Albany Democrat A , 1 VOL. xxx vm. ALBANY, OREGON. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER , 1902 NO. 7. OUR WANTS FOR S '.LE. Household goods of all kinds, and Howard piano. Call at J. A. MuFeron, 128 W 4th St. Albany, Or. FARM fOR REsT. tiood grain farm of 232 sores, 6J miles southeast of Albany. For particulars enquire of Mrs. C Blount, cor. 6th and B. R. 8ts. 24 FOR SAIwiC, A light farm wa.ion, an opeu b'liggy and a double set ol nar ness. On i at Democrat othce. 171 WANTED: A girl at the Rooming House, cor First and Washington streets. UIP.L WANTED: At the St. Charles -Hotel, to work in dining room, FOR SALE. Two houses and lots. Call on Mrs Leonard at 8th and Jackson streets, Al bany . WANTED Gin to do general home work. For particulars calf at Demo chat office. FOR SaLE. Two horses, buggy and harness, good drivers and outfit lu good condition. A bargain it sold at once. Inquire of Elvin Grutchfield at W. S Mevens. Look Out Poison for Bheep killing dogB will be put out on my place near Albany, Look out for your douB J. D, BunKiiART. . WOOD. Subscribers who have prom ised wood oh subscription will confer a favor if they will get tbe much needed article here. WANTED: Roome, furnished or un furnished, for rental. Leave name at real estate ofllce of S. N. Steele & Co. LOST. Between Albany and Independ ence a gold watch The finder will eoofer a favor by leaving the same at the Democrat office. Reward. FOR RENT : After the 1st of October the boarding house of Mrs. J. H. How ard will be run as a rooming bouse, where pleasant roomB can be secured by all desiring them. Cor, First and Baker streets. FOK SALE. AlU.'f and farm prop erty uow owned bj U. F Mcllwam, Mrs. D. Mellwaiik and'W. H. Ray mond will be sold at a oargein. For information call on W. H. Gullra at the agricultural etore of (ioltra & Runioaugo, Albany, Oregon. We have authorized Mr. W. H. Uoltra who has lull charge of the auove prop erties to collect all rente as per contract. H. F. MoIlwain. FOR SALE: Some Bheat oata at 30 cents a dozen sheaf", also some good I clean oat straw at du cents a luau on the place. A. Hilhert, 2 J miles Irom Albauy, in Benton county on the Cor vallis road. MISS ROSE OWENS, No. 720 Seventeenth St., If every suffering woman has the same experience with Wine of Cardui that I had, your medicine will be most popular. About a year ago 1 began to have a worn out tired feeling with lassitude, pains in the back and head which kept increasing every month. I felt that I needed something, but to get the right medicine was the trou ble. I finally decided on 2Iita liote your Wine of Cardui and only needed to take three bott!c3 when I was fully re covered." HEM Iiss Rose Owens, who has a responsible position in the Government service at Vii3hini2ton. D. C, decided to try AVino of Cardui, sho lnado a wiso choice. Over ft million women havo been re! ieved of female weakness by this same Wine of Cardui. It is not a strong medicine but may be taken every day in the year by any woman with benefit. It does not force results, but corrects derangements of the menstrual organs. It strengthens the nervous system, gives tone to the bodily func tions, acts directly on tho genital organs, and is the finest tonic tor wo men known to the science of medicine. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSIC! W : IR. CYLTHIFr J. RAMSEY and DR. HUGH E PENLAND, GRiDUATES OF THE LOS ANGELES and KIRK8VILLE SCHOOLS With to see all chronic cases that have been given np as incurable. It does not cost anything for the Doctors counsel and examination, and they may be able to help you. m Remember their system of healing is different from what you have .been need too. They don't use drugs, surgery, measisge, nor faith. But by scientific Osteopathic manipulation they control the organic life of the human body and successfully combat disease. Don't say there is nothing in it because they don't fill theeyBtem full ' of drugs, but inform yourself about the science. Remember also that tbey treat acute as successfully as chronic. OFFICE: Broadalbin St. between 2nd and 3rd Ste. Phone 4-8-2. MISFITS There are many kinds of tramps. in this world under different nameB. Seventeen blue ribbons and twelve red ones io the Linn County exhibit was a fine showing. It rooked decidedly blue for a second county exhibit. There are money makers on the state fair grounds. Eveu the W. C. T. U. women give a meal of meat boiled potatoes and bread and butter for 25 centB. R. D. Wilson, a former Albany man, and Obas. Wright, of Oregon City, re cently had a fishing match, alter much previous boasting,. Thev fished all day, and Wilson got one trout. Tbe Telegram last evening presented the picture of Henry 0. Havemeyer the sugar king, with tbe caption "Demo cratB chose him to run against Hender son " The picture of Mr. Boies was in tended. This is a wor'd of mistakes. New York City has a sin' er just come into notice who completely overshadows all others in tbe range of her voice. It oovers three octaves, reaching as nigh as F in altiesiaio above high O. It is so high that she imitates a violin so per fectly as to deceive those bearing her. Maliala J. Kiser has brought suit at Portland against her husband AmoBE. Kiser for divorce. They were married in Benton couoty Aug. 1, 1867 and have ten children. Tbe principal grouud for divorce is that the husnand is ioc lazy ro work, the plaintiff having supported tbe family for years. The divorce is hereby granted. AT CHARLES KNECHT'S SCHOOL BOOKS SCHOOL' SUPPLIES. COLLEGE BOOKS COLLEGE SUPPLIES. BRINli YOUY SECOND HAND BOOKS ' AND EXCHANGE FOR NEW BOOKS. WASHINGTON, D. C If you are a suffering wo man wo would say to you that Wine of Cardui seldom fails to completely cure any case of female ills. We say emphatically, it never fails to benefit. Every day hun dreds of sufferers are writing to our Ladies1 Advisory De partment. The letters are opened by persons cornpe fAnt. tn mvfi advice. Mrs. Owen. Jones was cured bv follow- 8 ing the advice which was treely given her by the Ladies' Advisory Depart ment. JUiss Owens was cured without advice by just buying a 81.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui from her druggist and taking this great medicine in the pri vacy of her home. No doctor's ex amination, treatment or advice is nec essary. You have read what these two cured women linvo written. Is this not enough to lead you to determine to be rid ot suffering? August 13, 1900, Mrs. W. II. Jones, of Cameron, Mo., writes: "I suffered terribly at monthly periods for three years. I would sometimes go for seven mouths with no flow at all. Now I have my health back again and am expecting to be confined in January. I cannot praise your medicine enough." A million suffering women have found relief in Wine of Cardui. TELEGRAPHIC. Kegg Not Released. Salsm, Sept. 20. The habeas corpus case tried before Judge J. H. Scott, ask ing for the release of N. E. Kcng, of Mc liinnville, from the innaue asylum, said to be the first case of the kiud on tbe coast, was decided against Kegg. A Terrible Catastrophe. Birmingham, Ala., Sept. 19. Io an awful crush of humanity, caused by a stampede in theSbiloh Negro Baptist uuurcn, hi Avenue yt nuu .uiguiuuuiu street tonight, 78 persons were killed and as many more seriously injured. . The cataBtropbe occurred at 9 o'clock, juBt as Booker X. Washington had concluded his addreps to the National Convention o! Baptists, and for three hours the scenes around the church were indescribable. Dead bodies were strewn in every direc tion. A New York Murder. NewJYork, Sept. 19, The mystery of the murder of Mrs. Annie Pulitzer, whose i.udc body was found in the Mor ris. Canal, nearfjersey Oity, has been cleared up by tbe discovery that the woman was killed in a fla at 103 West Fifty-eigh.h street, where ber clothing was found. - ' Hooper Young, an ex-Seattle news paper man, is charged with the murder of a woman, which Is the sensation of New York inst now. The notice are positive the woman accompanied Young to bis room, only to be murdered, her Oudy put in a trunk and later deposited in Morris Canal. Miles In the V. S. Port Townsend, Wash., Sept. 19. Lieuieuant-Ueneral Nelson A. Miles, commanding the armies of the United States, arrived here this afternoon an the Government tug Wilson and in spected Fotts VVorden, Flagler and Oaeey in this vicinity. General Miles and par ti returued ibis evening to Seattle, from where he will proceed. tomorrow for San FranciBcn to embark for his voyage to the Philippines. Endorses Henderson Washington, Sept. 19 Ex Speaker Reed, in an interview on the withdrawal frou Conitress of Speaker Henderson "said that he saw no reason why General Heu deison's statement of the reS'ins for hiB retirement Bhould not be accepted with out searching for an ulterior reason. A Dead Quee.i Spa. Belgium, Sept. 19. Marie Henri ette. Oueen nf lh NhL-iuiim. Hi,! onH. denly tonight Ne'lher ber husband, members of her family nor Her Majestys llhCtQr Was nri.nt At limunf hwr death. She was seated at a table eating a ugnr. dinner when bus was seized with an attack of syncope. Bents Dumont London, Sept. 19 Stanley Spencer, a welbknown aeronaut, BiioceBsfully ac complished a remarkable flight over Lon ion in an ain-hip of his own invention. It is estimated that his ship traveled 30 miles. From observations of those on tbe ground, Spencer appeared to have complete control of his vrssel. Lookout For Fever. Hil!oumess and liver disorders at this season nia he prevented bv clennBing the viem with Debut's Little Earl Risers I'bese famous little pills do not gripo. 1'hey move the bowels gently, but cop iously, and by reason ol the tonic proper erties. give tone aod strength to the irlando Fosht,y & Mason, Burkhan & Lee. Biiinq your farm preduce to C. E, Brownell and get the highest niar- p l ; P SODA WATER. Fresh Sodaville So da water at K. li. Pfeiffei's by drink or in bottles. Chronic Constipation Cured. The most important, discovery of recent years is the positive remedy for constipation. Cascarets Candy Cathartic. Cure guaranteed. Genu inf tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. Druggists- roc. RYE GRASS." 190 sackB, for soed. Price, $1.00 a sack, or will trade for sheep, cattle or hogs. W. F. Crawford, at farm near Shedd, or address Albany, Or. OSTEOPATHY. . Dr. Ovltliie J, Ramsey and Dr. Hugh; E Penland, Graduate Osteopaths. Office Broadalbin St. between 2nd and 3rd. Phone, Black 482. Fall display of fine trimmed hats Tuesday, Sept 16, at tbe Ladies Bazsar WHEN VOD GET MEM, Call at Long's shop at Hroadalbiti and Second streets. Choice care'u'ly selected. A fine roaster ii given away with every IMJ-vorthJof meat bought yLong. HOME AND ABROAD. A, V. Hancock was killed in the Bo hemia mines this week. The steamer Acme will sail from San Francisco for Yaqllina Bay on or about Sept, 23 with freight and passengers. fDThe annual conference of the M. E. church will be held in Grants Pass be ginning on Thursday of next week. The Uarmack automobile reached Ashland Thursday morning and attract ed the usual attention among the na tives. Mrs. Haves, the woman who bilked the women of Brownsville out of $10 each, has been arres'ed at Oomstock, Calif,, according Io the Times The resignation of Mr, Hoeflem as Yaquina poBtmaster, is now in bands of department, A strong oetiti n has been forwarded recommending Miss Irma Carter for the position. Toledo Leader, Fred S, Moehnke and William Moehuke returned to their homes In Shubel from Brooks Satuiday in time to see their homes in ashes and the sur- ounding country in flames. On these places these boys were raised and have spent their lives. Or, Oity Courier. Scio. From the News! Win Brenner sold 100 head of fine fat hogs the first of tte week to Herman Hecker, of Crabtree. Mr. and Mrs. L. L, Calavan have de cided to locate in McMinnville, to which place they will go the last of the week. Threshing and seed cleaning at the flax mil s have been completed, and as Boon as the straw now spread out is properly retted work will again be com menced in tbe mill with a full crow. It norf seems certain that Scio and Jordan will soon be connected by tel ephone. A subscription paper lias be-n circulated at both ends of the route and a sufficient amount subscribed to con Hructj tbe line, and tuia amount will be turned over to the telephone company. Monday, September 29, is the date set for the opening of the public "obools In Scio, and a good attendance is now looked for, . The teachers for tbe coming school year are as follows: Prof. ) Percy Wells,, Mrs. A.G. Prill, Mis Ol lie Morris and Mies J. Addie Parish. Telephone Parker Bros. Main 56, for the beft groceries and baked goods. Farm Machinery My Right There is None My Challenge Delinquent Tax of J900. Notice is hereby "iveb that tho delin quent tax roll of WOO is now in tho hauds of the sheriff with n warrant for the oollectionof tho same. Costs may ba saved by prompt payment, as,on the 15th 6ay ol October the advertising of the same at public sale wU be begun. II. M. Palmer, County Judge Public Sale. "Wednesday, Sept. 24, 1902, at 10 a. nf.. 1 will aell at the Houck farm one and one half miles south of Tangent, Linn Co., Oregon, ;he following discribed property, one wagon, three eels of har ness one horse and buggy and buggv harness, one new Oliver chilled plow and other (arm articles and household fur niture, one organ, thirteen head of cattle, cows and calves and yearlings. Terns of sale, sums of $10 and undor cash in band, sums over $10, notes Jwitb approved security drawing 6 per cent interest per annum, one years time. Free lunch given day ol sale. L. L. Honck. Taken Up. A horse, black, sbut fifteen years old i branded K, with scroll over the R, on left hip aod left shoulder, by W. H. ; Looney, about 4J-. miles Irom Albany ; toward raiiirent, The owner can have propertyupon payment of expenses, Denfuess Cannot be Cured. by local applications, as they cannot reach the deceased portion of the ear There is only ono wty to cure denfuess, uud that is by consdtutionil remedies. Deaf ness is caused by an inflamed condition oi the mucous linine; of th- Eusiaachiau Tube. Wben this tube gets inllaiued you have a ruuibliug sound or impelled hear ing, aud when it is entirely closed deaf ness is the result, and uulesa the inflam mation can Le taken out and this tube re itored to ts normal condition, heitriiiu will be destroyed forever; nine cases oul of ten are caused by catarrh, which ie nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (cauu:d by catarrh) that can not bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free F J OHENiE Y Ax Co, Toledo, . Sold by drugpists, 75c. Hall's Family PilUi are tue best. S B Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, acting directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system It permeates every fluid ot the oody, eradicates tUj disease from luo system, cleanses and heals the alllicted parts aod restores them to a natural, ueathful con dition. For sale by all druggists. Book on Catarrh free. Address Smith Bros., Fresno, Hal. Forty Years Torture. To be relieved from a torturing disease alter 40 years' torture might well cuioe the gratitude of anyone. That is what DeWitt's vitch Hazel Salve did for 0. Hauey, Geneva, O. lie says: "DeWitt's Witch'Hansl salve cured me of pilos after I hid suffered 40 yearn.'' (lures ouh, hums wnnnfin olrm rli...... 11.. n..... nF counterfeits. Foshay 4 Mason, Burkhart P. T .. at jee Josh Westhafer, of Loogootce, Ind., iB a poor man, but he snys be would not be without Chamberlain's Pain Balm if il cost five dollars a bottle, for it saved him from being a cripple, No external nimli- cation is tqual to this liniment for stiff ana swollen joints, contracted lueultH, stiff neck, sprains and rheumatic and muscular paiti3. It na-, also cured num erous cases of partial paralyBix, it is for sale by all druggists. Everything New an i up-to-date at Irvin's exclusive Wall Paper and Paint Store. Phone Red 442. Nt, . ORLEANS, La.,, March 20, 1902. I hereby authorize any agent or dealer handling the Improved Hancock Plow, monufactured by any of the licensed concerns, t6 put up $500.00 ol my money against any other usrty manufacturing a dleoir mould hoard plow, that the Hancoik Plow will do more aid batter work, with Isbs draft, than any oth -r plow on earth, on lasd suitable (or a diss plow. M. T. HAN0O0K, Patentee, Ghling & Hulburt, Agents. CARPETS Finest assortment ever brought to Albany. All grades of the very best makes. Flemish Tapestries, Rajah Art, Extra Superfine, Orientals and Granite, at the THE HOUSE FURNISHING C0'S."$ THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, OREGON. The Bret Semester, 8ession 1902-8, opens Wednesday, September 17th. The ' following Schools and Colleges are comprised in the Utnversitv: Urad- ' HuateBchool College ol Literature, Science and Arts College of Science and Engineering-University Academy-School ol Maslo School ol Medicine Bcbool of law, luitlon free, exseptlng in Sohools of Law and Music. (Ia .,(.ntsl fee HO 00 btudent-Body lax $2.50 iper year.) Cost of living from :0D.C0 to 200 00 w year. For Catalogue, address v RBSISTRAR OF TUE TJHIVERgITT, EUU ENE, ORHGON. DR. BEAL, OSTEOPATH. All diseases treated. Chronic caseB a Specialty. GOODWIN Bin 2nd St. Examination Free. jiaiifrsifli Water Curt- for Cluonl Consti pation. Take two cups of hat water half an hour before each meal and just before going to bed, uIbo a drink of yater, hot or cold. about two hours after each meal. Take lots of outdoor exercise walk, ride, drive. Make a regular habit of this and in many cases chronio coDstipatioa may be cured without (he use of any mtclicine. When a purgative is required tnke something mild and gentle like Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, For sale by all drue- gists. No Loss ot.Tlme. 1 have s ild Ouauioerlain's Colic. Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy for years, and wouiu raiuor ue out ot coiroe and sugar than it. 1 sold five bottle of it yesterday io thrashers that could go no-farther, and they are a', work agtin this morning H R Publfs. Plymou'h, Oklahoma. As will be seen by the above the threshers were able to keep on with their work without losing a single day's time. Ypn should keep a bittlo of this Remedy in the home. For Bale by all druggists. For a bad tasle iu ths mouth take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets. For Fale by druggists. CITY TREASURERS NOTICE Call 8, Notice is he.eby given that fnnda are on hand to pay city warrants Nos. 209 30S inclusive of the Issue of 1900. Inter eat on said warraots will cease witn the date of this notice. Albany, Or., Aug. 25, 1902. H. B. Ousick Oity Treasurer. H to Dispute! 0