Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, August 15, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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    Telltale Figures.
From tho 1'ortlaud Telegram.
II t lis democratic campaign committee
can get certain factB and figures uliout
the prices of come manufacturers here
and abroad before enough psople, and
induce them to understand the signifi
cance thereof, they may worry some o'
ibe republican candidates and campaign
era a little this fall. Chairman Griggs
Claims to bave obtained the following
figures from five exporting firms:
American Price to
price. foreigners.
Wire nails (keg) 9 2.25 $ 1 30
Wire rope (coil) 12 00 B.00
Lead (10 lbs.) 4.00 2.00
Shovele.Cduzsn) 7.50 6,80
Axlegreaso(lb.) .08 .04
Wasbboards (dozen) 3.00 1,70
Meat choppers 2.70 1.70
Barbed wire (100 lbs.) 3.00 2.20
Clocks (alarm) ,00 .30
Lawn mowers 4.15 2.75
Fruit jars (dozen) 80 .55
Typewriters 100.00 59.00
Sewing machines 40.00 17.00
Tin plate (100 lbs.) 4.10 3.10
Ibe 'average, difference in favor of for
elgu purchasers Is almost 40 per cent.
The aval age tariff on these manufactures
is something more than 40 per cent. It
won't do to declare and assert and reiter-
ate that the tariff has nothing to do with
this discrimination against American
consumers; eyery intelligent voter knows
better; and be knows farther that these
manufacturers are authorized (bus to
plunder.tbe American consumers so that
the beneficiaries will oontribute liberally
to tbe republican campaign fund. That
is, every consumer ot these and a long
list ot otber.blghly protected nrtiolea 1b
(oioed , whatever bis politics or econom
ic belief, to contribute to tbe election and
support ol tbe republican party, and al
o to make a lew men millionaires or
Tbe republicans will probably win (be
(all eleotlons, as Mr. Babcock prediote,
but tbey need not suppose that this will
be an indorsement of this gigantlo sys
tem of plunder. Tbey may ecratch
through this fall, but let them bBware;
tbey can't dodge this issue any longer;
nor,"unleBS some other overshadowing
issue epringB up, conld tbey win out on
it In 1904, even Roosevelt, if the demo
crats bad the common sense to get to
getherland give them battle on this
jronnd, Dot they bank safety, no doubt,
on the democrats not having common
What the American People Drink.
In tbe year specially covered by the
cenBUB oi 1000 the United Statea pro
duced 1,325,358,094 gallons of whiskey
wine and malt liquors, valued at $310,
010,400. In tbe same year the muBical-
instrnment factories of tho tbe oountry
turned out only 514. OH 463 In products.
When one reuv mljore the apparent age
Of the average ooncert-hull piano and the
number of BeaeonB of plain nnd mixed
drinks which it aurvlvos, this wide dif
ference in ttie value of f.'csh outputs IB
neither atarlling nor discouraging.
Beer oarriea the lion's chare of tho
census beverage figures with 1,108,602,104
ga'lone, va'ued at $237,200,713. The
world'e produc, in 1807 was 5,520,000,000
gallons. In wine the world'a output in
1897 wna 2,843,478,920 gallons. For the
census year this country producod 23,
435,507 gallons. Tlio United States is
thereforo sixteenth in tlie list of wino
produclng countries, nearly all Europo
and part ol South America ranking ahead
Oi it.
For the above comparisons we have
drawn on laole outside ol the census re
port. It Ib interesting to learn, also from
outside returns, that, despite the connuo
BBtlmalo that our yearly liquor drinking
comes to 17.8 gallons per oapitn, we are
really low in the liats ot drinking na
tions, tlermanv Hiid tho United King
dom consumption for each individual in
France. Portugal. Spain and Italy Is
greater than our total per capita drink
ing of malt, di6tilledaud otherepiiituoue
liquors. World.
Interesting Facts.
Last'year there were circulated in
Japan 158,000 copies of the scriptures.
Until SO vearB ago tbe printing and dis
tributing of Bibles was prohibited,
There are 18 rolling mills and steel
works In Canada. Their output ol nearly
200,000 tons a year is but a fourth enough
to supply the needs of (he oountry.
Tho completion ol (he Northern rail
way ol Gautemala, which Is expected
within elx mouths, will shorten the time
botween its capltal,and New Orleans to
six days.
Btephen Ntal, a royal poeiman at
Uosberton, Lincolnshire, has Juat retireu
on a pension alter 31 yeat' eorvicf, dur
ing which he has walked nearly 200,000
The Bait truBl has added another $5
per ton to the price ol rait. Ibis Is on
top ol several othor additions, until it
has particularly become a matter of
multiplication, III" a sample of the
manner in which the trust! ol the coun
try are put down by the r. publican
parly, now making si much ado on the
subject ouaccouut of tho coming con
gressional election.
l oo LuU to Fo"l The People.
Reunblii-an altrmpts to minimize tho
injur cauoe J lo the par y by tho show
iusol the discount etieels ol certain
American truBta, these price hale pioviiiK
that tho tiuat products are sold tar
cheaper in Europe than in thiB country,
are chiefly ootatile lor an evasion of the
truth which in lieelf amouota to con-
The statenent that American tin-plate
manufacturers are making money does
not by any means explain why their tin
plate trust should charge American buy
era J4.19 per 100 pounds, while they
charge European buyers only $3.19 per
100 pounds. It merely explains why
they have grown tremendously rich and
inioient, that is all. The American peo
ple are oppressively taxed to this end.
Neither I'ooi the assertion that tbe J
value of live stock has increased justily
the manufacturers of barbed wire in
charging American consumers $o per
100 pounds for wire that is sold to Euro'
peun buyers at $2 per 100 pounds
The fact that tbe American people are
prosperous does not excuse the trueta for
making American buyers pay $12 per
coil for wire rope tbat is sold to Euro
pes a buyere for $5 per coil; nor for
charging Americans $100 for typewriters
tbat are sold to Europeans for $55; nor
for obliging American women to pay $40
for sewing machines tbat are Bold to
European women for J17; nor lor exact
ing from Americans $4 .25 for lawn mow-
(us that are sold to Europeans for 2.7 .
TheBO contrasts are of a nature to sink
deep into the American mind. Tbey
convince tbe American people tbat the
Dingley tariff is a mighty good thing for
tbe trusts and a mighty had thing for the
American people.
Tbie great truth should indeed become
fixed in American minds. The high
protective tariff has created the monop
oly truste that now constitute the great
est evil in American life. The tariff con
tinues to enrich tbe trusts by exacting a
tax tribute from tbe people . It certain
ly is not oi benefit to tbe American peo
ple to pay far more for American manu
factures than foreign peoples pay for tbe
same products. It is of benefit to tbe
truttB tbat manufacture these producte.
assuredly, and it is tbe trueta that are
clamoring for the maintenance ol the
high .protective tariff. But the eyes of
tbe people ate open at last, lhey Bee
(be true working ql the. Pingley tariff
and tbey are getting ready to revise this
tariff and bo remove tbe oppressive tax
which they now pay to the trusts own g
to this tariff. Republic ,
Figures lurniebed at theTreaB'iry de
partment for the first twenty-nine days
nl the new fiscal year indicate that a
large deficit will remain when tbe books
are balancd June 30, 1903. This deficit
is estimated all tbe way from $50,000,000
to $125,000,000. While Seoretary Shaw
has not discussed the matter publicly, it
Is known his estimate 1b ?90,000,0u0.
July will show a doflcit of $9,000,000
The figures for tbe first twenty-nine
daj'B are $9,839,872. No payments have
yet been made on account of the heavy
appropriations by Congress for publio
buildings and river and harbor wo'k.
Those disbursements will prove disquiet
ing factote in balances lor succeeding
It is net expected that much money
will be expended during tills fiscal year
because of the Isthmian canal aiido from
tho purchase price of $40,000,000. Sea
rotary 8ha- eays this will be paid out of
funds already in the Treasury; that la,
from the surplus.
I( is a greot rebel to tbe people of "
world to have Mr. Harry Trao. oil the
stage of action. For two months he
played a star part in a great tragedy, and
established a new record as a criminal,
occupying a field ol his own. Pn-bably
no escaping outlaw ever took such a
course as he did to escape. It worked
for a while but it was sure to fail iu the
end. Had he displayed greater eecrcey
ho would never have been captured
either dead or alive. Even bad he doue so
after reaching his last farm residence he
would have evaded his pursuers and
peihaps reached the bad laudsof iVyoui-
ing in safety. But be loved notoriety
and seemed to recoivo a great dealol eat
ielaction In bilnging into subjection
ttofe he met. This proved bin undoing
The result is of inestimable value to the
public. The influence ol his death will
be lor good. '
Tbe manner in which the differences
ol prices ol the same goods sold In this
country and Europe is being placed be
fore the peoplx ol tho United States, is
opening the eyes ol thoso who have ores
to he opened to the real condition of the
alleged protection ol our Industries.
Goods are sold la Europe lor half the
price received In this country and a fine
profit made, Tho exorbitant price paid
here In made possible only by the ex
ceeulngly high tariff, placed under the
false culors of protection, as a matter o
fact merely lor the robbery ol the Anier
to&a people. It has made possible the
Immense trusts ot the country, making
millionaires out of the herd earnings ol
the pei ple
Attorney Gnerl Kuox telling what
tie is doitw Against the ttn-ts wil' be the
greatest farce dr.ima of the politic
season. Lt all tho bauds play.
Saturday Niili Thoughts
Toy eaptu'e of Tracey, dead, hat lea
ail other topics in uregon this week
nothing e!a , even the ho; weather, bis
approached it.
IraceyhaH beea THE thing o! th
week. For two months this
has been cona'amly before the nublic
Now the climax has come, come with
ruin, it was oi toe usual sencauona
Trace. style. Mr. Tracey waa peculiar
ly a grandstand player, and better than
any desperado ol recent years ho knew
bow to play for the peanut gallery. His
peroration was never touched by Demos
tbenes. The Jamas brothera and Young
era were not in bis class, Capt, Kidd
tbe pirate will have to be laid on the
shelt. jTracey is IT. Most men spend
their liyes and are never beard of, but
Trucey at a bound jumped to tbe pinnacle
ol notoriety and tbe entire country was
talking about him, , For one month and
twenty sevon days even the President
was lesB observed. It waB all bad too
There were sot many redeomng features
about tbe affair. Tracey had gall, but
tbat is not exemplary. He was persist'
ent in nis line ot operation. That may
be praised when turned in tbe right di
rection. He waa polite at times. That
was nice, but he was always playing a
game. His endurance was remarkable.
in this age of many weak men, that
muet.not be forgotten, , He was said to
be a remarkable shot, but the final act
shows tbat be; waa very human and
aomatimsB could bit and sometimes
could not.7He bae been accused of be
log insane, bat he was sane, and an ex.
aminatioo will unqueetionobly show his
mind to have been in a healthy condi
tion. As much as anything it looks as
if he realized that be was in it to the
death and was playing for notoriety.
His oareer should be repulsive to the
boy deBlring to get along in the world.
The notoriety he secured waB of no val
ue. His life was a complete failure.
There is nothing in tbe main tbat is ex
1'he only oareer woith having Is the
manly, honorable, upright life, v n
though spent in seclusion without any
fireworks to. attract the attention ol the
The spirit which should be displayed
in getting rid of itich A character as
Traoey should be a loyal one to the coun
try, a desire to rid it at any oost of such
an enemy. Instead ol this the ett'ort to
kill Tracey Beema to have one pure v for
tbe big reward offered. Too much of
that Bpirit IB displayed in thiB age and
lhese thoughtB without a reference to
the hot weather would be incomplete.
Tbe rule in this beautiful valley is tbat
when we have warm days we are sure to
be bleBsed by cool nights. Ibis rarely
fails to be the experence. This week
though we have had both hot days and
hot nlgbta. Comparatively though oui
niahtB tiaye been cool placed by an east
ern summer night, and a lady who came
up from one ol California's hot valleys
remarked that we didn't know what
heat waa. She bad just 6een it 117 in
the ebade, Here about tbe hottest was
97, except where there waB a reflecti n
from the street.or brick buildlngB.which
always takes away from the reliability of
the record.
Minneapolis Times.
All kinds of crops are good this year.
A man In Winona county has captured
iuu rattieenanee, and the season is not
half over. He sold the reptiles lor $2
apleco, as the oil of the latter is regarded
Dy many good citizens as a specifio for
rheumatism and Bundry other achea and
xuu auonuon or ttie citv council is
alled to tho munner in which rubbieh is
mi ....
lelton First street without any ei rt on
the part of the street superintendent to
nave the street sept clean. It is id,i
creuuto the city. Other cities have
these things .(tended to. In Albany
anything goes. Some time ago an old
dead rat lay in front of the post office a
week without being disturbed, and notb
lug ia.done at ail lo keep the atreet in a
condition which shall be creditable to
the best city in the valley. It is a good
tiuce to turn over a new leaf and it is to
be noped that the couDcil will appreciate
this fact.
Salt Lake Tribune.
That is a highly important decision
handed down by the United States ctr-
ouit cou.-t of appeals at St. Louis. The
wife and daughter ol a man Who was
killed in an accident while ho was drunk
sued the.saloon keeper abo Bold him tbe
liquor, and got judgment against him
for the loss ol the husbacd and father.
The court affirms this judgment. It is
a most important case and should make
liquor sellers more cautioue as to their
trade; for, If tbey are responsible for
what happtnt (o a man when be Is
drni. k, then natnra'iy wi.l bo cautious
about making him drunk.
Nones: Any one desiring to secure a
good liinher claim will do. well lo see or
write In tl. t). Clod o toi of Corvallia
S.uislactiou guaranteed.
National Affairs
(From our Regular Co: respondent.)
Washington, Aug 4, 1902.
The report made by S;creiary of tbe
Treasury Shaw for the month of July la
in aicoMaaea with tbe predictions made
in these letters some months ngn. The
deficit for the month waa a little over f 7,-000.000-
Some of the best informed offi
cials of the Department p'ece the deficit
for next month at $4,000,000 and predict
tbat they will increaae coutlnuoualv Irom
taattimson. While the cause of this
deficit ia partially due to tlu rapaal of
the War revenue taxes, it is even n-ore
due to the high tariff which bas lesulted
in a falling off of imparts and a propor
tionate decrease in customs receipts. It
is claimed that ins'de knowledge of tbe
affairs of the government prompted Sec
retary Shaw, at the last minute, to throw
the weight of his infl ience Iu favor of
the tariff revision plank in tbe Iowa
plitform, for he bas come to appreciate
that a reduction ol the duties will in
crease imports and more revenue will be
paid into the- treasury . On the otner
hand, now that Iowa has declared her
sentiment in favor ol revision, tbere sb
likely an effort on tbe part of the
administration to belittle the importance
of the Iowa declaration. Pas. experi-
ence.haa taught tbe treasury offlo ialu
tbat the prospect of tariff reduction is in
variably accompanied by a reduction of
imports as tbe importers reduce their or-
ders to the smallest possible figure In or.
dernottobe caught altar the change
with goods on their hands on whicb they
have paid the higher rate of dutr.
As heretofore announced, no literature
11 to be sent out ia any quantity by tbe
Republican Committee Tbat commit'
tee appreciates the danger of committing
Iiflelt on paper. i jMr Roosevelt will be
urged to keep the .public interested in
his myeterioua plane for controlling tbe
trusts while the other leaders of the par
ty will solicit oampaign funds and will
asjure;tbe trust magnates tbat the Fresl
dent's utterances are all for political ef
fect because tbe respected public must be
fooled to keep it contented. Mr. Little-
field will play tbe role ol sphinx and will
say nothing while tbe reporters are kept
guessing an to what are his plans. With
tbe fall campaign out ot tbe way, atten
tion will be turned to bracing up the
treasury receipts and possibly some brief
tariff bill, which will bays tbat end sole
ly in view, will be passed, Tbe pnblic
will not forget, however, to inquire oc
casionally as to tbe location of tbat huge
surplus which was going to build Pana
ma Oanal and accomplish other wonders
without any hardship to the people.
Mr, Powell Clayton, United states Am
bassador to Mexico, has at last been
forced to admit his connection with tbe
El Carmen Mining Company, a connec
tion be has long denied. Some timearo,
the Stale Department called tbe atten
tion of the Ambassador to tbe fact tbat
he was charged with being pecuniarily
interested in IhlB company, and Mr.
Clayton came to Washington and etai d
to tbe President tbat hn held a few
BhareB in tbe company, but tbat they
were held in trust for a relative, who
was herself unable to prqtect hie inter
ests, and bad tranaferied herstock to him
for that purpose'" Mr. Clfcvlon now ad
mits that he is a actual holder of 100
Bharee, and ie a director in the company,
Thia admission is moat significant in the
face of the charges brought against Clay
ton, end incidental!? against the solid
tor for the State Department, by Senator
Bailey, and which resulted in a personal
encounter which occuned between Sen
ators Bailey aud Beveridgo. It will be
remombered that Senator Bailey charged
that Ambassador Clayton had practical
ly refused to protect tbe rights of one
Br. Scott against the dining company
above named ; that the presumption was
that be had done so because he was a di
rector of tbat company, and tbat Solici
tor Penfield bad suppressed certain pa
pers in order to protect Clayton and de
'eat Scott. The admission of Clayton at
this late date and after a denial of (be
actual facie, has been made to tbe Presi
dent, constitutes a victory for Senator
Bailey and places Senator Beveridge and
the officials of the State department in a
most emoarassing position. It ia also
significant tbat none of the daily papers
in making public tbe etatement ol tbe
Ambassador, refer to the connection of
the admission to the charges made by
Senator Bailey on the floor of tbe Sen
ale. Senator Hanna has been speaking on
the relations ol labor and capital. Han
na it a representative oi the trusts ol the
country, and whatever he may Bay will
not be taken seriously by many people,
lor the masses have no faith in bis word.
Many are nut being benefitted by the
summer vacation aa tuey aoouin oe.
Mow, notwithstanding much outdoor
life, tbey are little il anv stronger than
ti.ev were. The (an on their laceB ib
daraer and makes them look healthier,
but it is only a ni'sk. Tney are still
nervous, oaBily ti.ed, upset by trifles,
and they do not eat nor Bleep well. Wnat
ihoy need is what tones the n rvee, per
le ts digestion, creates appeii e, ana
makes Bleep relreshingj and that ib
Hood'B Sarsanarilia. FuuiIbrihI teachers
iienerallv will hod the clue! purpose of
he vacation best eubsoived l y this great :
mediciue which, bb we know builds ,
up tbe whole eytein.
Tbe u, oet popular thing in the mnr.
ket: Ice.
This timber business is a big thing iu
It is possible now for Mr.. Cudihea to
bo re elected.
Tracey was a great newspaper seller
in the big cities.
The killing cf Tracey will have a go:d
effect on the morale ol the country.
The people of tbe Willamette Valley
will appreciate a ten per cent reduction
In freight ratea.
With tho prospect of a big national
debt there ia no reason why Cuba
should not be heard from.
A paper on Tuesday said: "Tiacey
will aoou be in the favorite haunt of
deBperadoea," He ia there,
The claim to tbe discovery of a big
tree in California 154 feet in circum
ference, is certainly a whopper.
In Deuver next month a great bron
cho riding contest ia to be had. A
splendid chance for the President.
The big papers will now have to turn
their attention to something else
seller to take the place of Tiacey.
It is a great blessing to have the
Tracey agony over. It will be bad
enough, tbough, to go through with the
settlement oi tbe claims tor tbe reward,
Everybody sayB young Goldfinch, who
gave the information which resulted
in the final extermination of Tracey,
John F. Bible is the democratic
nominee for lieutenant governor of
Michigan. The democrats may always
be depended upon to be on the right
At Davenport, Wash., fiends cut parts
of the clothing of Tracev off until not a
stitch was left, even taking the band
ages around his wounds. Wasn't tbat
In the interest of a suffering public
tbat $4,100 reward should be distributed
immediately and sooner if Dosaible. Tbe
sooner tbe matter is settled the better
lor the dear people.
President Roosevelt while taking his
outing at Oyster Bay is also having a
political inning, a large number of noli-
ticiana visiting him and making ar
rangements for fooling tbe people on the
crust issue.
John L. Sullivan weighs 295 pounds,
which he proposes to train down to 225
pounds and then act, presenting a mon
ologue tbat ahall startle tbe world. An
extra eeBaion ol congress should immedi
ately be called.
Tbe pa. per a generally bave been giving
tbo reward for tbe capture of Tracey as
$8,000. Ab a matter ot fact the reward
ie as follows: State of Oregon $1,500,
etate of Washington $2,500, brother of
Guard Farrell $100. Total reward
$4,100. By the time this iB secured each
man who secures a slice will hardly bave
enough to pay for bia powder.
Lane leads Linn county iu the num
ber of echool children, but Linn leads
Lane in nearly everything else, an im
mense figure ia tbe value of farm lands,
considerable in tho value of farm -buildings,
some iu the number of farms, a
good deal in the value of farm products
and in fact nearly everything but
Tracey 'a record :
Killed 8 meu.
Wounded and not killed only one
man. He shot to kill.
Broke from jail 3 times.
Held up and robbed in Portland pre
vious to going to penitentiary 11 places.
Robbed alter oreaking from peniten
tiary at least forty persons.
Born in Wieconeiu in 1874, Died in
Washington Aug 6, 1902.
A stulent baa discovered that the fol
lowing are the most appropriate places
for different people to spend the Bum
mer vacations :
Bakers at Cakes, Pa.
Jewelers at Gem, Ind.
Printers nt Agate, Cal.
Poets at PamBBSus, Pa.
Mendicants at Begge, L.
Perfumers at Aroma, 111.
Actore at Starr City, Ark.
Plumbers at Faucett, Mo,
Bankers at Deposit, N. Y,
Widowers at Widow, Ala.
Hunters at Beer Trail, Col.
Lovers at Spoonville, Mich.
Debtors at Cash City, Kan.
Politicians at Buncombe, Va.
Sports at Knee Track, Mont
Dry goods men at Oalico, Cal.
Puzzle fiends at Riddlevdle, Ga.
Physicians at Doctortown, Ga.
School t-achers at Lamed, Kan. "
Bald folks at Bald Knob, Ark.
EHtomologists at Bug Hill, S C.
Druggists at Balsam Lake, Wis.
Raaaball Dlavers at Bailground, Ga,
Tbren card monte men at Trickum,
Takks Up. in the city pound, a black
dog, part Gordon Setter and Shepherd,
leet white, tan Bpoia in me inue.
John Catmn,
Poundmaster city ol Albany.
Ttelnrp adjournment yesterday after
noon the coumv court directed the de
linquent tax list of 1900 to he transcribed
.u ,i.d .nitiv mprk nml lurned over to
.heriff lor collection, and the tax
- ,,ii of 19J1 turned over to shor.ff with
warrant for collection.
England Criticized.
Lomjon-, Au. li. During tho discus
lou of the appropriation bid in the
House of Commons today the govern
mant waa severely criticized oy various
members on iia pol cy iu Eurone and in
China. It waB allfged that Lord Salis
bury had quarreled with France and
Spain, had alienated Turkey, had driven
Italy iuto tho arms or Franca and had
failed to resiet Ruaata, while Deraisientlv
courting Garmaoy with compliments
uu uuvaiueu aecret treaties.
The Kins is Ready.
London, Aug. 6 The roval v-lf Vi.
toria and, Albort, with King Edward on
board, left Cowea at 1 :80 p. m. for Ports
mouth. The harbor ttatiou at Ports
mouth was reached ahnrtlv of, o
o'clock. A special train to convnv Rio
Majesty to London awaitpfl hta isrinai
at Portsmouth.
Five Women Killed.
Hopkins ville, Ky , Aug. 6 An a-
cureiou itraic on the Illinoia Central
caught five young women on a high
trestle at Daweon Springe today. Two
were crushed to death and o'hera, jump,
ing, were probably fatally injured.
Flye liui-ned to Death.
Stockton, Cal., Aug. 6. Leo Wilder,
wife and three children were burned to
death at their country home in this
countv laat night. Wilder and his fam
Uy retired at an early hour. Some time
during the night (heir home caught fire,
presumably from a defective flue and all
were burned,
Tracy's Body.
Daventcbt, Wash., Aug. 7, Tracy's
body is on its way to Salem, Or. It waa
taken to Moscow, a station on the Great
Northern, 10 miles jrom here, this after
noon to be conveyed over that road to
There was no public exhibition alone
the route, and there will be none in tho
Oregon capital, if the petition of some of
the state's most influential citizens can
prevent it. It will Jprobably be shown,
to (he convicts, aed will be interred in
the penitentiary burying grsunds.
The Proper Thine;.
Chicago. Ana. 7 Tho Wootom f.oii,.
rate situation develoned in in n oioto f
open war today, when the Sante Fe gave
Hw..w Hunu vcgiumug next monaay, it
would carrv Hvaflt.nnlr hni.,... nuiJ....
& -j uuhodu vuiiinHg
Kansas City lor 12 cents pir 100 lbs,
This is a cut of 11 cents and is tho low
est rate given on livestock sincp 1895,
when there was a situation similar to
tbe one existing now,
Terrible Accident.
PeUBBLO. flnl.. Aim 7 A 1-
the Chieftain from Trinidad says;
A most disastrous explosion occurred
this evening at 6 :30 n'rlncb- . a
mine at Bowen, a email camp about 10
miles north of tbo this place, in which 13
uuwn to nave been lost. The
exact uumber of men working on the
night shift and in the mine at the time
ot the explosion is unknown.
A New Road
Tab Dalles, Aug. 7.Articlee of incor
ation woro filed today in tho County
Clerk.e office for a company to build a
railroad between The Dalies and Biggs,
Sherman County, the terminus of the
Columbia Southern.
The Foreign Style.
SnENANDonA, Aug. 7. Rev. Charles
Jid wards, pastor of the Presbyterian'
(JllUrCh here. Rnrl fnrma.1. Dfnn
dent of the Young Men's Bible Society,
Bays today that the young men in his
congregation which ie made uo princi
pally ot mineworkere.have informed him
that foreuiOerB hVn rintarminnrl tr. t
off an ear of every m,m who returna to
worn oo tiiac tdey will be forever marked
aa "unfair workmen. "
Democrats Elected.
Nashville, Tenn., Aug. 7, Returns
received by the American from nvnr tho
state ahow the election by large majori-
wco ui uemouraiic candidates tor Su
preme Judges nnd Juaues nf tho nnnrf.
ol Appeals. The former ore W. K. Mc-
lliet-. , M. IViCNeill. John K. Shields
and W. D. Beard, aud the latter are R.
M, M. Barton. John W. Tnvl
H. Wilson.
An Albany Market Day.
C. O. Leo who recently purchased the
large livery bara on 4th street, near
Ellsworth and had it moved to the
corner of Seventh and the S P. switch.
haS decided tO establish ft rpomlni mnrlrn.
day ot the place for the sale of atocis, or
hnything else desired, where the people
at the COUntv can meet oniw a mnnll, unA
ofake their sales. Ho ia backed by p rom-
luoui muci men. xne institution is a
inod thing aud ahouid be euDDorta.i hv
goe people oi tbe county generally.
Linn to the Front,
It is entirely proper that Linn countv,
with ltB splendid location and advant
ages, Bhould be thoroughly advertised
under the Harrimnn syndicate man.
The county did the proper thing In mak
ing au appropriation to cover nan ol the
cost. The remainder of tne money will
be raised at once and tbe booklets sent
east, Tbe previous pamphlet was tbe
best ever gotten out in Oregon and the
committee cannot do better tban to
duplicate it.
Twenty eight care bave been encased
for the excursion to the Bay tomorrow.
Tbe attention of tbe street euuerin.
tendent and city council ie again culled
to the BcrapB of paper, boards etc along
the north side of First etreet in tho
business part of tbe city as well as in
other places, A good time to clean
Ibem up
The county court thia week increased
the appropriauon for completing the
wagon road to the county line toward
tbe Blue Kiver mines, adding (200 to tbe
appropriation hereioiore made. Let the
work tie me ed forward.
Several toys were in bathing below
the O P. bridge yesterday afternoon,
when their pocaeti were re ieved of all
spare change, one buy. Tne capitalist uf
the crowd, lost $1 10. 1' knives
were all the othero had aud lhey disappeared,