Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, October 17, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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Deputy County Clerk Btellmacher
vent to ibe court house last evening
about 7 o'clock, when upon entering tbe
front door be amelled something burn
ing. Going to the basement he discov
ered a roll of clotbing left on a box by
one of the painters painting the building,
on ore. As it was saturated with oil
there was considerable of a blaze, and
there were oi her rolls oi clotbing and
oil cans and painters outfits all around.
Assessor Anderson was calied and the
two formed a fire department and turn
ed a stream on through a hose that was
convenient extinguishing tbe flames.
A few moments more and there would
have been t big fire.
How did it happen. It might have
been from a pipe left in the clothes, but
none was found, though the outfit was
burned too much to know, probably not.
The chances are that it occurred flow
rpontaneoua combustion. A painter
here says he has had several rolls of
clothing burned in that way.
George Allen Killed.
F. E. Allen received a dispatch from
Stockton, Calif., last evening announ
cing the death at that city b an electric
shock, of George Allen, a son who a few
montbB ago was in tbe city for several
weeks. He was an electrician and his
death occurred while in the discharge
of his duty, the particulars not being
given. The remains will be brought to
Albany for burial. The deceased wa6
20 j ears of age.
On account ol the recent big fire elec
tric wires were down all through the
burnt district and young Allen undoubt
edly while replacing wires was killed by
a live wire.
The remains will reach Albany Satur
day morning. During the forenosu tbe
burial will take place with a enorc ser
vice at the cemetery.
Shot At.
. One of a gang of four or five hobos in
the city yesterday afternoon waB dis-
nosinc "f cheap rings under different
pretexts, or trying to, when the atteu'
tion of Acting Chief of Police Eamsoy
was called to the matter. He proceeded
to the depot, near where the men were,
Upon starting after them they ran and
refused to stop, when Mr. Kamsey took
a shot in their direction, He finally
headed them off and gave one of them
a Bhoulder blow between the eyes, put-
tihtr him out temporarily. iuen ne ex
amined their Batchel, but as there
no direct evidence acninst the men be
allowed them (o go, and they left south
A Small Delinquency.
At 10 o'clock today 5791 tax receipts
on the tax of 1901 had been given by
the Sheriff. The record is as follows
Tax to be collected $161,590.18
Amount collected loU,77S.8o
Amount delinquent $ 10,821.33
As about $1,000 is being paid daily it
has been decided to keep the books open
for a few days giving those delinquent
an opportunity to pay.
"Other People's Troubles,"
It is much pleasanter to louk for
"Other People's Money" than "other
people's troubles," but the writer would
loot tnr trouoie u - utuer reupie a
Money" company does not fill their
cinlract aB advertised. From all re
P rts, negotiations are pending to that
lator Jones, of Toledo, was in the
c his alternoon.
.. . l'. Galbraitb is attending tbe meet
ing oi the PreBbytery at Eugene.
Chief of Police McClain ia out after I
Eiege with tonsilitie.
O. E.Sox hfs been coo fined to his
home several days with tonsilitie and
quinzy .
Mr. Owens manager of the Telegram
was in tbe city this afternoon, hia firBt
visit to Albany.
Mr. J. Harvey Roberts, a prominent
farmer on tbe Siletz, came over today on
the east bound.
John SohloBser left this afternoon for
Detroit, where be intends to bum tbe
festive deer.
Rev. Melville Wire left this afternoon
for Brownsville to assume his duties as
pastor of the M. E. church there.
H. W. Davis, of Halsey, formerly of
Albany, has purchased the Van Valzah
drug (tore at Spnngfield. Eogcne
E. O. Sloan and wife will leave in a
few days for Albany, Ore-, where they
go to make their future home. Pendle
ton Cor. Mews.
Hon. J. K. Wealherford, T. J. Apper
eon and O. H. Burgraf went to Oorvallis
this afternoon to meot with the building
committe of tbe O. A. 0.
Frank Meredith, of the Salem theater
who attended the opening in Albany ol
the Albany Graod pronounced it one of
the best on tbe coast of its class.
M P. Christisnson came out. from Al
bany Mondav and has been locating
timber claims" mi the Middle Fork ol tbe
Santiam lor the past few days. Leba
non Criterion.
Dr. O.E. Smith and famil' arrived
today from Marehfield to reside. Dr.
Smith, it is remembered, bought the
Chamoer" residence on West Ninth
street. Eugene Guard.
J. 1.. ii.lf r Bml children, ol Oakland,
Caii'.. were in in oity and
lelt last night lor hoi-e. They had been
to Harrlsb'Tg to atli-nd the luoeral ol
tbeir wile nnd nm'her.
Mn. Nil a Oi.amberlain left today for
Portland to enter a business college.
Last evening she was tendered a fare
well party at the residence ol Mra Cam
eron, a pleasant time being had.
Rev. M. Tchorigian came in on the
morning train from Eugene, where he
bad been attending Presbytery. He
will remain in Albany a week, leading
the prayer meeting tonight in the Pres
byterian church, and preaching next
Sabbath morning and evening.
Deeds recorded :
R Malone to J F Malone, V-A acres
and 60 ft by 18 rods $900
R Malone to Leona B Burgett, 6 lots
Sweet Home 500
K Malone tn A M Malone, 40 acres. 100
R Malone to Thos Burgett, 50x200
leet bweet Home 74
R H Curl to George B and E A Gay,
o acres Brownsville zuu
Mortgage for $500. '
Mining claims:
Alex Bills and T M Gilchrist. 5 acrea.
mill site for Ruby Mine Quartzville;
mill eite for the Redeeming Quartz
Alex B Is and T M Gilchrist claim in
the Quartzville district to be known as
the Bull Froiz, the Ruby Quartz Claim at
head of Galena creek. The Redeemer
Quartz Mine.
Alex Bills. T M Gilchrist. J L Read
and A Brownell, tbe Galena Creek Pla
cer uiaim Mo. 1,
R Kyle, A I Crandall. W E Chandler.
G Daggeth and F T Powell, Galena
Placer Claim No. 2, Quartzville district.
In the Circuit Court:
Complaint filed in R G Watson agt
0 W Read and 8 V Hall. To recover
money. H C Watson attorney for plain
tiff. In Probate Court :
Appraisers appointed in estate of S B
J L Fuller appointed administrator in
estate of Arvilla Fuller. Bond $3000.
F E Lines appointed administrator in
estates of Martha M Lines. Estimated
value of estate $8000.
In estate of J L Scroggin personal
property oruerea sold.
Deeds recorded :
J. W, Powell to J.R.Gill 25 by
100 feet Bcio i 100
J. L. Ray to J. R, Gill 25 bv 100
feetScio sbO
u Drue FeterB to Arthur F. Wait
160 acres 7500
Ularence W. Manel to Wm. E,
and Elizabeth A. Back, 80 acres 700
Mortgage for $500.
In circuit court complaint filed in L.
A. utmmmil agt. Eliza R. Dunham' el
at , partition. G, w, Wright,
Hall Caine's Best Story.
. Hall Game's best Btory "The Peni
tent which was dramatized for W. E
Nankeville, and to which this manager
it emu 10 uave given a magnincent pro
duction, closed its long run at the Park
Tneatre, BoBton, only recently. That
the stay of this charming drama
been profitable goes with out saying,
and that its artistic triumph and its
well-told story have touched that well-
spring of emotion the heart
evinced nightly by many plav-goers,
many returning for a second, a third and
een a tourtn time to view Hall Came's
beautiful creation. As unlike "The
Ohrlatain" as black is to while, "The
Penitent" yet perBerveB all the marks
of that gifted writer, and stamps him as
n nuiuur ui uiigiuuuiy uuu mrviu con
ception. There are many strong scenes
in '-The Penitent" that will live in the
memory of its beholders, notably tbe
dwuo au lua uiLur, wueu in crying toior-
13 tne marriage, tue villain is con
fronted by a little lass whom he" has
wronged. As many as seven or eight
curtain cans are Baia to nave Deen re
ceived nightly on this scene alone. An,
other picture, etroog in its appealing
jwwot, in iuu uuaie 01 tue jourcn act
wnn tne nero asks bis newlv-wed niie
to believe in him. Visit the Alhanv
Opera House Friday night and see a
great play grandly presented by a cast
of uniform excellence, and you will
come awav feeling all tbo better for
Having seen "The Penitent."
Rev. L. A. Tchorigian was examined
at Eugene yesterday by the Presbytery
for ordination. The Presbytery ad
journed today and most of the ministers
left for Grants Pass to attend the meet
ing o! tbe synod.
The Y. ?. S. O. E. of the TJ. P. church
laBt evening gave a delightful "sock"
social. Each guest had been provided
witn a neat nanne bock, witn. the r-
queat;that tvjo cents be brought for each.
bibb ui tue buuk wuru uv cnose aiiepuing
The fact that there were a good many
fifty cent pieces and even dollar pieces
might imply some immense feet, but it
was nearer the niz5 of tbe heart. The
thrilling story of Blue Beard was uranli-
ically presented in pantomimeby J. O.
Irvine, Mrs. P. A. Young, Mrs. J. O.
Lee. Charles Stewart. Oliver Utalnakai.
with Mrs. Hamilton as reader, and a
delicious lunch was served. A count
showred one hundred eighty one
present at one time.
A Linn County farmer today received
a cbeck for (242 for clover seed p. .Id to a
Portland firm, taken from a small tract.
Albany College will play its intercol
legiate foot ball games as follows: with
Monmouth Nov. 8, O. A. O. Nov. 10.
Dallas Nor. 15. Forest Hrove Nov. 22
and McMinnville Nov. 27.
Frauk Robinson was brought down
from Sodaville and placed in the county
jail to await tbe action of the circuit
court on the charge ol the larceny ol a
set of harness from H. C. McTimmonds.
He was held by the justice at Sodaville
ander $100 bonds, which he could not
Oorvallis Gazette: Robt. Johnson
was the "observed of observers" last
Friday as he drove about CnrvalliB. He
had been down at the big prune orchard
and while there some oractical inker
changed the wheels on his buggy, put
ting tbe bind woeels in front. "Bob"
appeared to be wholly un'conscience of
tne cnange.
The strike will be continued until the
coccesBiona are granted, is tbe decision
ol the strikers.
The Lane County Savings Bank has
deposits amounting to $368,599 and
$227,889.22 loans and discounts. It has
$146,615.13 cash on hand and in banks.
After a long and desperate effort Salem
has raiBed $372.50 for tbe Harriman
pamphlets. The pamphlets though
have been printed.
The license committee of the Salem
city council has recommended a licnse
01 $100 a day for Buffalo Bill shows, d.g
and pnny shows $25. palmists $2 a day,
$10 per week and $15.ei month
. 1 1 in. in
Absolutely Pure;
Hotel Arrivals.
Jack Caswell, Chicago.
Geo A. Dorria, S. F.
Ed t., Johnston, S. F.
Bertha M Summer, Portland.
W. 8. McFarland, S. F.
J D Campbell, Roseburg,
E. W. James, Salem.
Cora BreBsler, Detroit.
W. Chapman, Sianley, Wis.
O. D. Bevier, Gates.
E. W. Garlick, Falls City.
Z. Bryant, Clatskanie.
Earl Sargent, Portland.
Arthur A. Armstrong, Wells.
D. N. Brack, Myrtle Point.
L. Van Bibber, Portland.
L. S. Reynolds, Salem.
B. N. Duflield, Shelburn.
Geo. H. Moore, "
E. R. Craft, Wbatcomb, Wash.
H, N, Oockerline, Salem.
O. C. Mespelt, Thomas.
H. M. Gumming and wf, Oorvillis.,
W. H. Buoy, Newport.
John Mo:in, Mill City. .
Jas. Beals, Detroit.
Wm. M. Start, Ashland.
0. H. Thomas, Portland.
A. M. Holton, Oswego.
W. M. Toner, Yaquina.
L D Bobbie, Toledo.
A J Brown, Stayton.
W F Gilbert, Prineville.
H G Hayes, Portland.
F W Smith, Sisters.
Henry Roth, "
O I Levengood, Portland Journal.
O W Marieis. Fox Valley.
H Snook, Salem.
DrE O Smith, Portland,
J B Thompson, Dallas.
B F Jones, Toledo.
8 M Wiley and wf, Grants Pass.
W HFisk, Chicago.
O H Thomas, Portland.
J B Wirt, Lebanon.
John Morin, Mill City.
M G Flynn, Philomath.
W E Gilbert, OorvalliB.
S L Lyles, 8 F.
M 8 Marks, Portland.
J M Haig, N Y.
W A Nielaon, Portland.
H Gilder, S F.
G W Reynolds, 8 F.
Bert Geer, Salem.
J T Brooas, Minnapolis.
W 8 Winniford, Portland.
H K CroBB, St. Louis.
G H Cooper, Buston.
O A Olapp, "
8 J Fay, Portland..
J O Thomas, Portland.
O d Seiple, "
Arthur J Kuh, 8 F.
J 4 Wilson, Portland.
Geo M Sealv. Ilmnoni T.ffn Savin
Station. "
A W Blown, N Y.
J 0 Murray 8 F.
J D Coleman, N Y.
Obas D White, Portland .
J K Scott, Bandon.
A B Owen, Monmouth.
W H 8wank, Brownsville.
W A White. Salem.
T G King, Ellenefcnrg.
E H Orueon, Leadville.
Frank Parr. "
A H Oruson, Cottage Grove. '
G 8 George, S. F.
Edwin F Olatke, N. Y.
Lee Brown, Stayton.
E F Nudd, Centralis.
Wm Neubauer, Portland.
Olive Mallow, Corvallie. ,
Jap Minto, Salem.
E. O. Lake, Harrisburg.
A G Holden, Portland.
Fred Vanatta, Portland.
II T Busbong, "
J B Horner, Oorvallis.
SODilley. Elma, Wash.
TFCrady, KltnB, Wash.
I E Desmond, Pittsburg.
A O Laurence, Portland.
Wm P Lord Jr., Salem.
N H Newsbam, Portland.
J K Dinwiddie, Brownsville.
A Kelley, W. U. Tel Portland.
W A OummingB, Hal ey.
Geo Gardner, Or. City.
T O Reynolds, Eddy ville.
F M Taylor, Blodgett.
H Oarmariy, Gates,
8 Kbody, New ftra.
E H Perketiand wf.Vancouver.B.O.
J O Hansaker, Bonanza
D L dock, Geneva, Ia.
Ohas E Neder and wf, Denver. Col.
J U Gibson, OorvalliB.
Mrs E Mllles, Butte, Mon.
Mra Jessie BurneBi, Portland.
Mrs G E Bauman, Toledo.
K L Burke and wf, Salem.
Mra nrtis Gerald, "
I, M Ormsby, and wl, 8alem.
Geo B Whltcomb, Foster.
P 0 Harper, "
Jas Campbell,' Portland.
W H Uiiyeu, Scio.
.ui te.uiig liquor to Indians was dis
cZt. Vrtlanyniie.? Atatel V'ttTJCt
the DFnS ,nZ l ft,.?" ,"ated.. by
tne democrat in the first place there
was nothing in thecharge at all.
Ihe Dsmockat man today received the
i following sell explanatory letter, show
log which way the wind is blowing:
Mr. F. P. Nutting. Dear Sir: . 1
Very recently some one has sent me
the H v Year's issue ol the Oregonian.
I have read your letter published in it
with a ureat deal ol interest. I am
looking up a company to visit your stato,
leaving here Dec. 1st. and hope tu be
able to have thirty in my party of our
representative men. I havo promised
to do all 1 tan to make the trip as pleas
ant and at the ieaet expense I could for
them. Can aarangements be made for
a good $1 a day huuse to stop at while
inycurcity. Mycrmpany will repre
sent at least $600,000, some for pleasure,
some for investments and some for
homes. 1 am also working up a colony
to locate iu your state. Will leave here
about next Februaay. Will be pleased
to near trom you and your real estate
Gallatin, Teon. .
Y YourB Truly,-
J, J. Rkasoh.
Attempted Burglary.
During last night 'an attempt was
made to enter ' tbe residence of G. C.
Turner in the first ward. Clarence Tur
ner heard a noise at his window and
saw a man in tbe window, which he had
raised, just starting to climb in. He
cried out to him and the fellow fled.
Riiohlng to the front door Mr. Turner
Baw the man, a short, thick set fellow
rnnnini; around the Flinn corner and
An empty telescope was found at the
oorner ol the house evidently left by
J. O. Lee is in Crook count" on a
short trip.
Geo. D. Goodhue, the Salem hen man,
was in tbe city yeBterday.
H. O. Jordan returned vnsterdav frnm
a trip east, aB far bb Maine.
I Dr. E. O. Smith, ol Eugene, went to
I the Santiara minea today.
I Judge Hale, ol Grants Paaa, is in the
! cirv tndnv .in n vioit. tvtfh
Mr. Milton Hale.
Miss Laura Jane Dannals has been
visiting ner sister in Whatcomb for a
couple ol weeks.
Mrs. J . A. McKee, recently of Seattle
but now of Salem, is in the city the
guest of Mrs. R. h. Burkhart.
A reception will be tendered Rev. and
Mrs, M. O, Wire at the parsonage to
night, to which friends are Invited.
Mrs. John F. Wilson and children left
today for Cottage Grove to join Mr.
Wilson and make that city their home.
Jack Hammill has returned Irom
Roseburg, where he has been working
uu tue new uana Dunning, one OI tne
prettiest In tbe state. It is now com
pleted. L. E. Bobbie, ol HsstinsB. Neb. has
been employed by Mr, Thompson of tbe
Combination Shop, where live barbers
are kept busy. Mr. Bobbie is well
spoken ol as a tonsonal artist.
(Tbe first concert of the season was
given at tbe Alco parlors yesterday
alternoon by the Thursday Mnsical
Olub. The program was mado np ol
selections Irom the Irish end Norwegian
authors and wea presented before a large
audience of associate members. It was
as follows: Ononis, "Iriih Folk Bong:
piano solo, a) "Nocturne," Field; (b)
"Bohemian Girl," Balfe, Mies Sox;
Irish and Norwegian Musio, Mies
Vance; piano solo, "Norwegian Bridal
Procession," Grieir. Miss Parker: Honir.
(a) "Love's Old Sweet Song," Mollnyj
(b) "Come Back to Erin," O. Boll, Mrs
nutting; piano boIo, (selected). Yn
Hopkins; song, (a) "The Old S or ,'
Grieg; (b) "Folk Song," Griew, aubs
Beal; piano duet, "Peer Gynt," Grieg,
Mra. Young and Miss Sox; Chorus,
"Kathleen Mavourneen." Reireeb
menti lotlowed. The Club have mopptd
out. some good programs for the winter.
Albany College a ill play tbe U. t,f
O. foot ball eleveo at Eugene on Satur
day, Oct. 16.
Mrs. W. J. Tisdale, ol Tangent, today
received a check for $1,000 on account ol
the insurance ol her eon, tbe late A. R.
Tiedale, killed in an accident at luerma.
1 Calif,, in the A. O. U. W. She will also
I 1 rm f . 1 It I ,,
.m.civefi,uw irutu tue uegree 01 xjonur.
Dr. I. W. Starr, of Brownsville, hai
Bold his drug store tn P. E. Hume. Dr.
Starr will move to Eugene to roside.
According to a dispatch from ash-
wi" bea i0 Payments will
be marie from Jnn Q7
Pendleton, Or., Out, 8 1902.
Editor Dsmockat :
Pendleiuu ia still enjoying the clear
'ndbiiant sunshine and coubiderable
dun, coid nights ana warm daye. The
ihreauerj are about all laid up alter a
mccesalui ruu, and a great many far
mers are etill Uauliug in their gtain, but
1 tie majority ol tbe wheat is now safe In
ihe many warehouses and probably one
null or two tbirda of tbe ciop is eola at
prices tauging Irom 60 to 52,' cents per
bushel, and tbe iarmers are all well
satisfied with the results they have
cpou nuui tueir laour uuring the past
The Rooster met Will Williamson, a
lormor Albany ooy oa the sireet a lew
days ago and waa Burpnsed to tea a
large stout young man with a Blubby
uearu an over uiB lace and would u H
have known him if be h d not made
nimseit Known, tie said be bad put in
about zu days mckinir 11 d wheat' afwr
combine and had also been palling the
airiuga uu a six uurse team uauliug
ivueat tur auou tnree weeas.
Ibe Rooster aleo met Mr. and Mrs,
jamea unurcuiu 01 Atuany I', on
the s-reet Uet week. luev were sum
moned here by telegraph to attend their
aoucreu wno was very bad with tv
phoid fever at the bospital. Mr. Bud
Mra, Enoch Sloan have Bold out here
and are all packed aud ready to leave
ior Aiuany to reside. A tare veil rcep
tion was giten them last week at tbe
residence ol Mr. and Mrs. Petnrsnn.
wuica was a success as tur. aud Mrs.
Peterson know bow to entertain, s Wb
all hate to see Mr. ana Mrs. Sloan leave
remiietou but rendleton's lose will be
Albany's gain, and like most of tbe web
footers that are here, would rather enjoy
the webs than to have tbe sand pile up
under their too nails, and moss behind
tbeir ears is preferable to alkali dust
in tuetr eye brows and corner ol tbeir
niouui Loren Harris took In the Walla
Walla. Fruit lair, the 27 aud 28 of Sent.
Alter his first experience with a barber
it waa hard to tell which one of the
boys he was when the barber got tbrough
with him, and Pearl bardlv knew him
and he has been receiving invitations
to evening parties every dav since.
Tbe brick work of the Pendleton Hm.
pital is about completed and ready lor
the carpenters, Tbe stone baBement ol
tbe Pendleton Academv ia comnleted
ana tne coiner stone lata last Monday
.uu id uuw leauy lur vuti uriva masons.
ine stone baBement of tbe Otirlatian
Church has beeu completed lor eome
time and now moat ol the lumber is on
the ground ready lor the carpenttrB.
OarpenterB are nil busy here now and
tbe etiances are tbey will continue busy
an winter.
it ia very arv ana austv Mere now.
we only nad one nubts rain this fall
and not a sign of a log or Oregon miet.
ivuen 11 rains nere it is a nit. no luis't
and when it blows it is no miBs't either.
From the Bulletin:
Mr, E. F. Wvatt. of Albanv. but re
cently one ol Harrieburg'a oldeat and
most highly respected citizens, came up
on busibesB last week, returning home
Mr. Barney May on Tueadav, pur
chased 75 bales of hops Irom Mr. Sam
Dodga, living acroas tbe river, the price
paid being 21 cents per n iund. Mr. Mav
acting as Ihe agent of Faber & Neis in
the transaction.
MiBS Cecil Rampy left for Albanv ves.
terday, where ehe will he tbe guest of
Mies Lillian Orawlord. Before returning
borne she will visit friends at Lebanon.
The marriage ol Misa Eslella Huston.
daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hus
ton, to Mr. waiter A. Keed, of Walla
Walla, Wash., took place at 11 o'clock.
Wednesday. Oct. 8. 1902. at the residnn
of the bride's parents, about one mile
eaet 01 cameourg, Kev. w. H. Wiltee
officiating. Only tbe immediate friends
aud relativea of the family were nresent.
The vounu couple took Ihe northhomirt
local for Walla Walla, where they will
maae tueir luturo Dome.
Died, Saturday afternoon, Oct. 4, 1902,
William McDonald, of organlo heart
disease, agsu wz years. The deceased
left a wife and tour step-children,
MesBra. J. K. and Lee Oartwrlght and
Meadames Sarah Howard and J, Foote
to mourn his death.
William McDonald was born In Scot
land in 1840, and, in his younger days,
waa a seafaring man. As near aB we
can find out, he came to Harrisburg
auoat ou years Bgo. 01a nret employ
ment here was on a (arm for Mr. Walter
Huston. In late yeara he followed tbo
profession of a painter.
William McDonald waa an honorable
man in every sense of tbe word one of
God'a noblemen.
There waa an 'attendance of 968
pupils in tbe publio schools tof Eugene
last monoay.
Some of the Italian etrlkera In Penn
sylvania received 2,500 rounds of amu.
nition, a BUBplcious fact. These foreign
strikers are the ones which cause most
of.the trouble.
Change of Milk Route.
Leslie P vr..
bus made arrangements
iry acroBS tha Oalapooia
il. L. ). Yoder will ran
Leslie, will continuo to
ustomers. ' The change
bout Nor. first.
to move 1 1- -i i
on Bryan'
the dairj ., I
Bupply li I
Will be
Dudley Evans has been elected oreil-
e nt ol tbe Wells Fargo Co,
The Booth KellylOo, have bought the
big A. D. Hyland tract of timber land In
Lane county, consisting of nearly 20,000
acres, for which about 250.000 will be
paid. It is tributary to tbe mills at
Springfield and Harrisburg.
Tbe Guard says there is almost no
interest at tbe U. of O. in Btudent en
terprises, the monthly has no manager,
there is no rooters club, about one
fourth the students etay for assembly.
in short there is evidently no snap to
A new circuit case is J. W. Outick at
Oo , agt. H. G. McKinley and It, B.
Montague, on a note for (300 made Dec.
22, 10C0, with interest from March 22,
1902, Attaohroent is made against tbe
property of H. Q, McKinley a'on", on
162 acrea of timber lm,.i.
Complete External and Internal
Treatment, One Dollar.
The set, consisting- of Cuticora
Soap, to cleanse the skin of crusts
and scales, and
i soften the thick
ened cuticle
Cuticura Oint-
mentjto instant
ly allay itching-,
irritation, and
and soothe and
heal, and Cuti
cura Resolvent
Pills, to cool and
cleanse the
blood, and expel
humour perms.
A Single Set, price $(, is often
sufficient to cure the most torturing-,
disfiguring- skin, scalp, and
blood humours, rashes, itchings,
and irritations, with loss of hair,
when all else fails.
CtmcnitA 8oap, fiBslsted by Cuticura
Ointment, tlio great skin our, for prosorv
Iiitf, imrlfying, nnii lionutl Tying tlio eklu, for
cluiiusluK tho ficiilp of oruetfl, miles, ami dun
driilF, ami tho stopping of falling linlr, for
Button. white uing, and soothing red, rough,
nwl soro hnudB, for liabv rnahog, Hehinga,
and clmllugs, mul for nil tho purposes of tho
toltot, bath, aud nursery. Millions of Women
ubo CimcuKA Soap In tho form of baths for
annoying irritations, lniliuni nations, and ex
corlntlom, or too froo or otlonnlvo poraplr
atlon, In tho form of washes for ulcerative
weaknesses, and for ninny Bftimtlvo, antlscptlo
purpose b which readily suggest thoiuseWoa
to women, especially mothers..
(ChocolatoCoatod) aroa now, tasteless, odour
loss, economical substitute for the coleliratod
liquid CUTiooiiA ltKsoLvnNT, as woll ns for all
other blood purifiers and humour cures. Xut
up in pocket vials, 80 doses, prico, 25o.
HoM throufrhont the world. Boap, 2S., Outturn t, Me.
Tills, i. lliitlih Dcpoti 27-28, ChBTterliimso 8q., Lon
don, trench Depot, IS Hue de la Talz, I'arif. TomR
iluuo am) Cuum. Cum-., bolel'ropi, lloitoa, U. 8. A
At Prineville.
from the Journal:
Dr. and Mrs. O. A. Oline returned
Monday from an extended trip in tbe
Willamette valley. Thev visited in Eu
gene, Corvallie and Albany.
W. H. Parker has retired from the
management of the Juurnal mnnhn.nir.Al
department, and will leave in a few days
iur uiu mnamette valley, where he will
visit a while befjre entering tt etate
printer'a office at Balem. Mra. Parker
ib recovering Irom her recent illness and
will accompany her husband to Albany..
Frank Ward came up Irom Oorvallis
Monday, and has accepted a position
with the Adamaon & Winnek Uo. as
drupelet. He is a son of 8rott Ward of
Ward's mute lame, and a native of Linn
couuty. The editor ol this religions
weekly bag hunted ducks uu Ihe farm
where Mr. Ward was horn just hunted
and uothit. k more. '
Back From Lake County.
Dr. Adams, Mr. Littler and Mr. F. M.
Pomeroy returned yesterday from Lake
Uuunly, where they had been In the
Clodfelter company to take up timber
olairae. Each of tbe former secured
satisfactory claims. Mr- Pomeroy,
luuuvu, uiu not nie. ine joicet were on
Mr. Pomeroy. At Ashland a elgn read
inn Salo was seen. Thinking It waa a
saloon 'Mr. Pomeroy visited it and
found only pop and aoda water, nor
could anything strong be found in tbe
non-llceDBB city. At Klamath Falls Mr.
Pomeroy called at the court home and
asked for moals and lodging, thinking
it was a bo'el.
Settled at Last.
Peace reigns and tbe. Leroyle-Burg-
graf controversy Is no more, and it ia
now autboritively stated that "Other
Pejple's Money" company has rear
ranged its rente so as to give one per
formance here. This has been a sun.
ceBsful effort on the part of Manauer
Burggraf to maintain his rights and to
give hia patrons an attraction of known
? utility and congratulations are due him.
t is understood that the date originally
contracted for will be played.
The new outs for the Linn county
pamphlet have been received, after eome
delay and the pamphlets will be printed
as soon as pOisible,
The circuit court will have two prom- '
inent criminal cases, Oregon agt Tyoer
and Venom, charged with roboing the
Brownsville Bank, and Oregon agt J. U.
Cooper, assault on G, W. MiOamey.
Mr. T. H. Miranda last evenirg dis
played at the Democrat office eight to
matoes which completely filled a good
sized box. They were to enormous that
he had them photographed and will sen!
tbe picture baok to the seed man. The
eight weigbtd 11 V pounds. Four of
them each weighed 1 pound 9 ounces.
Tbe remains of George Allen arrived
in Albany yesterday and were buried In
the Masonic cemetery at 10 o'clock, a
short service being held at the otv.
The account of his death shows that he
waa on ar. electric light p.ilo at Stockton
when he csme In contact with a live
wir ami u siioi:K ui 45,000 volte and was
ol course killed instantly.
Rev. T. O. Tchorigian next Wednes
day evening at ihe Presbyterian church
will be formally ordained as a minister
ol tlin church Hia headquarters now
uri. AlnniiiiiHi.t. Giant countv, and he
i'-ai lies at livt! points.