, have risen against
the Turks. They -surrounded a email
detachment of TurkiBb trooDS in the
mountains northward of Okbreida, but
me troope.succeeded in cutting tneir
way out.
Clark Corning.
Washington. April 3. Maior William
Hancock Clark, oldest living nrandson
of William Clark, the explorer, notified
Senator Mitchell today that it would
give him great pleasure to accept the in-
mat city at the time President Koose
villi'a reception, and to participate in
the Lewis and Clark monument and
Exposition dedication exercises.
No Tariff Revision.
Washington. April 3. The Boston
speech of Secretary Root is regarded by
politicians nere an notice that the Ad
ministration desires no tariff revision at
the hrst session of the 58th Congress.
it ttie tarilt must be-revised then, says
tue administration, let the change be
made after. tbe Presidential election,
1O0O Killed. .
Itcnr.itf 4 A .1 . ..1. C
Constantinople dated at noon today, an-
iinnnfaa Iho, .Vtu R. L.n .I.. U .1
Turkish troops in the Okbreida district
u .uuguk n uHLiiu, anu inai muu men
nviojkumuur wounaeu.
A Boy Killed.
Eugene. April 3. Little Mike Kelly,
7 year old, eon of Mr. and Mrs. G . H
Kelly, met a bornbleddeath this after
noon. He attempted lo mount a large
nay wagon unven c-y .uruns Vitus, and
missing niB noiu leu in irontot the rear
wheel. The wheel passed over the hoy's
head, cruehing it beyond recognition.
From the News
Miss Dollie Dalev went to Albanv
Tuesday where she has accepted a
position in Marvin Turner'B confection
ery and oyoter parlors.
Fred Ficklin. of Albanv. and Bvron
Gill, of Corvallis, were visiting relatives
and friends in Scio over Bunday.
The telephone line to Jordan, is an
assured fact. Di. Frill has let the con
tract for poles to Mr. Irask, of Jordan,
and they are to be up some time in May,
Tbe old city water tower was torn
down the first of the week, and the new
one is about completed. All there re
mains to do is to paint tne the tank and
woodwork. Tbe tower delivered at Scio
cost tbe city $501.34, and the cost of
erecting it and tearing down the old one
was about flW.
Easter Noveltiss The Sugar Bowl.
Tbe rabbits are coming to tbe Sugar
Banore honed ahd Bet 25c at Star
Corroll's chocolates and chocolate
chips at the Pfeiffer Parlors.
Assembly after Dancing Class every
Thursday evening at Maccabee Hall.
Dancing Olats begins 7:30 Tbnrsdav
evenings at Maccabee Hall,
Leave orders for Easter eggs, rabbits.
Easter candies, egg dye. The Sugar
Call into the Pfeiffer Oyster parlors
and look into the Easter Panorama
goods. Something pretty.
After Class Dancing assembly from 0
o'clock, private lessons by appointment.
F. J.Tr acy.
Viereck's Exhilirant Hair Tonic re.
Btorea nair to its original color. Viereck
Ezema and Dandruff Cure or money re
funded. 60c per bottle.
Fat Chickens Wanted
At Schaltz Bros. Market,
the highest cash price.
We pay
InaGasAT Cold Curb our Syrup ul
White Pine Compound "with Tar" put
up by us in 25 and 50j bottles. Your
money cneeriuuv reiunued by ub
if It falls to cure your cough or cold
Once tried always used.
Burriiart A Lsz,
Tn Cure a Cold in One IJay
Taks Laxative Brotno Q -.inlne Tablets.
All dnirgisls refund tbe mmuy if it fails
ticure. E W, Grove'o signaturo is on
each box. 25c.
GO CAKTS jnst received at) the I'ouee'mrt ee aKent"'
Fnmiebicg C'o's,
M. E. Church. South. Rev. W. A.
Iden, will preach at the M. E. Church.
South Sunday evening at 7:30. Subject
Decision. All art cordially invited.
First Christian Church. Mnrnlno-
Worship 11 :00 a m. Communion Ser
vice Sermon. Theme : "The Death of
Ohriet." Evening Worship: 7:45 p. m.
Sermon Subject: "What iB Man?"
Bible School at 10:00 a. m. Junior C,
E. 3.00 p. m. Y. P. 8.0. E. 6:30 p.
m. All services are for all who wish to
Baptist church : Services at usual
hours, presetting by the pastor, Rev. W.
W, Davie, Sabbath school at cl se of
morning service, Junior at S p. m., B.
Y. P. U. at 6:30. midweek prayer ser
vice Thursday eve 7 :30.
M. E. church: Preaching by Rev.
Moore at 10:30. a. m. and 7:80 n. m.
Sunday school at 11:44, Junior League
3:00,Epoith and Intermediate Leagues
at 6:30, class meeting 6:30. All will be
U. P. church: Preaching by the pas
tor Rev. White at 10:30 and 7 :30. Sab.
bath school 11:45, Junior En''eayor,
3 :30, Senior Endeavor 6 :3Ci.
A Recent Albany Visitor.
Eugene Guard: The oreacher, Berg-
eneen, who was accused of being a fake
in Albany and who wai in Eugene today
was recognized by a Eugene citizen as
tbe same man who was soliciting for
tbe Armenians a few years ago iu
Ashland, His hobby at present is Boer
women atd childreu for whom he col
lects money.
Aurora Boroallis: Rev Sergensen, of
aposane, wasn., was in the city last
Saturday, and would probably have held
forth here Sunday bad he not happened
10 meet people wuo Knew mm auu tiia
areer In Washington. He poses as a
solicitor for the starving in India, the
Armenians, or anything that might in
voke a congregation to donate libetally.
Woodbum Independent : If he was a
fraud the people here g it their money's
woith. It hi foled bia hearers, he did it
to tbe queen's taste. He beat tbe real
thing with his broken EngliBh, Sans
krit, etc,
Grange News.
The program contest; between the two
opposing sides In Gland Prairie Grange
during the past winter was bo nearly
equal as to be declared a tie by the
judges, and hence both sides shared in
tne expense ol tne oyster supper, wtiicii
was given last Saturday soon alter blgn
noon, and nas a fine blue point repastt
The afternoon was very pleasantly spen.
in listening to a literary program and 5
minute speeches by prominent i'atrone.
Good tor Children.
The pleasant to take and harmless One
Minute Coueh Cure irlvea Immediate
relief in all cisea of Cough, Oroup La
Grippe because it does not pass immed
iately into tue stomach, uuc taxes riracc
right at tbe seat of the t'ouble. It diaws
out the imfiammation, heals and soothes
and curei permanently by enabling the
lungs to contriDUte pure lire-giving ami
lifo-smtniaiug oxygen to the blood and
For liver troubles and constipation
There's nothing better in creation
Than Little Early Risers, tb9 famous
little pills
They always effect a curd and Bave doc
tor bills
Liltle Early RisTs are different from all
other pills. They do not weaken the ajs
tem, but act at a tonic to the tissues by
arousing the secreiions and restoring the
liver to the full ssrformance o! its fact
ions naturally.
Wo have made arrangement! whereby
we can furnish lumber in car-load lots
f. o. h. Tangent, Shedd and tiaisey at
about the same price we sell at our
yards in Albany.
Maple Ridge Dairy
Leave orders at Parker Bros, for milk
from the dairy. L. B. PAYNa.Prop.
Telephone number Black 574.
Mrs. Adams Las linens, canvas, em
broidery silks an 1 patterns. Stamping
done to order. 314 Kerry St.
.GO CARTS at the House Furnishing
Uo a. A new siocic just leceived.
Twepih Century Medicine.
Cascarets Candy Cathartic are as
far ahead of ancient pill poisons and
liquid physic as tfto electric light of
the tallow candle. Genuine stamped
C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All
druggists, io1--
to pruvent Pneumonia and Consumption
U to cure your cold when it first appears.
Acker's EnRllsli Remedy win cure
the cough in a niglt, and drive the uo d
out of your system Always a quick and
sure cure for ABtbmt, Hronchilit, and nil
throat and lung trouble I' it does not
satisfy yoi' thi drugift will Muriel iIih
mnn .u. Writ ti ii4 for free tiamrle. V
K Hk 4 O. . iifi . M V. Murk
Each S1.95 Each
Would Cost Double Elsewhere.
Visit our store and examine our large line ot Trimmed and Street
Hats aa our large workroom force is turning out each day new ideas
at Popular Prices. Leave your order with us and get satisfaction.
We make a specialty ol mourning orders.
The Alan With the Hoe
does not appear to be overburdened
here. We make his labor light wi h
our improved Implements. Oar eiock of
garden tools cannot be beat neiiher can
our prices. Need anything in that line?
We can supply it to suit your wants.
Bargains in Lavn Mowere. If , get
one you will be pieaeed.
405 West First Street.
Barred Plymouth Rocks, Leffel Strain Direct, Pen Scores 90 to 91 1-4
Black Minorcas, Northup Strain Direct, Pen Scores 93 to 94 3-4 '
Scored by fudge Downs at -Albany Show, Dec. 31st to Jan. 3rd 'OS. Eggs
for setting, at the yards, U.00 ; Eirgs per Betting, packed for eblpment $1.25.
Albany, Ore.
Real Estate and
Employment Office.
Good farms and city property for sale, all and kinds.
Employment secured for those desiring work, and male and female
help obtained for llioso wanting laborers.
322 First Street, Albany, Or.
The "OLD RELIABLE" Albany Nurseries
Offer for the Spiing of 1903 a choice lot of Fruit, Shade and Ornamental
Trees, Small Fruit plants, Flowering Shrubs, Clematis. Wisteria, etc a
large stock of strong tield grown Roses that will bloom this season, includ
ing Standard or Tree form. Mail or 'phone us your order and wo will
deliver it to any part of the city.
Illustrated Descriptive Catalogue free on application.
'Phone, Alain 713.
oJmiqo oa jp Hizioa -o "a i pimisia
009 i iiim ipin 'r im m
sain H5 auipoi oris oo' I S iuoinoa
pun i:9 ai ot t!BH HMD
iva noi xvhav sxsaoia
uotuioii oil) Suraii
ninuquisui cnoonui ei( 3uusqi2rjsj)S
pus 3uju309r8 '3uXjjnd 'Sursutop
Xq iqnoj uoeuiois B tsjno Xpsuisi
cnourej sim lna. 'eisdsdcXp pus uonroirp
-u oiiio Xhjo ou csop ejno tisdodsXg
opoj 'ssiiisdojd OAonjrao33i pus
0U0 uaoui( S913j3 am m4 psuiquioo
ipsuioiu Xinpt v ui )5I3 Xeq ro
U0)ts3p jo E50n( ujniEU eq tiusu
-eidsj Xjoaokip msu siqx 'uo3pu
tsjno lopox 'uo033pu o enp
Qit qocuiois eqi JO irjjuiEO pus 'c3u
-tJ jnos 'Xljuqsp ejsus3 'qiegjq prq
'uonedjituoo 'oqoupcstr 'cnusnoAisa
'inSuejjs jo eso 'osddB Ofg
Krcnh fleh and nonltry conatantlv on
hand at Jus MoCiurt's Market, near
ror. First nd Ferry streets.
Ilighee I market price paid foropnlt
337 1st St.
(Successor to O'Nell
Albnny, Oregon.
At a meeting recently held by the
Soard of Directors of the Orlentnl Min.
ing Company, the Board directed tbe
Secretary to place npon the market a
limited number of shares at the valna of
3o per share, to bs sold ; during the
next so days. This Block osn be had by
calling on J. OTTO LEE.
Secretary of the Company
at Btimhart A Lee's.
J. P. Wallack,
O. Sullivan,
A. J. Hodges
J. F, Vknnkr,
the undorsignod as administrator
ol tbe ealntu of Hosnltlm E, Scott.deceiBed,
bus filod his finul account in the office of
the county clerk for Linn County, Oregon,
and the county court has fixed the 4th
rluy of May, 1903, at the bourofUno
o'clock p. ni. for tha hearing of object
ions, if any, lo the said final account and
for tlio settlement of said estate.
Dated at A'b.iny, Oregon, tnis Ihe 2nd
day of A(,ril, 1903.
W. B. gcoiT,
,,, Administrator.
Attorneys for Administrator.
(OK SALE. A second hand top buggv,
In good conditiou, single, cho p. Oall
at the Star Baths, Broadalbio stroet.
ti OWE MOVlTG. Rice Broe., 928E
4th St. more or raise plastered and
other houfCB and buildings anil guar
antee satisfaction, or no pay. Trv
W'l YARD. 1 200 cord l of wood piled
up in Allien , for sale cheap i 1
ind fur a tin nil farm.