Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, August 08, 1902, Page 1, Image 1

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J ! "M- J 'J I. I
o- Li-'
ALBANY, OREGON. FRll))V, JUJfiUST 8, 1902.
NO. 1.
ISri&ht's Disease and Diabetes
Are Positively Curable.
Before the business men who incorporated the
Fulton Compounds Invested tbey put them to
the test In dozens of cases. Hearing that R,
M. Wood, the editor and proprietor ol The Wine
and Spirit Review, of 630 Montgomery St., had
B certain case of Brlght's Disease, he was one of
those urged to test it. The following letter will
now be understood :
' Offlce Wine and Spirit Review, '
" 520 Montgomery St., San Franoisoo,
" Sept. 21, 1001.
"Gentlemen : T consider It my duty to tell
the world what tbo Fulton Compounds did in
my ease. In November, 1890, after a long 111
ness, which cnrricd me to the verge of the
grave, a Bcientiflo analysis by the most noted
analyst in this city disclosed that I was a vic
tim of Brlght's Dlseaso. My physician told me
that my only hope lay in a strong constitution
and a change to a warm clime. Ho suggested
Santa Barbara, and I wont there, having fallen
from 225 pounds to less than 100 in a short time,
" During my absence in tho south a San Fran
cisco business man called upon my wife, and
told her of tho Fulton Compound; that it was
actually curing Brlght's Disease, and urged
that I try It. I begon under protest. I soon
felt better. Normal sleep roturucd, and in a
few months I ryji ;nod my health. I now weigh
230 pounds, and enjoy better health than I have
In fifteen years. Naturally I told several
friends, nnd In overy Instance tho results were
the Bame, evon whoro tney had been suffering,
for years. The world ought to know that
Brlght's Disease is at last curable, and appro
oiatfngmyown good fortune, I will be glad to
givo further details to interested parties.
Medical works agreo that Brlght's Disease
and Diabetes are incurable, but 87 per cent, are
positively recovering under tho Fulton Com
pounds. (Common forms of kidney complaint
and rheumatism offer but short resistance.)
Price, $1 lor tho Brlght's Dlscaso and $1.50 for
tho Dlabelio Compound. John J. Fulton Co.,
420 Montgomery street, San Francisco, sole
compounders. Free tests made for patients.
Descriptive pamphlet mailed free.
Burkhart & Lee eole agents.
Call ,
Notice ie heieby given that lauds are
on band to pay city warrants Nos. 201
25S inclusive of the issue of 1900. Inter
est on said warrants will cease witn the
date of this notice.
Albany, Or., July 1, 1902.
H. B. Cubick Olty Treasurer
Your Lifeawavl
Vofl cau be cured of any fcrm of tobacco u&luc
easily, bo tnr.da well, strong, magnetic, full ol
new life end vigor by taking iSO'TO-BAGi
that stakes weak men strong. Many gain
tea pounds tn ten days. Over GO0.OOO
cured. AM druggists. Cure guaranteed. Book
let end advico 1-KKI5. Address STERI.INQ
BBUfcDY CO.. Cbicsu or New York. 437 .
"Now is tin Appointed Time."
The O. R, & N. Co. has just issued a
handeomnlv illustrated pamphlet en
titled. "Oregin. Wa-hiugtou and Idaho
and their Ke,:.mrc'.ia. ' People in the
east are anxious fiir iof .million about
the Pacific Northwest. If you will give
the O. R. & N. Oo. agent a list of names
of eastern people who are likely to be
Interested, the booklet will be mailed
free to such persons. ,
A L. Csaio,
Gen'rl Paes'gr Agent, Portland, Or.
The first Semester, Session 1902-3, opens Wednesday, September 17th. The
following Schools and Colleges are comprised in tbe University: Grad
uate school 'J'" lege of Liters ure. Science and Arts College of Science and
Engineering University Academy School of Music School of Medicine
School of law.
Tuition free, excepting in Schools of Law and Mii'i.:. (Incidental fee $10.00,
Student-Body tux $2.60 per vear.) Cost of living from $100.00 to $200.00 per
year. For Catalogue, address
OfiiceBroadalbin St. betwe en 2nd and 3rd.
Dyspepsia Cure
You need nil kinds of food to maintain tbe body. Curtail this variety
and some organ is underfed. It is for this reason tbatadietis injurious.
If you cannot digest good food your stomach is out of order and needs
rest. You cannot go without food for that whuld mean starvatlOE.
Kodol DyspepslaCurewilldigestwhatyou cat without tlicstomach'said.
Take it and you can rest your stomach without interrupting digestion.
It Is nature's own remedy. Kever fails. Anderson Riggs, Sunny Lane,
Ter., say: "I was troubled with indigestion ten years and tried many
things and spent much money until I tried Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I am
now feeling better than in five years and more like a boy than in twenty."
Cures Ala otomacn a rounies.
Prepared by K. C. PcWItt k Co,
Bores, burns, wonnds,
Skin diseases, Quickly
?ured by J WITTS
Neither earthquakes nor Tracey in the
Willtmotte valley.
The public will now have some more
big doses of Tracey
That divinity school business is again
being threshed over by a tew papeis
wanting something for padding..
Tracey ia entitled to considerable
credit for keeping his mouth shot for
more than a week. He is evidently not
as crazy as some people have been mak
ing him.
T. A. Goodpasture and Edna Stewart
were united in marriage at Eugene on
June 11. On July 30 Goodpasture began
a suit for divorce against his wife, on tbo
ground tbat she haa declared that she
did not love him and one or two other
childieh pleas that they should have
known more about before the wedding.
All eyes in the world are now on Ore
gon. Tracey has recroased the Colum
bia and is sweeping down through East
ern Oregon into the bad lands of Wyom
ing. Perhaps when be runs up against
one of those Wyoming sheriffs he will
wish be bad remained in Sheriff Oudi
bee'a territory.
Albany people generally who bave
taken up timber claims on the Des
chutes, in Crook county, bave the great
est confidence in the value of the claims
they bave secured, and oelieve every
thing is being run on the square and
tbat there will be a sale for the claims at
a good figure, $1500 to $2000. Demo
crat. A good many people think other
wise. Lebanon E. A.
The effort to change the time of leav
ing with the free rural delivery from Sa
lem post office from 8 o'clock to 12
o'clock, has been defeated, and the
carriers will start out at the proper time
8 o'clock in the morning. Anythirg else
is ridiculouB. The r. f. d will be a
lailure except the mail on the route is
all delivered on the same day. The
peiple at the end of the route bave just
the same rights as those at the begin
ning, Deafness Cannot be Cured.
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the deceased portion of the ear.
There isoitlv one w-iy to cure deafness, and
that in by constitutional remedies. Deaf
nest; is caused by an inflamed condition oi
the mucous . lining of tin Euataachian
Tube. W nen this tube gets inflamed you
bave h rumbling sound or impel feet hear
ing, and when it iB entirely closed deaf
ness ie the result, and unless the inflam
mation cm le taken out and this tube re
Btorea lu -is normal condition, hearing
will be Ues roved forever; nine cases out
of ten are caused by catarrh, which is
nothing but an inflamed condition of the
mucous surfaces.
We will u-ivo One Hundred Dollars for
any caee of deafness (causid by catarrh)
tbat can no! "ft cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send lor circulars, tree.
F J CHENEY K Co, Toledo, .
Sold by drugpists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pill are tne best.
Kdnoate Tonr Borrels With Casrarett.
Candy Cathartic, onre oonstlpation forever.
IQo, 85o. It O. O. O. t all, druggists refund money.
what you
Tho H. hot Hp rontnlnsS'i times tlio&Cc. size.
Sure I'urofor piles. It
unot lies, cools, heals.
Bcwaroof counterfeit.
Tracy's Dolus.
Spokane. Aug. 1. A. Waterville bd6
cial to tbe Spokesm-Keview eays :
deorge McUaon has lust arriAed with
a report tbat at 9 o'clock this morning,
about 15 miles west of Conies City, be
passed a man answering Tracy's descrip
tion, He had the horBes eupposed to
have been taken near Wenatchee. Dep
uty Sheriff Friel and City Marshal Sev
ers left last night to intercept Tracy at
IU0B6B laae, tne only route that could
be taken if be ie headed for the moun
tains. Our Debt.
Washington, Aug. 1. Tho monthly
statement of the National debt shows
tbat at the close of business Ju v 31.1902,
the debt, leBS cash in the Treasury. $978,910,367, which is an
increase, as compared with July 1, of
A Panama Fight.
Panama, Aug 1 The peace commission
era who left here July 29 on tbe British
Bteamer Cana, to visit the revolutionary
General Herrera, near Agua Dulce, re
turned to Panama today. They informed
the the representative of the Associated
Press that they were unable to Uullill
tneir mission, uecauBea very severe en
gagement between Herrera's forces and
the government troops had baen in nro-
grass since July 29.
New R. F. D's.
Washington, Aug. 1. Oregon rural
free delivery routes will be established
September 1 as follows:
Latourell Falls, Multnomah County,
one route are 20 square miles, population
480; Tangent, Linn County, one route,
area 21 square m)es, population 465;
Troutdale, Multnomah County, one route
area IS equate miles, population 490.
Mayor Baden Resigns.
West Bvden, ;ind., Aug. 1. A. A.
Ames, Mayor of Minneapolis, wbo has
been here for several days, said today
that he bad been forwarded his resigna
tion as Mayor of Minneapolis. He said
he resigned in smie tbe city the
expense of a special election, iiiu resig
nation takes effect September 6.
A Hot Da v.
Denver, Aug. 1. Th is was the hottest
uav so tar mis year in jjenver anu many
other parts of Colorado. At 2 o'clock
p. m. the mercury registered 100.3 de
grees in Denver, ReDorts from various
points in the state that tbe temperature
was 109 in Greely, 100 at Longmout,
From the News:
Prof. Geddos was here Ihe past week,
packing up bis househoM woods prepara
tory to moving to bis laiin near Mill
V. B. Goina left Tncsdav for several
California pninie, no ne first to San
Francisco. He iB io search of a location,
out, is yetuuuecioen wnere tie will stop
G. F. Knonlee and family, together
with their household goods and stock of
general merchandise, left Wednesdav
for Moro, where Mr; Knowles will again
enter tbe general merchandise business.
G. W. Phillips has leased bis bait
terest in the Scio Holler Mill to H. Miller
who will operate it in the luture. Mr
Miller has ouxrated the Mill during the
past year under lease from Phillips &
uaines. ,
the drug firm of Peery & Peery is no
more, M M. Peery having disposed of
nia interest in tne arm to a U. Peery,
who will conduct tbe busiue.e hereafter.
Mark has not as yet decided just wbat
line oi ousiness ne win pursue, out will
proDaoiy move away from- Sc:o.
The flax harvest is on in earnest, and
several fields hereabouts ure full of men,
women and childien, pulling flax and
binding ii ready to be taken to tbe mill
to be threened. The thresh. ng process
outers irom tne regulation gram ma
chines, and requires a threshing ma
china which will get out tbe seed with.
out injuttng tbe straw, and also keep
the straw straight In tbe bundle. This
machine is located -in the flax mill, and
tbe straw haB to be taken from tbe field
to the mill to be threshed. After Ills
threBhed it is again taken to the field
and spread out to he retted. The whole
process requires a good deal ol time and
lots of labor, and about 160 to 200 people
ru eauii year etnpioyeu to care lor and
harvest the crop.
Catarrh of the Kidneys
Kills thousands of people annually, both
male and femal Tike warning in time.
If you have p.iins in your back, loin or
gioin, tired or worn out feeling, depressed
and di'll spirits, h ch leads to Bright 'e
disease. Take S B Catarrh Cure, which
removes the cause of all kidDey troubles.
Foi sale by all druggists. Book on Cat
arrh free, -iddrtss Smitt Hroa, Iresno.
A Famous Retictly for Sick
headache The cauae of tills complaint ia not in the
head at all, it comes 'row the ot imacb.
A stomach that h.ta hec me clogged op by
over eatin?. drinking, or ahusi ir any
manner, ill warn you by bringing on
sick heanacue Cure th pains and dts
tress in the stomach and the headache
stops ot itself- A.H nillious at faciei,
dyspepsia, belching bad tasto in the
nioutn, ni"ddy complexion . and yellow
eyes, are ore I by this remedy. I' is
called D- Gunu's Improved Liver Pdls,
and is sold At druggists all ov.i tiift U, S.
for 25 ims : -r tior. .me pill for a dote or
we will! idem riy mil on re-reipr ot
price, -h r plf s luv. Mi 'res llr (iut.n,
Philadfltihia. :, . For sile hy Kohay Jt
Mason, niuni't.
ITow Ars Ttiar K,itnr f
Dr. nobbn'Bpnrninii PMIsctirenll kM irllls.8t.nN
Itjlree. Add. burning UvuiudrCo.,Cl)lvaoor M, V,
Editor George Fanl and Mies Julia
Warner were married in Corvallis tbiB
week. We congratulate.
The bat physic Chamberlain's Stom
ach and 'Liver Tablets. Easo to take.
If or sale by all druggirsts
Chamberlain's Cholic.Cholera and Diar
rhoea iieinedy has a world wide re putation
for its cures'. It never tails tnd is a pleas
ant and . safe to take. For sa le by all
Farts of those 122 of Albanv neoole
having Crook county timber claims, re
cently published in the Democrat, con
tinue to Leave in small parties tor Prine
ville, mostly going by private convey
ance. This will continue during this
and next month as late as Sept. 20,
Mibs Mand Hoffman ia in Paris, where
ehe wllljBjSiy for two years with the
view of appearing as a star. She is re
ported to have received many tine offera
of marriage, all of whioh have been re
ected. Fred Mbehnke, of Schuebel, was in
Oreitou City Wednesday on business.
He wae hurt two months ago while
working in a logging camp at Oatblamet,
Wash. His arm and leg were broken
and two n)ET fractured He thinks as it
was due to' the carelessness of the com
pany be ought to get eorae satisfaction,
and it was with tbat end in view that
be came. Oregon Oiti Courier. Moenke
has been a student in Albany College
for seveta! years.
. G. Brcdie, city editor of the Enter
prise, has resigned his position and will
open a printing office in the Stevens
oiuck in iuhb etiy. uave uavia, wuo nas
heen editing tbe St. HelenB Mist whom
K. H. Gabbert bought, out, will assume
nr. Brocsie's work. Mr. Brodle has
been identified with the Oregon Oitv En
terprise (or 15 months. Oregon City
; Lebanon.
From the E. A:
N. D. ICeefhaver brought tbe first load
of wheat to'the Lebanon warehouse, and
aiso tun nrst loaa oi straw to the paper
mi l this season. He hauled them both
on Wednesday.
Diphtheria claimed another victim In
the Troxel family, near Lacomb, this
week. The one to go this time is Mrs.
Troxel, mother of the two children who
died a ehort. time since. She died yes
terday, leaving a husband and oue son.
This is the filth death that nas occurred
during tbe present outbreak in t' at sou
tion, ... '
Misses B'roekenridge & Marks bave re
tired from the millinery business at this
place, turning over the stock to their
successor, Mrs. Locke Miss Uracken
ridge will relntn to her home in Albany
tomorrow. Hho ba3 mnny friends in this
place who iciret ber departure. Mibb
Maika has been absent for teveral
week, visiting her sister in KeiU'le.
Timber Lands.
I havo reliable information on some
good vacant surveyed oak, celar, pine
and fir timlier claims in Southern Ore
gon, Satisfaction guaranteed, Ga l on
O' address C. G. Rawiinch,
Albany, Oregon.
Moki Tea positively Cures Sick
Headache, Indigestion and ConBtipaf ion.
A delightful hero drink. Removes al
eruptions of the skin, producing a perfect
cotnp exion or money refunded. 25c and
50c. Write to us for free sample, W H
Hookbb & Co, Buffalo, N Y. At Burk7
hart & Lee's.
Notice :Any one desiring to secure a
good timber claim will do well to see or
write to H. S. Olodfeltei of Corvallie.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
When theie is a feeling tbat the heart
or lungs, blood or liver, brain or nerves
are dieea-ed, at once commence to doctor
the stomach, t hat is the foundation of
tbe trouble in 90 cases out ot every 100
Commence to regulate the digestive
organs, get them in haa'thy working con
dition, and the other troubles will leave
of themselves, Diseases which havj their
beginning in the stomach must bo cured
through' tee stomach, Tne meJiulue for
stomach disorder and half the ills, is Dr.
Gunn's Improved Liver Pills. Thoie pills
put all the digestive ord rs in good con
dition so that the disease has no basis to
work upon. They are sold by all drug
gists for 25 cts. per box. One pill IB a dose.
We wi'l eeod a box nost naiJ. on rnoeint
of 25 cts, or to any body who wants to try
tnem wa win sen I V! pills tree, sen d
name and to Dr, Gunn, PbiUdelpbin, Pa,
Kor sain k'oshay & Mason, JruggistB,
A Cure for Cholera Infantum
"Last May'' says Mrs Cnrtis Baker, of
Book waiter; Ohio, "an infant child of our
i eigh or's wa- suffering from cholera in
fantum Tbe doctor bad given up all
hopes of recovery. I took a bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Keniedy io tho house, telling them 1
fi-lt sure it would do gord If used accord
Ing to directions. !n two day's time the
child bad fuMy recovered, and is now
(nearly a year since) a vigorous healthy
girl . 1 hive recouiinended this remedy
frequently and have never known it to fail
in any tinglu instance. Kor sale by all
For Intaats and Children,
Tbe Kind You Have Always Bought
4Piwnnof ft
Revolution in Bread Making
Set sponge In tbe morning. Bake at
noon, A receipt in each Back of Red
Grown "Snow Flake" Flour. Ask for
it. Everv sack criiarnntpcil Aai;Brann.
or money cheerfully refunded. Price
Gca.arjteed tolxoco hahtt cure, nmkw waai
man suock. bicx" cure 60s. u. au druaullr
A system of troatiig diseases that positively cures 75 per cent and
benefits 95 per cent of cases pronounoed Inourable by other methods
of treatment, All diseases treated. Chronic cases a specialty.
Graduate of Ameilcan School,
Eirksville, Mo.
TURE. The quartered oak dining tablos, side
boards and chairs we take pride in die-
playing are nobilities in tho furnitute
line of succession real Kings and
QueenB of artistic designing and inanu
facture. Like most stable crowned !
beads, the line never runs out and im
proves with time. Get some of e nobil
ity in your borne.
Has the oldest established Furnitute
House in the city. He keeps the fin
est Btock of furniture in tbe valley. him a call and lo k over his fine
goods and get his prices before you
buj .
Lounges, Couches
Bedroom suits, coarse and fin
Rockers, Baby Carriages, Go care
Bedding, Spring mattresses, Mattin
. Side boards, tine extension table
- : .1
..-1 if ' " i'
Read This Twice.
"Not how much money you
it, determines whether or
How can you
Make an Investment In
. an education, which will be mro to bring in rich returns in
after years? Time ia not money, unless wisely spent.
Now id the accepted time to gain a mastery of self and your
snrronndingaT and how and where can you do it better
than beenlerlng
Albany College
at once' Practical and beinful enntm ... .n....i ,i
'. Men and women who know college ne,-ds and ways await
you there KxpenseB are Bt lowest there. Write for more
particulars and for a catalog to the President of the college.
Albany Oregon.
Maple Ridge Dairy
Leave orders at Paiker Bros, for milk
rom the dairy. L. B. Payns, Prop.
Health tor 10 Cents.
lively liver, pure blood, clean
skin, bright eyes, perfect health.
Cascarets Candy Cathartic will ob
tain and secure them for you. Genu
ine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never
sold in bulk. All druggists. ior-
Office Goodwin Block
2nd St.
Why Don't You
ride any more? Remember how muoh
batter youfelt and looked whenyou did.'
Havn't any wheel! Ohl that's easy.
Go to OHlING & HtJLBURTS. You'll
find tbe leading mates there, and you'll
get your monevs' worth, too, every time.
11 Mies', giade cycles at rock bottom
prhos. A flrst-clasB bite, fully war
ranted, $36.00. Get the best-it's the
cheapest in tbe long run.
Ghling & Hulburt.
: irfffff
A. ia
:H, .... '
spent, but how you spend
not you are economical,'
do better than