Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, January 30, 1903, Page 4, Image 4

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    Sat ui day Night Thoughts.
In Oregon the meeting ol tbe elate
legislature baa been tbe leading topic.
Tbe proceedings have been watched witb
inteieet and ooncern. At tbe end of tbr
econd week four or five bllle bave passed
bo'.h bouses, one of them appropriat
ing five hnndied tboneand dollara for a
big exposition of tbe resources of the
Itate, in order that tbe people ol tbe
world may know more of tbia great
country, the otbere being of a mio or na
ture. While a good many bills of little
importance bave been introduced there
Trill probably be more care than cuBtom
Bry in passing tbem because of tbe refer
endum now in force. At the same lime
it is not thought that tbe referendum
will eyer be invoked except in striking
cases. A great many bills are of snch a
local nature that even as unjust as tbey
are It would be almost impossible to se
cure a petition fur their reference, a fact
that is no doubt understood. On ac
count of tbe large exposition appropr ia
tion it might be hoped that there would
be greater economy along other' lines,
bat there are no signs of this, in fact tbe
prospect is that tbe legislature will be
more extravagant even than in the paBt
and that tbe financial interests of the
people will be bandied recklessly. Tbls
ie not particularly a growl, but a state
ment of a liict.
A liquid air demonstration this week
baa revealed more of the wonderful
things of nature. Nothing though ie
surprising any longer and we are learn
ing to take everything as a matter of
fact no matter bo marvellous, As
striking as many of tbe discoveries bave
been perhaps even now we are only in
the infancy of investigation and in tbe
future the time will come when things
will be known beeide which tbe knowl
edge of the present day ie exceedingly
Bmall. It is to be hoped that with tbe
progress of tbo lines men may also become
better and that there is s big an im
provement in their morale ae in tbeir in
ventive wisdom.
In four years in the United StateB there
baveibeen Sity prominent casesof death
by poisoningi Ihie being tbe weapon need
to produce murder. Tbia means has be
come startlingly popular. A fact to be
regretted, as it ie of a very invidious
nature, treacherous in ite nature and
difficult of discovery. It Ib worse than
Blabbing a man in tbe back, more cow
ardly than Bbootlng from behind a cover.
Ie it possible that it ie simply in keeping
with tbe times.
A South Carolina tra.eily baB been
made prominent on account ol tbe men
engaged in it, one a lieutenant governor
OftheBtate and tbo otber a leading
editor. Particularly tho name ot the
principal In it, that of a family for years
belore the public because of the fierce
character of a loadiug membor of the
family, always doing or eaylng some
thing to attract quick attention. Ibn
C.8.B6 Ib one that calls for prompt justice.
An example is needed at this time.
A Striking Belief.
Geo. T. Angel in Dumb AnluialB cays:
We believe:
(1) That "war ie hell" for dumb ani
mals aa well as human beings, because it
makes men devils.
(2) That the (so-called) "Monroe Doc
trine" (eo far aa it ie held to ehut out the
great continent oi South America from
ftll nation! but our own) ie the most in
gehloas device that infernal ingenuity
nonld ever have invented to involve us in
enornouB preparations for ruinous wars
with otber (so-called) Uhrietian nations.
We have ten thousand mllos of our
Own coast line to defend, saying nothing
Oi Porto Rico, the 6andwich add Philip
pine Islands, and, under this (so-called)
Monroe Doctrine, (he whole groat conti
nent ol South America.
It we are going to guard all these we
ball need a navy as large as the -combined
navies ol all Europe, and the ex
penditure of iuoaloulable millions ol dol
lars to eery on the devil's work of war
t hrough coming generations.
Young Representative Galloway ended
a aneBch thie way:
"When tbe people elected Democratic
Presidential eleotore tbey;expeoted tbem
to vote lor the Democratic candidate lor
President; when tbe people elect Repub
lican Presidential electors tber expect
them to vote lor the Republican candi
date lor President. When the people
elect Democratic Senatorial electors tbey
expect them to vote lor the DemoBratte
oandldatofor Senator. But," paused
the Yamhill gentleman, "when the peo
ple elect Republican Senatorial electors,
God only knows what they expect them
to do."
Wi,n ilia snb-commlttee of the Ben-
ato Committee on Territories was In the
Southwest investigating conditions In
ta Mxxlco. Ar.eona and Oklahoma,
Kdltor Thomas Huglies, ol Albuqaeique,
paid the visitors many attentions. .
A copy of Mr. Hughes' paper reached
the Senate with this paragraph mark It
"H.o.t r llurnham will talk lor two
Wa dnvB aaaiust Statehood for K. W
Mexico When we think about hay ng
wasted a bottle ol whiskey on that man
U makes our soul snrrosrlul '
A Bureau of Information.
Col. Frank V, Crake, ol Portland, was
in tbe city last evening interviewing
Albany men in reference to a bill pro
viding for tbe establishment of a Bureau
of Information, with headquarters in
some comodious rooms in the central
de.ot in 1'ortlaad , a bill for which will
be intrcdneed in tbe legislature, calling
lor an appropriation of one fonrtb ol a
mill lor its maintenance. $16,000 has
already been subscribed for starting tbe
bureau, but the cooperation of tbe whole
state ib ueeued, under tbe bill there be
ing eub etatione in each county under
me county courts. Which Bball furnish
maps, printed ma iter and exhibits ol
grains, flax, hops, fruits etc., for the
inspection l new comers upjn tueir ar
rival in Portland. The move is in keep
ing witb the spirit of the day to bring
ureiion to tbe iront and make ite re
sources known. to tbe world.
Ingram Is There.
From the Journal.
Frank B. Ingram, the convict who was
pardoned alter being wounded during
the escape of Tracy and Merrill, Ib seeu
every day at the atate house, doing hie
best to gain support lor the claim he
wishes to DreBent attaint the state for bin
injury. He does not reach many of tbe
legislators, but he considers even third
bouee members worthy of attention,
which tbey are plenteously leceivioe at
bis bands.
Mr. Ireram nrobablv knows mora of
the inside management of tbe Btate
prison than any man in Oregon who
pas secured an bonorabe discharge.
An Amused Man.
Albany, Jan. 24th, 1903.
Mr. Editor. I have been amused and
amaBed especially of late, In noticing
how our city pulpits are so careful in
protecting and guarding their pet duo
trine (not tbe Bibles) namely the doo
trine ol tbe Immortality ol the Soul of
Man. It only shows how a dogma holds
on when once rooted among a people.
Just take one example from tbe Bible
to Bbow tbe lalicy of tbe doctrine,
namely tbe caee of Mobcb; be could not
enter it is eaid tbe land of Canaan
(nroner) beoanee be einned but Joshua
and Caleb could enter for they wholly
followed the uota out n tney bad only
been wise and Binned like Moses tbey
too could have gone to glory long before
tbey did. Do you Bee tbe point.
Representative Landis ol Indiana, bad
company at dinner. Ho was at his beet
and told story alter Btary,
"That's a brilliant papa you bave, my
boy," eaid ono of the guests to tbe small
"Yes," Baid tbe boy, "when there's
It is the general wish of our citizens
that tbe bridge mattor be satisfactorily
settled bo that tbe toll may be taken off
and the two oounties keep up the struct
ure as they do otber bridges. This will
be much belter tban a fight in tho legis
lature. EdllorGaultof Hillsboro has becone
considerable of a butt end of jokes on ac
count of bis bill prohibiting the taking
of pictures on Sunday. A very little
thing sometimes gives a man the reputa
tion of being a freak. As a matter of
fact Editor Saalt Is a very eincere and
honorable kind of a man and besides has
the honor ot being the lather ol the cap
tain ol a foot ball eleven .
There Is ao impression somewhere that
because Qovernor Chamberlain resided
in Albany the men ol thjs connty have a
right to expeot more appointmente than
those Irom other parte of the state, but
there ie nothing in thie the vote received
by the Qoverner in Linn county doesn't
suggest anything ol the kind. But I ha1
alone ia not tne qnestion. it is sate to
suggest that be will be governed by what
teems tbe best Interest of the state re
gardless of tbe vote at tbe June election.
Tbe Lewis and Clark exposition should
be made one that will be a oredtt to tbe
Northwest now that it baa been deoided
to make a big appropriation. Let's have
no hall way business about it. II we get
Ihe people ol the east to come out here
we must give them eometbing worth see
ing, nut a muscle daueing, midway show,
but an exposition ol not only tbe wonder
Inl reeourcee ol the Northwest but ol tbe
world. Included should be many of the
marvels ol other expositions, the house
bottom eide up, the place of mystery,
scenio railroads, etc. But above all it
should be in exponent ol the resoucee o'
this garden spot.
Representative Fitagerald told the
story ol the Irishman who went to set
naturalised, and in answer to the ques
tion "Have yon read the Constitution of
the United States?" replied, "No, i'er
Honor, I have not, bnt me friend Mike
Lanahin read it to me and mighty well
pleased I win with it,"
"That reminds me,' eaid Itepreseuta
tlve Ryan of Buflalo, "of tbe time Jim
Naples, a prosperous Italian in Buffalo,
announced himself as a candidate lor the
Assembly. A reporter went down to in
terview him.
" 'What do yoa think ol the Constitu
tion ol the United Slates, Mr. Naples?"
the reporter aaked. Jim thought hard lor
a minute or two and then said, with
great dignitv :
" 'I think It are vory nice,' " Wo-ld.
To-Day's Vote.
Salem, Ore., Jan. 23, 1H03- The ballot
lor senator to-day resulted : Folion.20;
4eer,16; Wood, 13; paired, 12; absent,
6; scattering, IS. No changes in Ihnra
dav's vote. The legislature adjourned to
Anti-Trust in Name Only.
Washington, Jan. 21 Senator ElkinB
today introduced a hill which covers the
features of anti-trust legislation eo far
as it relates to railroads. It contains tbe
provisions which have been recommend
ed by Attorney-General Knox hb to the
punishment of those who receive rebates
as well as thoBe who give rebates. It
providee for the punishment of corpora
tions by fine instead of imprisonment o'
the officials; also for injunctions to prej
vent discriminations.
Urn er the President's Nose
Nsw York, Jan . 21. It is announces!
that the United States Lead Company,
with a capital of $15,100,000, $100,000
being 7 per cent preferred stock, has
been incorporated in New Jersey. Tb is
company will take over various plants
prepatory to merging them in tbe pres
sent National Lead Company. Among
tbe companies to be absorbed are con
cerns located in BostoD, Philadelphia,
Baltimore, Cleveland, St. Louis, Chica
go and Farmingtoo,
The Venezuelan War.
MABACAino. Jan. 22. The bombard
ment of Fort ban Carlos by tbe German
cruisers Yineta. Panther and Falke .was
continued yesterday afternoon until 6
o'clock. It was resumed this morning
at uaynreaK. seven or eigne Shells wero
hurled at the fort at 4 o'clock at, long
range. Tbey all fell short.
Maiubaibo, Jan. 21. Three German
warships, Btipposed to be the Panther,
Vineta and Falke, began shelling the
fort of San Carlos at 3:30 o'clock thie
mornintr. The fort returned the fire.
The engagement wsb in progreBB at 1
o'clock this afternoon.
The correspondent of the Associated
Press, in a rowboat, approached to with
in three miles of the fort at noon.
A Trusty's Escape.
Salem. Jan. 21. Ed White, a trnstv
convict in the penitentiary, ran away to
day. He waa serving a term for barg-
lajy in (Joos - County, -tie was receivsd
about five years ago and had about four
years yet to serve. By his good conduct
ho had earned tbe privileges ol a trusty,
and was employed as aesiotant druggist.
Sugar Boss.
Washington, Jan. 22. -Sugar wins
again, and it is evident that the tobacco
interests and tbe beet and cane-sugar
interests of Ihe United States have com
bined to Drevent any reduotion of tbe
tariff on Philippine suga . That is the
result of tbe compromise on the Philip
pine bill today. A reduction of 60 per
cent of the Dingley schedules will prob
ably be accepted by the House. This is
little better than tbe present Vo; per cent
rate, but yet it iB enough to prevent any
serious attack upon the sugar interests.
Geer Men Solid.
Salem, Jan. 22, The Geer forces are
not discouraged- They Btarled out with
20 votes, and In thtee day's balloting
tbey have lost tbree voteB. Tonight
they had a meeting and counted noBes,
and found, so tbey Bay, that they bave
17 men who will etanu eolid. Governor
Geer was there and made a brief addresB.
Its tenor was that he was in the light to
Will Be Senator Long.
Toi'kka, Kan., Jan, 22. Congressman
Chester I. Long was. nominated by ac
clamation this afternoon by the Repub
lican Legislative caucus as candidate .tor
United States Senator. All the otber
candidates withdrew. The election will
be held in a joint session to be 1 eld next
Tuesday .
California has a $15,000,000 orange
crop, according to the figure slingers.
About;the usual number of fool bills
aro being introduced at Salem. An
X-ray is needed.
Mr. Fulton tells people privately that
he has the situtation in hand and is sure
ol election. This ie not the first time
Mr. Fulton has talked through his hat.
A Portland man in Albany to day
says Binger Hermann will come nearer
than any one mentioned to being elect
ed senator.
J.C.Evans, of Tacoma, had just 75
cents left wben be received word of an
inberitence of $350,000 left by a step
father at Rotterdam, Germany. He and
hie wile and child have moved to Port
land, where they will find plenty of
friende while the money lasts.
Tbe Democrat has received from Mew
York an astrological letter written by
Astor, a well known astrologist. Ac
cording to him there will be a sudden
taking off during February of a notable
man conneoted with high government
circles, the coal eitualion will draw to a
cloee and scarcity cease, the trend of the
stock market will be downward with
etirring times about the 20th. There
will be violent weather in the east tbe
3rd, 9th, 16th and 23d and travel will be
impeded. The chase of tbe trustB alter
tne common people will continue.
The trusts might as well get up and
vatnons the ranch; for Senator Dalv of j
Benton county is alter them. He pro-'
poses to make it a high crime to run a '
trust, and is certainly on Ihe light trace,
but nnlortunately doesn't live in New
Jersey instead ol Oregon . It is sale
enough in Oregon to lamm the stuffing
out ol tbe trusts tram a legislative ttand
point, but as we are net seriously afllist
ed with trusts yet Ihe matter isn't as
savage as II might be. A good trust law
on our hooks, though, might serve as a
preventive in 'h fntrtre when Oregon
becomes the greatest stale west of the
?rof. 1. F.. Kichardson was In Eugei e
yeeieruciv 1,1 in-j interest ot the bun
Hon. b. P. Mosb, of Lakeview, after a
visit to Sa'em ie vn-iiiuic Liun couutv
irieitde and relntivee
Mr. nd Mrs. M. D. Ballard anil
daughter Jessie, uf brattle, li-lt this noon
Or LO AmreltB. where thttv wl unirmri.
If u i " ' ' '
v wr rfuue.
Miea L. U Marshall, the Dooular win
dow clerk of the post office, received a
tine narrot todaj ,-tne present of a friend
in roriiano .
(Continued from naue 2.)
center of county road; thence S. S3
dee. -16 min. E. In center of county
road 1.42 chains; thence N. 6.03
chains; thence W. 1.-12 chains to be
ginning, containing 85.01 acres; tux
S10 21. Interest SI 02. penalty SI 02:
total 12 25
Ewlng, James Beginning 10 chains
W of NW. corner of l. L. C. of
Preston Moris No. 1164; run thence
E. 36.00 ' chains; thence S. 22.19
chains; thenco W. 36.06 chains;
thence N. 22.19 chains to beginning,
containing SO acres; also lot 1, Sec.
18, T. 11 S., li. 1 W., containing
18.52 acres; also beginning at a point
39 rods N. of NE. corner of D. F.
Crabtree D. L. C. ; run thence
W. 208 7-12 feet; thence N. 208 7-12
feet; thence E. 20S 7-12 feet; thenco
S. 20S7-12 feet, containing 1 acre;
tn sn 21. Interest 92e. ucnaltv 92c:
total H 03
SW. Vi of Sec. 33, T. 14 S.. R.T. E.,
40 acres: tax 9Sc. Interest 9c. pen
alty. 9c; total 1 16
uinuiey, w. xi. ueginning at jiu,
corner of J. l' Ames 1. L. C. No.
47. T. 13 S., R. 1 E.; run thence S.
20 rods; thence W. 9 rods; thence
N. 20 rods; thence E. 9 rods to
beginning, containing 1 acre; tax
69c, Interest Gc, penalty 5c; total...
Flndlev. heirs of W. R. Brownsville.
0 69
lots 6. 7, block 2; tax SI 59, Interest
15c, penalty 15c; total 1 S9
Finger, J. NE. Vi of Sec. 36, T. 12
S., R. 1 E., 160 acres; tax S9 27,
Interest 92c, penalty 92c; total 11 11
Fink. Anna SE. Yi of NE. and S.
Yi or SE. Yi and SW. of Sli Yt Sec.
14. T. 10 S., R. 1 E., 100 acres; tax
S4 88, interest 48c, penalty 48c; total.- 6 81
First National Bank, Eugene Lots
6, 7, of Sec. 4, T. 10 S.. K. 3 W., 38
acres; tax S2 34. Interest 23c, penal
ty 23c; total 2 80
Flaugher, W. L. SW. Yt of SE. 54 of
Sec. 21 and W. 'A of SW. Yi of and
SW. U of NW. 4 of Sec. 32, T. 11 S.,
R. 1 200 acres; tax $6 85, interest
68c, penalty 68c; total 8 21
Fleencr J. A. SE. Yt of Sec. 30, T. 10
3., It. 1 ., 160 acres; tax $G 14, In
terest 61c. penalty 61c; total 7 36
Foster, C. H. SB. Yi of Sec. 26, T. 13
S., R. 1 E., 160 acres; tax $8 78, in
terest 87c, penalty S7c; total 10 52
Foster, John F. SW. Yi of Sec. 5. T.
11 S., R. 7 E., 160 acres; tax ii 68,
Interest 46c. penalty 46c; total S 60
Frohlich, William Beginning 50.70
cnains w.oi iu. corner 01 iot. non,
running thenco N. 15.18 chains;
thence W. 45.23 chains; thence S.
15.20 chains; thenco E. to begin
ning, containing 2.03 acres, Sees. 13,
14, T. 11 S, R. 2 W.; tax $12 19, in
terest 11 21, penalty SI 21; total 14 69
Froman, Mrs. Henretta Albany, lota
5, 6, 7, block 65; tax $14 66; interest
$1 40, penalty $1 40; total 17 68
Fruit, Jasper NE. Yi of SE. Yi, and
SE. Yi of NE. Yi, of Sec. 1, T. 14 S.,
R. 2 W., SO acres; tax $2 34, interest '
23c, penalty 23c; total 2 80
Frum, R. E. (A. H. Frum agent)
Sec. 9, T. 13 S., K. 2 W., 13 acres;
tax 49c, Interest 4c, penalty 4c; to
tal 67
Fry, Martin M. 31 2-3 acres of fol
lowing: Beginning 30 chains S. of
NE. corner of Sec. 27, T. 11 S., R.
3 W.; running thenco W. 63 2-3
chains; thence S. 10 chains; thenco
W. 63 2-3 chains; thenco N 10
chains to beginning, containing
63 2-3 acres. Sees. 28, 27. T. 11 S., It.
3 W. ; tax $4 10, interest 41c, penal
ty 41c; total -4 91
Fuller, liable C Crawford's Addi
tion to Coville, block 2; tax $3 51,
Interest 35c, penalty 35c; total 4 21
Fuller, Andrew 21 acres of Hub
Bryant's land, Sec. 21, T. 10 S., R.
2 W.; tax S3 12, Interest 31c, penalty
He; total 3 74
Furrey, S. O. Lyons, lot 2, block 1;
tax i z, interest lie, penalty lvc;
total .-
Geer, Earl Beginning at an oak
2 08
stako at a point on E. boundary
lino on W. ',. of D. L. C. of Olnoy
Frcy, Sr.. and wife, No. 722. T. 1
S., li. 3 W., which is 22.20 chains N.
of S. boundary line of said B. L.
C, and running thenco W. parallel
with said boundary line of said D.
I-,. C. 40 2-3 chains to an oak stftko
on west boundary line of said D.
Xj. C; thence N. 2.20 chains to on
oak stake; thenco E. parallel with
S. boundary lino of said D. L,. C.
40.23 chains to an oak stako on E.
boundary lino of W. Mt of sold D.
L. C: thence S. 20.20 chains to be
ginning, containing 10.55 acres,
more or less, in Linn County, Or.,
Sees. 27. 28. T. 11 S., R. 3 W.; tax
$1 17, interest lie, penalty 11c; to-
Gentry, Mrs. Louisa KirkpatrlcK
1 39
Aouirion 10 LeDanon, lot 3, block 4;
tax $1 03, Interest 10c, penalty 10c;
total 1:3
G-ibhcnrd, J. A. Waterloo, part of
lot 8, block 44, SW. Yi of NE. Yi of
Sec. 33, T. 12 S., R 1 W.. 40 acres;
tax $9 44, lntorcst 94c, penalty 94c;
totnl u 36
Gilbert. W. J.-SE. Yt and S. ,4 of
NE. Yi. and NE. Yi of SW. Yi, and
SE.i ot NW. Vi. and lot 1 oi Sec.
11, T. 13 S., R. 1 w., containing
350 acres: tax $18 14, .Interest SI 81,
penalty $1 81: total 21 76
Glllcrain, Mnrtin NE. Yt of Sec. 3,
T. 10 ., R. 2 E., 160 acres; tax
$5 52, interest 65cf penalty 55c; to- .
tal 6 62
Gllman, S. L. N. W. Yi Of Sec. 16, T.
14 S R. E.. 820 acres; tax $7 SO,
Interest 7Sc. penalty "Sc; total 9 36
Glthens, J. G- Beginning at SE. cor
ner of D. L. c. of James Garrett
and wife, No. 2561, claim No. 61,
T. 13 S., R. 4 W.: running thonco
W. on S. boundary lino of said
claim 24.04 chains; thenco N. 40.31
chains, more or less, to a point
which is 26.25 chains N. of said
boundary lino ot Sec. 16, in said T.
and It.; thenco E. 53. 5S chains, moro
or less, to E. boundary lino of said
Sec. 16: thence S. .22 chain, more or
less, to N. boundary line of D. L.
C. of J. F. McCartney, claim No.
69. in said T. and R.; thence W.
9.56 chains, more or less, to E.
boundary line of D. L. C. of James
Garrett and wife: thence 9. 37.09
chains, moro or less, to beginning,
containing 121 acres, moro or less,
In Linn County, Or. : tax $37 02, In
terest $3 70, penalty 3 70; totnl 44 42
Glass, Samuel SW ,i of Sec. 2. T.
15 S., R. 1 W., 160 acres; tnx S3 90,
Interest 39c, pcnnlty 39c; total 4 6S
Glass, J. II. Beginning at a point 13
rods N. of SE. corner of R. Flnd-ley-D.
L. C, claim No. 37. T, 14 S..
R. 1 W.; thenco N. 19 rods: thence
W. 30 rods: thenco S. 19 rods;
thence E. 30 rods to beginning, con
taining 356 ncres. In Linn County.
Or., all In Sec. IS. T. 14 S.. R. 1
W.; tux $7 91, Interest 79c, penalty
,9c: total g 4?
G.aber. Cora Waterloo, lot 5. block
13; tax 15c, interest 1c, penalty lc;
total 17
Gordon. C Blnckman's Addition to
Albany.1 lot 6, block 3; tax 35c, In
terest 3c. penalty 3c: total 41
Graham. G. N H of NE. 14 and SW.
i of NE. i of Sec. 30. T. 14 S.. R.
2 w.. 120 acres; and SE. of Sec.
.18, T. 11 S.. It. 7 E.. 160 acres: tnx
S3 6t, Interest 35c, penalty 35c; to- I
tal 4 21
Gray. S. J. Heirs ot Galbralth's
Second Addition to N. Brownsville. '
lot 4. block 1: tax 67c. Interest 6c,
penalty 6c; totat 79
Gray. C. I.. Undivided two-thirds of
9. 4 of Sec. 6, T. 12 S.. R. 2 B., 107
acres; NE. M of Sec. 6. T. 12 S.. R.
2 K.. 160 ncres; tax JS 29. Interest
S2e. penoltv Sic: total 9 92
Grlsham, John (C. V. Grlsham. Agt.)
J. M. Unlston's Addition to l?b
nnon. lots 5. 6. Mock 21; Klrkpat
rlck's Second Addition to Lebanon,
lots It. 12. Mock 1: tax $1 7S. Inter
est lie. penalty 17c: total 2 1
Gnvs. .Marv Waterloo, lot 3. block
(3: tax Si 77, interest 17c. penalty
. 17c; totul 1
Hadden, J. I. N. H ot NW. U. and
SE. i4 of NW. hi ot Sec.
36, T. 10 S., R. 1 E., 120 acres; tax
S3 51, interest 35c, penalty 35o; to-
tal : !t
Hall, Jessie i'. Beginning ut 'a sec
tion on W. line 01 Sec. 20. T. 12 S.,
It. 1 E. ; running thence S. W rods;
1!.. ace E. to center of Hamilton
t . ;k; thence N. in center of said
t lc to N. line ot SW. Vi of said
h.j. 20; thence W. to beginning,
c.i.ialning 20 acres; tax $2 15, ln-
. . .st 21c, penalty 21c; total 2 57
1 John B- N. W of S. E. hi, and
' of SE. hi of Sec. 17, and NE.
U of NE. Vi of Sec. 20, T. 10 S., K. 6
160 acres; tax $4 6s, interest 40c,
penalty 46c; total 6 M)
Hall, O. A. Beginning at NW. cor
ner of D. L. C. of George W. How
ell. No. 1S65, T. 10 S., R. 2 W. ; run
ning thence S. 71 rods more or less
to the center of county road run
ning east and easterly along cen
ter of said road,s to center of
Crabtree Creek; thence down
center of said creek, following
mcanderlngs thereof, to N. line of
said Howell's V. L. C; thenco W.
to beginning, containing 34 acres;
tax $3 90, Interest 39c. penalty 39c;
total i fifi
Hallie, James N. hit of NW. Yi of
01 oec. d, 1. 10 a. it. 1 j fco acres;
tax $2 34, Interest 23c, penalty 23c;
total 9 Jin
Hamburger, A. D., Estate of, (J. L.
jiuub, ugenij iois 2, J, DIOCK o,
Harrisburg; tax SI 88. interest 18c.
Denaltv lSe: total 9. oa
xramon, iaa is. .ripes a. Addition to
Albany, lots 8. 9. block 4: tax 63c.
Interest 5c. oannltv tie: total fi.1
i-ianuy, J. H. vvootlle s R. Addition
to Albany, lots 1. 2, block l, and lots
1, 2, 6, 0, 7, 8, of block 8 and block
9; tax $4 24, interest 42c, penalty 42c;
total 6 OS
Hannah, Joseph SW. Yi of NE. Vi
uuu iv. ft ot bu. i or bee. 8, '1.
10 S-, R. 1 E., containing SO acres,
beginning in middle of creek 6 rods
S. of SW. corner of SE. Sec. 8, T.
10 S., R. 1 E.: thence N. to said
corner N. 80 rods, E. 64 rods; thence
S. to middle of creek: thenco
W. down said creek to beginning,
containing 3 acres, lots 3, 4, and S.
Vs of SW. hi of Sec. 8, 223 acres; tax
$7 27, interest 12c, penalty 72c; total 8 71
nrney, D. H. E. hi of SE. hi of Sec.
36, T. 9 S., B, 1 li,; SO acres; tax
S4 57. interest 45c. nenaltv 45g total. R 47
Harris, G. W. Hack's Second Add!-'
tlon to Albany, part of lota 6, 0,
block 18, NW. Yi of NE. hi and SE.
hi of NE. Vi of Sec. 10. T. 11 S.. R.
1 W.; 192 acres; also SW. hi of NE.
Yi of same section, township and
rnnge; tax $14 63, interest $1 46, pen
nltv SI 46. total 17 95
Harrison, Hale, heirs of All that
part of NW. hi of Sec 20, T. 13 S.,
R. 3 V., Linn County, Oregon, ly- -ing
E. of Large Slough, run N. and
S. through same, and fraction NE.
of said See. 20, containing In all 205
acres; tax $21 94, Interest $2 19, pen
alty $2 19: total 26 32
Harwood, Philip Highland Grove
Auaition to Lyons, lots 1, s, oiock
4; tax 74c, lnterost 7c, penalty 7c;
total 88
Hassbrook, Lorenzo, heirs of, (J. D.
Irvine, agent) xneaame jonnson xj.
Xj. c ino. 02, except wnat nas Deen
sold, amount remaining 100 acres in
Sec. 12, T. 14 S., R. 3 W.; tax $12 38,
interest $123. nenaltv SI 23: total.. 14 84
Haas, Fred Beginning at NW. cor
ner 01 sec. zs, t. v a., at. x au. ; run
thenco N. SO rods; thence E. 160
rods; thence S. SO rods; thence W.
160 rods to beginning, containing
80 acres; tax $6 24, interest 62c, pen
alty 02c: total 7 48
Hayes, S. L. Blnckman's Addition to
Albany, lots 9, 11, oiock 1; tax aic.
Interest 2c. nenaltv 2c. total 24
Hendrlx, Mrs. M. M. Harrisburg, lots
x, b, oiock b; tax $11 iu, interest
SI 41. nenaltv SI 41: total Ill 92
Henllno, T. M. Lots 6, 6, of Sec 15,
T. 9 S., R. 1 W.; tnx $2 39, interest
23c. nenaltv 23c: total
! 85
Honness, L. T. NW. hi ot SW. hi of
see. 3-1, 1. y a., at. am.; w acres,
and N. hi ot NW. hi of Sec. 3, T.
10 S.. R. 3 E.; 80 acres; tax $6 91,
Interest 69c. nenaltv 69c: total.. S 32
Henrlg, Richard SW. Yi of Sec. 24,
T. 10 a., at. b xa.; iw acres; tax
$4 63, interest 40c, penalty 46c; to- '
tal 5 60
Hcnshaw.George Beginning 6 chains
i'j. or inw. corner or jniu. Vi or aec.
29. T. 11 S R. 3 W.; run thenco E.
9.70 chains; thence S. 15.10 chains;
thenco N. 76 dog. W., 9.98 chains;
thence N. 10.73 chains to beginning,
containing acres; also begin
ning at NW. corner of NE. Yi of
Sec. 39, said T. and R. : run thenco
S. 9.23 chains; thenco S. 76 dog. E.
along center of county roads 6.20
chains; thence N. 10.72 chains to
lino of Sec. 29: thence W. 6.01
chains to beginning, containing 6
ncres, except 2 acres to Mrs. Hood,
and except some In road; tax $7 6S,
Interest 75c, penalty 75c: total 9 08
Illgglns, Lawrence Beginning at
point 30 feet W. of NW. corner of
block 40, town of Halsey; run
thenco S. 3900 feet to a point 30 feet
W. of SW. corner of block 60, in
S. addition to llalsey; thence W.
100 feet; thence N. 3900 feet: thenco
E. to beginning, containing 8.09
acres, more or less, In Linn County,
Oregon, Sec. 1, T. 14. R. 1 W.; tax
$3 S7, interest 3Sc, penalty 3Sc; to
tal 4 63
Hill, R. a, estato of. J. L. Hill,
agent Albany, lots 1, 2. 3. 6,. 7, 8, of
block 8; tax $27 60, Interest $2 76,
penalty S2 76; total 33 12
Hill, A. J S. hi of S. hi Sec. 12. T.
12 S., R. 1 E.; 160 acres; tax $4 88,
Interest 48c, penalty 48c, total 6 84
Hlndmnn, S. M. W. Lebanon, lot 8,
block 2; tax $2 21, interest 22c, pen-
nlty 22c; total 2 85
Hlntlz, H. H. SB. hi and NW. Vi of
Sec. 32, T. 12 S., R. 2 E.; 320 acres,
NW. Yt of Sec. 12. T. 15 R. 1. E. ;
160 ncres: tnx $14 63, Interest $1 46,
penalty $1 40. total 17 56
Hins, Adam Part of Hub Bryant's
land. Sec. 23. T. 10 S., R. 2 W.,
15 acres; tnx $2 46, Interest 24c, pen
alty 24c; total 2 94
Hobol, W. F. Sclo, lot 6; tax $8 80,
interest SSc, penalty SSc; totnl 10 66
Hoeyo, Mrs. S. J. Hobson's Addition
to Mill City, lot 3. block 8: tax 96c,
Interest 9c, penalty 9c; total 114
Hodges, A. J trustee Folrdalo Ad
dition to Albany, lots 4, 6, 6. block
5; tax 69c, Interest 6c, penalty 6c;
total 69
Holt, A. M. Summers' Addition to
Sodaville, lots 1, 2, block 22; tax
74c, interest 7e, penalty 7c; total.. 88
Hood,' A. B. Beginning at NE. cor
ner of Lewis Strelthoff D. L. C,
Section 23, T. 11 S., R. 2 W.; thence
a. za roas, moro or less, to a point
whero tho Drlggs Mill Race Is
taken from Santlnm River; thence
down said race to N. line of said
containing 15 acres; tax $4 80, in
D. L. C; thence E. to beginning,
terest 4Sc. penalty 4Sc: total 5 71
Hooper, T. T. S. Vi of SW. Vi of SE.
Yi 01 aec. a. a., at. a w., .
Willamette meridian, Oregon; also
fractional Vi of NE. Vi of Sec. 6, T.
10 S., R. 3 W.; also beginning at
NE. corner of lot 2, in Sec. 6; run
ning thence S. 20 chains,
thence W. 20 chains to W.
boundary line of E. hi of said Sec.
6; thence N. 20 chains to NW. cor
ner of said lot 2; thence E. 20
chains to beginning, containing 106
acres also beginning at NW. cor
ner of NE. Vi of Sec. 6. T. 10 S.,
R. 3 W.; thence W. 10 chains; .
thence S. 46.93 chains, more or less,
to S. boundary line of lot 1. In said
See. 6; thence E. 30 chains to SE.
corner of lot 2. In said Sec. 6;
thenco N. 3.79 chnln9 to a point 20
chains S. of NE. corner of said lot
2; thence W. 20 chains; thenco N.
42.93 chains to beginning, contain
ing 64.30 acres, more or less: total
amount of land Intended to bo de
scribed. 160.30 acres; tax n4i. in
terest $104. penalty $101; total.... 12 65
Horner. S., Estate NW. Vi of NE. Vi.
and SW. H of SE. i. and SR. Vi of
SW. li of Sec. 36. T. 9 S., It. 2 E..
containing 120 acres: tax S4 SO, in
terest 4Se, penalty 4Sc; total 5 "6
Horton, Marv Seminary Addition to
Sodaville. iots 4. 6. block 2; tnx
SI 41. interest 44c. penalty 41c: total 5 79
Howe. J. B. Galbralth's Addition to
North Brownsville, lots 1. 12, block
2: tax Sll 05, Interest $1 10. penalty
Jl 10; total 13 25
Howe. George, Sr. Galbralth's Sec
ond Addition to North Brownsville, '
lots 17. IS. block 15 tax S3 35; inter
est 33o. penoltv 3.V: total 4 01
Hughs. Mrs. Sarah Lot 1. block 2.
tax SI 06. interest 40c. penalty 40c;
total i -0
Hulbert, Walace Beginning at stake
11 om SE. corner of said claim:
ibttice a; io ueg. w. 7.5u chains
tlience N. 6.30 cnains; thenco E. J.30
chains; thence a. 6 chains to begin
ninii, containing 5 acres in Sec. 30.
a. u a., K. 4 :, Lndivldttl v in:
tei est In ubove h,.fm, vi-
Hj;"''TN W" k Sec. 14, T. 12 S"
. I i... loo acres; tax H So, Interest
4oc. penally 40c; total ..........
Hume, Clara A.-DSxlw) feet out of
N 11. corner of lot 1, block 5, Nona
... tiui, interest iyc.
penalty 10c; total '
Huuipurey, K. K.-Wa'terloo'"iou''7l
0, block 40; tax S3 3a. interest 3ic.
. Miiiiity 23c; total ' 4
au a., at. d fc.., 160 acres; tux U So',
n . .'Si'?" "v Penalty 40c; total fi S4
lluicnlngs, Jonn-SH'. 14 of NW. ai
'?.ev iS,X',U a" 3 "teres;
tax u 31, interest 23c, penalty 23c;
total 280
Jac;k' ,j' !t; eatat0 H.''condiu
agent-SW. ii of NW. Vi 0f NE. 5
01 Sec. 34, T. 14 S R. 2 W., 10 acVesI
tux 49c. Jo ,'.,,.
3 011 k 1ns,' "a. ' ' W. W. ' V ' of" X. ' ' ii, "of
0 57
a. w . .i. or aec. 2o, T. 11 s., at 1
w., tit acres; tax $3 41, interest 31c,
pcnuitv ,,i
Je!mc.. A. 36 ncres"in"sW.""of
ot-- Vi of aec. 1, T. 14 S., R. 4 V7; 36
uy Halsey. lots 7, S, block 10; tax
total " penalty ja 00;
. 18 03
Johm-on, Lee SE. Vi of See. 8."t."iV, '
f 't "' . 100 acres; tax S4 So1,
Interest 4Sc, penulty 4So; total;.. . . 6 84
Johnson, H. s. ii' Co.-Wnee er's
Addition to Sclo, lota 2, 3, block 3;
lots 1, 2, block 5; tax $10 SO. Interest
$108, penalty $108; total . .129a
CS!"f!,eS gei;,fBo-SE. Yi of Sec. 30,
a. li a., R. 2 h,., 160 acres; tax $4 S3.
Interest 4Sc, penalty 4Sc; total .... 6 84
Jones, L. A. S. Vi of NW. Vi of Sec.
$ ?,ncL S'D SB' o Seo- 30.
1 11 S R. 7 E., 100 acres; Hack's
2d addition to Albany, lots 1, 2,' block
t3,:,iax. '. Interest $2 03, penalty
$2.08, total 24 98
Jones, Emma M. SW. Vi of Sw" 'i
of Sec. 20 and NW. Vi of NW. Vi of
Sec. 29, and N, hi of NE. Vi of Sect
ov, a-, aa a., at. 7 E., containing 160
acres, I.lnn County, Oregon; tax
$4.88. interest 4Sc. nennllv 4tr
6 84
Jnes, W. H.-E. hi of SW. Vi and
'uw u. toeu. ao, a. au a., at. 2 as.,
163 acres; tax $5 36, interest 63c, pen
alty 63c; total ' ... . a 42
Ka.yw: M y- 01 s- of E. H.
Guffen's D. L. C. No. 2435, T. 12 S.,
R. 3 w., except 514 acres off of W.
side; also except E. 100 acres sold,
leaving 63V& acres, Sec. 29, T. 12 S.,
R. 3 W.; tax $12 6S, Interest $1 26,
penalty $1 26; total 14 20
Kay, Thomas, estato (E. Hale agent)
Sclo, lots 7, 8, block 7: tax SOc,
interest Sc, penalty Sc; total 0 96
Kelly, John Lots 7, 8, 9, 10 of Sec. 4,
T. 11 S., R. 2 E 160 acres; tax $4 So",
interest 4Sc, penalty 4Sc; total 6 84
Kenlln, August SE. Vi of Sec. 16, T.
13 S., R. 1 W., 160 acres; tax S3 58,
interest 85c, penalty 85c; total .... 9 28
King, Lucy O. Hack's 2d addition
to Albany, lot 8, block 43; tax $10 35,
interest $1 03, penalty $1 03; total .. 12 41
Kirk Jennie Beginning at art oak
stako at a point on E. boundary
line of W. hi of D. L. C. of Olney
Frey. Sr., No. 720, T. 11 S., R. 3 VV.,
which Is 20 chains N. of S. bound
ary line of said X. L. C; run
thence W. parallel with said bound
ary line of said D. L. C 46 2-3
chains to an oak stako on W.
boundary line of said D. L. C;
thence N; 2.26 chains to on oak
stake; thence E. parallel with said
boundary line D. L. C. 46 2-3 chains'
to an oak stako on E. boundary lino
of W. hi of D. L. C; thence S. to
beginning, containing 10.5 acres,
See. 27, 28, T. U S., R. 3 W.; tax
SI 17. Interest 31c. nenaltv 11c: total 1 39
Klum, G. W Part of J. W. Klum
D. L. a. Sec. 30. T. 12 S., R. 1 W.,
16 acres; tax 69c, interest 6c, pen
alty 6c: total 0 69
Krauss, J. W. Waterloo, lots 1, 2,
oiock m: tax 30c, interest 3c, pen
alty 3c: total 0 36
Krauss, Airs. Otto Hack's 2d addi
tion to Albany, S. hi of block 60,
eastern addition to Albany, part of
block 1; tax $18 98, interest $1 89,
penalty SI S9: total 22 76
Ladd & Bach (J. G. Boylo agent)
asi-tuuning icet a. or am. corner
of Santlam Academy lot; run thence
W. 5 chains; thence S. 3 chains 41
feet; thenco E. 6 chains; thence N.
to beginning, containing IV2 acres in
Sec. 10, 1'. 12 S R. 2 W. ; tax $29 50,
interest $2 95. penalty $2 95: total .. 38 30
Landham, Mrs. L. Track In Leba
non, no description, traction ot acre
Sec. 10, T. 12 S., R. 2 W.; tax S5 90,
interest 59c. nenaltv 69c: total 7 08
Laugliam, Chl lstla E. SE. Vi of Sec.
7, 'a-, ai a., at. 7 is., iw acres; tax
$4 S3, interest 4Sc. nennltv 4Sc: total. 5 71
Larsen, Hans (J. L. Larsen agent)
Beginning at rslii. or u. L. c. no.
2017, T. 13 S., R. 3 W.; run thence
S. 7.48 chains: thence W. 44 chains
to W. line of said claim; thence N.
7.4S chains; thence E. to beginning;
also lot 7 of Sec. 8 and beginning
9.03 chains S. of NE. corner of D.
L. C. No. 204S. T. 13 S., R. 3 W.; run
thence S. 28.13 chains: thenco W.
15.50 chains to Calapooia Creek;
thenco N. following E. bank of said,
creek to a point W. of beginning;
thenco E. to beginning, containing
100 acres: tax $21, interest $2 10,
nenaltv $2 10: total 25 20
Lawhead. C. H. S Vi ot SE. Vi of Sec.
2 and or iNLi. or aec. 11, 'i'.
10 S., R. 4 E., 100 acres: tax $4 88,
Interest 4Sc. penalty 48c: total '.. 5 84
Lawhead, T. W. Lots 7. 8, 9, 10, Sec.
1, x. iu a., k. 4 as., 160 acres; tax
34 88. Interest 4Sc. penalty 4Sc: total 6-84
Lee, Christen Beginning at SW. cor
ner ot fiiii. ot aec. ai, a. aj a.,
R. 1 W.: run thence S. 24 rods:
thence W. 40 rods: thence N. 32
rods; thence E. SO rods to beginning,
containing 13 acres Sec. 17, T. 13 S.,
R. 1 W.j tax $2 48, lnterost 24c, pen
alty 24c; total 2 96
Lee, R. Beginning 20 chains S. of
NW. corner of 0. L. C. No. 44, T.
13 S R. 1 W.: running thence E.
100 chains; thence & 12 chains:
thenco W. 100 chains; thence N. 12
chains to beginning, containing 120
acres; also E. hi of D. L. C. No. 45,
T. 13 B., R. 1 W., containing 160
acres: tax $19 13, Interest $1 91, pen
alty $1 91; total 22 95
Leedy, Daniel, estate D, L. C. No.
2302, lying N. of line W. from NW.
corner of D. L. C. No. 61. T. 12 S.,
R. 2 W., containing 162 acres;
Hack's Second Addition to Albany,
lots 2, 4, block 3S; tax $56 25; Inter
est $5 62: total 67 49
Leeper, Joseph SW. Vi of Sec. 24 nnd
as. or aw. vi 01 ats. H of Sec.
23. T. 10 S., R. 1 W., 2S0 acres;
tax $7 41, interest 74c; penalty 74c;
total fi fit)
Levelling, Mrs. M. E. Beginning at
a iiuim oy cimins 1. ot aay. corner
of Sec. 36, T. 11 S., R. 6 W. : running
thenco N. 14.6S18 chains; thence W.
3.4056 chains; thence S. 14.6S18
chains: thence E. 3.4056 chains, to
beginning, containing 4.309S of an
acre, in Sec. 26, T. 11 S., R. 6 W.. 6
ncres: tnx $2 93, Interest 29c, penalty
29c: total 11 er
Lewis, J. H. Tbot part of NW. cor
ner ot aec. 2b lying is. or s. Stn
tlam River, Sec. 26, T. 13 S., R. 1
E. SO acres; tax $6 SS, interest 6Sc.
nenaltv (&c: totnl r o,
Lewis. J. E. Falrdnle Addition to
Albany, lots I, 7, 8, block 6; tax
wae, iiunwi oe, penalty ac: total
Lewis, Leander W. hi of SE. Vi of
i W. 4 Ot aec. 14. T. 9 S., R. 1 W ,
120 acres: tax $5 36, interest 63c;
nenaltv 53c: totnl am
Lewis. Newton W. Vi, E. '4" and
i . or w . v. of Sec. 35: also 6
acres in SE. Vi of Sec. 27. Ivine In
SE. corner of said section arid S. ot
Santlam River, containing In all 35
acres, more or less, except 10 acres
In Sec. 35 sold to Alice McClnrv:
tax SI 21. interest 1?
total 7 . '
onK-. M". M. C Klrkpttrlc'sThird
1 45
AUilltlon to Lebanon, lots 6, 7. block
t. ...A - imerest i:c. penalty 29c;
Loyenll. Mary ' E.'." ti'tate Kirk mill
3 33
rics Third Addition to Lebanon, lot
(. blOCk 3: tax S2 9.V Inter... r,n
penalty 29c: total '
3 53
i.oveiand. 11. D.-SK. ti of Sep ?.r, T
13 S.. R. 1 E.. ISO acres: tax $6 13
Interest 61c, penalty 61c: total 7 35.
(Corrluded 00 page 5.)