Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, August 15, 1902, Page 1, Image 1

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iu&ii y
NO. 2.
vol. xxxviii.
Water Mice
to obEetve
sith Lose probib-
Wo a6k water consumers
the following rolca:
Irrieatiou hours, 5 a. m. to 9a
and 4 p. m to 9 p. m
Sprinkling Btreeta
Hoee muBl be need with nozzle,
Waote in closeta ia not allowed.
In case of fire all irrigation must stop.
A careful observance of these rule"
will be insist on, aB in nf other way
can we furnish a satisfactory service.
O. 0 . Hogoi,
Manager Albany Canal & Water Co.
Timber Lands.
I have reliable information on some
ood va.ant surveyed oak, cedar, pine
Ind fir timber cIbioib in Southern Ore
eon, Satisfaction guaranteed, Call on
or add.esa O. G. Rawungs.
Albany, Oregon.
Sura C irs
Itching Piles produce moisture and cause
itcninf. 'his form as well as Bl.nd, Bleed
ing of Pro udiog Pilos aro cured by Dr
Bo-san-ko's Pile Remedy. Stops itching
and Weeding Absorb? tumors. 50 cts a
jar at drut-irista, or sent by call, rro'it
iae free Write me your case Dr Bosan
ko. Philadelphia. Pa. For Bale by Foshay
& Mason, druggists
For Infants and Children.
Tie Kind You Have Always Bought
Call at Long's Bhop at lirondalbiu and
Second streets. Choice uie.ts cnro'u'ly
selected. A fine roaster ii given away
with every $20 worth of meat bough t
Try Long
Call ,
Notice is he:eby given that funds are
on hand to pRy city warrants Noa. 201
258 inclusive of the issue of 1900. Inter
est on said warranto will cease wi;n the
date of this notice.
Albany, Or., Jul? 1, 1902.
H. B. Ousick City Treanti.rm
Your Lifeawayl
Ton cao be cured of any fcriu of tobacco using
easily, be well, strong, magnetic, full of
new life end vigor by taking HO-TO-BAO,
fia, n.V.a wcalr men ctrnntr Minv cntll
ten pounds In ten days. Over 00,000 miles the other way. It was
cored. Alldruggists, Cure guaranteed. Book- ; n'-innk ,hpn he reach
let and advice I'RKH. Address STHKJ.INU
fcSMUDY CO.. Chicago or New York. 437
This is the crowning day in the life of
Edward VII of England.
Of course the Tracey reward will be
paid in lull. This is already settled. It
is a different case entirely from that of
the finding of the body of Merrill.
Complaint: About a million Oanadt
thistles at the corner of 2nd ana Baker
streets are a menace to the community
and should be exterminated.
The Sentinel says that Superintendent
Lee positively arranged to have the body
of Tracey placed on exhibition down
town in Salem, but pullic sentiment
rose up against such an outrage.
An Oregon City paper does Linn
county great honor by placing the Bo
hemia mines within this county. We
have them not, but we have part of the
Blue River mines and tna bantiam
mines, and predict that both will be
heard from about as loud as the eplsn
did mines of Bohemia.
Several years ago a Portland man put
$1,000 into a Bohemia mine, hardly ex
pecting to realizs much from it. Now
be receives an income of approximately
$1,000 a year lrom it. Several mines
there are paring big incomes. Bohemia,
whonits railroad ia couipieieu, promisee
to become one of the best camps on the
There were two mad drummers at
Eugene yesterday. One not off the train
while on his way to Portl ,nd and saw
his trunks being taken off at the wrong
station, lie snook Ms nats iranucaiiv
at having his trunks left at such a small
(own. Anotber drummers uaggago ar
rived from town too late (or the train
a d both got left. It was a hot time
for that quiet little berg .
At t, hotel in Atlantic city yesterday
Attorney General Knox and Charles E.
Schoen, a Philadelphia millionaire, and
two or three oiber men had a fight. An
attempt was made to make it appear
that the men were trust magnates and
pitched into Knox on acccunt of the
ohnw of a trust suit that Knox is proee'
cuioir. This is of course all rot. The
men bad simply been drinking, that
wnao'1 Knox is a trust man himself,
and the truna know he is on their side.
Mr. Elder, of this city, is not the only
person who falls asleep eometimea while
driving. The E. A. of Lebanon, Bays:
A.M. Wilson, the genial liveryman,
telle the following joke on himself: He
took a gentleman to Brownsville Wed
nesday evening, starting back from that
ulace about 9 o'c'ock. As the horBes
were tired and warm, he drove slow, and
when about five miles ibis Bide of
13'ownsville he dropped at loop and slept
about an hour. When ne awone tb
team was going toward Brownsville and
was about a mile nearer that place than
they wee when be went to steep. Be
thinks that while be was asleep the
team came about, three miles this way
and then turned around and went lorj
about 1
o'clock when he reached home.
Coronation ot King I-dward.
London, Aug. 9 It was was an-
nmmr.Mil at. Kiitbi nflham PalSCO at a
quarter past 8 o'clock this morning, that
King Edwa'J was in excellent health and
Although the doors of Westminster
Abbey were opened at 7 o'clock this
morning, few participants in the cere
monies attendant'tipon the coronation
of King Edward arrived until consider-
bly alter that hour. By 8 o'clock moat
of the beet.poBitions along tho route ol
the procession were occupied. Ihe cor
onation occurred according to program.
The Strike.
Shenandoah. Pa.. Aug. 8. A platoon
oflthe Governor's troops of cavalry went
to Turkey Run Hill today on an errand
of mercy", and rescued a small family
from violence or tne neignoors. reity
acts ef violence have been reported from
that territory every day for a week. lo
day General Gobin received n pathetio
letter from tbe wile of a nonunion work
man who is emvloved in the Gilbertcn
colliery of t' e Philadelphia & Reading
Coal & Iron which sue tens
of the treatment accorded her by strik
ers in that vicinity.
A Hold Attempt.
Hoquiasi. Aug. 8. A tola but inef
fectual attempt was made to force an
entrance into tin vault of the First Na-
ional Bank vesterdav .morning. When
the teller, A. M. Campbell, ooened the
vault, he found the safe partly turned
over and settled half through the floor.
A hasty examination showed that tne
concrere floor had been tunneled into
from the rear, a li'invy jtickfcrew and a
complete kit of burglar tools were found
nder tne vault.
Tbe first Semester, Session 1902-8, opens Wednesday, September 17lh, The
folliwing Schools and Colleges are comprised in tbe University: (grad
uate scbool 'Jollege of Litera ure. Science and Arts College of Science and
Engineering University Academy School of Music Scbool of Medicine
Scbool ol law.
Tuition free, excepting in Schools of Law ind Music. (Incidental fee $10.00,
Student- Body t.x $2 60 ier year.) UobI of living from $100.80 to $200 00 per
year. For Catalogue, address
OfiiceBroadalbin St. between 2nd and 3rd
what you
, Of Com se Not.
Mtscatinb. Ia Aug. 8. W. J. Bryan
settled for oil time the rumors that he
will he a candidate f ir President in 1UU4
u an interview while on the way to Dan-
ille. 111., where he Bnoke tonight. Col
onel Bryan when shown the reports that
he might again bo a candidate, was much
nettled and expressed himself in no un
certain manner.
A Big Majority.
Nabiiviixk, Aug. Chairman Thomp
son of the democratic state executive
committee, eatima'es a majority of 40,
000 lor tho democratic ticket in yester
day's primary for Jndg.e of the Supreme
Court and Court of Chancery Appeals.
Municipal Ownership.
HALEM.Aug. 8 Salem may have a
municipal electric lighting plant, In
compliance with an order : made by Sa
lem Oity Council several weeks airo, Al
dorman Griswold will on next Tuesday
begin inspecting I he various sites that
have been offered the city.
Mr. Savnuol Temploton, a pioneer, died
at Brownsville yesterday.
Mies Nellie Blandish, of Brownsville
has returned fruin Chicago, whern she
has been studying music.
The Salem Sentinel says the Gilbert
bank waB a hot affair, a balloon run on a
mushroom appetite and a toadstool
A Benton county man planted a large
field to water mellona last spring and
now has a big field of summer equashas
and no water tnellorts,
Mr. Virgil Averill, one of Brownsville's
popular young men, and Miss Pearl
CLainberl lin, of Lewisville, Polk county,
were united in marriage at Lewisville on
Aug. 6.
George O. Goodail.who recently had a
leg amputated in Portland, is now at
his home in Crawfordsville, having re
covered leeB one leg. He is a very popu
lar young man and will make it regard
less of his great loss.
Jas. A. Wilson, who is chief deputy in
the U S. Marshal's ofiice, spent Sunday
in Medford. He was a resident of
Josephine county for a number of years,
and is well known in Southern Oregon,
Seattle has reason to crow, Tbe in
crease in tbe number of building per
mits lor juiy were zoo per cent more
ban those of July ol last year, tbe great
est increase atno:'g the big cities of the
United States.- Buffalo comes next with
231 percent, Los Angeles, 108 percent,
New York 138 per cent and Detroit 71
per cent.
Among the officers elected by the head
camp of the Woodmen of the World to
day, were the following : F A. Fai&en-
berg, ot Denver, uoio., Head uon ul;
V. Cooper, ol Portland, Or., Head
Banker; N. O.Baldwin, ol Pomeroy,
Washington, Head Escort; Dr. C. E.
L,oux, ot focatello, Ida., Head
Watchman; A.I). St'ulman, of Pendle
t.on,Ur., tlead Manager.
The barn of J. W . Pate, three miles
north of Jefferson, was destroyed by fire
Thursday uighi, together with a fine
driving horse, 40 tods of hay, 70 dozen
eggs, hack, harness, etc The loss will
reach about $L,oUU, with no insurance.
The. liro was caused by a lantern explod-
ngn Mr. Pale was severely burned
about the face and haaas while trying to
save his horses Mies Nellie Pats was
also prostrated by the heat. Reriow.
Miss Dorthea Nash is in Germany,
Sho is visiting at the home of a German
baron, and toa frieod in Corvallis, writes
an iu eresting account of tne customs in
voue there. In a feu weeks sue is to
enter the Huh Government School of
M tulc, at Berlin, one of too most famous
musical institutions in Euro.e. Miss
Nash has broken off t!ie engagement to
Enulieh gentleman, notice of which
was printed in the nev. epnpers a few
montlts'Hgo. She. has recently returned
from a tiiu to Paris. Uorvallis Uazttle.
Factory Sale .
From the Bulloiiu. :
Mr Dai MeClain last week received
from Sheriff Worth Huston theapooint
ment of depu'y "beriff for the Harris
burg district.
Mi Charles Sperling eavs that his
stubble land that waB plowed and sotr-
last fali will yield about 10 bushels of
wheat to. the acre, while his eunimer
fallowed ground will only yield about 20
bushels. Hire 18 lood lor reiie lion.
Mr H II Sommerville Btartc-d on TueS'
day with hie family to Eastern Oregon
wbnre they wlil sojourn luuenmtoiy.
Two heavy freight wagonB, with four
horses attached to ea:b, furnished trans
portation for hiB honeebold effects, and
he and his family will make easy drive.
with tbe family carriage while crossing
tbe Cascade mountain.
All threshing machines hereabouts
have commenced operations and will
make short work of nreparing the crop
for storage, The yield is better than was
estimated before barvest ee Bon. Ure
lion Boil can be relied upon for a bounti
ful supply of cereals wnen given a half
Dr T O Mackev was called Tuesday fo
drees the wonnd upon the band and
wrist of lames Coleman, Tbe wound
was tbe reenlt of au altercation between
Jamea Coleman and one Sam Cox, tbe
particulars of which ia not to hand a
this writing. However, ib ii is reported
Cox attacked Coleman with a knife and
that h in defense of his body .gainst a
wicked thrust receivetl tbe point of the
knife the fiiet joint of the thumb
and from there tbeslasb ex ended across
Hie muscles and leaders toward tbe first
joint ol the little Soger, completely sov
ering the leaderr.
Dyspepsia Cure
You need all kinds of fond to maintain the body. Curtail this variety
and some organ is underfed. It is for this reason that adiet Is injurious.
If vou cannot digest good food your stomach is out of order and needs
rest You cannot go without food for that would mean starvation.
Kod'ol Dyspepsia Cure will digest what you eat without tlicstomach 'said.
Take it and you can rest your stomach without interrupting digestion.
It is nature's own remedy. Fever fails. Anderson Riggs, Sunny Lane,
Tey savs: "I was troubled with indigestion ten years and tried many
tilings and spent much money until 1 tried Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I am
now feeling better I him in live yearsand mnre likeaboy than in twenty."
Cures All Stomach Troubles.
Pronarod by E C. DcWltt To., Chlun. The tl Jx.ttlcrontalns24 tlmns tbcWe. slie.
Deafness Cannot be Cured.
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the deceased portion of tbe ear
Tbere iBOolv one way tocuredeafnesa,and
that is by constitutional remedies. Dear
ness is caustd by an inflamed condition oi
the raucous lining of tu- Eustachian
Tube. When this tube gets inflamed you
have a rumbling sounu or impelled bear
ins, and when it is entirely closed deaf
ness is tbe rrtult, aid unless tbe inflam
mation can te taken out and tbis tube re-
itored lo 'ts normal condition, hearing
will be des'rojed forever; nine coses out
of ten are ca'ifed by catarrh, which i
nntbing but an inflamed condition of the
muccus surfaces.
e will give One Hundred Dollars for
any cased I'eafneRS (caua d by raturrb)
tlta' ran not t:c cured by Hail's Uatnrrh
Cure :rtd lor circulars, Iree
V J CHENEY At Co, Toledo,
!l liv drugi Ufa, 75c.
liu l'i. Fain'tv h i 1 1 are Ine b'-st.
consisting of $10,000 worth of High Grala and Up to date footwear,
must and will be sold within SO days at tbe mercy ol the publlo of
Sale will begin
at 9 a. m. not before, on First St , opposite Postoflice. ,
The Factory Sale of Shoes.
From the News :
J 15 Cyrus returned fr m Dawson
Wednesday, e uude hit t-i hotna in
ten davs,and reports the re-t of the Scio
people up mere doing pretty well but
the moat oi them wi.l come ou' thia fall
Friday of last week the stare of Mr
Smith, at Muimers, caught fire from a
defective Btave pipe, and was Hted only
by the timely arr.vtl of help and tho
hardest kind of work.
Antone Holeb, who has been to East
ern Oregon for some time pant, was
brouirht uome last b r.dav eutieniig lrom
a severe attack of appendicitis, An ab
cbbb had firmed around tbe appendix.
An operation was performed on him
Sunday morning by Drs Prill and Hill.
tie rained trum tne etiects ot rae opera
tion, but his serious condition does not
give much hopes ot recovery.
Whet theie is a feeling that the heart
or luogs, blood or liver, brain or nerves
are disca ed, at once commence to doctor
tbest'iaiich. 1 bat is tho toucdttion of
the trouble :n 90 cases out of every luO
'Ommence to regulate the digestive
or,'una,',get them in Ilea1 thy working con
dition, find the other troubles will leave
of themselves. Diseases which havs their
beginning in Ibe stomach mmt bo cv rod
through tue stomach, Toe tnediulne for
stomach disorder, and bolf the ills, is Dr,
Gunn'- Unproved Liver Pills. These pillb
put all tbe digeative orders in good con
ditioa erlhal the disease has no basis to
work upon. Thoy art Bold by all drug
gists for 25 els, per box One pill is a dose.
We wi'f send a box pod; naid, on receipt
of 25 otd( or to any body who wants to try
tbem we will sen I 2 pills free, Send
ame and to Dr, Gunn, Philadelphia, Pa,
For Salem? PoBhay & Mason, Jruygists,
A Cyre for Cholera Infantum
"LasUMay ' tays Mrs Curtis Uakor, of
Bjok waiter: Ohio, "aa infant child of our
i oigh-ior's wa2 suffering fruai cholera in
fantum S The doctor bad given up all
hopes of( recovery. I took a bottle cf
CLaraberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Kemody to tho house, lolling them 1
felt sure t would do good If used accord
ing to directions, lo two day's time the
shild hal fully recovered, and is now
(nearly a yoar since) a vigorous healthy
irin . t mve recomineoueu mis remedy
fteqiientlj- and have never known it to f.:il
in Buy tipglo Inslanci. For fa'o by all
K Cbambsrlain's I'lnolic Cholera and
rhoea Iteiedy hma world wi le repj'ation
for its cur- . It never 'uil i ml i i a p'e.s-
ant and la'o to take. For sale hv nil
-j-ro-Ttflc ro nny cent
f3;;a,antepd totsoi aaOU euro. mnk. w.
Vac sirc.rj,. ' O'.iH Wo U A'." Or'ttf v
A Bvelem of iraiiu diseaues that positively cures 75 per cent and
benetils 95 po- cent of caees pronounced incurable by other methods
ot treatment. All diseaees treated. Chronic caeea a specialty,
(jradnate of .tmciinin Scl.cul,
Kirktville, Mo.
osi f-:oi.vriiic physician.
Office Goodwin Block
2nd St.
Why Don't You
rids any noreV Homember how much
bitter yon felt and looked when 70U did.
Havn't any wheel I Oh I that's easy.
Go to OIILING & !1Ul,BURT8. You'll
find the leading ir,al:es thora, and you'll
get your nionova' worth, too, overy time.
Highest ginde cyclos at roc bottom
prices. A flrat-class b:e, fully war
ranted, $35.00. Got tho boat it's tbe
c:iO:i,ost In tno long run.
QMing & Hulburt.
TURE.) The quartered oak dining labloB, side
boards and chairs we take pride in dis
playing are nobilities in the furnituie
line of succession real Kings and
Queens of artistic designing and mann-
actnre. Like most stable crowned
beads, the line never runs out and im
proves with time. Get some r f e nobil
ity in yonr home.
1 ;
Read This Twice.
"Not how much money you opend, but how yoa spend
it, determines whether or not you are economical,'
How can yoa do better than
T)f. Ilobbs8ifirBffUS Pill euro nil klfl r
Make an Investment In
an education, which will be in re to bring in rich returns in
after years? Time ii not money, unless wisely spent
Now id the accepted time to gain a mastery of self and your
surroundings?, and how and where can you do it better
than be.enterlng .
Albany College
at once- ('tactical and helpful courses are offered theie
Men and woman who know C"llege needs and ways awaii
you there, Expenses are at lowest there. Write or morB
particulars and for a catalog to the Presliieut of the college