Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, November 01, 1901, Page 1, Image 1

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NO. 13.
WANTED. A girl to do general house-'
work. Apply at Mr. P . D. Gilberts. I
Residence between Lyon and Ells
worth on 6th street.
FOR RENT. Dwelling, barn and other
out buildings, with quarter block of
land, in this city. Apply at Democbat
WANTED. Girl to do general house
work. $8 a week (or good girl. Call-,
at Jackcou and 3rd Btreets.
WAKTED. A place lor board (or a
school girl II years ol age, in religious
family, without grown children. Would
like to pay part board in work. In
quire at Democrat oflice.
FOR SALE A (ine Durham bull, (our
ysars old. Inquire of William Hollo
way at Fry Station, on the Lebanon
NEW CIDER 0. R. Widmer. just be
yond the Cloverdaie tchool hours, will
sell cider kr 25 tents a gallon, 10 pal
Ions oi over (or 15 cents per gallon ; 40
or more gallons for 10 cents oer gallon.
Or he will make cider for 2 cents per
gallon. Boiled cider 30 cents per gal
lon in five gallon kegs.
LOST. On the way to Albany, a purse
containing S40 in gold and some
change. P.'ease return to the Demo
crat ollice or to Geo. M. DeVaney, at
Thomas. Reward for roturn ol the
FOR RENT. 260 acreB five miles south
of Albany, )n Tangent road, 1 miles
from Tangent 2u0 acres in cultiva
tion, first class buildings. Inquire at
this otUce.
FOR RENT. An office or store room,
72x27, in the new Democrat building.
WANTED To buy a one Btory house,
and lot, in Albany. Call on Mrs. W.
B. Gilson, Bth & Lyon streets.
never UBed, for sale. Only $20. Call
at the Democrat office
FOR SALE. Farm and pasture landB
for sale, belongs to an estate and must
be sold Inquire of B M Payne, Alb
any, Oregon.
1V1 stored in warehouses at Albany
and vicinity,
H. K. Merrill, Democrat building,
Albany. Oregon.
liuiited amouut t'f money to loan on
lirst-cUsi farm security, Interest six per
cent for particulars tall on or address
H. F. Mattutu,, Dbmocrvt buildict;,
;bany, Oregon.
UY Winger Sewing Machines of French
the Jcwc er, at cut prices,
WASTED Several persons of charac
ter and ir.O'i'1 reputiitiou in each siate
(one in this county required) to rep
resent and advertise old cf abldied
we.iltt,y business house oi so''.d finan
cial standing Salary ij.lS.00 weekly
with exp.:u-eii aihlitional, all payable
n cash ech Vednesdny direct from
head olliccs Horse and carriage fui
nisheri, when aecces3Ary, Reference-'.
Euclose selt-addressed stamped envel
ops. .Manager, 308 Caxton Building,
Mit!it(o Your uoir-la V,i ii i;iinenve.
Candy Ciitlinrtfp, oura flomtlpation forever.
V 250. 'tCC.C.fp"
"i:3fciRisrciurjii money-
1 1
attractive womanhood and equip her for the duties of wife and motherhood
All druggists sell $1.00 bottles of Wtne of Cordul.
Tho Hollywood, Asbury Part, N. J., February 8, 1900.
I read yonr advertisement in regard to Wine of Card u I in the Bait (more
American, and it fo favorably impressed me that on my visit to Baltimore
during the holidays X purchased a bottle of it for my adopted daughter, who
was suffering with female troubles. She had been under tho doctor's care
xor some time, ana wnen ner penoas
thing terrible. I induced her to try
menses, one vook it reguiany accoraing 10 mo directions, ana was greatly
relieved. To use her own words, "It saved my life." J. WEHLEY CKOSS.
For adrlee tnd Htf ntr , ndtlreii,
Department," The ChtUnXtg Medicine Company, Chattanooga, Tenn.
Get What You Ask For!
When you ask for Cascareta Candy
Cathartic be sure you get them
Genuine tablets stamped C. C. C
Never sold in bulk. A substitutes is
always a cheat and a fraud. Be-.varel
Ml druggists, tec.
Moii people hare quit reading the ac
count of the Schley inquiry. It is get
ling aged.
Fuur postal clerks and a Pinkerton de
tective, besides all the chiefs of police
and constables in the valley are at work
on the S P. hold-up and something is
bound to be raked in.
A Chicago man has just recovered
$30,000 damages against another Chicago
man for the alienation of bis wife's af
fections. They must have been worth
that for the defendant made no defense.
The following twaddle appoora in the
Lebanon Criterion:
Springflold, Oregon, iB apparently on
the verge of the boomiest of booms.
Borinz (or oil has already commenced,
and fond hopes of gushers galore are en
tertained. The soutnern raciuc uas
sent to California for a bridge to span
the Willamette at Sprin.Ueld, after the
erection of which it is said the through
train will come on this line rather than
through Albany. When ehe is on simply
a branch road of course she cannot ex
pect to hold the conntv seat way out on
the ec'go of the county. By that time
Lebanon will have expinded so as to
take in Tnllman and so will be on the
mainline; Albany wi'l have lost the
chair factory and will have nothing left
but the brewery, and Lebanon will be
the metropolis ol Linn county.
From the Times :
Rev. W, P. Elmore Is looking after
business matters in Eastern Oregon tbis
Mr. J. P. Galbraith and daughter Hat
tie, and Mrs. Tom Wallace, of Albany,
speid Sunday with relatives in this city.
B, F. Ohilds has again returned from
the Blue River mine;. He visited the
Uncle Sam Company's new mill on ihe
Calapooia side, and thinks they have a
tine property. In conversation with
Mr. Bruobaker one of the proprietors, he
was informed that Uncle Sam Company
are very anxious for the completion of
the Linn county wagon road into the
district. Mr. Bruebakor informed bim
that if Linn county people would
complete the road to Billsburg, on the
Calapioia, his company would meet
them with s road from Gold Hill,
thus connecting practically the whole
district with Linn couutv, by the
shortest possible route from any rail
road point,
It's the experience of every
one. ooo
take cold
r ir.ter we
tend downwap
trouble. Aver':
toral stops tb
, that's the
Chrrrv Pec
i dov. award
tendency and quickly cures
these early colds. Ask your
doctor. If he says this isn't
so, don't believe us.
" I know fror.i personal experience
that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral quickly
breads up n heavy col I on the lungs.
1). (;. SnedeKer, lJme Hill, in
2.':., SJc. tl.1. J. C AY.
Lowell, Muss.
Start Girls Right!
Many beautiful girls become invalids for life,
because at the crucial period of puberty they
pay no attention to the laws of health- Mothers
should protect their daughters' health by giv
ing them necessary information and proper
treatment. When the menses come on a g'rl
unawares In her inexperience she Is either
frightened into convulsions, or scared Into try
ing to check the flow. Many girls have checked
the flow and it has never started again. And
as a result they have grown pale-faced, with
"crow-tracks" on their cheeks, and dark half
moons under their eyes. A dose of
taken every morning after a girl Is twelve years
old will bring the menses on properly and keep
them regular. It will help her to develop Into
woma come on her sunt) ring was some
it and tho first doso brought on her
tfvtnir ivmrionn. 1
"The IjkIIm' Advisory
Iieanly I Bloml Deep.
Clean blood means a clean Bkin.
lirrinK up the I.izy liver and driving an tm
purities from the body. Ilegin to-day tu
bains!! pimples, boils, l)t(.!eli-a, blae!;lieaas.
ir.ri that si' kly biiio;is complexion by talvir.p
. t.-uiret-. Iieauly tor ten o-nt. All drug
iwt. satiiffaction auarante-! 2S;-S0i.
Schley Testified.
Washington, Oct. 25. When the
Schley court of inquiry adjourned today,
Admiral Schley had nut completed his
testimony. He took the stand about
il :o0 o clock, a'ter former witnesses had
been recalled for the purpose of making
corrections in and additions to their tes
timony and continued his statement un
til the court adjourned at 3:40 u. m.
This adjournment twenty minutes in ad-
vanes ot tho usual tima was due to tue
fact that the Admiral's throat had be
come somewhat sensitive.
Roosevect's Message.
Washington, Oct. 25. All. members
were present at the meeting of tbe Cabi
net today.
Tue consultations between the Presi
dent and his Cabinet otlieora were espec
ially nil!, .owing to ttio determination
which Mr. Roosevelt lias reached to
write all ol his own nesages to Congress
and to do it on original lines.
Will Be Expccte-i.
Salem, Oct. 25. In spite of the pro
tests of the Marion County ollicials, in
cluding one of 'tho County Commission
em, the County Commissioners' Court
today made au order directihg that tho
county boooks be exported, and that
Messrs. Clark & Ilnchauan of Portland,
be employed to do the work. Tho order
was signed byt County Judge Scott and
CommiFsioner Ntedham, but Commis
sioner Miley entered his protest in the
records and refused to sign the journal.
Terrible Disaster.
Philadelphia, Oct. 25. Nineteen per
scow were killed and property valued at
$500,000 was destroyed asthe result of a
fire which occurred todny in the business
Section of tho city. The number of in
jured is not known definitely, but fully a
score of victims were locitedat variouB
Gold and Silyer.
Washington, Oct. 25, Di-ectir Rob
ert's report uprm the production v ;old
and Bilver in tho Pacific North w t is
t B follows :
Oregon Gold, 81,980 ouncse.vilne $1,
691,700; silyor, 115,400 ounceB, v.iltie
Washington Gold, ?i 743 ounces, t !
tie $7i8.200; sUver 224,500 ounces., vaiue I
Idaho Gold, 83,438 ounces, value $1,-
724,700; silver, 6,429,100 ounces, yalue
Alaska Gold 395,271 ouvces, value
$8,171,000; Bilver $73,300, valuo $45,445.
Idaho Won.
Moscow, Idaho, Oct. 25. In the most
exciting football name over ployed here,
the University of Idaho won from tho
Washington Agricultural C'ollego thi af
ternoon by a score of 5 to 0. About $1000
changed hands at even monny as a ro
6ult of tho game.
From the E. A :
Mrs. Geo. M. Clark, of Lacomb, has
returned from Portland, whero she was
troattd successfully for cataract of the
W.C. Druen and familv arrived hero
l.iBt week from Lebanon, Mo. He id a
brother ol J. E. Druen. Thev have
moved on to the farm of his brother-in-
law, .Mr. Kef fhaver, near iMiicer.
S. M. Garland has purchased the In
and b'lildings on the east side of Main
street, occupied by Phillips, the shoe
maker, having a frontacre of 41 feet; also
the home, barn and two lots back ol the
Peterson place, from the Sett'e estate
M. Morgaaun, of Shcdd, ouil the
Melhodist u.inister of f at place were
deer huntine in lni mountaina a counle
of weeks ago, and Mr. .v.orK&son accl
deu alty ki led a snol'.ed fawn. He shot
at a grown deer, but misted it and hit
lhe fawn. Learning that be woe uoine
be arreated for killing tho faun, he
Hppfared before Justice Loveleo of this
place on Monnay And pleaded frniltv ro
the offense. The itiBtice linrd him '2it.
the io'.vett 6no that can f mif-oeed in
encb a cape.
When you waite up wilu a bad tiiHlo in
cur mouth, go at enco lo any druy store
tt ud ft t a free pample uf Cbamberlaia's
Sinmiich and Liver Tablets, One or two
:hct-8 will make you well. They alao cure
bilioiiBLfips, sick tw dache and Cun?fipa-
hnshuls ot Money
rnrown away hy women annually iu the
irchaue ot (OBmeties, lotions and p w
rt none of which ever accomplichee
'f. nbject Beauty aepends on healthy
!( ort and tiood digeatiob, sucli as Karl'a
Hover Hoot Tea izuarftnteeu yon for 25
z't, and 50 cte. per package fake t and
we guarantee your oompiexion. fornale
riy bred Dawson.
This sinaturo Ib on evory box of tho genuine
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets
thQ remedy that, cure a cold In one do?
-IV . Ijliit iuro t.-
Genuine stamped C. C. C. Never told In bulk.
Beware of the dealer who trlei fo icli
"something Just at good."
nt. in.. -t-iiimih ii riii
$7,105 was tho amount of the Eugene
bonus last evonlng. 1 be remainder will
be raised.
Linn county has liabilities of $14,944 71
and resources of $74,149 67, leaving a
margin of $29,504.86. Tbis is a pretty
good showing for old Linn. Guard.
The Cbemawa Indians went to Jeenc
this afternoon to nlay tbe U of O. Tber
will have their bands full. Eugene will
probably in without the Indians scor
ing. Two masks have beoa found a: the
place where fenginoer Lucas was p,.ue
to stop the traiu for the S. P. rv,o'jers
to leave, showing that there were two
men in the hold-up. That was probably
Wayne Starr, who stole from the post
ollice at Dusty, yestorday.was lined $100
and six months imprisonment in jail, by
Judge Bellinger. According to Starr's
story ho was out of money, and being at
Dusty and tindin,; the post ollice door
unlocked had gone in and committed the
Sheriff W W Withers will leave on to-
.morrow morning's train for Prineville
alter Bert kico, aged about 19, who was
arrested there for stealing a bridle and
saddle from J W Hill, ol Hazel Dell,
Lane county. The young follow recent
1.7 completed a j ear's term in the state
prison. Guard.
At Tangent.
A crowd of Albany Maccabees went to
Tangent last evening, and presented a
fine program in Maccabes hall as com
pliment to tbe Tangent MaccabosB
hall w&s packed and a good time bad
The following program was given : 1
Piaao solo, "Trot de Cavalier" Prof .
G. A.'WiiU.
Male quartet, "Toe Old Kentucky
Borne" Messrs. A. M. Hammer, Jos.
H. Ralston, Ohas. A, Littler, Dr. C. V.
Vocal solo, "The Waiting Heart,"
Torry-i-Mrs. G A. WirU. -
Recitation Neal V. Murray.
Vocal solo, "The Sentinel ABleep"
Dr. O. V Littler.
Comical sketch-Neal V. tlurry and
Jcsepn U. Balaton, !
Vocal solo, ' The Mighty Deep," Jude
Mrs. N, Winnard i
Mixed auartnt, "The Auctioneer,"
Leslie Mrs. G. A. Wirtz, Mrs. N, E.
Winnard, A. M. Hammer, Dr. O. V.
Vocal solo, "Asleep in the Deep,"
Petris Joseph 11. Ralston. i
Vocal duet, "Bounding Boat so Liubt
ly," Kuckeu Mrs. G. A. Wirti, Mrs. N.
K. Wiroard
Malt quartet, "The Btory of Jack"
MesBrs.i'4.. M. Hammer, Jts. H. KalB
toli, Clias. A. Lit'ler, Dr. O. V. Littler.
Recitation Miss Lillie Crawford,
O. P. R. A .
Drotr.P, "Benedict Arnold," with fol
lowing caut of nharactere: Benedict Ar
noUi, Dr. N, K Winnard; Talleyrand,
Joseph H. K.ilbton ; Miks a servant to
Arnold, N.l V. Murry.
Mixed nuttrtct, "Good Night, Gentle
folks" Mrs. G. A. Wirtz, Mrd. N. K.
Witndrd, A. M. Hammer, Dr. O. V.
Statu ok OiiiO, City ok Toledo, )
Lucas (Jounty,
FnANitJ Uiiknxy nukes oath tbat l.o
the senior partner ot this firm of F. J.
CiilENBY. & Co, doing buHiness in the
city of TV'leilo, County and State sforc
said, and llmt .nitl firm will pay the Bum
of VNK UL'NU tD lJOLLAKS for ench
and every tnie of Culuirh Ibat cannot be
'JeJ b-v lhe me ol Ball's Omahiiu
Sworn to belore me hud fubscribed in
my present, this 6ih day of December, A
I), 188(5. A. W (il-EASON,
, , Notary Public.
J seal f :
Hall's Cuinrrh Cure is laBfn internally
and acts diiectly on tbe blood and mucous
surface, of tlio sjstoni. Send for iestmon'
itls. lite. '
F. .1 . CliKNEY & CO., Toledo, 'J
Sold by i)rut!.'isl, 75c.
Ha'l's Family Pilla nro the best
Notice to the Public !
ou ate reqvested to srttle ymir ac
count with the Albany Furniture o on
or bcfoie October lo, 1901. All bill, not
paid by that, dfte uill bo placed in Iih
hands f-f un auorney for collection. 1h
is necesrmry in order to cIobo up tht- t-i.ui-pany'd
Very truly yourq.
Tub Albany FDasiTOKK ( o 1
Albany, Aupnst 'M, 191)1 - j
to write for our confidential letter before ap
plying for patent; it may he worth money,
wo promptly obtain U. 8. and Foreign
and TRADE MARKS pr return EN
TIRE attorney's fee. Wend model, Bketcb
ornhntoand wo Bend an IMMEDIATE
FREE report on patentability. Wo givo
the bent k-Kftl Bcrvico ami advice, and our
charges nre moderate. Try .
Patent lawyers,
0pp. U.S. Patent Offlce.Washinyton, D.C.
mjijimnw!"'i' JJ.llpl
FOR KKN'T JOR SAM?. My 6 acrn
plate, 1 mile from P. O. Albany,
e'rawt'crrien and all kindssmall fruit,
tho r'"cl.e, etc v-iH rent for 2
vpar lletit mor'erRte. Inquire of
M. Wvvant y
Some of tl e greateit heross are In tta
Children are all i iht In their place,
if they have any.
It takes lots of pulling in Oregon to
bring down tbe rain in the fall.
Just a little sometimes will bring a
great deal of sunshine.
Dogs have rights as well as men.
Every town has its shoddy aristocrats.
A great many religious people need
more religion in their daily lives.
You can't get to the right place on the
wrong road.
Gambling may put lots of monev in
circulation, but it iB a mlgbtv bid thing
just tue same, imotring a railroad train
may circulate money, but it is wrong.
A Thrilling Experience.
L. R, Slater, a prominent stockman of
Prineville, and his wife met with a ter
rible accident on the mountain road near
the Walton ranch on Tuesday, They
were on their way to the valley, and
while on a hizh grade met Mr. Ferry,
of Sodaville. Mr. Slater gave the lines
to his wife and got out to assist in back
ing Mr. Perry's team so he could pass.
Just then a tree fell, scaring Mr, Slater's
team, and they backed over the bluff,
the hack and horses piling on Mrs.
Slater, and all falling a distance of 100
feet. Mrs. Slator's rhrht leg was broken
in two places below the knee and her
aneo was lacerated in a Irightlul man-
ner. One of Che horses was killed.
; Slater and made the trip of lorty miles
i 1 hn,... I T a I r....u.
S..VS to Z
-E. A.
t I'uro Ci) j)itia;iun Foro
Tal'O OiiHinivels Cuudy Cathartic 10c orSAa
J C. C. C f.'.U to eiir. iij-f -s refund m.mpj.
TURE. The quartered oak dining tables, side
boards and chairs we take pride in dis
playing are nobilities in the ftiroituie
of succession real Klnsa and
QueenB of artistic dc signing and. manu
facture. Like most stable crowned
lieaiU, the line never runs out and im
proves with time. Get some r.f the nobil
ity in your home.
Albany College.
WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 18 - - FRIDAY, DEC. 20, 1901.
Enrollment and classification days, Se t.ltith and 17th.
Added to tbe strong work ol provioue years are some new special features.
Competent instructors In AR MUSIO, vocal and iiictnuineiital, PHiiI
OAL OULTURE aud ORATORY , and the Bludy of HOOlOLOGIOAMprohlema
have been eecuied. Ooainiercial rooms rtlittod and enlarued ; four new
teachers; enlarged headquarters for tue Coliene Clur , with board Bt l.50.a
week. .
A year's education nt Albany costs leEB than nlmoft ciiowhere in tho state.
President W. H. Lee.
Albany College, - - Albany, Oregon.
W. H. Miller,
Bicycle Repairing a Specialty. .
The most complete line of Sundries In the city.
Forging and lathe work, knife and scissors sharpened and all other steel tools
Tempering a specialty.
All nork (.unrnnlied. Seccnd etiet-t l.elweir. Fcny srdt Biradalbin sticets
piosite Stewart and Soz Hardware store.
An Excellent Combination.
The pleasant method ami beneficial
effects of the well known remedy,
Syrup of Fiqs, manufactured by the
Cai-ifohnia Fio Syrup Co., illustrate
the value of obtaining tho liquid laxa
tive principles of plants known to be
medicinally laxative and presenting
them in tho form most refreshing to the
taste and acceptable to the system. II
is tho one perfect strengthening laxa
tivCi cleansing tho systotn effectually,
dispelling colds, headaches Rud fevers
gently yet promptly and enabling ona
to overcome halntunl constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom from
every objectionable 'quality and sub
stance, and its acting on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening
or irritating thorn, make it tho ideal
In the process of manufacturing 6gs
are used, as they are pleasant to tho
taste, but tho medicinal qualities of tho
remedy aro obtained from senna and
other 'aromatic plants, by a method
i aown to tho California Via Syrup
Co. only. In order to get its bcneiloial
effects and to avoid imitations, please
remember the full nameof the Company
printed on tho front of every package.
t Forsalebyatl Druggists. Prlco60o.porbottlo.
comeB with the use of the Magnolia
Flour, because it brings smiles to the
housewife by producing the finest broad
and pastry. Flour like this is obtainable
only from Al wheat ground properly,
where it is sold, it is bought largely and
conatantly. Don't do consumers a bad
turn by selling some other inferior brand
Magnolia Mills