Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, July 12, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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Death of Dr. J. W. Watts
Dr. J. W. Watts, for several yeara a
resident of Albany, died at Lafayette
last Sat ur lay at the Age of 69 yeais.
He was born in Missouri and camo to
Oregon in 1852 He was a practicing
physician, Congregational minister, and
prominent as a politician and temper
ance worker. Ho was postmaster at
Layfayette when elected presidential
elector in 1S76 and bis election was dis
puted on this amount, but his vot was
neededjtoje'ect Hays and it was counted.
He was aftei wards receiver of the land
offiie at Oregon City. He was married
twice. Four child ?en were born by his
first wife, only s".t, Mrs. Burt, surviving
Another, 0. W. Watts, for many years
a resident of this eity, dving at Dawson.
In 1880 be was married to Mrs. Dorris,
who survives him. Few men were bet
terknown through the state.
i i - -
John Harrison by Bheriff to Mary
Harrison, 2 lots, Brownsville $ 150
W M Hoag to J L Hill, lot 4 bl 11,
Albany 1000
Delia Overton to James Agee,
15.28 acres .. -700
Ann Crawford to M T Crawford,
76 acres 500
Jennie Lone to Ada S McKercher,
38.70 acres 10
H Brvant to J O Walling. lots.
B'sad 60
3 B Havworth. 12 1-8 acres 60
M G Shepherd to Jas Misner, 10. . 100
D McGreeor to L W Moencb. 1
lot Jones ad to Albany 90
Chatel mortgages for 45 and $60,
Mortgages for $2600 and $100.
Tax Sale.
The Bale of property for taxes under
tbe law passed by tbe last legislature
took place this afternoon with about fif
teen persons present, several bidding on
some of too property offered. .This sale
is for all taxes to and including those of
1898. Tha bid covers all tbe old taxes
previous to tne former sale. The pur
chaser takes tbe property subject to
taxes Bince tbe lormer sale and after two
years will secure a good title.
Wants a Dah. In the matter of the
petition of A. D. Gardner et al for the
building of a dam in the Santiam river
for the protection of the Stayton bridge.
the court agreed to prevent damage to
the bridge by changing the channel of
said river By putting in a aamauamaa
ing a cut whereby the water of tne
stream will run in the old channel
Judge Scott was instructed to confer
with the Linn countv court with a view
to'getting that county to pay one-third
OI the expenses, ana n tney agree to ou
so, to advertise Dius lor tne worn,
Capt. F. O. Stellmacher has been in
Oregon Uitv.
Henry Huggins, the Great Northern
rustler, is around.
Prof. Orville Dinwiddie of Browns
ville was in the city today.
Mr. Ivan Marks arrived in his future
home at Buffalo, N. X. on July drd.
Stephen Whitney left today for Chin
ook mod., wnere no nas a position.
D e. Davis and I eininger returned
this noon from a fishing trip to the bay
Jack Arnold, of Corvallis, left today
for the eatt, and will go direct'y to Nrw
Councilman J, M. Ralston and familv
have gone to : he Bay for their summer
Miss Mand Crosby of the Portland
schools is home for t he summer vaca
Mr. J, F. Al'pbine, who has been iu
McCloud, Calif , for several m nths, has
returned to Albany.
Miss Belle Chanco, of the Albany
schools, left this a'tornoon for Newberg,
where she will spend her vacation.
E, A, Schittler, of Pendleton, is in the
city on a few weeks visit and vacation.
He reports business lively in Pendleton.
Sunt, liuir, ot the Los Angeles divis
ion of the S. P. returned to Albany to
day from Detroit, where he has been for
an outing.
P. A. Young, C E. Sox and Phil
Goodwin left early this moruing lor Dor
ganvillo on the CiubUee for a week's
outing at tne Young and Gocdwin
mountain farms.
We met our old f rieud A. J. Hunt at
Albany a few da?s ago. He has lately
returned from Kitson Springs, 50 miles
south of Eugene, on the military road.
He says the baths at these Bprings are a
sure cure for rheumatism, Jefferson
Messrs CharleB and Fiance Pfeiffer
lelt this morning for their farm seven
mile'ibeyond Waterloo, with Ed David
eon asjehaperone and general manager.
They will build a sheep and goat barn
38 x 44. The senior Pfeiffer will return
Friday, the confectioner Saturday and
Davidson will be there until be rune out
of nailB and fiat bottles.
An Albany man gets written UP this
way by the Toledo Leader :
L. L. Swan of Albany Brrived Satur
day evening and at once started for Drift
creek, accompanied by Attorney Izaak
Walton Hawkins. The gentlemen re
turned Monday evenine with tbe bitrgest
catch ol trout of the lesson. Nobody
wanted to count tbe flth, but the legal
limit was undoubtedly not far oti. Mr.
Swan returned to Albany Tuesday, with
increased respect for Lincoln county,
FARLOW.-On July 8, 1901, at Knox's
Rntta. Miss Liiiie Farlow, at tho age
of 42 yeara, of obstruction of the
bowels. . .
The deceased wai a native ol Linn
.county, a sister of A. and C. Farlow.and
a woman of excellent character. The
funeral service was held yesterday, the
remains being laid at rest in the. cem
etery in 8yracuse precinct.;
From the Democrat Jan, 1 to Jam. 14,
The draw on the O. P. bridge swung
into place for the first time at exactly VI
o'clock Jan. 1, 1887, and the first train
crossed the bridge Jan. 6. S large crowd
welcomed the first train. Mayor Weath
erford delivered the address of welcome
aud Vice-president Nash responded on
behalf of the road.
Aron Roberts, a nine year old son of
Mr. A, A. Roberts, and Jasper Wymau,
a hoy of about the eamo age, were fiBh
ina back of tho old Foator warehouse
when the former Blipfed and lell into
the river. Young Wyman ra- for help,
and the lerryman, who was aciss the
iver, Baw the accident and came over
in his boat but was too late. Not even
body could be found.
Dr. J. L. Hill has returned from an
exteudei trip to Texas.
Wheat, 72 cents.
Bails are now laid on the O. P. bridge
and trestle to Thir street,
Durini 1885 the loasea bv fire In this
city were $600 according to the record of
Chief Engineer Hoffman.
Miss Mary Thompson has resigned as
teacher in the primary department at
the college. Miss Mary Montague, of
Lebanon, will succeed ber.
A prize debate for $100 will take place
on Washington's birthday at Princeton
College. Jas Charlton, of this city, has
tbe bonor of having oeen cbosen from
the Freshman clasB to engage in it. He
is president of tbe Freshman class.
And now again we ruse tbe cry "On
to Boise City." 140 milee more is as
sured tbe coming season. Making al
lowance for the usuai R. R. exaggera
tion it is safe to count on another 100
miles of O. P. track before Jan. 1889,
The stockholders of the First National
Bank elected tbe following officers:
President, L, Flinn; vice-president, S,
E. Young; casnier, Geo. E. Chamber
lain : directors. L. Flinn. S. E. Young
L. E. Blain, Geo. E. Chamberlain end
Walter Turrell.
Thb Debb Law. The open season for
deer commences July 15 and ende Nov
ember lBt. It is unlawful for. any per
son to take, capture, kill or destroy in
anv oDen season more tnan nve aeer.
Any person who lawfully kills five deer
can make an affidavit before anv justice
of tbe peace to that etfect, and eaid jus
tice shall thereupon deliver to affiant
one leather taz. designed ana issued oy
tbe state game Warden, for the bide of
each deer, not exceeding nve in an.
One of these taes suall be securely fas
tened with wire to encn deer sKin, ana
tbe owner is then entitled to offer such
deer skin Iot sale or exchange or trans
oortation to any point within the Btate,
The punishment for violation of any
of the provisions ot the act is by a fine
of not less than $25 and not mor than
$500, together with the costs of prose
cution, or by imprisonment in the
county jail for not less than 30 nor
more thanj 120 days, or by both such
fine and imprisonment.
The deer and fish over on the Yacnats
are hereby warned to look out. Prof.
J. M Martindale and family,. Rev. J. B.
Holmes and family and Miss Lorettn
Stewart, of this city, and Rev. L. F.
Stevens, of Corvallis, left tais morning
for that popular roBOrtJwitb .a big load
of gunB and eatables.
The regular meeting of the W 0 T U
will be held tomorrow aiternoon is p.
at their hall.1
A sky roeket which accidentally took
a low sweep into Hopkins Bros., window
was a $oo celebration. These rockets
are capricious concerns.
Tho new .officers of the MaccabeeB
were installed Saturday night, at
follows: Kasper Krpp commander
J. N, Brandenberry L. 0., J. J. Keber
chap., O. N, itlcKee eerg., R E. Clem
M.ofA., Win. Meyer 1st M. of G.,
V. F. Hackleman 2nd M. of G John
Poilman sentinel, W. J. Rainwater
The Euuene Ramblers were beaten by
the Ashland Club 3 to 2
The Brownsville Woolen Mills have
filed a petition in bankruptcy. .
GusRuh'in, the fan, one prize fighter.
is to befn Portland this month
J. H, Lunn, for many years a Salem
druggist, h is moved to Santa Rosa, Oal,
where he has opened a drug store.
Richard Kobler has had tn retire from
the management of the Oregon branch
of the S. P., and A. L. Mohler, (resident
of the O. R. isdiwn to succeed him.
The Marion county court has been
asked to grant a fifty years franchise
for a motor line between Salem and
Stayton. It has gotten that far has it.
The Engene Bchool district recently
sold $25,000 in bonds to Eugene peoplo
at 4 per cent. Among the purchasers
are Editor uampiiou tor tfouu, a. u.
Woodcock $000, F. N. MjAll.eter $500,
Dr. C. W. Lowe $1500, Mrs. Lowe $1510,
M. L. Dorris $200.
A change has taken place in the run
ning of trains on the Oregoaisn branch
of tbe S. P. Ur.dor the new schedule
the evening train from Albany and
Woodburn will only go to Coburg, where
it will remain over night and return in
the morning. The Wendline train,
which has been running to Springfield,
will run to Coburg and connect with
he Albany and Woodburn train.
A Newport dispatch says : The Bteam
er Robarts, which arrived from Sius
law, bringB word of the total destruction
bv fire of Mever & Kyle'u cannery and
warehouse, at Florence, early Friday
morning. The Fi:e was discovered
about 1 a. m. Before the fire company
reached the scene the flames were be
yond control. Bv bard work and a fa
vorable wind tbe adjoining buildings
were saved. The cannery and ware
house were insured for a small amount.
Tbe following from an Eastern Journal
is about a former well known Northwest
Lee rairchild,
popular newspaper
writer ar-d lecturer of New York City,
has recently brought nut from the press
of the Lee Publishing Co. a volume of
poems, entitled, Trie l'rippler's Vow
Tbe book has received unstinted praise
from the letding newspapers of the
country, tho New York Times declaring
that "it should go on every Omar shelf
Margaret Barry's Recital.
Margaret Barry captured an Albany
audience at tbe Presbyterian church
last evening in one of the moat delights
(til recitals ever beard. 6 feet 10)4
inches tall, very gracefu', with an ex
pressive aud beaming countenance, and
a voice that is not only sweet, but full
and strone. Marizaret Barrv is an idea)
elocutionist Her program showed
splendid training and the versatility of
ber talent. It coneis'.ed of two selections
from the Little Minister, beautifully pre
sented; Eugene Field'B Little Boy Blue,
Seein' TuingB, and PhylliB in the line ol
comedy, of which she is a master; two
selections from Jean Valjean, which bead
the audience enraptured, and Oudde
Doon, a pretty Scotch poem.
A better pleased audience never more
reluctantly left an entertainment, and
many did not do so until they bad ex-
'' .ha.minn at 1 1 nn I at
prelum to ui v!h.- -herself
thalf anUreelation CI Ibi bleaslHB
she bad given them in tbe splendid re
cital of the evening.
The reception at tie church in tne ai
ernoon waa well attended and was a
pleasing satisfactory that it waB
desired that a special class in physical
culture be organized, and it is possible
bis may Do done lor tnree days oi les
This place was well represented at
Albany the 4th.
The farmers are all busy in the bay-
field thiB week,
Mitchell brothers, of Tangent were in
our town last week with their wood saw
and now we are prepared for cold
We enioved the celebration from a
social stand point for on that day we
saw many of our friends from all over
tbe countv. Among others we met.
W. W. Crawford of Tallman, Usear
Dillev of Shedda. X. JS. Mcltnight ot
Tallman, also Mr and Mrs T. R. Mc-
K.nigbt and misb Mary Mcumguc, an oi
A friend said to ua on the fourth :
'Did vou ever take a vountr ladv to a
celebration and feel as if the sidewalk
was too narrow for you7 Did you ever
take a respectable young lady into ft
lame crowd and then light a cigar and
puff smoke in her lace?" We asked
why such things came into bis mind
His reply was" This is the 20th century."
Wheat harvest will soon be, with u
again and it will be the best crop that
has been harvested in five yeara The
farmers are well pleased for many of
them used all ot last year's crop at no me
and bad no more than tney needed.
Little Rosa Bud
John Grant, of Spokane, has been in
tbe city
H. H. Hewitt went to McMinnville to
day on business,
Robert AshKy has accepted a position
with a grocery bous9 in Portland.
S. L. Hayden, the lawyer, ol Salem
was in tbe city laet evening
Will Gross, of Lebanoo, has been in
the city the guest of O O. Dubruille.
Elam Miller left yesterday for Lake
view to reside, he having a position at
that place.
Dr. E. O, Smith, one of Albany's early
dentists, now a mining expert, has been
in tbe city.
Dr. Albright came up from Salem to
day and will go to the Bay with Miss
Oiga Hewitt.
I. Banta, of Seattle, formerly of Alb'
any is in tbe citv oti his way! to .Calif,
He continues to make mining a specialty
Dr. Hill returned from Balom this
noon, where he had been to have an
ulcer removed from one ol his eyes by
Dr. Gillis.
O, P.JCoshow, the lawyer, of Rose.
burg, and wile and two youngest cnua
ren were in the citv thie aiternoon on
their way to Brownsville on a visit.
Neil Murray, confidential clerk and
book-keeDer for Manager Edwin Stone.
of the O. & E. Railroad at Albany, was
in .em orer Sunday. baiem states
man, Tbe transport Lennox, on which Capt.
0. W, Sears of this city, is eledrician,
loaves this week for the Uuited States,
starting froin Naiagaki, Japan,
Wallace .MuOamman. a nrr-mirent
J Portland lawyer, and Chester R Hoag,
of rs'ewarK, N. J .were in the citv laet
night on their way afier Borne "f the
famous big fish of the Me.oles.
A. D. Woll, of Walla Walla, arrived
in Albany last evening, and tomorrow
afternoon will take a prominent pn in
a wedding in which one of Albtuy'e na
tive daughters, MiB Lulie Sternberg,
will change her name to correspond with
that of one of her sisters.
Judge L. Flinn, and Misses Alice Roes
aud Frances French left yesterday after,
noon for the Breitenbueh hot springs,
where tbey will enjoy the hot baths and
mountain uir lor several dayB. Already
there are a number ot boarders and
campers there.
Nat Stewart, a former Albany man,
was reelected sheriff of Santa Barbara
county, Clip, at the last election, but it
was contested and it was only last week
that tbe case was finally decided iu his
favor, witn eight votes to spare. He
visited Albany last year and trill be here
again aith hie faudly this season.
Rev J. D. Barr and L. E. Hamilton
left early this morning lor Mary's peak
exDcctine to make tiie "trip in a day.
At I lie end of tbe week Mr, Barr will go
to Portland where he will exchange
pulpits with Rev Ferguson, who is visit
ing his father at New Wilmington, Penn
where he win Buppiy tne puipit oi nev,
Barr. Mr Barr has the distinction of
being born in India, his lather having
been a missionary there for over forty
Anew circuit court case 18 Minnie D.
Craft net. Star Mill arid Klume Co. In
junction. Weatberlord & Wyatt atty'a.
fur Ibe plaintiff
K. U. Huston, of Corvallis, has en
tered Helen H., a lull sister to Hobert
H in the Oregon stake of (1,500 for
loals of 1900 Kural Spirit.
' The base ball members of the A. O.
U. W. of this city, are anxious to play
the members of any other society in tbe
city. You will bave to hurry.
Government Crop Report.
Having has progressed rapidly, and
much of the crop has been eilely secured,
In most portions Ot the Willamette val
ley it is extra heavy, while in the Coast
region and eastern and southern Oregon
it averages lesB than umal Pft-tura
ale liold'ng out well, excipi in i!oo6
county, where a shortage is reported,
whico will cause some shrinkage in the
milk finnnlv in that section
The (all grain harvest nas ueguu m
few places in the Willaine.te vallev ami
iliAprnn eYtTA nrotnisioa. while in
eastern Oregon the few hot days of the
week, following as they did a piotrac eu
cool and windy spell havs been uulavor
able, and the grain is n it filling as wll
as usual, and tbe opinion prevai that
in Umatilla aud the neighboring counties
the crop will be somewhat short of form
er expectations. Spring wheat, oats,
barley and bops are every where doing
nice y. Corn has improve'- and late po
tatoes are "r.uH-mj A,nd advancement.
Albany, Linn county, J. B. 8. Powell. J
-rore part 2! W0 wi " V"
warm; beneficial to all cropB u"
early train being cut. Haying in pro
greBB; crop excellent. Gardens making
good growth. Corn and vine orups
growing nicely. Potatoes looaiug well.
Oabd or Thanks. The un leriined
desire to expreBB their sincere thanks to
Lhs manv friends who so kindly assisted
them aim extended sympathy auring
their great bereavement.
Mas. William drum and csklorbn,
Physical Cultouk. A class in phys
ical culture is being organized and ar
rangements have been made for three
lessons under Margaret Ba.ry. The
Bret will be given tomorrow loronoon
at 10 o'clock, at tho iesidence of 8. S.
Train, and all desiring to enter the class
Bhould be present at this time and so
cure tbe excellent advantages of the
A few more days and the bay will be
In out ol danger of the rain.
R. N. Steele & Co.. veBterdav shipped
7,000 pounds of cherries to the Eugone
cannery, the Diggen Biiipment ever uiiuio
from this city.
.T. R. Cmwford secured Bome of the
finest street scenes ever obtained in Al
bany during tbe 4th of July parade,
both of the narade as a whole and in
sections. Just tbe thing for souvenirs
of tbe day.
The Corvallis Gazette devoteB eight
inches to the visit of tho six year old
Ron of T. W. Dillev as Uncle Sam to Alb
any on the 4th and the splendid part ne
took in tue parade, tne center oi attract
ion, of how he saw tbe prUe fight across
t in rtvar npalnat the wlBlies OI his la
ther, and did'nt have to be carried to
bed after thirty or forty miles ride
Delegations .from tbe Corvallis and
A I nan v lodireB. KniehtB of Pvtbias, will
attend' and participate in tbe big field
meet to be given ny Helmet loage next
Fridav at Banes' Park. It has been sug-
uaated that the business close in
the afternoon of that day to allow their
nmnlnvaa to attend. A lame number ot
visitors is expected and it promises to be
a ga'a occbbiou. f.ugene uuara.
J. A. Finch and wife wore registered
at the Portland yesterday.
A good many prospectors are going
into the Blue Kiver aistrict.
Elwood Minchin read the declaration
of independence at the iayton cele
A Sunday train is running on the
west side, for the first time in tbe bietoiy
of that road.
The Oregon text book commission has
elected H, W. Scott president and Frank
Davey secretary.
The Los Angeles Elks dofoated the
Astoria Elka 13 to 5, which was cot as
bad as that given the Portland Elks.
Prosperity has struck a Eugene shoe
dealer, T. A. Gilbert filing a petition in
bankruptcy, with $8,018 liabilities and
$5,328 resources.
A feature of the celebration atJMyrtle
Point was a trap snoot at 25 live birds.
The Deyoe family, formerly of Albany,
were strictly in it. W. W. and Ross
killed 10, L. W. 18.
The Oregonian to-day giveB the picture
of Lieut Percy Willis, who baa just ac
cepted a position in tbe regulai army.
Willis was well liked by the boys of the
second Oregon.
The Oregon hae entered the U. S.
navy yard at Bremerton, where it will
be repaired. A recent P. I., of Seattle,
gave a couple ol nne pictures oi toe
Bremerton yards, a very attractive piaca.
Three former Altiauy young men are
now working for tho government there,
A. H. Freerkssn, Jos. Torbet and Mr.
H. H. Gilfrey, a legislative clerk ot
the United Slates senate, is in London
trying io trace tho estate of William
Baskett. supposed to have Deen a Lon
don banker, and said to have recently
dieJ, leaving 6,000,000 !$30,000,OJO)the
principal heirs Doing tne mmoih u
pom county, jr.
We have black Hock, Eben Holder,
Sky Pilot, King ol Honey Island and
many others of tbe new and fast Belling
boons in Steele, fiease can at ruonay
Sc MaBon's.
At lied Time
1 take ple.mnt tiiro drink, tue nex
morning 1 fesl bright and my complexion
in better. My doctor says it octa gently on
the stomach, liver and kidneys, and is a
pleasant laxative, it is made from herbs,
ml ik nrenared a easily as lea. it it
called Laie's Medicine. All druggists
sell it at 25c tnd 50 cts. Lan-i s ramily
Medicine moves the oosrola each Ja. I
jou cannot get it, send lor a free snmplei
Adderas, Orator F. Woodward, Le Koy
N. Yi
Wh.n inn are bilious. ue I holt. faiiHU
little pilM known is Ue-Vitt'a Little Karl
R'.,-rB to c'etise the li er anu boatls.
They t.ever gtipo Aithay & Mason.
irw rfrb. aLiaaei-s I
' ,'t t o-' ""partii, ..PIllBTare all kidney tils.
f p. Add. Slerllna Itemed? Co.. Cblcaco or N. t
A. B. Hommond bsa joined the Port-;
land chamber of commerce.
Sam Shaw, the actor, who was in Al- j
bany last year, recently died in Kansas
The Baird-Olinton shows are in Port-
laud this week.
Mrs Geo. B. Grey died ill Salem yes
terday at ibo age of 42 years. She was
born in Lebanon.
Mr and Mrs Zabrisxio, of Brooklyn,
N. Y. yesterday fell into a geyser in the
Yellowstone Park and wore boiled to
death, a horriole.doath.
Dawson is reported io be gradually be
coming liko other cities only more so.
It is said that even gambling has been
stopped. Wages have dropped over one
' hundred per ceut.
The Dos mono! ueent at the Stleti has
been abolished, and T J. Buford retired
the first of the month. Superintendent
Mc Arthur of the Indian school, agradu
ate of the Miobjgan Agricultural college,
has cuarge 01 unatrs,
From tbe E. A :
B, F, Kirk, of Albany, is visiting his
folks near Sweet Home. . He will work
in a barber ehop at Newport tins bubi
J. A, Finch, the prominent young
lawyer and newspaper man ol the county
seat, and Prof. A. B, Hoag, ot Albany
College, spent Saturday in Lebanon.
On account of nroirsaioual du ies. Dr.
Lamberson was unable to go to Sweet
Home on tbe bonrth to deliver the ora
tion at that place. We learn that it wae
uitea disappointment to tbe people ot
that section. He was also unable to get
anyone to fill the appointment lor bim.
Harry Boyle returned last week from
San Francisco, where he lias beeu for
several weeks. He did not go East, as
he Intended, Bis brother, who wsb ex
pected home from the Philippines, did
not come, but remained in Manila, where
uenae accepted a good position.
Three men woo had met witn accid
ents called on Dr. Jones for treatment
laet Wednesday. Edwin Palmer wae
grinding a scytbe, when a piece cf tbe
grinustone new into one ot tut e,ea
maaing a paintul injury. t. w. Fair-
Bide was bitten in the hand by a calf,
and his band swelled up and got very
sore. W. W. Irwin cut qui e a gash in
one of his hands with a razor while at
work in his barber sbop.
G. R. Kutledge, who lives in Benton
county about five miles west of Albany,
city had a serious runaway in this last
Friday evening. He was coming Into
town with bis Rifleman stallion, Trinity
Boy, hitched to a uart.wben the horso got
Beared at a eky rocket touched ou by
someone near the MenzieB corner, and
daatied up Main Btreet, kicking and run
ning as laet as he could. Although Mr.
Kutledge bounced several feet tilth at
every crosswalk, he kept in the cart and
made a mantul etfort, to check tbe horse
until In front of W, i Booth's store.
when on account of tbe horse kicking off
tbe footboard, he Inst bis balance aud
fell off. He fell forward, over one of the
wheels, striking ou his head, and waB
also dragged a short distance. He re
ceived some bad cuts on the bead, which
bled very freely, but, very fortunately,
considering tbe fall he got, waB not Ber
iously injured.
Tills ana That
French tbe jeweler.
Will & 3tnrk, jewelers.
Smiley's Olean.Printing.
"Cleanliness" is Lseselle Bros, watch
word. Buy Cut GIbbb at Esstein prices o
French, the Jewelei.
Are vou interested in Out Glass? If
bo, see French's show window.
Place your orders for Ice Cream with
Chuicbil Bros., at the Elite Candy
The only place you can buy separator-
cleaned milk ie oi Latselle BroB.
Go 1 1 Stetter'e, Albany's leading res
taurant, for a first-class glasB of milk
For drinking purposes, for infants
there is nothing that will equal Lasselle
Bros. PaBteufized milk.
Leave orders for Castile Bros, pule
milk at S. N, Steele & Co. or Parker
A new aud fine line of photographers j
jewelry just receiveu at niiBs marie
Long's .
A fren trial of Lasselle Bros, nure t- ilk
may be had by leaving your name at pi.
N. Steele A Co'b. or 1'arkar Bros.
Alilen's Chocolate Creams, hand inuile
in Portland, a del cious candy, at II. F.
Plciffer's, Something new.
The Latest out in Confectionary
SVVriil' SAl'UO Fluke. Made and
for ealo only al the Elite Candy Factory
The best meats of all kinds and good
treatment at the Albany Dressed Beef
Company's market, jUBt down Second
reet. tiood weight and prompt alien
A Sustaining Diet
- Theee tre t'ao enarvating days, when, as
somebody hat Buid, men drop bv the uun
Htroke as if the Da; of tiro had duwned.
I Ley are fraught with danger to (eopio
whose systems are poorly sumumea; anu
this leads us to say, in the intero.t of tbe
less robust of our renders, that tbe full
effect of Hood's Saraaparilla ie such as Io
suggest the propriety of ctlling this tiled-
ic m something oe.ldos a blood puriuer
and tonic. tay, a sustaining diet. It
ft makes it much easier to b-tar the heat,
assures refreshing sleep, an I will wi Inut
any doubt nvert much rt.u-cntHti at 1I1. B 1 hi
ol tho Par
Genuine 1 tsmptd C. C C Never told In bulk.
Beware of the ouler who Irlei to sell
"f omcthlng just u Jood."
Sleep for Skin Tortured Babies and
Rest or Tired Mothers, In
a Warm path with
And a single application of Cuti
cora Ointment, purest of emol
lients and greatest of skin cores.
This is the most speedy, perman
ent, and economical treatment for
torturing, disfiguring, itching,
burning, bleeding, scaly, crusted,
and pimply skin and scalp hu
mours with loss of hair of infants
and children, known.
Millions of People use Crmctmi Soap,
assisted Uy CUTicoiiA ointment, for beauti
fying the akin, for cleansing tho scalp, and
tho stopping of falling hair, for softonlng-,
whltonlug, and soothing rod, rough, and Boro
hands, and for all tho purpOBOB of tho toilet,
brth, and nurnory. Millions of women ubo Cu
tioora Soap In baths for annoylngiiTltatlonB,
lnilammattons, and chaflnge, too froo or offen
sive perspiration, In washes for ulcoraUve
woakncssoB, and for many sanattvo andBoptlo
purposes which roadlly suggOBt thomsolves.
Complete Treatment for Evtry Humour.
Odtioura Soap, to clcanso the Bkln of crusts
andacales, Cuticura Ointment, to Instantly
allay itching, and soothe and hoal, and Cuti
cura Resolvent, to cool and oleanse the
blood. " i
Sold thTODfrhnat til. world. Britbb n.poh F. Niv-,
bbrt ft Sons, 3;-t Ckuterhoui. tiq., London. Poixsa
I)iua AMD Cniu. Coar., Sola Prop.
The Awful Grasshoppers.
"The lime has come when I have got
ti look for some place of abode beiides
Nebltuka," writes Elmer Thompson, of
Freedom, Nebraska, to a Oorvalis friend .
The letter is dated June 27h,a;id further
"The bugs and grasshoppers took my
rye and wheat. The hot winds Lave
blown steadily for four dayB and are
steadily blowing, 1 never eaw it eo hot.
I am rv riling today to find a place to ship
my Btoi-k to he sold. There is no sale
Iickb for an) thing. 1 will say nothing
about the hard times that are how star
ing ub in tho face, to one like you, who
ban hitherto gone through Nebraska
drougbB. It Ib bard'to be compelled to
almost give belongings away,but it is the
beBt lean do. 1 tlo not iiropoee to win
ter here. I hope to get away by the 6th
of July, and many otiiere in the vicinity
will do the same We are all coming
either to Idaho or Oregon. I shall come
alone, and send fur mv family after I
have Been botti states, but S3e of the
ethers will take their families with
Picnic Excursion, The U. P. Sabbath
School on next Friday, July 12 will give
a picnic excursion to the front ou the C.
& E. Those outside of the school dtair
ing to go can secure tickets of G. S.
Achesou at Stewart & tJox's. Kound
trip $1. Only a limited number of Beats
can be sold unless n sufficient number
wieh to go to fill another car. Get your
tickets earlv. Tho train will lcavo the
depot at 7 a m, and return whenever the
excursionists wish Arrant'uuionts com
plete fur carrying dinner baskalB, which
all Bhould tauo. By order of Committee.
Excursion Rates,
A special roun 1 trip rate'of $2.50 Alb
any to Mill Oity, Berry, Niagara iindDe
trnit has been put in effect ou the Cor
valliB atit Eastern railroad for hunting
or fishing parties.
Tickets good going Saturdays and re
turning Monday, giving thre days in
tho mountains of good spoil and recrea
tion. Good hotel accommodations Ht
Mill City, Galea, Niagara and Dutroit at
reasonahlo tales. No special nrdnr nec
essary, tickets on sale at the ticket ollice.
Keep Your Bowels Strong.
Constipation or diarrhoea vyhen
your bowels are out of order. Cas
carets Candy Cathartic will make
them act naturally. Genuine tablets
stamped C. C. C. Never sold in
bulk. All druggists, 10c.
all persons iiiit-resten that the un.
rtr-r.dgned ndmiiiBir.itT of the asta'e of
Htrey hbelton, dtcca eu, bus Bed Mb
final account in Bid matter, rilh the
iork of tbe County Court ol Linn countv.
Oregon, and the paid court hni filed An
iti.i O-e oh. H)t)l, . ; ii i. 1 nne
o'clock p in ol said t hi n,e or
hearing and xtilii g t ol j, tn.Ma In .11 d
A count, tn-. iii.iiP. 'it'ern-tid
d Itqlill ll I
priir mill li xii-
nave 'o said .ic n-1,
d ly r.l Augu.t. 1!K)1.
Dated tin .' tit dm
u op
H "'V Hill, ruin 5th
..' .lot 1 f)0 1 .
flu ty IIM T- N,
he tit,e nf Harvey
Administrator o
Shetton, deceased.
W. R: llll.riu, Attorney