Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, January 30, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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The Willamette Goes on a Tear.
Instead of gently gliding throneh the
' valley the Willamette to day ia roaring
through the beautiful Willamette, cov
ering the fields and filling the base
ments of cities along the river. Coming
up with a rush the rise was very sudden
and unexpected, catcbing many along
the river unaware. Here it reached
31.5, the fourth highest rise In the his
torytoi the river, having been exceeded
only in 1861, 1881 and 1890. It is.pow
about at a standstill and a rapid fall is
expected, a fall ol four feet at Harris
burg already indicating thit.
At this city it filled the warehouses
' along the river bank.
Theresas been about a foot of water
on the floor of the offices of G. A. West
gate & Co. Postal Tel. Co. and the O.
B. & N. First street basements were
flooded with about a foot of water- and
heaters discontinued business.
During the forenoon four of the piles
in the north aide of the big steel bridge
at this city, nearest the pier fell, weak
ening that part of the approach, and at'
10 o'clock thirty feet of the approach
fell. F. J.Tracey and F.O. Dannals,
who had Deen on the other side, had
just returned to this side, less than ten
seconds before, a very narrow escaps.
Four pe-sons, who had crosied to the
end of tho approach remained water
bound. They were Elvin Orutehfield
and Mies Laura Hackleman, of W. B.
Stevens & Co., Allen Stellmacher of
Foshay & Mason and E. H. Boot, of
California, a gutat at the St. Charles.
Great intereat was excited in their
rescue. J. A. Warner, with bis steel
boat brought Mies Hackleman over and
E. M. Walker and another logger from
Spalding's camp, who came down the
river this morning, rescued the men
after a splendid display of boatmanship
on the part of Mr. Walker.
The 8. P. bridge at Junction waB
washed out, Biopping traine, but is
now temporarily repaired, ready for
trains. At Ashland eome track waa
waahed out, but haa been repaired.
The west approach to the Jefferson
wagon bridge was considerably
The Sanderson bridge took a tumble
and disappeared down stieam, at least
tne two norm Dents, me new noutn
bent remaining. A free ferry should be
Tun or the bridge relocated in a Bate
place. It has already cost the county
nearly $60,000.
Considerable losa of stock is roported :
Hub Bryant owner of Bryant's Park,
acroaa the Calapooia, is the heaviest
loner reported. Mia losa ia isu goats, 10
head of cattle and five horaea, whieh
were in the loner parts of the park.
Some goats and a few cows were gotten
into his barn above hieh water. Chester
Skeels, across the Willamette lost 12
nogs ana 2 eneep. J onn uooson lose ou
hogs on hia Santiam farm beyond
Knox's iiutte. a. u. unamDeriain loai
12 hogs at his slaughter bouse,
The Stayton bridge went oat during
the night. It wbb owned jointly by Linn
and Marion counties and cost about
The Oregonian bridge on the Santiam
was so badly damaged as to atop traine
and they came through Albany by way
of the Lebanon branch and the Oorval
lis and Eastern.
None of the bridgea on the O. & E.
were damaged to amount to anything
and trains have been running.
The approach to the Lebanon bridge
went out. and a small bridge ovei a
creek near the city disappeared.
The Crutvfordaville bridge ccllapaed, a
wreck, but ia not out..
A how side walk a d porch in front of
the school bouae. A new well will be
dug as soon as the, surface water, settles
A youthful inventor in onr town nas
invented a variety of gun powder. It is
called "the tracking powder" and works
on the same principle as the Maiconi
telegraph. A h'mter using shells loaded
with tttis powder oniy needs to find the
tracks of wild teeee which were made
the day before and ascertain whictrway
the.tracke were.pointed and raiBe bisgun
and pull the trigger "the powder does
the rest."
High water lias cat off communication
between her and Corvallis.
Prof. Miller has received an invitation
to teach a band at Halsey, but will have
to decline at present.
Mr. Neville, ot West Oakville, has just
completed a new boat and the water is
reaching out for it.
"Sage Rooster" had better fly Bp on
the higbeet mountain he can find for the
water is raising. There are some peo
ple in tine valley that would like to take
a ahot at him. We know ol one who
takes a shot at ua very often.
Little Rosb Hod.
High Water Record.
The high water record in years past
at this city is as iollo ws :
1861, Dec. 8, 36 feet.
1881, Jan. 14, 32.8 feet.
1890, Feb. 4, 33.9 feet.
1893, Dec. 1, 37.S feet.
1894, Jan. 16. 28.3 feet.
1896, Jan. 23, 25 feet.
1899, March 8, 23 feet.
1900, Jan 15, 24 feet
1901, Jan. 18, 30.5 feet.
The first snow of tho season fell this
forenoon, a wet affair that did not re
main long.
W W Crawford baa the contract for
putting up a fifty foot sttel tower for the
fire bell at Lebanon.
A new divorce suit ia J. J. Hannah
t!t. Emma li. Hanna, the defendant
being sentenced to the penitentiary for
life, now in the aaylum.
Misa Maud Deyoe, a former resident of
Albany, and Mr. E'.iaha Smith, were
united in marriage at Myrtle Point on
Ian lat. They have the beat wiahea of
many Albanj Irienda of the bride.
Bev. A. Melvin Williams, formerly of
Albany, now attending the theological
femi-wy at Lebanon, Tenn., baa been
offered the aseistant editorship of the
Cumberland Preebyterian, and will
probably accept.
. Tbe fall of the river during the nigbt
waa rapid, about four and. a naif feet.
The river impress time ia 25 feet above
low water, a fall of 6 X feet, and ia fall
ing fast.
J. A. Warner on bis third or fourth
trip aoroBs tbe Willamette In bis ateel
boat yesterday afternoon met wltb
disaster. When about one hundred
yard! from William Peacocks he waa
capsized and succeeded in grabbing a
small tree, to which he bung until rea
cued by Mr. Peacock. Tbe boat, costing
about $30 went down stream and is lost.
A high water report Is that R. U. Kiger
of Benton county.loat 1080 head of sheep
by tbe flood, but this la not confirmed
and ia doubted.
Mr, Bryant'a loes In Bryant's Park is
about 1S5 goats and twelve cows. Fie
borees thought to be drowned were in
two feet of water, and when tbe water
went down were fonnd sale,
Several of tbe mills have been unable
to run on account of tbe bigb water.
F. M. French waa the buBieet man in
the city. Beeidea doing good work in
notifying property owners Sunday be
made biB renorte and kept people posted
during the day.
Mi. A. S. Hart knows how deep it was
in the basement of the Sternberg store,
for be Blipped off a box and measured
tne deptb, about three leet.
On Bandav 69 oeoDle went on the
bridge to see the raging waters of tbe
river, and yesterday 93 had paid their
toll when the mayor ordered business
stopped, on account of tbe break in tbe
approach at the north end.
Notwithstanding tbe raging rain atorm
laat Saturday, there waa good attend
ance at Grand Prairie Grange,
During the morning session consider
able business was transacted. The sec
retary's report showed 9S members at
close of 4th quarter, Deo. 31, Two ap
plications for membership were received
and the 3rd and 4th degrees were con
ferred on one candidate. Favorable
action was taken noon petition to con
greea aBkiug for the passing of tbe Mo
Cumber Bill forbidding the sale of in
toxicating liquors in any building owned
or used by the United States govern
ment or In the grounds appertaining to
the same.
During the noon recess an enjoyable
lunch was served,
The afternoon was mainly devoted to
the third litetary program in the pend
ing contest eerlea. This one coneiated of
music, vooal and instrumental, readings
lecitatione and papers, a charade baBed
upon tbe words "Ayer's Ague Cure,"
and a comic dialogue. There were 15
numbers in all ot wbien tne mot ap
plauded were a ouartet. "There's Moon
light on the Lake" and a solo by Mrs.
Grace Laeselle. Tbe 4th and laBt pro
gram will be given Haturua, tea, lb
Before closing the Master called atten
tion to tbe next meeting of the Linn
Connty Conncil lo be held in Albany at
tbe w. V. T. U. ball Saturday, Deb. 7,
1903. at 10 a. m. Tnis will be an inno
vation. nt,on a lonr -Mtabliahed cus
tom, tbat of meeting from grange to
grange. It is sometimes bet to make a
departure and in this caee the meeting
can be made one of tbe grandeat ralliea
ever held m Linn Co. Witbin a radius
of about V miles from Albany are 7
grangea that can eaaily aend large dele
gations, and 8 to 10 other contributing
grangea tbat are more dtetantcan surely
be represented. All ia arranged for
having the hall and the tables in read
ineea tor tbe "coming of the grangera"
who are to bring their lunches with
tbem. Grand Prairie expectB to be
there in force and eome of her singers are
preparing to render some apecia) music,
and bopea tbat other grangea will do the
same. All come that can, and for a
grand good time,
Oybds. H. Walksb.
Prof. John Swackhammer, tbe erudite
dieaeector of the fibroua elements of the
forest, on Wednesday evening, Jan. 28,
will lecture on "Progressive Unity," at
the aab Swale seat ol learning, adjacent
to Brownsville. Tbe Democrat regrets
exceedingly that the lofty condition of
tbe aqueoue element will Interfere with
its attendance.
Howard Did It.
Louisville, Ky., Jan. 28. A Frank
fort special to tbe Courier Journal says:
James B. Howard of Clay county, fired
tbe shot that killed William Goebel,"
Snid Henry Youteey in hia confession as
to his part in and knowledge ol tho con
spiracy which terminated in the assassi
nation of the democratic claimant, to the
New York Rottenness.
New York, Jan. 27. Philip Baer,
Ci'y Librarian, and W. F. Sawyer, Na
than and Moses Springer were arrested
today by Detectives from the District
Attorney's offiie on charges of attempted
subornation of perjury in connection
with alleged swindling Bcheme through
which enormous sums are believed; to
have been lost by the Department of
An Appalling Wreck
New York, Jan. 27. Tbe most appal
in wreck that has occurred in the vi
cinity of this city in many years, the
Ioes of life being estimated at not lees
than SO persona tuok place tonight at
Graceland. N. J., on the Central Rail
road of New Jereey, wben the Royal
Blue Line express, westbound, plunged
at top speed into the . rear of a local
Seven bodies only have been identi
fied, while 10 more, almost unrecogniz
able corpses, have been recovered.
From tbe Deschutes Echo.
W. T. Stevena haa finished sorting
the knot-holes in the P. B. D. Oo'a
lumber yard. He ia now engaged tn
straightening oat some of tbe scantlings
which have been warped by the enn ,
One o! these, which is quite badly du
foimed, Vlr. Stevena wi'l life aa a cork
screw lo pull the cm'.rr out of Lave
M. A. lill-r his iurduci a resolu
tion providing for a eoDStiiuilonal con
ventiou which shall requi.e tb eleatioa
of senators by a direct vo eof tbe people
It passed tbe senate.
Ine bii authorising the county court
to establish a free lerry at darriabarg
paesea ooiti nouses
A bill by Shelley extends Australian
ballot aw to cities of 2,000 or more pop
ulation A UeW bll bv OorhAtt mnni anhnnl
diBtricie to feoce yarda aud plauts trees.
xioooina lor a bureau of mines.
MOrDOV toentAhliah nru..n I nA nal t-Ul
Webster, lor hViw-av at Oregon City.
UDnn rrit-iniF tVAn. -k. t-: ;ii
-. - --r, 'UU1 viitj KIUDVIIIS
Journal W. r. 1 ogle attacked Congreaa-
man Wll lamHOn fn hafn..
land noticea taken from hie paper and
E h a tvevl8w.u-any of tbem after
""Ktu vu pay m advance for
them. BO that-. Ilia n.r.a
-- " u.uucT ia uuw uo-
manded by the editor of the Review,
w. 11. Parker retired from the paper
jnst in tijoe. Mr. Fogle'e article in re
tiring euugests that the principal part of
the newspaper business in Crook county
is the land notices.
RnvflrnnrPhamlu.l.ln I...
;.: . 'W..UIU uw, nppoioteu
Albert Tnzmr. nl PnrtUr. u .
, ...... u , w uo expert.
to measure and examine printing in the
office ot the State Printer The apnoint-
munt trill lata nftant 11--.U t. r
(Continued from page 5. )
Sharp, P. M. Tangent, lot 5, block
d, Beard's Addition to Tangent;
total , 10 15
Sharp, S. G Beard's Addition to
Tangent, lots 1, 2, block 2; tnx U 71
interest 47c. penalty 47c; total 5 cs
Sheasgreen, P. P. Beginning at 8W
corner of LMdlo Bond's part of H.
Bond's D. L. G: run thenco S.
40 dee.; thence E. 12.91 chains;
thenco S. 43 deg.; thenco W. 7.S2
5Sal,1sL "jence N. 45 deg; thence
W. 12.91 chains; thence N. 43 deg.;
. thenco B. 7.S2 chains to begin
ning, containing 10 acres; tax S3 90.
Interest 39c, penalty 39c; total.... 4 68
Shelton, Ida A. Estate SE. u of
See. 8, T. 14 S., R. 1 E., 160 acres;
tax lo 88; interest 58c. nenaltv fis.
o,'."! -ifAU-. 7 04
. iiv;. wsinning 3t rods N.
of SW. corner of . S. of SE. i
?f Soo J5'- run thence N. 44 rods;
thenco E. 3114 rods; thenco S. 67i
rods: thence northwesterly to be
ginning; also 20 acres, no descrip-'
tion; Sec. 25, T. 10 8. R. 2 W.. 80
acres: tax 4 rg. ininm., aa
alty 40c; total 5 GO
ShAnn. A T XT- j 1111, ' W
inm '11 0 "' V y5"imon; aec.
.S'J'Vi B"Ji. 1 E" 4 aorcs: ta
tal rc6t 24' Penalty 24c; to-
Sherfy, E. Beginning at NwV corner
or tract of land owned by W. S
Wallace; run thence N. 12:48
chains; thence E. to center of mill
race; thence easterly following
meanders of snid race to head of
race: thence N. 40 rods; thenoe E.
to Santiam road to a point due
E. of beginning; thenco W. to
if ?inl!.1K' containing 20 acres; tax
smJS: ln,tereJt 41c, penalty 41c; total
Sh!.eIK Slran M.-Enstern Addition
'', aU,of Iots 2. Port of
lot 3, block 12: tax tsi m int....;
W 45, penalty $3 45: total 41 40
Simons, n TP t. A "i- " w
page 641, Sec. 30, T. 12 S., R. 1'
o penalty" Vob: total'.. " ? 3. 1 W" 12 00
feet S 10 degVlT of "00 'of
block I, In Sweet Home; run thence
S' 74e?'. w- 160 fect.' thenco a is
rods; thence N. 74 dee.
'ninui! ,V tnenee to beginning
StJ-JEv S?x MiG9: PonaUy 30 cents;
interest 3G cents; total
Slmntm TVi n tut a tut-u , :.
4 41
5e?'fnnJC Sl 'Vt- 'c2tnr f BE.
4 of NW. Vt of Soc. 2, T. 14 S. R
1 W. ; run thence E. 40 chains
thence S. 31.25 chains; thenco W. 40
chnins; thence N. to beginning, con
taining 125 acres. Sec. 2 T 14 S
?'n 1il'W :i 1316' Penalty
fl 31, Interest SI 31. total 15 78
Simpson, John F.-N. of NW. 4 of
S S' f- -Sf See!
S". R'.7 E'; tax M OS. Pen- -aUy
4 cents, interest 40 cents, to-
SVr!Bnni"-;'' ' E-' ' cnal'ns 6
from SW. corner of N. of D. L.
C of John T Slate: Not. 2002, claim
No. 69; run thence E. 28 1-3 chains!
m", N' i3 2,!lln3: thence "v
20 chains N. 20 chnins: thenco W.
8 1-3 chnins; thence 33 1-3 chains to
beginning, containing 54.43 acres
Sees. 13, 24, T. 12 S., R, 4 W ; tax
JL5i enal,ty T2 cents, interest 72
cents, total ., o M
'frtf,mIS'w'Bc'Bl',nl.npr 84 criains'E:
from SW. corner of N. of D. L.
C John T. S ate. Not. 2002, claim
No. 59: run thenco E. 24 chains'
fenco N. 33 1J chains: theSil w
24 chains; thence S. 33 1-3 chains to
? Ljm8. containing SO acres, Sec.
oi, uiiuresc n si, total....
t0anTAll,ct-lrok'a M adaltlor;
to Lebanon: lots 7, 8, block 2; tax
Wm? 5' Pfalty 8 cents, interest 8
... 34 f
1 05
5' n?' ,NW' Vi ot 3co- T- 10 S.,
R. 5 E.. 1C0 acres; tax $5 85, penalty
58 cents, interest 58 cents, total.... 7 01
Smith, Don Carlos-S. V, of SW
of BE of Sec. 10. T. 11 8.. R. 7
1 . . ceres; tax 4 68, penalty 46
cents, Interest 40 cents, total......:. BC0
Sl?hA F!;a2k-W' '-4 of NW. Sec -T-
" S.Y,,?',,2
cents,' totir..: m'erra'; ji
'"ri 5eiltaNW' Sec." W,"T."i4
3 74
Si if il't . ' tax 0Vl' Pen"
tal x--""' ..iiuiuat iv cents, to-S"y-?f.'
' B-' B.'E. ' yj 'irt NE ' ' gee'
,' .-njerest 94 cents, penalty 94
Summers. Anna K.'---BVEin'ning'atNE'.
K. 2 W.. run thence S. 89 dec
63 min. W. to a stone in center of
county rond: thence S. 18 deg. 15
min. W. 20.96 chnins; thence N. 89 ' .
?f ?-'or;inl,S' ,E' UM chains; thenco -.',
1,9S8 Eh.alns t0 beginning, con
taining 35.31 acres: tax 2 44, penal- .
ty. 24 cents Interest 24 cents: total 3 92
Souneck. Albert-Cotton's Addition
to Ibanon. lots 1, 2, 3. 4, ot block
tax . interest' 14 cents, pen
alty 14 cents; total 170
Soath i"hn -A.--ncKnnng 20 chains
si-.rai?c? ' fr,-m SE- corner of
JS w- -2" chains; thence N.
CO chains: thmce S. 03 deg. 10. 3525
chnins; thence S. 60 chains to be
Elnnlng and beginning 28.40 chains
Eiot lsw' corner of D. 1,. C. Not
1160; run thence E. 11 54 chains1
thence S. 03 deg.; 'then T 10
chains: thence S. M chains; thenco '
Iv. 63 dog W. 23 chains; thence N.
to beginning; also beginning at SR.
corner of Sec. 21: run thence N. 20
chains; thence X.60 deg W 3T, '
chains; thenco S. to SE. corner of
o H. Smith's land: thence K. 11.54
chains: thence S. 20 chnins; thenco
lu ir.-iiilllllK, CI
In I? tn oil n-., T 11 a
cii.iiiih 10 noginnlng, contnln-
J'-! ."J, '21 Penalty 2 il.
torcst S2 11. loin .:
R. 4
... 23
Soulh, Wc.!trr-NK. u nt 9H V. nt
fee. 21. and W. of SR. nf SW
I of Stc. 22: nisi W. A of SW. 1.
of Pec. 27 ard N. ,. of NW u of
gee 34 containing In nil 320 acres.
T. 10 B . R. 5 R.; tax S9 36. penalty
Spencrr. F. W Lots 7. 8.' block "7!
ralniale Addition to Albany; tax
20 c'-nts, penalty 2 cents. Interest
Sperling, O. W. Kirk's Second Addi
tion to Lebanon, blOck 4 and Kirk's
Third Addition to Lebanan, lots 11, .
12, 13, 14, of block 3; tux !U 16, pen
alty (1 11, Interest SI 41, total 16 98
Spring, Rudolph S. 3 of NE. v. of
Sec. 18, T. 13 S.; R. 3 E., lia acres;
tax 7 13, penalty 71 ceiius. Interest
71 cents, total SB
Spurlock, H. Heirs of Beginning
NW. corner of J. Wassom D. L. C.
No. 49, T. 11 S.. R. 3 W.; run thenco
S. 47V4 rods E. 33 rods to creek;
thence down said crook to N. lino
of said claim: thence W. 16 rods
to beginning, containing 7 acres,
Sec. 16; tax SI 46, penally 14 cents,
Interest 14 cents, total 1 74
Stanard, Mrs. O. H. (A. A. Stanard.
agent.) Undivided (j of W. of
Silas Powell's D. L. C. and NW. A
of NW. ! of See. 27, containing 71
acres. T. 13 S., R. 3 W.; tax 112 04.
penalty fl 20. interest SI 20, total .. 14 44
Starr. Dr. I. W. Gross' Addition to
N. Brownsville, lots 1, 2, of block
5, lots 7, S. block 2. lots 3, 4, block
10, purt of lots 1, 2, block 10, part .
ot lot 2, block 5, Sec. 31, T. 13 S..
R. .2 W., 2 acres; tux S66 42, penalty
SO 64. Interest S6 02, total 79 70
St. Clair, Birdie (C. G. Burkhart,
agent.) Albany, part of lots 3, 4,
ot block 129; tax SS 63, penalty 86
cents, interest SO cents, total 10 35
SteingrniKlt, J. H. E. y, of E. of
Sec. 10, T. 14 S., R. 3 E.. 100 acres;
tax S3 90, penalty 39c, interest 39c;
total 4 6S
Stellmacher, R. C Albany, lot 8,
block 63; tax SIS 63, penalty SI 65, In
terest SI 65. total IS 63
Stewart, John, Estate (John Stewart,
Jr., agent) Beginning 75.75 chains
N. of SE. cor. ot D. L. C. Not. 956;
run thence W. 33 60 chains; thence
S. 3S deg. W. 45 L. ; thence N. to
Willamette River; thence down
Bald river to a point 8.96 chains E.
of beginning; thenco S. 17.60 chains;
thence S. 72 deg. W. 8 chains;
thenco W 10 chains; thenco S. to
beginning. Sees. 25 and 31, T. 11 S.,
R. 4 and 5 W.. 100 acres; tax S9 75,
penalty 97 cents. Interest 97 cents.
total 11 69
stlllwell, J. w. .Lot 1 and N. of
NE. Vt of Sec.' 31 nnd NW. ot
NW. Yi of Sec. 32, T. 14 S., R. 4 E
160 acres; tax S5 46, penalty 64 cents.
interest 54 cents, total 6 54
sunipson, u. w. wussom's Addition
to ijooanen, lots 6, 6, 7, 8, block 6;
Tax SI 48, penalty 14 cents, interest
14 cents, total a; 1 7
blowarus, it. n. Beginning 20.80
cnains i. & aeg. Hi. irom WW.
corner of- D. L. G Not. 2606; run
thence N. 84 deg. E. 34.70 chnins;
thenco N. 7.64. chains; thence E. 48
chains; thence S. 31.74 chnins; thence
S. 84 deg. W. 242 rods; thenco S. to
center of county road; thence down
said rond to N. lino ot D. L. G
2006; thenco easterly to beginning,
containing 247 acres, Soc. 14 and 20,
T. 14 8.. R. 1 Yf.t tax $22 63. pen
alty S2 26, Interest S2 26, total 27 16
wun, u. u. beginning 20 reet ju. ot
NE. corner of block 1, Glass' Addi
tion to Centerville; run thenco N.
28 rods more . or less, to O. P.'
Abram's; thence E. 6.28 rods;
thence N. 10 rods to S. bank of Glass
Bros' ditch; thence E. 3 rods;
thenco S. 28 rods more or less to
center of county road; thenco W.
9 rods 8 teot to beginning, contain
ing 1V4 acres. Sec. 18. T. 14 S., R. 1
W.; tax 4 87, penalty 48 cents, in
- terest 48 tents, total 6
Taraman, Nettle A. SE. of NE. W
of Sec. 21. T. 10 S., R. 5 E., 40
acres; tax SI 66, penalty 16 cents. In
terest 16 cents,, total 1 86
iaie, r: a. sneoas, lots 7, s, block 3;
tax S2 94, Interest 29c, penalty 29c:
total 3 52
Anyior, jas. A. w. Yi of sec. 8, T.
11 S.. R. 7 E.. ICO noiW tnv li RR.
Interest 46c, penalty 46c; totnl 6 60
jLcuer, j. beginning id roas w. ot
SE. corner of D. L. G Not. 2600;
running thence 7 W. 28.33 chains;
thenco N. 20.50, chains; thenco E.
39.58 chains; thence S. 22.33 chnins;
thence W. 11 chains; thence S. 4
chains to beginning, containing 100
acres. Sec. 6. T. 13 S.. R. 1 til inv
S7 28 Interest 72c, penalty 72c; totnl 8 72
XVIIipiClUIl, xv. it. oec. 4, 1. 14 it.
8 W 40 acres; tax S10 07. Interest
SI 06, penalty SI 00; total 12 79
xernan, ii. w.liaisey, lots 1, 7,
block 7; tax SO 63, Interest 60c. nen-
alty 660; total 7 6
jLiiompson. a. i' oster, lot 1, block
2: tax $2 70. Interest 27c. penalty
27c; total 3 21
inompson, li. CKjK. ot Sec. 35,
T. 9 S.. R. 4 lllO, acres; NW. ii
of Sec. 14,'T. 14 S., R. 3 E., 160 acres
tax $9 36, Interest 93c. nenaltv 93c:
total , 1122
iiiuiiiliaun, Ki. jl.. iUlKins Addition
to Albany, W. M of SW. M of block
2; tax S37 02, interest S3 70. penalty
S3 70: total , 44 42
xiiumpsun, in. jii. acio, part of lot
30; tax $2 40, Interest 24c, penalty
24c; total
Thompson, Jno. A. NE. of Sec. 26,
T. 14 s.. n i a tm ......
54 68 Interest 46c, penalty 46c;' totnl 6 60
xuiuaii, j. a ot oiii. Va of Sec.
0. T. 10 S., R. 1 E., 40 acres; tax
SI 9a, interest 19c, penalty 19c: totnl 2
Turner, J. M. Cotton's Addition to
Lebanon, lots fi fi 7 hlnetr dk. nv
S9c, Interest 8c, penalty Sc: total... 1 05
AutiuuKO, J. r.-6W, ft or ssis. of
Sec. 26, T. 11 S., R. 1 E., 40 acres;
tax S3 61, interest 35c, penalty 35c:
total , ; 4 21
rweedie, Jno. Beginning at SW. cor
ner of tract of land set oft to Ellle
JrW.eed,Si ln D- L' c- of A. Miller,
Not. 1086; running thence S. 20 deg.
30 min. E. 587 . chains; thenco E.
8J0 chains: thence S. 17.90 chains;
thence E. 8.92 chains; thence N. 17.90
chains; thence E. 14.62 chains to
Santiam River; thence N. follow
ing said river to SE. corner ot said
tract of land; thence S. 84 deg. 40
min. W. 63 chains to beginning,
containing 49.60 acres; tax S18 65.
interest 1 86, penalty SI 85; total... 22 25
t. uwuru narnsDurg, jot 6,
. block 7; tax S4 70, Interest 47c. Den-
HlfV aVC Int. r ,
K o... "U'LC, Bera. ana vvm. o. of
f a $ ot SE- of Sec.
W 88. interest 48c. penalty 4Sc; toial 6 84
T. 12 8.. R. 1 E. . 1fiO nerea- tt,v 1 v
'njerest 48c, penalty 48c; total '. 6 84
' '.' Myrea t Jiiwlng Addi
tion to Shelburn, lots 8, 9, 10, 11.
b lock : 1; tax SI 00, interest 15e, pen
alty J6c: totnl ..., . 1
ValThul, M. North Brownsville, lots
1, 2, 3, 4, block 16; tax 84c. interest
e, penalty 8o; total loo
i .y- ipi-siniiing aw. cor
ner ot N. IJ of D. L. C. of Jno. T.
S ate, Not. 2002, claim No. 69; run
ning thence E. 24 chains, N. 33.33
chains, W. 24 chains to NW. cor
ner of snid claim No. 59; thenco S.
Ai.33 chains to beginning, contain
ing 80 ncres; tnx S10 24. interest
ft B. penalty $1 02; total 12 28
. . .It' iiaisoy, lots 3, 4,
h ock28; tax SI 13, Interest 11c. ncn-
J.lci, 'ot,aJ,"y.'.V". ' 1 35
T. 14 S.. n. a v. tu ...... ...J
f4". Interest 40c. p'ennlty 46c; total. 6 60
S., R. 7 E., 360 acres; tnx S3 88. In
terest aXe liannllu ,...1 n
oT. ,',' i"..X' a- v KK- 'A nnd
Vt of See. 30, T. 11 S., R. 7 E.. 100
acres: tnx 1 68, Interest 46c. penalty
'otal 6 CO
,...iiei, i,i,uic z acres orr or W.
end of S. 14 of S. of NW. M of
Sec. 30, T. 9 S R. 3 E.: tax 08c? In
terest 6e, pcnnlty 6c; totnl 80
warn, G H.-S. nt NE. Vt and
MO. '4 of SW. Vt and NW. V, of
BE. Vi of Sec. 25. T. 10 S.. R. 2 W.,
K0 ncres; Interest In S. A of SW.
H of Sec. 19 and N. of NW. Vt of
Sec. 30, T. 10 S R. 1 W., confin
ing 160.74 ncres, being 123 ncres:
tax S10 33, interest SI 03. nennlty
i 03: total 12 39
Wnln, Prank Sec. 21. T. 10 8.. U. 1
E., 160 acres; tax SI 68. Interest 48c.
penalty 40c: total 6 CO
Walton. Jno. T. N. nf SW. ' of
Sec. 33. T. 14 B., It. 4 E 80 acres;
tnx S2 31, Interest 23c, penalty 23c;
totfil 2 R0
Wnnllow, G P. C A. Curren, Ant.)
Ahhy Addlllon to Albany, lots 6,
7. block 1 : tnx SI 01. Interest 10c,
pennlly 10c: total 1 24
Washburn. N. If. SW. ", of SR. ",
of SB. Vt of Sec. 31. T. 9 S.. n. 2
W.. 10 acres; tnx S2 89. IntcrcHt 28c,
penalty 2Se: total 3 42
Washburn, Milton E. h nt NR. Vt
nnd NW. V, nt NR. ', of Sec. 4, T.
15 8., It. 1 W.; lax SI 08. Interest .
46c, penalty 46c: total 5 go
Wusseiman, L. II. Harrlsburg, lot
'. . uufitat oe, pen
alty 5c; total I)
t'utera, Mrs. N. E. Beginning at
NW. corner of D. L. G Not. 2628.
T. 14 S., 11. 3 ; running thencn
L. 3a chains; thence S. 9 chains;
thence N. 50 deg. W. 7 chains;
theace S. 86 deg. W. 16.50 chains; N.
06 deg. W. 14.60 chains to beginning,
Containing 37 neren flee fi- titv
ll. FA'i Itit.iree, r...i n.n'nllu A.. ....I 1 M
Waters, P. M. Kirk's Second 'Addi
tion nto Lebanon, lots 1, 2, block 2;
tul '. .' , 36
Wntklns, R. G E. H of NW. U and
"... 74 VI i I . 7 UI1U 0,Y. 74 UL
NE. U of Sec. 22, T. 14 S., It. 4 E.,
160 acres; tax S4 68, Interest 40c, pen-
nltu ill., l.i.l E A
Watts. J." W. EaiaVebubrlVle'kat-
chum Addition to Albany, lots 10,
it, j.t io, it, id, ii, io, uioik i; tax
S8 28, interest 82e, penilty S2c; total 9 92
I'eatherford. J. K. and Bilyeu, W.
R. S. hi of N. ,5 of 1). L. G of C.
P. Ingram, containing 160 acres,
Sees. 35, 36, T. 11 S., R. 4 W.;
tnx S39 S9, Interest SI 98, penalty
XI US' ,Ot,l Wt C
Webber, M. A. Beginning" at inter
section of S. lino of Kesling street
In Harrlsburg with W. lino of
right of way of O. & G R. R.;
imi inciicu v. reus; inence B.
16 rods; thenco E. 9 rods; thence
N. 16 rods, to beginning; contain
ing acre; tax S3 53, Interest 35c,
penalty 3ao; total 4 23
Velch, Cathrlne Wassom's Addi
tion to Lebanon, lots 5, 6, 7, 8,
block 3; tux S4 5S, Interest 45c, pen
alty 45c; total 6 4S
Veils, W. B. Undivided 1-3 of S. V,
of and NE. Vt ot Sec. IS, T. 12 S
R. 2 E., 360 ncres: 1-0 ot SB. Vi of
Sec. 6, T. 12 S., R. 2 E., 26 ncres;
tax S5 46, Interest 54c, penalty 51c;
WiertS' OeorgeSummers1 " ' 'Audi'tion
. uuiwu, lum t, 4 DIOCK 15,
and 11111 's Addition to Sodavllle,
lots 3, 4, block 2; ft Interest in fol
lowing: Blocks 1, 6, 8, 9; lots 7.
8, 11, 12 of block 7; lots 4. 6, block
3: lots 7, 8, 9, block 1; E. 45 foot
of lots 1. 2, 3, of block 2, nnd E. 45
ff' ?,C 1?.ts J; 6l 8' 9' block 3i nnu
lots 11, 12, block 6: tax S6 li, Interest-
IMe ne.iH.r iM.. ' n
Wsfrtzi' GoorKO (and Ann Bnriee)
ww.,...,, .Miuiuuii to soanviiio,
lots 9, 10, block 7; tax 49c; Inter-
est penalty 4c; total 67
Westfall, Penlck & Smlth-Lelxinon,
.vi. v. , uiucit a; tax aec, interest 3c.
penalty 3c; total sc
...? s-rnh, heirs of (Goorgo
vjiiio, Bgentj Beginning at NE.
corner of lot 5, block 13, in Pcora;
run thenco E. 4.50 chains: thenco '
S. 5.60 chains; thenco W. 2.62
chains; N. 1S!4 deg.; thenco W.
6.81 chains to beginning; contain
ing 1.& acres; Sec. 8, T. 13 s,
' uV- tax 261' hiterest 25c,.
"A cjk-fW-. H"of "Soc'sK
of Sec.;30,; T. 16 'sT, It. 1 . 'iS
acres; E. t, of NE.' u'of Sen. 1
111 Jo ,i K-41..B'4 80 acrM: tnx
tJi '?' lntorost tt penalty SI 17:
Whitehou'se.' ji-Hack's'second
JfHft1fln tn A Ihen., . 1 n
mi,.HKx. f8 00' '"terest 09c,' penalty
Whitman, George NW. ' Vi' of "SE"ii
Of See 7 T- 10 s t e -fS - "".74
8 23
tax SI 46 Interest 14c, penalty 14c;
Whitney, PV A.-cbttcn'sAduition'to
1 74
iATTi i" 't, '.: tax
ci Vivrrw? T of
occ. i, 1-. 14 k, 3 ,w., 160 acres'
totalH 081 llUorost c, penalty 46c;
Wiley, Andrew Bib'. ' 'v, "of' ' Hoe " ii"
5 60
'r34 , V K'.2 w" I ncres; tax
SCS, Interest 40c, penalty 40c; to-
y of SE. y. of Sec 24 nnrl
NE Vt ot ' NW, 5 of Sec. 25:,t""o
Williams. Davld-SW. Vi o'f"D,"L."c
No. 2305 and W. 'A ot D.'lT c
W., 320 uoros; tnx S24 38, interest
tJ?i,, ' venoMy $2 13; totnl ..... 59 84
Wllliamsoni W. at
Sh corner of NE. Vt of NE. of
Sec. 17; run thence N. 7.60 chains-
w"l?4n" 1 ?Qe- . 'n.; thenco
i,i 17-'10. chains: thence S. 13.76
chnins; thenco N. 89 deg 40 min
t'!"ce W. 40 chnins Thonce N."
fnJ r?al"s to beginning; contain:
1 nr65 SCrt's; Sec' 17' T- 13 S., R.
S. w" 65 . "ores; tax S9 42, Interest
94c. pcnnlty 94c; totab... ....... u 30
n l lln,mson' Mrs' .M' C.-Boginn ng
at SE. corner pt E. E. Funning'!
1-). L. C.; run thence W. 40 chains'
40 enhCiS" chJi,m: 'hence ia!
10 chnins; thenco S. 18.75 chains to
beginning, containing 65 acres, See
i,,',...ieS" K- 3 W.; tnx SO 68,
hJi lTul"-' pennity uoc: total ... son
T O Bvco;?,or of k Harwell D. .
inoe ' v ?'- 2237 run S. 84 deg. W
10.90 chnins to SE. corner of salri
c aim; thence S. 31 min 5 29 61
of mil oCn.C?,13 ""a' to cento"
or mill rnco; thence northerly fol
lowing said race, to beginning con
taining 37.42 acres; beginning i
SE. corner of said D. L.C. Not 2237-
e!i!;, W' 7l? chaln: tnenee S. 8 26
chnins; thenco E. 7.75 chain!?
thenco N. 8.26 chains, to beg"
containing 0 acres Sec. 8? t! 81 -
nit rY. . "iierest tHC, pen-
Wilson, Bennlce S. V, ot SW."ti"nf
....j in.., IUIUI
7 24
tnx ' 12, interest '31c, "penty0?!
HOC. fl T IK a . n I - t "
T i lir .. -
3 74
Ta tj "'"'""-'m itiver, Hec. 27,
T. 9 8., R. 4 E containing 23 acres
ZIZZ? ,tax.l Interest lie
nterest 4Cc, pennity 46c; totil ' 6 on
Wlnkoop, Davld-SW. V4 ofIE "' 00
ICO .. .'-'., V. 2 A?-.
Jcna-y 4'Be- total .'... 400' B ro
Wirt. Mrs. Ella-S. V4 of B. li'i "dii' 6 60
J'rs MP" 'J3" m ncres; tax
4 08, Interest 40c. nenaltv ttT
total - ' -
w'ther.. J"bn-35 acres' ' of the folio w
7i 171 r.i.. 111 nti4- corner of
B'fwV'J"" "'J" C- r"n tbenco
8. 23.67 chains: thenco W. 211 chains"
?' lrt cl"lln thenco W!
68.25 chnins; thenco N. 11.33 chalns:
thence N. S3 deg. 20 ,n. 1" 850
n'LyrVr N- 7 '- min. ii
J) chains; thence E. to beglnnlnir
except 12 acres, leaving 175 acre?:
fl";, '"'crest SI 23, p?n,ifiV
W10H' Fii JV".'n'""0''
30 H., Jt. ii K tiiv i.l cm ii.i 4-' ao
tifttintlu ilf!f it,.i ' ,D'- .
Yw"B '1LWi',''4 '?yw'''v:: ami
d it .. . " "l nec. zx, L. 13
le'reV; fpJ'J',.,I?) TP"?,' ta 4 M. ln-
y?"n.ff Si '"'-""tinning Vi chains
thenco 8. CO chains: thenco E.' 47!i5
r5IllJVr thn N; 60 chains; thenco
. 47.95 chains to beginning, con
n'n'ng 287.71 acres; tax SC 85, In-
Staler, Mrs.'MnV.v-Wat'erloo: lois'6, 8 21
. ; ' ""K'nning nt bw. cor
ner of Elmer Kees 11. L. C,; run
thence B UI olmlns; thenco 10. 1010
chains; thenco S. 20 chnins: thenco
l';. 9.8-1 chains; theneo N. 28 34
chains; thenco W. 20 chnins to b
Binning, contninlng 37 .acres. Sec.
te're i l- '. ' f, V ' ' ltlX 76' 1"
Zlier w - .',"-" V';.JU ""
4 60
. . ' -' R'luiiliK III
ri . ;., " "i.e. O. 1. lit
S-. R. 1 W.; run thence E. 77 rods
T. 13
i.-.-i ,ni.i,ce n. 11 rons 3V6 feet;
thonco W 77 rods OVt feet; thenco
N. 41 rods 3V4 feet to beginning,
rontnlnlng 20 acres. moTe or less;
tnx SI It,, Interest l!lc, penalty 19c;
Zlmmermiin. T-'rank Aliens ft iiiwk-
- Ing's Addition to Alh.inv, lot
block 1; tnx C'Jc, interest 6c, pen
nity Ce: total
Zlimnlt, J., I'.-MV. Vi of Sec. hn'"T
13 H., It. 1 W.. 170 acres; tax JO 63,
Interest fOc; penalty d-; total
Zysett. Anna K. Beginning nt NR.
corner of SW. , or See. 21: run
thenco S. 89 deg. 35 min. W. to cen-
2 33
8 05
ter of county road; thenco A 18 ;
deg. 15 min. to, 20 chains 96 links:
thence N. 69 deg. 54 min. E. 15.
chains; thenco N. 19.8S chains to be-
o'""'.!'.K'co.lut',ufi 25 31 acres.
See. 24. T.-M S., R. 2 W.; tux K 44
Interest 24c, penalty 24c; total 2 M
Bell, John W.-W. & of SW. of
Sec. 14, T. 36 S., R. 1 W., SO a?res;
total ,nter,!st 23c, penalty 23c;
Bellliige'r.'wm'.'M'.-NW.'U'of' 'Nw''ii ! 80
of tfec. 17, T. 14 S.. R? 3 E.; 160
acres; tax U 68, penalty 40c, Inter-
est 46c; total ; .'. r aa
B"0'J'. "obert A.-SW. of NW. ii
Si. .T in vl a"- 74 ana Be.. 74
813. Vi of Sec. 24, T. 16 S., R. 2 to.:
1.0 acres; BE. Vi of SB. "4 and SW
i 0,a,,,d y-' ii ot NW. Vi of Sec.
2' T. 1? S., It. 2 to.: 0 acres;
!S.xiW 3' Penalty 93c, Interest 93c;
total 11 90
Brown Elbert-SK Vi ot Sec.'30,"T:'i6
H.. It. 1 w.: loo acres; tax S4 68
J"1? 4sf. interest 40c total". .' 6 60
Crandiill, Minor H. SW. Vi of Sec. 28
' ",D-. fv -; ItiO acres; tux S4 68
penalty 46c, Interest 46c; total"..
SvJtii4 S'' 1'' 3 E'i llitf ncres;
totnl Penalty 46c, Interest 46c;
Dornn. AgnesWn't'c'rYoo-ilo'ts ' Y," ' 2,
5 60
S 60
. : , , . o: tax use, pen
alty 9c Interest 9c; total 1 l(j
v ii V t,r-T, ' J, 01 ow Vi and
H".H.0.f,E' 54 of.Scc' T- S.,
. 2 i..; 100 acres; tax SI 68, penalty
4c Interest 46c; total .......... s 60
S 10 S",.R-.1 w-l SO acres; tax
SS5, penalty 6Sc, Interest 68c; to-
Renninly'er 'iTe.,'.'.'"v''iV",V"'-'V,"",,'. 7 01
t. 36 s rrw"";,.? ;
w.4,,68' Penalty 46c, Interest 46c;'totnl 6 60
Wl loughby. Mrs. Nettle Lots 0. 7":
-imTii. V. 1 "L D'v- corner, of
AMlllam Vuugh D, L. G. Not 3034
In Soc. 4 T. 10 S., R. 3 '., and run
.w"i Fi-43, c,""lns: Ibeiico JJ. 30
?h?A.E' chains to township line:
'hence V. on township lino 24
chains, f W. lino of said D. L. cf;
thenco 8. 13 dec; thenco W. 8.25
clirilns to beginning, contninlng CO
c'es; tax SU 70, penalty Si 17, iii-
. ;,. . iu"n 14 01
If, i Aaf;st-Hnck's Second AddU
iT. "lutuiy, juia 1, UIOCK 24:
i?o7.'.?,?V P-'"a"y 1 Of. interest
Cv"' ll?'--' M"ofVsB."vi and NW. W
- 74 .inn ij!, yt or SW. V,
of Soc. 13; also E. . of NW Vi anil
N. V4 of NE. Vi. Be? 24, T. lb 2.. R
i V . "Fros: tnx S9 36, penalty 93o,
n""..1"! mini 11, M
TK Vi M-eginning at NE. cir
nor of lot 7 rii f o i. 1
thence S 20 chains; thenco E. s
chains; thenco N. 20 chnins to bo-
f,"': "fi uCOIUaln,"8: 16 acres. Sec.
wSifi. a' 77."'V,V3S,
Ul DW, li, 1. iV, a.,
m "i r ncres; tnx S3 34, penalty
23c Interest 23c; total ............. a SO
VS of NE. V4 of to. V4 of SE. and
l! 4. Sees. 35 nnd 2. T. 13 S..
H'.11E;:.227.aoli1'cs; tnx W penalty
IU1.1VDI wci iouii 30 04
Simons, A. Lot 3, block 3, Boston;
fSflil 1 ' """"ot cents, penalty 30;
Howe, llemn T.elinnV ', 'ill 'A' V.Il'J.I".'.
si 32: totni ":..:..." . mxcTQ"--&
l. 10 S., R. 4 E. ; 100 acres; tax S4 68,
penalty 46c. interest 46c; totnl 6 60
Abrnm, to. M-lIack's Second Ad
dltlon to Albany, lot 1, block 23,
ss S Hon iGo'ir8f Y'i n,lrch No
6 1. 13 s., R.. 4 W., I.inn County,
Or., except small tract E. ot Mud-
. dy Creek, contninlng 7 ncres, mora
amount remaining 313 ncres, moro
or less; also D. L. c. of Eiihralm
m"Ena'?S aWlt& Not' 25S1' cl"'"i No. '
W T. 13 8. li. 4 to.. Linn County
Sf'!,., containing 320 acres; tnx
11 38, Interest ll 13, pennity SI 13;
lOlllI i 14 (U
Ballon, Rebecca A. (G 'a"'Burk
hart, agent)-l lack's Addition to
Albany lot 4, block 110: tax $18 98,
Interest Jl 89. pennity Si 89; totnl 21 76
B,Shet.rntnSClJa W' ll IU R
Shelton, Mnnigcrs) Beginning
at center of Thomas Crock 31 foot
?; i0t. n6l1 rectly 8. of E. lino
of lot 73 In Scio: thence N. about
Lfoct,-'0 ,N' sldc ot M"' street; .
thonco E. nbout 24 feet to-815. cor
ner of land owned by O. N. Cortov
100 feet; tnenbe KabSui '
218 ,,eet 'o a point on W. lino of
land oyned by O. w. Phillips'
thence In a southerly direct on
nbout lie feet to BT. coi iX of
m'mY- tw"'l: '""5: thenco
w nt ISf to. a. polnt 3'no chains
'lO S r"0i '-S,'.?" Soc' J7' 1si
ir'r r .'. ' 1 W' 'hence 8. about
Y.'.l JM W, interest S9 60, iien- '
r' 't".' 'i. page UN.
ft n i ii.' --,'I,tt, t oec. ai, T. 11
of" n r V.ntx,"n W0 on w- "no
N M n", 7CNot; ; run thenco
. a deg. 35 min.; thenco E. 87
9''nlns; thenco E. 33.76 ollains
?f ?i','ce, i 20 .fhnlns; thonco &
thcnce"'l'"si hc,Vco, 18 chnins
! ?.L&f chnins; thenco S
chains tbenco E. 18.35 chalns:
"HI. B. 20 chains; thonco i 5. "i ,
w i; '. V""" . w cnains; tbenco
1 ttnVch;p-;qfi'
w ti .k.i. u,,""i tnenee S.
22.71 chains: thenco S. 38 deir
ih B- 12.80 chnins; thonco s'
6.60 chnins; thence W. 24 So chain?:
to center of Crabtrce Creek; thraco
down center of said creek, to l?w!
Ing meanders thereof, to W bounZ
'!5e. .fJot 4' Sec. 1. T. n S
Si.1 w-:,'henco N. to NV cor
ner, of snid lot 4; thonco E h m
chains to beginning " contninlng
L.M,rc; except some sold uf
19 m; lntorost Si 98, penalty ii osT
fenning 23 M
S185;. rdn thenco ji- iiV i. oc'
thenco N. ffiSnst theneoCW "So
cha ns; thenco N ii ii .i i 40
thenco w"ToCehans;lri"nco' s'ntSo:
s'-ss's tixss'hK jsf"???
S4 6C; total ...., - penoiiy '
rl?,'b1oo1KUjBhnS?ut!!. B"K'Ko."qt 60 M
ford Not.-i35C li'lT
nlng nt a Dolnt 63 foot N from
J,!"' "neo N 27 roils 7 "fe"'; theSc'o
7 f0(!i4 rc": thenco 8. 27 5352 '
J feet; thenco to. 20 roili i
feet I 80 0!!"'' "' n politcTvi
'7Vr,rV"-"lr..5etncSt '
N' i n 'ein? ot "nl11 claim; thonco
Sal ,'sC &' l"N"C0 , W- 1TE
thenco' w. T.TchaVn's; hencoN1
.afi ehn ns: thence w r. I. ( w
penahy' sft 1C- tut!il 3t M
Hester, V P.-W ll o'f.:w;;";217 03
NW. of Hoe. 15,'t H li (l
except 1 ,.. IcaOl in- 'V, ?''''
tax 95. interest .9c'."1T,c,;:itnyP;9ci
Westfnli, ci. M ''w "iV';,'f "IV'V 2 53
thenco N. 6.75 chains ' thc0ri"
il.r.5 chains; thenco S r, Vi! T . ,!"
"d"""'. 2
'." ebnVnsTJhe'nr.V' N-K"d
min ; thenco K 6.65 chains; 'VKn
penally II 2!"ti,il, !""!ro"t ft 2. p