Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, September 27, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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    - -
Ladies, boys and mens Hop-picking gloves 25c. Extra quality 50o
All Straw Hats reduced, 50o, 75c, and $1 .CP grades to C)
Silk Shirt VValsis, uft Taffetas, tucktd. Variety of designs.
$3-50 to $5.50.
Triuiuiiug Buttons (0; Shirt Waists, S5c to 60c per dozen.
Khirt Waist na'frne in wool; some exquisite co'oring with Persian
trimming, i 2o and (3.00 tbe pattern.
Boll washable Taffetas for Shirt WaiBts.
We bave also an elegant line of Wool Waist Goods for 50c per yard,
Hair Ornaments for stray locks, new designs.
S. E. Young & Son,
Early Autumn . . .
, , . Merchandise
Hew Coats anil Eaglans
Hew Capes anil Jackets
in the approved lengths and the seasons
best styles.
Eew Dress and Walking Suit
Hew Walking, Silk and
Fancy Dress Skirts
New Worsted, Flannel and Silk WaiBts
New Felt and hall trimmed Hnts.
Winifred Beal
instructor in vocai anu -iuu jjjuoiu,
cor. Eighth and Ferry tits., Albany, Or.
P bene, Red, 482.
Teacher. of Piano and Harmony.
Box 337. Kesidencs of Dr. Erskine.
Pbone, Bed, 772.
COWS FOB SALE. Three excellent
gentle fresh milch cows for sale.
Geo. D. Babton,
GOATS .70 head of fine Angoi a goa
flrBt clasB. Call Bt.DKMOCHAT office.
Hotel Arrivals
F 0 Houston, Mohawk,
J J Wall, Portland.
J F Hahtleman, Cottage Grove.
M W Jjbnson, Portland.
F 8 Brown, S F
Ethel Lemmon, Independence.
Eunice " "
G B McClusky, Orawfordsville,
F M Hester, Detroit.
LTDike, "
E W Hall, "
I R Flynu, Portland.
B O Vaught, "
WO Fischer, "
Jas Moore, Mvrtle Point.
T B Ford, Eugene.
A Hobert, S F.
W J Royce and wf, Eugene.
J M Diik,
H F Mosemnn, Eemeraon, Neb.
0 0 Fowls, Portland.
A S Mock, Waitabure.
Jobn VVodtli, Sweet Hjme.
Bobt Longridge, St Louia.
J u Townsend, R'.seburg.
A Leland, Portland.
W B Hoi ingshead, Eugene.
F L Kent, Corvallis.
M J Davis, Portland.
T M Boardman. Sacramento.
F E Blair, Portland.
Geo Oliver, Portland.
J R Latouretto, SF.
M J Cbeshir, Lebanon.
F M WeBt, Lebanon.
B L Bancorn, Portland.
J A Murphy, S F,
0 E Robinson, 8 F.
Frank Drake. Portland,
C F Moist, Lebanon.
A C Wagner, Portland.
T W Howell, S F.
M Mayer, S F.
Judge Stewai t, of Toledo, is in the city
Mr, Mark T Brownson, of Portland, is
j in the city the gueet of bis father-in-law
; J J Graham.
i Billy Do ns, the famous half back,
came up this noon to break a coupie ol
weeks on the Lebanon branch.
O P.Overton, ol Browusville, a grad.
uate of tbe state university, has gone to
Chicago, to enter Rush College
Postmaster Smith and wife, ol Leban
on, returned home todav from a visit
with their eon, Dr Smith, of Tillamook
Rev. Tchorigian has returned from
Eugene, where be has been two weeks,
and will remain bore for about ten days
before returning east.
The second contest of the Degree of
Honor will take place tonight with an
excellent program ahead. All members
should be present.
I Homer D Angel, of The Dalles, a grad
I uate of the U of O, well known in Alb
I any, has returned to New York to enter
j bis second rear in the Columbia law
; school.
j Miss Pennington and Mr Zeno Rich
ards left this afternoon for Redlande,
' Calif, where they will spend the winter
: for tho benefit of Mies Pennington's
, , health. This will be Miss Pennington's
secona wiowrjtuere.
Mies Vida Maston left Monday fur her
home in Albany, after a visit since Fri
day at the home of Captain Crawford.
She is to leave Albany tonight ior Cal
ifornia, where she is to reside for tbe
present. Corvallis Times.
D P Mason, Mr and Mrs LC Marshall,
Mr and Mrs V J Miller, Mr and Mrs F
E Allen, Mr and Mrs E J Seelev and Mr
and Mrs C B Winn went to Portland to
day to attend tbe grand conclave of
Knights Templars.
The State Fair
The fair is much better thnn over be-
lore is the verdict. tub exhibits are
large and complete, the co inty exhibits
being a feature.
In the raceB yesterday OUie won the
two year old pace, best time 2:28.
Saxaline won the class trot, beet time
The free for all trot was won by Ned
Thorn, best time 2:20.
Tho Oregonian says of the Linn
county exhibit:
The Linn County exhibit was rare'
pared by J. R. Douglas and W. A. East-
nam, of Albany, with the aid of their
wiveB and Mis. E. B. Smith, of Albany
and numerous Linn County farmers
They have on display 05 varieties of
grain, 35 of grasses, 21 of potatoes, 7-1 of
jellies. 200 of canned fruit, making 274
difterent kinds of fruit in chub, 20 vari
eties of squashes, 9 of onions, 14 of mel
ons, 52 of apples and 72 of seeds. There
is a s lelf full of bottles of fruit juices,
winPB and brandv. Thoro is n samnle
01 oioenan oats, 01 which jonn Lennox,
You may call it eczema, tetter or milk
lint no ninlter what you cal! it, this skin
disease which comes in patches that burn.
Itch, discharge a watery matter, dry and
scale, owes its existence to the presence ot
hurnora in the system.
It will continuo to exist, annoy, and per
haps agonize, na long aa these humors
It is always radically and permanently
cured by
Hood's Sarsaparilla
which expels all humors, and is positively
unequalled for all cutaneous eruptions.
Eastern and CoaBt. are now in season
at H. F. I'feiffer's, where they will be
served in all styles, or can be secured in
quantity for home use.
FOR RENT. An office or store room,
92x27, in tbe new Democrat building.
Friday and Saturday, Sept. 27 and 28.
Fall Opening .
Artistic Millinery
Next door to postoffice Albany, Or.
from time immemorial baB been the en
gagement ring. We have ., juberb
Btock, consisting of D amondu, Opals
Pear.s, Ribie-i, ami Garnets.
Our stock A Watches an-! Jewelry are
complete anJ the prices are linlit.
A ruaidon born when Autumn's leaves
Are rustling in September's breeze
A Sapphire on her brow Bbould bind;
'Twill cure diseases ol the mind.
F. M. French, The Jeweler
The Missourian
For Groceries etc.
Bananas at the Sucar'Bowl.
Pure apple cider at the Sugar Bowl.
Peaches at A, O. Beam's, Blumterg
Bananas at A O Beam's, Blun.bcrg
Fresh groceries at A O Beam's, Blum
berg Block.
Watermelons at A. O. Beam's, Blum
berg Block.
Several Albany men went to the Btate
fair this afternoon to see A. Hackleman's
fine trotter, John A Crawford, in the
race this afternoon.
Tickets for tbe Passion Play, wnicb
will be given Friday evening, the 27th,
ncder auspices of the Epwortb Luauue,
are now on sale at Burknart & Lee's.
General admission, 25e; children under
12 years, 0l-. Reserved seats, 10c extra.
Dr. T, A. Boyer, the first speaker on
tbe Albany Lecture Course will give hie
famous lecture " What time is it and
here are we." at the Christian church
next Tuesday nich', Oct 1st. Secure
your tickets at Coun & Huston's at once.
The receipts of the IrUb Duke at Cor
vallis were $118.
The bankrupt estate of T A Gilbert, nf
Eugene, paid 59 percent.
O A Johns, of Baker Citv. will deliver
a lecture at tho O A C, Corvallis, on
Immigration and Naturalization "a mih
ject that i bound to briug out the best
thoughts of the people ol the United
Co-rte tickets for the Albany Lecture
course to be given at tbe Christian
ihurcb aro beinu sold very ranldlv.
Everybody seems delighted to have the
Srivilege of hearing Bush men aa Dr.
oyer, jay William Hudsin, W L Gas
ton, and Win Rader. at such a remarks.
ahly low pri.'e Reserve your seats for
the entire course of five numbers at
Conn & HustonV this week for $1.00.
M a?es Cider. O. R. Widmer,ne
mile north of Albany, on tboJndopend.
ence road will make your apples into
cidnr for 2 cults per gallon. Grinding
on Thursdays-. Good press and clean
SWAN FOUOHE. In Lewiston, Idaho,
Sept. 22, 1901, at tbe residence of the
bride s sister, Mrs J. H. Sprague, by
Rov. E. P. Gibony, Mr L L, Swan,
of Albany, and MiBS Ella Fouche, of
The ttedding waB private, only a low
boing present, the groom being attended
by D. J. DuBruille, of Albany, who re
turned home last evening. Mr. and
MrB. Swan wi.l return during the week.
The Morning Tribune of Lewiston
says :
The bride is a beautiful and accom
plished young lady from Ohio. She has
resided in LewiBton lor several months
where she has become a favorite ol a
large circle of frionua. The groom is a
prominent attorney of Albany, Oregon.
RUDD RIELAND. In Lebanon, at 1
o'clock, Sept. 25, 1901, by Rev. Dr
Davenport, of tbe Presbyterian church,
Mr. Z, H.rtudd.of Albany, and Miss
Mary Rioland, ol Lebanon.
The wedding was private. The groom
is a popular young man, a member of
the Linn County Ahstract Company, a
life long resident ol Linn County, and
tbe bride is an estimable young lady, for
several vears a resident of A.bany. They
bave the best wishes of many.
Mr. and Mrs. Rudd will go to Portland
and the Sound on their bridal trip,
when they will return to Albany and
begin housekeepings the Young cottage
on Third street. .
MILLER McBRIDE .' At' the resi
dence of Mr, Isaic Elder, in Albany,
on Tuesday evening, Sept. 21, 1901,
Mr. Ralph Millor and MisaSudio Mi
Rev Goo E Henderson,1 of Oakvillo,
Til's ceremony was performed in the
presence of a few relatives. Mr Miller
is n vol thy voung man, a clerk
Winter at home will seem brighter
and more cheerful if vou will deenratx
oui walls with our Wall paper,the very
iniBta ue;igno. ISUIIKIIART l.KE,
We have fust received
an elegant assortment ot ladies and
gents Umbrellas for the fall and Christ
mas trade. Nothing but Sna goods.
Make vour eelectionB soon, and we will
lay them away for you, if you wish,
b. M. t hunch, The Jewelry.
Choice Sardines !a:
Canned Shrimps I2jc.
3 lbs Giant Monti 12c.
Apple Blossom Honey 10c
O. E. Brownei.l
Ice Cream in but quantity, delivered
to any part of tbe city.
ins Sugar Bowl.
Go to Blotter's. Albany's leading res
taurant, for a first-class glass of milk.
Delicious Ice Cream Sodnfat The Su
gar Bowl, 2nd St.
Ohling & Hulluirt
Have just received a vory. largo and
complete line of AIR TIGHT
see them and get prices.
Silk Soap
25 cents.
5 cent bars, 7 bars for
H. F. McllwainVCash Store.
of Aloany, Brew 590 bushuls on four I orocerv store in Portland, and tho bnde
nnvnr, A nn.l.i. n1n.Ji.l n.n.l..... nC . U - " . -f T! 1 .. C 1
acres. Another splendid ptouuetof tho
Lennox farm is shown in a sample of
Dawson Golden Chaff wheat, which pro
duced 50 bushels per aero. Pome Bo
hemian wheat, produced by II. Kinger,
of Crabtree, is alBO shown. It yields 45
Lu8be!8 per acre, by measure, and each
sack weighed out 25 pounds extra
weight. The Linn Countv exhibit is
prettily arranged, the grain and grasses
being particularly ornamental to the
booth. An orange tree, owned by Mrs .
Ed Goina, of Albany, is one of the at
tractions of this booth.
College Items.
The opening days are over and good,
active work has begun. Tbe new in
structors are well liked.
The following old ana new students
have registered since the registration
list was published: Emma B Brenner,
Frank N Allen, Kathryn R McNeill, Tom
btevens, Albany; Bessie McLacblan,
Monkland; George A Prichard, Puyal
lap, Wash.; Rebecca A Crooks, Syra
cuse; William A Roseburg, Tangent; D
Ernest Ha. din, Lebanon; A 8 Mack,
Nez Perce, Idabc ; Lucy Bloore, Turner.
At a meeting of tbe Athletic Associa
tion last night Charles H Stewart, '0i,
was elected captain of tbis years foot
ball team. Fred Edwards, the coach,
will arrive next Wednesday when active
training will begin. Before that time
thero will be preliminary training and a
metch game between tbe collegiate and
commercial students. Thpre will also
be a game between the P"eparatorv
grade team and the "iuvoni!e town
We are now receiving daily
Ripe Tomatoes,
Yellow Peaches,
Water Melons
And all other fruits.
Call early.
C. E. Brownbll
a resident of Linn county for a good
many years, until moving 'o Portland a
lew yeiirB ago, IB hu Kauiuauio yuuim
lady with many friendi bare, who will
uni'te in wishing them much, happiness
and prosperity. Thoy will visit in this
county for a fow days and then go to
that add to tho nttractivenoas of your
roomB aro always found in waU paper
patterns from Burknart & Leo's, because
tho host artiBtic .skill and taste arn em
ployed in the designing and making.
The papsr wo nro now offering at 25
tents a roll is especially good valuo in
p.iper quality and artistic beauty.
Instructions in Art.
Call upon Miss Armstrong at College
Studio for anything i9 tbe Hue of Art.
Instructions given and rders received
from sketching to portrait oainling.
Just droD In and Eee the latst shades
and designs in Wall paper. Tbe prictB
as well as the paper will astonish you.
Hurkiiart & Leb.
When you want prompt acting little pills
that never gripe use DjWitt'a r.ittlo
Early Risers. Foshay &;Mason.
Hny them at
Stewart & Sox Hardware Co,
at French's Je Iry Store.
Tim "WHITE" is King at Stewart &
Sox IIaiiiiwakr Co.
Blumberi? Block
Groceries, Fruits, and Veg'
etables, Breads, Cakes and
Everything the market af
fords always on hand.
Phone black 462,
FOR SALE. Carriage, almost new,
used only a few times. Call on or
address J. H. Moist, near Lebanon.
F. G. WILL'!
For the best in Jewelry of all; kinds.
Reliable Timekeepers, ij Rings of all kinds.
Good Silverware.
Choice Diamonds.
Forsale. Call at S. N. Steele & Co s. Maiiy JN OVeltlCS. Pretty Cllt GlaSSWai'e.
comes with storm and
cold, but we can help
you get ready for it.
We are receiving ele
gant new lines of suits
for men $5.00 to $15.00
for Fall and Winter.
The best line of Ov
ercoats yet-remembe
-we did not carry up
one Overcoat, all new
attractive styles, new
furnishings in all lines.
Special attention is asked
to our Fall Shoe stock. It
will interest you.
Blain Clothing Co.