Albany democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1900-1912, December 28, 1900, Page 1, Image 1

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ifrjT " ' ! ALBANY, OREGON HUMY, DECEHBBR 28, 190a." . - r NO. 20.
TOL K'V ! - .- . . ' - " ' ' ''" " "' ' '"' ' m' "
hfifcsfy-. A URAriS. . H.M.UW1IIIIV v EATING FOR TWO I 1
fasffwantlyajiaJboitplIy. ,
Cleanses the System
Gently and Effectually
when bilious - or, costive. ,
f resents in the mast acceptahefarm
Hi laxative prmcjpJer of plants
frown to act most &enalciBl(y.
V alt fy dnigthli - prlct SO per tcrrM, , :,
A good xinple makes a fine BermoD.,
Everybody . bat fools obauge. their
miodg.. . ' ' v '. - .. ..a
While you are remembering' vour
friends also pay your debts s: ... . : ' . .
, Never piay Jake vltbput y o. will
takeonev", , .,.,.., ,,., . ,
" Beforemarriage tbere are. Dot enough
worde la the dictionary' (or a couple to
tell what they think oteach other, but a
email vocabulary will suffice alter marri-
. , ,- -
If voa ean give nothing else present
your irienas wun some pieussnts worus
thtee holidays.' . .. ,
NavAr renaive attention from the vonna
man who banaa around' church ccore
on the outnile. . .- . .
Ttisa Ohlneee custom to ba equare
with the world by new ..leant; A gooa
pattern for the white man. n. ;,
How's your cjauleaoe tbn turdiy i
night. ,
Wake Dp and Look Around
for Your Holiday Goods.
Thomae Brink bau Just and 18 receiving
one of the largest.stock of ladies and ne nt
Backer and a fine line ol Furniture o
all. bind. .nd. VM1 will save mOnSV by
nivinii bim a call before yon buy. , Hib
goods are .ight and to is bia prices,! .
TiaWirr.'a Wih-h Salve will Quick'
y' heal the vroist burns and soalds and not
leave a scar: It can be applied to cuts
and raw surfaces with prompt and loom
ing enrol. Use It far piles and skin dis
eases. Beware ot worthless oounterleitB.
Fostuy & Maron. '
DiDPu h ANniNfi. From. now. untl
lottber notice I ill bang paper at 10
ten's a roll, put on canvas at 3 cents a
1Ui'- " . ' DAVID F. YOTJJIG,' "' "
',Tbe Taper-hanger and Painter.
At Bed Time . -
Hike a vlaant berb- drink, theext
morninR 1 feel bright and my complexion
is better. My doctor Bays It acta gently. on
tbestomncb. liver and kidneys, and is a
pleuant laxativa. It is made from hcrte,
ud it prepared a easily 88 tea. . It is
nued baiea weaicine. ah , uiuubjd
nil it at 26o md 50 els. 1 line's Family
Medicine moves the bowels each Jav. , Ij
jM cannot est it. send lor a tee tnmpie.
Udtru, Orator ;P -Woodward, Lo Hoy,
Rnlh makers and. cirojIaiTS of counter
feits commit fraud. Houest men wiH "of.
deceive yeu into buvina worthless ,coun
terfeiU of DaWltt'e! Haasl 8alv0i lbs
oriB nal is infallible for curing piles, sores,
enema and all skin diseases.-Foshay &
Mason, 1 ' " v.'" .
. ' Oreson's Shot e. -
WismsoTON. Dec. 21. The . total
amount provided in tbo river and harbor
bill for Oregon imorovementB as report
ed todny is (2,340,600, while Washington
gets out iiau.iuu. rue major portion oi
the Uregon roonev goes to the inou.n oi
the OVumbiaand to the Columbia and
Wflliamettea rivers below Portland.
Other Oregon items are: : v j. r
Columbia, at cascades 30,030
Upper Columbia and Snake... ., lO.UOO
Willamette and Columbia below
Portland..;.,....,,,.. 225,000
Willammette above : roriljnd,-
Yamhill. : -. ............ 32,500
Revotment below Independence, 5,000
Revetment opposite Oorvallis. .-. . 1 2,000
Ooquille r, below Ooquille City, 40,000
Hinalaw Iriver. .-. . 20.000
Tillamook Harbor... 25.000
Cnlumhla river between Vanoou
ver and Willamette rivor. ...... 8,000
Long Tom river: i,000
Craiiinnff Columbia..', .v; ... .v.. 1,000
Coos Itivf r.'. : .:. :.'.':. .... 1,500
Olatskanie river. . ........... .. ,1,000
Won't Accept.
Londo-1. Dec. 21. Nearlv . f 11. of the
mornin5 papers hve editorials on the
action of the United States Senate in
connection with the Hay Faunoefote
treaty. They exprcas regret rather than
surprise at the supsrceasioe of the Clay-ton-Bulwor
treaty and unanimously de
clare that it will be impossible for Great
Britain to accept the treaty., .- ;. ,
; " More Troona Needed.
Londos, Deo. 21-The war office made
the following announcement tine even
ing: ;.' . '.:,.'.,.;
In view oi the general position in
Africa, the following reinforcements of
mounted troops have been -arranged.
lOia-ht hundred wilh:t.tart next week.'
Two cavalry regiments have ordered to
leave as soon as the jraiwp'ins are jeauy
The colonial polios will ba Increawd to
10,000. iDitachments wijl.leave as iist
as thsy-are lmuir)i:s. i-KiV."-Kiver
and Harbjr BUI.' i ' V;V-'
WAsnmaTON, Dec. 21. --The river, and
harbor bill was completed tonight p,nd
OhAirniAn Rnrton cave but a statement
showing the amounts appropriated. The
total is approximately $60,000,000, of
Nnw is in Tiui to make good reaolu ,:., k,,, 4-3.-1 nnn.ODO ft in direct no
tions. None better tuan to ttetvyonr propristioos, and about liu.uuv.vuu in
Christmas oontectionary sir. n- ri?m- me auinorizaiion oj con'-raow ior cunviu
er'j, 1 V uouswork. Compared with former river
.-'.:. - i - : i ana Harbor ou:a, me present ouo. vu
When you want prompt aoting liltle pil s ,e00nr UigeBt oi) record.J ,,:'; , V.'.'ivli..
at never gripe uie DjWif'a '.'Ue V 7.'. "'il
'; iiw nniuB nu -
Buttercups at the Elite. '
Oandv canes made at the Elite,
Will A Stark's for holiday goods, v. ---
Buy Xmae presema at Stewirt & Sox.
Hdw.Co.' ;'.:; '..'."'. .'.' :.'..!'.
Juvenile books at cost at FoBhay &
Mason's. . .....
The Elite, headquarters for Xuias
candles. '. i- : . " :, .
Beautiful silverware for the holiday
trade at Will ft Stark'.
"'. Elegant asBsortment .of novelties a
Will Stark's for tbe holidays.
LOW NEY'b chocolates and bon bons
at The Sugar Bowl. s '
bllver-plated Knives and ForVe, the
very best, at Stewart ft box Hdw. Co,
A new and fine line of photographers
tewelry '. just received." at Miss- Mane
Long's.. .- " ' v,
: Will ft Stark will have just the things
for Christmas presents. Many novelties
this oar. .
One of thtee Silver Trays ftill make an
elegant Xmae present. ;;
, f . btbwami & Sox Hdw. Co. .
Wamiveil. That we will buy all our
Xmas tree toys, candies, nuts anil Hoe
bon bon boxes at the Sugar Bowl, 2nd
streets. j -
Pasteurised milk, purend freah, will
not our for several days,-, i will be the
order at Laaalle Bros, dairy. Give your
order early, . ( i:. . .,. anlmr to the store of J. Grad-
wolii Will bo surprised at the extent of
his holiday stock, ol a large variety of
desirable things for Christmas, i Do. not
buy 'until you have oanea ana lnopecw
liiRtirondN. 11 . ' '. v . .' : ; 'il-i:.:;
About 1000 bushels of Peerless potatoes
formal down at my ataroh and sugar
bowl on the corner ol Madison and Sixth
Sis'.t for 25o per bushel or 30o delivered
to Aty part oi ineoity.
J' 1c; ' ; . Srv AfcW J- Oarothbs,
:. iSocial Dance at Armory Sat, evening.
Dancing school at the Armory every
Wudnesdav and Saturday evening. , ;
' Portland has 206 -Bl mlle ol paved
streets. .'.yy ,: ;'' Kf' ' sr:s';'; -J:'
The city ol Salem's tax levy baa been
nluted at 10 mills lor the coming year.
A rural aiail route has been eetaDiisnea
from-Jeffereon to Sidney with A, J, Shoe
maker as carrier,
it m'aybe for three. .;.' a ,
A new mother, or about-to-
be mother, should keep herself
' -j! r-r'-f'', ?'v:..-r-" ,
up to- the highest possible level
oj health and supply, and begin
far back, Live . generously
and carefully. " - J r '-
Whatever is good fori.her
qpmfort and health, let her
h'ave' j it ;' whatever is bad for
..' ;. .i'.i.i a . .'. .... ;L . '. .,,
her comfort or. health, avoid it.
Almost without. - exception,
Scott!?- emulsion of , cod-liver
oil is a-needed help; and gen
erally a very important help.
We'llsendyouBliltlstotrrtfrBBlDiB. . 'i ' '
SCOTT $ DOWN,, Pil.ll.t, Ntw Ylk
". jUnlster'8 MUtuko. u:,t -,
A citv minister was reoeatlv handed
aotiue to. be read from bis pulpit. An-
vunnattvins li wai a iD iDDiuu iriu
nnwBoaoer baaiinir aiKW t',e matter. .1 he'
aurted to read tbe extract and
found that, il, begin: ,'Take 'Etmp s
Balaam, the best uouarh Cure. . . lnis was
hardly wbat hi bad eip rated and, after a
moment'i heaitat'on, he turned it over.and
'onnd oo (he other side tbe matter vs teDU
or the, reading,. ;, ;:; y,'
Karly Riseis. Foshay ft Mason
This signature is on every bo; of the gonulns
Laxative Drorao-vmuiiic
the mned; that cam ell l
For Your Good....
In the name f Santa Olaus we beseech y )U lo visit our store before making
Tsswlo?MM'RockereiustunpacVe(1 The ...est hovel.ics in p,c
tnres Iramo.l and uoframed, new inouldmtts Iresh trom lac.pry. .
Don't delay jour framing until the last day. , .-, . . , ,.
Ladies Desks and Dressing Tables,
Fur Rnga comfort your feet cold mornings. -r. .. : ..
ft ww screenes jubl iti
Albany Furniture Co.
Phone 276 Red.
Masonic Temple.
High-Grade College Education
To every boy and girl that ba
tbe ambition .tootiaiu ..
Gulf Fort,1 Mies1., 'Deo. 1 21,-Henry
Lowie, the alleged negro' murderer of
'Marshall' Richardson, has-not ' been
caught, though bloodhounds and poBsees
ore still alter nim. ;xne negro jewie,
who was lvneiied vesterdav bv-: a mob,
it now aDpea-e. wae a counn of alleged
muruerer aim wiiu,iy. iuuuiu, . vt
ltuslielsot .Money -
I ruPnn.n H47AV nv women annualiv in the
purchase of cosmetics, lotions and p .w-
Jere, none oi wqicm evwr uwuu,p.,ooo
itsobjeot. Beauty (.jpenus on neaiiny
blood and good digestion such as Karl's
'Jlover Root Tea guarantees you for 25
ois. and 60 rt. poi package. Take -l and
sn miarantea vour complexion.,
by (rea uawson.. - . . ,
Top can bb curso of nervous diseases
i.n.marlnir. had habits, alcbohnlism,
drug lisbits and sexual diseases. Ca
tarrh anaaeamese tnairuuuuu m
aonal magnetism. Bend for literature.
Institute ol fsycioiogy (in ami rn.ii.,
StB.. Portland.
t,ub m Vai.vablic. Just -drop in at
H. Pleiffer'e for yoir confectionary for
the holidays and it will save running
around.- He has tbe Bneat variety to De
fouLd in the city. -
I . .. , . -J tVa mniu, if it falls
to cure- E. w. .ilrove's signature Is on
each hoi. 25e .,
- 'innloht tn. Rnndav increaaihff'clo'idl.
ness. with occseidnal raiu. - jtUrar, lp.o
....nnrih 'hnniiri rtverVand t:eSterdAV
afternoon was twenty hours late caused
bv California washouts , , ; .L ; l-
. tC'rinutankl1 flna Htook of Holiday
gottda is going fast. Call early and get
the advantage of his big stock. His
nrlnas are reasonable and bis ' stook
choice. Don't buy until you' have
'rank Arnofdi wtiMlrSeoisfli
on a farm near tills city, was arrestee!
nna,or.l. !, . nnnatnhle from Yamhill
county ou the charge of horse stealing
and taken to mat county ior hmui,i
tion. Arnold protested Ills innocence,
n. I,. Hnlffate writinn from Washing-
inn nn, . Pennim Buoarvisor Winn a com
pliment on bis work as supervisor by re
porting tue gooa worus oi .w ioww,
Ham. who also expressed his apprecia
tion to Mr. Tongue.. Tlie schedules were
All 1 1 .l..a anH IlirA iH lit I-
rf..,!., t ha it,a "an.,," itaelf was as nearly
enrrbftt ah one can- lie obtained. Tbe
trnnhla ulth a tew OltlBB In UregOO 1' Uli
ihey were not padaeUto.uit their ambi
lions, . r .; '
1 nmliHrfll t.llfl
The course is compiew, u - ,I1C.TAV
The Normal Course "uToTsT ATE DIPLOMA, and the
Commercial Cou' has now become a, - , ... ;
Business College
E,u.l to anything in the State JggSSSZ. ""
Albany, Oregon.
Thomas Brink
' l'sth oldest esUblished Furnltor.
;- houee in the otty. He keeps the
rtieel stock of Furniture in tbeT.1-
. . i. : . ..11 a .. .1 lnok OTer
' bls'fiae goods and get hi prices be.
- -ore yon ouy.: ...
... Mr. T. Viareck ft
I WAIVH AAU n... '"-'. .
assortment of fine candy boxei in the
city. Call and examine our asBortmeut.
Unrivaled Company of Comedian in
that Musical Comody burprise
Entirely Rewritten and Turned
.,,- nnr rlinlinCt NOVoU'lCS.
p.rvthlnir Now, Novel and Original.
Enjoy To Hours and a I - -
Seats on sale at the Sugar Bowl. ,
Bargains In Pianos Until Pre.ent
Pianos selling for 100 now
nthora worth 325 now t2V5.
Pianos worth J250 now for the Braal
.inA - . 1 .. ..
JUII1 Ol , , ,.
A special bargain in a large unoy Kim.
l.-.i . I .a AinA nai.l nn it,,, niann hv I
OH11 , . " - j
party who went Into hinkruptcy. Wi
v i OL.a ia a
go lor UBianw DUD. r.
TWO exceptional uno otiuan, inuua
. ... 'Pkaa a.a Mn.. f.r
lor very inn. uiuujj., .iiwbhib
hall nr indire rooms use.
t nis is no aavertiBing ief
uit what we say, Osll aud r.
efy yourselves. II you want a piano
now is your chance to secure a bargain',
Albany, Or. i . , .... . '
, ' E. U. VI ill.
Julius Gradwohiv Albany'1 piopeer
merchant, Invites attention to his Block O ,
goods, grocories, orockery, glassware .
china, silverware, a fine line of umbrel
las and a general assortment of. toys for.
the holidays. .
ine Lfeuanco paging powuvr, wuiou i-..
Bella for 50 cents a pound he will guaran-.
tee, 11 gives perfeot satisfaction. ......
In coffees Mocha and Java has no su
perior, iiegular price w cente, my pric.
SO cents. My Favorite Coffee 16 cents,
regular price 25 centB, . -. .'
f.ggB wanteu, oaBn or iraue. ,
Suirar ut wholesale and retail tubieo
to change of market.- r
The reason r can auoru to sen my
goods at less than usuil prices is uecausi
I buy for cash and give my customer
lie beneut oi it. -
Cor. Second and Ferry streets. -
This and Tjjat
French the jeweler. "
Will ft 3lnrk, jewelers.: v
Bmiley'e Clean Printing. .
Go to Verlck's shaving and hair cut
ting parlors for first class work, not
id cold baths. Clean towoia to every
a The best meatn of all kinds and good
treatment it. tbe. Alhan) ,-DreBsod
Oompaoy 8 nmrRct, just aawn
nt. - 170.11J weiirbt
tlen. I ,";:' .
and prompt utten1
i'hBrn ia no pleasure in life if rou dread
going' to the table to eat and can't real at
night cn account o1 indigestion. Henry
Williams, of Boonviue, iua Bays ne sui
fend- that wav for ?ears, till ho oom-
mAnwd tlm use of Kudol Dvtoeoaia Cure,
andsdda,- "Now I can eat anything I like
and all l 'w,inti and sleep, soundly, every
night,"' Kodol Oyapepsia Cute Vf ill d igest
'bat you eat.t roenay n.arvu. . ..
1 OLkjsiAO Rate.-V eealy DKMoca.'.
7 . n .n eA .na1ll,.Miu.H.u ..l
nd Jixarniuer -a.w ,au a,,,, - -
JTnrM 2.00 ! and . Kenahlic U : an
iWm-mlari 2.25 - aud f San .rravnewK.'
M. , n.1l .Anl .' lVa.ll
weeKiy .sjsiiii .-'
lourial 2.UO -y.:-- '..
JJ Wi: i. Mttie t'sny m "el
gripe. Foshy ft Masou: .,
M.iny popl4 worry hccau,e they believe
thev have diseasi. Tne chancet are
ihat their hear.Vnre nil right but tneir
tOTaolaareunaletoditrestlood, Kodol '
Dyspepsia i uro,dlgeta what yu eat and .
prcTenie thi formation of gas hich makes
rheslonmch pns ogiiist.tlie heart. It
wvll cure overv lorrn of - indigestion,
Foshuy & M axon .... ,
H joii l.ave tvo' "Ch a child in Ibe
igoc) -''of 'croup 5011 can realise how grate. .
lu' rtio'heis ,.r" lor One Minuto Cough
Uum liiru gnes mhef iib scon as it iaad
iciniMiTeil '. 'U jiurt'y ouiea coughs, .
olila nil tt rou! "r.d lurg troubles.---.
., ..::.S' r;'.'.p;.--.jii-.r.-...,- iVi-, Si'l'u
'Jnstr)Ka iK .....J;. i ... , ..:' 5' ,
aiminnn nrfTirinpnMeupiDKNi
Thltl rM.VMllhst
01 mu nsTP-
tlonol (sunottsFreDOh pbralcUa.wlll quloklrcursroaol
-.hai a dlsLnunsi M tht coDerBtivA nrtfktisi. ttuoh an l-oatl
'linpltt. UIUUiMs w Jkisvrry, je.xuusuiik vrniin- tuhwcsjiii wiv
!Dfciliolirif3, which If not choked fdi! to fiptorrhn.o
kldneya sind thn Mrtnry organBol Ui ImpurlU-
r etnt tut tronblsd irftL
I nlabSJ ifrll!rB?.br Sffiinuforclroul.rluil,
'..,'." ',,!. roshay ft Masrn, Agents
lacronc A.oArrca
hi 6'.
Lounges, Couches
Bedroosn sniw, eoars. and fin.
:- Rocker., Baby Carriages, Wo"'"
Side boM-dt, fint ecenaoo labiw
Islet sal6 a. smal
NOTICi-H HEREBi Hivnn iu
a Ol-OD, dcoecd. ffted bis final tc-
u . , :j ..aia l (ha r-Annlw clt-rk
of Linn counly, O.egon. ann ihat the
couu y court or asm
urday, the 12b duT o January. Iipl. at
I ..!e ionr of One o'clock p. -rfM
, ai the time l t Der"B " - t: - -
. ia rh!.uAt ;
sons iuteresiea are -- - , -.
anv obi-ctions llif J mav pa. i
, LnntZ or before id abov mBntioned
dsV,:.i".'. A ' Orea-on. tuis 14 d.y
Ut Dio-mbcr. i00 ... '
V ltWj.VtCti3p Wood,
n..a fa 111 .hr-. moot tfanniA Vilpsl
DU th Will iiUVi """ .
crackers, b ead, egirn, cbeteBe, nute, tiRt,
ana otner ioqu, fipiuij, .u-iw -1
Universal Wood Oliopper.
a, 1 .iTAnn nn Via fn kflAh
tY ILl. twiiur iwm- i-
nxea. will qntcklr rhop enough wood to
. - l..l W,mn AtlrTiriUTK.
BUppiy UUI -uu"" ' - -
which are liandaonie, jtcononi cal And
durabe. and cods nicted to ave, fuel,
Our iteel rnoe t and noolt fltovet are
triumplie n f tin moulders art, nwt et-r-?i(:abU
and arc a joy to the
A !. Allbm Co
jCvtaclaUcPrcparalionforAs- pi
sYmilatingutcrdodandltegula- ij
UrtluiSiorMdBarelitovrlsof m
ProinotesDige5lion0ifu)- u
raandtot.ConUiwndtlKT (
Omum',MorpWneflDtaiWiu. L
NotNAbcotic. J
n.H.n ac.r.ii at V. H. Pleiflor'a are
always delicious dlsb. You csn also
get them In bulk, coast or ea-l-rn, some
right from Baltimore. Nothing better
and healthier than oysters Id w ibter.
-.,--?-fov Firry o-n. ;
1 H.. -rt Lotw-eo habit cure, makua weak
i-.-.v UIV o.r. . fels L AUdrusalAM
1 HSiSuZL-
Apccfect Remedy fof CoBsHp
tioBTsour SCDniexh.Dinrrhoea
Worms onvulsionsjavwisbr
undLOSBOr tnu.
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
a v)!v In
For Over
Thirty Years
IlkKSirnk Signarur. e
1 11 1 in 1 mnTUT 1
sjl ' - BSSSl gj-j-j-r-g-Jj
AdminiMm r