Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, July 05, 1901, Page 1, Image 1

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    Albany Democrat
NO. 46.
Enclose It to Me With
Ten Dollars
And I wi'.l furnish yon nil complete,
rsadr for nie, my 1901, Model No. 7,
perlor In make, quality and power to any
belt offered by other dealere for which
Ihey charge $30.or more.
Call or write for my free booklets,
whlcb explains all about my world fam
ous apDlianceB.
K. 19-21-103. Fourth Street,
Portland, " - Oregon.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It lathe latestdlscovereddigest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach It in efficiency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Hausea,
Sick Headache, Oastralgla.Crampsand
all other resulte of imperfect digestion.
PrleeSOo. andW. Large size contains VA times
imaUalM. Book auaboutdyspeuslatnallftdfree
Prepared ky E- 0. DsWITT CO.. Chicago.
FoBhav & Mason.
Ak alt tlma iii the baaatv of our laundry
work. It always looks fresh and im-
mscuute In color, and our nnien on co
lars, cuffs and shirts is the very perlec
tinn nf thn rL nf fine lanndrv work.
When you want genuine eatietaccion in
toe renovation oi yonr linen, try a sam
pie of our work it is unrivalled.,
Albany, Oregon.
Phone Main 60.
Your LIf eawavl
You can be cured of any form of tobacco using
easily, bo made well, strong, magnetic, full of
new life and vigor by taking ItO-TO'BAO,
that makes weak men strong. Many Ram
ten pounds la ten dayB. Over 000,000
cured. All druggists. Cure guaranteed. Book
let and advice FREB. Address STERLING
RflMBDY CO., Chicago Of Wew York. 437 ,
M ,1
w mm
Once tried always used . Has Superior cup qualities. ,
C. E. RROWNELL, Sole agvot for Albany.
W. H. Miller,
Bicycle Repairing a Specialty. . . . .
The most complete line of Sundries In ihe'aty.
Forginjnd lathe work.Uknifend(i:lssor6 sharpened and all other steel tools.
Tempering a specialty.!
All work goarantes'. aecondtreettiresn Ferry and;BroadalblnaSts.,jo
posite8tewart and.Sox.HardarjstoM.l
The Botton Bloomer Girls and boys
defeated a picked nine at Roseburg 19 to
1. The.Roteburg men must have been
The July McOlure Is a model maga
zine. It ia well illustrated, ably edited
and contains some excellent stories.
Nerer mils McOlure.
Like Oliver Twist, children ask for more
when given One Minute Cough Cure.
Motbera endorse it highly for croup It
quickly cures all coughs and colda and
every throat and lung trouble. It ia a
apecifio for Brippe and asthma and has
Ion; been a well known remedy for whoop
ing congh Voshay St Mason, . .
Low Baths Eu,t. Portland to Oln
clnnatti and return $78.60, Portland to
Detroit and return 181.25. Tickets on
sale July 1-2-3, good for return until
Septl. Stop-overs enronte. Call on or
address 0. 8. Rawlings, Ticket Agent
0. B. & N. Co, Albany, Or.
Oberry Stoners and Ice Oream Free
sen at . Ohlino 4 Uuladet's.
Tiokets will be on Bale Julv 3rd and
4th, good lor leturn np to July 9th, in
clusive, between all points on the 8. P.
lines, at one isir tor the round trip.
Don't fall to take advantage of this op
portunity to visit your friends. Grand
celebrations will be beld at different
points on tie lines.
Sky Pilot, King ot Honey Island and
"wu; wbupia vi iiuo uon niu mait Dermic
boons in stock. Please call at Foshay
x Masons.
I. - . . i , ..
"I feel so completely run
down. I am so easily tired.
My nerves are weak, am! !
am just about discouraged."
Your doctor calls this
"anemia," or poverty of t!io
blood. ; A great many pebpio
have it every spring.
And a great many physi
cians prescribe Ayer's Sar
saparilla for it, too. And why
not? We tell them all the
ingredients, and this makes
them confident that there is
nothing its equal for making
pure, rich blood.
$1.00 beMlf. All Oqflltl.
J. C. AVER CO.. Lowell. Mans
General Debility
Day In nd out there (8 that feeling ot
weakness that makes a burden of Itself.
Food does not strengthen.
Sleep does not refresh.
It is hard to do, hard to bear, what
should be easy, vitality is on the ebb, and
the whole system suffers.
For this condition tuke
Hood's Sarsapariila.
It vitalizes the blood, gives vigor and tone
to all the organs and functions, and is
positively unequalled for all run-down or
debilitated conditions.
Uood'b 2i lls cure constipation. 3ft cents.
Lyncher's Killed.
Pantheb. W . Va.. June 28. The at
tempt ol a mob to lynch a negro at Jager
iuu7 resuuea in tueaiiiingol twooi tne
would-be lrnchsrs. The nero. P.ter
Price, waB accused o( insulting a white
woman. He was pursued by a crowd of
men, and sought refuge in a small room
in the rear of a saloon. The mob bat
tered down the door and ts they entered
the room Price threw himself at them
with the ferocity ot a tiger, with a knife
in each band In cutting his way out
he killed George Hooks and F. M. SMc
Gran and seriously cut Oharlea Davis.
As Price struck down these men. the
others fell back, and the negro made his
A New York Scorcher.
New York. June 28. New York exne-
rienced the hottest weather of the year
today, the thermometer registering 92
degrees. In Great New York 8 deaths
and 50 nroatration were ranorted on to
midnight. In New Jersey city and nerr
by towns in New Jersey, about 20 pros
trations occurred, but no deaths. To
night a gentle breeze cooled the atmos
phere somewhat.
Ore,on All Sight
Hoqviam, June 28 Cashier Adams ef
tne Dirst national Bank, has just re
turned from a visit to the Pan-American
Exposition and reports an excellent Ore
gon exhibit ol mining and lumber indus
tries, the latter oausing much wonder
and comment. He states that Wash
ington practically has no exhibit ' what
Tortui ed by Burglars,
Wheklino. W . Va. . June 28 Earlv
Friday morning six masked men entered
the Bummer residence of J. L. White, at
Brothers Station, just over the Pennsyl
vania line, overnowered. bound and
flagsed the seven occuDants of the house
and ransacked it. They secured
in money ana as much more in jewelry.
Mr. White and bis aged wife and their
daughter were tortured by having light
ed matches applied to their bodies and
tneir emn lacerated oy needles. While
is a miiiionaireiou;ooerator.
A Mere Trifle. ;
Washington, June 28. A curious dis
crepancy concerning the amount f the
Chinese indemnity has developed, by
which it appears that China has agreed
to pay about 85.000.000 taels or (24.500.-
000 more than tne united demands of all
ite powers. Just how this occurred is
not clear to the officials but it aDneara to
have been an error of calculation at
Pekin. ,
Hot Weather at Omaha.
Omaha, June 28. Today was the hot
test June day on the records ol tbe
Weather Burran, .he thermometer
reaching 100 degrees. The whole week
nas neen a recordDreaicer. Wednesday
tne register was m, aod Ml was.the mm
imum high point for the week.
The little folhs
enioy the distinction of
drinking coffee just lib
mamma and papa.
Let the table beverage be
FIGPRUNE and they can
join with the family in par
taking of a rich, nourishing
drink made of choice
California figs, prunes and
Healthful nutritious.
Boil from 5 to lO minutes only
We live by our blood, and
on it. We thrive or starve, as
our blood is rich or poor.
There is nothing else to live
on or by.
When strength is full and
spirits high, we are being re
freshed, bone muscle and brain,
in body and mind, with con
tinual flow of rich blood. This
is health.
When weak, in low spirits,
no cheer, no spring, when rest
is not rest and sleep is not
sleep, we are starved; our blood
is poor; there is little nutri
ment in it.
Back of the blood, is food, to
keep the blood rich.. When it
fails, take Scott's emulsion o!
cod-liver oil. It sets the whole
body going again man woman
and cnild.
We'll Mod ym a titu to I17, V jn lOu.
SCOTT fiOWKE, 49Pw MrM S'n York
The Encarnpnient,
Camp Sum, June 28, 1901.
Company G arrived In Oamp about
three o'clock yesterday and tbe men
worked all afternoon putting up tents
and arranging camp. Oamp Beebe is lo
cated in Bang's Park which contains 144
acres. The camping place is excellent,
bat most ol tbe parade grounds is very
rough ; it is not nearly so good as we had
at Halem last year. The parade ground
is on and Inside the track where the re
cent Oregon-California field meet waa
beld. There are a great many trees
around camp and it is very eaBy to "run
the lines" but as Eugene is fully two
miles from carpp tbe incentive for line
running is not very great. G Company
is camped between Co D, of Woodbnrn,
and Oo F of Salem. The Hospital corps
are at some distance from tbe lniantry.
Tbe urogram of tuedav taasioiiows:
Arise and fall in line for roll call, 5 a.
m. 'Arrange tent, etc. Short rations of
bread and coffee straight. Each comp
any drills separately for an hour and a
quarter. ' Breakfast. Guard mount.
Battalion and regimental drill for two
hours. Dinner. The men have the af
ternoon to use as they please unless on
guard duty or epeeial detail. Alter sun
ner is tbe dress parade, the prettiest
part of tbe day. Taps blows at 9:45 p.
in. and all lights are out and men "sup
posed" to be in bed.
The first night of an encampment Is
always a niemorable one especially for
the "rookies," The officers were very
lax in discipline last night sb the guard
was not perfeotly formed and everybody
bad a good time. All kinds ol jotea and
tricks were indulged in and tbe man who
slent two hours at a time waa lucky.
Tula morning Company G bad tne
hardest experience it bas ever had.
Major Leabo's battalion, consisting oi
companies 0, D, G and K, wae sent on a
forced march ol eight miles in tbe coun
try. We leftcamp at 10:15 and got back
ai 12 -.20 without a single rest in the en
tire trip. It was very warm and tne auar,
was deep and when ae got back to camp
we had bad enongb. 1 doubt if Albany
people could have recognized their boys
ai tbey came into quarters covered with
dirt and dust looking and feeling as if
tbey had been campaigning in tbe Phil
innines. famp uie ia not an, ion. iuuru
iB plenty of work an J drill uut
when tbe boyi are on duty tbere ib ai
w)b some luo. Tbe dress parade and
excellent music a so give life to the en
campment. Alter all there ie a certain
feeclnation in soldier life which makes
every moment enjoyable and we are till
UHVlUg IL'KUUU blllio. ... ,
.tiliilstcr's Mistake.
A city inlniater waa recent!) handed a
BOtlue to 06 reau iroru nia rmipib. au-
sompanying it was a slipping from a
Dewspaper beai ing upon t'ie matter , Tbe
nia-rmnn Blurted to read tbe oxtract and
found that it begin: "Take Eemp s
Balaam, the best Uougli Cure." This was
h.r.llo shit he had exoacted and, after a
moment's beaitat'on.he turned it over.and
fbnud on the other aide tne matier lsieno
or the reading. HT.'i
At Bed.'Tlme
I take a pleasant h.irb drink, the nez
morning I feel bright and my complexion
ia bvtter. My doctor Bays it sets gently on
tbe stomach, liver and kidneys, and is a
nlmannt laxative. It is made from herba.
and ia prepared ai easily as lea. It is
called Lane's Medicine. All druggists
sell it at 25o and 50 ots. Lane's Family
Medicino moves the bowels each dav. I
joo cannot get it, send tor a free aamplet
Aurleras, uraior.r. irwinaiu, uo ivjj
N, Yi
nr... D. ...... A 1 1 IKalnlaot aharlna nnrl
designs direct from eastern factories at
prices tnat are rigui.
DUIl.UAl u.un.1.
tr O... 1 1 IDw r3nt vnnr
antr luun un.i j
uaruen uoso mm t,u.u nunsm ,.0
Screen Windows and Doors, at Ohllng
A Bullion's
O. & T. tires (10 per pair but they aro
1901 goods not old Block. Experlonre a
any'price. Mbbkii.1. Bros.
Twentieth Century Medicine.
Cascarets Candy Cathartic are as
far ahead of ancient pill poisons and
liquid physic as the electric light of
the tallow candle. Genuine stamped
C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All
druggists, loc.
Genuine lUmptd C. C C Ntvtr sold In bulk.
Bswart of the dealer who tries to (ell
"something; uit as good."
Get What You Ask For!
When you ask for Cascarets Candy
Cathartic be sure you get them.
ftnitini tnl,1. elamnpd f!. f1. C
Never sold in bulk. A substitutor is
always a cheat and a fraud. Beware!
Ml druggists, ioc.
This ana That
French the jeweler.
Will & itark, jewelers!
Smiley's Clean Printing.
"Cleanliness" is Lasselle. Bros, watch
word, V can get fireworks wholesale or retail
at the Sugar Bowl, 2nd street.
Buy Cut Glass at Eastern prices of
French, the Jeweler.
Are you interested in Gut Glass? If
so, see French's show window.
Place your orders for Ice Cream with
Churchll Bros., at tbe Elite Candy
We carry Pain's Fireworks the
"World's Beet." The Sugar Bowl 2nd
Tbe only place you can bay separator
cleaned milk is oi Lasselle Bros.
Go to Steiter's, Albany's leading res
taurant, for a first-class glasB of milk.
For drinking nurnosea. far infanta
there ia nothing thai will equal Lasselle
orus. rasieunzea mux.
Leave orders for Lasalla Bros. nnr.
milk at S. N. Steele A Co. or Parker
A new and fine line of photographers
ewelry just received at Mies Marie
ijong a.
A free trial of Lasselle Bros, nure milk
may be had by leaviug yoar name at S.
N. Steele & Go's, or Parkar Bros.
Alden'e Chocolate Creams, hand mado
in Portland, a delicious candy, at H, F.
Pfeiifer'e. Something new.
The Latest out in Confeotlonarv
SWFE1' 3APUO Flake. Made and
lor sale only at tbe Elite Oaady Factory
Let US furnish French Ice Cream far
tnat nartv. social or banouet. Our nrices
aiw rignt auu our uream can'i ue neat,
&liie candy f actory.
The best meats of all kinds and good
treatment at the Albanv Dressed Bnel
Company's market, just diwn Second
nroi.. u-mu waiifui nnu protupi alien
BeamtT Ta mood Dcev,
Clean blood means a clear, akin. Sa
beauty without it. Caacarcts, Candy Cathar
tic vieau yuur uioc-u anu Keen i clean, oy
ttirring un the lazv liver and driving all im
puritiea from the body. Begin to-dny to
banian pimples, boils, bliitchea, blaekheada,
and that sickly bilioua complexion by taking
Cascaretn, beauty for ten cents. All drug
gists, aatiafaction guaranteed ll- 200.500.
What a Pity, You Can't See It.
; "An ounce of Prevention Is worth a pound ot Care."
when OURE is impotBihle. Eye trouble may be AVOID KD by the timely iibb of
OUR WONDERFUL GLASSES, tbey avert discomfort, suffering end permanent
impairment of Bight We are thoroughly equipped "WITH EXPERIENCE AND
INSTRUMENTS" to give you a perfect Ut.
Don't neglect vour eyee bb thev cause much sickness.
Opposite Ruee Hooee, Albany, Oregon.
mi.. 276 Red
Warner & Ketchum,
Having forir el ft co-parirerB'iip in the liBrncea aud aaihllery business wo
h .to located Id new quarters, an 1 arc prepared lo serve the publie with good
goods and do f rat claia work.
Q years experience. Carriage Ufmraing and repairing done on short notice.
Cor. Second andFcrry Street
m aU 1111
Hnkd, Impoiaaer. Lm4 rwrNlfthl4jsaM Npvrmatorrhoea, InaoniBl,
Pain In Back, KtII liocf r, Jtom1nal Km I Ion a, l,imntk. Vmrvomt Ietll!!jr,
Ueodaefcts, tfltn to flmrry, Iom mt RnMN, "'1 ?f!1 CmI, orOtiil I pi"
tlom, ft top tlekMM of plsv-liarff), Htop Nttrwoum ifl 1 Twlt;hij of Kj.
llde, Kffwtire Immediate. ImpertTlgor md potency toerery fjf4 function. Ion't g'-t
despondent, a cure la t bftnd. Heiitoree tmatl. UDaereloitcd lAituJ orKHnr. Btlmtilatca
tbe brain and norra cntri. 00. a kx, fi (or by mall. X wiuiau guarautao, to cura oi
Bouey ratuadadt wltb bozeav circular! Irae. y - $
Addreaa, BISHOP. REMEDY COH 8an Franolaoo, OmU
An Excellent Combination.
The pleasant method and beneficial
effects of tbe well known remedy,
Stbup or Figs, manufactured by the
California Fio Syrup Co., illustrate
the valueof obtaining' the liquid laxa
tive principles of plants known to be
medicinally laxative and presenting1
them in the form most refreshing to the
taste and acceptable to the system. It
is the one perfect strengthening laxa
tive, cleansing the system effectually,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
gently yet promptly and enabling one
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Its porfect freedom from
every objectionable quality and sub
stance, and Its acting on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening
or irritating them, make it the ideal
Iu the process of manufacturing figa
are used, aa' they are pleasant to the
taste, but the medicinal qualitlesof the
remedy are obtained from senna and
other aromatic plants, by a method
k aown to the California Fio Syrup
Co. only. In order to get its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations, please
remomber the full name of the Company
printed on the front of every package.
For sale by all Druggiita. Prlco&Oo. por bottle.
"C" With a Tail. .
The "C" with a tail is the trade
mark of Cascarets Candy Cathartic.
Look for it on the light blue enameled
metal boxl Each tablet stamped
C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All
druggists, loc.
That term ean apply only to a house
carpeted throughout in harmonious and
tasis fill colors and patterns such as wa
are showing foi the Spring and Summer
ol 1901. We Invite careful scrutiny of
the material, weaving, and more than a
cauuul glance ut their artistic beauties.
Furniture Co.
Mngoiiic Temple.
4tf MORMON BISHOPS' PILLS hare been In n
om CO yn by the lotulvn ot the Mormon Chnroh and their
followert. PottUvoly enrea th worst out In old and Tonnfr