Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, March 01, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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Mitchell Elected.
Just before 12 o'clock last Saturday
night the long deadlock was broken and
John H. Mitchell wan elected U. 8. Ben
ator amid intense excitement. The last
ballctt was had. The vote stood 35 for
Corbet, and So tor Mitchell, when t was
seen that there would be an adjourn
ment without an election unless some
thing was done quickly. Roberta, who
had been voting for Cor'iett, changed to
Mitchell and othes followed until be had
45. After an agonizing wait of several
minutes Mattoon ot Douglas gave in and
changed his vote making the 40 Lecce"
sary. Proaident Fulton announced the
election of Mr. Mitchell, a fact he aid
with pleasure as be had voted for him
Senator Mitchell was called upon and
made a short speech extending bis
thankb and declaring that be would work
for all of Oregon to the best of his ability.
Thus the great senatoria' agony, with its
many bad features, ende I. On the last
vote Corbett received 29, Bennett 15 and
Herman 5. Whitney a'l Clem vottd
for Bennett and Montagu', Ingram and
Kelly for Mitchell.
Drowned at Yaquina.
A sad drowning case occurred at Ya
quina last evening. Mr. and Mrs. Al
Taylor, of Yaquina, were returning
home in a boat across the Bay from
Oysterville, when Mr. "Taylor lost his
oar. He made a grab for it and nearly
fell out. Mrs, Taylor rusiie I to his res
cue and in doin so tipped : he boat over.
Mr. Taylor succeeded in grabmg the
boat and banging to it uitil he reached
the shore, but Mrs. Tavlor was unable
to reach it, and in the dark her husband
vres unable to fender any assistance. The
body has not yet been recovered. The
deceased besides her husband leaves four
young children.
The Sekate W ox. The first joint dc-
bate between the secret Senate and the
A. C. L. S.,the two young men's literary
societies of the college, was held Satur
day evening in the library , on the ques
tion, "Resolved tbat the U. 6. should
construct, fortify and maintain the Isth
mian canal, irrespective of existing
treaties." The A. C. L. S. debaiers, G.
T. Pratt, J. L. Acheson and M. H. Ach
esod, had the affirmative. The Senate
was represented y Fred yurgreaves,
Chas. Stewart and Owen Beam. J. G.
Swan presided and II. C, Watson, H. H,
Hewitt and L. M, Curl acted as judges
The debate was spirited and in;resting
throughout and a'l lh epentturs dis
played excellent deoating ability. The
decision of the judged was unanuious in
favor of the negative The Seuaie root
ers maintained ;h-ir reputat on.
Some Washington CiT!KS.--Te Wash
ing ton census bulletin has iu.-t been
received. Cities having a population
of over 2,000 have already been given.
Among the cities that went backward
were Cent-alia, wb ch lost 426, Ellenf
burgh, wbiVb lost 1,031, Monteeano 438,
Olympia, like Oregon's capital, 716, Tort
Townseiid 1,115. Tle most progressive
were Everett, Fair Haven, New What
comb, North Yakima, Port Angeles, Re
public, Roalyn.aud Walla Walla.
While at wo'k last Saturday in haul
ing some timber at Gates a tree fell upon
Robert Sellers, knocking him into a
ditch, and badlv injuring him. It was a
close call for bis life. He was brought to
Albany on tne evening train anu lanen L. B. Moore, the 8. P. agent ft Junc
to the home of his si tier Mrs. Berry, on tionj lla3 been transferred to Roseburg,
Wasbton street, where he 13 doing- well. and Mark Montgomery, of this city to
I Junction to succeed "Moore. Geo, B.
Lyman Emerson, of Oregon City,
formerly of Sweet Home, was arrested
in Albany late Saturday evening on a
telegram from Oregon Ci'y. Night
watch Mr.Clain made the arrest and Em
erson was taken back to Oregou City
This noon there was a mixup at the
depot by a load of poles, covering three
cars, becoming disintregated, and form
ing a mass on the ground. The longest
pole was 88 feet in length, being 15 inch
es at the butt and 10 inches at the top
and straight as a rule.
Touight and Tuesday cloudy
threatening with occasionaul rain,
er 12 feet.
Fred Dawson returned this noon
a trip to Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. EdWard and Dr. Marks,
of Haleey, were in the city today.
License was issued today for the mar
riage of Lark Compton and Catherine
Mr. and MrF. L. E. Hamilton left this
morning for Portland to attend the mil
linery spenings.
William Cochran is again dangerously
ill at Rowland, where he lias been re
siding for several months.
H. E. Morris, of Eujen.J, who was
operated upon in this city for the ap
pendicitis, returned home last Saturday.
Frank Walsh, ot Oregon City, who re
cently returned from come medical
springs north of San Francisco, wbere be
had been for the benefit of his health, is
in the city on a vieit.
Chief of Polico Coites received a tele
phone message not to go to Salem today
to attend tbe Gites examination, as it
would not take place just yet. Oi course
Benton county is without a marble
works. Corvallis offers an opening for a
good man to engage in a solid and paying
business in the marble works line. The
matter is brought to mind by the fact
that G W. Harris, an Albany marble
works man, was in town Thursday on
business. Times,
Senator Clen and Representative
Montague are illustrated in the Oregon
ian today by caricaturist Murphy. Sen
ator Kelly was exhibited a few days ago,
and Representatives Whitney and la
gram had their day, to Linn county was
net sligbteJ.
RICHARDSON On Monday morning
to f rot. and m rs. Kicharcton, a boy,
All doing well.
Legislative Notes.
5,000 copies ot the new fish and game
laws were ordered printed and distribu
ted by the game warden. Parties de
siring copies should write Warden
Quimby at Portland.
4.000 copies of the report of the horti
cultural board were ordered printed for
distribution, the resolution being passed
Saturday afternoon. The Da mock it re
ceived a copy of the report containing
472 pa es on the train the same evening.
Quick work that.
The usual concurrent resolution in
favor of the election of U . S. senator bv
the people passed, but it will be winked
at by the U. 8. millionaire seuators at
The legislature created one now coun
ty, Miller.
A samp'e of the graft spirit ol the leg
islature was displayed in a re-olution
providing for the payment to the type
writers ot a fancy price for the use of
their niaohines during the session, after
tbey had already received several times
their ordinary compensation.
The state bacterologist was created.
Let the bees buzz.
The clerk abuse was as great as ever.
When the smoke chars away the
Democxat will give the list of bills" that
passed .
New Circuit Court Cases. Ida M
Stevens agt 0 P Burtshart etal. To clear
title. Howitt & Sox for plaintiff.
School Dist 110 agt Hist Boundary
Board. Writ of Review. Weatherford
& Wyatt for plaintiff
Booth-Kelly Co. agt Martha S Lane.
Foreclosure mechanics lien, Watson &
Swan for plaintiff.
Ellen Norcross agt Wm Basset t al.
Recovery cf money, attachment. L H
MnntunvA altn.nan fnx nldln.lfC
Racl A Peterson agt David Haosen
Peterson. Divorce. W R Biyeu attor
ney for plaintiff.
Continental Ins Co agt II J Farwell,
Recovery of monev. G W Wright at
torney for plaintiff.
J N A Swift to D H Karney , SO feet
roadway t 1
John Swanston to Andrew Swanston
227 acres 1266
H Bryant to Laura B Churchill, 2
lots B's ad 80
J H Meiser to G W Hogue, lot 2 bl
14 Albany 915
Mn N S Wartnoth to Halen Engel-
bretson, 1 lot Harrisburg 725
H Bryant to F F Price, 37 96 acres.. 1000
H F Ellis to D H Karney, 160 acres 650
Lola W Miller to A FShultz. 29 acres 900
j;L Norwood to Howard M Tyler, 1
lot Haniiburg 2
Loren Lewis to Z B Ful er, 2 lots
Crawfordsville 1
Margaret J Roush to H L Cutler,, of
Mich , 160 acres 1000
D Koush to Margaret Roush, 160
acres 9
Geo Roush to Margaret Roush, 160
acres 10 E 5 1
Mortgages for $350, $1000, jU!00, $130,
Assignmentof mortgrgefor$817.
Release of mj-rWnge for $125, $500 and
Editor Short, of Myrtle Point Enter
prise, and Daisy B. Giles, a prominent
teacher of that part of the state, were
united in marriage last week. The groom
is th9 worthy patron and the bride the
worthy mntron, of the Eastern Star, and
the minister wasinitiatdjthe pauie even
ing, to it wa a bright affair.
A picture of Lieut. F. C. Siellmacher,
who will represent Albany Coliego in
the intercollegiate oratorical cnnteBt at
Corvahis on March 5 appeared in the
Sunday Oregonian of yesterday
Estes the Roseburg agent lias resigned.
Next Friday night, the home talent
company ot Albany, which played "A
Debt of Honor" in that city last week to
a crowded house, will produuo the same
play in Corvallis. It is to be a benefit,
the proceeds to go to the local lodge of
Degree of Honor. The play is sai I by
Corvallisites who witnessed it In Alb
any, to be very good, and considering the
object for which it it ia being given,
should be well patronized by local theatre-goers.
LaBt Saturday evening about 9:30
while the lodge was in session and tbe
Pan! Pnnnplnr P.. ttllrlrlinr wan nn Via
fljor giving report of the Oregon State
iaaann lioM at b.l.m trt nrhitK l,n
! elected delegate, tbe door at the head
ot the stairs wmcn was supposed to be
Becretly locked opened and alt-legation of
ladies of the Royal Neighbors of America
entered tbe room and took possession of
the piano ana each lauy carrying a
broom they proceeded to give a nicelv
arranged broom march after which they
sr veil refreshments and Mr. Burkhart
finished his speech.
Col Montague's Sodaville appropria
tion bill was passed after having been
The famous Sousa's band will play at
the Marquam in Portland tomorrow
The biz Oregon intercollegiate associa
tion has disbanded, but another one o
the more unpretentious colleges has
been formed that promises entertain
ment for lovers of amateur sport.
Senator Kelly got his favorite measure,
tbe TorrenB land bul through both
bouses and it will become a law. If it is
put in operation it will work a transform
ation in the state. It is said that tbe
liilL which became a law in Ohio two or
three years ago was declared unconsti
tutional and has never been put in force
in that state.
The value of stenographer's notea as
evidence is shown by the case of the
Silverton man, Wise, just concluded at
Salem. Wheu called upon Jpr their
notes as to certain evidence 01 the pre
liminary trial thetwo stenograph ra that
reported the same directly contra licted
each other Ex.
From Sodaville to Brownville the dis
tance is about 18 mi es, yet it took a
postal card, mailed at Sodaville Feb. 14,
jiist 7 days to reach Brownsville. II the
post ollice department would spend as
much time and money improving its
mail carrier service as it ia levoting to
the experiments in rural free mail de
livery, the system would b-more satis
factory. Brownsville Times.
Hon. John H. Mitchell is riding into
the U. S. senate on the railroad which
he built to the pianet Mare.
A number ot bad smells tome from tbe
recent meoting of tlii state legislature.
In compensation for there not being a
vote for U. S. senator ior Hon. M. A.
Miller, the only new county created was
named Miller.
The love for spoil continues in the
Already there is being some figuring
on wuat me election of Senator Mitch'
ell will do in the way of Oregon patron
College Notes.
Some of tbe young ladies have formed
a new literary society.
A choir has been selected to sing iu
chapel every morning.
A bi-ycle rack is to be constructed in
rent 01 tbe college.
It ia reported that a commercial stu
dent aBkeil the teacher of one of the bible
claeees "n hat the Djed Sea died ol?"
For many years the Q, of O. baa ruled
over tbe college athletics of Oregon. Now
thev are shut out entirely. "Sic semper
Ibe February number of the College
student is out. it contains several good
articles concerning Albany, Dut as a col
ltge paper it is below tbe standard.
There is plenty of athletic spirit in
college now and there is a determination
to make a good showing at tbe intercol
legiate field meet at McMinnville. Prac
tice nas not yet begun but w ill as soon aB
suitable arrsngements are made. A
track will be made as soon as the weather
Tue delegates who will represent this
college at the meetingof tbe state oiator-
nratorical association at Corvallis next
month are Owen Beam, Geo. Pratt,
unas. Stewart, iu. n. Acheson, John
Acheson, 1). W. Wight. Ora Simpson
and G. 1). Byers. A large numbsrof tbe
students will attend tbe contest and an
excursion train will be run with a rate
ol bfty cents for tbe round trip,
A Correction.
Editor Democrat:
Dear Sir: A recent clipping in your
p'.per from the Lebanon Express-Advance,
as well as sundry lomarks made
diiectly or indirectly, urge me to state
publicly through tbe columns of your
excellent paper, that Mr. -Gforge A.
Wirtz is not a teacher in Albany Col ege
mm una uui ueeu since tue close 01 the
last Collegiate year. W. H. Lee.
Prof. Jons P. Meakin, of Salt Lake,
Utah, w 11 tomorrow night be at tbe
armory iu the Gtb anniversary of tbe
Woodmen of the World with his widely
known lecture "Footprints, . or Onward
ana upward." rrot. Meaktn is an elo
cutionist and dramatic reader nf much
above average ability and no one who
enjoytfan intellectual treat should miss
neaiing hltn . Tbe independence En
terprise says ."Prof. Meakin'a lecture
was the Dnest ever given in this city."
There will be plenty of good music
ana entertainment ol high ordertowhicb
the public are inviled without charge.
Mr. S. S. Leeper, of Halsey, was in
the city today .
J . A. S'mnson, of Salem, is in the city
on a visit the guet of his brother Arthur
Simpson .
The A. O U. W. danciog club sill not.
meet next Friday night on account of
tbe excursion to Corvallis By order of
tie President.
The Eugene Guard gives an extended
account of a brilliant afternoon reception
at the home of L, Bilyeu, one of the
most pleasant and successful social func
tions given iu Eugene this year.
Michael Murray, who was formerly a
resident of this city, 13 reported to be
seriously ill in Albany. He was in the
employ ot O & E. when here and is still
retained by the company. Gazette
A stated communication of Barzillai
chapter No. 16 O. E, 8. will be held in
the Masonic hall Tuesday evening Feb.
26th promptly at 7:30 o'clock. Mis.
Jessie 8. Vert, grand worthy matron,
will be present.
Pensions have been granted Hiram W .
White, ol this city, now at the mines,
of $12 a month and Mrs. Jennie Brown,
widow of the late Robert Brown, of $8.
Tbe pension of John N. Stars has been
increased to $10.
Senator Kelly went to Portland yester
day alternoon, it is s -id to explain the
Torrens land bill to the editor of the Or
egonian, who haB been characterizing it
as unconstitutional. According to Mr.
jveuy tne unconstitutional features of the
eastern Torrens lands bills have been
eliminated from tbia bill, which does not
contain the features which were objected
to in tbe east. It makes the registration
of titles voluntary, not compulsory.
The Corvallis Gazette makes the fol
lowing neat remark about the presenta
tion of the Debt of Honor at that city
next Friday night:
O. C. Hogue, L. L. Swann, Earl
Branaeberry, Mrs. Hare and D. J. Du
Bruille, all former Corvallisites, are
members of the cast. YearB ago these
friendly visits were quite frequent be
tween dramatic and other organizations
of Corvallis and Albanv and there wn a
better understanding and a wa mor feel-1
ing between these cities on account of '
this. Our citizens should manifest the
right spirit towards these visitors and
give them a hearty welcome.
Y" Turo Coitsttpazion Forever.
T.ilte .'jiairui-His' (juncly Cathartic, loo orSSo,
.1 (J c. V fp.ll to curi. djin,'u,-i refund montA '
Feb. 23, iu Mo- i Mr. Chas. M. Red-
field, civil engineer on tbe Columbia I
Southern, son of F. M. Kertliel.l, ol
this citv, and Miss Mary L, Filzmaur-
Ice, of Moro.
They hare the be;t wishes of many
Albany Irlends ol the gr mm.
Capt. Jason Wheeler, of the Indian
War Yeteraus, returned this morning
from Washington, one of a party of fonr
ot the delegates who have been to the U.
S. capital in the interest of tbe Ipdian
War pension bill, who came back b way
ot Mexico and Soulhcn California He
reported a fine time, and believ.stbe
trip had a good effect on the rep-re na
tives. Tbey at leapt were epleudi-llv te
ceivrd and greatly eucnuragi'd. While
in Washington they aere i-nusiamly nn
tbe go beiug o t at some elun entertain
mentslmnet nightly. Uapt, Wheeler met
PrekidHnt MitKinley, who stoke warmly
in favor of the bill pensioning the re
maining heroes of the early wars 01 the
Northwest. Mr. Wheeler had a delight
fnl visit with A. B. glauon and family at
their Cleveland heights borne, and among
former Oregi mans be met lames Foster.
"Jim" is now a superintendent in tue
water workB, wheie be has dojb well,
having accumulated a fortune of over
Miss Carrie St. John, of The Dalles, is
visiting friends here. A poetess is among
And now if Mrs. Carrie Nation should
call on us we could safely say that our
little burg had been bighlv honored, but
we bave 110 jointB to smash. The Bmall
boy with the small revolver does the
joint breaking.
Mr, Bamford is a wool producer. He
has a band of 15 ewssand they will rai
25 lambs. Ono ewe hud three. Mr. B.
is prepared to kill any and all doge that
are seen prowling around.
Some of our best citizens went to Al
banv tbe 22nd anu attended tbe P.-ohi
bilion banquet.
Mr. James Morgan, of the '0. L. C."
is splitting rails for a living. Abe Lincoln
was a rail splitter and be became presi
dent of tbe United States, Jim may be
come president of tbe "O L. C."
The winter term of school closed last
Friday. Tne program for that occasion
was grand but we couldn't attend. Mr.
Robb and Miss Purdy have given satis
faction as teachers.
Little Rosr Bud.
A Rat Story.
Mr. A. Vanderpool, of Wells Station,
Benton county, who was in the city to
day tells a good rat story. It seems that
whole herds of rals bave been swooping
down through tbe valley, having regular
trails, and have taken Wells almost com
pletely. In a few days in Mr. Vender
pool's barn ono hundred 6even of the
varmints were killed by clubs and it is
thought there are several hundred left.
Everybody else ib troubled-in the same
wav. They will cat anything. A brick
was eaten nearly out of a wall. Several
of them ate into a cider keg and let all
Iheciderout. Another bind ate over
half a bushel of onions generally nnl
touched by rats, and bacon has disap
peared in great quantities.
Gates Di. charged.
From the Journal :
Tbe case of Stale vs. John Gates on a
charge of larceny by bailee, was called
in City Recorder N.J. Judah'e court at
11 :30 o'clock this morning and dismiss
ed owing to the lrck cf prosecution.
Gates' ownership to the $1300 that was
found upon him at the time of his arrest
not having been disnroved. the monev
was returned to him following his dis-
cnarge this morning.
Tonight and Wednesday rain, brisk
southerly winds. River 12.4 feet.
Calender Radabaugb. ot iiosemin.
died in Salem on Sunday from blood
poisoning from a felon.
The new nickel-ln-the-slot bill lm.
been signed by the Governor and is now
a law. It is said this bill can be en
forced. William Penland, the sheep king of
Morrow county, died vesterdav in Port
land. A brother resides across the river
in Benton county.
An R. F. D. corresnondent save : The
fine milk cow ownod by E. M. Combs,
near this city, became mother of twin
calves the 23rd. One of tbem has no
tail but nevertheless they are nice calves.
Jim Gin. the notorious Chinese char
acter, loft today. He created consider
able amusement by running down Wil
lamette street to the tie-pot snouting and
waving an American Hair in his hand.
Eugene Guard. .
Lewis Morrison's snbndid and im
proved production of "Faust" w II le
presented here about tbe ot
March. This is one of the grandest nf
theatrical performances and will be a big
attraction for Albany.
At Salem yesterday afternoon Ulyde
VaugbD, who assaulted Lulu Jones at
Jefferson Beveral months ago, was sen
tenced to StVen years in toe penitentiary,
where he was taken at once. Judte
Burnett Btatel that owing to the enorm
ity of the crime of a strong man striking
a helpless child he made the sentence
faico Oixi iwi Brooi) Q linine Tablets.
ll drjtfgists refund the monsy if it fails
to cure.' E. W. Grove's aigntture is on
each box. 25c
I Rouse A the tor plu liver, and cure
biliousness, sick I headache, Jaundice.
nausea, Indices tlon, etc They are In
valuable to prevent a cold or break up a
fever. Mild, gentle, certain, they are worthy
your confidence. Purely vegetable, they
can be taken by children or delicate women.
Price, Z'r.. at all medicine dealers or by mall
of C. L Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
The Hadyn Oratorio.
Rehearsals for the Oratoria are being
well attended and much progress is Leing
made under the able directorship o:
Pres. W. H. Lee of Albany College.
The second i-itmlluicnt of hooks
"Elija" hav- heen eecuri-d and nw
every singer can be a ipplied iib a 10 y
With refeience to the expense of mem
bership, the annud lie- are but liny
cents whidi is ued lor inci.le it x
pensea Eacf meiuner pay I r the
books uced in the auuiinl t-,iii. cri I - s
year 'Orraiion" and Blij-' aie uaed un.l
cost fUty and sixtv cents reapei: iv- ,
making the entire exoenee f.r the '
but one d-'llar and Bist- ents, w-.ic
should not prevent any one (roai j in 1.
who wishes to. The people of Alim
should take an interest in this cu',
eipecially, thoae who can add then
voices to the cborou ies and a-sist iu wimi
promises to be one of the tine-t 111 nan- ,1
recitals ever given to tbe Albanv putnie.
AirangemenlB are being perfected for
a No. 1 orchestra which will include
quite a number of tbe best proleB-ionals
from Portland.
Rehearsal at Albany College tonight at
ainhl n'tlnnlr fl....... n.t
The successful man doesn't get thete
up an elevator.
A man Is bis own best confident.
The IT. S. senator's seat it reached
through a mighty middy load.
A bad man with good manners often
knocks tie good man with bad manners
A man has to get on top himself. If
put there by some one eUe his footing
is very uncertaiu.
Getting into a city by the toll piocoes
is a very poor way, but we are tn tbe
clutches of necessity.
Good clothes will help a man out nine
times out oi ten, but don't be a dude.
The cold spell has passed away anu Co
perceptible damage has been done. All
kinds of fall grain ate looking well and
will likelv pass through the- winter in
good condition.
Fruit buds nave been kept back by the
cool weather which will insure a bounti
lul supply of all kinds of fruit tbe coming
The roads are good for winter and in
many places entirely free from mud.
The Bamming station at Tangent is
being well patronized and the amount of
milk received there will be largely in
creased socn. -
Tbe Maccabees have organized a lodge
here with something over thittv charier
members. Tbey take tho place of tbe
neiuncc vigilantes.
MrB. M. J. Scott itnd daughter Com
nave g ne on an extended visit tn Port
Ian 1.
Mr. Chas. Filkins, of Illinois, is visit
ing his brother J . H. Filkius near here.
Mrs. Myrtle Smith, of Glendale, was
visiting her relatives in Tangent last
Grandma West is e till confined t) her
bed from tbe effect of a stroke of paral
ysis on Feb. 10. It is (eaied that she
will never fully recover.
Wm. BraoBon who has been chopping
wood for Jobs Fisher will soon move to
Quite a lot of saw logs have hem cut
and floated down the Calapooia to Ho
Uich's mill near Tnrners Bridge.
Mr. Osbnrn, of Tangent, is manufac
turing gopher and mole traps.
Rev. Ford has been hold holding
quarterly meetings at the M. E. church.
Quite a number have expressed them
selves as being satisfied with the election
of J. H. Mitchell to the U.S. Senate.
R. libra has moved with his family
to Albany. He expect to buy a place
Mr. Grill, of Neb., who lately (ur
chased the Ehret farm baa arrived, with
bis family and taken possesion ot his
new home. Cumtux.
At tho clone of tiUBliiost, f'ob.'r,, 1001.
Itcsources 1
Loons and iltacounu $2.-10,
uvordniltti.Hecuroil mid iliiHouuroil a,
U. H. H.1111U1 to soc-uro clrc-ulatlon 20,
I,. . ff.iida on nnml
'ruuiluiiin on U H Ixmua
-StockH, iecuritos, ot Ml,
Mtii-Klnir lioiiHti, turn ttlto. ami nxturuii If,
Otliar real chUU) Ami mnrtiraxci! owi.oii 10,
unoirom MUlniml imnkwnnl ronorvo aiftjiita
Uilo from HUto Ilanka ami batikvni 4,
uuo Irom approval roaorve nKunls 136,
Intorni I Hevjmio atamnfl
f i :i.47
Checks anil other caiili Item .'. .... I '
noiuaoi oiner national itanKa
Fractional paper vurrency, nickela ami cents
2 17. 84
LAwrcL MoNitr Kasiavr. la, viz:
Specie fil.nsi.r.
Lc(ai lmier iiolea 1,000.011
Hudcinplion fund with U. S. Treasurer (Five
per cum oi circulation.; l.voo.OO
Capital stock paid in 90,000.00
Suriilus fund lli.Ooo 00
unuividcu pronia, less vxp, uses aim taxes
paid 7 vvi !t?
National llauk noti nut.tntulinir 7,'ju,(oii
vile vi oinur national Dallas , i,4.r,7. 11
Duo toHtate Hanks and hankers l.',008,'l
'no in I nisi uouipaium ami Havmirs Ilanka oi,
Individual tloixMlts suhject to check 32 .o'7,:ir,
Demand csrtidcatesof deposit 7f,4!o.2l
Cer-fled checks on
Total .',:m,ij,r
Srara or Orrook, Cocktt or l.iN-r, :
I, E W Laxodo. t'Mh'er nf the aliove named
bank do to:emnly aweir tha the above statement
is true to the heal of my knowledge and belief
' K W I.ANUDON, Cashier. '
Subscribed and sworn to liefore mo this 26th day of
Feb. 1051. P.MKIIKILL
a.) Notary I ubllc for Orson,
CoaRBcr Attest :
S K VOI NJ -lirvctor..
Easy Colds
Are you frequently hoarse?
Do you have that annoying
tickling in your throat?
Would you feel relieved if you
could raise something? Does
your cough annoy you at
night, and do you raise more
mucus in the morning ?
Then you should always
keep on hand a bottle of
er s
If you have a weak throat,
you cannot be too careful.
You cannot begin treatment
too early. Each cold makes
you more liable to another, and
the last one is always the
harder to cure.
Tbree sizes : 25c., 50c., $1.00.
If your druggist cannot aupplj yon, lend us on
dollar and wo will express a large bottle to yon.
... v...Kc ),VJaii,l uv .uro kito na your
ails vv..
1901 RAMBLER BICYCLE $35.00.
"Cleanliness" ia Lasselle Bros, watch
word. Garden eeeds and tools at Ohling &
The only place yon can buy separator'
cleaned milk is oi Lasselle Bros.
Mocha & Java coffee, none better in
tbe market at J. Gradwohl's.
Go 1 3 Stelter's, Albany's leading ret
ta irant, for a Bret-class glass of milk.
A line lot of straight hats Just received
by Conn & Scott, next to tbe postoffice.
For drinking purpose), for. infanta
there is nothing that wl'l equal Lasselle
Bros. Pasteuiized milk.
Leave ordera for f.aeelle Bros, pure
milk at S. N. Steelo A Co. or Parker
The old-fashioned rair Btraininir is al
done away with in Lasselle Bros, plant
as an tneir miia is separator-cleaned.
A free trial of Laeaelle BrOB. pure milk
may be bad by leaving your name at S.
N. Steele & Co'a. or Parkar Bros.
I.OWNEY'S chocolates and bon bona
at The Sugar Bowl
A new ami lino lino of photographers
jewelry just received at Miss Marie
Tne Albany Dkmociut and W. J.'
Bryan's now papei,The Coin mi mor, one
year, SJU.OJ. Leave your order early so
iib to get the 11. at nuuibor,
Hurd'a linen paper, only 8 cents a
a package for envelopes and 3 cents for
paper, at Koshay A, Mason's. A rare
bargain .
SWEET PEAS, wo have tbem, 15
name ! varieties, latest and richest.
Sticwaiit & Sox Hmv.Co.
The infant child ot Pi of. anl Mrs.
Kichardsoi died this morning.
A store at Mario i was robted last
night o! $50 in monev.
No assessment in the A. 0. U, W. or
Begreo of Honor for Mnrnb.
Mrs. Jool Ware, ono o! Eugene's most
prominent women died in l'ortlnnd vea-
terdny morning.
The weather predicted by Mr. Beats
for tonignt and Tlinisd ty is occasional
rain, cooler, River l'J.4 leet.
Tue store ol Bennett He Tvler at Har.
rlBbutg, was robbed last Sunday night at
n arris Durg anu several articles taken.
8everal sheep aronnd Albany have
been killed by vicious do,is. and several
vicious dogs are liable lobe killed by
several mad men, Already it has cost"
one dog owner $20 or $30.
Rev. George W. Hill is In the city, and the Baptist church will give
bis mieninnary experiences i i China and
Janan, He should be greeted tiy a large
bouse. Go early and hear him
Austin Hurlburt received a cood ol
White Cochin bantams, ilireo pullets
and t. rooster, from Cailesburg, 111., yes
terday. They are the only birds of this
breed on the Pacific coast A peculiar
feature ia the long leathers on tbe legs
whiob extend to the end i of the tO0B.
Jacob Am has Bold his harness stock
and busineBa to E. L. Power. The stock
will be moved to Mr. Power's shop. Mr.
Arn expects to remain In Lebanon, hut
is unable to work at his trade, nn ...
count ol rhenmatisn;. Lebanon E. A.
John A, Bunting, a (orator S. P. brake
man, loaned a friend tl70seve-al venri
ago, and took as security a watciu and a
pioce of land in Calilornia. Ho had to
lexeme lonil, eviuen'ly worthless. Oil
was struck on it, and Hunting is now a
Capt. J. L. Smith, the pioneer steam
boat man, died at his h-mie in New
betg, after a short illness a artinp- Irom
the grip, at the age of OS years He was
perhaps the olden steamboat manon the
rive.-, having begun in tlie early t'ays ol
river navigation.
A boy ol this city opened a p. o. box
yeslorday, helped hlmsell to l letter, ex
tiacted a money order and pretented it
tor payment. He bad signed the forged
name in the wrong place and payment
was refuted. On account ol boxes being
lelt unlocked thoio is cinsiderable
danger of the contents being taken, as it
is impossible to know whether the b.'x is
being opened tor the owner or m t.
Xotci. There will be a convention
held at the Sand Ridge li range hall on
Wednesday, March 6th, 1901, at 1 o'clock
p. m, fir tbe purpose of electing four
lepretentatives to attend a meeting oi
Him State Grange in Albany, May 28th,
1101. Each Grange is entitled to three
delegates to the above convention.
. Byokdsrok Dll'UTlIS.