Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, September 06, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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    Ladies, boys and a; ens Hop-picking gloves 25c. Extra quality 50o
All Slraw Hats reduced, 60c, 75c, and $1.00 grades to )
Silk Bbirt Waists, jolt Taffetas, tucked. Variety of de'tigus.
$3.50 to $5.50.
Trimming Buttons for Shirt Waists, S5c to 60c per dozen
Shirt Waist oatfrns in wool; soma exquisite coloring with Persian
trimming, $2 2b and $3.00 the pattern.
Soft washable Taffetas for Shirt Waists.
We bave also an elegant line of Wool Waist Goods for 50c per yard,
Hair Ornaments for stray locks, new designs.
S. E. Young & Son,
Early Autumn . . .
... Merchandise
New Coats and Raglans
New Capes and Jackets
in the approved lengths and the ieasons
bsst etjlce.
New Dress' and Walking Suits
New Walking, Silk and
Fancy Dress Skirts
New WorBted, Flannel and Silk Waists
New Felt and half trimmed Hats.
Wanted! Hop-Pickers.
At the Al bany Yards, one mile west of
town. Glean vardB. Good hops. Reg
ular prices. Leave names with F, E.
JackBon, at yard, or O. C. Hogue, at
Magnolia MillB.
Teacher of Piano and Harmony.
Box 337. Residence of Dr. Erskine.
Phone, Red, 772.
COWS FOR SALE, Three excellent
gentle fresh milch cows for sale.
Geo. D. Babton.
GOATS .70 head of fine Ansoia goats,
first class. Call at Democrat office.
Artistic Millinery . . . . .
Next door to postoffice Albany, Or.
The Missourian
For Groceries etc.
IN AND AROUND Al RANYl5fe.Br' jJ8t ".ntn m?Dy n"!hp pckinK.
111 11111 nnuuiii nW'i .others are harvesting and people gen-
Bananas at the Sugar Bowl.
Ked, white and green color the city.
Peaches at A. O. Beam's, Blnmberg
Bananas at A O Beam's, Blumbcrg
Freeh groceries at A O Beam's, Blum
berg Block.
Watermelons at A. O. Beam's, Blum
berg Block.
Those desiring invitations to the car
nival ball can secure them of L Viereck,
Lodge pins, buttons and charms of all
kinds at French's Jewelry Store,
Modern Woodme.i pins, buttons
and charms at French'B Jewelry Store,
Nectarines, grapes, peaches and other
fruits in seaxon at Parker Brothers.
Richards and Pringle'e big minstrel
how will be here September 18.
This is pension paying time and con
siderable money is being put in simula
tion by Uncle Sam today.
Those competing in the fruit contest
for the prize offered by J. li. Douglas
will please leave their fruit at Jibe Btore
of Mr, Fenton.
The Pomeroy saloon thie side of the S.
P. Depot was opened yesterday morning
for business, making the ninth saloon in
the city,
The street car motor has been broucht
back from the shops and will again be
run on tue Albany line, ana the horses
be given a rest. It is reported to be in
good condition.
Yesterday Dr J L Hill succeeded in
locating the bullet which was accidently
shot into the head of Nathan Sumpter
several months ago, ana it was extract
ed, nr Hill used his x-ltay ettective y
in the case.
Mr Eugene Palmer, who recently sold
his iienton (Jountv farm, has bought the
Jonn Hardman place, six miles south
west of Albany . It consists of 200 acres,
for which the consideration was $28.50
per acre ana ona-third of; the growing
To assist digestion, relieve distress
after eating or drinking loo heartily,
to prevent constipation, take
Sold everywhere. 25 cents.
FOR RENT. A small pluce near the
city. All set to Iruit ant in lull bear
ing, tine location. Will rem. for
small rental and Bome work. Enquire
at this office for particulars.
wall paDer designs that bave ever been
produced by manufacturers we are now
offering, but prettiness is not their only
quality which appeals to buyers. The
prices are no lees attractive, and are the
lowest at which such wall papers were
ever offered. Yon can select from onr
. stock apnropriate patterns for any room,
and can choose tbe cost as well as the
The Harvest Home Carnival of the
Woodmen of An erica, of this city was
begun today, alter elaborate prepara
tions by the local committee
The business bouses of the city nere
put in tasty decoration for the occasion,
and the streets were appropriately dec
orated with the red, white and green
colors r.f the order and pretty flags
In anticipation of the event there were
numerous attraction and schemes along
the etreete. K spectograph in the
Tweedale Block, a concertograph, cane
ograph and knifeograpli at two of ue
corners, a cementograph across the road
land Arnold's popular merry-go round
I on the Ferry street park.
There has ben considerable anticipa
tion of a large crowd in attendance. But
I it proved entirely the wrong lime 01 tue
orally have iust returned from their sun.
mer outing and hence have done all the
t,oing for the season they desire, and the
large crowd predicted failed to appear.
In short, the attendance so far is only
fair. There will be many moie tomor
row, when the main contests take place.
This forenoon two care of visitors from
Lebanon and Brownsville arrived, in
clu ing about twent-tive Woodmen of
America from Lebanon and other placeB.
. The noon train from Portland brought
the N W A band of Salem and the well
equipped taam of Oam p 5246, a doien
fine looking men. Governor (jeer and
wife, Mr Hyland, Mr Zan and Miss De
Witt were among the arrivals. The Alb
any band was present with a good ized
crowd. The train waB an hour late,
which delayed the exercises of the after-
The parade was formed as follows:
Marsha a Hogan,
Ellis and Chamberlain.
Albany Band.
Three carriages of speakers and musi
Float of Camp 5835, of Emrene.
Albany Camp of Woodmen
Camp Laurel.
Salem Band.
Salem Camp No. 5216.
Team, Albany Camp. Members
Lebanon and other camps.
Crabtree Camp and big log.
Tho exercises at the platform on
eaBt side of the court house were faith
fully carried out and were of a very en
tertaining order Hon M A Miller, of
the Lehancn camp presided The Wood
men Band of Salem opened the program
with an excellent selection, when Mayor
W H Davis of this city delivered the ad
dress of welcome, buggestive of the oc
casion. Mr N Zan, one uf Portland's
most popular vocalists was beard in a
solo. C M HyiBnd, a prominent Port
land.vVoodman responded to the address
of the Mayor in a happy manner. The
Albany Bahdrrendered a popular selec
tion, well. Oregon'B tall Governor then
came to . the front and spoke for a lew
moments as tho occasion called for and
was given a warm greeting, - Mies Paul
ine DeWitt, of Portland, was heard in a
well rendered solo, when the program
closed with a concert by the bands.
Before supper there are to be two foot
races and a five mile bicycle race.
Pendo Statement.
Since the order ol Pendo was organ
ized in Albany less than tno yearB, tbe
sum of $420 cash has been paid out to its
eick and disabled members. The Coun
cil in Albany is in a flourishing condition
with a membership between 80 and 00
policy holders. No just claim for sick-
neBB or accideot has ever been rejected
and the good wot k done by the order haB
brought about very satisfactory results
in a largely increased growth in this and
other Btates this year over paBt years.
The Council in Albany haa recently
changed its place and night of meeting.
it now meets in trie u, A. K. hall on the
1st and 3rd Wednesdaje of each month.
Seven Days at Carnival
All the transportation lines in the
Northwest aie arranging to give specially
low rntes to and from the Portlaud Car
nival, which runs from Sept. 18 to Oct,
19, and the excursion tickets will be good
for 7 days. This is the lontrest limit
ever given on such tickets, and will give
people ample lime to seo all tue sights
connected with Ihe great exposition.
With two full military bands, a mili
tary tournament, a horse show, athletic
sports, exiumtH 01 mining, agriculture,
horticulture, and manufacturing, a full
midway, fireworks, and an array ol
amusement attractions, the carnivsl wilt
be one of the greatest events of the sea
sou, and the admission fee is going to be
only zo centB, lu cents lor children.
The search for the 100 sheep missing
from the Jackson tarm three miles north
west of town, has been renewed. Word
waB brought to town yesterday, that SO
head of the missing animals had been
found in a deep canyon in the mount
ains west of sulphur Springs. Times.
Ladies AidSocisty. There will be a
meeting of the LadieB Aid Society at Ihe
W (J T U ball on Friday, Sept 6:h at
2:30 pm. All members are requested
to be pieeent.
Green Venetian Ware, the nicest In
own at Ohlino jr. H ulburt'b ,
Viereck's Summer Gardens.
Opens for Ihe Harvest Home Carnival
September 4 and 6.
Stores will open tonight, Wednesday
night and Thursday night.
Ex-Indian Agent Bu'ord came ovti
from the Bay this noon.
Mis Mollie Bray has gone to Portland
to spend a mouth with Kev P G Green.
Miss Mable Hiddeu of, Yancouvet,
Waeh, is visiting with MiBS Orah Hark
nets. Miaa Emma Pfeiffer re:urnod Inst eve
ning to spend the caruivtl S' uson in Al
bany. Mr. H. B Miller, ol Astoria, a lormer
Benton county fruit mau, has been in
the city on a visit.
Mrs Wm Faher, MrB Kolin, Mies
Schenk and Mis K S Skiff are in the city
from Albany today. Salem Journal.
Melvillo Wire, son of Kev Wire, left
last night lor Evanston, III. to resume
theological studies in the Northwestern
William Fortuiiller's family, Mrs E W
Langdon and daughter, and MisB Sue
Breckenridge returned today from Hie
cay. aiost oi tno Albany outers are
now in.
Mrs Stella Mony. who has been visit
ing in this city for several dayB went, to
Portland this morning where Bho will
visit a iew days before returning to her
homo in Everett, Wash.
Miss Julia Tavlor. of tho Ashland
schooia, who has beon spending the
summer at Philomath, is in the citv on
her return to Ashland, where school will
reopen next Monday. She vill be at
Airs. 1. J. blues until tomorrow noon.
President Weatberlord. ' Secretary
Daly and Captain Apperson, building
committee ol the Board of Regents, O A
C, yesterday examined and accepted the
improvements in me Heating system 01
the State Agricultural College. The
work was done by a Portland firm, and
cost auotit $4000.
Letter List,
Following is tlw list of letters remaining
in the Postoih'ce at Albany, Linn county,
Oregon, Sept. 4, 1901, Persons calling
for these letters must give Ihe date on which
advertised :
Bengen, F H Bolinine, Job n
Davis, MrB Eva Hen, D
Fremtlay, Mrs D H Fulton, Alvin C
McDonald, Miss Anna Nouroo, A M
Macey, Mrs Clarence NeBler, William
Wiilard, Mrs Laura Young, Mrs A C
Zoph, Mr.
S. 8. Tbaim. P. M.
KOLDEWAY. At tne soldiers' homo,
at 4 o'clock a. m., Sept. 3. 1901, Dr.
Robt. Koldowf y, aged 69 yearn.
The deceased waB a veterinary Burgeon
and had long been a member of the
home. He was late a member of Co. J.
6th U S. infantry, having enlisted in
1858, and was discharged in 1863. He
bal no relatives in this part ol (he coun
ty eo fBr as known. Review. Dr. Kol
dev7ay waa a resident of Albany for euv
eral years.
LOS1- A $10 bill. Return to Democrat
olhco. Libera! reward.
higlV grade Piano, been used only
about six months. 'Easy payment.!.
A snap for some one. For parlieulara
address Box 323, Albany, Oregon
Slumbers; Block
Groceries, Fruits, and Veg
etables, Breads, Cakes and
Everything the market af
fords always on hand.
, -V
Mrs Hash, of the Alsea is all right.
A few days aeo she shots catamount
and t'en a deer, all in one day.
The Belvedere saloon changed hands
this week, J CShultz selling the stock
and fixtures to C W Matheas. of Leban
on. Mr Mathews took charge of the
business at once, air Slmltz has been'
cngagtd in the saloon business in Dal as
for about lilteen years. Dallas Observor.
Dr D P Love, of Riddle, was in town
Monday and favored this office with a
very pleasant call. The doctor is a bro
ther of Prof J E Love and came to Rid
dle about threo weeks ego. He is a gen
ial gentleman and will no doubt do his
full share of practice in that vicinity.
Rosebutg Review,
The wedding ceremony of Miss Esther
Avery ol Corvallis, and Sherwood II
Adams,of San to be Bolenin
ized at the church of the Good Samar
itan at nine o'clock this morning (Wed
nesday.) The olliciating clergyman will
be Rev MacLein. MiBa Lucy Kitton of
Portland will be maid of honor, and Mr
Raymond Jackson of .au Francisco be.t the ushers will be Mr Gurlinger
o Vancouver and Roscoe BryBon of Cor
valhs. Misses Leona Smith and Edna
Irvine aro to be the bridesmaids.- Cor
vallis TiuieB
H. F. McllWain's Cash Store
We are just receiving a large and noil selected stock of Fall and Winter
Merchandise, consisting of the very laleet designs in all lines. Tuu are spec
ially invited to call and examine our stack and get our Out Prices, they will
save y)u money every time. Bean guessing cupons givon Free with each raid
One hundred dollars in presents given away absolutely Free. ABk for pre
mium list. Investigate.
Gut prices on all lines.
. . . Mcllwain's . . .
F. G.
For the best in Jewelry of all kinds.
Reliable Timekeepers. Kings of all kinds.
Good Silverware. Choice Diamonds.
Many Novelties. Pretty Cut Glassware.
comes with storm and
cold, but we can help
you get ready for it.
. We are receiving ele
gant new lines of suits
for men $5.00 to $15.00
for Fall and Winter.
The best line of Ov
ercoats yet-remember
-we did not carry up
one Overcoat, all new
attractive styles, new
furnishings in all lines.
Special attention is asked
to our Fall Shoe stock. It
will interest you.
Blain Clothing Co. ?
We are now receiving daily
Ripe Tomatoes, .
Yellow Peachos.l
Water Melons
And all other fruits.
Call early.
C..E. Bhowhjll.
ChoicelSsrdines 5c.
Canned Shrimps WS,o.
3 lbs Giant Mush 12c"
Apple Blossom Honey 10c
0, E. Brownbi.l's.
Ice Cream in any jjautity, delivered
o any part of Ihe city.
The Sugar Fowl.,
Go to Slelter'B, Albany's leading res
taurant, for a first-class glass of milk.
Screen Windows and toorr, al Ohlin
& Hulbnrt's.
DelicioiiB I;e Cream Soda at The Sn
gar Bowl, 2nd St.
StonciBand Ice Cream Free
OlIllKU & U ULAUhT'8
from time immemorial has been the en
gagement ring. We have i suborb
Btock, consisting of DiamondB, Opals,
Peans, Rubies, and Garnets.
Our Btock of Watohes and Jewelry nre
complete and the prices am tight.
ski'tkm imn.
A maiden born when Autamn'a leaveB
Are rustling in September's breeze
A Sapphire on her brow should bind;
'Twill euro diseases of Ihe mind.
F. Al. French, The Jeweler.