Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, September 19, 1902, Page 1, Image 1

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SO. 7.
Commencing at 10 o'clock a. m. on
September 20, 1902, tbe undersigned
trill Bell at pnblie auctiou, on tbe Janie
Powell farm one mile eaBt of tbe Price
asbool house, 6 miloa east of Albany, to
tbe bigheet bidder, hia entire farm out
It, consisting of implements and dorses,
sheep, cattle and bogs.
Terms of sale: All sums under $10
cabu. in band, all sums over $10 6 per
aenc discount for cash, or 1 year's time
at 8 per cent interest with approved
security. Free lunch.
J: Fbohan, Auctioneer.
The New York World
Time haB demonstrated that the
Tbrice-a-Week World stands alone in its
class. Other papers have imitated ite
form but not its succeed. This is be
cause it tells all the news all the time
and tells it impartially, whether thai
news be political or otherwise. It is. in
fact, almoBt a daily at the price of a
weekly and you cannot afford to be with
out it.
Republican and democrat alike can
read the Thrice-a-Woek World with ab
solute confidence in its truth
In addition to news, it publishes first
class serial stories and other feature;
suited to the borne and fireside.
The Thnce-a- vV'eek World's regular
subscription price is only $1.00 per year
an this pays for 156 papers. Ve oifjr
this unequalled newspaper and the Al
bany Dkmocbat together one year fo
$2.00 ' -
Vice-President of Women's Democratic Clubs of Nc.-thern Ohio.
I I sickly women be-
I tween the nes of
45 and 55, but thero are
very few invalids over 55
and 60 years of age. The
change of life coming to
a woman near her forty
fourth year, either makes
her an invalid or gives
Mr$. Lattra
her a new lcaso on life. Thoso who
meet this change 'in ill health sel
dom live ten years afterward, while
a woman who lays asido .tho active
duties of womanhood ia health sel
dom fails to live on in happiness,
years after she has passed 60. This
is truly a critical time.
Mrs. Laura S. Webb, of Toledo,
Ohio, recognizes the change of life
as a dangerous period and she also
has faith in Wine of Cardui. Sho
writes :
"As I had always oeen troubled more
or less at the menstrual period, I dreaded
Wish to see all chronic cases that have been given up aa incnrable. It
does not coet anything for tbe Doctors counsel and examination, and they
may be able to help you.
Remember their system of healing i different from what you have been
used too. They don't use drugB, surgery, messiage. nor faith. But by
ecientiSc Osteopathic manipulation they control the organic life of
the hnmai body and sncresslnllv comb-.t disease.
Don't say there iB nothing in it because they don't fill the system full
ofdrucB, but ir form youreelf about tbe acience.
Remember alao that they treat acute as successfully as chronic.
OFFICE : Broaualbin St. between 2nd and 3rd Ste, Phone 4-8-2,
Those forest Ores surest that timber
land is not very good property to hold too
I or ir. A bird in the hind is worth two
in the bush.
Salem, Ashland aud Medford are tbe
towns that have sent some of tuet liter
ature eaBt for distribution under tbe
Harriman plan. It is lima Albany not
a move on. The pampulets should have
been printed in editions, and sent for
ward as fast as printed. Get a move
Doug Hamilton was in the city last
evening, making etreet. speeches. In
stead of being taken seriously he baa
aimoly become tbe laugh ng stock of
those hearing him. and aa a religious
. issertation bis talks are a farce Doug
won't Btand a ghost of a show even be
side me Herald reporter who was the
subject of one of hie comment-.
FORWENT: After the lt of Ootober
theioarding house ot Mrs. J H. How
ard will be run as a rooming house,
where pleasant rooms can be secured
by a' I de-iring them. Cor. First and
, Baker streets.
Nice looking widow, no family, has
good farm, city prouerty ant $16 000,
s-eks acquain unce of true honorable
guntieman; object earlv marriage; no
triflera. Miss Leo. 410 E. 43rd St,
ACTIVE PERSON to work at home;
$36 paid for 12 daya tr al ; permanent
if satisfactory. Address Manager
Engwall, Lakeside Bldg., Chicago.
FOR SALE. All city aud farm prip
erty now owned by H F McSlwain,
Mrs. D. Mcllwair, and W. H. Ray
mond will be sold at a aargain. For
in'ormation call ou W. H. Goltra at
the Agricultural store of Goltra &
ItumbaugD, Albany, Oregon. We
have autborizer Mr. W. H. Goltra
who has full charge of tbe aoove prop
erties to collect all rente sb per
contract. H. F. McIlwain.
We ask water consumers to observe
the to.lowing rules:
Irrigation hours, 5 a. m. to 9 a. m.
and 4 p. m to 9 p. m,
Sprinkling streets with hose prohib
ited. Hose must be used with nozzle,
Wante in closets is not allowed.
In case of fire all irrigation must stop.
A carelul observance of these rules
will be insis.ed on, as In n other way
can we furnish a satisfactory service.
C. O Hoarjs,
Manager llbiny Canal A Watar Co.
the change of life which was
fast approaching. 'While vis
iting with a friend I noticed
that she was taking your
'Wine of Cardui, and she was
so enthusiastic about it that I
decided to try a bottle. I ex
perienced some relief the first
month, so I kept on taking it
for three months and now I ,
menstruate with no pain and
I shall take it off and on now
S. Webb.
until I have passed the climax. I do not
dread it now, as I am sure that your
Wine of Cardui will be of great benefit
at this time."
Wine of Cardui is tho remedy to
ro-inf orco a woman against the shock
that comc3 with tho chango of lifo.
It re-establishes healthy functions
after years of suffering. In doing
this it has saved thousands of suf
ferers just in time. Do not wait
until suffering is upon you. Thor
ough preparations should bo mailo
in advance. Begin the Wino of
Cardui treatment today.
A million suffering women
have found relief in
Wine of Cardui.
later Notice
Anutlier Fatal Auto
mobile Accident.
San Francisco, Sept. 12, Mrs. Will
iam M. Stewart, wife of the United
States Senator irom Keveda, was killed
today in an automobile accident. Mrs.
Stewart was enjoying a ride with hei
nephew, Henry Fooie and H. B. Taylor, i
They were going along Santa Clara ave
nue in Alamed.t Coun v, Taylor guiding
the machine and sending it along at high
speed. A vehicle approacotd, and Tay
lor swerved the automobile in ordir to
Bvoid a collision. At that moment he
either loet control of the steering eppsr-
tus or made. a miscalculation. The au
tomobile ran into a telegraph poU, a m
the occupants wne thrown out, Mrs.
Stewart struck cn ber bead and was car
ried in an unconscious condition to a
sanitarium in the vicinity, where she
soon died.
Around Oregon City.
Oregon City, Sept. 12. Sixty people
are bomele-sin the town 01 Springwater,
20 miles east of Oregon City. Fire
reached that place early this morning
and the peopiH were forced to tiee for
their live". The poBinflice and store,
owned by W. J. Lewelling, took fire and
was destroyed in a few hours, together
with the Grange Hall, Maccabee Hall,
cbe church and public school building.
and many residem e .
A Conference
HAnniSBUKQ, Pa., Sept. 12. A confer
ence was held at the Executive Man.
sion tonight between Governor Stone,
Senator William Flvnn and W. K. Mc
Mullin of Pittsburg : President Mitchell
and District Presidents Duffy, Fahey and
Nichols, of tbe United JMinewbrkers of
America, for the purpose of discussing
means of 'settling the anthracite coal
Waohinoton. Sedt. 12. Renresenta-
tive Hepburn, the champion of tbe Nic
aiagva Canal in the House, bp id today
that Attorney-General Knox was learn
ing in PariB what the opponents of the
Panama Canal schemu knew when tn.y
objee'ed to the adoption of that route i
that is, that ;it will be impossible to
maintain a title to the Panama Canal.
Hop Strike.
Saleji, Or.. Sept. 12. The strike of
the boppickers in the Jack son yaid, near
Fairfield, was Bettled today by the em
ployers agreeing to advance the price for
picking from 40 to 50 cents per box. Tbe
raiee demanded was granted within vv-
en hours after the strike was declared.
The yard iB operated by Ohinameu, and
about 200 pickers are employed,
Presbyterian church: Morning wor-
euip ai 10:3 . Bitbj- ct of aermoti : ''At
tbe Spriug of A'aters." Sabhath school
at 11:45; Senior Endeavor at U:30;
evening worship at 7 :30, subject of ser
in n: "Masvis ot tuo Kingdom "
M. E. church South: Regular ser
vices morning and evening.
U. P. church: Preaching bv the Daa-
tor Rev. White at 10:30 and 7:45. Sab
bath school 11:45, Junior EnHnavor.
3:30, Senior Endeavor 6:45.
it, cm urvu: ruacuiDg oy ino pastor
at 10:30. and 7:S0 p m. Sunday school
at 11 : 4 , Epworth League 6:30. All are
iuviied. ,
m T. .i , . n i i . i .
Gregg's Coffee. '
Three Grades.
Gregg's Brand M. & J. 40 cents lb.
Combination Mocha & Java 35 cents
French Breakfast 25 cents lb.
Best hy test.
Deafness Caurjot be Cured.
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the deceased portion of tho ear.
IVre iaonly one wiy tocuredeafness.und
'hat is by constitution il remedies. Deaf
ness is caused by an inflamed condition oi
ho mucous lining ot. tb Eustachian
Tube. Wnen this tuba gets inflamed you
aave a rurnbltug sound or impeifect hear
ing, and when it is entirely closed ileaf
aesi is the result, and unless the inflam
nation can Le taken out and this tube re
tored lo its normal condition, hearing
will be destroyed forever; nine cases out
if ten are ci'ised bv catarrh, which i
nothing but an inflamed condition of thp
We will gtvn One Hundred Dollars fj
inycaseot neatness (causid bv cat:
toat can not bij cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars, free.
F J CHENEY i: (Jo, Toledo, '.
. Sold by druggists, 75o.
Hall's Family Pills are tne bsst.
Dr. Cylthle J. Ramsey and Dr. J
Hugh', E.' Penland, Graduate,'.
Osteopaths. Offloe Broadalbln
St. between 2nd and 3rd. .
Phone. Black 482. '
Fall display of Sne trimmed hats
Tuesday, Sept 10, at the Ladies Baziar.
Call at Long's shon at lirniulult,;..
econd streets. C oica mo'.ts cara'n'lu
se'ected. A fine roaster it given away'Loonev, aboot 4,'i miles from Albany
vith every $20 worth of meat bought lwnl Tangent. The owner can have
r Long. property upon payment of expeuees,
Dr. E. O. Smith will locate with his
family in Eugene.
The old time Co. B. ol the Oregon
Cavalry ol early days will have a reun
ion at the state .'sir on Tnursdav, Sept.
18,!at 5 p. m. Ool. Montague is now
tbe ranking of the company.
The meeting ot the State Medical As
sociation in session in Portland, has
oeu of a good deal of interest. Presi
dent David Stan Jordon of Stanford, is
in Portland and will address the doctors
Percy Willis, a former resident of this
city, has just passed a successful exam
ination for captain at tbe United States
military school, at Fortress Monroe, Vir
ginia While waiting to be commis
sioned, uaptain Willis ia visiting New
York City. Salem Journal.
One ol, those suffering by the forest
fires in Clackamas county, Is Mr.
Moenke, father of two former Albany
College Btudents. . Hia residence and all
his barns and fences were burned. Hib
furuiture was taken from the house, but
even then wbb burned. Also several
horses. Hia total loss is estimated at
James Williams and wife, of Seattle,
late of Nebraska, were visitors at the
borne of J. E Epley the latter part of
the week. Ibe two gentlemeu are old
friends. Mr. Williams eays we may
expect a big ruBh of immigrants Irom
his former Nebraska home during the
next year. Jefferson Review.
Hon. Wallls NaBh and wife accomp
anied by Mr. 8. i Cook of Portl nd,
manager of tbe Oregon Pacific Coloniza
tion Company, passed down to Newport
Monday evening. Mr. Nasu bas not yet
ully decided whether his residence is to
be continued in this county or else
where; but wherever it may be ne as
sures tbe Reporter that he will be found
doing some hing tor Lincoln county.
Toledo Reporter.
Genuine cUmped C. C. C Never told In bulk.
Beware ot the duller who Cries to itll
"MRicthin i lest as jeod."
Fall display of fine trimmed hats
Tuesday, Sept. 16, at the Lad - Baaaar
My Challenge
Delinquent Tax of 1900. ,
Notice is hereby "iven that tho dolin-
'quent tax roll of 1900 ia now In the
hands of the sheriff with a warrant for
tbe collection of the same. CoBta may
s saved by prompt payment, aa on tbe
lath day ot uctouer the advertising ot
ths same at public sale will be begun.
' . U. M. Palmer, County Judge
Public Sale.
Wednesday, Sept. 24, 1902, at 10 a. m
I will sell at the Houck farm one and
one ball miles south ol Tangent, Linn
J I Co., Oregon, the following diseribed
41 property, one wasoo, three sets of bar-
Ynem one boras and buggy and buggy
harness, one new Ulivercnllierj plow ana
other farm articles and bousebeid fur
uiture, one organ, thirteen head of
eatlle, cows and calves and yearlings.
Terms of sale, sums of $10 and udder
cash in hand, Bums over $10, noteswith
approved security drawing 6 per cent
interest per annum, one years time.
Free lunch given day ol sale
L. L. Houck.
Taken Up.
A horse, black, about fifteen years old
branded R. with scroll over the R, on
I left hip and left shoulder, by W. II.
. .1
Farm Machinery
My 'Kpt ThQpM
County S. S. Convention.
A county Sunday Bchool convention
was opened at the U. P. church yester
day aftemoou with a .mail attendance.
Prof. R. R, Ste e, of Por land, spoke ou
the home department, tbe importance o
which was demonstrated. Tuere was an
informal discussion of S. S, work gen
erally. To the evening the attendance was
laruei. Rev. VV bite presided.
After a "hort praise service Prof
Steele, of Portland, spoke on the normal
department, snowing the importance of
tborougb preparation lor the work of
Tbe etae superintendent A. A, Morse,
a railroad man for twenty five yearn,
apoke to the point on "A tront liu
Sunday School," in which tbe three
important things are a good pastor, a
first-class superintendent and compe
tent teachers.
This closed tbe convention, no session
being held this morning.
Gregg's Brand Mocha & Java
"Beet by test."
Demonstrated Thursday, Sept. 11th at
our store. Bkah & Hooan.
Phone 51.
Smith's Dandruff Pomade
stops itching scalp upon one anplMatioa.
three to six removes all oandrnfl and will
stop tailing hair. Price 50c, at all drag
gilts F.islh & Mason, wholesale and retail agentj.
Nxw To-Dat. New prices today on
oar entire stock of Wall paper. We Have
marked them still lower, closing out
everything in sight to make room for cur
new stock. Drop in aud see what we are
doing ; our time is yours.
Josh Westhafer, of Loogootee, Ind is a
poor man, but ho says be would not be
without Chamberlain's Pain Balm if it
coet live dollars a bottle, for it mved him
from being a cripple, No external appli
cation iB equal to this liniment for stiff
and swolloa joints, contracted uuscles,
slift neck, sprains and rheumatic and
muscular pains, it nan also cured num
erous oases of partial paralysis. It is for
sale by all druggists.
NEv ORLEAN8, LA., March 20, l()02.
I hereby authorize any agent or dealer handling the Improved Hancock
Plow, manufactured by any (ft the licensed concerns, to ,mt up $500.00 ot
my money against any other party manufacturing a disor mouldboard plow,
that the Hancosk Plow will do more aid batter work, with L-sa draft, than
any other plow on earth, on land suitable for a disj plow.
M. T. HANCOCK, Patentee.
Chling & Hulburt, Agents.
Finest assortment ever brought to Albany.
All grades of the very best makes. .
Flemish Tapestries,
ltajah Art,
Orientals and Granite, at the
Tbe first Semester, Session 1902-3, opens Wednesday, (September 17th. The n
following Schools and Colleges are comprised in the University Grd-
uate BChool-Jn.legeof Liters tire. Science and Arts-College of Science and
hngmeeniig-University Acadeaij -School ol Mmic-Schooi of Medicine
beboot ol law. '
Million free, excepting in Schools of Law i nd Music. (Incidental fee I0 00
Student-Body tax 2.50 per vear.) Cost of Hying from ,1011,00 to $200 00 ner
year, For Catalogue, address v
All diseases treated. Chronic
cases a Specialty.
GOODWIN Ma- 2nd 8t.
Examination Free.
Water Cure for Chionia Couati
putiou. Take two cups of hot water half an hor
beforoeach meal and jnt before going t
bed, also a driuk of water, hot or odd,
about two hours after each meal. Take
lots of outdoor exercise walk, ride, drive.
Make a regular habit of this aud ia many
cases ubroaio constipation may be oureft
without the use of any mtdiciue. When a,
purgativo is requireJ take something milt
and gentle like Ohainborlaia's Stomach
ami Liver Tublots. For sale by all drug
gists, No Los ot Virne.
I bave s id Unauioerlaiu'i Ooli.i, Chol
era and Diarrhoea ltraiedy for years, an4
would rather be uut of coffoe and ugar
chan ic 1 sola five uottie ot it yesterday
to thr inhere that could go no farther, and
then aro at work nirun this morning
H R Piirlps, Plymou'h, Oklalnma.
as will be seen by tbe above the threshers
were able to keep on with their work
without losing r. angle day's time Yoa
should keep a buttle of this Remedy in
tba home. For sale by all druggists.
For a bad taste iu ths mouth take
Chamberlain's Stomach and Lirer Tall
lets, For sale by druggists,
iths 9 Ito Kind Yw Harc Always BtsfJI
van too SJ
Call 8,
Notice ie heieby given that funds are
on hand to pay city warrants Nob. 28t
39S inclusive of the issue of 1900. Inter
est on said warrants will cease with the
date of tble notice.
Albany, Or., Aug. 25, 1902. .
H. B. Cusick Olty Treasurer.