Democrat " v t 7ol mvn ALBANY OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1901. NO. 5. OUR WANTS TELEGRAPHIC. Albany LHOME AND ABROAD. The ftinarAl nt T-T.. T a e... :n JERSEY COWS.-Nine hoad thorough bred Jersey cowe lor eale. Finely bred in Stoke-Pogis and St Lambert Btroins. Enquire of Mrs. S. Gourley, 23j miles seat of Albany on the Cor valliB road, or F. M. French, Albany. SILVER PLATING. - Old silver knivee. forks and spoons replated. All work guaranteed to be first clasB. Leave your orders at the Sugar Bowl. WAHTED. Girl to do general house work. Wage? $3.00. tiox 293, City . FOR SALE. A steam upright four horse power wood saw outfit. Obeap. Call at the New Feed sheds, back of the Buss House. FOR SALE. The next ten days, bouse hold goods, palms, ferns, gold fish and crysanthemums for fall blooming, Mbs. J. M. Ibvino. EYE GRASS SEED. Parlies desiring verities of either English or Italian Rye grass seed caa ODtain some of me at considerably below market priceB, at my farm near Tangent. 8 . Cannon . FOR SALE. A first class doubled-bar-reled shot guu in good condition, with all appliances, for sale. Inquire at the Dihocbat office . HEW WHITE SEWING MACHINE, never nsed, for sale. Only $20. Call at the Democrat office FOR SALE. Farm and pasture lands for sale, belongs to an estate and must be sold. Inquire of B M Payne, Alb any , Oregon. NOTICE. The new Second Hand Store and Repair shop will pay the HigbeBt Cash Price for all kinds goods, Re pairing, Upholstering, etc. batisfac tion guaranteed. Oall at Wa-Hoo sign 2nd St. HEW RAMBLER BICYCLE for sale at a bargain. Oall at the Democrat offiee. MONEY TO LOAN. Un wheat stored in warehouses at Albany nd vtciuity, H, F. Merrill, Democrat building, Albany. Oregon. SIX PER CENT LOANS. I have a limited amount of money to loan on firet-cl.isa farm security, Interest six per C9nt for particulars rail on or address H. F. Mbbkill, Da hock at building, Albany, Oregon. BUY Singer Sewing Machines of French the Jewe er, at cut prices. FOUSAuE. New bicjele, new sew g machine. CaII at Democrat ollice. WANTED. Trustworthy men and wo men to travel and advertise for ol-l e i tablished house of solid financial ing. Si it' s'i 80 a your and exoeu es, all p'.ivuble iu cash. No.c ;nv;tRpin re qu'ieJ. Give, reference arid enclose ailc-iitldretsed stamped envelope. Ad drei Manager. 86fi Uuxton Bldg. Chicago. HOUSE MuVINU.-lam still prepared to move r rnise all kinds ol bnildinga, in the very best manner, at reasonable rates. Drop a carrl in the Albany post office, or telephone Black 383. G. W. TAYLOR. U giving thousands of women health, beauty and freedom from the drag ging pirns which made their lives so miserable. Wan faces, haggard eyes andemaciated forms are the results of suffering. What suffering can com pare with the torture of Irregular menstruation, leucorrhoea ana falling of the womb I Beauty flees quickly before the ravages of such disuse. The sharp pains of failing of the womb deepen the crow tracks In the face. Menstrual Irregularities rob the eye of Its fire and the complexion of Its transparency. Leucorrhoea drains the body of Its strength, but Wine of Cardui restores the natural beauty, brightens the eye, clears the complexion, rounds out the figure and brings back the vigor of health, Every druggist In this city handles $1.00 bottles of Wine of Cardui. For mlt ice and literature, aiMroi, Divine Get What You Ask For! When you ask for Cascarcts Candy In 1895, none; in 1900, 6,000,000 Cathartic be sure you get them, boxes; that's Cascarcts Candy Ca Genuine tablets stamped C. C. C. thartic's jump into popularity. The Never sold in bulk. A substitutor is people have cast their verdict. Best always a cheat and a fraud. Beware I medicine for the bowels in the world. All druggists, 10c. All druggists, oc. Brownsville. From the Times: We regret to learn that H. E. Moore and family have decided to leave Linn county. They will locate in Crook coun ty. Mr. Moore having made arrange ments to take up a claim on Fly creek. Mr. Edward Holloway, ol Portland, has purchased the J, M. Long farm of 336 acres located south of Brownsville, paying Mr. Long $6,000 for the place. The lriends of Prof. L. R. Alderman, principal of the McMinnville public schools, will be pleased to learn that be has decided to become a candidate for the republican nomination for superin tendent ol schools ot Yamhill county. Mrs, Fred Bruckman and son arrived home Wednesday from their visit at Gates, but Mr. Bruckman did not return until the following day on account of get ting left at Albany. It is told on him that just before tbe train palled out for Biowneville he stepped Into tbe freight room to take a look at a crate of potatoes which had caught bis agricultural eye because of being covered with a fine growth of hair. JNot being exactly sat isfied seith his own investigation he called in tbe freight agent.who informed him that this "new variety ol spuds" are commonly known as oocoanuts. When be got over bis excitement tbe train was gone. Died, al his home south of Or aw lord s ville, Oregon, on Tuesday, August 27, 1901, of heart disease, Joseph S. Seeley, aged 86 years, 10 months and 7 days. The deceased bad been ill for soveral days proceeding bli death, but had about recovered and at tbe time was attending to some sheep in the field when he wat suddenly stricken and died in a few minntes, Joseph S. Seeley was born in tbe state of New York In the year 1824, and ben 8 years old accompanied bis parents to Illinois to reside. He crossed tbe plains to Oregon in 1854, and in 1857 married Miss Sarah A. Robnett, Eight children were born to them. Lebanon. From the E. A : Born, In this city, August 27th, to the wife of Allen Oanfield, a daughter. Weight, 11 pounds. Mrs. Maggie Currier and Miia Ruth Burkbart are spending a few days with relatives in Albany. Mies Blanch Oanfield has been en gaged to teach a term of school near Pendleton, commencing in a couple of weeks. MIbs Rumbaugb, who has been visit ing her brother at Sweet Home, left Wednesday evening for Portland, where she is employed in one ol the ticket of fices of the S. P. Co. The father and other relatives of Frank Bodwell are excellent people, They have many friends at this place, who are sorry to learn ot tne young man's dis grace. At Bed Time take a uleasant herb drink, tne nex morning 1 feet bright and my complexion is belter. My doctor says it acts gently on tbe stomach, liver and kidueis, and is a pieuennt laxative. It is made from herbs, uud is prepared ai easily as lea. it it called La-ie's Medicine. All druggists sell it at 25o lud 50 eta. .Lane's Family Medicine moves the bowelR each dav. 1 jou cannot get :t, send tor a free samplet &uaerss, orator . woodward, Le Koy ft . Green Venetian Ware, the i.icest in O TU at OllLUIQ HULBURT 8 Beauty is Health. Walnut Lake, Ark., June 8, 1900. I thank you for tbe benefit I received from Jonfsdviceandthe Wino of Cardui I took la ly tetTlble condition. My lffo w no ple&suro to me S all and I waa of no uan to anybody. After receiving your advloe and inedfoine I oommenood taking it and began immediately to Improve. The palnfl left me and tho men bob, which came at the correct tinio, continued three days. I havi gained strength and my weight has Inoreased. My husband Buys the medicine has made me hotter looking than over bofqre. Mm. LI7.ZIB MANNELL. Womanly health means bright eyes, rosy cheeks, clear complexion and elasticity of form This Is the youth unmeasured by years the. beauty ol perfect womanhood. Beautiful wo. men arc happier and get more out of life than their sisters whosefaccs indicate suffering Wine of Cardui made Mrs. Mannell "better loo. In" and Infinitely happier because It cured her of those terrible pains. But she is no exception. WINE'CARDIJI irmptoml, "The Ladl,,' Aflvltorr luattanooga Bicaicme ompeny, mananooga, lean. Six Million Boxes a Year. Eleyen Persons Killed. Newark, N. Y., Aug. SO. The wreck ol tne southbound passenger train on the Bay division ol the rennsyivania railroad last night has resulted, up to night in the deaths of 11 persons. Fol lowing is a corrected list 01 the aeaa; Key. Dr. A. Park ttu.gess, Syracuse. Mrs. A. Park Burgess, Syracuse. Francis Burleiith, Newark, N. Y. Mrs. JameB. W. Ford, Newark, N. Y. Mrs, Anna Kane, Elmira. William Meagher, Sodus Point. Howard Tubbi, Elmira. Mrs. L. H. Hood, Seneca Falls.: Mrs. C. H. Bradley, Senace Falls. Mrs. Elizabeth Todd, Newark, N. Y. Mrs. C. G. Edwards, St- Paul. ihe strike. Pittsburg. Auc. 30. While there is no actual chance in the steel strike eitu ation, much transpired today calculated to produce resvlta in the near future. The conference between the committee from Milwaukee and the Amalgamated othciais ; tne scathing editorial in the Labor World calling for the impeach ment of President Shaffer: tbe march of the strikers of MclCeesport to Duqueane, and. the decided eflect of the injunction proceedings at Canal Dover, O., all indi cate that the crisis is approaching, Fatal Train Wreck. Spokane, Aug. 3D. According to re ports received at the Great Northern of fices here, an eastboundj freight train ran away on a steep grade in the moan tains east of KaliBpell and crashed into westbound passenger train jno. a. Tbe greatest mortality is said to have been among a carload of Italian laborers, 17 of whom are reported to nave been Killed outright, while otberB were in jured. Immense Wager, New York, Aug. 30. What is said to be the greatest wager in tbe history of the sporting world has been arranged on tbe !result of the international yacht race' Twenty fiogusn ana American capitalists ere interested in the ventnre, wbicb involves nearly half a million dol lars. W. F. tauatin, president of the Pittsburg Stock Exchange, represents 10 wealthy residents of that city. Land Office Business. Washington, Aug. 30. Hon. Binger Herman, Commissioner of the General Land Office, has completed ' bis annual report which shows that during the year io,roz,us acres ot tne pumic domain were disposed of and that the receipts of the office were $4,967,160. The receipts excteded those of last year by $532,402 anu tne laod disposals Dyz.iua, 'JOB acres, A New Candidate. Chicago. Aug. 30. Senator Dolliver. while In Chicago today announced that Gov. Shaw of Iowa would be a .cahdi da'o for the Presidency. The Senator also said that Iowa and a considerable portion of the Middle West would be back of Iowa's favorite son. ' . Rev. D. O. McFarland, of Dallas, is in tbe city on tbe way to conference at Medlord. A H Martin and Edmond Parker went to Detroit this afternoon. Mio8Lettie Noedham, of Portland, is visiting Albany friends. WS Walker's best dayB threshing was 3140 bushels. Gnod enough. , Carnival Coming On. On Wednesday evening, Sept. 18,' tbe Port and Carnival will open in a Dril liant array of t plendor such as is seldom seen in tbe JMorthwest. The great ex position nuiiding will be iluminated by nearly 3S00 electric lights, while the ad joining Multnomah Field, with its five aoriB, will have lights equaling 40,000 candle-power. Tbe Carnival wtll afford a whole month of pleasure and interes ing instruction. Tha railroads and steamboats are going to carry people to and Irnm the Carnival at one and one third fare for the round trip, and their excursion tickelB will be good lor 7 days There will not he a dull moment at tbe Carnival some sort of entertainment will be going on al' the time, afternoon and evBDing, with two full military hands discoursing music. The attrac tions will be unsurpassed, and tbe Carn ival will last a moo lb. ' Attractive Women, All wou.en emsibly desire to be at tractive. Ileauty ia the stamp of health because it ia the ontwurd manifestation of inn-T purity. A healthy woman ie always attractive, bright and happy. W ben evpry drop of blood in the yeini la pure a henutluus fltith is on the cheek. But wIi.mi tha IjItoiI ia impure, morose neae, lud temper and a eailow complex ion tolls Ihe tale tf i-icaness, ail loo plainly. And women today knov there is no beauly without health. Wlo8 ol Card.ii crowns women with oeau'y anil attractiveness hy making sirong and hsalthy tuoise o umu which make bur a woman. Try ine of Cardui. and in a contli your friends will hardly uuo VC:U. Genuine stamped C. C. C. Never sold In bulk. Dtware ot tne oeaier Who tries to sell "lomelhins fust as jood." ' ffm3p CANDY CATHARTIC . 1 MISFITS The public generally should rise up jaiost itinerant g'alters in whatever line of work they graft . . The Democrat dislikes to eeo any one buncoed, from the bneiness man who pays for space on a useless cardto the farmer who buys patent rights of practi cally nojvalue. Here's one told by a next door neigh bor on an Albany drugjist. On return ing from the mountains recently he told about catching 134 fish in one dav. Pains were taaen to iuterview the two children of Mr Woodworth and one Baid it waa only four, while the other declar ed he never caught a single fish. They hadn't bsen posted. Tbe Register of Eueene publisheeja list of one hundred people who adver tise in its columns. The merchants of that city are rnstlera and appreciate a good thing. It is enterprise like this that builds a city up. The name oi every live business man in a town whether the business is small or large, merchantile or profesrional, should lie in the columns of the local papera. It is the way to reach the people. The removal of O H Markham, of the S. P. to San Francisco, will be a loss to the Willamette Valley. He has been a rustler for the state and as well a man among men. Some railroad men get the big head, and you can't touch them, but Markham is one of the people, a genial, approact able man, with a clear head. If yon are introduced to him once he remembers it the next time be meets you regardless of the fact that he is meeting hundreds ol different men con tinually. Further than this he is a broad minded, shrewd man, who appre ciates the factors that build up tbe bus iness of a road. Get your trolley on the wire. 5S5. Irrigation Notice The hours for irrigation are 5 A. M. to 9 A. M. 4 P. M. to 9 P.M. Sprinkling the streets from hose, can not be allowed. The water will be shut off from cus corners not complying with these regu lations, bb wo find it impossible to main tain a iiood pressure with the waste now going on. July 22, 1901. Albany Water' Company This ana That French the jeweler. Will & 3tork, jewelers. Smiley's Clean Printing. "Cleanliness" is Lasselle Bros, watch' word. BuyOut UUss at Eastern prices 0 French, Ibe Jewelet, Are you interested in Cut GIsbb? If so, see French's show window. A new and fine line of photographers Jewelry juat received at MIbs Marie Longs. Leave orders for Lasalle Bros, pule milk at S. N. Steele oc Co. or Parker Bros. For drinking purposes, for infants there is nothing that will equal Lasselle Bros. Pasteurised mux. The best meats of all kinds and good treatment at the Albany Dressed Bool Dnmnnnv'a market, lust down Hecond reet. (rood weight and prompt atten- ion. Qo to Verick's shaving and hair cat ting parlors for first cIbbb work. Hot and coid oatns. mean toweia w every customer. Thk Fair,. The Oregon State Fair at Salem, September 23rd to 28th, 1901, in clusive, promises to be tbe best this year that has been held. New features for a l i n ut r II tt 1 rtfl llflVA haan added, and particular atlention will be n ven to tne sioi k cxninii, owing to me ureat and constantly incri-axing interest in dairying throughout the state. For this occaBion. the Southern Pacific Co. will make a rate 01 one fare for tbe mtinrl I pi n frnm all itn BtatinnR in Dra gon, to Salem and return, and it ia to be hoped that everyone woo can qo eo win show Itis appreciation by taking advaut- pleasantly and profitably at our State uapnai. Only a Mask. Many are not being bsnefillcd by lb summer vacation astny should be. Now, notwithstanding much outdoor life, thoy ... Ililla If unu ,lr ,n ,r lliflll fhnv WPm The tan on tueir facts is dnrktr and makef theru loon healthier, out it id oniy a man. They are still nervous, easily tired, vpn t u.. ..;iln, .....I tltnu il l nrit r,Ht nr fllnur, well.- Whit Ihoy need is what tones tin nofio!, perieuls tho digestion, createb ap petite, an 1 makoa sleep retailing, and ,t..,t ia ll..r,,ln M.irtnnrillil. PtinilK II il tcnchliera generally will lim! tho cli i- purpMK of the vaeitlon ttel suuserveti t. Ihis creat medicine whbh, ai wo line "builds up Ihe whole system " Health for 10 Cents. A lively liver, pure blood, clean skin, bright eyes, perfect health Cascarels Candy Cathartic will ob tain and secure them for you. Genu ine tablets stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, 10c, - -.wu ti ii mump will take place at the family residence near huver tomorrow afteraoon at 2:30 o'clock. It looks as if the big yacht race is to be a great gambling affair. Mon will wager hundreds of thousands of dollars n ihe result. The trouble is that the money will continue to ciiculate among the same class of men whoever wins. Dr O H Templeton, of Portland, a for mer Linn county young man, returned on Thursday from Nome, where he went last June. He was also there last year, taking up a claim. But the district in which his claim was located proved a ....... u...H.uuuu cum uuua ul ma claims there did not pay last year, and fJ '"ft .."o oiu an m iitltlllUU, Thn atnra nf T P FTat,n ET n 1 w.w. a. uum v liny uroen, Crook county, together with his entire a.uvn vi uuua, wats uBtsiroyeu Dy nre ...,v...,ua;, UIDDWIIQU JTUU1 tUB explosion of a bottle of chemical of some a ii. nnuu nuicu mr. oiua was warming over a lamp, preparatory to selling s jme of it. H niirriflil nn in.n.nnnn fr,.n U..IU1 ... . . i.u 1. 1 l.uu, j.iiw uuuuiUK cost f(i..O and was well tilled with goods, me, .niuuut wuicn we nave not learned. Mr. Hflhn Waa in .. Sweet Home. Express-Advance. A Few Pointers. The rMAnt nfaMntioa nl Ilia ni,mLw deaths abowj that the lvrge majority dis with consumption. This disease may rtOmianPA With an SnnannlL kn.l. f 1u.uui.ijr uniuiieee congh which can be oured instantly by u-oiui p umiDttiu .or me AQroaianu bunga, which is guaranteed to cure and relieve all cases. Price 25c and frtln t?nt ..I. hn ali druggist. Sdttcate lour llowau Wnn uaaearet. "iS!jy ohri!c; ?,UM """Ipatlon forever. . w. w. ... uiu.aiii.rai iwiiDonaR FOB 8ALE. A good Sbcond hand Sinn or oumtig uiaumae. vjneap it taken i nt Anna Tn..i.. nIUl 1. Tt i . i AU4U110 aouuiiz uros. juar- ket, A Sad Accident May at Ibe Bay or in the Mountains, BUT THE SADDEST Oc ALL IS, that you are allowing an ERROR IN REFRACTION to undermine your whole life, pleasure and enjoyment. This leed.iot be, if you will place yourself in tbe care of Dr. F. W. Binford the EVE EXPERT,' he is able to lengthen life and increase jour enjo;meins, bv CORRECTING YOUR EYES. If you have HEADACHE, BAD VISION OR NERVOUSNESS OF ANY KIND call and Bee him AT OFFICE Opposite Rubs House, Albany, Oregon, A NOBLE PIKCE OF FURNI TURE. Tbe quartered oak dining tables, side boards and chairs we take pride in dis playing are nobilities in tbe furnituie line of succession real Kings and Queens of artistic designing and manu facture. Like most stable crowned beads, the line never runs out and im proves with time. Get some f Ihe nobil ity in your borne. THE HOUSE FURNISHING CO. Albany College. FALL TERM WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 18 - - . FRIDAY, DEC. 20, 1901. Enrollment and classification day;, Sept. 10th and 17th. Added to the strong work of previous years are some new special features. Competed instructors In ART, MUSIC, vocal and instrumental, PHYSI CAL CULTURE and ORATOR , and the study of SOOlOLOGIOALJproblems have been secured. Commercial rooms refitted and enlarged; fnnr new teachers; enlarged heaa'quarters for the College Club, with board at Il.50a " week. A year's education at Albany costs less than almost elsenhere in Ihe stale. Write President W. H. Lee. Albany College, - W. H. Miller, B icycle Repairing a Specialty. . The most complete line of SundriesMn the city. Forging nnd lathe work, knife and stlssors sharpened and all other steel tom Tempering a specialty. I c rk njntri . I(td. f t ( 1 1 il ill 1 1 1 1 , , j po-ili' Stewart andSoz Ha warejilore. An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial effects of the wall known remedy, Bynui of Fios, manufactured by the Califohnia. F10 Syuup Co., illustrate thovnluoof obtaining; the. liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medicinally laxattvo nnd presenting thorn in tho form most refreshing to the taste aud accoptablo to tho system. It is the 0110 perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing tho system effectually, dispollinc; colds, headaches and f evera gently yet prompt!' and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, and its actiug on tho kidneys, liver nnd bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make it tho ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing figs are used, aa they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method 1 jorn to tho Cauforhia. Fio Syrup Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of tho Company printed on tho front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN VRAVOISOO, OAX. X.OUXBVIXXB. XT. KXW YOJLK, If. T. Druggists. Prtoo beeper bottle. befall you while on a Summers Outing - Albany, Oregon. ' ' 'mid