A few i.l in mrliee' gocde for the Spring season are in and 1 coming every day. Tin newfBt ue two patterns of Unfinished Cheviots Rewrta. in grey and French Flame's for w.UFte are new iuOld Roee, Rt-ieda Ncde, Gar net Aiid Heliotrope. Cjv rie C Bilks, Black i e i- rey, Raise, Reseda, Blac'k. also a few Foulard t W hiie Fancies, Blues and Heliotiope. S. E. Young & Son, Albany, Oregon. AT THE BAZAAR. CLOAKROOM New Eaton, Blouae aid Jacket 8uits of general esasllenceltnd bavlngtbe variety of style ic'eis demanded by the Bpring faeluons ' I 1901. The Competitive: Drill The drill at the armory last evening wag witnessed by a large and pleased audience of Al bany people, who bad ret eon to be proud of the manner iu which the members ol tf Company conducted themselves. After the company in a bdy bad siven an extiibition, Lieutenant Stellniacber Drought the competing squads on the door and put them through maneuvers that brought out all their training. Oapt. Dick, of FCo , of Portland, being in the city, kindly consented to relieve Mr, Goodwin as a judge and acted with Maj. Kills and Men. NYinninr.no (lillicult taBk of. selecting the beet diilied squad. A casual observer could see little differ ence in the two Bquade, uoih doing Bp en did work, but the non corns, were con sidered the more s'eady in tneir worn and were given the decision. Cohvalus Saloons. The Tijaea Bays: From all accounts there was a small sen sation at the council meeting Monday night. Jamea Philips war there, and he reminded the council ol the law relative to saloons. Officer Wells, however, was the person who made things interesting. He declared that last Sunday evening be entered a certain saloon, and that a large number of persons were in there, play ing games and otherwise amusing them- selves. He further slated that the place New leparate Skirts i was ODen at three o'clock Monday morn- very complete sb to sz b and qualitiep, I jq. He made inquiry of the council if that body aeBirea tne law e-iorceu wun reference to closing saloons on Sunday. He read a list of the names ot ptrsons wbo were id tbe saloon. Alter tbe om cer bad concluded, Councilman Heckert moved that tbe law closing ealoons on Sunday be enforced, led the motion was passed by a unanimouB vote The mat ter was the subject of rouub comment on tne street yesterday. correct Btyles. graceful curves and pf Jper Hare. Prices, 2 00 to a) 00. . MILLINERY DEPAPI'MENT Many new styles i ri ready to wear Hats shown. Miss Elizabeth Biltnir, of St. Paul, will have charge of the trimming room 1 '- Exact dole lor opening of trimmed Ha's wi:l he announced (on. A few ncvullies in Ladies Spriuii !feck wear j'ld t-peneJ. ' L. E. & H.'.l. HAMILTON. CITY COUNCIL. Present Mayor Davis, Recorder Van Winkle, Marebal Coates, Street Super intendent Weatfall,. Treasurer. Parker, Chief Engineer Stewart, Poundmsster, Catlin and Oouncilmen Whitney, Dan nals, Ralston, Oaweon, Veal and Seelev. Tbe following bills ware. ordered paid: 3. W. Ross, 4 00; J. S. Van Winkle, fS JO; A. Whtestone, $3.00; M.G. Stet ter, $1.34; N. O Newman, .40c; F. M. Weatfall, $8.00; Hammel & Btreitel, $3.50; Albany Elec. Light Do., $114.00; Dubruilie Harness Co., tl.50. The report of F. J. Miller on needed repairs for tbe bridge, was read, show ing: It should be painted and iron aork given two coat9 of boiled linseed oil, but thia need uut be done fcr a year, estimated cost $1500 Tbe bridge needs reflooring, in fact this is a necessity, new counter bracea and rods, fellor? guards, about 30 new piles, and new bents at ends ot tbe approaches. The lumber will cost $1422 and tbe work about $028 a total ol $21C0. This will put tbe bridge in giod condition for two or three yere, wbeo other new pileB will be needed and some other wood work replaced The petition of Jones and King for sewer waB granted. Upon motion the marBhal was request ed to go to the ealonns and ask that no liquor be sold to a certain young man of the city. Tbe compensation c( toll keepers on bridge waB placed at $35 each. Applications for toll keeper were read from the following: John Bray, John Purdom, Harlan Hulbert, Wm. Cook, A. B Morris, W. O. Breckenridge, W. E. Kelley, 1, C. Dickey, W.T. Carey, Wm. Stephens, W. L. Wood, I. O. Devine, D. T. Wyman, George Markhart, J. R. Forgoy, Wm. Rainwater, Geo. P. War ner, T. B. and W. A. WilliamBon. On the firat ballot W. J. Breckenridge re eeived 5, George Markbart 6, D. T. Wy manl, Harlan Hulburt 1. Breckenridge and Markbart were declared elected. The matter ol repairing tbe bridge was ordered placed in the banda of the com mittee on streets and public property. The tolling of the bridge was ordered begun next Monday morning at 6 o'clock. . Recorded. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Geoige Finley, of Crawfordsville, was in the city today. G. W. Simpeon, of Portland, is in tbe oity od business. D. B. Busey. of Harrisburr, was doing 'luainess in Albany today, Frank Ketcbum left lor Seattle today to accept a position in a harneps shop.; County Commissioner Swan and wife are reported ill at their borne at Craw fordsville. Silas Couey lelt by wagon today for Sherman county to take charge ol a farm near Moro which be has rented. License was sued today for tbe mar riage of Mr. Din Miaheler, and Miss Dollie Oiurue, two estimable young peo ple. E. L. King, tbe Poatal man, is in New York Oity, this week, and Friday will leave on a trip through the south before returning to Oregon. On account of the improved condition of her mother, Mrs Kirkpatrick, Dr. Mra. Beers lelt this morning for her home at Wasco . Joe. Raleton, the electrician, left this afternoon for Junction on business con nected with the proposed electric light plant there. Bert Magers left Tuesday morning to enter business elsewhere The best wishes of everyone follow Bert wherever he may decide to cast his lot, Shanko Leader. Dr. E. J. TbompBon, of Corvallis, h.n been elected pastor ol tbe fresbyteriau church of Eugene. On the same day he was offered the pastorate, of three other churches. The Eugene Guard says it is reported that H. G. MnKinley, the well known timber land cruiser, , waB recently married to a young lady at West Salem, Wis. A letter for Mr. McKinley Ib ad vertised in tbis issue of the Democrat. J. H. Brigham and H. Mangold,of Hi awatha, Kan ., and OBcar Fitch and J U. Willcox, ot Wisconsin, arrived in Altaoy yesterday with a view of locating in the valley. The former geatlemen desire to go into tbe stock business on a sm scale. MARCH OT H. F. Mcllwain Great Cut Rate Sale in GROCERY DEPARTMENT- Id pounds Beat Pure Dane Granulated Suga- 1 00 2 papera Arbuckli or Lion Ooffeo 25c 5 pounds Mocka and lava (fresh roast) 1 00 10 bare Excelsior Savon Soap , 25c 6 large bare Baby Elephant Savon Soap 36c Choice New Crop Japan Teas, per lb. 40c and 50o SO po'imlt Jrtpin No. 1 ithe, (now crop) .". 1 00 16 pounds Extra Head Rice, best Rice imported 1 00 5 aallonB Best Pear! Coal Oil (bring can) . . 75 Syrups per pail, 50c, 75c and 85c, DurkeeB Sulid Dressing, per bottle 25c 3 cane Sugar Corn or Tom iloes ; 25c See play. East Show window for dis- Our line of Outtlery le complete, eveiy Razor and Pocket Knife is backed by our personal guarantee to be as represented or your money is yours. BUBKHART A Li!F. The Missourian 'IFor Groceries, etc. Bituday Pabtv. Yesterday being the biitbdayof Mrs. Kate Marinan, one of the teachers in our pnblic school, the pupils of her school tendered her one of those genuine surprises that never fail to reach the beart cf tbe recipient, . In tire case it was the expression of ' grateful heartB in return for the many acts of kindness tendered by the teacher to ber pupils. Tbere were about thirty of the visitors who made up the party and they enjoyed themselves in tne delightlul Deeds: O W Barge to Ziba Ferguson, 80 acres :..?ouu Geo Weddle to F G Maltke jr, acres 40 J M Llndley to Effie Densmore, 30 acres G W Simpson to Kellenberger & Mayer, 80 acres 12 W 2 325 G O Thompson to J D Arthurs, 16 feet 9 inches by 16 feet 5 MJ Arebart to O A Arebart, 111 acrea 2000 M E Nicbola trustee to M J Arebart, 111 acres '. i 1 Paul Bella lo GeoG Belts. 80 acres.. 1 W K Mealy to Fred Kribs, 160 " . . 7Z0 Paul Belts to C F Belts, 11C acres 1 Paul Belts to F J Bella, 105 acres ... 1 John JoneB to Martin M Bussard. 1 lot3bl4Ead Albany 1250 Paul Belts to George Belts 105 acres 1 Mortsatre for $5000.: Release ot mortgage for $1200 and $1300. Cbatel mortgages for $83.25, $60, $350, $200. The Sugar Bowl's Easter goods are ar riving, watch the windows. MARRIED. BILYEU DENNY. On March 8, 1901, in Albany, ay Kev. j. r. ooimeo, mi. William H. Bilyeu and Miss Rilla Dennv, both native Oregonians, popu lar young people belonging to old fami lies here, who will start out with the hunt, minims of a host of Irienda. TI.ao have located in Lebanon, where Mr. Bilyeu has opened a- confectionary store. irnH.RAT.F,. A threc-ouarter Beat bug with inn cood as new hau only hoon run about fvo weeks. Reason able terms. Apply to Frank Sklpton livery barn. Rings, Rings, Rings. Diamonds, Opals. PearlsRubvi. SRI S"aphiree7 Turquoise.tEmeialda, and Bloodstones, MARCH. Who on this world'of ours.theireyes 1 In March first open shall be wise : In days of peril firm and brave, Wear a Bloodstone to their graves.1 F7m. French, The Jeweler. When passing our store drop in and examine our line ol Kazors. .every one way. They were accompanied by Mibs j puaranteed to give perfect Patisfaction tr uni,uuuic, i.nsiremiiutjmu wo w eerveu. vour mane; back The Muclern Way BuiiKiurT & liis. Ohesnuta, Walnuts, New Honey, THREE OF A KIND and multiplies of three praise the exwl lence of our laundry work. Nor are their ecomiumsill deserved. Striving hard to turn cut the best possible work, we mod estly claim merit for its quality. If you are not numbered among our humorous patrons, pray let us demonstrate tbe truthfulness of our statements in your "'MAGNOLIA STEAM LAUNDRY Albany, Oregon. Phone 323. COLOMBIA BICYCLES. We have joet received tbe new chain leas, and also tbe 1901 Hartford, the per lect wheels, and ask that you cill and look them over. We shall bave all our new samples in by tbe 16th ol tbis month, we are able to offer you the beet tbe market affords and hope to merit jour patronage. Give ;ui I Mil. Stewart & Sox Hdw. Co. RiNGi. For ladies and misses, 14k gold filled, 25c and 50c, at French's Jew elry store. Commenos itself to ihe well-informed, to do pleasantly and tffectually what was formerly done in the crudest manner and Malted Mush disagreeably as wen . lo cieauie tne fya-: Buckwheat, tern and break up colds headaches, and : Choice Celery, rvuiu wmiObi uupiruNuui uner euucij, use the delightful liquid laxative reined, Svrnp or tMgB. Made by California Fig Syrup to. We make a specialty of the lineBt grade of Bicycle repairing. All work uaranteea, aiatlcce: c. uoodciiild. Hickery NutB, Almonds, Large Cranberries, New Pickles, Mince Meat. Sweet Potatoes. The best tbe market affords. at O. E. Bhowkbll's 2nd St. FOH SALE. A span of work horses, weight about 1200 each. Call and see team at M. B. Shannon's across the' Willamette. FOK SALE A new bicycle, at actual wholesale cost. Gents chainleBs, 22 inch frame, Ruby finiBh, equipped with Dunlap tires, Sager1 Saddle, ad justable tires. Call at Burkhart & Lee's. Anti-Gum puts life iu your wheel Anti-Gum pu's life in your wheel. Try the Rambler .this season. We make all guarantees goud here at our atore. Fricea, $35.00, $i0.00, and $50.00 for chain wheela. Chainlesa, $60 00, Matlock & Goodchild. Did von ever hear how Mr. of- atreet came to buy a wheel for his wlfet Well, he came home one evening, and saw her aittlng; on the balustrade ot the porch, as shown In the picture. He made up his mind then and there that she would look just too sweet for anything on a blcyole. And she does. But the kind of bleycle has a good deal to do with looking aweet. Bo If you waqt to look sweet, buy your wfeeel (as Old Mr. ) of the agent for The Imperial Bicycle. OHLING & HULBURT. A NEW STOCK of pure drugs, chemicals and proprietary remedies ia being received every week at BURKHART & LEE'S. Nothing tbere is allowed to deteriorate from age, every thing ia kept fresh and worm and duet proof. Hence you get medicines in their full strength; bence you get curatives that cure; Lence you get full value lor your money. Your physician's pre scription! compounded accurately and conscientiously. BURKHART & LEE. Single tube tires $4 par pair at Matlock & Goodchild's. Remember all Ramblers are fitted with the G. & J. tire which is guarna- teed. Matlock & Ooodchild. Pumps, Ohling & F E Meyers Spray Hulburt agents. Single tube tires $4 per pair at.Matlock & Goodchild's. The Ramb'nr Bicycle stands for qual ity and style, for artistic finish and con struction throughout. Javery ont guar anteed. MATLOCK a GOODCHILD. BUY Singer Sewing Machines of French the Jewo er, at.cut prices It Pops. For Pops, Republicans, Democrats or f rOhiDitioniets. uur rop corn all pops, O. E, Bbownell, 2nd St. -ro Care Con.t.patlun Forever. Take CanRnrets Candy Cathartic. 10c or rM If C. C U. fail to cur.rtruegi"M refund m..n-.ji Letter List. Following is thi list of letters remaining tn the Postoffice at Albany, Linn county, Oregon, March 13, 1901, Persons calling (or these letters must give the date on which advertised : Abbott, Dr Buckler, Rev Wm Crabtree, Effie Curry, J A Davis, Harrison Elliott, N H Hunter, Laurance S McKinley, H G Neal. Calvin Strom, Thecdore Bomck, Leland Oookingbam, J W Crewiee, Mrs Jane Davis, Ioa(2) Davis, Frank Hill, Minnie (2) Jones, Mlthra Morris, M.-a Will Raymond, W J Sharp, V M Spicer.Miss Jennie E Sutton, Mlsi M L Smith, 8 M Thacker, Mrs N W Winchester, F Woodson , Jessie L Williams, Homer ' Wood, Sadie 8. 8. Train. P. M. GARDEN TRAQTS. Four email gar den tracts or the Santiam for sale. For price and particulars cauou n. ui,-ant. GIRL WANTED. Goneral house work. Call at residence of Mrs. P. D. Gilbert, 6th and EllBWorth. '' WILL & STARK Dealers in WATCHES, the best makes, Jew elry, si'verware, di amond goods, cut glass, and the latest novelties A fine line or Optica, goods Our Spring Stock is complete, and thoroughly adapted to your needs, fairly overflowing with style and newness We've ransacked the markets for the best, mer chandise. "HIGH ART" CLOTH ING ifl Staple and novel styles. The good things in Shoes, Hats and Furnishings. Blain Clothing Go.