Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, August 29, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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Want to sellyou your window
Opaque, 7 foot, complete, with
nickel pulls, 25c.
Note these prices
Bleached Muslins, 5
and 7 1-2 cents,
see them.
on fine
1-2, 6 1-2
Com .2 and
1. E. Young & Son.
Smart Spring Clothes
Women, Misses and
Childrens Dresses from 2 to 14
yeatB. in white or colorBt nicely
trimmed, lrom 50cto2.50.- Tbey
an well made vita lots of fullneBB
and a deep hem.
Ladies Suits, that are nicely tail
ored and bav, good fitting quali
ties 'rnm $5.00 tu $25.00.
Walking Skirts, a large assort
ment ihri fits and hangs right.
Trice, $1,76 to $6.00.
DieSK Skirts of late cut and ma
terial in black and colors. Well
maue and liLed $2.C0 to $10 00.
Oar Departments containing toot
wear are complete with good hon
est vnlues. Tbe popular Lace Hose
In a variety ot price 2lc to $1.00
per pair, also a splendid aBBort
menc of low shoes and eandals,
wbinb promise to be very popnlar
this seasou foi women and child-
Delicious icecream soda: the Sugar
Bowl, 2nd St.
Grape Kola, the thirst quencher, at
the Sugar Bowl.
The man who disappeared from Har
risburg was probably seen working in a
harvest crew near that city.
Some new and nobbv sweaters, golf
stockings etc., just received at tbe Blain
Clothing Go's, dealers in all the latest
novelties in fnrnisbing goods.
A water mellon car which passed
through Albany today caused a great
deal of excitement among the old and
Bmall boys.
Hon. Milt Miller, of Lebanon, ret nrned
from Portland todav.
Hon. John D. Daly, of Corvallis, was
doing business in Albany thieatternoon.
J. E. Feltoo, tho Ashlaud fruit man,'
was in the city today.
Dr. Lowe, the well-known optician,
will be in Albany, Sept. 19 and 20.
Mrs. P. A. Yonog ib on ber way to
Gardiner to take up a timbar cla'm.
B. F., E. O. and Mrs. G. McB. Uiltner.
of Salem, returned home from tbe Bay
Mrs. Dr. Davis and mother returned
last evening from Portland where they
had been several days.
Jack Hammill went to Springfield this
afternoon on business in connection with
the erection of the new saw mill there.
Ttiere will be an Ice cream festival at
tbe home of Mr. H. O. Klum, corner of
Jackson and Third street, this evening.
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Riggs, of Dallas,
Lee Morgan and Mies Ora Lung left yes
terday for Prineville to prove up on their
Edwin Stone and R. B. Montague
have joined Mayor Davis and party
eomewnere up t ie McKenzie, and now
all hopes of tho deer escaping are gone.
Mrs. Pardee and children, who have
been visiting at tbe home of A. S. Hart
for some time, returned to their Some in
Grants Pass this afternoon.
O, D. Austin, superintendent of tbe
Alco Olub, who has been visiting his
parents at Pulaski, N. Y., for three
months, is expected hitne about the 10th
of September.
ChaB. and F. H. Ffeiffer nd Happy
Hooligan left last evening for tbe Pfeiffer
etook farm near Waterloo, where tuey
will erect abother cattle shed. As tney
left Hooligan remarked tuat be expected
to do tbe work while the others bossed.
This afteinoon Willie White, son of
Rev. W. P. White, received a large
uuiuuei ui young inenasat ills nome at
The Sage Booster correspondent of I the corner of Fen y and Fi th streets.
Pendleton haB a live letter on the edi
itorial page. We predict tbe demise of
a Sage Rooster as Boon as Sentor Olem
returns to that part of ihe ctate.
H. HarriBOn. & Son, who recently
purchased the Franklin House have
sold tbe business to Kroescbel Brothers,
who were in the grocery business in this
city several years ago. Mr. Harrison
and family will return to Philomath.
E. J. Moran and George McDonald,
members of the Han Francisco Fire De
partment since 1888, were in the city last
An enjoyaDie time was being bad in
games and the partaking of appropriate
A Urge crowd came out from the Bay
this noon, among tbem being Mrs. John
Turner and daughter Beiyl, Dr. and
Mrs. Wallace, Mrs. Moon, the Misses
Altbouse, Mrs. L. Flinn, Miss Madia
Armstrong, Mies Graham and M.
Sternberg and family.
Oarde are out annnuncinz the marriaee
of Mr. John W. Yoder, a prominent
young attorney of Oregon Oity.and Miss
evening on their way home from Port-!""" Kuey.a popular young lady at
land on a thirty day's leave ot absence, tnie city, on September lu at the ream
and were shown the sights of Albany's
department by Chief Engineer Howell
and Engineer Clelan.
Last nighwaB the time for the regular
meeting of tne city council. Ot the reg
ular officers at 7:30 only Councilmen
Stewart, Dawson, Dannalsand Ralston,
actine'Recorder Redfield and Pound
master Catlin. were present Mr. Stew
i art wa- elected mayor protem and the
i council adjourned,'
When You Want
To buy t first class rzor ana Bbaying
soap, one piepare' razor strap, call at
Yiereck'e Shaving Hair Cutting Parlors.
Viereck's Hair Exhillrant restO'ee the
hair to its natural color 60 centB a bot
Viereck's euro oandruffd em
cure nply fiO cents a hrttie
Painting Co. have just
completed en exc llent
job of painting tho roof of
tbe Albany tannery and
are now at work on the roof of E. H.
Kbudea brick residence at Fourth and
Washington street Tbey are doing
good work and dessrve a liberal patronage.
n tt f i in mm ion Haw nways map
Watches, Chains. Lockets
Cut-GIass Silverware
(The Jewaler.)
(Bank ot Oregon Bnilding.)
ence ol Mr R. B. this citv.
where Miss Riley makes her home
Mr. G. E. Sanders, who is to open a
general merchandise store at the site of
the Wandel Btore on Seotember 1st. ar
rived in Albany last evening from Baker
Oity, accompanied by Mb wife and fonr
year old daugbt r, prepared to make Al-
nans tneir permanent borne, rney will
reside in the Wheeler residence at the
corner of Ellsworth and Sixth street as
soon as remodeled for them.
H H Ragan and wf, Stletz.
Otho and Edith Lagan, Sileta,
Scott Boaarth, "
Mrj O Humes, Brownsville.
Ja perKiebB, Jenerson.
I Thos Freeman. Tangent.
Lee Vale, Tangent.
R L Blanchard, Oregon Oity.
S 8 Haws, Portland.
Paul D Walsh, ant n, .
W W Harder and wf, Portland.
O F Eartboloma "
Geo A Peel, '
Walter Jackeon, "
O F Soule, Toledo.
A E Graves 8 F.
M ManasBe, Coshocton, O.
J B Hardy, St Paul.
J Mebao, Syracuse, N y.
F W Mangold. Spechto Ferry, la.
Commodore Oarr, Freeburg, III.
R A Wilderman, " "
B W Wall, Portland.
W B Wilson, "
Henry Mills, Portland,
A T Peterson, oledo.
A O Sinclair, Portland.
J A Bilyeu, Scio.
Ed A Rundell, Ed more. Mich.
The board of regeme of tbe O. A. O.,
of Corvallis, extended. President Roose
velt an invitation lo ba present at the
dedication of the new agr cultural ball
on October 15, while in thu North vest
Mr. Weatherford in his letter to he
President earn:
Tbe agricultural College of Omuon io
completing tbe lamett culleatt butldiug
in the state ol Oregon, to be uaea for tbe
pnrpose of agrii-uliuru in its
various branches. VVe ueire to proper
It dedicate tola building in October next
and we expect to have present ou that
occasion a large gathering of fariuere,
tbe state officers, uinu tiers uf ihe state
legislature, patrouB of the school and tbe
five sr Bix hundred students. All parts
of tbe state will be represented. Ve
hope to make this reinatkahle fpoch in
the history ol ibe Bchool and state Aj
president of the board of rebuts and at
their request I have the pleieure and
honor of asking you to lavur ua with
your presence and address the muttitu-le
ut people assembled, any day in Ovtoner
next wh cb will suit your convenience
will be satislactory tu ua Y mr pres
ence, my dear eii, will be IiiuhW ap
preciated t y tbe people of Oreitun and
especially by the board ol recants and
faculty of tbe roliege, Bnd will greatly
iucreasj tho interest in tbe exercises and
the occasion will be a Bouveuir purple
for tbe pupils and alumni paei aim
future to itear in their hearts lorever. I
sincerelv t.'iat that you may be able to
be with ns on that occastun.
Tbe following letter was received tbis
week by the President of the board at
It is city:
White House, Washington, Aug. 14, 1902
My Dear Bit :
Youi favoi of the 9th instant has been
received, and tbe President itreatly au-
SreciateB tbe cordial invitation you have
een good enoniib to extend to him.
While it would afford tbe President
pleasure to Bend an acceptance be re
grets that it will be impossible for him
to visit tne raciuo "Joust states this
manning you in tne v re tdent e bihalt
for your thougbtfulneBs and courtesy
believe me
Very Truly Yours,
Gko. B. Cobtelyon,
Secretaiy to the President.
J. K. Weathbrfobd,
President, Board of Regents,
State Agricultural College
Albany, Oregon.
An Up-to-date Production,
Just why people will continue to flock
to eee Uncle Tom's Cabij is, as Lord
Dundreary would say, "One of those
things that no fellow could find out."
But they will contiuue to go and eee it,
just bb tbey have been doing for thirty
yeara. No play has been more abused
than this one. It has been done in mine
mnsenmB at tbe rate of ten timta a Jay,
and in one-night Btamls in an hour and
a half, by five or six people. On tbe
other hand, it hae been given as a leici
ma'e production. But it was not until
Warren & Dav brought tneir $10,000
production ont that the admtrerB ot tbe
play had tbe pleasure of Beeing it put on
the sta e in a manner that they could
Taking the piece as it was orninally
Warren & Dav give It a dressing of com
plete and realistic scenery, put the prin
cinal roles into competent banriB, en
gaged a number of negroes to add to tbe
pictures and sing . od dance in tbe levee
scenes in fact, aid ell in their power to
make the performance acceptable to the
In Albany for one night only, Monday.
Sept. 1st. The performance taxes place
in a huge tent on the S. P. R. R.
Mr. J. Oi Fogerty, who will represent
the Harriman syndicate, in the work of
building up tbis country, with head
quarteis at Lauiavillj, Ky., tag in the
city tod y while ot, a trip through the
valley with J, P. Jotes, aiajs tor tbe
purpose of becoming bet er acquainted
with OUr UOUOtrv anil iri.tntrina t-Ta
was xreatly pleaded with tbe outlook 1
and Kilt tco back with resources for act
ive work for Oregon in tbe immigration
Mr, Jones announces a new feature of
the work. ibe establishment of real estate
exchanges in the differeut ci les, com
posed ot reliable real estate men ho will
agree if they are unable to m ke a Bile
themselves ot property on their list, in
stead of sending the customer airav
dieappjiuteJ they will tike him to tne
other agents, the different lis. a being
interchangeable. Tnis is greatly needed
and is the proper thing.
Mr, Jones is also hurryingup the pub
lication of the pamphlets, whicb are
altogethe, too slo in appearing in the
; hands ot tbe representatives of the evn-
Chamberlain's Uholic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy bits a world wi-e reputation
for its cun-s It never ails t nd is a p!es
ant and safe to take. For sale by all
RirK Tomatoes, Peaches and choice
table delicasies on hand dally at
Don't Accept a Substitute !
When you ask for Cascarets be
sure you get the genuine Cascarets
Candy Cathartic! Don t accept
fraudulent substitutes, imitations or
counterfeits! Genuine tablets stamp
ed C. C. C. Never sold ia bulk.
All druggists, ioc.
Dr.' E. Clyde Beal, Gooiwln Bloc
nd btreet. All diseases treated
Chronic cases a specialty,
MokI Tea positively Cures Sick
Headache, Indigestion and Constipation.
A delightful herb drink. Removes al
eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect
comp exion or money refunded. 25c ana
50o Write to us for free sample, W H
hooker a uo, Buffalo, N r. At Burk
bart & Lee's.
Don't Read Thib unless you are really
interested in Wall Paper. We are clos
ing nnt many good designs that von
Bhould take advantage of now. The
prices have dropped below zero. Call
and see yurself.
Everything New and up-to-date at
Irvin's excluBive Wall Paper aad Paint
Store. Phone lied 442.
SODA WATER .Freeh Sodaville So
dawatorat F. 11. Pfeiffei'B by drink
or in bottles.
Everybody has "ppooned" 8t som
time, and we're still at it. Tbe fair
ones in the picture are not more pleased
vtith the spooning of thei- companions
than the ladies of Albany are with ours.
Our wear wears because it is silver,
solid, and la so -ght after on account of
its beauty and brilliancy. Ail our silver
spoons, knives, forks, sugar bwls, cream
pitchers, etc., are artistic and beautiful
and sbow the latest styles of this year.
Silver graces tne table and makes it as
pleasing to tbe eye. as a feast to tbe
Dr. Cvltbie J, Ramsey and Dr.
Hugh E Fenland, Graduate
Osteopaths. Office Brondalbin
St. between 2nd and 3rd.
Phone, Black 4S2.
Manufacturing Confectioner,
Make Candy Every Day,
French Ice Creams and
Cool Drinks.
cure Dyspepsia and all disorders arising
from Indigestion. Endorsed bj pbys
icias everywhere. Sold by druggists.
No cure, no pav. 25 cents. Trial pack
age free by writing to W H Hooker & Co,
Buffalo NY.
SCISSOKS fully warranted,
Granite Ware, finest ever brought to the city.
Stewart & Sox Hdw. Co. Second St.
53 cents for wheat in Corvallis, M
cents in Albany, tells tbe story.
WANTED. (3iri to do general house
work. For particulars call at Demo
crat office.
A Cosy Interior
ia rendered most effective by a proper
arrangement of furnisings, of which
artistic wall papers is ol prime import
ance in point of elegance and refine
ment. All papers put out by ns are sore
lo be satisfactory in every way, and
owing to the care oxerclsed by us (in
selecting our linos, style, beauty and
high artistic effocts are guaranteed.
5 burkhart & Lee.
ia absolute cleanliness. This is insured'
by modern sanitary open plumbing. 3
There are rank imitations, but yon will)
get the real thing, which ia the beat5
made fixture) fitted by workmen of tbe
highest ability and skill, by employing!
8. O. CALDWELL to do your plu.i bing.f
Alto call on him for sheet iron, pipe.and j
tin work, Dryer pipes, ate.
From tbeE. A.
Mhe Maud Bilveu. of Scio. is now
working in tbe Criterion office.
Born, at 8odaville, yesterday, to Mr.
and MrB. A. J, Allphin,a tbii teen-pound
In tbe ball game at this place Sunday
the borne team beat the Hcio boys by a
scoieof 13 to 11. The game was for a
purse of $60.
O. H. Vehrs' public sale, last Satur
day, was well attended. His cows, sheen
and pigs brought goo 1 1 rices, but he Bold
only a lew ot bis young catt.e.
Win, Marks and two Bisters, Misses
Sadie and Anna, arrived hee Saturday
from Prineville to visit relatives and
friends tor a week.
A pair of twins, a boy aud trirl, was
born to Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Bugbee last
irtaay. xnis is tneir second pair, tbe
omer pJir oeing dovp.
Dr. Lamoerson bad a faintine enell on
Saturday, falling down in his back yard
no naa io De carried in, but soon re
covered from tbe Bame and is now as
well as be was before.
It is reported that O. R. Loveall and
family, who went to Sherman county a
snort time since with tbe intention of
remaining there, are on their way back
io tots place. I bey didn't even unload
tneir tbin.s over tuere.
The Missourian
For Groceries etc
Seed Wheat.
Dawson's New Golden Chaff has
headed the list eight years in succession
stQuelph Experimental Farm, Canada
oi an average 12U varieties per year, i as
alto been five years a bead of all others
in tbe eastern states and tnis last two
years a bead in Oregon, got lit and 2nd
premiums at tbe state lair tn .Wtl, Ke
cleaned seen.
Price. ( 1 .03 per hu , over 10 bus.
(1.26 coder 10 biu.
taken at the lild 75o per bu.
For (ale at Htewait A Sjx's an i
Magnolia Mills.
Ioiin Lennox, R. F. D,
Come and inspect
the New. Things.
The metropolitan
styles are here, in
first - class makes
without the big
prices you'd "be
, asked some places.
Neckwear, etc.
Blain Clothing Go