Albany Democrat ALBANY OREGON, FRIDY, MAY 3, 11)01. NO. !i8. Lebanon. TELEGRAPHIC An Excellent Coiv.bination. The pleasant method : nil beneficial ejects of tne wbii lin-jw.i srnur OP Fios, manuniutuvcd by tho CiLiFOiisu I'm Sykcp Co., illustrate tfcevclueof obtiilninir tho li.juid laxa- -:..ilno rf nljmta i.-llitt-n to be .j&nnllv laxative c-.).i presenting thtmia thu form roost re : i railing- to the uilieone perfect trer.:'i honing; laxa .:, .leMuuui; tho BV"'M cUcctually, dispcllintf colds, end tevera -only yet promptly mid ; nbling; ono toorercoiuenauiMiui wnn' imUuu ln.. mancatly. Its perfect, ' edom from .tery objectionable qv....ty and Bub lUace, end its acting-1 . tho lddneya, lirer and bowels, with' ut weakening irritating them, roa'.io it the ideal luatire. , In the process of manufacturing figs are used, as they nre pleasant to the t.,t hut the medicinal Qualitiesof the remedy are obtained from aenna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to tho California. Fiq Sybup rv, nnlv. In order to (ret its beneficial effectsand to avoid imitations, please remember the full namoof the Company printed on tho front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN F3ANCIBCO, CAli. LOUISVILLE, mr. raw yoek, w. y. fOTSSlabyall Druggists. Price 60o. per bottlfc KdToa ever hear tow Mr. . of itreet came to luy a whc-.'l for hs "viicl Well, ne came uonM one eveiu;-i-, wiii Kur her sitUns on ilia l-r;uslratfe of tteporeb, uEhowa in Do (ilcl'-ira. llo crv'c Hp Ma mlad men oi:d tliore t-i"t sha would look lust too sweet fot anything on a bicycle. Ana shn docs. Cuttholiicrtof Wcyale hna good dc.iltodOTTl'.h looking swucn. Fa If you wunt to look f.weet. buy your wheel (udjdUr. ) ui tho ajent f ar The Inn wial Bicycle. OIILING & HULBURT. From the IS a. Mrs. J. 0. Mayer went to Albany this morning c, a ehort vicit. The thr, --year old son of T J. Covle, of Hodavi- e precinct, snallowsd a five do iar bo d piece on Wednesday. The rich diet caused no serious results whatever. J. E. Drucks. of the Lebanon flouring nil lie. this week bounht 2000 more buBh- elsof wheat at the Tallman warehouse. He bus bouaht between 10.000 and 12,- 000 bu.helB at that place during the past eeaBon, Another band has been organized in this place duriog the past few days. It wilt be koown qb ibe Lebanon Cornet Band. A, J. Nichols will instruct the new band, which consists of eevruteen members. 0. H. Markham, of the S. P. Co., has informed Mayor Miller that on the day resident jUduniey will oe in Aioany the morning train will leave Lebanon at about ti o'clock, iu order to give our citizen an opportunity to see (he preei dent. Tne train will not return until the regular time in the evening. May Ball. The A. O. TJ. W. Danc ing club will give a "Fantastic Basket Ball," on Friday, May 3rd. This ball ii the ending of the club's aacial dances. Ever v lady will brine a basket with supper for two and all the baskets will be sold thus ensuring every one a part nor for Bupper. Remember the time ana be a guest oi tne A. u, u. w. Danc ing club. Prijo, 60c a number. Grand march at 9 o'clock Plant Sold., April 27. Tue electric light p.aut was bid hi today atshetiff's sale by the London and Sin Francisco Bank at $144,013 S4 There was one other bid. Our Wall Paper patterns this spring out vie all our previous effortB to eeleot what would please you best. The de sigue are mott beautiful. Buskiiart dc Lit a. To Hotel Mbs. Wishing to engage other business I offer for sale the furni ture of the Revere House and will ttive a ong lease on the property at a reasonable Chas. Pfsiffer Pdrfectlv Heathlv people have Dure rich, warm, nourishing blood, good ap petite and good digestion. Hood's Sar pari I la gives tbese, aud!thus it makes people healthy and keeps them so, bet only Hood's. Sick headache ia cored by Hood's Pilla, 25c. The Blues DON'T TOBACCO SPIT and SMOKE Your Llfeawayl Yon can be cured of any form of tobacco ualnfr I tuily( be made well, strong, magnetic, full of that mka wmV mn elrntlff. Manv B&itl ten pounds in ten days. Over BOOfOOO I eared. All druggists. Cure guaranteed. Book let sun advice FREH. Address smKliru SJUUDY CO Chicago or Mew York. 437 NOTICE TO SlIIGKHQLDERS- Ntitica ia hrabv sriven that the nnnna meeting of the Albany Mining & Milling Co. will be held at the office of O. i Barkhart on Aeril 29th .1901. at 4 o'clock p. m. of said day for the purpesa of elect in? sevea directors to serve for one year indthe transaction of such othtr business unuv legally coma before the meeting. uy oraer ot me uirectora. U. (J. Ben EH ART, lU E. Bkownell, Piceident, secretary. Ever have them ? , Then you know hpw dark everything, looks. You are completely discouraged, terribly depressed. A little work looks like a big mountain ; a little noise sounds like the roar of a cannon ; and a little sleep is all you can secure, night after night. The truth of the matter is, your nerves have been pois oned and weakened with the impurities in your blood. You want a blood-purifying medi cine a perfect Sarsaparilla that's what you want. You want The Ohio Mood. Cxxcixsati. April 20. The Ohio river ; has been stationary here and, for some distance bblow Cincinnati since 9 o'clock this moruing. Local torecaBt Omcial Basiilcr said toaL'ht: "I look for tho 1 river to remain stationary until tomor- row morning when there may be a per- cepiible fall. Favorable weater is re- ! ported through the Ohio valley." j The conditions on ootn siues oi tne river .here are quite serious. Many sick have removed from inundated houses to hospitals. It is estimated tbat 500 residences have been inundated iu the east end of Cincinnati. 80 Dead Bodies. Frankfort. Germaov. Aoril 28. By . 11 o'clock this morning it was reported that GO bodies hid been recovered from the debrfs at the electro chemical works near Griesheim, but there are Btill many missing. The work of fighting the flames proceeded throughout the entire night, though the danger of further explosions was regarded as averted at midnight. The Be arch of the ruinB continue. A Chinese Famine. New York. Aoril 26. The following cablegram was received by the Christian tieralU today: Pekin, April 20 Very serious famine spreads over the whole province of Shan Si. uver ii,uuu,uuu population anecteu. Urgent relief necessary. Conditions warrant immediate appeal. la .ttung unang. A Heavy Steal. Anaconda. Mont,, April 26 Two bur glars entered the Alaska saloon early to day by forcing .the Main j street door. bodily picking up a b'JU pound aaie iney loaded it onto an express waon. Driv ing outside the city limits they broke the safe open and secured $10,000 in gold. Putting the broken safe back into the wagon tuey started tne norse towaru tue citv ana eecapeaa. A Trust Busted. Seattle. Aoril 26 The Alaska Steam ahio Association, embracing the four lines irom ruget bouoa porta ana iwo from Canadian ports trading with Somh eastern Alaska, came to an ena touay The principal cause of the rupture waB tne acmana ot tne uanaaian lines mai American members refrain from com peting for Canadian business, A l'hillpplne Cyclone. Washington, April 26: Admiral RampiT, at Oavite, cabled W tlm -Nary department today that a cyclone struck folloc on April T2t aeetrojing tne oar racks and rendering the hospital untl for uBe. No casualties are reported. HOME AN0ABR0AD. Tatents have beeu granted : G Amund son, Blue Canyon, Wash, snatch-block; W L Ingram, WiMerville, Ore, jr ctp sealer; O L White, Daton, Wast, flour bolting machine. U. S CooBi'l Jchn F. Oaplee, who has been at Valparaiso, Chile, during the paBt two or three years, has returned to n is nome at fortiand, naving reeignea is position there. He had enough of thateouutry. A farmer near Sodaville recently bought some feed wheat of a neighbor. When sowing it he struck a glove full of twenty dollar pieces. The seller had been using the sack of wheat as his bank, and bv miBtakesold his whole banking otifi't instead of the regular seed wheat. Here is a new comer item from the Stayton MjiI: S. O. Stoner, of Indiana, n uncie oi a. r. Appie, was ia me cuy few days tats week, tie represents several fa-nilies in that state, who will move to Oregon during the summer if Mr. Stoner is eatieheU witn the country and reports favorably. He is well satis tied with the country, bo far as he has seen, and will probably make his future heme in Oregon. E. H. Lofftus and O. II. Ddlrvmp.e found a largo (edge of lime rock four miles north from Lakeview, says the Rustier. The rock has been tested and nronounced first class by the brick and atone masons of the town. The finders have secured a lease on the land, and will matte tbe necessary preparation at once to burn a kiln. This ia a big thing for Lakuview. as it will do away with shipping lime in from Southern CMilor r s THOROUGHBRED WbUa Leghorn and carrea nymoutu xock eggs tor eaie. 11.00 for 15. Call on F. C. Dannais. ii n tjHScarGU. ZrtriteTonr Hot-is W Catujjr Cr.tlinrtlc, cure rnntlpntton forever. ""Sc "tc.C.h drujtlsts re?-.ud money arsaparilla the strongest and best nerve tonic you can buy. $1.00 a bottle. All drugtlsts. Wrlto the doctor freelT .11 th p.rtlenli tn nitrCMfl. You will roeetTO.promplt.plJ. UIU. I'!. J. O. AYBX. LOWOU, Dili, AN EASTER "HOUSE BEAUTIFUL." That term on aoolT only to a house carpeted thronuhont in harmonious and tastfful colors and patterns such as we are showing lor the Spring and Bummer oi 1901. We invite carelnl scrutiny oi the material, weaving, and more than a casual glince at their artistic beauties. Albany Furniture Co. A. O. U. W. SactAL. The D of H and the A O U W will give a "Miscellaneous Masquerade social" on batuiuay eve Anril 27th, commencing at 8 o'clock ThAre will be a Brand promenade at 8:30 sharp, and every lady is expected to brine aupoer lor two. wornmeu Him u of H and their families inviWd By or der Committee. They Work While You Sleep. While your mind and body rest Cas- carets Candy Cathartic repair your digestion, your liver, your bowels, put them in perfect order. Genuine tablets stamped u. .never soiq in bulk. All arueeists. 10c. now sour Kidney. nr. nnhb' Bn&rek js Pit Is care all kldner Hit. Br.ra Mt, Itm. Add. Slerlloa liemeaf C. uuiouo or a. if 1901 RAMBLER BICYCLE $35.00. Anti-Gum puts lifo in your wheel, "Oleanliuess" is Lusaelle Bros, watch word. Garden seeds and tools at Ohling & liulburt'8. The larzest assortment ot orauges at the Sugar Bowl 2nd street. On or nbout Easter Mrs. L. V. loreck A Son will give away "A French Doll.' The onlv nlace vou can buy separator- cleaned milk 1b oi Larselle Bros. I Go to Blotter's. Albany's leadini res tanrant, lor a Brut-class glass oi milk. For drinkina nurnoses. for lntanls there ia nothing thai will equal Lasselle tiros, raslennaea mils. LOWNEY'b chocolates and bon bone at The Sugar Bowl. I.nava nrdpra for Laselle Bros, pure milk at S. N. Steele St Co. or Parker Bros, Several tons of linoleum in the latest designs just received at tbe Albany fcurnllurouo s. s . A lurce and well selected stock ofi-wpll paper, lire best pMloro et AJbnj- Furniture Co a. A free trial of Laseelle Bros, nure milk may be had by leaving your name ai a, N. Steele A Go's, or Parkar Bros. M.fAihloned raz Btrainlng is al done away with in Laeselie Bros, plant tm all their milk is separator cleaned. A new and Hne line of photographers Wnlrv iu.t received at Mies Maris Lornz's. Tn A limn V DEMOCRAT and W. J, Bryan'e new papei.The Oomrofner, one year, f j.uu. iave your uiu. as to get iho tiial number, U....l'o linn nflnnr. Onlv 8 Cents a package for envelopes and 3 cents for naoer. at Foahay & Mason's. A rare bargain . HivrfET PR4S. we have them, 16 named varietiee, latest and ricliest. Stewart & box Huw.Lo, rp-.. .Rainhlnr tlliB BCaSOO, We ' -ii n.,.iM, trni,d here at our store. PrU .35.00, iO.OO, and r,0.00 (or chain wheels. uuainioBe, uu w. Matlock & OooDcmi-D, KnTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOllCK IS HEREBY uivtn iuat the underigoed administratril of the esla'e of eaniuel King, deceased, ha Bled her final account in said estate with the county clerk of Linn county. Oregon, and the county judge has et June 3rd, 1901, at the tour of 1 o'clock p. m. at the county court room of said county the time and fLce for hearing objections to said account ana the icttlwnent thereof. Ruth Kiko. U WABrrx, Administratrix. LLSwan, ' Attoincs. Phone S75 Red. Masonic Temple. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. Joseph. Proprietor. EXECUTRIX NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL. i .,OTn thnt the undersigned has been duly appointed executrix of the last will and testament of J H Stark, de tbe ounty court of Linn county, n All luHnm liaVine CUtmS against said e.tate are hereby riiired to pre.tnt tte same, win, umc. to the undersigned executrix, within six months from the late ot tun s"i , : j IiImm, (Wniii Dated this 18th day of April. 1901. Aht B. Stabx, T.J. Shtm, Eitcutri. Attorney. This elfrn'i" 1 on every box of th. gonulu. Laxative uromo-vusninc "- mamm ArcgelablcPrcparationror As similating UicToodnndRegula-' tog the Stonuuhs antlBovi'ela of Promotes Dlgeslion.Cheerful ness and Rest.Contains neither Ofirum.Morphmo iorncral. Not Nako otic. JSmfJtim Stti' A!x.Stnnm SJU - fifftrtuat iipjii. AperfectBemedy forConstipa tioa. Sour Stomach.Diarrtoea, Wonns .Convulsions .Feverish OfcSS andLOSS OF SLEEK TflC Simile Signature of NTEW YORK. exact copy or vbappcb HUH m Sign STOMA For Infanta and Children. Ths Kind 'You Have Always Bought Bears attire of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA rw w cchtuh eottpHMY, wrw veww oitv. tba romedy that nrii cold IB cm dr CANDY CATHARTIC " Gmuine ttamptd CCC Never sold In bulk. Beware of the otiler wno tnu w sen "somethlnj uit as jood." HOUSE FOR BALE. That notwe just cut ol Magnolia Laundry, lormerly "ed as soda wawr factory, roust be t rooted from lot within thirty daya Applr to H. O. Watwx, 1st Nat. Bank Building. OB SALE, agocd 3 stove,, fine taker, homer gaso in ick't Barber Shop. Inquira at Vim Notice to Contrnctoi a. Kotice is hereby given Ihat sealed hide will he received at tho ollice of the countv clerk oi Linn coun 13 .Oiifoun ,-.i Ti.,,nda at 1 o'clo-k p. m. May ,nn, . .. i,n rnnitruction of a covered Oilten Truss bridge across the Calapooia said river in Section 30 Tp 14 8. R. ' t. Will. Mer. Linn county, Oregon. Contractora are rrauested U) furh plana and speciboationa anu aiso .... on the on file in my ollice. o-ra ...- - - re cent of Uio amount ol the bid must itompany each bid. Th. success- M bidde? wid b. '''7?,loec1,: . bond in th. amount bidden, for the .ra ot tbeii contract. The court reserves the right to reject any and all bias. Datad this 15 day of April, 1801. W. F. Hammbi. Clerk jllulster'a Mlhtako. a nitv miniiter was recently handed a notice to be road from his pulpit. Ao- aompanying w- , v newspaper baaiing upont'ie matter. The clergyman started to read the extraot and found that it hem! '.Tako Korjp e Balsam, the best Uougn Cure." Thl wa hardly what h- hud expected and, after a moment's hesitat'ou.hfl turned it over.and fonud on the other side tho matter n: tend or tho reading. Like Oliver Twist, children ask for more when given Ono Minuie Cough Curo. Mniv,aro AnnnrA it hiirlilv for croup it nuicklv cures all coughs and colds and every throat and lung trouble. It is a speciBo for grippe and asthma anil has long been a well known remedy for w hoop ing cougu roonay ci iai,un. Tbe tomich controls the situation. Those who are hearty and Btrong aio those can eat and digest plenty of food. Kodol Dyspepsia Curo digests what you eat and allows you to eat all the good von wane. If you Buff from lndige.tion, heartburn, belching oi any other stomach troubli, this preparation can't holp but do vou good. The mist sen.ilive stomachs Lan take it Foahay & JlAfO". Iloii'l Toliscco Spit tun htnnst, iiiur T,ire A?m, To quit tobnceo civsily anrt torover. lie lima netlc. lull t life, nerve ami vlor, talio No-To Hiic, tlio nonJor-worlior. Hint nmuos weak me. strong. All ilruiiBlsH. Mo or 81. Cureguema. lecU. Booklet .mi.l ainnple tree. AiWrest Sterling Uemeily Co.. Olilcaif. ar New Yorls The Latest Inlormation. Jolidb URnwoHL Is better prepnred than ever to give the public tbe best 10 groceries, crockery. glar.swre, china and ailverware. tinware, ana irrftniwware ' a reasonable price. In coffee and tvon there is no superior in the tnatket, Suaar at wholesale nnd retail subject to n.a h inua nt ilm market. Defiance Bating I'owder granite ware given away with every qw pouca can. will guarantee to irWe perlect sailDlAc tion if not money will ba returned. Produce taken in exchange of goods. The reason I can afford to sell my nnniia Iahm Limn iid aa I price is bevaune I buy for casn anu give uiy vu wuun mc l'hls and 1 hiti French the jeweler. Will & 3turk, jowoters. v 8 mi ley 'a Clean Printing. Qo to Verlck'fl shavmir and hair ent tinir rmrlora lor t'.ret cIhhb work . Hot and cold baths. Clean tow el a to every customer. Tho best meats of all kindii and good treatment at the Albituy UresHud Beef Company's iniiritet, Jut-t djwn Second reel. i-w wDitrni unu pritupi itunn Lion. Prof Iviscn, of linacoaini, M l. suffer ing terribly from neuralgia of the Btomach and imligeflti n for thirteun years after tbe doctors failed to euro him H.ny (ol him on morphino. A friend adviNed the use ot Kodol Dvawpim Oiru and after tftking a fow bottlep of it he eiiyfl, "It Ima cured me entirely. Ican.tBaylon much for Kodol Dvspnpnia Cure." It digud what you at KoBbay & Mnpon. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought tit CZiuffit Bears the Signature REFEREE SAIF NOTICE IS IIEUEUY OIVEN Tur the unii'riiiocl was by an order and dot-reo duly tnado and rnierlered ot record on tliu 3nl il.iv ot April, n.-ui in Department No. V! ot tho Uicull uourt Ol the stuti of Oregon for Linn county, ia the suit therein pending wheioin Ira Hard well ot al aio the plaintiffs and Mablo Temple et al are the defendants, duly ap pointed refureo to make sale of the real es tate mentioned and described In said ordet and decree, and a herein after described, Now. Ihii.efore, 1 as such referee, will, on the I8:li d.iy ol May, 19UI, at tho hour or 1 o'clock p. m., stll at public auction to tho highnxt bidder, lor rath in band, at the front door of the court home, in Alb any, Linnoonntr. Oregon, 11 1 1 of the fol lowing described real tstut to-wit: The South West ooe-fniirih (J.,0 of Sec, 20 rp. 14 S. B. 3 W.t of the Willamette l7i id! . .1 HO ..o. .11 In t.lnn hnnit nl il Remember my tnlephonw number, Meridian containing ltO acres all in Linn black 701. Comet and aud Kerry street, county, Oregon. LIfOHAB UBiflUD.i Keferee, Julius Gradwohl. Car. orfc Yak. Cecareu CanUy Cthartla 10a or II 10." C. UlSl f r', W. H. Miller, Bicycle Repairing a Specialty The most complete line of Sundries In tbe city. Forging and lathe work, knlfend scissors sharpensd and all other .teei;too. Tempering a specialty. All work guaranteed. Second street between Ferry and Broadalbin. 8tt., op posit Stewart and Sox Hardware .tore.