Democra s 5 VOL. XX S VIII. ALBANY, OREGON. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 'li, 1902. NO LI. Albany OUR WANTS Saturday you can pick from 100 (at chickens at the Big LmbIi, 1.00 2nd sr. Telephone Black 514. Jab. SIcCol'bt. FOR SALE. A trained Gordon cietter dog, trained for upland birds and ducks, left with me foi tale." Jons Catlix. FOUND. An old bicycle lying in the street. Owner can obtain sama by pay 1 1 g for this nolice and leaving a correct description of bicycle at this office. JTbTEERS FOR SALE. All three years ur under, tuostol them yearlings. Call upon 11. Bryant. WILL BUY Empty lard paila at liouu'e Ment Market. TAKEN UP. Two crws, one a yel low, brindle, muiey. the other a light yellow horned cow, left ear two elite, right ear one slit. Both large cows. JonN Catlin, Boundinattr. FARM FOR RENT. 40 acres of lond near Albiuy for rent for cueh. In quire of S. N. Steele & Co., First Street, Albany. CIDER. Will make cider every Thurs day at mv mill ooe mile n rth of Alb any in Benton county 3 cn ts per gallon for making. Sweet cider for gale, by the gallon 20 ceniB, bv the barrel 12 cents per gallon, uutil further notice. O. K. Widukk. Upon receipt o! postal card will call for keg and till and return the same without extra charge. SHEEP. Some good owes to let on shares. Call on J F. Troutman, Alb any, Or. FOR SALE. Two houses and lots. Call on Mrs Leonard at flth and Jackson streets, Albany. WANTED : Rooms, furnished or un furnished, for rental. Leave name at real estate olllce of S. N. Steele & Co. FOR SALE All el'? and farm prp erty now owned by U. J?. Mcllwain, Mrs. U. Mcllwaic and W. H. Ray mond will be sold at a bargain. For information call ou W. H. Goltra at the Agricultural store of Goltra & Ruinbaugh, Albany, Oregon. We have authorized Mr. W. tl. (ioltra who has full'Charge of the above prop erties to collect .ill teute as per contract. H. F. MuIlwain. THE SURE WAY to prevent Pneumonia and Consumption is to cure your cold whtn it first appears Acker's English Remedy wiit cure the tough in a nigLt, and drive the cold oat of your system. Always a quick and sure cure for Asthuit, Bronchitis, and ull throat and lung troubles. It it does.nor satisfy you the druggist will refund the money. Write to us for free sample. W H Hookkii t Cd , Buffalo, N Y. Burk bart & Lee, agents. Laura S. Vice-President of Women's Democratic dubs of Northern Ohio. RFlHERE ARE MAXY I 1 sickly women bo I " I tweon the ages of 45 and 55, but there nro very fow invalids over 65 and 60 years o ago. Tho chango of lifo coming to a woman near her forty fourth year, either makes her an invalid or gives her a new leaso on lifo. Thoso who meet this chango in ill health sel dom livo ton years afterward, whilo a woman who lays osido tho active duties of womanhood in health sel dom fails to live on in happiness, years after sho has passed 00. This is truly a critical time. Mrs. Laura S. Webb, of Toledo, Ohio, recognizes tho chango of lifo as a dangerous period and sho also has faith in Wino of Cardui. Sho writes : "As I had always Deen troubled more or less at the menstrual period, I dreaded Mrt. Laura 8. Webb, DRS. EAMSEY &TENLAND OSTEOPATH. All diseases treated, both acute and chronic. Terms reasonable. OFFICE: Eroadalbin St. between 2nd and 4tb. Phone Illark 4H2. ExaminationlFree. HOME AND ABROAD. There are a good many chances for slii'S yet in the miner's strike. May thsy not occur. Pacing University won a game of foot hall, defeating the strong team of the Agricultural College at Pullman 6 to 5 Rev. O. W. Hayes, of Gran's Puss, has be,-n railed to the pastorate of the St. Johns Presbyterian church ol Port land, acd has accepted the same. George Drake, a Salem darkey well known in Albany, yesterday was fonnd guilty of adultery by the circuit court and will be sentenced next Tuesday, Pro!. Frank Strong, former president of the U. of O. was yesterday formally installed as president of the Kansas State University. Merchant Lipton of Envland has sand in li ib craw. He has issued Mb third challange for the American yacht cup. Erery trial costs a million dollars. District attorney ). N. Hart has de cided not to tile informations against t'lyde Ramsby.Roy Ramsbyand Barrett Purdy, the voung men who were laBt summer held to answer to a chaaee of taking $3800 in gold hidden in the wood shed of ner home bv Mrs. Elizabeth Ewing, of Hubbard. Cor. Oregoniao. The Greatest. The Wm. II. West Big Minstrel Jubi lee which will appear nt the Albany Opera House Oct. 22, can truthfully be called the greatest collection of burnt cork artists ever enrolled undor one banner. This season the management baa entirely outdone all previous efforts, having gathered together the brightest constellation of American and European artists ever brought together in one minetral organization. The new first D irt this season, entitled, "A Summer Hotel in the Mountains," is Haid to be a marvel of beauty and represents an en tirely new idea, -for with beautiful color ing and myriads of electric lights it i a DewilderiDg, dazzling spectacle when the curtaiu rises. AT ....CHARLES KICHT'S The best line of Lamps. " ' " " GlaBswaro. " " " " China. " " " " Crockery. ' " Stationery. " " " " School Supplies. The Lowest Prices on Everything. ALBANY OREGON FOR SALE. A lounge and good beating stove and pip . Oall at Viereck's barber shop. the change of life which was fast approaching. While vis iting with a friend I noticed that she was taking your. Wine of Cardui, and she was so enthusiastic about it that I decided to try a bottle. I ex r.iienced some relief the first month, so I kept on taking it for three months and now I menstruate with no pain and I shall take it off and on now until I have passed the climax. I do cot dread it cow, as I am sure that your Wine of Cardui will be of great benefit at this time." Wine of Cardui ia tho remedy to re-inforce a woman against tho shock that comes with tho change of lifo. It re-establishes healthy functions after years of suffering. In doing this it has saved thousands of suf ferers just in time. Do not wait until suffering is upon you. Thor ough preparations should bo mado in advance. Begin tho Wino of Cardui treatment today. A million suffering women have found relief in Wine of Cardui. TELEGRAPHIC. I Important Move. ! New York, Oct. 17. It has bton deft ! nilely decided that the Oregon Short ' Line will build and operate on the Pacific Ocean at least one line of Oriental steam erB and a coastinu service as great as the traffic mity demand. Beyond the mere statement, there is nothing official forth coming as to the project in detail. The headquarters of the servicejwill be Port land, ur. (The Columbia. Washington, Oct. 17. Kecogniziog the demand for a deep channel at the momh of the Columbia River, Secretary Root today authorized the Chief of En gineers to convert the Army transport Grant into a sea dredge, and to com mence operations on the bur at the earli est possible date. National W. C T U. Portland, Mo., Oct. 17. The 20th an nual convention of the National Wo man's Christian Temnerance Union opened here toay. Every state in the union is represented. Mr. L. JN. Stev ens, president of the National W. O. T. U.. and vice nreidentof the World's W. O. T. U., presided. Lady Henry Bonier. set, president of the World's W. C. T. U,, and Rev. Henry S. Sanders, of Lon don, England, are anient: tho distin guished workers present. A Big Murder. New York, Oct. 17. Using a new au tomatic magazine pistol. W. O. Turner. ex-president and treasurer of the Climax Uo'tling (Jo., today shot and killed W. J. Mallard, secretary and treasurer, and Robert Hamilton, its president, and then killed himself. The Bhooting was caused by a quarrel. 1 A Splendid Showing. Porland. Oct 17. Never before in its history has there been such an enor mous and valuable output of the prod ucts ol uregon. Taking the product of nine of the loading industries of the state and the valne for the year is over $41.- uuu.uuu, an average ot about $iuu for every man, woman and child. No other state in the Union, nor any other locality of Bimilar size anywhere on the face of the earth, can make such an astonishing showing. Quick Justice. Ni.nnnnrrrB Tav fW 17 Tim Tt. chanan, colorou, the murdorer of he hicks iaiiiuy, was tried today, a plea of guilty was accepted by the Judge, and 1110 ubiu hub it);uuy liungeu WHDic two hours aft r sentence had been passer. -"- t-'Ki Scio. S From the News: f Mr anil Mrn TTrarl Vaa a.,il tl.ll.l.... of Albany, wore the Eunsts over Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Hibler. , G. I. KllMierlfinrl (Mil. . WatlnnaJa-o Green Castle, Indiana. F. A. Btuckman, of Urownsville, wae in tlin first, nl ataalr taith u view to leasing the Scio creamery. No dellnate ariaugements were made. Henry Myer and others who left for Grants Pass in nparh nt timha, nlo;n,D loet week, returned .touday having laiieu to locate, tne timber tioiug too far from a possible market, Tha Rhindlnr hrt.lirn anrnaa tho Thomas (Jreek has been condemned. inn. does not mconverience travel, bownver, as there is a good road in both directions of the creek. On Octnharl? inn3 at tu h.n.o ... the bride's parents, five miles east of Scio, Mr. John Roner of Albany, and MiBS Lillv Shindlnr. R. ftiiulinn ,,.;,. of the peace officiating. Those present wure, air. anu Mrs. Joseph Koner and family, of T.arnmnrl m.pnto nf tUo h-!..- Broom. Mr. nnrl Mra KVonl. iaKli- nl Larwood, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Koner, of aiiwny, ana juary ana v. JJursch, of Scio. ' A Una Hinnnr toco aamaA .t splendid time eojoyed by all. Mr. and ..i, o. ituuor nave toe oest wisnes ol all. SEE m BSi'uWf, Sun Typewriter PRICE, $40 Visible Writing I. E. RICHARDSON, Act. Albany, . . Oregon EQUALIZATION NOTICE. The County Court of Equalization will meet at the office of tho County uierK, oionuay, nov. 10th, 1902, and remain in session six days for the pur pose of publicly examining the assess' ment roll and correct all errnm tn ation, description or qualities of lands lots or other proporty and all persona interested are hereby notified to anoear at the appointed lime and place and if it shall appear to said board that anv lands, lots or other property be assessed twice or assessed in tho name of any person or pe-Bons not the owner thereof, or assessed under or beyond us value, or any lands, lots or other property not assess d they will make hi! proper correction. T. .1. .NMEicm ' iinnty A.pi t RELIGIOUS. At the Enisootml Church Bishop Mor ris will preach in the forenuon at H o' clock. There will be continuation and holy communion. Presbyterian church: Morning wor ship at 10.39. Subject of sermon: "In the name of a Prophet" Sabbath Bchool at 11:40. bonior tnceaior at 0:3U Evening worship at 7:SG. Subject of sermon: ''Such as I have. Baptist church : Preaching by the pastor both morning and evening. Sab bath school at close of mornine Bervlce- Juniors 3 p. m. B. Y. P. U. 6:30. Mid- weett prayer Bervice Thursday eve at 7:30. All are invited. Methodist Enisconal church. South. cor. Montgomery and 3rd StB., Jno. O. Cook, past r: Services, preaching each Suuday morning at 11 o'clock and even nig ut 7:30 Sunday school at 10 a. m, Epworth League at fl:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Thu'sdav evening at 7:30. Vou are invited to attend these services. M E cbUrch : Preachinsr bv tho naBtol at 10:30. and 7:80p m. Sunday schoor at 11:45, Epworth League 6:30. All are invited. U. P. church : Preachinr? bv tho nan. tor Rev. White at 10:30 aud 7:45. Sab. bath school 11:45, Junior Eneayor, 3:30, Senior Endeavor 6:45. Lebanon. From the E. A. : Mrs, S. O. Burkbart, of Albsnv. !b visitint in this city, the guest of Mrs. L. Li. uuoBaui. Hon, M. A. Miller wbb in Eneeue vea terday to deliver an addreos to Modern VY odmen. lio is in Sale,n today and will go to Portland tomorrow oa the same ousiness. Hon. K. A. Miller and daughter, MisB Nona, returned Tuesday from a viBit at Poitlaud and Forest Grove. Mr, Miller found liviug at Cottage Grovdt.vo grand daughters whom be bad not seen since they were little girls. Lee Bilyeu, of Scio, Bpent last night in Lebanon. He was on his way home from a visit to Southern Oregon. :ie went down there to look for a stock range, but did n-it find as good ones as mere are in tms county. The drug Btore of Frank Miller, at Prairie City, waj burned a little over a veek ago. We have not learned the particulars, I ill it is reported that he not only lost nig stock of arties. but a so his household goods. Mrs. 0. H. Mokuos representing th National Bo'lv RrafA fin. will ha Ir, A IK. any Oct. 24 at the Revere House for four ytj uaya. ANOTHER TEST CASE. Bright's Disease and Diabetes Arc Positively Curable. Whllo tho Fulton Compounds wero under ex amination, ouo of tho Invest .gators wont to ono of tho best known physicians In Sao Franolnoo and aBtted him to namo a certain ease ot Brlght's dlseaHo for a test. Uo named O, II, Allen of El l'a: o, a forti cr conductor of Iho 8. P. Co., as beyond bumuti aid. Klght physicians bud declared tho cano cbrODlc DrlL'Lt's dlsojino. It was typical albumen, oasts, dropsy, sleep lessnoss, nlrrht sweats and usual weak nous, pains and-dlstroBsoa. Patient went on tho Compound Juno b, 1901. Wo now oopy from tho written reports. Juno 15. Improvement. Shin elenror. Color better. Albumen decreasing. Patient muoh oncourrigod. Juno is. Contlnuod Improvement. Mora am bitious. Albumen diminishing. Night swoats bcjflnnlnR to yield. July IS. Not uo favorable Went to tho country and bctran to bloat. Returned and feeling better, though not probably quite so well as last report. A favorablo Indication Is tho disappearnnco of the night sweats. July 10. Uropsy nptaln disappearing. Albu men getting less and less. Aug. 1. Improvement continuos. Aug. 13 Patient claims ho is nearly well. Continued Improvement, and paliont recom mended for light employment. Doublo analyses by railroud hurgeous In Kl Paso show an ful Iowb : Spec. Orav !0fJ8 Iteaotlon Acid Sugar Nono Albumen Ti-uco Exam, for Casts Nono At this writing, January 10, 1003, patient Is Bot yet entirely recover!, but is still on tho treatment and gottlng bettor oontlnually. Medical worlts agree that riright's JJiseaso and Dlahetos are incurable, but 67 per cent, aro positively recovering under tho Fulton Compounds. (Common forms of hidncy com plaint and rlvutimtlsm offer but short resin t tvnee.) Price, II for tho Urlghl's Disease and 11.60 for tho JJiahctlo Compound. John J. Vul ton Co., 420 Montgomery St., San Francisco, solo compounders. Frco tests mado for ya tlonts. DoBcrlntive pamphletB mallcil frco. BurkliarttSc Lee, aole Rgertto. Wlten You Want To buv a first class razor and shaving soap, fine prepared razor strap, call at Viereck's Bhaving Hair Gutting Parlors. Viereck's Hair Exhilirant restores the hail-to its natural color. 60 cents r Dot tla. V'iereck's sure aandrufl d em sure only 60 cents a bottle. CITY TREASURERS NOTICE Call 8, Notice is heieby given that funds are on hand to pay city warrants Nos. 269 333 incluBive of the issue of 1900. Inter est on said warrants will cease witti the date of this notice, Alhany.Or.. Aug. 25, 1902, H. B.Oosick City Treasurer. MISFITS, Even lawyers are not sale Two were killed in Pittsburg, Penn., yesterday. Clear the llorr. Governor (Jeer will lead the march nl a labor union ball at Salem next "rida) night. There is no danger of the trust busi ness souring. YeBterdey a bin candy trust was pulled upon the people. The Oregon and Pacific is the name of a new railroad that is being built on pa per in Southern Oregon. Tt at Iihs a familiar rina 10 it. Wonder if 140 miles will co?t $ 16.00O.0UO. The Portland city council are investi gating the question of whether slut ma chines are gambiin' devices or not. The result will probably depend upon the character of the members of the investi gating committee. If Albany should make a good shew ing against Kugene this afternoon at foot ball, or rather against Oregon, the town wouldn't bo big enough to hold the hovs. Last year's glorv nf defeat ni? the O A. O. would be eclipsed. 3 .i- Si C3 X A. m ? th ) The Kind You Ham Always E , ,1 The Kind You Wm Always Slfnataro Tm n taw (lava U'ii uril) mihui.. An ? . port order of Japanese novelties in table china. Call and see them. 0. E. Brownell. BlUNl! vour i (11 111 nroduen tn I"! K biownell and get tin- Inchon ma price. ALBANY OPERA HOUSE Wednesday, Oat. 22, A complete and successful illus tration of the TRIUMPH OF MERIT. The Wm. H. Big: Hinstrel Jubilee Alwajs ihobest. l'"nniotiB come dians, the world's' bust vocalists, greatest vaudeville Btare. INCLUDING SUCH FAVORITES Af-' Billy Van, John King, WEST auu xiuuwr, jiemenx istewart u-eorgie Jones Jules Bennett, Wilson Miller. E. W. Ohiprnan, Frank Hammond, Harrv fcZarrow Trio. Seats on i-ale at Wondworth'B. Admission Sfl, 75c and 60c. COPYRIGHT. CARPETS : : : : Finest assortment ever brought to Albanyj, All grades of the very best makes. Flemish Tapestries, Rajah Art, Extra Superfine, Orientals and Granite, at the THE HOUSE FURNISHING CO'S. DR. BEAL, OSTEOPATH. Ah diseases treated. Chronic cases a Hpecialty. (JOODW1N Hla 2nd St. Examination Free. L?tV'l!'lllW!'l''ll-iiWHi!i.'yi Catarrhal beatuess Cuuiiot be cured wiih local applications, as tliey ouuiot reach the diseased portion of the oar, Thero is only one way to euro deafness, and that is by con stitutional treatment. Deafness is caused by an iuiUmed erudition of the eustach iaii tubos. S. li. Catarrh Cnro will I (duce and cure all catarrahni inflaraation of the ouHtacluan tubes nnd re lore, (hem to a normal condii'on. Sold by all drug piste. Hook on Ca arrh roe. Address Suiilh Bro., Fresno, Cal. Sure Cure. Itching Piles produce moisturo nnd cause itcnlng. this form an well as Dlind, Bleed ing oi Providing Pilos are cured by Dr Bivaun- ko's Pilo Remedy, stops itching ami blooding Ausoro tumor. DO cts a jar at druggists, or sent by r-.ail. Treat ise (reo Write m your case Dr Hosan ko. Philadelphia Pa. For snlo by Foshay a; Allison, drugirists Sinfth'H l)u ml iy Dal.o.i ' - ' Curas daudrult, eozemii, itohiugscaln and f umi. jius appli cation Btops itching sculp, thrno to six appliamons romoves all dandruff. Doo tt,r and druggistf renrd it ao the only Binndam remedy for dandruff! and all itchlnu, sculey skin difeiees; prico 60c, at all tlrmri'isfH. Ail.lruau t, Fresno. t:u. I THE ORIGINAL MONOLOGUE COMEDIAU BILLY VAN. WW W, H WFST'S BIG MINSTRELS Ford Brothers, Swift PROTECTION against tho burglar's wiles, tho Bteallh ol the midnight thief, the break-in of tho robber may be found in the Bound locks, door and window fittings wo have to offer the householder. You'll s eep all the more soundly o'nlghtB if your house is supplied with hardware from here it's the right sort evjry time. 0HUNG & HULBURT. ... mm.. i