Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, August 09, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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New School Books.
Here are the books adopted by the
Oregon text book commission together
with the names of the publishers, the
exchange price, introductory and retail
ArlthmBtic Wentworth's two books
(published byGiun & Co); exchange,
36 cents; rotail and introductory, 70 cts.
Geography Fry's, two books
(Ginn's) ; exchange, 80 cents ; retail and .
introHietory. $1 80.
Spellers Reed's Word Lessons (May
nsrd, Merrilds Co); exchange, 10 cents; r
retail and introductory, 22 cents.
Primer Wheeler's (W ti wneeier ec
Co) ; exchange 15 cents ; retail and intro
ductory, SO cents. i
Readers Cyr's, five books (Ginn) ;
exchange, $1,05 ; retail and introductory ',
SI 05. i
Language and Grammar Reed &
Kellogg's (Maynard, Merrill & Co) ; :
exchange, 68 cents ; retail and intro
ductory, $1.35.
Mental Arithmetic Brooks' (Chris- j
topher Saur & Co); now in use in Ore-,
gon ; retail price, 30 cents,
Writing A F Newlands and R K,
Row's Natural ByBtem of Vertical i
writing (DC Heath & Co); eight books, I
6 cents each. I
United States History, Elementary
Thomas' (D C Heath & Co) ; exchange,
30 cents ; retail and introductory, 60
cents' !
United States History, Advanced :
Thomas' half leather (D C Heath &
Co) ; exchange 50 cents ; retail and in-,
troductory, $1 j
Physio'ogy and Hygiene Stowell's ;
"A Heaithy Body" and Blowers "min
er of Health."
Music "Normal music course."
Drawing Thompson's "New Short
Course" and Thompson's "Graded
School Couree," (Heath & Co.)
Jeff Myers There.
The Dai'.y American of 1 Reno, Okla
homa, of July 28, under the head of
"Oregon Organization" contains the
Oregon members met at the office of
The El Reno American and elected Jef
ferson MyerB, of Salem, Oregon , chair
man of organization to attend to all
matters for the Oregonians in connection
with the drawing ol land in the new
country. Oregon men call on chairman,
room 17, Kerfoot Hotel.
Resolved That the Oiegon delegates
assembled by the courtesy of the El
Reno American at their office, do hereby
extend their sincere thanks to their
very kind consideration of our long dis
tance from home, among strangers, and
we hereby promise to Editor White and
his entire Btaff on the El Reno American
whenever they visit Oregon, the Royal
Uhmook salmon ot ttie uolumbia, the and fouls of the Willamette
and the beautiful girls of the weBt.
Tbat'was a great compliment to Chas.
Eurggraf, of Albany, to have the state of
ficials ask him to prepare plans for the
lavatories at the Deaf-Mute school. He
has a reputation for strict honesty that
gets him lots of business, And ha seems
to deserve it too, Salem Journal,
If you want a pleasant outing under
the most favorable auspices, altend the
Temperance Campmeeting at Sodaville
Aug. 3 10. Fine speakers, excellent pro
gram and a good time all the week.
The 8th and 9tb are W. C. T. U. days.
The state president of th W. C. T. U.
will be there.
A camp meeting will be hold under
the auspices of the Salem district of the
Free Methodist church, in Goltra Grove
on Third street, in East Albany, begin
ning in the evening August 7, cortin
uing until Sabuath, August 18. In
charge of District Elder Wm. Fearce,
late of Calitornia, assisted by the minis
ters of Salem district
The Albany Furniture Co. has rein
corporated as the Houne Furnishing Co.
They have purchased the storeof F.
H. Mollis & Oo. of Salem and will run
both, D. H. James and U. R. Hyde lak
ing charge of the Salem store and Mr.
Fortmiller and Mr. Stafford the Albany
store. This makes one of the strongest
turniture companies in the stats, com
posed of good business men.
One exchange says : "It is reported
that W. R Hearst is tostart a morning
paper in Portland. According to the
rumor, Mr. Hearst will spare no expense
to make the paper the leading one of the
Northwest. It iB stated that publication
of the paper will be commenced about
January let."
Ed Caeey, the printer, is in the city.
Tom Stevens this noon returned from
the east-
Ex-Congreseman Ellis, of Hepner
was in the city this noon.
Mies Helen Crawford, of the O A C,
came over from Corvallh this noon. '
C. H. RalstoD, of the U. S. custom
office at Portland was in the cit y today.
Mrs. Althouse and daughter Misa
Mary returned from the Bay this noon
H. C. Watson and family and tbe
Misses Morgan left this afternoon for
the Alsea for a month's outing.
The lawn social given by tho M. E.
church was well attended and was a
pleasant affair.
Mr. and Mrsl Sam Burkharl returned
last evening from th'i Belikurp Springs,
where thevhive been for an outing.
Clarence Turner while spending the
eummer at Newport is wurk'n : as run
ner for the Monterey.
Miesei Midae McCoy, Gertrude O,
Brien und tfaddie Parker left, very early
thh moining for Cascadia, traveling in
Rev. Smith, s cummer ri'j. They will
he gone several weeks.
COWAN. In Lebanon, on Wednesday,
evening July 31, 1901, aft. r a linger
ing illussB, Mra. Ida, wife of Samuel
Cowan, who died several years ago, at
the age of 37 years.
The deceased was a daughter of John
Miller and a woman of excellent char
acter, he leaves three daughters, tbe
Misses Naomi, Kate and Sally.
The funeral will take place at Lebanon
tomorrow forenoon, after which the re
mains will be brought to Albany for
burial in ihe citv cemetrry arriving here
about 1:30 when a short service will be
had at tbe grave.
From the Criterion :
i r r" : 11 rr. n. i, : T ....
jura. rraiiuia I louiui, luo iuidk. uau
uing and Mr. Sam Hartsock came from !
Albany yesteiday to attend ;the funeral .
of Miss Pet Smith. i
Mrs. E. M. Thrall and Miss Thrall and
Misa Anna Yantis, of Albany, were
guests at Col. Montague's yesterday,
They came out to attend the Aldrich-
Elkins wedding. :
m. TT.t BtnhhlofioM. nf Alhnnv vie.
ited in this city Eeveral 'days recently.
tr i - .r .ii,...
Miss Helen E kins of Albany is in
town attending the Aldnch-fclkins wed-
E. E. Taylor's threshing machine
started up, yesterday, at J. W. Burk-
hart's place north of town. G W. Tay-
lor although 70 years of age will feed for
the mAch ns again this year. He has
" 'u, '- :
and ib considered better than two young
men yet. . i
G. M. Vlestfall left Saturday with a
party of ban irancisco people ior an ex-
tended trip tnrousn tiro ibmcuubs.
Frank Parrish went along as chief of the
culinary department. They will begone
MisB Lottie Tillotson gave her elocu
tionary entertainment at the I.O. O. F.
hall Monday eveuine to an audience
consisting of two men and about a dozen
l!flUfdi?E a whl?r,JSS,ta5S:
exoected to hear a recital: but, instead
ttiey were given an informal talk upon
Delsarte and philosophy. The ladies
wbo managed the affair do not speak in
very high terms of the treatment they
received from Miss Tillotson.
It Pays.
As a financial institution the steel
bridge is a success, anr. ia proving a pay
investment, a nei easily in lime of need.
The receipts last monih were $440.15, an
aveiaee ot, about $14.20 a day. The re-
io rn, th. noar will ho hr in excess
of the estimate, and will be sufficient in .
a short time to pay all the expenses of
improvement. I
An Amktser Play. Prof. Smith is in '
tbocity preparing the presentation of
his own play, "The Irish Duke," which
will be presented at the armory about
the 19th of this month It is a very
laughable thing and is bound to take. I
The Proffeeeor has presented it all over '
the'eountry. Among those who will
participate in it will be Neil Murray and
sister, the Misses Stewart, Shea Broth-
ers, Miss Lillian Lanning, Mr. Bin ford,
and others. ,
Mrs. C. H. Burggraf and child left to-
day for the Bay. Mr. Burggraf has too
many contracts aneau ior v u ouuug just
now. .
Mr. Walter Turrell, one of Tacoma'e
nrominent baitnese men, who has
chares of Oloyerdale, now owned prin-
clpaliy by his wife.was in thecity today,
returned uome mis aiiernuuii.
Dr. and Mrs. Adams Will leave tomor-
row ior mu y. wuoiu ucjr uuve
an office for the convenience of their
large summer practice at Newport,- i
Mrs. B. F. Kirk, of Albany, ioinnJ
I 1 UJ h.Tnn.1.,.. :.,
uer uuauouu nolo inuuij,
which accounttjfor the broad grin on
Ben's countenance. Nowport News.
D. H. James went to Salom tbis'morn
inn to look after the store of tho House
Furnishing Co.. ot this city, which the
csmpany took charge of this morn ing.
Mr. Jay Lucas, U. S.regiBter of the
land office at the Ualles, was in the
city tins afternoon on his way home
from the Bay. Ho is a former Polk
county man.
Zeno Richards, Ben Clel&n and
Charles Neeley returned last evening
Irom their hunting trip to the Metoles,
They secured five doer and ul the fieh
thoy wanted.
Comrade J. I. Miller and wife, of
Portlund, are in the city, on their way
to Elpaso. Tex., on a trip, They will bo
joined at Ashland by their eon Charles,
the well-known fireman.
Mrs, J. L. Irvine returned this noon
from a trip to the Pan American-exposition
and a visit with relatives in the
middle west, and like everybody else re
joices at being back in the Willamette
Mies Katie Failing, daughter of Mr
and Mrs. James Failing, and Miss Alice
hnva.'Min nr.lipr children already beinir
boys," the other children already being
The Christian Endeavor Society of the
U. P. church last evening took a l ay
rack ride to Knox's Butte, where a
moonlight picnic was had. There were
two loads and a fine time was enjoyed
by all. The ride home terminated at
about 1 o'clock a. m.
Grand Master C. 0. Hogue. Master
Leslie Viereck, W. H, Warner and Mr. '
Wazncn'roturned this noon from Toledo.
where they instituted a new lodge A O U
W last evening, one starting out with a
gouu msuju.ioui " ""b l
peuis. iu B"' " w!"" tuis summer at io re nee.
Mr. Dan Lombard, of South Dakota, is w. W. Rowell, wife and daughter, and
in the city on a visit with F.M.French, Mra- Gerkie have gone to the mount
tbe7 being school boys together in Obat-, airJ8 lor ti,eir summer's outing.
&tA' MifhhMWdlZnBalll 7ndl Arthur McAllister, one of the many
pleased with the Wina? !aon, of Dr. McAllister, of Eugene, a
UV .,i7 hmii: hET
hn eAomB tn falro lifa a.rv nnri
there is no reason why hs should not
ane d the balance of his Iile in this
mil mate.
it ,1 i,.ji.,.
r.BwrAT.:-n. """'
uregoo, LHwu iuuwcrj u. Lit jjute, mi,
Vernon, Wash. Bicycle Handle bar; W.
S. McBay. CosmopoliB, Wash. Display
kick; r. . rraei, riruBve"i "
jnu cuiuu UJHI.U1UO, u.. Av.,aUu, FairBffld Wash ()r,ratlnff
? T. S,.nH V.. T v YoPl?iU?
'w "i f5S?S L, ' ' '
Wash. Running gear.
NDOKane , aso. , xiuihu xug; j.
SIrB. Littler will leave tomorrow for
Indiana to join her husband, who has
been there seveyal months, and whose
health is reported considerably improv-
ed She will be accompanied toPort-
Und by her son Dr. Yard Littler.
Getting a Display.
r n t, i -i . .1 r
J- R V,uu, in charge of the Linn
County display for the state fair, reports
splendid progress. He will have the
bst ever gotten toother in this county.
Everything is working in its lavor, the
immenro crop9 making it an easy thing
The display of wiieat and oats is going
to be a magnificent one. Among the
specimenb of wheat secured aro some
rom John Lennox, at the Butte, a new
varietv of Russian wheat, of which Mr.
Lenox has about one hlmdred hllsho,8.
. Ab ho has been offered 2 a bushel for
niostjof it its quality may be appreciated.
Large vegetables and tine fruit will be
0n hand in unequalled size,
j Mr. Dougia9 hl8 learned that this
.c0 Can produce tobacco. Mr. J. S.
Faulkner, of Taliniau, has three or four
hundred plants in splendid condition,
Bml some of it will be in the exhibit,
jll3t now he is looking for samples of
sugar cane and millet and will appre-
ciaie information leading to securing
From the News.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Finch went
over to Albany the firBt of the week
:"d will probably locate in that city.
The four-vear- old son of Mr. and
Mrs. "Bud" Frost, who live near Jordan
fell out of a hay mow Tuesday and
broke his left arm at the elbow joint.
Miss Susia McDonald came over from
Albany the latter part of last week, for
B viBit with tier parents, Mr. ana airs,
A. R. McDonald,
The first flax to arrive at the mills
was hauled in Tuesday from the Cladek
farm, near Larwood, and the yield was
said to be equal to $4U per acre clear,
This beats wbeat raising.
Mrs. J, A. Bilyeu has been quite ill
lor several days past, out is now slow ly
improving. An oneration was perform'
ed upon her Wednesday by Dr. Prill, of
thiB city, and Dr. Davis, of Albany,
which greatly improved her chances of
a Bpeedy recovery.
Ben Satran, a former KanssB friend
of Joe Young, has been in the city du-
rine the past week, looking-the country
over with a view to changing bis home
the land ot droughts and cycloneB
' more favored clime,
About the rankest fake that has
visited this city In many years was
here laBt week in the shape of
"doctor" and a hired man. They
eave entertainments at the citv hall
and did not offer anything for sale until
tne last two nights, when mey maae a
desperate effort to fill their pockets and
in. a measure they were successful,
They conducted a voting contest for the
most popular iaoy in town, to wnom
tney presented a watcn. nis was won
by Misb Claudia McKoight. and it was
'ound b5 a watch in name, but not
mucn for reality, as it stopped belore
tu taKirs got out ol town,
,, f,i , frnnt tn.
nf a nrnminnni mnnu nttieial imMiiaino
talk- at the court house. Liiherai re-
vyard fer the joker.
t t uni., h. irH th.h.,i
rn, im l,i'!
. IWW w.m w " " .... H6w
oushels per acre, and there will De others,
LaaS year one third of thiB was more
tna the average.
A first-class barber, whom John Den-
nison worked with eighteen years ago in
Denver, is in the city and will assist Mr,
Dcnnison tomorrow and next week while
"Grandpa" Crawford takes his summer
Mrs. O. jj, Irvine received Inst
week from the A. O. .U. W. the
$2,000 held as beneficiary in that
order by her husband and tho fol-
lowing Saturday she received a draft
for $3,000 from the Woodmen of th
Worid. There is yet one more order to
lay. McVlinnville News,
O, It. Fronk and family went to the
Bay today.
Fred .Dawson and familylleft yester
day for Yaquina,
Editor Hong, of the Lebanon Criter
ion is in the city today.
Mrs. Dr. Trimble left yesterday after
noon for Portland and Long Beach,
Lawyer Brown and family of Lebanon
went to tho Bay thin afternoon.
Mrs. P.J. Smiley and daughter and
sj8ter returned this noon from Newport.
Mrs. roiix, ot L,aiayette, ind., is
in the city the guest of her cousin Mrs.
Dr. Erskii.e.
Prof. Holmes, the new principal of the
Corvallis schools, was in the city this
James Church, of Oregon Citv. at one
time a clerk in the store of S. E. Young
& Son, went to tho Bay this afternoon.
Among thaBe at Cascidia are President
Strong and wifs of ihe U of O and Prof
Dunn and family.
j EeVi Jamea Thompson waa in the city
i today on his bicycle, tie is preaching
A'bay by. ba been city
00 & VIBlt,
I Miss Maude Morrison and her brother
: of Shellburn, wheeled to Albany Mon-
; day tir a lew days v.sit with numerous
! friends in that city. News.
Mr. and Mrs Ko'a Neise reached borne
last evening from their European trio.
; and report many enjoyable experiences
while gone.
j President Lee, of the College, left
tIlis mornjn(! for Spokane, where he will
preach next Sunday anl may remain
over tne snowing sunoay,
... .,. . , ...
hub wm otevens reiurueu una noon
from her visit with Missouri relatives,
bringing the usual report of the intense
, h MlB8i69ipp7valIeyt
Miss Emma Pfeiffar returned home
this morning from Pasadena, Calif.,
where she has been for five months.
j nw."B1" 'B "u.y ruveu.
I Miss E. B. Brenner, of Albany, is
spending her summer's vacation at the
beach. She came over a few days ago,
and is now a member of tbe "happy
five," Newport News.
Hotel Arrivals.
J Q Daniels, Portland.
Jean Case, Little Valley, N, Y.
Dean Case, " " "
EJCase. " " "
H E Co'.ema i, Toledo, Ohio.
C I Dashiile, Portland.
J D Biughfaran, Eucone.
V J Nelson, Portland.
0 II Ralston, Portland.
C H Kalston, Jr, Portland.
A O Lawrence, Portland.
W E Hamilton, S F.
L A Rood und wife, Hillsboro.
Clara Dillar.l, Uoseburg.
Delia Browu, "
M A Miilcr, Lebanon.
H P Tonar, Philadelphia.
D M"Millan, S F.
A T Peterson, Toledo;
C C HeBS, Lescott, Kan.
A E Wr.ght. .Marathon, Ia.
Walter Turrell, Tacoma, Wash.
J W Hutchinson, Portland.
FJ Armstrong. Portland.
Choucey Trapp, Hot Springs.
G V Standish, Brownsville.
Dr W 8 Armstrong. Mill City.
Ge Howell, 8 P Co.
A R Vining, 3 F
Oliver Thornton, S F.
G H Molden, Salem.
GO Reynolds, Mill City.
Frans: King and son. Portland.
Goo 0 Peel, Portland.
G H Graves, S F.
J Lochman, Salt Lake.
James A Bell, S F.
A Gouhn, "
J E Martin, Seattle.
JLKiog, "
O A Bellinger, Portland,
Wm-Penny, ".
Robert Moon, Salem.
E W Fisher, Los Angeles.
Geo O Reynolds, Mill City.
K E Anderson, Ohicaso.
W M Spencer, Turner.
J R Young, Scio.
J H Brown, Portland.
O E Pratt, Ashland.
F O Baird, Portland.
H D Wagnon, Portland.
F H Page, Eugene.
J C Gegin, Phi'a.
C E Beharroll, Portland.
F Howard, Chicago.
C E Lonmis, Eugene.
F A Erixon, Salom.
Geo B Franklin, Sr. "
T G Hendricks, and family, Eugene.
C. W, Honderson, S F.
A T Roberts, Los AngeleB.
Emma Campbell. Los Angeles.
W F Eramond, Grants Pass,
G O Reemolds, Mill City.
D E Pratt, Ashland .
J Veers and family, Lebanon.
A F Beaid, Scio.
F M Brown, Independence,
J O Brown, "
F Wooley, Scio.
M S Swank, Brownsville.
A P Tugwoll, Tacoma,
J H Bell, Mabel.
A R Tiffany, Eugene.
OTLeland, Portland.
R A Hillman, S F.
A H Conn, Cedar Rapids.
Eber Wright, Roeeburg.
E Wimberly, Roaeburg.
J J Henderson, Amity.
A Waggoner, Portland,
Marie Scanners, Chemawa.
Olive Keehn, Lebanon,
AW Warner, S F.
FrD Smith, Salem. '
Wank Smith "
G Bohn and wife, Portland. .
Donahue, Eugene.
II W Thompson "
B J Hawthorn and family, Eugene.
Darwin Briatow, Cottage Grovo.
O O Hall, Portland.
Wm McIInrdy, Dallas.
O O Hess, Preecott, Kan,
G S Willoughby, Salem.
II O Bubzien and family, Grants PasB
J E Berry, Sisters.
O E Lord, S F.
MrsT H Curl. Drewsey.
G B Franklin, S IT.
n V. I.nnmia Knn.n.
JJt Frank Jordan, Cottage Grove.
n u UHi puntur una wilt, J.ucouia.
C B Frissell and wife, Harrisburg,
O Bloom, Portland.
J T Mills, Cowles, Neb.
Mrs J White, tlaleey,
Mr H Marks, "
Obas 0 Lsdd, Buffalo.
G A Taylor, Portland.
Julius Lowe, "
The Irish Duke.
This amateur play will be presented at
the armory on August 16 by some of our
best local talent, under charge of Prof.
Smith, Following iB the cist of char
Arthnr, the Irish Duke. . Prof P M Smith
Squire Egan, Irish gentl'n. ..Neil Murry
Squire O'Grady Henry Grattan
Mr Mnrnhv. Irish lawver.-. . .Sam Dolan
Dick Dawson Harry T Shea
Mr Furlong, dude laws er . . D S Uinford
Edward O'Conner Thomas T Shea
Robert Emmet Eugene Ge aldine
Simon, O'Grady' clerk .Ed Hogue
neumonu: two uiicuwn iii; ,ui iiiu
McQuadel men Uonry Irving
Marie,Noblemans daughter. Vira Stewart
Annie ttooney.ladys maid
Mrs Wm Eagles
Nance, lord's wife Mrs ( rana uraw
Kanma Dawson, wealthy heiress
Thereee Collins
Kathlepnn. aaaociate ladv ,
Minnie Howard
Roserne Gracewood Josie Maring
Gertrude, a friend Loretta Stewart
ulorvina L,uuan iuuuiuk
- The admission will be 35 and 25 cents,
Capt. and Mrs. Jason Wheeler io
Inrned yesterday from their trip up the
Mckenzie, alter an absence of a little
over two wefks. Upon getting the other
sido of the Cascades they found the
weather warmer than they desired and
so returned.
Lawyer Julian N. McFaddenand Miss
Agnes Whitaker were married at Cor
vallis Wednesday oy ratoer jurea, com
are natives ot Benton, theiformer a ion
nl w H McFadden. the latter a daughter
of Johu Whitaker.
Choice Sardines 5c.
Canned Shrimps 124c
3 lbs Giant Mush 12c.
Apple Blossom Honey 10c
C. E. IlhqW.SILL'f.
Supreme Court.
John Meinert, respondent, vs Emm
Harder, et al, appelltnt; appsal from
Linn county. J R Wyatt appeared lor
respondent, and N M Newport lor appel
lant. S E Young et al. resnondent. va Tnhn
Hughoa et al. aunel ants, anneal from
Marion county. W T Slater appeared
for respondent, and P H D'Arcy and
John A Carson for appellant.
Ia the case of School Diainct No. 110.
appellant.vs H M Palmer, et al, respond
ents, it wa, ordered on stipulation tliat
respondent's time to serve and file their
brief and additional abstract be extend
ed to October 1st, and that both may be
printed in one volume. Stateaaiao.
Deeds :
G L Reis to Nora ReiB, 1 lot, bl 3
H'sSidad $
Oregon to C A Smith, 639.24 acres.
n il uobson to J W (Jox, 6 acres..
Heury Brodera to S W Crowder, 1
lot H'a 2ml Hd
J F Garland to Ida Fitzwalre, 2;,SJ
J P Schooling to Clara E Warner.
a ion, narnsiHiurg 400
Mortgages for $1500, $1050.
Assignment mortgege for $250.
Chatel mortgages for $630 an J $35,
Boise will have a big street fair.
The Catholic orphanage at St. Paul.
Oregon was burned Wednesday night.
Dawson Ultv 18 now connected with
the outside world by telegraph, by way
of Ottoway, Ont.
Prof. r. B. Rutherford, of Atkinson's
Busineii College, of Sacramento, Cal.,
has be jn elected principal of tha new
commercial department in McMinnville
Reese Beery, a newcomer from Mich'
igan was drowned at Carvallia Wmln-a
day while assisting the log drive past
that city. Several men near him evid
ently did not hurt themselves trying fo
otv uuu, riu leaves a wile, his re
mains have been taken back to Michigan
for burial. He wbb a Maccabee.
Newport iB one ot the most popular
uuot loiuriu nu uranis raBS is furnish
ing her quoto of health nkra. Mnn.
day nfght Mrs H O Kinney, MitB Mar-
jury ami ram joined an aahland party
who will make u lew weeks flay. Mr
and Mrs R (J McOioskey and Oarl and
Mra l)r .IciiuingB will also spend about
three m-eks there. A ou.nber of our
people will no later in the ween, and
with iliuse already at this resort will
ii'iuti a urani s rass de egni:on
rass uouner,
An important ture J.'of Hie To in
rance Campme ng o di ml i at
boilaville will b the oratorial contest
neiu ihuisday evening oy the W. O. T,
u. iu which tne prize is a gold medal.
me contesiunts must each have won
silver medal iu a like contest.
Aiuany nas during the past hw years
won tin eo meda's and cxpui is to si'o the
gold medal coming hero, though llalsey
win give ii ciose can ior it.
Seventy two wont from Corvallis
yesterday afternoon to the big Woodmen
convention in Portland,
J M Norton, formerly ol Yaquinn Bay,
has rented the Halsoy hotel mid taken
chargo of the same, The hotel is in
good hands and everything possible will
be done to please the travelling public
Tho first copy of the Bulletin, recently
moved lrom Junction to Harrisburg,
has urrived. Harrisburg is to be con
gratulated upon having such nn oxcellont
papor, and it is to.uo hoped it becomes a
permanent factor thore.
A Halsey farmer upset a can of oil
in his buggy when coming homo from
town, and next morning found only
same aBheB and wheels in the yard
where tbe vehiclo had been loft. A
cigar Btub 1b supposed to havo Btnrted
tho lire.
Harrisburg Bulletin : The Harrisburg
Lumber Company are arranging for a
larger run with their mill this season
than heretofore They now havo 2,
500,000 feet of the boat saw logs they
have ever had. The drive is now at the
mouth of Fall Creek, and will arrive
hero in about thirty days.
The U. S transport Lennox, upon
which O. A, Sears of this city, ia return
ing home, was disabled about ona hun
dred and 30 mileB from San Francisco
Relief has gone to it, and there is prob
ably no danger to tho patBo.igore.
The Lennox All Right.
This morning Mra. C. W. Sears re
celved a letter from her son Capt C. A.
Sears, on Dcard the Lennox, about tfhich
there is so much in tho papers, stating
that the boat was all right, and there
was no danger. There was plenty on
board to eat and a year's supply ol water.
A shaft on the boat had been broken, but
no danger was anticipated. Land bad
be n sighted and it would not be long
befoie they were lelieved. The letter
was sent to shore by tbe seven men who
put oui in a boat, and was dated August
1, Capt. Sears is electrician on the
tranipor', rnd of course remained in
charge of the work.
Mountain Hbiuutb. Tho government
geological surveyors who wore recently
in the mountains making surveys in the
interest of the geological department
reported tne following approximate
heights: The Metoles 3.40U Icet. fjash
UreeK 4, uuu, I'lsn i.bko j,iuu, u men
Butte 7.60O, Mt. Washington 0,010, the
Three Sisters, 11,000. Thero is evident
ly some mistake in the Motolcn or I'isli
Lake, for the Metole9 i aid to bu con
siderably lower than Fish Lake. These
figures were told Capt. Jason Wheeler
while on his recent trip up the McKen
zie, where tho surveyors are now at
Green Venetian Ware, the nicest in
I tOWn at OlILIKQ Hulkuht s.
Mr T M Trvinr, an n VnrtlaA
---- ' - nvu. .v
day for a visit.
George Will and family of Salem, went
to tha;Bay today.
KrilH Itnnvoion man. n n 11 i
- - . fa. ...... not.v ,w vuu vay lllia
afternoon with his camera.
Mn-Rice Turner-, of Rowland, was
among the Dkmocbat's ca lers today,
Mrs. Will Simpson, of Portland, joined
her daughter iu Albany last evening on
a visit,
E. A. Rhilltur rAtnrnii.l ft, la ,,.inn rn.
Pcndlecon and on Monday will go lo Ihe
Miss Eva Simpson went' to Halsoy
thiscfterncon oh a visit with her friend
;irs. .ucwilliams.
V. H. Pnrliei fnmiln l.i.
tl pi I fnr tlia Un.. r- 1,-1 - i .
days take.
S. H. Hnrlrnr n,wl rn,il nf tv.:u
burg, went to the Bay todayjjfor their
, .iu.. uuuug, .
Rev. E.P.Hill on;.i..n.i i...
as Portland's ablest preacher, went with
w iud nay today.
Mr. Ellintr. T,.iu nf tl.n lll.w..
ttieOlOlllCal H.llinnl - mill a.,n l.nma
tonight for his sunmor's vacation. 1
Mrs. Gihheart mifl nnn nf pn,ilana
arrived in the citv this noon on a visit at
tuts uuiue 01 n.. warlord.
Lawyer L. M. Curl and familv h
gone to Grass Valley on a visit at the
home of the father ol tbe former.
E. F. Ricn and VV V. nillat ku.s
ietereil at Eugene hotels yeaierday fiom
this ally.
MiflRer. Annn nnrl Kal 11U,,
...... ....... .ii.uvuon ,1 j .1 .
to Portland this morning for an outing
there and up and down tbe Columbia.
Poundmaster Catlin and wife went
to Portland for special treatment. They
will he at the home of a daughter ol the
An intnrnatinrv aniuul. .UA J l
this noon waB Editor Finch ol Albany
iiiicrviBwing naitor noier, of Salem,
about the doings of one J. H. Gates.
l'rof. 1' . G. Young, the talented his
torian of the U. of O. passed through
AlhfinV Inrlnv Irnm Tnt)n.l ...1. 1.
. J . wu i i uauu .UDID tlV
has ' oen ill in tho hospital for Beveral
John 11 Tlllt. ha- ttnnnnlnrl a nnaltln. nn
conductor with the California Cable Cnr
iAi.,anuwiu leave for oan Francisco
next week. He will bo given a farowell
recoptmn tonight by tho Maccabees.
J. W, i'arrier and family will leave
noxt week, for Ponn., N. Dakota, where
M I. Knrrini, will an.i tnl. . 1
of the farm be formerly owned before
coming to Oregon.
J. 8. Morgan and family, who went to
Atnena to reside, returned this week by
wagon conveyance and will probably
make Aioany iheir home, though it ia
possible thay may go back, Mr. Morgan
made a kiln ol brick ard will return to
dUpose of what remains.
Ed and Budge Stewart returned this
foronoon from Marion Lake where they
caught fish as fast as they would bile
and slid down tho snow on the mountain.
Budgo is tho ouvy of all the kids in the
first ward. Among those at Marion
Lake is a Bon of the lato Senator J. N.
Ed went to Iho top of Mt. Jefforson-
Cnmintr anonTV T.rnra llm ,nll
known oeulo optician. The whe will
wnit ior mm.
Holn Mm W. n IV IT l, ,.i;,,.wlln..
tho ice r.rnam inninl ul. Will.i.,,1 irinn
Tuesday evening.
.1 I) Itnrtrlinrl mnf ,.,,'tl, n I.
- ....... ,, 1V.1 UM If
yesterday resulting in a mashed thumb,
which nas dressed by Dr. Ellis,
A rcnrpRrint, iHvn nf Urn A 1 linn i. ni.ranv..
WHS acllinir llhmir. tnu-n Thi,r.,b,i fPi'
and ornniuenlnl trtea for dulivery in
October, and did n vprv (mil linalnua
Onrvnllia Times.
The il'aid W. O T U. Union will
give nn ico crenm social at their hall in
EaBt Alhlinv ntivl. Tnns,lnu m.iinSn..
Ico creHin and CAke 10 cents,
Prof. Fulkeraon, recently of Lebanon.
llflR llRlin nlnMml n.lnnin.l nf , I. n If .. 1
schools, witb Miss McCullyof Albany as
assistant. Heretofore three teachere
have had charge of the school.
On account of inability to sell enough
tickets fnr n pur lniwl thA Wnn,l.nnn ....
cursion to Portland today was givon tip.
u. j uuoriiio went down yesterday
afternoon and F.(E. Allen this morning.
The Dumociiat this afternoon re
ceived the following on a piece of yellow
paper, in a boy's hand writing: "Put
this in the papor: There will be a high
jump tomorrow off the top of the C. &
K. dock by a muto boy 14 years old,'; at
3Ip. m. Everybody come." Signoii by
Willie Schmidt.
Mrs, Holen Harford, successor to tho
lamented Mrs. Kinney as state president
of the W. C. T. U , will bo prosent and
sprak on Friday evening at the conven
tion to be held Aug 8 and 9. Previous
to the convention the temperance or
ganizations of Linn Co. will hold a camp
mP.ntint hni.innini A ,,rr lr.l A ni.l
O n n .u& " (.UVU
program will be given each day and on
"wiji" uiuriifjuii at o o ciuck a granu
tumnnrnnnn tfallv will hi. ImM All ar.
cordially invited to thoso meetings.
Dyspepsia Cure
Diaests what you eat.
This preparation contains all of tha
dlgeatants and digests all kinds of
food. Itglves instant relief and nover
falls to euro. It allows you to eat all
tho food you want. The mostsensitlva
stomachs can uiko it,, hjhhusouiuuj
thousands oi iiyspepm-n uu'o vL"
cured after everything else failed. Ib
prevents formation of gas on tho stom
ach, relieving all distress after eating.
Dletlngunnccessary. Pleasant to take.
It can't help
but do you good
Pwoarwlontvl v V '. r - Witt Co.. Unlearn
TUoll. bulltuiouuiui-ri times UvVk;, Sue.