If you want something that will please a woman three hundred and sixty-five days a year, get her a latest improved "Cyco" Bearing Carpet Sweeper. We have the latest patterns of 4 'Cyco" Bearing Sweepers at prices ranging from $3.00 to $4 00. We have small ones at $1.25 for the little folks S E. Young & Son. I ... mSmmmsm IN AND AROUND ALBANY. NOTIC in 5th annual clearance sale at The Bazaar Jan. 1 to Feb. 1,1903. Marked down prices in tailor made suits wool and silk waists,laces embroideries, shoes, cloaks childrens dresses and many other articles on counters plainly marked. Drum-' mer's samples in muslin un derwear. See window dis plays lor prices L E. & H. J, HAMILTON. Just received Large and Ele gant Stock of Silver Ware. F. G. WILL. 1 1 11 1ITI111H ft ihiHMllh ill ANMhl4h -.. ript-bich iwift wtmt mn0m In Drugs or Chemicals is ever made in such a reliable and Al drug store aa that of Burk- fafirt &. I.fln. A niiViattnti.n nt o arng Dot called lor in a prescri ion is often used for one wh the drncoish ha.n'h ont la nntn mon sin among druggists not iof the Al class. Every prescription prepared at our store is done to the very letter of the doctor's pre scription, and all drugs sold at this house are right up to the standard, pure and freBh. BURKHART & LEE Weather prediction: Tonieht and Thursday, occasional rain . The river ll 8 feet above low water. Dr. E M. Hard, of Salem. has brought SUIt for riivnrt anainm I : ... j -.biub. uii wuv, xne grouuda are desertion, in r2Hi: sher"ood, the great pianist, will be here Jan. 30tb underf the au pices ol the Thursday Musical Club. The Band A Vrw u j V " io mm iu ue iu elephant on tbe baoda ol Linn county. a. Rama 01 Daikat ball ia to l-e played betweei Ihe high achool team and a j be agreed upon hereafter. W.bil" P0"01" t basket ball last evening Willard Marks, the manager. Was RnfM.Mi1 Heroin ur - i j - bubiji curner ana rendered unconscious for awhile. The a. M. Boberteon house at the corner of Baker and Eighth street, was sold yesterday to W. B. uilson the barber. Consideration, ?1,700. Mr. Uilson has purchased it as an invest ment having another residence in whioh Womflnrtf tViulri.r. . t or.Tij.i BOQ wooamen of World take notice. There will be a joint installation program and banquet at Woodman hah on Friday, Jan. 9, at P-Husbands of Women of Wood ?J!t nd ?1Tea ?' Woodmen are cordially invited. By order of Committee. disSfict,MB:tTahomp8Sl1 uPe"l" ol aistnct 22, at Sweet Home, was in the city today among others, to render hie rennrt tn th . . . . r .w WUD wuubr coun, air. Inompion has u mn of ro,d in TV',S we" wet district. There are u . Driages and culverts in the district and the appropriation only, permits of about 6X days work to the mile, and yet the best was done possible and the showing made la a good one. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Mrs. R. ft. TtnfVKa.tv t ei TDii Auj( moany irienda. V 1 iho rTaIli, lawyer, w wmjf ineb evening. F. W. Er.nu is nm bi : " T" T wwi.uK m no or ange packing house in Arlington, Calif. j . a. crown, of Btayton, a former Albany lumber man, was in the city to- Mr. Brvon Milloy, of Detroit, Or., a former Albany printer, was in the city today. ...... , nh. v . . . yum. i.ouiy ana jonn uniswell were .oa,reu be me ..notel Willamette Bilem yesterday. Harry Backensto, a former Albany barber, is now working in the Oregonian Miss Janes, the popular miliner at the Bazaar ior the jast two seasons, left last night for San FranrUco. Mrs, J. H. Townsend, of Dallas, grand matron of the Eastern Star, ia in the Cltv tha Ollnnf. nt Ma nrnn.uc j -i - b .u. iFcnuuwiuru, pasc Waa. matron, and will meet with the aiuauy luuge, Lebanon E. A.: Katherine Watson, of Albany, visited Isabella tiarland in this city last week Mrs. W. F Moist returned yesterday from a short VlSlfc in Alhnnv M.o TJ r. ; " home with her for a short visit. Miss GertmrlA n'Rf.o.. i very enjoyable reception yesterday after noon by MIbs Frances French previona Several young ladies spent a delightful COURT HOUSE NEWS. The Missourian For Groceries etc A fine line of Winter Robes and the Celebrated PrinevilJe Saddles at Wagner & Ketchum's Harness Shop, corner of Second and Ferry Streets, Albany. Died at Ashland. From the Tidings : Austin Howell, aged 66 years, aled at his own home on Granite street, Thurs. day, January IbI, at 7:07 p. m, of a severe attack of la grippe. Deceaaed had not been in rugged health for several years, but his illness was of short dura tign. Mr. Howell, came to Aehland about three yean ago from Linn counlv seeking relief for asthma and was re spected here as an honorable and up right citiaen. While here ho has fol lowed only such light occupation as his health would permit. Deceased was born in southern Iowa, but moved with hie narentn tn rtratmn lu.n : . and has lived in the state ever- since! Fniir nhiMvnn. thrnn anna a-A n j . 1 auuD HUH u UHUffQ- ter, all of whom live in Linn county, survive to mourn their mvoh revered and honored father. Walter, the eldest Bon, came to Ashland, and took charge of the remains, which were shipped. Saturday, to Bhedd, Linn oounty, where the intermrnt will take place. Deeds recorded: Cril Burkbart and J D Burkbart to Patnr Rilns. 13 s tj ni . n . '.' v a wuDpiuBu bu it r nooertion, BU Buron ...... ... . 7 D Haiiht to H O MoPharaAn' 478 06 acres ' Dot Warmoutb to I N Warmoutb'. 160 acres A J Johnson to H M Myer, 20 foot strip Bcio Higley et al to 0 H Chapman', several tracta in thrna Aaana L R Kellv et al hv ,hriii'Y ncannan f niiinn. im as... Nancy Robertson to Agnes M Gil son, lots 7 and 8 bl 51 Albany 2000 vuiuuiuw iiauua iu XWlB A OCOtt, 7 acres 8 D Pickens to W R Mealy, 80. ore's J A Thompson to Fred A Kribs, 160 acres M Etta Willis to J 4 Thompson'to Fred A Kribe, 160 acres. ... H F Conner and W L Brewster to Annie and Kate Althouse, lot 7 bl fl E Albany J W Compton to W A and n'n Neal, 26 acres kqq East Scotland I Co to 0 F Oooo'e'r' 403.78 acres "uper, Mary E Terhune to E Dake','6s!69 acres ' 1700 East of 8 X Co to J J Graham', 279 80 acres ' 10 J Wlgman to T Wigman, X inter est estate J W Geary, 423.76 2000 O&ORROotoWO Brown, 160 acres.... S00 las Brown to Oyrne Clark, 20 acres 400 W O Brown to Oyrne Clark, 40 aores 1200 J W Grime, to W A R Grimes, 240 acres j J D Arthurs to J W Buckman, 6.44 acres 2 Mortgages lor $3600, $SS0O, ' $1300. 600, $300, $295, $176, $3000, $150, $600, $6u0( $15tK)ea8e8 10' 400' 30, 8' 50' Obatel mortgage for $45. 90 1600 125 836 25 600 4800 650 A lenonntrinMi tn .Di . . . . . .'.a .uvl w petition is being clreulated and signed by a good many who appreciate the lac T II B r r 11 a tntn . - . , - uuuviva cannot De in" ""'o take charge of the bridge and ' """' muu so witnout a toll as much as it is desirable from a fuajum- OIBUUpOIDC. Tou Ar Inrited TO CAll Mr! . - - - 1 wua uvvr uar naw arrlTaiain Ubla Ohin h. JI now on diarjUv mk All .atASa. O 1 . 1 -www. www uu do con a alreet,a much larw.r and More rariad aa- lltfmint (h.r .... k.1 .n . .n,7 "A lD'B"e on Tha nilMlinn nl . V. 1 . i "ur wnen sntler- Wnv not taka nr.. W v. : . ti . . m " . . , nuno riDB UOUgn Syrnp. the right remedy and if 1t fails tO Onre COma nana- anA 1. " ' " . , -mm B.. yuur monev -iur store is not far away-2io and 50c. nOKKHABt La. Letter Lift.' Following ia the list of letters remaining In the Postoffice at Albany, Linn county, Oregon, Jin.' 6, 1903. Persona calling tor these letters must give the date on which advertised : Adama, Mr J C Alvln, Walter Campbell, W Gaia, Mr rrart: t D Holt Houston, FB Hom.cburoh.Rav E D Houghton. Mr S lames.Miss Evaline Kapper. J P Leech. Mr E H Meyers, MreJ B57,r,ank Qlck,Mra Martha J uaanv. M, Hai.n.. dl..i . T - j -. . ....i uui . ou river, jnr xl x Selsar, Mr W H Johnson, Mr and Mrs AS 8.8.Tbaim, P. M. L ,t .i DUMP SALE And General Cleaning Up of Broken Lots, Odds, Ends, etc. all In Albany To-day. JFBrienz, Ft Dodge, Ia. Frank Crabtree, Orahtree. J P MoNicholle, Portland. 8 O Miles, Newberg. P E ThompBoo, Portland. H A Trepbalgen, 8 F. J Jt Korris, Chiaago. : A J Pickard, Eugene. ' Obas WeBely, 8cio. Scott Morris, Gardner.' J A Rueaeli, Gates. Bud Miller, Tekoa, Wash. . W Richardson, Solo. 0 D Compton, ' " B G Nye, Oascadia. E P Carlton, Eugene. Mrs Pet Crabtree, Crabtree. 1 A Pbelps and wf, Soio. H McDonald, " . Oihe Morris John Gilman, Munsing, Mich. U E Powell, Peoria. Albert " ." Geo B Whitoomb, Foster. E J Foster, Los Angeles. WlWIll Hnrru . ' in stock alter January let, 1009, Chase ci oanborns teae. Tou know the repn- uviuu oi cuvir oouee s none ae good. u. a. jjiiowmsLt, sole agent. 1 1 Out Times For Ua after kha FTHffa tV.. An.. j.. ...MHjai mi t-vsiv unr 11 i hmv nnn -"if h nannu u cuke the BRa4IN8 only to be had at A Few Dump Sale Prices. (THI8 WEEK ONLY.) Print a v,r be" Oalicos ia all Aillua shadss sold averv plaoe for 6X and 7o. Only 10 yds. to ' a oustomer. Olltiniia. 27 Innh Outlnn rianna dark and light shades heavy fleece, uum" tu"miB4:'6.tc yd. Dress Goods. X'gooSs . in all tha naw waavan nla'ln an.) rnn will be reduced for this sale 26 per UBUW - TTnbo Ladies fast Black HoBe, J-LUOC. oitraordlnaiv onnrl -ia Special School Meeting. ' NOTICE 18 HEBEBY SI TEN TO No. 5 in Linn countv- Oretrnn. thof a D'yt" .--uuui uietjuDg oi eaia diatriet will be held at tbe Central achool build- intT Of RAlfl dlntrint in alU r on Monday, the 19th day of January. A m. of aaid day fortbepurpoaeof hearinsc the renort of thA hnaFri t Aim,.-. the OBtimated eHpensee of conducting the acboola for tbe ensuing year, to lery a tax for the support of the aohoola of aaid diatnct and far ihn nnmnaa ni t.t tax to raiee a Iun to complete tbe pay- -"..-luajo oiw,ou ami oiner ex eenaea Incurred nri imnntrnm.n:. during the past jear. Dfttftd Jflnunm 7fh lOHO J lU IVVll! Attest L. M. Hnor. Vibqii Pabkbe, Chairman. Clerk. UUKh...uu. anouaa, innut BlilfJV. hair tonic at Johnaon oc Viereck'i Star Liquid Air January 23. IHose. Childrens heavy ribbed knse, a big snap lor Jgg Clothing. rInvXtiaorJ: 18.60 " 15.95. Bovs $1.25 doable breasted Baits for 79o. Boys $2.00 doable breasted suits for $1.25. Men'a 7So to $1,00 Dress Bhirta. all colors, cuffs toj ma tab, ' odds and end8' 39c. Men's fanoyGolf Shifta, all, colors, ca Men'B GloveBt heavy ntA I nn f mnUI. . .... .1 seams, sell in any store for 75o. .Our Dump Sale price Qq ' Groceries. PontMvalv tha lam... nAn. t. lit.. - .. , '"ig'uu udJ,iIU A1UHUT, Yellow Orawlora peaches and assoi ted Table f ruits ........ 15n can Gloves. extranrHin., n-nn nat..Al aasoi lea xaoie iruits ........ 15n car ... in. r n-T. ' Varv flnnat Tnmatn.o nn. i ,01. lui.jDi isump oaie price i i.r - , .... u. .u uBua ab. a avi ...( oMiacan u tuiuura uiunu, targe package 3 for V!oo. Watch for Side Walk Bargains. REEVES SALE STORE. 3C STEWAKT & SOX HDW CO wou Air Guns, Pooket Knives, Boiasore and lall kinds of cutlery. Table outlery, Nickel ware, Q-ranite ware, Kitchen furniture of all kinds and Meohanios tools, SI 5 TO m WHST SKCONB SXUBHI WANTED To purchase worn-out in grain carpel, to weave into rugs. In' quire at 222 S. Jackson St , Albany. for two or three VTABlEU: naw. -----students, ,-entlemen and ladies, where tney can work lor all or part of board. Apply to President Lee. Get a move on and try a bottle ol oar Wbile-CorfardthCOtUbgeh r0.uU.toretckodgct your money. 2oi and 50c per bottle. Bukhart A Lai. INDIGESTION ie tbe canse otiinorediwomfort than a i other ailment. If you eat the things itiat yon want, Jund that are goed for you, yon sb distreseed. Aekor'a Dyspeyxla f ablets will mako yoar digestion perfect and prevent Dyspepsia and its attendant Ji.anraa.hl. Dlmntnn. fun n ... eat anything, at any time, if yon take one of lb e Tablets afterward. Sold by all druggists under a positive guarantee. 26 caa. Money refunded U you are not ra' is fiad. Send to ui for a free wunple. JW ii Hooebb ii Co, Buffalo,, H t. For Sale. Bran new Hero Fannina Mill, with sacking attachment and 8 screens. Pi ice, $12.50. Also a quantity of feed, compoeed of chopped vetches and oats, also Bome chopped cbeet seed, oats and wheat. I will sell my stock and farming tools also, Clibbnce B. Sbttumhb, 226 W Second St., Albany, Oregon. - WWW Choice meats of ll kind at LONG BROS. Good treat, ment and reason able prices. a? j2L 0 tCWkw b. IC.DBnbrimit A ok. jLJjiL clolhl M" THE PARTICULAR Young Man Will be more than pleased , with our to Oi eiclusiie patterns. We selected the cream of them all. The Celebrated "Adler" Overcoats. The NEWEST in Hatfi, Shoes, and Furnishings. JUST RECflHD. The Celeliialed artBftflu m, tr. tttagusraaaaa a ee. Blain Clothing Go.in large variety