Rejected for Insurance, Cured, Then Accepted. rlht's Disease and Diabetes Are Positively Curable. Chat, F W&ckor, another merchant inter viewed. Address 131 Sixth St.. San Francisco. Q. You are reported bs having been cured of maDetcs, although It Is belloTod Incurable. A. I bad It, but am now well. Q Did It It got severe f A Vory. The flrnl notice I bed was when Z was rejooted by an tnBuraneo oompacy. Later I bocumo very woalt and suffered uroatlv. Q. Any other physician Hay it was Dlahotos f a. un, yes. My own did. Tho sugar was enormous, over an ounco per day. Q Who told you ot the Fulton Compound 1 A. Editor Engclke of tho German paper. It had cured him of llrlgbt's Disease. Q. now soon did you begin to Improve A- In two weeks I know I'd got woll. Q. Did you again apply for lnsuranoo T A. I did, soon as I was well. A. In tho Bume compnny t A. Yes ; tho Norlhwestorn of Minneapolis. Q. Did ttioy accept yuu 1 A. Thoy did. Tho polioy Is No. 86,001, and la for I.VXJO. Q. Have any test mado sinco ? A. Yob. Lelnnltz made an anulysls, report ing norninl, neither albumen or sugar. The ouro Is pormanont. Q. Know of any other cures f A. YON. Mv HlHdir-ln.llLW Wfiu nnrn nf Blight's DIboaho alter being given up by throo Mcdloal works agrco that Brlght'siDlsease duu mauuiuB uru fllcurHUJQ, QUI Hi DOT 0001. are positively recovering under ,the Fulton Com pounds. (Common forms of kidnoy complaint and rhoumatlsm oHer but short reslHtance.) Price, SI for tho llrlghtV DlBeaso and 11.50 tho Diabotlo Compouod, John J. Fulton Co., 480 Montgomery St., San Francisco, ROlo compound era. Freo tosts miuiu for patlonts. DesorlptlTS pamphlet mailed free. Burkhart A Lee, eole agents. PRETTY SAFE rule to go bt WnoD tkete is a fooling that tbe heart or lungs, blood or liver, brain or nerves are diseased, at once commence to doctor the stomach, i'hat is the foundation of the trouble in 90 casos out of ovory 100. Commence to regulate the digestive organs, go! them in healthy working con dition, ana the otuer trouuleB will leave of themselves. Diseases which have their beginning in the stomach must be cared through the Btoraach, The mediolne for stomach disorders and half the Ills, is Dr, Qunn's Improved Liver Pills. These pills Sat all the digestive orders in good con ition so that the disease has no buBia to work upon. Thoy are sold by all drug gists for 25 cts, per box. One pill is a dose. We will aond a box post paid, on receipt of 25 cts, or to any body who wants to try them we will BOnl 2 pills free, Sond name and to Dr, liunn, Philadelphia, Pa, For sale by Foshay Mason, druggists. It you are troubled with impure blood, indicated oy sores, punpins, lientl ache, etc, wo would reccommond 4cker' lilood Elixir, which we Bell under a pos itive guarantee, it will nlwnye cure Scrofulous ol Syphilitic poisonB and all blood diBpitsoB. 5UctB and if 1.00. Burk hart & Loo, agents. 3.arn th jf KM m llra UwW BB6M OSTEOPATHY. . Dr. Cylthio J, Ramsey and Dr. HughJ E. Penland, Grailttato Ostvopatbs. Office Brontlnlbln St. between J2nd and 3rd. Phone.'.Black;482. Fall display of fine trimmed hate Tn"Hay,Hppt 16, at the Ladies Bazaar REFEREES' SALE OF REAL PROPERTY In Tnu OincuiT Couhto tub Statu op Orboos poh Linn Uounty. , DoDartmont No. 2. T. H Loepor, Plaintiff, vs. Eluiira Doke and Oscar Doke, her husband; Marvilla Loepor, David I-oopoi and Minnie Loepor, his wife; Mntildn (lurlaud.and John V. Garland, er huBbnnil ; Joseph 8. Leeper and JuuiosS. Leopisr, Di'lt'mionts, NOTICE IS HKltKltY G1YHN THAT pursuant to an ortlpr of saie made and entered in the above entitled court, in tho above I'liiitlwl ami ol date tne I5lh day ot December, 19112, and appointing and dir ecting the undersigned as S.ilo Ref eree to mill at publ.u unction, the follow inn described roul property, to wit: 8. W. W ol Hoc. 24. and A. i o! S.E.lf, N. K. H f f. K. ot Sec. 23, all in Tp. 11 S 'K. 1 West Will. Mtr.,Liiin county, Oregon, containing 2X0 cms ol land. 1, tbe undersigned referee will, on Saturday, the 17th do? ol January, 1903, at tbo hour of one o'clock u. m., at the front door of tbo Linn county court house, In Albany, Linn county, Ort-gon, offer and sell nt public nuctiun, ti tbo highest bidder, lor ash in baud, the real nrouertv hereinbefore described, subjoin to continuation by ;the above entitled oourt. Dated at Albany, Oregon, Doc, 18, 1902. l'saRnv R. K KM Y, Go. W. Wbiqht, Sale Ke"ree. Attv. lor rinluliff. EXECUTOR'S'NOTICE NIOTIUIO 18 ilKUKll Y G 1 V KN THAT 1 the undersigned executor ot the esUte of William Carnes, deceased, has file.l bis final account in said elale with the county olorK of l.inn county, Otogou, ih.i iudifo ha set the lull duv ol januarv, 191, t 1 our ol o'clock p. ui. and toe county our! ro in o said count v an the place loi he. ring ooj cnons to s.ud ai court au.l ti.e nn nt i ereol. J. M 1 1111.1' t, tifc lor. 11. O. Waibon & L. L. 8wi, tt.r. Oakville. Mrs. Mary t. Riuith, of Tacoma, Is visiting friendi here. Mrs. Anna Barton, of Lincoln county, Washington, is visiting her father Mr. Ohas. Pattieon, A few members of the 0. L, 0. met on the evening of Dec. Slst to watcb tbe old year oat, but as thev were all tired from physical exertion tbey retired and left tbe old year "in the saddle," Three ladies in a carriage' passed through our town on lanuary 1st, they were Eandaome and did some nice sing ing, tbe boree tbey drove was 19 years old. Two of our expert hunters have not shot a bird thie year. Tbey bunted about seven boure, shot twice, missed twice. Mr. Shearer has purchae-t a new rig for carrying tbe mail, which is neat and complete. A cabinet for tbe letter n ail is in front of bis seat and be can dis tribute the mail as he travels and lor comfort this rig n all that could be asked ijITTLB KOBB ttUD. Albany Market. Wheat 65 Jents. Oats 82. Eggs 35 cents, Butter 20 to 25 con U Potatoes 35 cents. flams 16 cats. Sides 16 cents Shonldersl2 cent. Hops 25 cencs . Pork, gross, 64 cents. Bay, $5 looBe. 7 baled. Flour 70c per sack. Beef, gross steers 8o, cow 3c. Mutton, grOBS, z'bc. Veal, grosB 4c. Wool 13 to 15c. Mill fetd, bran $17, shorts ,21 Poultry, 8 cents live weight. Lard 13c, Prunes, dried, 4c. AppleB, dried, 4c. . Apples, green, 35o. The Worst Form. Multitudes are singing the Draisea of noaoi, the new discovery which is mak ing so many sick people well and weak people Strang by digesting whot they eat, by cleansing and sweetening tbe stomach and by transforming their food, into tbe kind ol pore, rich, red blood that makes you feel good all over. Mrs. OranBII. nf Troy, 1. 1. writes . For a number of years was troubled with indigestion and dys pepsia which grew into the worst form. Finally I was induced to use Kodol and lifter using four bottles 1 am entire'y cured. I heartilj recommend Kodol to all Kulferers from indigestion and dyspepsis , Tufce a dose after meals. It digescs what you eat. Eoshayoft Mason, Barkha.ri a Forty Tears Torture. To be relieved from a torturing disease alter 40 years' torture might wel cause the gratitude of anyone. That is what DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve did forO. Haney, Geneva O. lie says: "DeWitt's Witch Hazol Salve cured ma of piles after I had suffered 40 years." Cures cuts, burns, wounds, skin diseases. Hbw nf ounterfoits. Foshay & Mason, Burkh t Lee. Look Out For Fever. Biliousness and!liver disorders at Ibis BuaBon may be prevented by cleansing tho system with DeWitt'B Little Early Kisers. These famous little pills do not gripe. They move the bowels gontly, but cop iously, and by reason ol the tonio propcr erties, give tone and strength to the glands Fo3hi.y:& Mason, Bnrkharl & Lee. twi th t mi Have Always E 0 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT NOTICE IS HEREHY GIVEN THAT the undersigned has been, by an or der of tho County Court of Linn county, Oregon, duly appointed executrix of the estate of Arabella tin j no, deceased. All persons having claims against Bald estate are heroby no ti fled to present them duly verified, to the undersigned at the lair office of H. 0. Watson, in the city of Alb any within six months from the date o i this notice. Dated at Albany, Oregon, Nov. 12th, 1902, IJayne, Kxocutrix of Arabella Hayne, deceased. SHERIFF'S SALE. Y VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION and ordor of sale issued out of the Circuit Oourt of the state of Oregon for the county of Linn, to mo directed, de livered and dated tbo 12th, day of Dec ember, 1DC2, in a cortaiu suit ill said coart, wherein Thoiuns O. Strang, ad ministrator of tbe ostate of Kosotta L. Strang, was plaintiff, and E. JJenretty, and Eiizubetli llenretty, wero the de fendants, in which said suit the eaid plaintiff recovered a judgment ngainst said defendants on the 21st day of Nov ember,' 1V02, for the am of 1439.60 with interest thtroon nt the rato of 10 per cent per annum and the Bum of !J31.tf5 costs and disbursements of said suit and $76.00 attorneys fees and accruing costs ordering, adjudging and decreeing that the real piopmy described iu plaintiffs complaint, to-wit: All of tho North yi of tho 8outh East W, and the South of the North East M of Section six in Tp. 13 South of Mange 2 Hast of the Will, filer., on- mining iou ncros more or lees, all In Linn County, Oregon, be sold to satisfy said judgment and nil costs. Tberefoie, notice is horeby given that I will, on Saturday, the 17th dav of lanuary, 1903, at the hour of one o'clock p. m. of said day at t!u front door ol the court house, in the city ol Aibany, Linn county, Oregon, soli at public auction to tho highest bidder, for cash In hand, tho above described rnl pioporty to satisfy "aid judgment and all costs. Dated this 18th day of Derember, 1902, Wotn HrT0K, '.SlirriffXLinnleoonty.JOreBon. The Kind Ton Have Always la use for over SO years, All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment, What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms ' and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colio. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep, The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The KM You toe Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TUC QCNYAUR OOMMNV, TT MURRAY TUttsTT, HIWYORK OITY. WHY GO EAST over tbe eun-bnrned,eagebrnsh and alkili plainB when you may just as well take a delightful', oool and comfortable ride through the heart of the Rooky moun tains in view ol the grandest scenery on the American Continent? This you can do by traveling on the Rio Grande System, tbe far famed "Scenic Line of The World," tha only tnniacnntin' ntal line paesing through Salt LakeCltyj Ulenwood springs, L,eaa ville, Colorado Springs and Denver en- route to eBHtera puiuie. Throo rial v exnress trains mnis close connections with all trains east and west and anord a choice of nve uistinot routes of travel. The equipment of tiieBe trains ! tha hnt. includine free reclining inrd and turiat sleepers, a narfect dinine car servioe, and also personally conducted excursion oars each in charpe ol a competent guide, whnia hnainnnn Is to look after the eotxi- fnrt of his eueBts. No more pleasant and inexpensive means of crossing the con tinent can be found than is, provided by tbeBe excursions. For additional details, address, , D. Mansfield, Gen'l Ag't, Rio Grande Lines, 124 Thiid St., Portland, Or The New York Time has demonstrated that tbe Thrice-a-Week World stands alone in its class. Other papera have imitated its form but not its success. Thie ia be cause it tells all tbe news all tbe time and tells it impartially, whether that news be political or otherwise. It is, in fact, almost a daily at the price of a weekly and you cannot afford to be with out it. Republican and democrat alike can read the Thrice-a-Week. World with ab eolute sonfidence in its truth , In addition to news, it publishes first class serial stories and other, features suited to the home and fireside. . The Thrice-a- Week World's regular subscription priee is only fl.00 per year an thiB pays for 156 papers. We offer this unequalled newspaper and the Al bany Dbuochat together one year fo 2.00 RIVERSIDE POULTRY YARD. PurebredR. O. and 8. O. White Leg horns, White Pljuiouth Rocks, M. B. .urtreys, Pekin ducks and O. I. C. hogs, tor sale. Eggs in Bonson, Leave orders at F. M. Thompson1! poultry yard, Albany, Or., or call at the Riverside yard. Ed. BcnosL, Prop. At yards, or ad drees at Albany. tfllltNT KVriO.lAL BANK. 0 ALBANY, OBBQOK Presl.lOHt,. Floe President . 3.whlw. n tiKLlNR . . S 8 YOUNO ..I. W. LANOUOK THAnsAoid A OKN KKALbftnfctn bnjilnesi ACCOUNTH KK1T .ah)Mtlo check IOHT KXCHANGK n,lteleliraphle Ir ntler, a New Yo-k Son Vrknclloo.ObleetfO tod Pntl ADKnn l.iertM, irnii eiEicfOM N' OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ill whom it niav concern, that the unaersigneu uaj tins ilay been appointed executor of the lait wil and testament and estate of Anne Johns, lato of Linn connty, Oregon, deceased. All persoas having chuun aa;,unst said entate are hereby require! to present the s,mo duly verified to tho uadenigned all Albany, egon, within six months from this date Dato dthis 23th any of Nov., 1902. Thouas Johns, Eiecutor of the estate of Annie Johns, deceaied. WiATUxnronn A Wtt. Attemeys for.Bxeutor. Bought, and which has been, has borne the siematnre of and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Signature of LEGAL DIRECTORY Albany W R Bilyen, Parrish block H Bryant, Young block. T P Haokleman, Pearee block Hewitt A Box, Young block. L 11 Curl, Mastoa block. N B Humphrey, Ousiok bloek. P R Kelly, bank building. I H Montanye, Pearce block, I E Riobardson, Bank block X J Stites, over post office. L L Swan, Bank building. H 0 Watson, bank building. Weatherford & Wyatt, Bank building, N M Newport, OuBick block. G W Wright, Young block, J J Whitney, Ousiok block. Lebanon.' a M Garland. Brownsville J A A Tossing. Sclo1 T J Wilson SOUTH and EAST VIA MM PACIFIC Shasta Route. Trains leave Albany for Portland and way stations at 4:47 am, 7 :00am and 8 :b8 p m , Leave Pr (land 8 :30 a m 8 :30 p m ' Alhany 12:8a p m 11:35 p m Arrive Ashland 12:55 a m 12:35 a m 1 Sacramento., 5:lo p m 5:00am ' San Francisco. 7 :45 p m 8:40 am Arrive Ob den 4:1:5 am 7:00 am ' Denver 9:30 am 9:16 am ' Kansas City .. , 7:25 am 7:25 am ' Chicago 7:42 am 8:30 am Arrive Los Angeles.. 2:00 pm 8:05 am ' El Paso 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 1 Fort Worth... 6:30a m 6:30 am ' City of Mexicoll:30a m 11-30 a m ' Houston ,7:00 am 7:00 am New Orleans.. 6:30 p m 6:30 pm 4 Washington .. 6:42 a m 3:42 am 1 New York. ...12:10pm 12:10pm Pullman and Tour is tB cars on hott trains. Chair cars Sacramento to Ogden and Kl Paso, and tourist cars to Chicago St Louis, New Orleans and Washington. Connecting at San Francisco with sev eral steamship lines for Honolulu, Japan, China, Philippines, Central and South America . See C. K . Froxk agent at Albany eta tion or address W. E. P. A. Portland, Or. , NOTICE OF EXECUTOR NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned una filed bia ac ccuat as the executor of the last will and testament of Miller Morgan, deceased, in in the county court of Linn county, Oregon, and that the County Judge of said county, has appointed Saturday, Jan uary 10th, 1903, at 9 o'clock a. m. as the time, and the county court room of said county at Albany,Oregon,as the place for the settlement of the estate of said deceased and hearing on said final account, and any person who desires to make object tioos thereto is hereby notified to appeal at said time and place and present same. Deo. 9, 100 . Geo. W. WRionr, Executor. Chronic Constipation Cured. The moat important discovery of recent jretiM ia the positive remedy lor constipation. Cascarsts Candy Cathartic. Cure guaranteed. Genu ine tablets Moraped C. C C Never sold ia Wk, Druggist. r. Read This Twice H .a job .aJh money yon It, determines whether or How can you Make an Investment In an education, wbich will be sure to bring in rich returns in after years? Time is not money, unless wisely spent. Albany College atonoe- Practical and helpful -jourses are offered there Men and women who know college needs and ways awaU V you there. Expenses are at lowest there. Wrhe lor mora particalars and for a catalog to the President of the cSl"ge Thomas Brink Has the oldest established Furnituie House in the city. He keeps the fin est stock of furniture in the valley Give him a call and lok over his fine goods and get his prices before you Lounges, Couches Bedroom suits, coarse and Rockers, Baby Carriages, So Bedding, Spring mattresses, M Side board.s, fine extension etc. . . o "off ! e TERMS OF DEMOCRAT DAILY. 80 centa per month, $3.60 per year & and ol month or year, strictly In ad' vonce, 26 cents per month, $3.00 per rear. Single copies do., or more copies at 2)o. By carrier 10 cents per week. One year in advance $4.50. WEEKLY, 11.25 in advance, at end of year $1.60 nd of two years $8.26, each additional ear at $2.00. CLltllEG TERMS aibany Demoorat and Examiner $2:60. Alhanv Democrat and Thrice-a-week World $200. , aM Albany Liemocrai pauresouiama.. Albany Demoorat and Republic $1.76'. 'Albony Demoorat and Commoner $2 00 Albany Demoorat end Homestead $2.00. T'TTHJ SEW VORK WORLD Tbrice-a-Week Edition 18 Pages a Week . . . . . . 156 Papers a Yeai For One Dollar bllshedeverr AlternateDarexcept mt m.-lrto-WonlrTrdiHonftf ThbNevi 1UD -, - Yobk Wobld is first among all "weekly papers in size, frequency of publication and thefreshnf ss, accuracy and variety ol . TI- I... all fho mnrltfl or 8 great $8 daily at ; he price of a dolls weekly. ItS political nown is prum. Corvallis & Meni Railroad. TIME CARD No. 21. No. 2 For Yaquina: m . , AlV.a 194fi n m. xrain ivon a"u"uJ -r r " Corvallis 2:00 p. m. arriveB Yaauina.... 6:26 p. m. No. 1 Returning: Leaves Yaquina d-.ju . m. Corvallis 11:30 a.m. irrWoo Allmnv 12:16 p. m. No. 8 For Detroit : Leaves Albany :uu a. m. Arrives Detroit 12:06 p. m. No. 4 from Detroit Leaves Detroit 12:45 p. m. Arrives Albany 6:85 o. m. r i ani a a-riuA in Alhanv in time .., i,h tho H P south bound train, as well as giving two or th'ee hours in Ainany .ueioro ucji.ui" u. 8 P North bound train. Mn O .innanli nil.b the S P iruiu "... , IT, . trains at Corvallis and Albany giv ing direct service to Newport and Ad jacent beaches . - Train 3 for Detroit, Breitenbush and other mountain resort leaves Albany at 7 '00 a. m., reaching Detroit at noon, oi'vincr amnle time to reach the Springs same day, r or lurtuer iniurmmu Edwin Stonb, Manager. J.Tqbbneb, Agent, Albany . H. B Onossis, Agent Coryallis. We rromrtly obmln V. nSaoDiire'roanc U DlP vxlte Opposite U. S. Patent Office WASH NGTOR U. U now Aft Tnv Kidaere ' IP I i 1" V 111 U.ll spend, kjt br. ii caa not you ate ecou.,uiical,' do better than aIIsiqn Pacific OBPABT VBOH TIME 80HEDDLE8 xbom PORTLAND. OR. ABBltj flhin. Portland Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. 8 A.M. eas. lOity, St. Louia P m! via Hunt Ohicago and East" ington. " Atlantio fait Lake, Denver, Fi y.a worm, Omaha, Kan- 8-1P viaHunt OhicagoVndEasr 8' -,5 -zz: v St. ?fllll W.11- IT7 - 1 1 r FastMaii's k'wliire0,' liP m D?a'lmsn.Minneapolis, via St. Paul, Duluth, Mil- Spokane waukee. Chicago and East. 7 a, m, 72 HOURS Portland In cars. Ws Easia a ira U 00 o. . wln.uaJi,Lii OCEAN AND RIVER SOHEDDLfl FROM Ponn .xr.r r'"'JiJ'l -vi,,uau All sailing Dates subjeot tochange, 8 p. m. . . f.';.8.anFra',JoIe00- P.m ovory o QByB except COLUMBIA RIVEB Bunday STEAMERS. , 4 D 8 D. m. Trt A0fAw.a j A. ' P Saturday Landings. 0 p.m. ATimnl I 8undajl V?H,LAMETTE1RIYER ''Wnfar PmhIu: .. RlAltma. I . .. --.., ulu lonves Albany for Inds. abonWa'e,U ortland S X . Sa?urdaV R ?' "..""dayaad p rbC?CKet8 yia ,bi8 route 0" sale at 8 rv O G RAWLINGS, Agent Albany, Oregon, ,, , A LOR AW, Hen Pass Agent, Portland, Or CITATION in Tg Cibooit Court op thb Siatb of Obeoon for Lins Couhty. Ill illA milFla, .f 41 ,i . . Francis, deceased, citation. C trwJtl "if'1 Franci8' administra. P.fJtIt.hp.!.wJ11 "nne"d of the estate ol , . .utle, uucaasea, gieetinjr: N THE NAME OF STATE OP ORE- oZ",??.Co;t9' the state oourt room thereof, at Albany, in said COUntv. on Unndn. Ik. E.L. J . . nirr.imj .1r:'.','.a..ai1? .vr Jn- m tw.t -:" iu tne atteraoon ot that day, then and thete to show cause removed from your office as administrix p r, T . V "."u,:; 01 'ne estate ot ; Hnb rf F"nc'8', deceased, and Carrie e?aU app0lnte1 atlmlnislratrix of faid Witness, (he Hon. H. M miner ' Judgoof the County Court ol the Hots of; Oregon, for the County of tinn, with tb Seal of eaic. Hmi afiiaA j.JI of December, A. D 1902 " 7 Attest: ' ' STTf B, M. PAYNE, L' 8' 3 roierk.