Democrat c v. VOL. XXKYi. ALBANY OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY I'l 1901. NO. 28. Albany An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method aud beneficial effects of the well known remedy, Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative ami presenting1 them in the form most rof resiling" to the taste and acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing the system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches end fevers gently yet promptly nmi enabling one to overcome habitual co'-.tipation per manent'. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable cuiility and sub stance, and its acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. In the process of .manufacturing figs are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the California Fio Syrup Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid i mi tut ions, please remember the fxill name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. -SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOCIBVU-LE, KT. NEW YORK, N. T. Forsale by all Druggists. PricoSOo. per bottle. 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c. Anyono sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention Is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly conedentlal. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for Becurinftpatonts. Patents taken throuph Munn k Co. receive tpecial notice, without charge, In the Scientific American A. handsomely Illustrated weekly. Iifirneat c'-. eulatlon of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 r year; four monthB, $1. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co.36,Broa,,w"'' New York Branch CBee, 025 F St.. WaahiiUftou, D. 0, NOTICE TO CREDITOFS NOTICE IS HEREBY GlVEiv THAT the undersigned his ueen fully appointed liy the '"ounly Court of tli tate of Oregon, for L rsn county. aHmm i stratot of toe estate of WillLum J Puilpo deceased. A.11 persons huvlng claims against said estate are hereby requiifd to present the same to mi at my home at Harrisburg. Oreiron, proper'y verified as by law required, within six months from the date hereof. Dated this 24th day of January, 1901. J M riiiiPOT, AdminiBtratoi of ibo stale of William J Puilpot, deceased. Yates, Yateb & Gm'ON, t ttorneys for Admnislra'or. ji iiiiiiiiiiii For Your Good.... In the name of Santa ClauB we beseech y )u to viBit our ctore before making your Holiday rurcnasee. , . . . A new lot of beautiful Rockere just impacted. The lateat novelties in pic tures framed and unframed, new mouldings lresh from factory. Don't delay jour framing until the last day. Ladies Desks and Dressing Tables, Fur Ruga comfort your feet cold mornings. ' bew Screenes just in. Albany Furniture Co. Phone 275 Red. ALBANY COLLEGE OFFERS A THOROUGH- High-Grade College Education To every boy and girl that has the ambition to attain one. The courBe is complete, and embraces the LANGUAGES, SCIENCES, MATHEMATICS, HISTORY ENGLISH AND ELECTIVES The Formal Conne lfadB up to a STATE DIPLOMA, and the Commercial Cou Business EaualtoanvihingintheState. Now illustrated catalogue. Boardattha i tn.'ient.Clrb at actual cost price. For particular! write Albany, Oregon. TELEGRAPHIC A Deservel Fate Washington, Feb. 15. That the op position to the Shipping bill in the Sen ate will n it permit a vote to be taken on the men-are at the present session wsb made during the closing hours of todgyB session . For eeveral days it has been evident that it would be difficult to tain unanimous consent upon the meas uro but not untii late today was the frank assertion made that a vote could not be had. Sixty Five Men Doomed. Vancodveb, Feb. IB. Sixty five min ers are imprisoned in No. 6 abaft of the Cumberland coal mine on Vancouver Is land. The only exit is the mouth of tho shaft which is filled with a huge volumo of hamev There ib considered to be no possibility for the unfortunates to escape. Their doom ia practically certain. 11 the House. Washington, Feb. 15, Under the leadership of Cannon,- chairman of the appropriations commirtee, a long filibus ter consumed the time of the House to day. Cannon desired the House to pro ceed with the sundry civil appropriation bill while the democrats desired to de vote tbo day to the consideration of pri vate claims. It was the last day under the rules which could be devoted to claims at this Congress. The Temperance Crusade. Topeka, Kan., Feb. 15 Temperance people broke open the depot at Goffs, Kan., early this nmrning and destroyed a large quantity of liquor that waa lelt there by an afternoon tram. Missouri Pacific officials say the crusaders will be prosecuted. Todrywas the limit fixed by the citi zen's committee for the joints ol Topeka to be out of business. As far as can be ascertained, the orders of the citizens have been observed. Spam Quiet. Madrid. Feb. 15. The Minister of the Interior, Be nor Urgarte, in the course of an interview, asserted that calm reigned in the provinces, and that if the same pacific behavior of the peo ple contmued, afier the carnival next week, martial law would be discontinued in;Madria and throughout Spain, except m uaiaionia, Madrid remains perlnctly cairn.; Street Car Accident. Cincinnati, Feb. 15 A street car con taining 30 Dassengers. en route irom Dayton, Ky., to Cincinnati, jumped the iracK lonay on a clown grade and plunged over a 50-loot embankment into a small stream injuring all hut one o'K the pas sengers. Several may die. When you want prompt acting little pille tint nevar grioe me DjWit'.'a '-Htle Early liners, Foahay A Mason. "He That Any Good Would Win" Should have good health 'Pure, rich Hood is the first requisite. Hood's Sarsa pariila, by giving good blood and good health, has helped many a man to success, besides giving strength courage to women ivho, before taking it, could not even see any good in life to win. Masonic Temple. has now become a College WALLACE HOWE LEE, President STATE LEGISLATURE. i A pew game law pafsed the bouse after 1 being slashed up. It makes the salary of ,' the warden (1200, expense allowance I (500, for deputies $2,500 at $2 ner day, limited to (250 for the year. Under it only ten upland birds and fifty lowiand birds can be killed in a day. The up land bira season is from Oct. 1 to Deo 1 and sales are permitted the last fifteen day. Ducks cannot be shot from a boat. Watson's anti-free lunch bill was de feated by one vote. In the senate: Bill by Clem, to amend the law relat ing to the election ol road supervisors. defeated. The Port of Portland bill, pisse.l. The committee on Judiciary reported unfavorably on the following bills: By Mulkey, to tax express, telephone and telegraph companies. By Maraters, to Bx tne rate of taxation on railroads, tel ephone and telegraph companies. By Clem, to tax incomes. 8 RNo 10, by Johnston, asking congrers to reimburse settlers on Nortbe.-n Pauifio land grants, alopted. In the bouse: H. B. No, 3, to eubmi' charier changes and inconoratioDB to voters and remove from jurisdiction of legislature, passed. H. B. No. 217. by SimpBon. act to pro hibit taxing of oyaters, lobsters and other food producing animate and fishes intro duced in Oregon by the United States government, passed. H. B. No. 28, by Brownell, to furnish lawn and proceediuge of legislature ses sions to punlic libraries and chartered schools, passed. H. B. No. 83, by Watson, abolishing tea ano mileage oi soerin ol Multnomah county, passed. O em's income tax bill was defeated. The executive mansion bill, the Ool. Baktr etatue bill and the bill appropri ating (10,000 for advertiaing Oregon failed to paBS. Three taxation bills were Killed in the house. ihe house committee oj counties through Harris made an unfavorable re pcrt on the Lane-Linn boundary bill, which will probably ki t it, though the ugut or ii ia not given up. Yon can't afford to risk your lite by al lowing a cough or a cold to develop into pneumonia or consumption. One Minute Cough (Jure will cure tnroifc and lung trouhl39 quicker than any other prepara tion known. Many doctors use it as a specific for grippe. It is an infallible remedy foi croup. Children like it and mothers endorse it. Foshay & Mason. Both makers and circulators of counter feits commit fraud. Honest men will not deceive y?u into buving worthless coun terfeits of DdWitt's Hazel Salve. The rtrii nal ia ;nFaiHM. :i ... ..wiu iw lui lug puus, BurUH, eczema and all skin diseasea, Fouhay & Deauty Is Dlooa Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No Deauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keen i;, clean, by .tii-rim, , lU t..,.. I:.. 1 "i- -" ""o uiiving tin un purities from the body, liegin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, jnd that sickly bilious complexion by taking Lascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed- 1'Jc 252. 00c A Fine Baby Makes any mother proud. There are 8 great many proud mothers whose chil dren have been puny and sickly until tiiey oegan the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite That medicine which "makes weak wom en strong" j has given them the strength to bear hearty, and healthy children fgr the first time. "Six years ago after the birth of one o niv children I was left in a weak run down condition" says Marin O. Hay z el, writing from Brookland, D. C. "My health seemed utterly gone. I suffered from nervousness, female weakness and rheu matism. Wfe was a burden. I doctored with three different physicians and got no relief. tried several patent medicines, all with the same result. I began to get worse and to add to the complications I suffered terribly from con stipation. I chanced to see one of your adver tisements nnd I commenced to take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and 'Pleasant Pellets' and began to improve right away, and continued improving and gaining in strength. I cannot express the relief, it was so great. Seven mouths later my little daughter was born with out much trouble. I feel that I would never have been able to endure my confinement only by the help due solely to Dr. Pierce's medicines. She was a fine healthy child and the only one 1 have ever been able to nurse. She is now two years old and I have never had to take any medicine since, so I feel that your medicine has made a lasting cure with me." Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of tamps to defray expense of mailing only. Send 21 one -cent stamps for the book in paper binding, or 31 stamps for cloth. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y. Notice. By irder'of the County Court ot.Linn county, Oregon, notice is hereby gl en that the tax roM lor the year 1899, will bs closed on February 10th, 1901, and costs added after that date, call and set tle your tax and save cost as this is p ti tively the lat call. GW. McHarodk, Bherif! of Linn county, Oregon mmssma HOME AND ABROAD. 1901 RAMBLER BICYCLE $35.00. "Cleanliness" it Lasselle Bros, watch word. The only place yon can buy eeparator cleaned milk is oi Lateelle Bros. Go I Ste'ter'a, Albany's leading res taurant, for a first-dabs glass of milk. For drinkiux purposes, for infants there is nothing thai will equal Lasselle Bros. Pasteuiiied milk. Leave orders for Laselle BroB. pure milk at S. N. Steele & Co. or Parker Bros. The old-fashioned rag straining is al' done away with in LaBselie Bros, plant as all their milk is separator clemed. A free trial of Lasselle Bros, pare milk may be had by leaving your name at S. N. Steele & Go's, or Parkir Bros. l.OWNEY'h chocolates and bon bona at The Sugar Bowl A new and fine line of photographers jewelry jut received at Miss Marie Long's . Tne Albany Democrat and W. J. Bryan's new panei , The Oommnner. one ypar, J2.00. Leave your order early bo as to get i lie mat r.uuiuer, SWEET PEAS, we have them, 15 named varieties, latest and richest. Stewart & Sox Udw. Co. A fane lot of straight bats just received by Conn & Scott, next to the postomce. Mocha & Java coffee, none better in the market at J. Gradwohl'e. Tonight and!Sunday occasional rain, cooler, lover 1L tent. The band will . have to rj'nv azaiu Col. Montague waa caricatured in last evening 'a Telegram. The Modoc will be up the river tomor row night, and leave on its regular trip juonaay morning readv tor passengers and freight. Elsewhere is an appeal fron a Benton county man for a reasonable yearly toll on the bridge for Benton county people. It is reasonanle and tbo council should mane provision as requested. Yesterday was the 81st birthday of the celeoraieit Susan B. Anthony. She cele brated it at her home at 7 Madison Btreet, Rochester, N. Y-, where she has lived for many years. The Democrat man need to pass the place daily, a plain, two and a tiau etory brick . J. O. Carter and a crew of men came down from Detroit Saturday evening on a hand car, a distance of 44 miles, alter Dr. Prill, oi this clly, who was called to attend Mrs, U. D. Hail, who is seriously ill. Dr. Prill performed an operation up on Mis. Hall but there Is but Blight chances for her recovery Scio News. Mr. J. B, Holmes, pastor ol the Chris tian oburcb, received a letter from Evan gelist Scovilie. who held the greatest re vival here ever held in this city, atating that 247 had turned to Christ in 25 days in Des Moines, Ia They expect to reach over sUU in this meeting. io-'to-i"M- tor nrrj- our Guarantee! liah't euro, makw ret& uec 3lro;ir. bloci ovru fttlti XI A.U Ui-utfulHta M. J. SHIELDS & Co. Growers, and Importers of all kinds of Grass aod Field Seeds. We can name seed for evergreen pasture in you' section of the coun try. Why prospect with untried seeds7 With filteen years of person al experience in growing, also with the experience of the Agricultural College at Moscow and Pullman, we submit the following 1 at oi seeds out of a hundred different kinds tried : Promus Incrmup, Tall Meadow Fiique, English Blue Grass, Tall Meadow Oat Grass, Italian KyeGrneb, Flat Stemmed Blue Grace, Orchard Grass. Those are FItESH SEEDS; we are grow- era of them and will guarantee re Bults and prices We are growers and importers of Clovers, Alfalfas, Peas, Corn Wheat, RueBian Speltz, Milletp and all kinds of Field Seeds. O For reference we cito you to W. J. 8PILLMAN, Prolessor of Agriculture at the Agricultural College nt Pullman; Wash., ond H. T. FRENCH. ProfeBaor of Agriculture at the Idaho SUto Uni versity, Moscow, Idaho, for Prices and further information address, M. J. SHIFLDS & CO. MOSCOW, IDAHO A Km) looklnit hornonnd penr look Iiik tiurnoftn I ttm Eureka x not only mnlrPfltholmrneM find th 1.1 Itotber soft nml itltnlilc, pulH It In con- an it arillniirllv would. Bow Tirnrt in oj u n Give Your Horse a Chance! m An Appeal from Benton County. The proposed toll on the Albany bridge is a mstter of eerinut concern to the peo pie living on the Bemon county side ol the river. We are so situated that the bridge is to us a necessity. Many of us are almost obliged to cross it nearly every day, and some timii two or three times. If we can't gst yearly rates that are not burdensome, we shall be obliged ts elay at home from church and other meetings that wejwould like to attend. Before the bridge was built, jiuch of our land that ia now under a high state of cultivation was covered with timber, and the roads in the winter time were al most impassable. TtuB land has been Bold to fruit growers, gardeners, and small farmers at a much higher price than would hve been paid bad the pur cheBers known that a ioll would be pit on the bridge The forests have been cleared out, and by contributing, Borne years as much as two or three weekB at volunteer road work.our have been graveled and made good throughout the year. Ihe future ol tbis country looked bright until tbis bride quUion came up. Already the inevitable results ot a toll are plainly to be seen. Usually a great deal ot wood is cue during the winter, but this year, so far as the writer knows, no wood is being cut. Houses go begging tor tenants, and land ia rapidly depre ciating in value. We think we are entitled to some fa Tors from some source. We are heavily taxed bv Benton countr. and receive no lavors in return, as our trade all goes to Albany, we would gladlj be annexed to Linn county if it could be done. If Albany now requires us to pay a toll every time we go for our mail we shall feel that we are being badlv used. We are willing, though, to pay our just share tcward keeping up the brldue if the counties won't do it. II the com mittee in makiug out a schedule tf tolls will allow ones who wish to take out a yearly license for the use ol tbe brijge at a reasonable rate, we will not complain. It is said that those who subscribed tc the building of the bridge will be given f lasses, but many of those l.ave sold their and for a big price,while some paid only a small amount, and they will no doubt demaud their passes tie eame a a ones who paid hundreds of dollors. Let their subscriptions be applied on paying their yearly license. Othor towns are expect ing to capture most of the trade from this side when vou commence collecting tolls; but if Albany will deal justly with us they will not get much ol It. A rtBBIDKNT OF BSNTJN COVJNTY There is no pleasure in life it you dread goinx to the table 'o eat and can't rest at night on account o indigestion. Henry Williams, of Boonville, lnd., savs he But fered that way for years, till he com mensed the use of Kudol DyspeDsin Cure, and adds, "Now I can eat anything I like and all I and sloup soundly every night," Kodol Dyspepsia Cure what you eat. FoBhuy & Mason. fron't ToHceo 5iU uu b,nun .our T.lfb incy, f'o quit tobacco ouslly ond forover. bo man netlo, full of Uro, iiorvo tutu vltfor, take No-To Uac, the wnndor-worlccr, that umbos weak mob strong. All drtiRKlsts, 60o orjl. Curoffuurao. teed. Dooltlot tind sample froe. Atldrcs B:crllog lteuietly Co.. Ohlwuro 3r New Yorv The Kind You Ilavo Always in itHo for over 30 years, Allow All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex periments that trifle with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castoria is a substitute foi Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless nnd Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago Is its guarantee. It destroys AVorms and allays Fevcrishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation aud Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the Stomach nnd liowcls, riving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS ' Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THt elNTl) COI1MNT, TT MUftHAV Tt IT, NtW VOHN CrrV, ALBANY'S PIONEER STORE Julius Gradwobl, Albany's pioneer merchant,invites attention to bis stock o goods, groceries, crockery, glassware china, silverware, a fine 'ine of umbrel las and a general assortment of toys for the holidays. Jthe Defiance Baking powder, which be sells for 50 cents a pound he will guaran tee. It gives perfect satisfaction. In coffees Mocha and Java bas no su perior. Regular price 40 cents, my price 30 cents. My Favorite Coffee 16 cents, regulni price 25 cents Eggs wanted, caBh or trade. Sugar at wholesale and retail eubjec to change of market. The reason I can afford to sell my goods at less than usuil prices is because 1 buy for cash and give my customers the benefit of it. Cor. Second and Ferry streets. J. GllAUWOHL. .minister's Mistake. A city minister was recentl) handed a notice to be read from bis pulpit. Ac companying it was a clipping from a nowspaper baaiing upon t'le matter. The clergyman started to read tbe extract and found that it began: "Take Eeuip's Balsam, the best Uough Cure." This was hardly what to had expected and, after a moment's hesitat'on.he turned it oi6r,and fonud on the other side the matter il tend or the reading. If you have ever sn a child in tbe agoay of croup you can realize how grate fu! mo'hors are lor One Minute Cough Cure which giveB relief as soon as it isad ministered. It quickly cures coughs colds and all throat and lung troubles. Foshay & Mason . 25 Years Younger "I am now seventy-two years of age and my hair is as dark as it was twenty-five years ago. People say I look at least that much younger than I am. I would be entirely bald or snow-white if it were not for your Hair Vigor." Mrs. Anna Lawrence, Chi cago, 111., Dec. ii, 1898. Ayer's Hair Vigor restores color to gray hair every time. And it is a wonderful food to the hair, making it grow rich and heavy, and keeping it soft and glossy all the time. It is also an elegant dressing. One dollar a bottle. If your druggist cannot supply you, send and we will express a bottle to you, all charges prepaid. De sure aud give us your nearest express ofTice. J. C. Avbr Co., Lowell, Mass. Send for our handsome book on The Hair- Bought, and tvlilcli lias lueen has borno tho signature of . and has been made under his per gonal supervision since its infancy. no 0110 to deceive you In this. Signature of