Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, October 10, 1902, Page 1, Image 1

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WANTED. Young men to go on the
road ior a reliable hooee. Good
chances for advancement, Apply to
W.O. Morris, Russ House from 8 a.
m. to 10 p. m.
CIDER. Will make cider every Thurs
day at my mill one mile ncrth of Alb
any in Benton county. 3 cnts per
gallon for making. Sweet cider for
sale, by the gallon 20 cents, bv the
bairel 12j cente per gallon, until
ftmiier notice. 0. K. Widmkr.
WANTED. Ten men at the Albanv
FOR BALE: Cheap, a tm foot exten
sion table. Oall at the Baptist parson
age. SHEEP. Some good ewes to let on
shares. Call on J F. Troutman, Alb
any, Or.
BOY WA.NTED. At Alco Olub. Call
on J. M. Raieton, Broadalbin street,
LADIES wishing to sell their work in
any line, needlework, painting, burnt
work, wood carving, canned fruit,
jellies, pickles, etc., please call on Mrs.
Scbell, afternoons, corner 4th and
WASTED. Good girl to do housework.
Mrs. N. H. Wheeler, cor. 3rd and
Jackson te.
FOUND: On Brj ant Park, a pair of
ladj' gold spectacles Can be had at
ths residence of Conrad Meyer.
FOR BALK, A light farm wagon, an !
open buggy and a double set of ha". I
ness. Oal at Democrat office. 171 j
FOR SALE. Two houses and lots. Call i
on Mrs. Leonard at 8th and Jackson (
streets, Albany. ' I
FOR S&LE. Two lioreee, buggy and j
i i .J i ... ;n
good condition. A bargAin it sold at
nnce. Inquire of Elvin Orutcbfield at
W. 3 Slovens.
WOOD. Subscribers who have prom
ised wood on subscription will confer a
favor if they will get the much needed
article here.
WANTED: RoomB, furnished or un
furnished, for rental. Leave name at
real estate otllce of S. N. Steele & Co.
FOR SALE. All c; ? and fa-ru prp
erty now owned by U. F. Mcllwaui,
Mrs. D. Mcllwair, and W. H. Ray
mond will be sold at a bargain. For
information call ou W. H. Goltra at
the Agricultural store of Goltra &
. Ruinbaugn, Albany, Oregon. We
have authorized Mr. W. H. Goltra
wbo has full charge of the above prop
erties to collect all rente as per
contract. H. F. MuIlwain.
j MR
fc. Supre
fnrriTis. mcd
I VI No. 477
I 11 Street, I
Supreme Deputy of the
rs. Mcdonald,
jno.41 I Ueaubien
Street. Detroit.
nr.- i. '
imcii., is iuprom
inent worrian who was
greatly benefited by the
great woman 's medicine,
Wine of Cardui. Mrs.
McDonald is the supreme
deputy of the Maccabees
of the World, and one of
the most widely known
women in the United
Mrs. Ida
States. Thousands of women gather to
hour her lecture even-where she goes.
The great work she has done for the
Maccabees is appreciated by every
member of the order. She was so ab
sorbed in her work that she neglected
to give' her health proper care failed
to take warning that the symptoms of
approaching kidney trouble gave her,
the saliow complexion and torpid liver.
But Wine of Cardui cured her the same
as it has cured thousands of others and
Mrs. McDonald has written this letter in
order that other Buffering women may
secure from Wine of Cardui the same
relief she got from it.
"For four years I suffered with torpid
liver until my skin looked yellow and dull,
I then found my kidneys were affected and
had severe pains across my back, and I felt
AH diseases treated, both acute
and chronic.
Terms reasonable.
OFFICE: Broadalbin St. between 2nd and 4th. Phone Black 482.
Examination Free.
A big plow trus'. is being formed in
the face of the President's addresses.
The trails will never be frightened so
long aB the policy ib to leave the taritt
Hon. M. A. Miller, who was in Salem
yeBterday refused to be interviewed,
Bays the Statesman, on the senatorial
contest. With the contentions ahead
perhaps the man who is left out of the
coming state legislature is the fortunate
The Dkmociiat recently claimed 'Al
bany as the Chinese pheiaant center of
the United States. The Lebanon Express-Advance
sayB Lebanon is the
center. Let us compromise by declar
ing Linn County to be the center of this
beet of all game birds.
Gregg's Coffee.
Three Grades.
Gregtr's Brand M. & J. 40 cents lb.
Combination Mocba & Java 35 cents
French Breakfast 25 cents lb.
Best by teBt.
Oub Last Call. This is positively
our last call to the low prices on Wall
Paper this season. Everything going at
cost for the next 30 da' 6. Come in aDd
look ike atock'over ;)you might find some
thing cheap that would just Buit you.
Bubehart & Lee.
Tub Kindebqate!) will be opened next
Monday, Oct. 6, in the W. C. T. U. par
lor. A conveyance will be furnished to
carry the children to and from s bool.
Tuition 75 per week. For further par
ticulars call on Misa McDonald at 632
Washington St. or Telephone Red 176.
Rips Tomatoes, Peaches and choice
table delicasies on band daily at
C. E Bbownbll'b.
FOR SALE: Some sheaf oats at 30
cents a dozen Bbeafe, alao some good
clean oat Biraw at ou cents a load on
the place. A. Hiltert, 2 miles from
Albany, in Benton county on the Uor
v&llis road.
OODA WATER .Fresh Sodaville So
da water at F. li. Pfeiffei'e by drink
or in bottles.
H. F. rierrill
XCity and County Warrants bought and
Hold, uoilectione promptly attended to.
Co' lespondence solicited.
Dkmockat Building, Albany, 3r
Maccabees of the World.
that I must do something
to regain my health. A
friend advocated your Wine
of Cardui treatment so
strongly that I decided to
try it, although I had little
faith in patent medicines.
1 am now very thankful that
I did so, for within ten days
blessed relief came to me,
and in less than three
months I was cured, and
have cnloved fine health
ever since. I know there is nothing better
for a sick woman who wishes to enjoy per
feet health and am very pleased to give my
hearty endorsement."
No suffering woman can afford to
ignore such a Tetter as Mrs. McDonald
writes. Her plans and advice have
proved valuable in building up one of,
the greatest women's organizations in
the United States and she takes time to
give advice which she knows will help
Do not delay in securing this medi
cine. There is nothing to gain and
everything to lose by delay. Tho choice
is before you. Will or will you not
secure relief now by taking Wins) of
Cardui? All drungists sell 81.00 bottles
of Wine of Cardui as well as 23c pack
ages of Thedford's Black-Draught.
A million suffering women
have found relief in
Wine of Cardui.
The Conference a Failure.
Washington, Oct. 3. The great coal
conference between the President and
the representatives of the opemtors and
miners came to an eud at the temporary
white House, facing La Fayette square,
at 4 :55 o'clock thiB afternoon, with fail
ure to reach an agreement, and, appar
ently, the rock upon which the conference-
Bplit was the recognition of the mi
ners' union
Not Ended Ket.
Washington, Oct. 3. Although 'the
coal operators were in a defiant mood to
day, and the first effort of President
Roosevelt to bring about a settlement
has not met with success, those in poa
session of inside information do not be
lieve be will stop now, but that further
stepB will be taken to reach a settlement.
There is a euggestion tonight that the
eituution may be reached through the
interstate commerce clause of tne con
Btitution. '
Easily Influenced.
New York, Oct. 3. The Btock market
was thrown into a violent aecline thiB
afternoon by the receipt of dispatches
from Washington by two Wall stree.
news bureaus, saying that the Controll
er of the Currency hud declared illegal
Secretary Shaw's plan to abolish the 25
per cent reserve on'Government deposits
in National banks, and thus put $30,
000,000 out to relieve the money market.
An Oklohonia Buttle.
Guthbie, O. T., Oct. 3. At Orescent
City, an inland town, 10 miles northwest
of Guthrie, a tierce battle was lought
late today between the officers of the
town and four Brown brothers, Mat.Don,
Bui and John, prominent farmers ana
ranchers of that vicinity. As a result,
Mel Burgess, another farmer is reported
dead. Mat Blown seriously wounded
and teveral others lujured.
Big Damage Suit.
Denver, Oct. 3, It was announced to
day on the authority of the legal firm of
1 omas, liryanc as .use, wb are prepar
ing the papers, that thi Ventura Mining
Uorporaliun (Limited), ot London, will
hie a suit within a few days against the
estate of VV. S. Stratton for $5,000,000.
Misrepresentation at the time of the sale
of the Cnppte Creek Independence Mine
will be alleged as the ground for action
A Tornado,
Memphis, Toon., Oct. 3. A tornado
struck Indianola just before noon todav
wrecking a number of houses and fatally
injuring misb Florence JVorns. A num
ber of others were oiurj or less seriouBly
hurt. Many larmhousei were destroyed,
Deafness Cannot be (Jured.
by local applications, as they CUnnotjTho .anrilnoi nniat nna. nnlv th
reach the decened portion of the ear?
lueie ihuuiv uim w y iu cure ueamess,anu
that is by c.)U4.,iution:ti remedies. ' Deaf'
nese is caused by aa inflamed condition oi
the mucous liaiuir ut un Eus'aachian
fube. Wiren ttiis tube vets inflamed vou
nave a rumbling sound or lrnpmiect bear
ing, and when it ia entirely closed deaf
ness is tpe result, and unless the inflam
mation cau Le taken out and this tube ra-
itored to its normal condition, hearing
wilt be destroyed forever: nine cases out
of teu are caused by catarrh, which ib
nothing but an inflamed condition ox the
iuuC"Ut surfaces.
We will give One liundred Dollars for
any CAeeof Deafness (caused bv catarrh)
tuat can not oo cured by Hail s Uatarrn
Cure. Send for circulars, Iree . v
F J CHENEY t Oo, Toledo, Js.
Sold bydrugpiets, 75c.
Hall's Family PilU are tne best.
, v
Loos Oct Poison for eheep killing
dogs will be put out on my place near
aioany. .Look out tor your uogs.
J. D. Bukkhakt.
In a few days we will receive an im
port order of Japanese novelties in table
china. Call and see them. '
C. E. Brownell.
"C" With a Tail.
The "C" with a tail is the trade
mark of Cascarets Candy Cathartic
Look for it on the light blue enameled
metal boxl Each tablet stamped
C. C. C. Never sold ia bulk. AH
'ruEgiatg, loc.
cure Dyspep3M and all disorder arising
from Indigestion. Endorsed bv phys
lcias everywhere. Sold by druggists.
No cart, no pav. 25 cents. Trial pack,
age free bv writing to WH Hookbb & Co,
Buffalo N Y.
Taken Up.
A borce, black, about fifteen years old
branded R, with scroll over the E, on
left hip and left shoulder, by W. H.
Lnonev, about i miles from Albany
toward Tangent. The owner can bave
property upon payment nf expenses.
W!:cn You Want
j lo bny first class razor ana shaving
-ip, fine preparel razor strap, call at
1 Viereck's Shaving Hair Cutting Parlors
; Viereck's Hair Kxliilirant restores the
, tiKir to its natural color 60 cents a dot-
j Viereck's sure uandrnffd era
ure only 60 cents a bcttie
A bid of 25 cents was made in Salem
yesterday for a pool of bopB.
The Jewish New Year, 5665, occurred
tins week. This is the new year of the
old testament.
Ground has been secured in KoBeburg
for the depot for the Salt Lake and Coos
Bay railroad. This sounds like business.
A, B. Seal, a former resident of Alb
any, has tiled a petition in bankruptcy,
in San Francisco. His liabilities are
givn as $5,967.77 ad his assets as 000.
A Salem men has raised this year
about 20,000 bunches ot celery, tor
whicb he receives an average of about 5
cente a bunch by the wholesale, mostly
Irora Portland dealers.
Last Thursday was a busy day foi
Recorder Biggr, there being 11 eases of
being drunk to trj out. tie fined each
one $12. This will bave a tendency to
quiet the boys don. Prineville
The Albanv Democrat says a steam
laundry is to be established in Browns
ville. Nothing like going away from
home to learn the news. Times. The
Democrat got the news from the Port
land Telegram,
The Prineville Tournal Bays:
Realizing the demand for firet-elaBB
work, we are making arrangements to
Becure a firBt-claBS man in W. H.
Parker's place, who will leave in a few
cays to take a position in tte state
printing oibce. Of Mr. Parser's ability
in this line there is no doubt as be has
turned out Borne of the beat work ever
done in this county.
From the E. A
The eniollment In our public Bchool is
now 221, which is very good for the time
of year.
Mr. Ward, of Lone Rock, Gilliam
county, is here for the purpose of being
treated for cancer by Dr. Jones, He ia
a brother of Scott Ward of Plainview.
An eleven year-old-boy in the Prose
fnmily, above Sodaville, died yesterday
morning, from exhaustion following
diptheria. He bad tbe awful disease
five or six weeks ago and was unable to
recover from the effects of it,
O. H. Vebrs has contracted for the
Jacob Frank dairy farm near Corvallis,
for ihicb be is to pay $3000. He went
over today to look at it again.
Tbe inventory and appraisement .f
the estate ot tbe late Richard Oheadle
was filed Tuesday in Portland, lbe
property is valued at 22,803. Tbe
Oheadle farm, containing 900 acres, is
appraised at $16,659.
Married, at the home of the bride's
parents, uear Lebanon, on Wednesday,
October 1, 1902, by Rev. S. Snyder, Mr.
Rau K. Onn&M nnrl Mian Onra M. RvanH.
f tmmejj4te relatives oeiug present. ...
From the News :
Mr. Turner, of Albany, the buggy
peddler, is having fine success.
L. W. Pomeroy was over Wednesday
to urge tbe County Court to build tbe
bridge across Crabtree at ouce. as the
road will be completed in a few days.
Johnny Crabtree caught two fine ot
ters tbe past week measuring over four
feet. Their hides are worth $10.
Mrs. T. A. Richardson died at her
home two miles above Jordan Monday,
of consumption. She was a daughter
ol Mr. and Mrs, wm cineiton, ana was
about 34 years of age. She bad been ill
for the past two years, and ber death
was not unexpected.
Peter Rund, of Jordan, was in Scio
tbe latter part of last week. Mr. Rund
is tbe gentleman who recently pur
chased tbe land owned by tbe Catholic
church up in tbe Bilyeu Den. and is
making extensive improvements there
on, one of which is the construction of a
fish pond, containing about three acres,
and having a depth of from 10 to 16 feet
of water.
Telephone Parker Bros. Main 60. for
the best groceries and baked goods.
Maple Ridge Dairy
Leave orders at Parker Bros, for milk
om thejdairy.' L.;B. Pavns, Prop.
The Small
of the Back
That is where some people feel
weak all tho time.
They are likely to be despondent
and it is not unusual to find them
borrowing trouble as if they hadn't
enough already.
The fact is their kidneys are
weak, either naturally or because
ni sicKness, oxpnsure, woviy or
other influence.
" I am tli'itiliful to any." wrltf;s .1. L. Crimp
titfll. of Syaniore. HI., "that Hood' y.irmipa
rilla has cured me. For many rears 1 was
tnmliled Willi lm-kafhe. At times f was so
bail I had to tit; hi.-liirnl from I lip l,eil or clialr.
1 am now well ulnl strrrr-aiul free from pain."
What till rrreal iiicd:fiip dtd for him ft liar,
done for othora,
Hood's Sarsaparilla j
Promises to cure and keeps Hmj i
promise. Cegin treatment with
Ilood's today.
Presbyterian Clinch: Morning wor-.
ship at 10:30 The Communion of the '
Lord's Supper. Sabbatu .School at 11 :45
Senior Endeavor at 6:80 Evening
worship at 7 :S0. Rev. O. R. Cullender
will speak of his mission work in the'
Siam and Laos MiBsioa field. j
Cumberland Presbyterian: Preach
lug services tomorrow at 11 a. ui. au, i
7:30 p. in. by O A. Wooley, pastor, 8. !
b. at iu a, m ana u. tt, at U:3U p. in. i
each Sabbatb. Regular preaurnng ser
vice oo tbe first and third Sabbathe of I
each month. 1
Services at the Baptist church, pleach
ing in tbefjmoruing and evening by the
paator. Other services as usual.
MethodiBt Episcopal church. South.
cor. Montgomery and 3rd Sis., Jno. C.
Cook, pastor: Serving, preaching each
Sunday morning at 11 o'clock it-id even
ing at 7:30. Sunday school at 10 a. in.
fepwortb League at H:30 p. in, Prayer
meeting every Tuu'sdav oveuing at 7:30.
You are iuvited to attenu these services.
U. P. church: Preaching by the pas
tor Rev. White at 10:80 and 7:45. Sab
bath school 11:45, Junior Ei"'eavor,
3:30, Senior Endeavor 6 :45.
MEcburcb: Preaching by ibopastol
at 10:30. and 7:30 p m. Sunday echoor
at 11:45, Epworth League 6:31). All are
Smith's Dandruff Poniad e
Cures dandruff, ecierua, itcHing sca'p and
and stops falling of the hair. One nui,li-
cation stops itching scalp, tbrre to six
appluations removes all dandiufi- Doc-
tors and' druggists reara it as the oidy
standaru remedy tor danuruti and all
itching, souley skin diseases; price 60o,
at all druggists. Arldress r-oiitb Bros,
Fresno', Cal.
Foi a bad taste in tin mouth lake
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tub
als. For sale by druggists.
Evervthiim new and un-to-date at
Irvin'e exclusive Wall Paper aud Paint
Store. . Phone Red 442.
The Kind You Have Almrs C
The best line of Lamps
" ' " " GlasBwaro,
" China.
" " " " Crockery.
11 ' Stationery.
" " " " School Buoplini.
The Lowest Prices on - -Everything.
ni : Hie
Finest assortment ever brought to Albany.
All grades of the very best makes.
Flemish Tapestries,
Rnjah Art,
Extra Superfine,
Orientals and Granite, at the
The Srst Semester, Session 1002-3, opons Wednesday, September 17tu. Tbe
following Hchoo a and Colleges are comprised in the University : Grad
uate school College of Literature, Scienre and Arts College of Science and
Engineering University Academy School of Music School of Medicine
Bchool of law.
Tuition free, excepting in Schools of Law and Music. (Inc dentil fee $10.00
Student-Body lax $2.60 per year,) Cost of living from $100.00 10 f 2u0 00 per
year. For Catalogue, address
Alt diseaBos treated. Chronic
cases a Specialty.
GOODWIN Bis 2nd St.
Examination Free!
Catarrhal Deafness
Cannot be cured wiih local applications,
as thoy cannot reach the diseased
portion of the ear. There is only one
way to cure deafness, and that is by con
stitutional treatment. Deafness is caused
by an inlUmed condition of the eustach. tubes. S. 13. Catarrh Cure will
I 'duce and cure all catnrrahai innamation
of the eustachian tubes aud restore I hem
to a normal condit:on. Sold by all drug
piste. Book on Ca arrh roe. Address
Smith Broj., FreBno, Cat.
Sure Cure.
Itching Piles produce moisture and cause
itcning, this form as well as Blind, Bleed
ing oi Pro uding Pilos are oured by Dr
Bo-sun- lio's Pile Remeuy, Stops itching
and I'lending Ausorb tumors. 60 cts a
jur ai-druggista, or sent by nail. Treat
ise iree write me your case Dr lloaan-
I ko. Philadelphia. Pa
f or sale by Foshay
& Mason, uruggisu
Smith's Dandruff Pomade
slops itching scalp upon one application.
three to six removes all uandrun and will
stop fulling hair. Price 50c, at all drug,
FoBLtyA Mason, wholesale and retail
diotri-utm agents.
Look Out For Fever.
BillounesB and liver disorders at (his
season may he prevented by cleansing tho
system with DeWUt's Little Early Risers.
These famous little pills do not gripe.
They move tho b&wels gently, but cop
iously, and by reason ol (be tonio proper- .
eniib. yive tone and strength to the
glands Foahty & Mason, Bnrkharl &
Delinquent Tax of 1900.
Notice is herjby -Wen that the delin
quent tix roll of 1000 is now in the
bauds of the sheriff with a warrant for.
the collection of tho same. OoBts may'
be eavud by prompt payment, as on the
16th day oi October tho advertising of
me same ut puDiic sale wll be begun.
H. M, Palmer, County Judge
.... . .. Call 8. ,
....i Sotioe to he:eby given that fnnda are
on' baud to pay city warrants Noa. 289
301 incliiBive of the issue of 1900. Inter
est on said warrants will cease with tbe
date of this notice.
, Albany, Or., Aug. 25, 1002.
H. B.Oubick riity Treasuror.
aitainst Hip burglar's wiles, tlie'steallh
of the midnight thief, tbe break-In of
the robber may be found in tbe sound
lo-ks, door and window fittings we bave
to offer' the householder. You'll sleep
all the more soundly o'nigbtB If your
house is sii piled with hardware from
here it's the right sort every time,