Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, April 12, 1901, Page 1, Image 1

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Albany Democrat
in Excellent Combination.
The pleasunt method und bcnoficlal
effects of the well known remedy,
HTBUf OF Flos, mniivifaeturi'd by the
CaUFOBKIA Fki Sybup Co.; illustrate
theralueof obtniiiinir Wv: liquid laxa
tive principles of plunt i .. nown to be
medicinully lnxntlvo :.;.! presenting
themin the form most refreshing- to the
Uste and acceptable t.i tho system. It
k tiro one pertect strenirtlu ninif laxa
tire, cltiausintf the sysLum cirootually,
dispelling colds, headnehi'S ami fevers
tally yet promptly nn! .imbling one
toorercoine habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfc'.-' freedom from
svery objectionable qnulity and sub
stance, and its acting on the kidneys,
liter and bowels, without weakening
or irritating tnem, imiKU lb me lueai
In the process of manufacturing figs
are used, as they are pleasant to the
taste, but the medicinal qualities of the
remedy are obtained from senna and
other 'aromatic plants, by a method
known to the California Fio Syrup
Co. only. In ordor to get its beneficial
effects and to avoid imitations," please
remember the full name of i he Company
printed on the front of every packago.
yorsale by all Druggists. Price &0o. per bottle.
Ton can be cured or any lorm 01 looacco using
tuilr, be made well, atrong, magnetic, full ol
Kir lite and vigor by taking HO-TO-BAO,
that makes weak men atrong. Many gain
ua pounda in ten days. Over BOOfOOO
cared. AU druggists. Cure guaranteed. Book
In and adrlce FREE. Addreaa STERLING
U1LBSY CO., Chicago or Mew York. 437
balein lias a Woman's Club, which is
about to tackle the question, "how to
make a buguand most useful "
Berinai n will stay. He is consider
able of a ttayer, nut it is the opinion of
many that he did not stay in congress
Ionic enough for the good of Western
If the people of all parts of Benion
conuty petition for a free lerry at Cor
vallis, why should not the people of all
parte of Linn couoty be as public spirit
ed and petition for a free bridge at Al
bany, the annnal expense for keeping
up of which will be leee than the cost of
running; a ferry.
The job of exporting the land office
books at Salem baa now progressed
nearly to the end of Napoleon Davis's
term of office and soon work will be be
gun on the accounts of (r, W. Davis, the
one said to be in default. It looks very
much as if the commit lee bad about as
fat a take aa Davis, an all-summer's job.
Wm Papsr. All the latest shades and
designs direct from eaBtern factoriea at
priceB that are right.
ouaauar a, uas.
Tn RoritL Men. Wishing to encage
other business I offer for sale the lurni
mm ni the Revere House and will give a
ong lease on the property at a reasonaoie
Ohab. Pfeipfbe.
How Are loar Kldaqr. t
Dr. Hobbs' Spare. jB Pills euro all kldnar lua. Sara
VIlrM. Add. stemneRemwlCn..clilMoorN.T
Trv the Rambler this season. W
muke all guarantees good here at our
store. Prices, 135.00, $10.00, and 50.00
for chain wheols. vjnatniess, sou w.
Matlock & Goodchild.
The Snirar Bowl's Easter goods are ar
riving, watch the windows.
BUY Singer Sewing Machines of French
the Jewo er, at cut prices.
Cabbage, Sweet Potatoes, Celerv Caul
iflower and all vegetables io season, at
O. E. Bbowhbll, 2nd St.
We make a specialty of the finest
grade of Bicycle repairing. All work
uaranteed, Matlcck. k Goodchiid.
is t'etiei prepared than ever to give the public the best in
At reaftnahle pricea, as 'ow as the lowest for goods.
Good treatment for every bod
Old Cns$iu& Clay.
Lexington, Ky., April 6. With Ih i
cry, ''The vendetta, the vendetta," on
his lips. General Gasuius M. Clay, the j
famous abolitionial and duelist, land ex
United States Minister to Rues. a, this
m rntng lfd his little bodyguard to bat
tle again t a Sheriff's poaeje which had
gene 10 Whitehall, his palatial mansion
in kadieon county, to Burve papers upon
the General in a civil suit instituted
againet him by him daughter, Mrs. Mary
Cmy Many sho'B were fired on each
side, anp the posse finally d-parted with
out eccouipiietiing ihe purpoas of its:
visit. .
April Snow.
HiQBBBTowN. Md.. Auril 5 This sec
tion ot the Cumberland vallev is walled
in with snow, which covers mountain
ranges to a depth of Irom three to five
tncheB as a ruvult of the recent storm.
Tiiekrinfall was heavy, cautung a heavy
rise id tue fotomac river ana otaer
streams. Tue Fotomas is Bwollen abovt
six feet and is still rising, with every in
dication of the stream getting wild and
doing damage.
Japau's Auger.
London, April 6 "Russia's reply con
cerning Manchuria being unsatisfactory,
the Japanese government has decided,"
says the Yokohoma correspondent of the
Daily Man. "aittr a canterence witn jue
heads of the army and navy, with the
Departments ol Finance and Foreign Af
fairs, to address a second and more per
emptory remonstrance, demanding a re
ply within a Blated period.
Plnmer's Advance.
London, April 6. Lord Kitcnener re
ports as follows to t be, War Office:
Colonel flu mer has advanced 20 miles
beyond Nyletroom, unopposed on the
wav. toward Pietersbunr.
The Boers bavo shifted their seat of
government from Petersburg to a point
35 miles northeast.
ATowu Burned.
Butte, Mont., April 6. The met die
aetrous lire in the history of Northern
Montana occurred yesterday morning at
Asueta. a piogperoua town ou mucs west
of Great Falls. The total loss is estima
ted at $76,000 and the burned district in
cludes almostdhe entire business portion
o. toe town, ine nre uroxe out in me
general store of J C Adams & Co.
Gets a Contract.
Washington, April 5. The Navy de
partment has awarded the contract for
the build in of the 23-knot protected
1 Xt 1 I - (.- tt: r
Works of San Francisco. The contract
priceis (2,807,000.
From the E. A. ": """.
Mrs. R. B. Mouiague, of Albany, and
Miss Grace Riley, of Br jwusvitle, are
spending a few days with Hon. and Mrs.
U. a, Montntcue.
W. H. Bilveu. wtio has Iieen conduct
1 Ins a confectionary utord in the HaDsard
..... n.,nm..l o hrUa il.A,. in
the same pi nee. Lee Cantleld will woik
with him as an apprentice.
E. J. Seeley, tue creamery uiao, was
over from A I briny yesterday and tolc. 1
email crea u separator to J. Houk Mr,
Seele'BconiDanv lias sold quite a niiiu-
bur of fie.-e uiuuhiuea to the lannvrn of
tins vicinity. It ia generally htilieved
that ti.e hand separator plau is the best
The different papers of the state have
In-en Kiviiiat uib iiiuuea 01 tneir citizens
v. hurtie rf,qu4iiiul with Uenural Funs
tun a 1 1 u'her notHtnec. Lebiuou also
itati 8"Uie vUims todiuiiiictiou aluiig this
lii.t-. ror instance, Aire, n. 0. Aiunt, ol
Hi if- ti y, wan loruidrly a resident of ttie
isuiifijvier stats and was acquainted
witb Carrie Nation, .ne lainoua saloun
auiAEher, when she was a girl.
ti icJ uiv. ays used. Una Superior cup qualities.
C. E. RR6VNELLt Sole agent for Albany.
That term can applF only to
carpeted thrGuahont in harmonious and
UatefulcoicM and patterns such sb we
tre showing for the Spring and 6amn er
of 1901. We iovite careful :ruiiny of
the material, weaving, and more than a
casual glance at their artistic beantles,
ft.Rmlfi'e. in Southern Oieaon.
quarantine, auainstthe email 001 and no
trainB are allowed to stop.
"C. C. C." on Every Tablet
Every tablet of Cascarets Candy
Cathartic bears the famous C. C. C.
Never sold in bulk. Look for it and
accept no other. Beware of fraud.
All druggists, ioc.
If tou haven't rfrnHr. fc?7 "o,"
dear ana clean t"-
The U. ot O, baa a tennis c'.oh with
Bernard Jakway aa preaideut.
Smallpox la reported at several places
in Soulbern Orefc-ou, ana one town, la
eaid to bav been quarantined,
A Jefferson minister cast a elur at the
Review, of tbat city, and Editor
Humphrey bita bim)a solar plexus blow
in return.
The Journal eaya tbe Salom llonrlnj
niille burned laet year are to be replaced
witb a 260 barrel mill, and that prepara
tory work will begin next Monday.
Io its acoount of Ihe meeting of the
Eugene ecbool board the Register.;saye ;
Tbe bid of T. ). Wilson tofarcish70
cords ot oak grab wood at 2 78 per cord
was accepted.
Toledo baa organised a fire depart
ment witb J.H, Boea aa chief, Ueo.
Ltudreth.asaiatant, B F. Jonea preei
denc,Dr. (Jarter vice preaident, K, W.
(iaither secretary.
Dr. Mosaman, of Portland, who was
aued for $1000 damages for pulling tbe
wrong tooth was giveu a verdict. Tbe
court beld that tbe dentist was not're
sponsible if it was an accident, only in
case of carelessness .
"Hie store of D. Grickson and tbe post
office at Foster were entirely destroyed
by dre veaterdav. All of tbe goods were
destroyed and nothing saved of tbe post
office outfit but the postage stamps. The
ost omce lB.a part 01 tue store, w.r.
Sriukaon bsing poat master.
E. J Crawford and son, E, J. Jr., came
borne from Harrisburz tbia afternoon.
Tha Harriahurtr sawmill, of wbicb VOUOff
Mr. urawtord is Dead sawyer, nae nau u
cease operationa for a few days on ac
count ol a lack of cars to haul off their
lumber Uuard.
Tbe matter ot an aDDrODriation for the
building of tbe wagon road into the
mines trom mownaviiie was aiacuaeeu
by tbe County Commissioners court
thiB week, without action. It is said
though tbat an appropriation will be
made at tbe May term of court. (?cod.
Let tbe road be built.
Hon. R. M. Veatch, who has been run
for congress, was elected mayor ot hop
taze Grove this week, by a big majority
far ahead of his ticket. One election ar
gument against I tm was tbat if elected
he would neglect bis omce to nnnt raiue
snakes, out it man t worx.
1901 RAMBLER BICYCLE $35.00,
Anti-Qura puts life in your wheel.
"Cleanliness" li Laaselle Bros, watch'
Garden seeds and tools at Ohling A
uulburt s.
The lamest assortment of orauges at
the Stiff&r Bqw1 2nd street..-.
On or about Eaater Mrs. L. V. Viereck
tc Son will giva away "A French Doll,"
The only place yon can bny separator
cleaned milk is oi Laiselle Broa.
Go toSteiter's, Albany's leading res
tanrant. for a firat-clata glaes of milk.
For drinking purposes, for infants
there is nothing tbat will equal LasBelle
Bros. Paateuized milk.
I.OWNEVIS chocolatee and bon bona
at The Sugar Bowl.
Leave orders for Laselle Broa. pure
milk at S. N. Steele & Co. or Parker
The oM-ta.hioied rag strainiug la al
done away with in Lasselie Broa. plant
as all their milk Is separator cleaned.
A free trial of Laa-elle Broa. pure milk
may be bad by leaving your name at 8.
N. Steele A Oo'b. or Parkjr Broa.
A new and fine line of photographers
'ewelry ju.t received at MIsb Maria
The Albany Democrat and W. J.
Bryan's now pnpei,The Commoner, one
year, $2 00. Leave your order early bo
as toget the fiist number,
Hurd's linrn paper, only 8 cents a
a package for envelopen and 3 cens for
paper, at Fosbay & MaBon's. A rare
bargain .
SWKET PEAS, we have them, 16
named varieties, latest and richest,
Stbwakt A box
This and That
French the jeweler.
Will A 3tark, jewelers.
Smiley'a Clean Printing,
Go to Verick's shaving and hair cut
ting parlors for first class work. Hot
id cold baths. Clean towels to every
The best meats of all kinds and eood
treatment at tbe Albany Dressed Beet
Company's market, just dawu Second
reet. Ix.iod weight and prompt ..atUn
&..OHEI) Egos. We Bell colored Eas
ter eegB in any quantity. Leavo your
order early, special prices to Sunday
Schoola and parties.
At ttie sugar uowt.
.dlnister'8 Mistake.
A city minister was recent! handed a
aotiue to be read from his pulpit. Ac
companying it was a clipping from a
newspaper baat ing upon t'ie matter . The
clergyman started to read tbe extract and
found that it begin: "Take Eemp s
Balsam, the beat Oouarh Cure. - This was
hardly what hs bad expected and, after a
moment s besttat'oti.he turner! it over,and
Eonud n the other side tho matter Htend
or the reading.
Prof Ivi'ftn, of Linacooing, Md. suffer
ing terribly from neuralgia of tbe stotnack
aud indigestion for thirteen years after the
doctors fuiled to cure him they fe I him od
morphine. A mend advised the use ol
&odol Dyspepsia uure and after taking s
tew bottles of it he aays, "It has cured me
entirely. I caa.t say too much for Kodol
Uyspeosia uure. ' It digests what you
eat--Foshay ft Mason:
Like Ulivor Twist, children ask for more
when given One Mioute Cough Cure
Mothers eaaorse it hishlv for croup It
quickly cores all coughs and solda and
every tnroat and lung trouhie it ia a
specifio for grippe and asthma and hat
ion:; oeen a wen known remtuy tor wnoop-
ing cough troabay dc Mason,
Twice 30
" I have used Ayer's Hair
Vigor for thirty years and I do
not think there is anythingequal
to it for a hair dressing." J.
A. Gruenenfelder, Grant
fork, 111., .June 8, 1899.
"I have used Ayer's Hair
Vigor for over thirty years anu
can testify to its wonderful
merits. It has kept my scalp
free from dandruff and my hair
ooft and glossy. And it has
prevented my hair from turn
ing gray." Mrs. F. A.
Soule, Billings, Mont, Aug.
30, 1899.
On dollar a bottle.
'ou, send
e to you,
give u
If your drufrfrlfU cannot iupply yt
us $1.00 and we will express a bottli
all charges prepaid. Be sure and
your ncr?st express office.
J. C. Avib. Co., Lowell, Mats.
Send for our handsome book on The Hair,
Tor Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have Alwajs Bought
Bears the
Albany Furniture Co.
Phone lui. :
Masonic Temple.
J. Joseph. Proprietor,
Did you ever hoar how Mr. , or
ntrect came lo buyawhcul lor Us wi- t
Well, ho onme homo ono cvcii!i:k. an
her alttlni on t'ao bolvistru 'o of theiif?TC'.,
nsshuwn la tliu pfoturo. II t uix:'.c ut; h i
mind tnen nnd tlioro lint h'.ie would hi: t
Just too sweet lor nny.l.inK on a ilo-.
And she dies. Dut ihe k'.r.u of I'.cyc-'.c J., a
1. -ood deal to do vl'.b louli.'ng stvci:'.. ( o
If you wmit to look rwoct. buy your mbbuI
(aa did Mr. J ot the a;nl iur
Th! ajftrtisitura im on vrvJwir nf h '
Laxative Brorao-yuinine Tabi.u
ih. NBrod? thai eurcfl n cold la mmm 7
The Imierial Bicycle.
W. H. Miller,
Bicycle Repairing a Specialty
The most complete line of Sundries In the city.
Forging and lathe work, knife and aclaaora sharpened and all otl er aleel tools.
Tempering a specialty.
' All work guaranteed. Second street betwreri Fjrry and Broadalbln Ste., op
poaite Stewart and Sox Hardware store.
!e.ltb. Addr...
siibuis atuM commit, miriOT
HaiaDBissn. Hua Danssa.
Mrs. C. A. Spaulding
A 6n! assortment of iood, 'onsisting
ot flrst-clase work. Combines rooted
n1 pnt no nice as cot bair. Old switcn
es a apecialtf i dyed to any shade and
made aa nice as
First and Baker streets, at Mrs. 1. H .
Whnt We Eat.
la inlet drcl 10 ni. unali ami sustain u, hut
itniu.t bH dits ed aitil asHiinil.itcri before
it. ran do this. In o'bRr worus. me nour-
iabmeut conmin-'il in f jnJ must beieper
aied iy the dij.-es'ivis "ruai-s from .tho
waste uiatenaisai'.d must ne curiien nj ine
bloed to all pails of thn body We believe
the Teavon fo 'tie yrsat Wn'fit which .0
manr p-opw d'-rive irom ii'toa s r.r-ap-
arilln Irn. in Hi th- fe' "1 this mnliiine
givPS uo,id dli:etltti aim mases pure, r.i-n
blood 11 restores th - luu'tion. ut lh(.ae
organs which converl food imo iimitii'n
sieattbat givn slrcnRlh to liervea and
mufdea. It also cures d simpsia.tcrofiila,
salt rhenui. b iii. 'op s, punule. and erup
tiora catarrh, iheunn'iaiii ami all l. Pilars
tbat have tnur orisiu n inimn- blood.
Notice is hersbf (rico that the annual
meeti is of tbe Albany Minimi & Milling
r ..11 b held at th) 'tti-H Of 0. U.
FinrV-rL nn rril50 a. 1901. at 4 o'clock
p. m. of said dy f r Ihe purpnn of elect-1
ing seven directors 10 serve ior oi.o ;
and the transact! n of such otni-r boinr-e
as mav legally craii b-fore lie mwtiog
Rv ordr of Ihe directors
U E. Bbowhell, Piesident.
I fwsMgi iCASTflHlll
MI'.Tiriirj' m For Infanta nnd Children.
Roses, Roses.
For sale, all my stock of roses, em
bracing lb. (inert various in lha world,
j 000 plants of wtr 2f0 kinds, at wbole
. aleot retail. Jon" Helena,
Albany, Or.
Av'egctablc Prcparalionfor As
cimii.itlnr) ilipTnndrindRetiula-
ling liiE Stomudis Dnd Bowels of
Prnmotes Diecslion,Cheerful-
!nH ft-st Contains neltlter
Opnim.Morphine not Miiteral.
Not Nabcotic.
Aperfecl Remedy forConsllpa-
llOu. 30UX.Jluiiaw.ii,aMii.
Worms orrvulsions.i'everi5n'
aess and Loss OF SLEEP
TecSirrale SinntuK or
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the f x
r Over
Thirty Years